Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit LMS-337C DF du fabricant Lowrance electronic
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Pub. 988-0156-071 LMS-332C & LMS-337C DF Fish-finding Sonar & Mapping GPS Installation and Operation Instructions.
Copyright © 2004 Lowrance Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, republished, transmitted or distributed for any purpose, without prior written consent of Lowrance Electronics. Any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual is strictly prohibited.
i Table of Contents Section 1: Read Me First! ......................................................... 1 Capabilities and Specification s: LMS- 332 and LMS-337CDF ..... 3 How Lowrance Sonar Works ......................................................
ii Depth Alarms .......................................................................... 62 Zone Alarm .............................................................................. 63 Fish Alarm......................................................
iii Main Menu ................................................................................ 104 Pages ......................................................................................... 106 Sonar Page .........................................
iv Trails ......................................................................................... 144 Delete a Trail ........................................................................ 144 Edit a Trail Name .....................................
v Tide Information ................................................................... 166 Overlay Data ............................................................................. 168 To change displayed data font size:..............................
vi WARNING! A CAREFUL NAVIGATOR NEVER RELIES ON ONLY ONE METHOD TO OBTAIN POSITION INFORMATION. CAUTION When showing navigation data to a position (waypoint), a GPS unit will show the shortest, most direct path to the waypoint. It provides navigation data to the waypoint regardless of obstructions.
1 Section 1: Read Me First! How this manual can get you out on the road, fast! Welcome to the exciting world of digital sonar and GPS! We know you're anxious to begin navigating and finding fish, but we have a favor to ask.
2 After you've gained some experience with your sonar, you'll want to check out Section 4, which discusses more advanced Sonar Options and Other Features .
3 Now, if you're into the fine details, glance over the next segment on specifications to see just how much sonar and GPS power your unit con- tains.
4 built-in temperature sensor is packed with the LM S- 337CDF. It ha s 3 5 ° /12 ° cone angles. A single-frequency Skimmer transducer with built-in temperature sensor is packed with the LM S- 332. It ha s a 20 ° cone angle. Transducers operate at speeds up to 70 mph (61 kts).
5 Custom mapping: .......... MapCreate 6 software optional; optional plug and play LEI FreedomMaps offer the same high-detail without the computer work of MapCreate. Other plug and play mapping options include IMS Fishing Hot Spots , LEI NauticPaths charts and Navionics charts.
6 1957.) A son ar con sists of a tr ansmi tter , tran sduce r, rec eiver and d is- play. In simple terms, here's how it finds the bottom, or the fish: The transmitter emits an electrical impulse, which the transducer con- verts into a sound wave and sends into the water.
7 Your unit listens to signals from as many satellites as it can "see" above the horizon, eliminates the weakest signals, then computes its location in relation to those satellites. Once the unit figures its latitude and lon- gitude, it plots that position on the moving map shown on the screen.
8 No matter where they come from, GPS Data Files must be loaded from the MMC into memory before your unit can use them.) The other key GPS use for MMCs is storage of special high-detail, cus- tom maps, which you can produce on your computer with our MapCre- ate software.
9 fies the satellite and its position above the earth. Three of these satellites are spares, unused until needed. The rest virtually guarantee that at least four satellites are in view nearly anywhere on Earth at all times. A minimum of three satellites are required to determine a 2D fix.
10 WAAS is designed to increase GPS accuracy to within 7.6 meters vertically and horizontally, but it consistently delivers accuracies within 1-2 meters horizontal and 2-3 meters vertical, according to the FAA. It does this by broadcasting correction signals on GPS frequencies.
11 Keyboard The other keys perform a variety of functions. When the text refers to a key to press, the key is shown in bold, sans serif type. For example, the "Enter/Icons" key is shown as ENT and the "Menu" key is shown as MENU .
12 Notes.
13 Section 2: Installation & Accessories Preparations You can install the sonar and GPS systems in some other order if you prefer, but we recommend this installation sequence: Caution: You should read over this entire installation section before drill- ing any holes in your vehicle or vessel! 1.
14 Read these instructions carefully before attempting the installation. Determine which of the mounting positions is right for your boat. Re- member, the transducer installation is the most critical part of a sonar installation.
15 at speeds faster than 35 mph. Typically, a good transom location on aluminum boats is between the ribs closest to the engine. 3. The transducer should be installed with its face pointing straight down, if possible. For shoot-thru applications: Many popular fishing boat hulls have a flat keel pad that offers a good mounting surface.
16 usually give you the best combination of smooth water flow and protec- tion from bangs and bumps. Align transducer centerline with hull bottom. However, there are times when you may need to adjust the transducer slightly higher or lower. (The slots in the mounting brackets allow you to loosen the screws and slide the transducer up or down.
17 Second, the transducer angle cannot be adjusted for the best fish arches on your sonar display. (This is not an issue for flasher-style sonars.) Lack of angle adjustment can be particularly troublesome on hulls that sit with the bow high when at rest or at slow trolling speeds.
