Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FR-D740-012 du fabricant Mitsubishi Electronics
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A-1 Thank you for choosing this Mitsubishi Inverter . This Instructio n Manual provides instructions fo r advanced use of the FR-D7 00 series inverte rs.
A-2 3.Injury Prevention 4. Additional Instructions Also note the following po ints to prevent an accidental failure, injury , electric shock, etc. (1) T ransportation and mounti ng (2) Wir ing (3) T rial run (4) Usage Apply only the voltage specified in the instruction manual to each terminal.
A-3 (5) Emergency stop (6) Maintenance, inspection and pa rts replacement (7) Disposal Provide a safety backup such as an emergency brake which will prevent the machine and equipment from hazardous conditions if the inverter fails.
I 1 O U T L I N E 1 1.1 Product checking and parts id entification ............. ............................ 2 1.2 Inverter and peripheral device s.......................................................... 3 1.2.1 Peripheral devices ............... .
II CONTENTS 3.1.1 Leakage currents a nd countermeasures . ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ .... 38 3.1.2 EMC measures .. ................ ................ ................ ................ .........
III 4.7.1 Setting of the acceleration and deceleration time (Pr. 7, Pr. 8, Pr. 20, Pr. 44, Pr. 45) ........................ ................ ................ ................. ............... ..... 96 4.7.2 Starting frequency and start-ti me hold function (Pr.
IV CONTENTS 4.14.1 Optimum excitation c ontrol (Pr. 60) ... ................ ................ ................ ................. ................ .. ..... 147 4.15 Motor noise, EMI measures, mech anical resonance .................... 148 4.15.1 PWM carrier frequency and So ft-PWM control (Pr.
V 4.22 Setting the paramete r unit and operation p anel ................. .......... 237 4.22.1 RUN key rotation direc tion selection (Pr. 40 ) ............. ................. ............ ................. ................ . . 2 3 7 4.22.2 PU display language select ion(Pr.
VI CONTENTS 6.1.6 Cleaning ............... ............. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ........................ 266 6.1.7 Replacement of parts .............. ................ ................. ..
1 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 1 OUTLINE This chapter explains the "OUTLI NE" for use of thi s product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment 1.1 Product checking and p arts identificatio n ........................ ......... 2 1.2 Inverter and peripheral devices .
2 Product checking and parts identification 1.1 Product chec king and par ts identifica tion Unpack the inverter and check the capacity plate on the front co ver and the rating plate on the i nverter side face to ensure th at the product agrees with your order and the inverter is intact.
3 1 OUTLINE Inverter and pe ripheral devices 1.2 In ver ter and peripheral devices NOTE The life of the inve rter is influenc ed by surro unding air temperatur e. The su rroundin g air temper ature sho uld be as lo w as possible with in the permissible ran ge.
4 Inverter and peripheral devices 1.2.1 Peripheral devices Check the inverter type of the i nverter you purchased. Appropriate periph eral devices must be selected a ccording to the capacity . Refer to the following list and prepare appropriate periph eral devices: ∗1 Select an MCCB according to the power supply cap acity .
5 1 OUTLINE Removal and reinstallation of the cover 1.3 R emoval and reinstallation of the co v er 1.3.1 Front cover FR-D720-165 or le ss FR-D740-080 or le ss FR-D720S-008 to 100 Removal (Example of FR-D740-03 6) 1) Loosen the installation screws of the front cover .
6 Removal and reinstallation of the cover FR-D720-238, 318 and FR-D74 0-120, 160 Removal (Example of FR-D740-160) 1) Loosen the installation screws of the front cover . (The screws cannot be removed.) 2) Remove the front cover by pulling it like the direction of arrow with holding th e installation hook on the front cover .
7 1 OUTLINE Removal and reinstallation of the cover 1.3.2 Wiring cover Removal and reinst allation FR-D720-165 or less an d FR-D740-080 or les s and FR-D720S-008 to 100 Hold the side of the wiring cover , and pull it downward for removal. T o reinstall, fit the cover to the inverter along the guides.
8 Installation of the inver ter and enclosure design 1.4 Installa tion of the in v er ter and enc losure design When an inverter panel is to be desig ned and manufactured, hea t gener ated by contained equipment, etc.
9 1 OUTLINE Installation of the inve rter and enclosure design (3) Dust, dirt, oil mist Dust and dirt will cause such faults as poor contact of cont act points, reduced insula tion or reduced cooling effect due to moisture absorption of accumulated dust and dirt, and in-enclosu re temperature rise due to cl ogged filter .
10 Installation of the inver ter and enclosure design 1.4.2 Cooling system types for inv erter enclosure From the enclosure tha t contains the inverter , the heat of th e inverter and other equipment (t ransformers, lamps, resistors, etc.
11 1 OUTLINE Installation of the inve rter and enclosure design 1.4.3 Inverter placeme nt (1) Installation of t he inverte r Enclosure surfac e mounting Remove the front cover and wiring cover to fix the inverter to the surface. (2) Clearances around inverter (3) Inverter mounting orien tat ion Mount the inverter on a wall as specified.
12 Installation of the inver ter and enclosure design (5) Arrangement of multiple inverters (6) Arrangement of vent ilation fan and inverter When multiple inverters are pla ced in the same enclosure, generally arrange them horizontally as shown in the right figure (a).
13 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 2 WIRING This chapter describes the b asic "WIRING" for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment 2.1 Wiring .................................................... ...........................
14 Wiri ng 2.1 W iring 2.1.1 T erminal connection diagram NOTE T o prevent a malfunction cau sed by noise, separate the signal cables more than 10cm (3.94inches) from the power cables. Also separate the main circuit wire of the in put side and the outpu t side.
15 2 WIRING Main circuit terminal specifications 2.2 Main circuit ter minal specifications 2.2.1 Specification of main circuit terminal * When using single-phase power input, terminals are R/L1 and S/L2.
16 Main circuit termin al specifications Three-phase 400V clas s Single-phase 200V class FR-D740-012 to 080 FR-D740-120, 160 FR-D720S-008 to 042 FR-D720S-070, 100 NOTE Make sure the power cables are c onnected to the R/L 1, S/L2, T/L3. (Phase need n ot be matched.
17 2 WIRING Main circuit terminal specifications 2.2.3 Cables and wiring length (1) Applied wire size Select the recommended cable size to ensure that a voltage drop will be 2% max.
18 Main circuit termin al specifications (2) Earthing (Grounding) pre cautions Always earth (ground) the motor and inverter . 1) Purpose of earthing (grounding) Generally , an electrical apparatus has an earth (ground) te rminal, which must be connect ed to the ground before use.
19 2 WIRING Main circuit terminal specifications (3) T otal wiring length The overall wiring length fo r connection of a single motor or multiple motors should be within the value i n the table below .
20 Control circuit specifications 2.3 Contr ol circuit specifications 2.3.1 Control circuit terminal indicates that terminal functions can be selecte d using Pr . 178 to Pr . 182, Pr . 190, Pr . 192 (I/O terminal f unction selection) . (Refer to page 1 13) .
21 2 WIRING Control circuit specifications (2) Output signal (3) Communica tion (4) Safet y stop si gnal NOTE Set Pr . 267 and a voltage/current input switch correctly , then input analog signals in accordance with the settings.
22 Control circuit specifications 2.3.2 Changing the control logic The input signals are set to sink logi c (SINK) when shipped from the factory . T o change the control logic, the ju mper connector above the control terminal must be moved to the other position.
23 2 WIRING Control circuit specifications (1) Sink logic type and source logic type In sink logic, a signal switches on when a current flows from the co rresponding signal input terminal. T erminal SD is common to the contact input signals. T ermi nal SE is common to the open collector output signals.
24 Control circuit specifications 2.3.3 Wiring of control circuit (1) St andard control ci rcuit terminal layout (2) Wiring me thod Wiring Use a bar terminal and a wire with a sheath stripped o ff for the control circuit wiring. For a singl e wire, strip off the shea th of the wire and apply directly .
25 2 WIRING Control circuit specifications 3) Insert the wire into a socket. When using a stranded wi re without a bar terminal, push an open/clo se button all the way do wn with a flathead scre w driver , and insert the wire. Wire removal Pull the wire with pushing the open/cl ose button all the way d own firmly with a flathead screwdriver .
26 Control circuit specifications (3) Control circuit common terminals (SD, 5, SE) T erminals SD, SE and 5 are common terminals for I/O signals. (All common terminals are isolated from each oth er .) Do not earth them. Avoid connecting the terminal SD and 5 and the terminal SE and 5 .
