Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CF911PE du fabricant Minolta
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Operator’s Manual CF911PE CF911PE.
i CF911PE Operator’s Manual T o ensure op tim um per forman c e of th e print er, follow the prec autio ns li ste d below . • Nev er pla ce a he a vy obje ct on the pri nt er . • Nev er subject the pri nter to sh oc ks. • Nev er open any doors or t urn t he print e r off while the pri nter is ma king pri nt s.
ii Using the Printer Properly CF911PE Operator’s Manual • Alwa ys us e the cor r ec t power v olt age , as im pro per voltag e can c ause a fire or elec trical shoc k. • Ne v er u se a mu lt iple out le t ad apte r , as a f ire or electr ical shock ca n re sult.
iii CF911PE Operator’s Manual Safety In f orma tion SAFETY IN FORMATION This c olo r printer is a digi ta l printer which op er at es b y mea n s of a laser . There is no poss ibility of dange r from t he la ser , pro vided t he pri nter is operat ed acc ord ing to the inst ructi ons in th is manual.
iv Using the Printer Properly CF911PE Operator’s Manual Fo r E u r o p e a n U s e r s : W ARNING U se of co ntr ols , adj ust m ents o r pe rf orm ance of p r oc e dures ot her th an t hose s pec ifie d in th is ma nual may r esult i n haz ar dous ra diation e xposur e.
v Using the Printer Properly CF911PE Operator’s Manual Laser Safety Labe ls Label on printer surfac e A las er safet y labe l is attach ed to the outside o f the p r inter as sh o wn belo w . The M anuf actur er’ s Name P late i s af f ixe d at t he positi on il lus trat ed abo ve.
vi CF911PE Operator’s Manual Regulatory Inf ormation F or United St at es Users: W ARNING This equi pment has been teste d and found to compl y with the li mits fo r a Class A digit al de vice , pursuant to P a rt 15 of th e FCC Rules.
vii Using the Printer Properly CF911PE Operator’s Manual Fo r E ur o p e a n U s e rs : Thank y ou for choosing Min olta. This operat or’ s manual expl ains how to operat e the color printer and replenish i ts sup plies.
viii CF911PE Operator’s Manual T echnical Supp ort F or United St at es and Canad a Use rs: Thank yo u fo r choos ing Minolt a qu alit y . Fo r ov er 30 ye ars M inolt a h as been a leader on the foref ront of of f ice equipment techn ology and servi ce.
ix CF911PE Operator’s Manual T erms and Symbols f or the T ype of Printer Paper A fe w special terms and s ymbols a r e used in th is manua l to desi gna te the types of printer paper .
CF911PE Operator’s Manua l x Contents Organiz ation Chapte rs 1 thro ugh 3 contai n the basic inf ormati on for maki ng p rint s. Be sure to read t hese c hapters before at temp ting t o use your pr inter . Using the Printer Properl y .... .........
xi CF911PE Operator’s Manual Contents Contents Chapter 6 Miscellan eous ........ ....... . . . .... .. ... .... ... .... ... .... .. . .. .... .. . .. .... . ....... .. .... ... .... ... . 6-1 1. Specifications .......... ......................... .
1-1 Safe ty Note s Ch ap ter 1 Chapter 1 Safety Not es.
1-2 Safe ty Note s Ch ap ter 1 CF911PE Operator’s Manua l 1. I nstalling the Printer Installation Site T o ensur e optimal sa fety a nd pre v ent p ossible m a lfunc ti ons of the unit, install the p rinter i n a locat io n which mee ts th e follo wing requi rements.
1-3 Safe ty Note s Ch ap ter 1 CF911PE Operator’s Manual 2. Pr ecautions f or Use Opera ting En vir onment The ope rating e n vironmen tal requ ir ements o f the pri nter are as fo llo ws. T emperatur e : 10°C to 30°C ( 50°F t o 86° F) with a fluctuati on of 10°C (1 8°F) per hour .
1-4 2. Precau t ions for Us e Safe ty Note s Ch ap ter 1 CF911PE Operator’s Manua l Storage of Prints • If prin ts ar e to be k ept f or a long ti me, ke ep them i n a plac e whic h is not e xposed to l i ght to pr e v ent f ad- ing. • If an adhe si v e con taini ng sol v ent ( e.
2-1 Ge ttin g to Kno w Y our Pri nte r Ch apte r 2 Chapter 2 Getting to Know Y our Printer.
2-2 Ge ttin g to Kno w Y our Pri nte r Ch apte r 2 CF911PE Operator’s Manua l 1. System Ov erview 1144 O1 84A A 1144 O003A B Duplex Unit AD-7 <Opt ion> Au to mati call y turn s over one-s id ed pri nts t o produ ce tw o-s ided pr ints.
2-3 Ge ttin g to Kno w Y our Pri nte r Ch apte r 2 CF911PE Operator’s Manual 2. Printer Part s and Accesso ries Ou ts id e th e Un i t Exit T ray: Ho ld s the prin ts eje cted fr om th e unit . Manual Bypas s T ray: Use for manu al fee ding of prin ter paper into the unit .