18 Place the ratchets into the bracket with the letter "A" aligned with the alignment mark mold ed in to th e br acke t. Pl ace t he ra tch ets o nto t he transducer with the letter "A" aligned with the 12 o'clo ck position on the transducer stem.
19 If the transducer's face isn't parallel with the ground, remove the transducer and ratchets from the bracket. Place the ratchets into the holes in the bracket with the letter "B" aligned with the dot stamped in the bracket. Reassemble the transducer and bracket and place them against the transom.
20 Assemble transducer and bracket. 3. Assembling the transducer. A. One-piece bracket: Once you determine the correct position for the ratchets, assemble the transducer as shown in the following fig- ure. Don't tighten the lock nut at this time.
21 Position transducer mount on transom and mark mounting holes. Side view shown, left, and seen from above at right. 5. Attaching transducer to transom. A. One-piece bracket: Remove the transducer from the bracket and re-assemble it with the cable passing through the bracket over the bolt as shown in the following figures.
22 Align transducer centerline with hull bottom and attach transducer to transom. Rear view of dual-frequency Skimmer shown. 6. Route the transducer cable through or over the transom to the sonar unit. Make sure to leave some slack in the cable at the transducer.
23 Trolling Motor Bracket Installation (single-frequency only) 1. Attach the optional TMB-S bracket to the transducer as shown in the following figure, using the hardware supplied with the transducer. (Note: The internal tooth washer is supplied with the TMB-S.
24 Transducer angles and their effects on fish arches. If the arch slopes up – but not back down – then the front of the trans- ducer is too high and needs to be lowered. If only the back half of the arch is printed, then the nose of the transducer is angled too far down and needs to be raised.
25 WARNING: Do not remove any material from your inner hull unless you know the hull's composition. Careless grinding or cutting on your hull can result in damage that could sink your boat. Contact your boat dealer or manufacturer to confirm your hull specifications.
26 To choose the proper location for shoot-thru-hull mounting, follow these testing procedures: (You may need a helper to complete these steps.) 1. Anchor the boat in about 30 feet of water.
27 4. Most people can get good results by following steps 1 through 3, so this step is optional . If you want to make an extra effort to be absolutely sure that your selected location will work under all conditions, make a test run with the boat on plane and observe the bottom signal.
28 2. The epoxy consists of the epoxy itself and a hardener. Remove the two compounds from the package and place them on the paper plate. Thoroughly stir the two compounds together until the mixture has a uniform color and consistency. Do not mix too fast or bubbles will form in the epoxy.
29 Once you've determined the proper location for the unit, place the sen- sor on the transom. The bottom of the bracket should be flush with the hull's bottom. Using the sensor as a template, mark the hull for the screws' pilot holes. Drill four 1/8" holes, one in each end of the slots.
30 sor's socket. If you have any questions concerning the installation of the sensor, please contact your local boat dealer. GPS Antenna/Receiver Module The LMS-332 and LMS-337CDF packages include the LGC-2000 GPS module. This device contains the unit's external antenna and receiver for GPS and WAAS signals.
31 LGC-2000 direct connection to GPS unit. NOTE: The extension cable’s shorter branch will have a 60-ohm terminator at- tached to it. Do not remove this terminator. When you're not con- necting to a NMEA 2000 buss, you must leave the terminator con- nected to this socket for your antenna/receiver to function correctly.
32 LGC-2000 remote connection to NMEA 2000 buss. NOTE: An existing operational NMEA 2000 buss will already have termina- tors in place and will already be powered. If you're connecting to such a network, you won't need the terminators or extension cable provided.
33 Powering a NMEA 2000 Buss (NMEA 2000 Power cable) A NMEA 2000 buss must be connected to a power source to operate. If you have a pre-existing NMEA 2000 installation, it may already be connected to another power source. If your NMEA 2000 buss is already powered, you can ignore the NMEA 2000 Power cable.
34 power cable when the unit is not in use. When you are not using the unit, you should always shut off power to the power cable, es- pecially when the power cable is disconnected from the unit. If possible, keep the power cable away from other boat wiring, especially the engine's wires.
35 electrical devices, this unit could be damaged to a point that it is unrepairable and could even cause harm to the user when not properly fused. CAUTION: Do not use this product without a 3-amp fuse wired into the power cable! Failure to use a 3-amp fuse will void your warranty.
36 2.0 communication port. Com port one (Com-1) can be used to receive NMEA format GPS data. The com port can also transmit NMEA format GPS data to another device. The four wires for the com port are combined with the Power Supply cable and NMEA 2000 Power cable to form the power/data cable (shown earlier).
37 LMS-332 and LMS-337CDF cable connections. Mounting the Unit: Bracket, In-Dash or Portable You can install your unit on the dash with the gimbal bracket. It can also be installed in the dash or mounted on a portable power supply. If you use the supplied bracket, you may be interested in the optional R-A-M bracket mounting system.