27 2 WIRING Control circuit specifications (4) Signal input s by contac tless switches The contacted input terminals of the inverter (STF , STR, RH, RM, RL) can be controlled using a transistor instead of a contacted swit ch as shown on the right. External signal input using transistor +24V STF , etc.
28 Control circuit specifications 2.3.4 Wiring instructions 1) Use shie lded or twisted cables for con nection to the control circuit terminals an d run them away from the main and power circuits (including the 200V rel ay sequence circuit).
29 2 WIRING Control circuit specifications 2.3.5 Connection to the PU connector Using the PU connector , you can perform commun ication ope rati on from the parameter unit (FR-PU07), enclosure surfa ce operation panel (FR-P A07), or a personal co mputer etc.
30 Control circuit specifications RS-485 communicat ion When the PU connector is connected with a personal, F A or ot her computer by a commun icatio n cable, a user program can run and monitor the inve rter or read and write to parameters. The protocol can be selecte d from Mitsubishi inverter and Modbus RTU.
31 Connection of sta nd-alone option unit 2 WIRING 2.4 Connection of stand-alone option unit The inverter accepts a variety of stand-alone option units as required. Incorrect connection will cause in verter damage or accident. Connect and operate the option uni t carefully in acco rdance with the correspon ding option unit manual.
32 Connection of sta nd-alone option unit (1) When using the brake resistor ( MRS type, MYS type) and high-duty bra ke resistor (FR-ABR) It is recommended to configure a sequence, which shuts off .
33 Connection of sta nd-alone option unit 2 WIRING 2.4.2 Connection of the brake unit (FR-BU2) Connect the brake unit (FR-BU2(-H)) as shown below to improve th e braking capability at decelerati on. If the transistor s in the brake unit should become faulty , the resistor can be unu sually hot.
34 Connection of sta nd-alone option unit (2) Connection example with the FR-BR(-H) type resistor 2.4.3 Connection of the high pow er factor converter (FR-HC) When connecting the high power factor converter (FR-HC) to suppress power harmonics, perform wiri ng securely as shown below .
35 Connection of sta nd-alone option unit 2 WIRING 2.4.4 Connection of the power rege neration common converter (FR-CV) When connecting the power rege neration co mmon converter (FR-CV), connect the i.
36 MEMO.
37 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 3 PRECA UTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVER TER This chapter explains the "PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER" for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment 3.1 EMC and leakage current s .........
38 EMC and leakage currents 3.1 EMC and leakage cur r ents 3.1.1 Leakage currents and countermeasures Capacitances exist between the inverter I /O cables, other cables and earth and in the motor , through which a leakage current flows. Since its value depends on the static capacitances, carrier frequency , etc.
39 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER EMC and leakage currents (3) Selection o f rated sensitivity current of eart h (ground) leakage current breaker When using the earth leakag e current brea ker with the inverter circuit, select it s rated sensitivity curren t as follows, independently of the PWM carrier frequency .
40 EMC and leakage currents 3.1.2 EMC measures Some electromagnetic no ises enter the in verter to malfunction it and o thers ar e radiated by th e inverter to malfunction peripheral devices. Though the inverter is desi gned to have hi gh immuni ty performance, it handles l ow-level signals, so it requires the following basic techniques.
41 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER EMC and leakage currents Data line filter As immunity measures it may effective, provide a data line filter for the detector cable etc. EMC measures Propagation Path Measures (1)(2)(3) When devices that handle low-level signals and are liable to malfunction due to electromagnetic noises, e.
42 EMC and leakage currents 3.1.3 Power supply harmonics The inverter may generate power supply harmonics from its conv erter circuit to affect the power generator , power capacitor etc. Power suppl y harmonics are di fferen t from noise and leakag e currents in source, frequency band and transmission path.
43 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER Installation of power f actor improving reactor 3.2 Installa tion of pow er factor impro v ing reactor When the inverter is connected near a large-capacity pow.
44 Power-off and magnetic contactor (MC) 3.3 P ower-off and ma gnetic contactor (MC) (1) Inverter input side magnet ic cont actor (MC) On the inverter input side, it is recommended to provide an MC for the following p urposes. (Refer to page 4 for selection.
45 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER Inverter-driven 40 0V class motor 3.4 In ver ter-driv en 400V c lass motor In the PWM type inverter , a surge voltage attributable to wiring constants is generated at the motor terminal s. Especially for a 400V class motor , the surge voltage may deteriorate the insulati on.
46 Precautions for us e of the inverter 3.5 Precautions for use of the in ver ter The FR-D700 series is a highly reliable pro duct, but incorrect peripheral circui t making or operation/handling method may shorten the product life or damage the product.
47 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER Precautions for use of the inverter (12) Do not apply a voltage higher than the p ermissible voltage to the inverter I/O sign al circuits. Application of a voltage higher than the p ermissible voltage to the inverter I/O sig nal circuits or opposite polarity may damage the I/O devices.
48 Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter 3.6 F ailsafe of the system w hic h uses the in v er ter When a fault occurs, the inverter trips to output a fault signal . However , a fault output signal may n ot be output at an inve rt er fault occurrence when the d etection circuit or output circuit fails, etc.
49 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER Failsafe of the system which uses the inverter (2) Backup method outside the inverter Even if the interlock is provided by the inverter status si gnal, enough failsafe is not ensured depending on th e failure status of the inverter itself.
50 MEMO.
51 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 4 P ARAMETERS The abbreviations in the explanat ions below are as follows: ......V/F control ......General-purpose magnet ic-flux vector control (Parameters without any indicati on are valid for both control) This chapter explains the "P ARAMETERS" for use of this product.
52 Operation panel 4.1 Operation panel 4.1.1 Names and functions of the operation panel The operation p anel cannot be removed from the in verter . Operation mode indication PU: Lit to indic ate PU operation mode. EXT : Lit to indicate ex ternal operatio n mode.
53 P ARAMETERS 4 Operation panel 4.1.2 Basic operation (factory setting) STOP Operation mode switchover Parameter setting Faults history Monitor/frequency setting At powering on (external operation mo.
54 Operation panel 4.1.3 Easy operation mode setting (easy setting mode) Setting of Pr . 79 Operation mode select ion according to combination of the start command and speed command can be easily made. Changing example S tart command: external (STF/STR), frequency command: operate with Operation Display 1.
55 Operation panel P ARAMETERS 4 4.1.4 Change the pa ramete r setting value 4.1.5 Setting dial push Push the setting dial ( ) to display the set frequency* currently set. * Appears when PU operation mode or external /PU combined operation mode 1 is selected ( Pr .
Parameter list Parameter list 56 4 P ARAMETERS Parameter List 4.2 P ar ameter list 4.2.1 Parameter list For simple variable-speed operation of the inverte r , the initial setting of the parameters may be used as they are. Set the necessary parameters to meet the load and operational sp ecifications.
Parameter list Parameter list 58 4 P ARAMETERS Parameter List — 30 Regenerative fu nction selection 0, 1, 2 1 0 11 0 , 136 30 1E 9E 0 Frequency jump 31 Frequency jump 1A 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01Hz 9999 84 31 1F 9F 0 32 Frequency jump 1B 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.
Parameter list Parameter list 60 4 P ARAMETERS Parameter List Motor constants 80 Motor capacity 0.1 to 7.5kW , 9999 0.01kW 9999 75 , 105 80 50 D0 0 × 82 Motor excitation current 0 to 500A, 9999 0.01A 9999 105 82 52 D2 0 × × 83 Rated motor voltage 0 to 1000V 0.
Parameter list Parameter list 62 4 P ARAMETERS Parameter List Current detection 166 Output current detection signal retention time 0 to 1 0s, 9999 0.1s 0.1s 124 166 06 86 2 167 Output current detection operation selection 0, 1 1 0 124 167 07 87 2 — 168 Parameter for manufacturer setting.
Parameter list Parameter list 64 4 P ARAMETERS Parameter List Life diagnosis 255 Life alarm status display (0 to 15) 1 0 229 255 3F BF 2 ××× 256 Inrush current limit circuit life display (0 .
Parameter list Parameter list 66 4 P ARAMETERS Parameter List — 564 Operating time ca rrying-over times (0 to 65535) 1 0 128 564 40 C0 5 × × × — 571 Holding time a t a start 0 to 10s, 9999 0.1s 9999 98 571 47 C7 5 PID operation 575 Output interruption detection time 0 to 3600s, 9999 0.
Parameter list Parameter list 68 4 P ARAMETERS Parameter List Clear parameters Initial value change list Pr .CL Parameter clear 0, 1 1 0 242 Pr .CL — — — — — — — — ALLC All parameter clear 0, 1 1 0 242 A L L C ——— — — — — — Er .