2-4 2. Printer Parts an d Accessori e s Ge ttin g to Kno w Y our Pri nte r Ch apte r 2 CF911PE Operator’ s Manual Insi de the Unit T oner Hopper Lid: Open when a dding t oner . ☞ p. 4-4 - : Operate these par ts to clea r misfed shee ts of pape r .
2-5 2. Pr inte r Pa rt s and A c cesso ries Ge ttin g to Kno w Y our Pri nte r Ch apte r 2 CF911PE Operator’s Manual Options Large Capacity Cassette Cassette Release Le ver : Use to r el ease th e casse tte f rom t he unit when it is n ecessa ry to c lea r a misf eed.
2-6 Ge ttin g to Kno w Y our Pri nte r Ch apte r 2 CF911PE Operator’s Manua l 3. T ur n in g ON and OFF T ur ning ON a nd OFF • Turning the pr inte r ON Press th e Po wer Switch to the (ON) posi tion. • Turning the pr inte r OFF Press the Po wer Switch to the (OFF) po siti on.
2-7 3. Turnin g ON and OF F Ge ttin g to Kno w Y our Pri nte r Ch apte r 2 CF911PE Operator’s Manual Continuous Prin ting Precautions The pr in ting o per ation stops for the fo llo wing in terv als.
2-8 3. Turning ON and OFF Ge ttin g to Kno w Y our Pri nte r Ch apte r 2 CF911PE Operator’ s Manual.
Printing Pr oce dures Ch a p t er 3 3-1 Chapter 3 Print ing Pr ocedur es.
3-2 Printing Pr oce dures Ch a p t er 3 CF911PE Operator’ s Manual 1. Printing & Function Se ttin gs Prin ti ng & Function Settings Refer to the follo wing manua ls for the proc edure a bout a printin g and/or funct ion setti ngs.
When a Mes sage App ears Ch a p t er 4 4-1 Chapter 4 When a Mess a ge Ap pear s.
4-2 When a M essage Appears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’ s Manual 1. When th e Message “L oad XX i n any t ray .” A ppears The messa ge sho wn on th e lef t is d ispla yed when the T r ay curr ently selecte d for u se runs out of paper . The curren t p rint cycle is inter rup ted an d you cannot star t a ne w pr in t c ycle.
4-3 1. When the Mes s age “Load XX in any tray.” Appears When a Message Appears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’s Manual Grasp the tab of th e Edg e Gui de and slide it to t he s ize of the paper to be l oaded. Pr essin g the p lasti c part of t he T rail ing Edge Stop, slid e it to the s iz e of the pa per to be lo a ded .
4-4 When a M essage Appears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’ s Manual 2. When the Message “T oner Near Empty” or “No XX T oner .” A ppears The messa ge sho wn on the le ft appear s when t oner will run o ut soon. Y ou can sti ll mak e pri nts, b ut the image densi ty will b ecome light er and li ghter .
4-5 2. When t he Message “Toner Near Empt y” or “No XX T oner.” Appears When a Message Appears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’s Manual Remo ve the bott le ca p and peel o ff t he sea l. Open th e T oner Hoppe r Li d. NO TE Mak e absol utel y certai n that the co lor of th e toner m atc hes the col or o f the T one r Hop per Lid.
4-6 When a Mes sage App ears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’ s Manual 3. When the Message “P aper Ja m.” A ppears Misfeed Location Displays Dif f er ent pr ocedures are us ed t o c lea r a mis fe d sheet of pap er depe nding on t he l oca ti on.
4-7 3. W hen the Message “Paper Jam. ” Appears When a Message Appears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’s Manual Open the Le ft Door . Pull out th e sheet of pap er from th e T ranspor t Sect ion. Ra ise th e Guid e Pla te , t urn K nob and pul l out the sheet of pa per .
When a M essage Appears Ch a p t er 4 4-8 3. When the Message “Paper Jam .” Appears CF911PE Operator’ s Manual Grasp the Fusin g Unit Le v er and open the F using Unit . Whil e tu rnin g Kn ob , pull o ut th e shee t of pa per and close the Fus ing Unit.
4-9 3. W hen the Message “Paper Jam. ” Appears When a Message Appears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’s Manual Ope n the L eft Door and pull o ut the sheet of paper from the T rans port Section. Clo se t he Le ft D oor . Slid e the T ray out. Unlo ad the paper st ack fr om the T ray .
4-10 3. When the Messag e “Paper Jam.” Appears When a Message Appe ars Chapter 4 CF911PE Operator’s Manual Press the P aper Descent K ey . Grasping the Door Lock Release Le ver , open the C asset te Door and re move the she et of paper . Close th e Cassette Door .
4-11 3. W hen the Message “Paper Jam. ” Appears When a Message Appears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’s Manual Graspi ng the Lock Release Le ve r , open t he Duple x Unit . Ope n the M isfe ed Remo va l Guide and remo ve t he she et of paper . Clo se t he Du plex U nit.