38 Optional R-A-M mounting system. Bracket Installation Mount the unit in any convenient location, provided there is clearance behind it when it's tilted for the best viewing angle. You should also make sure there is enough room behind it to attach the power, transducer and GPS antenna/receiver module cables.
39 Drill a 1-inch (25.4 mm) hole in the dash for the power, transducer and antenna cables. The best location for this hole is immediately under the gimbal bracket location. This way, the bracket can be installed so that it covers the hole, holds the cables in position and results in a neat in- stallation.
40 In-Dash Installation You can mount the unit in the dash with an optional FM-5 In-Dash Adapter Kit. The kit includes mounting hardware, a template for cut- ting the hole and an instruction sheet, part 988-0147-43. In-dash mounting template for LMS-332 and LMS-337CDF sonar/GPS units, showing dimensions.
41 PPP-15 Portable Power Pack with transducer installed. Shown with the X67C IceMachine . MMC or SD Card Memory Card Installation Your unit uses a MultiMedia Card to store information, such as sonar logs, custom maps, waypoints, trails and other GPS data.
42 Memory card compartment with a 16 MB MMC card installed. To remove an MMC 1. Open the card compartment door by unscrewing the thumb screw. The screw should only be finger tight. If it was over-tightened, use a thumbnail, a coin or a screwdriver to open the door.
43 MapCreate™ 6 CD-ROM, left; MMC card reader for USB ports, right. Now that you have your unit installed, move on to Section 3, Basic So- nar Operations . There, we'll present a series of step-by-step tutorials to teach you the basics of how to operate your sonar.
44 Notes.
45 Section 3: Basic Sonar Operation This section addresses the unit's most basic sonar operations. The in- structions presented in Sec. 3 follow a chronological order. Sec. 4, Sonar Options & Other Features , will discuss other more advanced functions and utilities.
46 4. ARROW KEYS – These keys are used to navigate through the menus, make menu selections, move the map and sonar chart cursors and enter data. 5. ENT/ICONS (Enter & Icons) – This key allows you to save data, ac- cept values or execute menu commands.
47 display, press EXIT . (Remember, our text style for " MENU | MENU " means "press the Menu key twice." See a full explanation of our instruction text formatting on pages 10 and 11, " How to use this manual…" . Main Menu.
48 Browse MMC Files command: this allows you to view the installed MMC card and the files it contains. Pages The unit has four Page displays that represent the four major operating modes. They are the Satellite Status Page, the Navigation Page, the Map Pag e and S onar P age.
49 Satellite Status Page showing satellite lock-on with a 3D position acquired (latitude, longitude and altitude), including WAAS reception. Navigation Page This screen has a compass rose that not only shows your direction of travel, but also the direction to a recalled waypoint.
50 Map Page, showing position on Bull Shoals Lake, Arkansas. Left, the full map option. Right, map with sonar option. Map Page is also the default screen that appears when you turn on the unit. To get to the Map Page from another page: Pre ss PAGES | → or ← to M AP | EXIT .
51 Left, Pages Menu, showing sonar chart display option commands. Right, Sonar Page in full sonar chart display mode. Sonar chart display options (from left) split zoom and split frequency. Sonar chart display options (from left) digital data and FlashGraf .
52 Sonar Page Menu. Most of these functions are discussed in Sec. 4. Sonar Page, showing full sonar chart mode. You can customize how the Sonar Page displays its pictures and other data in many ways. We'll discuss all of those features and options in Sec .
53 Notes.
54 Basic Sonar Quick Reference 1. Mount the transducer, antenna and unit. Connect the unit to electric power and the transducer. (If GPS operation is desired, connect GPS antenna, too.) Make sure the MMC is in. (See complete installation de- tails beginning on page 13.
55 Sonar Operations As you can see from the quick reference on the previous page, basic operation is pretty easy, right out of the box. If you are a sonar novice, try operating the unit with the factory defaults until you get a feel for how it's working.
56 You can change the sensitivity level whether you are in Auto Sensitivity mode or Manual Sensitivity mode. The adjustment method works the same in both modes, but it gives you slightly different results.
57 NOTE: If you want to change the sensitivity in Manual Mode, first turn off Auto Sensitivity: from the Sonar Page, press MENU | ↓ to A UTO S ENSITIVITY | ENT | ↑ to S ENSITIVITY | ENT . Press ↓ or ↑ to pick a different sensitivity setting. When it's set at the desired level, press EXIT .
58 Other Free Training Aids The sonar options section discusses Fish I.D., fish alarms and other features in greater detail. If you or a friend has Internet access, you can also learn more about interpreting what you see on your sonar screen. Visit our web site, www.
59 Free training emulator is available for your unit on our web site. The emulator works exactly like your real sonar/GPS unit. Using the Sonar Simulator and GPS Simulator features, it allows you to p.