70 4.3 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 73 4.3.1 Manual torque boost (Pr. 0, Pr. 46) ................... ................ ................... ................ ................ . ....... 73 4.3.2 Large starting torque and low speed torque ar e ne cessary (General-purpose magnetic flu x vector control (Pr.
71 Parameters according to pur poses 4 P ARAMETERS 4.10.8 Remote output selection (REM signal, Pr. 49 5, Pr. 496) .... ............. ................ ................ ........... 126 4.11 Monitor display and m onitor output signal 127 4.11.1 Speed display and speed setting (Pr.
72 4.19.3 Operation selection at communication error occurr ence (Pr. 121, Pr. 122, Pr. 502) ...... ............ 184 4.19.4 Communication EEPROM write s election (Pr. 342) ............................. ................ .................... .. 187 4.19.
73 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4 P ARAMETERS 4.3 Adjust the output tor que (cur rent) of the motor 4.3.1 Manual torque boost (Pr . 0, Pr . 46) (1) St arting torq ue a djustment On the assumption tha t Pr . 19 Base frequency voltage is 100%, set the output voltage at 0Hz in % to Pr .
74 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor NOTE The amount of current flows in the motor may become large according to the conditions su ch as the motor characteristics, load, a cceleration/deceleratio n time, wiring le ngth, etc., result ing in an overcurr ent trip (OL (over current alarm) then E.
75 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor P ARAMETERS 4 4.3.2 Large star ting torque and low speed torque are nece ssary (General-purpose magnetic flux vector c ontrol (Pr . 71, Pr . 80)) (1) Control mode V/F control (initial setting) and General -purpose magnetic flux vecto r control are av ailable with this inverter .
76 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor (2) Selection method of General-purpose magnetic flux ve ctor control Perform secure wiring. (Refer to page 14) Display the extended funct ion parameters. (Pr . 160) (Refer to page 162) Set "0" in Pr .
77 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor P ARAMETERS 4 (3) Control method switchin g by external terminals (X18 signal) Use the V/F switchover signal (X18) to change the contro l method (V/F control an d General-purpose magnetic flux vector control) with external terminal.
78 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4.3.3 Slip compensation (Pr . 245 to Pr . 247) Slip compensation is validate d when the motor rated slip calculated by the following fo rmula is set in Pr . 245 . Slip compensation is not made when Pr .
79 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4 P ARAMETERS 4.3.4 Stall prevention operation (Pr . 22, Pr . 23, Pr . 48, Pr . 66, Pr . 156, Pr . 157) (1) Block di agram This function monitors the output cu rrent and automatica lly changes the output frequency to prevent the i nverter from coming to trip due to overcurrent, overvoltage, etc.
80 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor (2) Setting of st all prevention operation level (Pr . 22) (3) St all prevention operation signal output and output timing adjustment (OL signal, Pr .
81 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Setting of st all prevention operation in high frequency ra nge (Pr . 22, Pr . 23, Pr . 66) During high-speed opera tion above the rated motor frequency , acceleration may not be made because th e motor current does not increase .
82 Adjust the output torque (current) of the motor (6) Limit the st all prevention operation and fast -respons e current limit operation according t o the operating st atus (Pr .
83 Limit the output frequency 4 P ARAMETERS 4.4 Limit the output fr equency 4.4.1 Maximum/mini mum frequency (Pr . 1, Pr . 2, Pr . 18) * The above parameters can be set when Pr . 160 Extended fun ction display selection = "0". ( Refer to page 162) (2) Set minimum frequency Use Pr .
84 Limit the output frequency 4.4.2 Avoid mechanical resonance points (fre quency jumps) (Pr . 31 to Pr . 36) The above paramet ers can be se t when Pr .
85 Set V/F pattern 4 P ARAMETERS 4.5 Set V/F pa tter n 4.5.1 Base frequency, voltage (Pr . 3, Pr . 19, Pr . 47) * The above parameters can be set when Pr . 160 Extended function display selection = "0". (Refer to page 162) (2) Set two kinds of base frequencies (Pr .
86 Set V/F pattern (3) Base frequenc y volta ge setting (Pr . 19) Use Pr . 19 Base fr equency voltage to set the base vol tage (e.g. rated motor voltage). If the setting is less than the power supply voltage, the maximum output vo ltage of the inverter is as set in Pr .
87 Set V/F pattern 4 P ARAMETERS 4.5.2 Load pattern se lection (P r . 14) The above parameter s can be set when Pr . 160 Extended f unction display selection = "0". (Refe r to page 162) Optimum output cha racteristic (V/F characteristic) for the application and load characteristics can be selected.
88 Set V/F pattern (3) Const ant-torque load application (setting "2, 3") Set "2" when a vertical lift load is fixed as powe r driving load at fo rward rotation and regenerative load at reverse rotation.
89 Frequency setting by external terminals 4 P ARAMETERS 4.6 F r equency setting by e xter nal ter minals 4.6.1 Operation by multi-speed operation (Pr .
90 Frequency setting by external terminals (2) Multi-speed setting for 4th speed or more (Pr . 24 to Pr . 27 , Pr . 232 to Pr . 239) Frequency from 4th speed to 15th speed can be set according to the combination of th e RH, RM, RL and REX signals.
91 Frequency setting by external terminals 4 P ARAMETERS 4.6.2 Jog operation (Pr . 15, Pr . 16) (1) Jog operation from out side When the JOG signal is on, a start and stop can be made by the start signal (STF , STR). For the terminal used for Jog operation selectio n, set "5" in any of Pr .
92 Frequency setting by external terminals (2) Jog operation from PU Selects Jog operation mode from the opera tion panel and PU (FR-PU04 /FR-PU07). Operation is perfor med only while the start button is pressed. Operation Display 1. Confirmation of the RUN indication and operation mode indication The monitor mode should have been selected.
93 Frequency setting by external terminals 4 P ARAMETERS 4.6.3 Remote setting function (Pr . 59) The above parameter can be set when Pr . 160 Extended function display selecti on = "0" . (Refer to page 156) * External running frequency (other t han multi-speed) or PU running frequency NOTE When Pr .
94 Frequency setting by external terminals (1) Remote setting function Use Pr . 59 to select whether the remote se tt ing function is used or not and whethe r the freque ncy setting storage function in the remote setting mode is used or not. When Pr .
95 Frequency setting by external terminals 4 P ARAMETERS REMARKS During Jog operatio n or PID control operati on, th e remote sett ing function i s invalid. CAUTION When selecting this function, re-s et the maximum frequency accordin g to the machine.
96 Setting of acceleration/d eceleration time and accelerat ion/ deceleration pattern 4.7 Setting of acceleration/deceleration time and acceleration/ deceler ation pa tter n 4.7.1 Setting of the accele ration and deceleration time (Pr . 7, Pr . 8, Pr .
97 Setting of acceleration/decel eration time and acceleration/ dece leration pattern 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Deceleration t ime setting (Pr . 8, Pr . 20) Use Pr . 8 Deceleration time to set th e deceleration time required to reach 0Hz from Pr . 20 Acceleration/deceleration refer ence fr equency .
98 Setting of acceleration/d eceleration time and accelerat ion/ deceleration pattern 4.7.2 S tarting frequency and start-ti me hold function (Pr . 13, Pr . 571) The above paramet ers can be se t when Pr . 160 Ext ended func tion displ ay selectio n = "0".
99 Setting of acceleration/decel eration time and acceleration/ dece leration pattern 4 P ARAMETERS 4.7.3 Acceleration/dece le ration pattern (Pr . 29) The above parameter s can be set when Pr . 160 Extended f unction display selection ="0".
100 Selection and protection of a motor 4.8 Selection and protection of a motor 4.8.1 Motor overheat protection (Electronic thermal O/L relay, PTC thermistor protection) (Pr . 9, Pr . 51, Pr . 561) ∗1 The above par ameters can be set when Pr . 160 Extended functi on display selection = "0".
101 Selection and prot ection of a motor 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Set two different electronic thermal O/L relays (Pr . 51) Use this function when running two motors of different rated currents individually by a single inverter . (When running two motors together , use external the rmal relays.
102 Selection and protection of a motor (5) P TC thermistor protect ion (Pr . 561) PTC thermistor input connection PTC thermistor ch aracteristics T erminal 2 and termi nal 10 are available for inputting of mo tor built-in PTC thermistor output. When the PTC thermistor input reaches to the resist ance value set in Pr .
103 Selection and prot ection of a motor 4 P ARAMETERS 4.8.2 Applied motor (Pr . 71, Pr . 450) The above parameter s can be set when Pr . 160 Extended f unction display selection = "0". (Refe r to page 162) (1) Set the motor to be used Refer to the following lis t and set the parameter ac cording to the motor used.
