Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 100462887 du fabricant Maxtor
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DiamondMax 20 Serial A T A 40 - 160G B SA T A Mar ch 20 0 7 PN: 100 46288 7.
© 2007 , Maxtor Cor poration All ri ghts reserv ed Pub l ica tion number : 10046288 7, Rev . A March 2007 Maxtor a nd MaxFax are registered tr ademarks of Maxtor C orporatio n, registered in the U.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A i.
ii Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A iii Conte nt s 1.0 Introd u ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Abou t the Serial ATA interf ace .
iv Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A v List o f Figur es Figure 1. Typical 5V star tup and op eration current profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 2. Typical 12V startup and o peration cur rent profi l e .
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 1 1.0 I ntroduction This ma nual descri bes the functi onal, mech anical and inter face specifi cations for the follow i n g DiamondMa x ® 20 Se rial A T A model d rives: These d rives provide the following key fe atures: • 7,200 R PM spindle spe ed.
2 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 1.1 Abo ut the S erial A T A i nterfac e The Serial A T A int erface pr ovides sever al advant ages over the trad itional (p arall el) A T A int erface. The primary advant ages include: • Easy inst allation and configuration with true plug -and-play co nnectivity .
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 3 2.0 Drive specificati ons Unles s otherwise note d, all speci fications are m eas ured under ambient con ditions, at 25°C , and no minal pow er . For conven ience, the phra ses the drive and this drive are used thr oughout this man ual to indicate the fo ll ow ing dr ive mod els : 2.
4 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A T able 1: Drive s pecific ations s ummary for 160 Gb yte models Drive sp ecificatio n STM3160811AS STM3160211AS Formatte d Gbytes (51 2 bytes/ sect.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 5 * One Gbyte equa ls one billi o n bytes when referri n g to har d drive capa city . Accessible capacity m ay va ry dependin g on ope rating en viro nment and formatting. * *Dur ing per io ds of driv e idle, some offline act ivity ma y occur ac cor ding to the S.
6 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A T able 2: Drive s pecific ations s ummary for 80 an d 40 Gbyt e models Drive sp ecificatio n STM38 081 1A S STM3 8021 1AS STM 340211AS Formatte d G.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 7 * One Gbyte equa ls one billi o n bytes when referri n g to har d drive capa city . Accessible capacity m ay va ry dependin g on ope rating en viro nment and formatting. * *Dur ing per io ds of driv e idle, some offline act ivity ma y occur ac cor ding to the S.
8 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 2.2 Forma tted ca pacity *One Gb yte equals one billion bytes whe n referr ing to h ard drive capa city.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 9 2. 4 Rec ord in g and i nt er fac e te ch no l o gy 2.5 Phy sical cha racte risti cs Interface Serial A T A (SA T A) Recording method 16/17 EPRML Recording dens it y KBPI (kbits/inc h max) 756.09 T rack density KTPI (ktracks/inch avg) 141.
10 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 2.6 S eek ti me Seek mea surem ent s a re t ake n w ith nom inal po wer a t 25 °C amb ient tempe rature.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 11 2. 8 Pow er sp ecif ica tion s The driv e receive s DC po we r ( +5V or +12V ) t hrou gh a nat ive SA T A po w er connect or . See Figu re 4 on page 22. 2. 8.1 Powe r con sumpt ion Power requir emen ts fo r the driv e s are lis ted in the t able on pa ge 9.
12 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A T y pical curr ent prof iles Figure 1. T ypical 5V startup an d operation current profile Figure 2.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 13 2.8.4 Powe r- manag eme nt modes The drive provid es pr ogrammable pow er managem ent to provide greater energy ef ficiency . In m ost systems, you can control power management t hrough th e system setup pro gram.
14 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 2.9 E nviron men t al sp ecif i catio ns 2.9.1 Ambie nt temper ature Amb i e nt temperatu re is d efined as the te mperatur e of t he environmen t immedi ately su rrounding the dri ve.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 15 2.9.6 V ibration All vi bration specificati ons assume that th e drive is mo unted securely with the input vibration applied at the driv e mounting screws. Vibra tion may be a pplied in the X, Y or Z axis.
16 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 2.1 1 Elec trom agne tic i mmuni ty When pr operly inst alled in a re present ative host syst em, the drive oper ates without errors or degr adation in perfor mance when subjected to the radio fre quency (RF) environmen ts defined in the foll owing tab le: 2.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 17 2.1 3 A gency certi fica t ion 2.13.1 Safe ty certific ation The drives ar e recognized i n accordance with UL 1950 and CSA C22.2 (950) and meet all applicabl e sections of IEC9 50 and EN 60950 as tested by T UV North Am erica.
18 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 2.13.3 FCC ver ification These dr ives are in tende d to be cont ained solel y withi n a person al compute r or similar encl osu re (no t atta ched as an e xtern al device ).