60 Notes.
61 Section 4: Sonar Options & Other Features Material in this section is arranged in alphabetical order. ASP (Advanced Signal Processing) The ASP feature is a noise rejection system built into the sonar unit that constantly evaluates the effects of boat speed, water conditions and interference.
62 3. Press ↓ or ↑ to select a setting, then press ENT . 4. To return to the previous page, press EXIT | EXIT . Alarms This unit has three different types of sonar alarms. The first is the Fish Alarm. It sounds when the Fish I.D. feature determines that an echo is a fish.
63 To adjust and turn on the shallow alarm: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to A LARMS | ENT | ↓ to S ONAR A LARMS | ENT . 2. Press → to S HALLOW A LARM D EPTH | ENT . 3. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first number, then press → to move the cursor to the next number and repeat until the depth is correct, then press ENT .
64 Left, Sonar Alarms menu, with Adjust Zone command selected. Right, Adjust Zone Alarm selection box, with Upper selected. 3. To set the upper boundary for the Zone Alarm, use ← or → to select U PPER , then press ↑ or ↓ to move the top of the bar to the desired depth.
65 Sonar Alarms menu with Fish Alarm selected. The check box to the left is blank, indicating the alarm is turned off. To turn the fish alarm on: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to A LARMS | ENT | ↓ to S ONAR A LARMS | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to F ISH A LARM | ENT | EXIT | EXIT | EXIT .
66 Chart Speed The rate that echoes scroll across the screen is called the chart speed. The default is maximum; we recommend that you leave the speed set there for virtually all fishing conditions. However, you might consider experimenting with chart speed when you are stationary or drifting very slowly.
67 "paints" a brighter color on targets that are stronger than a preset value. This allows you to tell the difference between a hard and soft bottom. For example, a soft, muddy or weedy bottom returns a weaker signal which is shown with a narrow, colored line (dark blue tinged with red or a little yellow.
68 At left, little ColorLine indicates a soft bottom, probably sand or mud. At right, the wider ColorLine indicates a harder ottom. Depth Cursor The depth cursor consists of a horizontal line with a digital depth box on the right side. The numbers inside the box show the depth of the cursor.
69 Depth Range - Automatic When turned on for the first time, the bottom signal is automatically placed in the lower half of the screen. This is called Auto Ranging and is part of the automatic function. However, depending upon the bottom depth and the current range, you can change the range to a different depth.
70 To turn Auto Depth Range on again: From the Sonar Page, press MENU | ↓ to A UTO D EPTH R ANGE | ENT | EXIT . NOTE: The sonar's depth capability depends on the water, bottom condi- tions, transducer installation and other factors.
71 Normal display, in auto depth range mode, left. At right, display "zoomed" with Upper and Lower Limits focusing on the portion of the water column from 20 feet to 40 feet deep. In the "zoomed" image, note the target definition at lower left, showing a fish holding just above the structure.
72 Sonar Page showing FasTrack. Fish I.D. (Fish Symbols & Depths) The Fish I.D. feature identifies targets that meet certain conditions as fish. The microcomputer analyzes all echoes and eliminates surface clutter, thermoclines, and other signals that are undesirable.
73 Sonar Features menu with Fish I.D. Symbols selected (at left, dual- frequency menu; at right, single-frequency menu). When the check box to the left is checked, the feature is on. At left, figures 1A and 2A show Sonar Page in normal chart mode. At right, figures 1B and 2B show the same underwater scene with Fish I.
74 To turn the Fish I.D. feature on: 1. From the Sonar Page, press MENU | ↓ to S ONAR F EATURES | ENT . 2. Press → to F ISH S YMBOLS | ENT | EXIT | EXIT . To turn off Fish I.D., repeat the instructions in step 2. FishTrack The FishTrack feature shows the depth of a fish symbol when it ap- pears on the display.
75 percent of the fresh and salt water sport fishing applications. When you get into very deep salt water, 300 to 500 feet or deeper, the 50 kHz fre- quency is the best choice. The 200 kHz transducer will give you better detail and definition, but less depth penetration.
76 Log Sonar Chart Data If you have an MMC installed in the unit, the sonar data shown on the screen can be saved to the MMC. This can be played back at any time (to play a recorded sonar chart log, see the entry in this section for So- nar Simulator).
77 Overlay Data On any Page display except Satellite Status, you can "float" or overlay additional GPS or navigation data on the screen with the Overlay Data command. For example, if you left your watch at home, you could dis- play the local time on top of the map.
78 4. With the data option highlighted, press ENT to check it (turn on) and uncheck it (turn off). As you turn it on, the data will appear on top of the screen. Every Page display has a maximum number of items you can show using the Overlay Data command.