104 Selection and protection of a motor (2) U se two motors (Pr . 450) Set Pr . 450 Second applied motor to use two different motors with one i nverter . When "9999" (initial value ) is set, no function is selected. When a value ot her than 9999 is set in Pr .
105 Selection and prot ection of a motor P ARAMETERS 4 4.8.3 T o exhibit the best performanc e of the motor (offline auto tuning) (Pr . 71, Pr . 80, Pr . 82 to Pr . 84, Pr . 90, Pr . 96) The above parameter s can be set when Pr . 160 Extended f unction display selection = "0".
106 Selection and protection of a motor (1) Before performing offline auto tuning Check the following before performing offline auto tuning. Make sure General-purp ose ma gnetic fl ux vector control ( Pr . 80 ) is selected. (T uning can be performed even under V/F control selected by turning on X18.
107 Selection and prot ection of a motor P ARAMETERS 4 (3) Execution of tuning 1) Whe n performing tuning for PU operation, press of the operation panel or or o f the parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07). For external operation, turn ON the run command (STF signal or STR sign al).
108 Selection and protection of a motor 3) When offline auto tuning ends, press of the operatio n panel during PU operation. For external operation, turn OFF the start signal (STF signal or STR signal) once. This operation resets the o ffline auto tuning and the PU's monitor display re turns to the normal indication.
109 Motor brake and stop operation 4 P ARAMETERS 4.9 Motor br ak e and stop oper ation 4.9.1 DC injection brake (Pr . 10 to Pr . 12) The above parameter s can be set when Pr . 160 Extended f unction display selection ="0". ( Refer to page 16 2) (3) Operation volt age (torque) se tting (Pr .
11 0 Motor brake and stop operation 4.9.2 Selection of a regenerative brake (P r . 30, Pr . 70) The above paramet ers can be se t when Pr . 160 Ext ended func tion displ ay selectio n = "0".
111 Motor brake and stop operation 4 P ARAMETERS (3) When using the high-dut y brake resistor (FR-ABR) (FR-D720-025 or more, FR-D740-012 or more, FR- D720S-025 or more) Set "1" in Pr .
11 2 Motor brake and stop operation 4.9.3 S top selection (Pr . 250) The above paramet er can be set when Pr . 160 Exte nded function display sel ection = "0". (Refer to page 162) Used to select the stopping method (deceleration to a stop or coasting) when the start signal turns OFF .
11 3 Function assignment of exter nal terminal and control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.10 Function assignment of e x ter nal ter minal and control 4.10.1 Input terminal function se lection (Pr . 178 to Pr . 182) The above parameter s can be set when Pr . 160 Extended f unction display selection = "0".
11 4 Function assignment of external terminal and control (1) Input terminal function assignment Using Pr . 178 to Pr . 182 , set the functions of the input terminals.
11 5 Function assignment of exter nal terminal and control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.10.2 Inverter output shutoff signal (MRS signal, Pr . 17) (3) Assign a different action for each MRS signal input from commun ication and external terminal ( Pr . 17 = "4") When Pr .
11 6 Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.10.3 Condition selection of function validity by second function selection signal (RT) When the RT signal turns ON, the second function becomes valid. For the RT signal, set "3" in any of Pr .
11 7 Function assignment of exter nal terminal and control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.10.4 Start signal ope rati on selection (STF , STR, ST OP signal, Pr . 250) The above parame ter can be set when Pr . 160 Extend ed function disp lay selection = "0".
11 8 Function assignment of external terminal and control (2) Three-w ire type (STF , STR, STOP signal) The three-wire connection is shown below . T u rning the STOP signal ON makes start self-holding function valid. In th is case, the forward/reverse rotation signal functions only as a start signal.
11 9 Function assignment of exter nal terminal and control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.10.5 Output terminal function selection (Pr . 190, Pr . 192) (1) Output signal list Y ou can set the functio ns of the output terminals.
120 Function assignment of external terminal and control 90 190 Y90 Life alarm Output when any of the control circuit capacitor , main circuit capacitor and inrush current limit circuit or the cooling fan approaches the end of its service life. Pr . 255 to Pr .
121 Function assignment of exter nal terminal and control 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Inverter operation ready signal (R Y si gnal) and inverter running signal (RUN signal) When the inverter is ready to operate, the output of the operation ready signal (RY) is ON.
122 Function assignment of external terminal and control (3) Fault output signal (ALM signal) (4) Fault output 3 (power-off signal) (Y91 sign al) The Y91 signal is o utput at occu rrence of a fault attributable to the failure of the in verter circuit or a fault caused by a wi ring mistak e.
123 Function assignment of exter nal terminal and control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.10.6 Detection of output frequency (S U, FU signal, Pr . 41 to Pr . 43) The inverter output frequency is dete cted and output at the output signal s.
124 Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.10.7 Output current detection function (Y12 signal, Y13 signal, Pr . 150 to Pr . 153, Pr . 166, Pr . 167) The above paramet ers can be se t when Pr . 160 Ext ended funct ion displa y selecti on = "0".
125 Function assignment of exter nal terminal and control 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Zero cu rrent detection (Y13 signa l, Pr . 152, Pr . 153 ) If the output current remains lower than the Pr . 152 settin g during inverter operation fo r longer than the time set in Pr .
126 Function assignment of external terminal and control 4.10.8 Remote output selection (REM signal, Pr . 495, Pr . 496) Y ou ca n utilize the on/off of the inverter's outpu t signals instead of th e remote output termi nal of the programmable logi c controller .
127 Monitor display and monitor output signal 4 P ARAMETERS 4.11 Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.1 1.1 Speed display and sp eed setting (Pr . 37) The above parame ter can be set when Pr . 160 Extend ed function disp lay selection = "0".
128 Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.1 1.2 Monitor display selection of operation panel/PU and terminal AM (Pr . 52, Pr .158, Pr . 170, Pr . 171, Pr . 268, Pr . 563, Pr . 564, Pr . 891) (1) Monitor description list (Pr . 52) Set the monitor to be displa yed on the operatio n panel and parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07) in Pr .
129 Monitor display and monitor output signal 4 P ARAMETERS Regenerative brake duty 0.1% 9 ∗1 9 Pr . 70 Brake duty set in Pr . 30, Pr . 70 Electronic thermal relay function load factor 0.
130 Monitor display and monitor output signal ∗1 Frequency setting to output termin al status on the PU main monitor are selected by "other monitor selection" of the parameter u nit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07).
131 Monitor display and monitor output signal 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Operation panel I/O terminal monitor (Pr . 52) When Pr . 52 = "55 ", the I/O terminal status can be monitored on the operation p anel. The I/O terminal monitor is disp layed on the thi rd monitor .
132 Monitor display and monitor output signal (5) Cumulative energization time and actual operation time monito r (Pr . 171, Pr . 563, Pr . 564) Cumulative energization time monitor ( Pr . 52 = "20") accumulates energiza tion time from shipment of the inverter eve ry one hour .
133 Monitor display and monitor output signal 4 P ARAMETERS 4.1 1.3 Reference of the terminal AM (a nalog voltage output) (Pr . 55, Pr . 56) Analog voltage output from the terminal AM is available. Set the reference of the signal output from termin al AM.
134 Monitor display and monitor output signal 4.1 1.4 T ermi nal AM calibration (ca libration parameter C1 (Pr .901)) (1) T erminal AM gai n calibration (C1 (Pr . 901)) ⋅ Calibrate the terminal AM gain in the following procedure. 1) Connect a 0-10VDC meter (frequency meter) to across inve rter terminals AM-5.
135 Monitor display and monitor output signal 4 P ARAMETERS (2) How to calibrate the terminal AM when using the oper ation p anel Operation Display 1. Confirm the RUN indication and oper ation mode indication (When Pr . 158 = 1) 2. Press to choose the parameter setting mode.
136 Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure 4.12 Operation selection at po we r failure and instantaneous pow er failure 4.12.1 Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure/flying start ( Pr . 30, Pr . 57, Pr . 58, Pr .
137 Operation selection at pow er failure and instan taneous power failure 4 P ARAMETERS When Pr . 162 = 1, 1 1 (without frequency search) (1) Automatic rest art operation selection (Pr .
138 Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Restart operation at every start When Pr . 162 = "10 or 1 1", auto matic restart operation is also perf ormed every start, in additi on to the automatic restart after instantaneous power failure.
139 Operation selection at pow er failure and instan taneous power failure 4 P ARAMETERS (5) Frequency search gain (Pr . 298) , offline auto tuning (Pr . 96) When automatic restart after instantaneous power failure operat ion (with frequen cy search) is valid at V/F contro l, perform offline auto tuning.