4-12 When a Mes sage App ears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’ s Manual 4. When the Message “Fuser O il Near Empt y” or “No fuser oi l. ” Appears 5.
4-13 When a M essage Appears Ch a p t er 4 CF911PE Operator’s Manual 6. What Does Each Message Mean? What Does Each Message Mean? M essag e Ca use Act ion “Com error ” The M icro p ress i s not re ce ve A CK of the print e r . The i nterf ace cab le is not co n- nect ed .
When a M essage Appears Ch a p t er 4 4-14 6. What Does Each Message Mea n? CF911PE Operator’ s Manual NO TE F or all ot her message s, see the Appendi x A: Pri nter Mess age s of t he Pr int S tatio n Use r Guide .
T r ou bles hoot ing Ch a p t er 5 5-1 Chapter 5 T roubleshoo ting.
5-2 T roubleshoot ing Ch a p t er 5 CF911PE Operator’ s Manual 1. When This T y pe of Print is Pr oduced When the re is a p roblem wi th the pr int image quali ty , check bot h the print size and print er dr iv er opt ions. Print Im age Condi tion Pos sible Cause Acti on Th e pri nt ima ge is too light or th e color is light .
5-3 T roubleshoot ing Ch a p t er 5 CF911PE Operator’s Manual 2. Printer Malfunctions The p r in te r is ma lfu n ction ing. If t hese p rocedures do not cor rect the probl em, co nta ct you r T echnic al Represent ati ve. Prin ter Conditi on Check f or: Action Prin ting c annot be pe rforme d e ven if data is se nt fro m the comput er .
5-4 2. Printer Malfunctions T roubleshoot ing Ch a p t er 5 CF911PE Operator’ s Manual.
Chapter 6 Miscellaneous 6-1 Chapter 6 Miscellaneous.
6-2 Chapter 6 Misc ella neo us CF911PE Operator’s Manual 1. Specif ications Specif ication s Printer Main Unit T ype Console type printer Photoconductor OPC Printing Sy stem E lectros tatic Dry Pow .
6-3 1. Specifications Chapter 6 Miscellane ous CF911PE Operator ’ s Manual Large Capacity Cassette C -101 Kinds of P aper Plain paper (6 0 to 90g/ m ² ) (16 lbs. to 24 lbs.) , Rec ycled paper P ap er Si ze A4C, Lett er C Capacity 1,000 sheets (80g/m ² ) (21-1 /4 lbs.
6-4 1. Specifications Chapter 6 Miscellane ous CF911PE Operator ’ s Manual Duplex Unit AD-7 Kinds of P aper Plain paper: 60 to 90g/m ² (16 lb s. to 2 4 lbs.
6-5 Chapter 6 Miscellaneous CF911PE Operator ’ s Manual 2. Car e of the Unit Cleaning T urn the Pri nter P ower Switch OFF when cleaning . W ipe the su rface of t he Housing clean with a soft cloth da mpened with mild home deter gent. W ipe the ins ide of t he Fr ont Door clean wi th a soft, dr y cloth.
6-6 Chapter 6 Misc ella neo us CF911PE Operator ’ s Manual 3. Paper Size T able Name Size (Metric ) Siz e (Inc h) A3 297 mm × 420 mm 11-3/4" × 16-1 /2 " B4 257 mm × 364 mm 10" × 1.
6-7 4. Index Chapter 6 Misce llaneo us CF911PE Operator ’ s Manual 4. Index Index A AD-7 pp. 2-2, 6 -4 C C-101 p. 6-3 Cleaning p . 6-5 Cros swise p . ix D Duple x Unit pp. 2-2, 4- 6, 4-11, 6-4 E En vironment p. 1 -3 Exit T ray p. 2-3 F Feeding Dir ection p.
6-8 4. Index Chapter 6 Miscellane ous CF911PE Operator ’ s Manual S Safety I nformat ion p. i ii Safety La bel p. v Safe ty Notes p. 1-1 Site p. 1- 2 Space p. 1-2 Specif ication p. 6-2 Storage p . 1-4 Supplies p. 1-3 Symbols p. ix T The Fuser Oi l has r un out p.
6-9 Chapter 6 Miscellaneous CF911PE Operator ’ s Manual 5. About this Manual Copyright © 1999 Minolta Co., Ltd. All Right s Reserv ed. Reproduct ion, adapt ation, or translat ion without prior writt en permis sion is pro hibit ed, ex cept as allo wed under the cop yright la ws.
6-10 5. Abou t this Manual Chapter 6 Miscellane ous CF911PE Operator ’ s Manual.
1999. 07 Copyright 1999 MINOLTA CO., LTD. Made in Japan The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice to incorporate improvements made on the product or products the manual covers.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Minolta CF911PE c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Minolta CF911PE - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Minolta CF911PE, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Minolta CF911PE va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Minolta CF911PE, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Minolta CF911PE.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Minolta CF911PE. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Minolta CF911PE ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.