79 To remove overlaid data: 1. While on the Page that shows the item or items you want to remove, press MENU | ↓ to O VERLAY D ATA | ENT . 2. You'll see a list of the overlay data currently displayed. Select the item you want to remove from your display and press ENT | ENT to re- move the data.
80 commands is that Customize changes only the data boxes on a screen, and Overlay Data changes only the information floating on the screen without a box. See Customize Page Displays, on page 89, for information on customizing data boxes. Left, Water temp in the overlay data shown menu.
81 When you change the Ping Speed to any setting greater than 50 per- cent, the unit automatically enters HyperScroll mode. These faster ping rates allow you to maintain a high-detail picture on the screen, and the screen refresh rate and chart scroll speed can keep pace with the boat as it moves quickly over the bottom terrain.
82 2. The Ping Speed Control Bar appears. Press ↓ to decrease ping speed to 50 percent. When it's set at the desired level, press EXIT . When you boost ping speed and switch into HyperScroll, the width of the FasTrack bar graph display doubles in width at the right side of the screen.
83 from an optional water speed sensor, not the GPS. The Water Distance window can be reset to zero using the Reset Water Distance command. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S ONAR S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to R ESET W ATER D IS- TANCE | ENT . The menus are cleared and the water distance is reset to 0.
84 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to Sonar Setup ENT . Use ↓ to select S ET K EEL O FFSET | ENT . 2. The Keel Offset dialog box appears with a plus (+) sign at the front of the box. 3. Press → to the first number, then press ↑ to change the number to 1.
85 To adjust sensitivity in auto mode: 1. Press MENU | ENT . 2. The Sensitivity Control Bar appears. Press ↓ to decrease sensitivity; press ↑ to increase sensitivity. When it's set at the desired level, press EXIT . (When you reach the maximum or minimum limit, a tone sounds.
86 Sonar Chart Mode The default color scheme for the sonar chart is the white background, but we offer other variations to suit your viewing preferences. The chart can be displayed in grayscale, reverse grayscale, blue back- ground, white background, nightview, iceview, or bottom color tracking.
87 The FasTrack™ display shows just to the right of the scale. This changes all echoes into short horizontal bars, replicating a flasher so- nar. The zoom bar on the far right shows the area that's zoomed when the zoom is in use. (See the Zoom section for more information.
88 Split Frequency Sonar Chart page, with 50 kHz view at left and 200 kHz view at right. You can adjust the sensitivity in each window. To adjust sensitivity in auto mode: 1. Press MENU | ENT . 2. The unit asks which window (50kHz or 200kHz) you would like to adjust.
89 Digital Data/Chart Customize Page Displays Every Page display option except Full Map (on the Map Page) has cus- tomizable data boxes to provide constant on-screen information. The data available from your unit is divided into categories in the Data Viewer menu.
90 Customize Menu, with "GPS Data" and "Navigation" categories expanded. Selecting the category name and pressing ENT will show the category's contents, so you can choose items within it. An expanded category (one with a "–" next to its name) can be collapsed to hide its contents.
91 FlashGraf page. Map With Sonar Split Screen There is a page mode that splits the screen in half, with the map on the left and the sonar on the right. This screen option can be found on the Pages Menu under the Map Page category. Left, the full Map Page is shown.
92 At left, Main Menu with Sonar Setup command selected. Center, sub- menu with Sonar Simulator command selected. At right, Sonar Simu- lator menu, with simulator turned off (check box is unchecked). NOTE: With Simulate Position checked, the simulator will automatically run the GPS simulator (if GPS data was recorded with the sonar log).
93 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S ONAR S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to S ONAR S IMULATOR | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to C HART U SED | ENT . 3. Press ↓ or ↑ to select chart name | ENT | ↑ to S ONAR S IMULATOR O N | ENT | EXIT .
94 simulator, the demo mode is for demonstration only, and will auto- matically stop as soon as you turn on the unit with a transducer at- tached. The simulator will continue to function normally. Stop Chart If you are running multiple units on a boat or using this unit in a car, there are times when you may want to turn off the sonar.
95 Sonar Features menu with Surface Clarity selected (at left, dual- frequency menu; at right, single-frequency menu). 2. Press ↓ to S URFACE C LARITY | ENT . 3. Press ↓ or ↑ to select clarity level | EXIT | EXIT | EXIT . In the illustration at left, Surface Clarity is turned off.
96 Main Menu with Transparency command selected. To adjust Menu Transparency level: Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to T RANSPARENCY | ENT . The T RANSPARENCY slider bar appears. Press ↑ or ↓ to move the bar. The lower end of the scale makes the menus opaque; the upper end is maximum transparency.
97 At left, Sonar Page, normal view. Center, same view zoomed to 2X. Right, same view zoomed to 4X Zoom Pan Your unit has the handy ability to quickly zoom in on any portion of the water column with just the touch of an arrow key. The Zoom Pan feature lets you rapidly move the zoomed area up and down to different depths.