140 Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure Execution of tuning 1) When performing PU operation, pre ss of the ope ration panel. For external operation, turn ON the start co mmand (STF signal or STR signal). Tuning starts.
141 Operation selection at pow er failure and instan taneous power failure 4 P ARAMETERS 4) If offline auto tuning en ded in error (see the table below), motor constants are not set.
142 Operation selection at power failure and instantaneous power failure 4.12.2 Power-failure decelera tion stop function (Pr . 261) The above parameter can be set when Pr .
143 Operation selection at pow er failure and instan taneous power failure 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Operation continuation at inst antaneo us power failure function ( Pr . 261 = "2") When power is restored during deceleratio n after a power failure, acceleration is made again up to the set frequency .
144 Operation setting at fault occurrence 4.13 Operation setting at f ault occur rence 4.13.1 Retry function (Pr . 65, Pr . 67 to Pr . 69) Retry operation automatically resets a fault and restarts the inverter at the starting frequency when the time set in Pr .
145 Operation setting at fault occurrence 4 P ARAMETERS Using Pr . 65 , you can sele ct the fault that will cause a retry to be ex ecuted. No retry will be made for the fault not indicated. (Refer to page 250 for the fault description.) indicates the faul ts selected for retry .
146 Operation setting at fault occurrence 4.13.2 Input/output phase loss protec tion selection (Pr . 251, Pr . 872) (1) Output phase loss protection selection (Pr . 251) When Pr . 251 is set to "0", o utput phase loss prote ction (E.LF) becomes invalid.
147 Energy saving operation 4 P ARAMETERS 4.14 Ener g y saving operation 4.14.1 Optimum excitation control (Pr . 60) The above parame ter can be set when Pr .
148 Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance 4.15 Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance 4.15.1 PWM carrier frequency and Soft-PWM contr ol (Pr . 72, Pr . 240, Pr . 260) (1) P WM carrier frequency cha nging (Pr . 72) Y ou can change th e PWM carrier frequency of the inverter .
149 Motor noise, EMI measures, mechanical resonance 4 P ARAMETERS 4.15.2 Speed smoothing control (Pr . 653) The above parameter can be set when Pr .160 Extended function display selection = "0". (Refer to page 162) (1) Control block diagram (2) Setti ng metho d If vibration due to mechanical resonance occurs, set 100% in Pr .
150 Frequency setting by anal og input (terminal 2, 4) 4.16 F r equency setting by analog input (ter minal 2, 4) 4.16.1 Analog input selection (Pr . 73, Pr . 267) (1) S election of analog input specifications For the terminal 2 for analog voltage input, 0 to 5V (initial value) or 0 to 10 V can be selected.
151 Frequency setting by anal og input (terminal 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS Refer to the following table and set Pr . 73 and Pr . 267 . ( indicates main speed setting) The terminal used for the AU signal input, set "4" in Pr . 178 to Pr . 182 (input term inal function selection) to assign functions.
152 Frequency setting by anal og input (terminal 2, 4) 4.16.2 Response level of analog input and noise elimination (Pr . 74) The above paramet er can be set when Pr . 160 Exte nded function display sel ection = "0". (Refer to page 162) V alid for eliminating noise of the frequency setting circuit.
153 Frequency setting by anal og input (terminal 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS 4.16.3 Bias and gain of fre quency setting voltage (current) (Pr . 125, Pr . 126, Pr . 241, C2 (Pr . 902) to C7 (Pr . 905)) [Frequency setting bias/gai n parameter] ∗1 The above parameters can be set when Pr .
154 Frequency setting by anal og input (terminal 2, 4) (3) Analog input display unit changing (Pr . 241 ) Y ou can change the analo g input display unit (%/V/mA) for analog input bias/gain calib ration. Depending on th e terminal input sp ecification set to Pr .
155 Frequency setting by anal og input (terminal 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Frequency setting signal (current) bias/gain adjus tment method (a) Method to adjust any point by applicati on of a voltage (current) across terminals 2-5 (4-5). Operation Display 1.
156 Frequency setting by anal og input (terminal 2, 4) (b) Method to adjust any poi nt wi thout application of a voltage (cu rrent) across terminals 2-5 (4-5) (T o change from 4V (80%) to 5V (100%)) Operation Display 1. Confirm the RUN indication and operation mod e indication The inverter should be at a stop.
157 Frequency setting by anal og input (terminal 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS (c) Adjusting only th e frequency without ad justing the gain voltage (current). (When changing the gain frequency fro m 60Hz to 50Hz) Operation Display 1. T urn until (Pr . 125) or (Pr .
158 Misoperation prevention and pa rameter setting restriction 4.17 Misoper ation pre v ention and par ameter setting r estriction 4.17.1 Reset selection/disconnected PU detection/PU stop se lection (Pr . 75) (1) R eset selection Y ou can select th e enable condition of reset function (RES signal, reset command through communicati on) input.
159 Misoperation prevention and pa rameter setting restrictio n 4 P ARAMETERS (3) PU stop selection In any of the PU operation, external operation and network op eration modes, the motor can be stopped by pressing STOP key of the operation panel or pa rameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU 07, o peration panel for FR-E500 (P A02)).
160 Misoperation prevention and pa rameter setting restriction (5) Restart (PS reset) met hod when PU stop (PS display) is made during PU ope ration PU stop (PS display) is made when the motor is .
161 Misoperation prevention and pa rameter setting restrictio n 4 P ARAMETERS 4.17.2 Para meter write disable selec tion (Pr . 77) (1) Write p arameters only during stop (setti ng "0" initial value) Parameters can be written only during a stop in the PU operation mode.
162 Misoperation prevention and pa rameter setting restriction 4.17.3 Re verse rotation preventio n selection (Pr . 78) Set this parameter when you want to limit the motor rot ation to only one direction.
163 Misoperation prevention and pa rameter setting restrictio n 4 P ARAMETERS 4.17.5 Pass word function (Pr . 296, Pr . 297) The above parameters can be set wh en Pr . 160 Extended function displ ay selection = "0". When Pr . 296 ≠ "9999" (with password lock), note that Pr .
164 Misoperation prevention and pa rameter setting restriction (2) Pas sword lock /unlock ( Pr .296, Pr .297 ) <Lock> 1) Set paramete r reading/writing restrictio n level.( Pr . 296 ≠ 9999) Setting "1 to 6": Does not display password unlock error count w hen reading Pr .
165 Selection of operation mode and operation location 4 P ARAMETERS 4.18 Selection of operation mode and oper a tion location 4.18.1 Operation mode selection (Pr . 79) Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Operation mode selection Operation mode selection Pr .
166 Selection of operation mode and operation location (1) Operation mode basics The operation mode specifie s the souce of the start command and the frequency command for the inverter . Select the "external oper ation mode" when the start command and th e freque ncy command are applied from a potentiometer , switches, etc.
167 Selection of operation mode and operation location 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Operation mode switching method REMARKS Refer to the following for switching by the external ter minal.
168 Selection of operation mode and operation location (3) Operation mode selectio n flow In the following flowchart, select the basi c parameter settin g and termi nal connection related to the operation mod e.
169 Selection of operation mode and operation location 4 P ARAMETERS (4) External operation mode (setting "0" (init i al value), "2") (5) PU operation mode (setting "1 ").
170 Selection of operation mode and operation location (6) P U/external combined operatio n mode 1 (setting "3 ") (7) P U/external combined operatio n mode 2 (setting "4 ") Sel.
171 Selection of operation mode and operation location 4 P ARAMETERS (8) Switch over mode (settin g "6") While continuing operatio n, you can s witch among the PU operation, exter nal operation and network operation (NET operation).
172 Selection of operation mode and operation location (10) Switching of operation mode by external signal (X16 signal) When external operation and operation from the ope ration p anel are used to.
173 Selection of operation mode and operation location 4 P ARAMETERS (1 1) Switching of operation mode by external signals (X65, X66 signals ) When Pr .
174 Selection of operation mode and operation location Parameter s refer r ed to Pr . 15 Jo g fr equency Refer to page 91 Pr . 4 to 6, Pr . 24 to 27, Pr . 232 to Pr . 239 Multi-speed operation Refer t o page 89 Pr . 75 Reset sele ction/disco nnected P U detection/P U stop sele ction Ref er to page 158 Pr .
175 Selection of operation mode and operation location 4 P ARAMETERS 4.18.2 Operation mode at power-on (Pr . 79, Pr . 340) (1) Specify operation mode at power -on (Pr . 340) Depending on the Pr . 79 and Pr . 340 settings, the operation mode at power-on (reset) changes as described below .