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 19 2. 15 Corr osiv e en viron men t Seag ate electronic drive compo nents p ass a ccelerated corr osion testing equivalent to 10 years expo sure to light industrial en vironment s containing sulfurous gases, chl orine and nitric oxide , classes G and H per ASTM B845 .
20 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 21 3.0 Conf igurin g and mountin g the dr ive This secti on contai ns the spec i f i ca tions and instr uctions for con figuring and mounting th e drive.
22 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 3.2 C onfigu rin g th e drive Each dr ive on the Seria l A T A inte rface connect s point-to- point with the Seria l A T A host adapter . There is no master /slave relationsh i p because each dr i ve is consider ed a master in a point-to -point rel ationship.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 23 3. 4 Dri ve mo unt ing Y ou can mou nt the drive in any orie ntation using four screws in the sid e-mounting holes or f our screws in the bottom- mou nti ng holes. S ee Figur e 5 for drive moun ti ng dimensio ns.
24 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 25 4.0 Ser ia l A T A (S A T A) inte rf ace These drive s use the industry-st andard Serial A T A inte rfa ce that su pports FIS dat a tran sfers. It s upport s A T A progr ammed inpu t/output (PIO) modes 0–4; mul tiword DMA modes 0–2, an d Ultra DM A modes 0–6.
26 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 4. 2 Ser ial A T A devi ce p lug c onne ct or p in de fin ition s Table 6 summarizes t he signal s on the Serial ATA interface and power co nnectors. . Notes: 1. All pi ns are in a si ngle row , with a 1 .
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 27 4.3 S uppor ted A T A c omm ands The foll owing tab le lists Serial A T A standard co mmands that th e drive support s. For a de tailed descrip tion of the A T A command s, refer to the Se rial A T A: High S peed Serial ized A T Attachme nt sp ecification .
28 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A Security Era se Unit F 4 H Sec urity Fr eeze F5 H Security Set P assword F1 H Secu r i t y Unlo ck F2 H Seek 70 H Set Features EF H Set Max Address F9 H Note: Individual Set M ax Address commands are identified by the value placed in the Set Max Features regis- ter as def ined to the right.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 29 4.3.1 Ident ify Device command The Id entify Device comm and (com mand code EC H ) transfers infor mation abou t the drive to the host following power up . The dat a is organi zed as a single 512 -byte block of dat a, whose cont ents are shown in T able 7 on pag e 27.
30 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 60–61 T otal number of user-addressable LBA sectors available (see Section 2. 2 for related inf ormation) *Note: The maximum value allow ed in this field is: 0F FFFFFF h (268,435,455 sector s , 137 Gbytes).
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 31 Note. Advanced Power Management (APM) and Automatic Acoustic Management (AAM) features are not supported Note. See t he bit descriptio ns below for wor ds 63, 88, a nd 93 of the Iden tify Drive d ata.
32 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 4.3.2 Set Feat ures c omman d This com man d con trol s t he im pleme ntati on of var ious f eatur es th at th e dr ive sup ports. When th e dri ve r eceives this command, it sets B SY , checks the con tents of t he Features reg ister , clears BSY and gene rates an inter - rupt.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 33 4.3.3 S.M.A. R . T . co m mands S.M.A.R .T . provides n ear-term fail ure predic tion for disc drives. W hen S.M.A.R .T . is enabled, the d rive moni- tors pr edetermin ed drive at tributes tha t are suscep tible to deg radation ove r time.
34 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 35 5.0 Maxtor suppo r t services Befor e contacting Ma xtor S uppor t, use the Hard Disk Informa tion feature in MaxBlast to view the mode l num- ber and seri al number of your drive .
36 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 37 Index A ACA 17 accelerat i on 15 acoustics 15 Activ e 13 Active m ode 13 actuator arm 11 Agency certification 17 altitude 1 4 Ambie nt temperature.
38 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A Identify Device 27 Identify Device command 29 Idle 13 , 27 Idle Imm ediate 27 Idle mod e 11 , 13 IEC950 17 Inform ation Techn ology Equipm ent (IT.
Diam ondMax 20 Seri al ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A 39 S S.M.A. R.T. Disabl e Opera tions 28 S.M.A. R.T. Enable Operati ons 28 S.M.A.R .T. Enable/ D isable Autosave 28 S.M. A.R.T. Exe c ute Offlin e 28 S.M.A.R .T. imple mentation 2 7 S.M.A. R.T. Read Attribute Thr esholds 28 S.
40 Diam ondMax 20 Se rial ATA Produ ct Manual, Rev. A.
Maxto r Corp or at ion 920 D isc Drive, Sc otts V alley, Californi a 95066-4544 , USA Public ation Numb er: 10046 2887, Rev . A, Prin ted in USA.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Maxtor 100462887 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Maxtor 100462887 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Maxtor 100462887, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Maxtor 100462887 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Maxtor 100462887, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Maxtor 100462887.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Maxtor 100462887. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Maxtor 100462887 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.