98 Notes.
99 Section 5: Sonar Troubleshooting If your unit is not working, or if you need technical help, please use the following troubleshooting section before contacting the customer service department. It may save you the trouble of returning your unit for re- pair.
100 3. The water may be deeper than the sonar's ability to find the bottom. If the sonar can't find the bottom signal while it's in the automatic mode, the digital sonar display will flash continuously. It may change the range to limits far greater than the water you are in.
101 To eliminate or minimize the effects of electrical noise, first try to de- termine the cause. With the boat at rest in the water, the first thing you should do is turn all electrical equipment on the boat off.
102 Notes.
103 Section 6: Basic GPS Operations This section addresses the unit's most basic GPS operations. The tuto- rials presented in Sec. 6 follow a chronological order. Sec. 7, Advanced GPS Operations , will discuss other more advanced functions and utili- ties.
104 3. MENU – Press this key to show the menus and submenus, which allow you to select a command or adjust a feature. This also accesses search functions for streets, intersections, addresses and highway exits.
105 You can access the Main Menu from any of the four Page screens by pressing MENU | MENU . To clear the menu screen and return to the page display, press EXIT . Main Menu. The Main Menu commands and their functions are: Screen command: changes the contrast or brightness of the display screen.
106 Browse MMC Files command: this allows you to view the installed MMC card and the files it contains. Pages The unit has four Page displays that represent the four major operating modes. They are the Satellite Status Page, the Navigation Page, Map Page and the Sonar Page.
107 Satellite Status Page. Left view indicates unit has not locked on to any satellites and does not have a fix on its position. Center view shows sat- ellites being scanned. Right view shows satellite lock-on with a 3D posi- tion acquired (latitude, longitude and altitude), and WAAS reception.
108 The Satellite Status Page has its own menu, which is used for setting various options. (Options and setup are discussed in Sec. 8). To access the Satellite Status Page Menu, from the Status Page, press MENU .
109 The Navigation with Sonar page. When navigating to a waypoint, your ground speed, track, distance, bearing to the waypoint and course are all displayed. NOTE: Remember, when the Speed, Track and Position information dis- plays are flashing, satellite lock has not been achieved and no posi- tion fix has been determined.
110 Navigation Page, going to a waypoint while creating a new trail. The cross track error range is shown on the compass rose as a wide, white, corridor enclosing the course line. The outer edges of this white corridor represent lines that show the current cross track error range.
111 The Navigation Page has its own menu, which is used for some ad- vanced functions and for setting various options. (Options and setup are discussed in Sec. 8). To access the Navigation Page Menu, from the Navigation Page, press MENU . Map Page The Map Page screens show your course and track from a bird's-eye view.
112 If you're using only the factory-loaded background map, the maximum zoom range for showing additional map detail is 20 miles. You can con- tinue to zoom in closer, but the map will simply be enlarged without revealing more map content (except for a few major city streets.
113 background map would show you the general outline and approximate shape of a coastline or water body, but the higher detail in MapCreate shows the shoreline completely and accurately (finer detail). Many smaller islands would not be included in the background map, but are, of course, in MapCreate.
114 The Pages Menu also offers several map display options under the Map Page category. To access them, press PAGES | ← or → to M AP | ↓ to Op- tion | EXIT .
115 2. Two flashing arrows appear along the centerline dividing the two windows. Press → ← to adjust the window widths. Press EXIT to clear the menu. 3. To change the window size again or revert back to the original dis- play, just follow the steps above.
116 Basic GPS Quick Reference Start outdoors, with a clear view of the open sky. As you practice, try navigating to a location at least a few blocks away. Navigation in too small an area will constantly trigger arrival alarms. 1. Connect the unit to electric power and the antenna module.
117 Find Your Current Position Finding your current position is as simple as turning the unit on. With- out obstruction from dense foilage, terrain or structures, the unit auto- matically searches for satellites and calculates its position in approxi- mately one minute or less.
118 The selected airport to the northwest is 4.2 miles away. Selecting Any Map Item With the Cursor 1. Use the zoom keys and the arrow keys to move around the map and find the item you wish to select. 2. Use the arrow keys and center the cursor cross-hair on the desired ob- ject.
119 2. You could search the entire restaurant category, but in this example we will narrow our search. Press → to S UBCATEGORY column| ↓ to F AST F OOD C HAINS | ENT | ↓ to N EAREST | ENT .
120 6. The unit's map appears, with the cross-hair cursor highlighting the restaurant' s POI symbol. A pop-up data box shows the POI's name, distance and bearing. A data box at the bottom of the screen continues to display the location's latitude and longitude.
121 To create and save a Waypoint: These first two techniques use the Quick Save method, the fastest and easiest way to create a waypoint. Create Waypoint at Current Position While you are traveling, press WPT | WPT . The waypoint is saved and automatically given a name with a sequential number, such as "way- point 003.