176 Selection of operation mode and operation location 4.18.3 Start command source and freque ncy command source during communication operation (Pr . 33 8, Pr .
177 Selection of operation mode and operation location 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Controllability through communication Controllability through communcation in each op eration mode is shown below . Monitoring and parameter read can be performed from any operation regardless of op eration mode.
178 Selection of operation mode and operation location (4) S election of contr ol source in network operation mode (Pr . 338, Pr . 339) There are two control sour ces: operatio n command source, w.
179 Selection of operation mode and operation location 4 P ARAMETERS (5) Switching of command source by external signal (X67) In the network operation mode, the co mmand so urce switching signal (X67) can be use d to switch the start command source and speed command source.
180 Communication oper ation and setting 4.19 Communication operation and setting 4.19.1 Wiring and configur ation of PU connector Using the PU connector , you can perform communication operation from a personal computer , etc.
181 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (2) PU connector communication system configuration Connection of a compute r to the inverter (1:1 co nnection) Combination of comp uter .
182 Communication oper ation and setting (3) Connection with RS-485 computer Wiring of one RS-485 comp uter and one inverter Wiring of one RS-485 compute r and "n" (multiple) inverters ∗1 Make connection in accordance with the instr uction manual of the computer to be used with.
183 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS 4.19.2 I nitial settings and sp ecifi cations of RS-485 communication ( Pr . 1 17 to Pr . 120, Pr . 123, Pr . 124, Pr . 549) Used to perform required settings for RS-485 commun ication between the invert e r and personal computer .
184 Communication oper ation and setting 4.19.3 Operation selection at communication error occ urrence (Pr . 121, Pr . 122, Pr . 502) (1) Retry count setting (Pr .
185 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Signal loss detection (Pr .122) If a signal loss (communication stop) is det ected between the inverter and compute r as a result of a signal loss dete ction, a communication fault (E.PUE) occurs and the inverter trips.
186 Communication oper ation and setting (3) Stop operation selection at occ urrence of communicat ion fault (Pr . 502) S t op operatio n when retry co unt exceed s (Mitsubishi i nverter p rotocol onl y) or sign al loss det ection erro r occurs can be select ed.
187 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS 4.19.4 Communication EEPROM write selection (Pr . 342) When changing the parameter values frequently , set "1" in Pr .
188 Communication oper ation and setting 4.19.5 Mitsubishi inverter protocol (computer link co mmunication) (1) Com municati on The communication specifications are given belo w . (2) Communication procedure ∗1 If a data erro r is detected and a retry must be made, execute retr y operation with the user program.
189 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Communication operation presence/abse nce and dat a format types Data communication between the computer and inve rter is made in ASCII code (hex adecimal code).
190 Communication oper ation and setting Data reading format Communication request da ta from the computer to the inverter 1) Reply data from the inverter to the computer 3) (No data error detecte.
191 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Data defi nitions 1) Control code 2) Inverter station number S pecify the station number of the invert er which communica tes with the computer . 3) Instruction code S pecify the processin g request, for exampl e, opera tion or monitoring, given by the computer to the inverter .
192 Communication oper ation and setting 7) Error code If any error is found in the data received by the inverter , it s definition is sent back to the computer together with the N AK code.
193 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (6) Instructions for the program 1) When data from the computer has a ny error , the inverter does not accept that dat a. Hence, in the user program, always insert a retry program for data error .
194 Communication oper ation and setting General flowchart Port open Communication setting T ime out setting Send data processing Data setting Sum code calculation Data transmission Receiv.
195 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (7) Setting items and set dat a After completion of pa rameter settings, set the instruction co des and data then start communication from the comp uter to allow various types of operation control and monitoring.
196 Communication oper ation and setting 6I n v e r t e r r e s e t W r i t e H F D H9696: Inverter reset As the inver ter is r eset at star t of communic ation by th e computer , the inver ter cannot send reply data back t o the compute r .
197 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS Example) When reading the C3 (Pr . 902) and C6 (Pr . 904) settings from the inverter of station 0 T o read/write C3 (Pr . 902) and C6 (Pr . 904) after inverte r reset or parame ter clear , execute from 1) aga in.
198 Communication oper ation and setting [Fault data] Refer to page 249 for details of f ault description [Run comma nd] ∗1 The signal within pa rentheses is the init ial setting. The description cha nges depending on the settin g of Pr . 180 to Pr .
199 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS [Multi command (HF0)] Sending data form at from computer to invert er Reply data format from inverter to computer (No data error detected) ∗1 S pecify the data type of sending data (from computer to inverter).
200 Communication oper ation and setting 4.19.6 Modbus RTU communication specifications (Pr . 1 17, Pr . 1 18, Pr . 120, Pr . 122, Pr . 343, Pr . 502, Pr . 549) Using the Modbus RTU communication pr otocol, communication operatio n or parameter setti ng can be perfo rmed from the PU connector of the inverter .
201 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (1) Communication specification The communication spec ific ations are given below . (2) Outline The Modbus protoc ol is the communication p rotocol developed b y Modicon for PLC.
202 Communication oper ation and setting (3) Message format Data check time 1) Query The master sends a message to the slave (= inverter) at the specified address. 2) Normal Response After receiving the query from the master , the slave executes the requested function and returns the corresponding normal response to the master .
203 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Messa ge frame (proto col) Communication method Basically , the master sends a query message (questio n) and the slave returns a response me ssage (response).
204 Communication oper ation and setting (5) Message format types The message formats corresponding to the function codes in T able 1 on page 203 will be expl ained.
205 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS Write holding register data (H06 or 06) Can write the description of 1) system environment variabls and 4) inverter parameters assigned to the hol ding register area (refer to the register list ( page 209) ).
206 Communication oper ation and setting Function diag nosis (H08 or 08) A communication check can be made since the query message sent is returned unchanged as a response message (function of sub function code H00).
207 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS Description of normal response 1) to 4) (including CRC check) of the normal resp onse are the same as thos e of the query message. Read holding re gister access log (H46 or 70) A response can be made to a query made by the function code H03 or H10.
208 Communication oper ation and setting Error respon se An error response is returned if the query message rece ived from the master has an ille gal function, addre ss or data. No response is returned for a parity , CRC, overrun, framing or busy error .
209 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (6) Modbus registers System environment variable ∗1 The communication pa rameter values are not cleared. ∗2 For write, set the data as a control input instruction. For read, data is read as an inverter ope rating status.
210 Communication oper ation and setting Parameter Faults history Fault code list (7) Pr . 343 Communicati on error count Y ou ca n check the cumulative number of communicati on errors. Parameter Re gister Parameter Name Read/ Write Remarks 0 to 999 41000 to 41999 Refer to the parameter list (page 56) for the parameter names.
21 1 Communication opera tion and setting 4 P ARAMETERS (8) Output terminal LF "alarm output (communication error warnings )" During a communication error, the alarm signal (LF signal) is output b y open collector output. Assign the used terminal using Pr .
212 Special operation an d frequency control 4.20 Special oper ation and frequenc y contr ol 4.20.1 PID control (Pr . 127 to Pr . 134, Pr . 575 to Pr . 577) Purpose Parameter that should be Set Refer to Page Perform process control such as pump and air volume.
213 Special operation and frequency control 4 P ARAMETERS (1) PID control basic configuration Pr . 128 = "20, 21" (measured value input) (2) PID action overview 1)PI action 2)PD action 577 Output interruption cancel level 1000% 900 to 11 0 0 % Set the level ( Pr .
214 Special operation an d frequency control 3)PID action 4)Reverse operation Increases the manipulated vari able (outpu t frequen cy) if deviation X = (set poin t - measured value) is posi tive, and decreases the manipulated variable if deviation is nega tive.
215 Special operation and frequency control 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Connection diagram Sink logic Pr . 128 = 20 Pr . 182 = 14 Pr . 190 = 15 Pr . 192 = 16 ∗1 The power supply must b e selected in accor dance with the power specificat ions of the detector used.
216 Special operation an d frequency control (4) I/O signals and parameter setting Set "20, 21" in Pr . 128 to perform PID operation. Set "14" in an y of Pr . 178 to Pr . 182 (input terminal function selection) to assign PID control selection signal (X14) to turn the X14 signal on.
217 Special operation and frequency control 4 P ARAMETERS (5) PID automa tic switchov er control (Pr . 1 27) The system can be started up without PID control only at a start.
218 Special operation an d frequency control (8) Adjustment procedure (9) C alibration example (A detector of 4mA at 0 ° C (32 ° F) and 20mA at 50 ° C (122 ° F) is used to adjus t t he room temperature to 25 ° C (77 ° F ) under PID control. The set point is given to across in verter terminals 2-5 (0 to 5V).