122 symbol, the unit will remember the one you chose and use it the next time you save a waypoint. To revert back to the default symbol, edit a waypoint and choose the original symbol, or use the Reset Options command (described in Sec. 8). Create Waypoint on Map 1.
123 Navigation Page, navigating toward waypoint 004 and leaving a trail. Set Man Overboard (MOB) Waypoint One of boating's most terrifying events is having a friend or family member fall overboard. This situation can be deadly on any body of wa- ter.
124 Navigating to Man Overboard: Man Overboard Activated message, left. Navigation Page, center, Map Page, right. The victim is to the starboard of the vessel. The GPS shows which direction to go for the rescue. The man overboard position is also stored in the waypoint list for future reference.
125 Navigate to cursor. In this example, the cursor is centered on Oologah, Oklahoma. 3. Press MENU | ENT and the unit will begin navigating to the cursor lo- cation. The Map Page will display a dotted line from your current position to the cursor position.
126 The other method involves searching for POIs with the Find Waypoint command, launched with the WPT key. (See the searching example ear- lier in this section, or turn to Sec.
127 Sequence for saving a trail and beginning a new one. Left, My Trails command. Center, the Trails Menu. The arrow to the right of Trail 1 indicates the trail is "active," and the check to the left indicates the trail is visible on the map display.
128 Tip: Another quick way to stop recording one trail and begin a new one is to use the New Trail command: Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to M Y T RAILS | ENT | ENT . Caution: You also have the option of completely turning off trail record- ing, under the trail Options command.
129 The other two methods provide a full range of navigation data and work with both the Map Page and Navigation Page. The only difference be- tween them is "navigating a trail" follows a trail forward (from start to end) while "backtracking" follows a trail in reverse (from end to start.
130 Navigate a trail menu sequence: Fig. 1, My Trails command. Fig. 2, Trails Menu. Fig. 3, Edit Trail Menu. Fig. 4, Edit Route Menu with Navigate command highlighted for Trail 6. A trail is always converted to a "route" when you navigate the trail.
131 Navigate trail, navigation page (compass rose) views: left, driver is northbound heading straight toward trail point 6; bearing arrow shows the trail point is due north (straight ahead.) At right, driver has reached trail point 6 and must turn west to follow the trail.
132 Transfer Custom Maps and GPS Data Files Custom Maps: Custom maps work only from the MMC card or SD card. When a card containing a Custom Map File is loaded into the unit, the unit auto- matically loads the map into memory when the unit is turned on.
133 2. The Transfer My Data menu includes a message which tells you if an MMC is present or not. If no MMC is present, you must first insert a card into the unit in order to activate the Load or Save commands. To transfer data from the unit to the MMC : press ENT (for S AVE .
134 These figures show the menu sequence for loading a GPS Data File from an MMC into the unit's memory. Cancel Navigation You can turn off any of the navigation commands after you reach your destination or at any other time by using the Cancel Navigation com- ma nd .
135 Section 7: Advanced GPS Operations Find Distance From Current Position To Another Location 1. While on the Map Page press: MENU | ↓ to F IND D ISTANCE | ENT . 2. Center your cursor over the position you want to find the distance to. A rubber band line appears, connecting your current position to the cursor's location.
136 Icons Icons are graphic symbols used to mark some location, personal point of interest or event. They can be placed on the map screen, saved and re- called later for navigation purposes. These are sometimes referred to as event marker icons. This unit has 42 different symbols you can pick from when creating an icon.
137 1. Press MENU | ↓ to D ELETE M Y I CONS | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to D ELETE A LL I CONS , D ELETE B Y S YMBOL , or D ELETE F ROM M AP and press ENT . Delete icons menu. The Delete All Icons command will ask if you are sure. Press ← to Y ES | ENT .
138 The course from one waypoint to the next is a leg. Routes are composed of one or more legs. The legs of all GPS routes are based on straight lines between waypoints. A route provides the automatic capability to navigate through several waypoints without having to reprogram the unit after arriving at each waypoint.
139 Route Planning command on Main Menu, left, will open the Route List screen, right. 2. Press ↓ to (E ND OF R OUTE ) | ENT | ↓ to A DD F ROM M AP | ENT . The Map Page appears with the cursor showing. Edit Route menu, left. Edit Route Waypoints menu, right, with Add From Map command selected.
140 Route creation sequence, from left: Fig. 1. Set route waypoint (1) at 11th St. & 145th Ave. Fig. 2. Zoom in; move cursor north to set point (2) at 145th & Admiral. Fig. 3. With point (2) set, move cursor east to mark interstate on-ramp with waypoint (3).
141 You can edit the route and run other commands, but if you are finished w i t h t h e r o u t e f o r n o w , return to the last page displayed by pressing EXIT | EXIT | EXIT | EXIT | EXIT . Delete a Route 1. From the N AVIGATION P AGE , press MENU | ENT or from the M AP P AGE press MENU | MENU | ↓ to R OUTE P LANNING | ENT .