219 Special operation and frequency control 4 P ARAMETERS < Set point input calibration > 1. Apply the input voltage of 0% set point setting (e.g. 0V) across terminals 2-5. 2. Enter in C2 (Pr . 902) the frequency which should be output by the in ve rter at the deviation of 0% (e.
220 Special operation an d frequency control 4.20.2 Da ncer control (Pr . 44, Pr . 4 5, Pr . 128 to Pr . 13 4) Performs PID control by feedbacking the position dete ction of the dancer roller , controlling the dancer roller is in the specified position.
221 Special operation and frequency control 4 P ARAMETERS (1) Dancer control block diagram ∗1 The main speed ca n be selected fr om all operation mode such a s external (analog volt age input, multi-speed), PU (digit al freque ncy setting), and communication (RS-485).
222 Special operation an d frequency control (2) Dancer control overview Performs dancer control by setting 40 to 43 in Pr . 128 PID action selection. The main speed command is the speed comman d of each operation mode (external, PU, commu nication).
223 Special operation and frequency control 4 P ARAMETERS (4) I/O signals and parameter se tting Set "40 to 43" in Pr . 128 to perform dancer control. Set "14" in any of Pr . 178 to Pr . 182 ( input terminal f unction selection ) to assign PID control selection signal (X14) to turn the X14 signal ON.
224 Special operation an d frequency control (5) Paramet er details When ratio ( Pr . 128 = "42, 43") is selected for ad dition method, PID control × (ratio of ma in speed) is added to the main speed. The ra tio is determined by the Pr .
225 Special operation and frequency control 4 P ARAMETERS (9) Adjustment procedure Dancer roller position det ection signal adjustme nt When terminal 4 input is voltage input, 0V is the min imum position and 5V(10V) is the maximum posi tion. When current is input, 4mA is the min imum position and 20mA is the maximum pos ition.
226 Special operation an d frequency control 4.20.3 Regeneration avoidance function (Pr . 665, Pr . 882, Pr . 883, Pr . 885, Pr . 886) (1) What is regenerati on avoidan ce functio n? (Pr . 882, Pr . 883) When the regeneration load is large, th e DC bus voltage rises and an overvoltage fault (E.
227 Special operation and frequency control 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Regeneration avoidance func tion adjustment (Pr . 665, Pr . 886) If the frequency becomes instable during regen erat ion avoidance operation, decrease the setting of Pr . 886 Regeneration avoidance voltage gain .
228 Useful functions 4.21 Useful functions 4.21.1 Cooling fan operati on selection (Pr . 244) In either of the fol lowing cases, fan o per ation is regarded as fa ulty as [FN] is shown on the operation panel, and the fan faul t (F AN) and al arm (LF) signals are output.
229 Useful functions 4 P ARAMETERS 4.21.2 D isplay of the life of the inverter pa rts (Pr . 255 to Pr . 259) Degrees of deterioration of main circuit capacitor , control circ uit capacitor , cooling fan and inrush current limit circuit can be diagnosed by a monitor .
230 Useful functions (1) Life alarm display and signal output (Y90 signal, Pr . 255 ) Whether any of the control circuit capacitor , main circuit capacitor , cooli ng fan and inru sh current limit circuit h as reached the life alarm output level or not can be checked by Pr .
231 Useful functions 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Main circ uit capacitor life displ ay (Pr . 258, Pr . 2 59) The deterioration degree of the contro l circuit capacito r is displayed i n Pr . 258 as a life. On the assumpt ion that the main circui t capacitor cap acitance at factory shipment is 100%, th e capacitor life is displayed in Pr .
232 Useful functions (5) Cooling fan life display The cooling fan speed of 50 % or less is detected an d "FN" is displayed o n the operation panel and parameter unit (FR- PU04/FR-PU07). As an alarm display , Pr . 255 bit2 is turned on and also an ala rm is output to the Y90 signal.
233 Useful functions 4 P ARAMETERS 4.21.3 Maintenance timer alarm (Pr . 503, Pr . 504) The cumulative energization time of the inverter is st ored into the EEPROM every hour and is displayed in Pr . 503 Maintenance timer in 100h increments. Pr . 503 is clamped at 999 8 (999800h).
234 Useful functions 4.21.4 Current average value monitor signal (Pr . 555 to Pr . 557) The pulse output of the current average value monitor signal (Y9 3) is shown above. For the termi nal used for the Y93 signal outp ut, assign the func tion by setting " 93" (positive logic) or "193" (negative logic ) to Pr .
235 Useful functions 4 P ARAMETERS 3) Setting of Pr .557 Current average value monito r signal output r efer ence curr ent Set the reference (100%) for outpu tting the signal of the curr ent average value. Obtain the time to output the signal from the following calculation.
236 Useful functions 4.21.5 Free parameter (Pr . 888, Pr . 889) Y ou can input any numbe r within the setting range of 0 to 9999. For example, the number can be used: As a unit number when multiple units are used. As a pattern number for each operation app lication when multiple units are used.
237 Setting the parameter un it and operation panel 4 P ARAMETERS 4.22 Setting the par ameter unit and operation panel 4.22.1 RUN key rotation direction selection (Pr . 40) The above parameter can be set when Pr . 160 Extended function display selection = "0".
238 Setting the parameter unit and operation panel 4.22.3 Operation panel fre quency setting/key lock ope ration selection (Pr . 161) The above parameter can be set when Pr .
239 Setting the parameter un it and operation panel 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Disable the setting dial and key operation of the operat ion p anel (Press [MODE] long (2s)) Operation using the setting dia l and key of the operati on panel can be invalid to prevent parameter change, and unexpected start or frequency setting.
240 Setting the parameter unit and operation panel 4.22.4 Magnitude of frequenc y c hange setting (Pr . 295) The above parameter can be set when Pr . 160 Extended function display selection = "0". (Refer to page 162) (1) B asic operation When a value othe r than "0" is set in Pr .
241 Setting the parameter un it and operation panel 4 P ARAMETERS 4.22.5 B uzzer control (Pr . 990) The above parame ter can be set when Pr . 160 Extend ed function disp lay selection = "0".
242 Parameter clear/ All parameter clear 4.23 Parameter c lear/ All par ameter c lear POINT Set "1" in Pr .CL Parameter clear , ALLC all par ameter clear to initi alize all parameters. (Parameters are not cleared when "1" is set in Pr .
243 Initial value change list P ARAMETERS 4 4.24 Initial value change list Displays and sets the parameters changed from the initial value. Operation Display 1. Screen at powering on The monitor display appears. 2. Press to choose the PU operation mode.
244 Check and clear of th e faults history 4.25 Check and c lear of the faults histor y (1) Check for the faults hist ory Faults history Monitor/frequency setting [Operation panel is used for operatio.
245 Check and clear of th e faults history P ARAMETERS 4 (2) Clearing procedure POINT Set "1" in Er .CL Fault history clear to clear the fau lts histor y . (Parameters are not cleared when "1" is set in Pr . 77 Parameter write selection .
246 MEMO.
247 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 5 TR OUBLESHOO TING This chapter provides the "TROUBLESHOOTING" of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment 5.1 Reset method of protective funct ion ...................... ................... 248 5.
248 Reset method of pr otective function When a fault occurs i n the inverter , th e inverter trips and t he PU di splay automatically changes to any o f the following fault or alarm indications. If the fault does not correspond to any of the following faults or if you have any other pr obl em, please contact your sales representative.
249 5 TROUBLESHOOTING List of fault or alarm indications 5.2 List of fault or alar m indica tions ∗ If a fault occurs wh en using with the FR-PU04, "Fault 1 4" is displayed on the FR-PU04.
250 Causes and corrective actions 5.3 Causes and cor rectiv e actions (1) Error message A message regarding operational troubles is displayed. Output is not shutoff. Operation panel indication HOLD Name Operation panel lock Description Operation lock mode is set.
251 5 TROUBLESHOOTING Causes and corrective actions (2) W arnings When a warning o ccurs, the output is n ot shut off. Operation p anel indication Err. Name Inverter reset Description Executing reset using RES signal, or re set command from communication or PU Displays at powering off.
252 Causes and corrective actions Operation panel indication PS FR-PU04 FR-PU07 PS Name PU stop Description S top with of the PU is set in Pr . 75 Reset selection/disconnected PU detection/PU stop selection . (For Pr . 75 refer to page 158 .) Check point Check for a stop made b y pressing of th e operation panel.
253 5 TROUBLESHOOTING Causes and corrective actions (3) Alarm When an alarm occurs, the output is not shut off. Y ou c an also output an alarm signal by making parame ter setting. (Set "98" in Pr . 190 or Pr . 192 (output te rminal function selection) .
254 Causes and corrective actions Operation panel indication E.OC3 FR-PU04 FR-PU07 OC During Dec Name Overcurrent trip during deceleration or stop Description When the inverter output current reaches .
255 5 TROUBLESHOOTING Causes and corrective actions ∗1 Resetting the inverter i nitializes the internal thermal integrat ed data of the electronic t hermal relay function.
256 Causes and corrective actions ∗ Available onl y for three-phase power input specification mode l. Operation panel indication E.ILF FR-PU04 Fault 14 FR-PU07 I nput phase loss Name Input phase loss ∗ Description Inverter trips when function valid setting (=1) is selected in Pr .
257 5 TROUBLESHOOTING Causes and corrective actions Operation p anel indication E.OHT FR-PU04 FR-PU07 OH Fault Name External thermal relay operation Description If the external thermal relay provided for mot or overheat prot ection or the internally mounted temperatur e relay in the motor , etc.
258 Causes and corrective actions Operation panel indication E.5 FR-PU04 FR-PU07 Fault 5 E.CPU CPU Fault Name CPU fault Description S tops the inverte r output if the communication fault of the built-in CPU occurs. Check point Check for devices prod uci ng excess electrical noises around the inverter.
259 5 TROUBLESHOOTING Correspondences between digita l and actual characters 5.4 Cor respondences between digital and actual c har acter s There are the following correspondences between the actual al.
260 Check first when you have some troubles 5.5 Check first w hen you hav e some troubles POINT If the cause is still unknown after every check, it is reco mmended to initialize the parameters (initial value) then re- set the required parameter values and check a gain.
261 5 TROUBLESHOOTING Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.3 Motor genera tes heat abnormally Is the fan for the motor is runnin g? (Check for dust accumulated.) Check that the load is not to o heavy . Lighten the load . Are the inverter output voltages (U, V , W) balanced? Check that the Pr .
262 Check first when you have some troubles 5.5.9 Speed varies during operation When slip compensation is set, th e out put frequency varies with load fl uctuati on betwe en 0 and 2Hz. This is a normal operation and is no t a fault. 1) Inspection o f load Check that the load is not varying.
263 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 6 PRECA UTIONS FOR MAINTEN ANCE AND INSPECTION This chapter provides the "PRECAUTIONS FO R MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION" of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment 6.1 Inspection items...........
264 Inspection items The inverter is a static unit mainly cons isting of semicon ductor devices. Daily inspection must b e performed to prevent any fault from occurring due to the adverse effects of t.
265 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTE NANCE AND INSPECTION Inspection items 6.1.3 Daily and periodic inspection ∗1 It is recommended to insta ll a device to monitor voltage for checkin g the power supply voltage to the inverter . ∗2 One to two year s of periodic insp ection cycle is recommended.
266 Inspection items 6.1.4 Display of the life of the inverter parts The self-diagnostic alarm is output when the life span of the co n trol circuit capacitor , coo ling fan and each parts of the inru sh current limit circuit is near to give an indicatio n of replacement time.
267 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTE NANCE AND INSPECTION Inspection items 6.1.7 Replaceme nt of parts The inverter consists of many electronic part s such as semiconductor devices. The following parts may deteriorate with age because of their structures or physical characteristics, lead ing to reduced performance or fault of the inverter .
268 Inspection items Removal 1) Push the hooks fro m above and remove the fan cover . FR-D720-165 or less FR-D740-080 or le ss FR-D720S-070 and 100 FR-D720-238 or more FR-D740-120 or more 2) Disconnect the fan connectors.
269 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTE NANCE AND INSPECTION Inspection items Reinstallation 1) After confirming the orien tation of the fan, reinstall the fan so that the arrow on the left of "AIR FLOW" faces up. 2) Reconne ct the fan connectors. 3) When wiring, use care to avoid the cables being caught by th e fan.
270 Inspection items (2) Smoothing cap acitors A large-capacity aluminum electrolytic capacitor is used for smoothing in the main circuit DC secti on, and an aluminum electrolytic capacitor is used for stabilizing the control power in the control circuit.
271 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTE NANCE AND INSPECTION 6.2 Measurement of main cir cuit voltages, cur rents and pow er s Since the voltages and currents on the inverter power supply and output si des include harmonics, measurement data depends on the instruments used and circuits measured.
272 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers Measuring Point s and Instrument s Item Measuring Point M easurin g Instrument Remarks (Reference Measured V alue) Power supply voltage V .
273 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTE NANCE AND INSPECTION 6.2.1 Measurement of powers Using an electro-dynamometer type meter , mea sure the power in bo th the input a nd output sides of the inverter using the tw o- or three-wattmeter method.
274 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6.2.3 Measurement of currents Use a moving-iron type meter on both the input and output side s of the inverter .
275 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTE NANCE AND INSPECTION 6.2.7 Insulation resistance test using megger For the inverter , conduct the insulation re sistance test on the main circuit only as shown below and do not perform the test on the control circui t.
276 MEMO.
277 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 7 SPECIFICA TIONS This chapter provides the "SPECI FICA TIONS" of this product. Always read the instructio ns before using the equipment 7.1 Rating .................................................... ......................
278 Rating 7.1 Rating Three-phase 2 00V power supply Three-phase 4 00V power supply ∗1 The applicable motor capacity indicat ed is the maximum capaci ty appl icable for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole st andard motor .
279 7 SPECIFICA TIONS Rating Single-phase 200V power supply ∗1 The applicable motor capacity indicated is the maximum c apacity applicable for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor . ∗2 The rated output cap acity indicated assumes that the output volt age is 230V .
280 Common specifications 7.2 Common specifications Control specifica tions Control method Soft-PWM control /high carrier freq uency PWM control (V/F c ontrol, General-purpose ma gnetic flux vector control, Optimum excitation control can be selected) Output frequenc y range 0.
281 7 SPECIFICA TIONS Outline dimension drawings 7.3 Outline dimension drawings FR-D720-008 to 042 FR-D720S-008 to 042 FR-D720-070 to 165 FR-D740-012 to 080 FR-D720S-070 (Unit: mm (inches)) (Unit: mm (inches)) 1- φ 5 hole 5(0.20) 4(0.
282 Outline dimension drawings FR-D720S-100 FR-D720-238, 318 FR-D740-120, 160 (Unit: mm (inches)) (Unit: mm (inches)) 2- φ 5 hole Rating plate 5(0.20) 5(0.20) 128(5.04) 140(5.51) 145(5.71) 60(2.36) 6(0.24) 6(0.24) 138(5.43) 150(5.91) FA N 2- φ 5 hole Rating plate 6(0.
283 7 SPECIFICA TIONS Outline dimension drawings Parameter unit (option ) (FR-PU07) < Outline drawing > < Panel cut dimension drawing > Enclosure surface operation p anel (option) (FR-P A07) < Outline drawing >< Panel cut dimension drawing > 80.
284 MEMO.
285 APPENDIX This chapter provides the "A PPENDIX" of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment..
286 Numerics 15-speed selecti on (combination with three spe eds RL, RM, RH)(REX signal) ... ............ .......... ............ ............ .......... ..89 , 113 A Acceleration time, decele ration time setting (Pr. 7, Pr. 8, Pr. 20, Pr. 21, Pr. 44, Pr.
287 M Magnitude of frequency change setting (Pr. 295) .......... ..... 240 Maintenance sign al output (MT) ........ ............ .......... ...... 233, 252 Maintenance ti mer alarm (Pr. 503, Pr. 504) ............ ............ 2 33 Maintenance ti mer signal (Y95 sign al) .
288 Stall prevention o peration (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 48, Pr. 66, Pr. 156, Pr. 157) ... ............ ............ .......... ............ ............ .......... .....79 Start command source and frequency comman d source during communicat ion operation (Pr.
289 MEMO.
290 REVISIONS *The man ual number i s given on th e bottom lef t of the back cover . For Maximum Safety • Mitsubishi inverters are not designed or manufactured to be u sed in equipment or systems in situ ations that can affect or endan ger human life.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Mitsubishi Electronics FR-D740-012 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Mitsubishi Electronics FR-D740-012 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Mitsubishi Electronics FR-D740-012, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Mitsubishi Electronics FR-D740-012 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Mitsubishi Electronics FR-D740-012, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Mitsubishi Electronics FR-D740-012.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Mitsubishi Electronics FR-D740-012. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Mitsubishi Electronics FR-D740-012 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.