142 Edit Route Waypoints menu. 3. Use ↓ a n d ↑ to select a command from the Edit Route Waypoints menu and press ENT . Add From Map lets you insert a waypoint in the route by clicking on a map location with the cursor. Add Waypoint calls up the Waypoint List so you can insert a waypoint from the list.
143 3. Upon arrival at your destination, cancel navigation: press MENU | MENU | ↓ to C ANCEL N AVIGATION | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT . The following figures show what the Navigation Page and Map Page look like while navigating a route.
144 Trails Delete a Trail This is the command used to delete a trail: Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to M Y T RAILS | ENT | ↓ to trail name | ENT | → to D ELETE T RAIL | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT . Tip: You can also delete all trails at once: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to M Y T RAILS | ENT .
145 Edit a Trail Pattern To edit a trail pattern: press MENU | MENU | ↓ to M Y T RAILS | ENT | ↓ to trail name | ENT | ↓ to P ATTERN | ENT . Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the pattern is cor- rect.
146 Waypoints Delete a Waypoint To delete a waypoint from the waypoint list: press WPT | ENT | ENT | ENT | ↓ to waypoint name | ENT | ↓ to D ELETE W AY- POINT | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT . To return to the previous page, press EXIT | EXIT . To delete a waypoint from the map: 1.
147 3. Longitude: press ↓ to L ONGITUDE | ENT . Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the lon- gitude is correct. Press EXIT . 4. When latitude and longitude are correct, return to the previous page: press EXIT | EXIT | EXIT | EXIT .
148 5. Press ↓ to B EARING | ENT . Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the bearing is cor- rect. Press ENT . 6. Press ↑ to P ROJECT | ENT . The Edit Waypoint menu appears. You can simply save the new projected waypoint by pressing EXIT | EXIT or you can edit the waypoint.
149 Section 8: System & GPS Setup Options Alarms This unit has several GPS alarms. The factory default setting has all of these but the anchor alarm turned on.
150 3. To change distance settings, scroll ↓ or ↑ to select the desired cate- gory, then press → | ENT to activate the distance dialog box. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the name is correct.
151 Check MMC Files and Storage Space To check MMC Files: Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to B ROWSE MMC F ILES | ENT. MMC File Browser. Communications Port Configuration The unit has one NMEA 0183 version 2.0 compatible communication port, or com port for short.
152 Configure NMEA You can configure the unit to use specific NMEA sentences. 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to C OMMUNICATIONS P ORT | ENT | ↓ to C ONFIGURE NMEA | ENT . 3. A menu appears showing the prefixes of the available NMEA sen- tences.
153 British, Irish, Finnish, German, New Zealand, Swedish, Swiss, Taiwan, and Greek grid systems are the national coordinate system used only in their respective countries. In order to use these grid systems, you must be in the respective country. This unit will pick the matching datum for you when you select the grid.
154 on the map. It then shows the present position as distance on the map from that reference point. For example, if it shows a distance of UP 4.00" and LEFT 0.50", you then measure up four inches and to the left a half-inch from the refer- ence point on the map to find your location.
155 Press → to S ELECT O RIGIN | ENT | ENT | ENT to bring up the waypoint list. Select the waypoint that you saved the reference point under and press ENT . The unit displays a waypoint information screen with the com- mand S ET A S O RIGIN selected.
156 Expand any categories that might contain data you want to display. Then press ↓ or ↑ to select a different data option. With the new option highlighted, press ENT to switch the contents of the box to the new data type, then press EXIT . You can now select another box to change.
157 While in simulator mode, you can press EXIT to clear the steering and speed boxes from the screen while continuing the simulation. This will allow you to use the map cursor during a simulation.
158 Initialize GPS This command is handy when you are practicing in simulator mode. (See the entry in this section for GPS Simulator .) In simulator mode, this command makes the unit operate as if it is sitting someplace other than its actual location.
159 Map Menu, left, Map Data Menu, right. Show Map Data From the Map Page, press MENU | ↓ to M AP D ATA | ENT . Press ENT to enter the E ARTH M AP D ETAIL selection list, and choose how much detail you want, from Off (so the unit operates like a GPS plotter) to High.
160 The distance from your current position to the smaller ring (the ring's radius) is 25 miles (always 1/4 the zoom range). With the arrow keys and map cursor, you can scroll the map to see the third and fourth rings.
161 Map Detail Category Selection This menu determines which of the mapping features are shown on the screen. This includes, waypoints, trails, icons, cities, highways, etc. You can turn on or off any of these items to customize the map. To get to Map Categories: 1.
162 This is fine if you're always traveling due north. What you see to your left corresponds to the left side of the map, to your right is shown on the right side of the map, and so on. However, if you travel any other direction, the map doesn't line up with your view of the world.
163 Left, entrance to Chesapeake Bay in a MapCreate 6 custom map, 10 mile zoom. Center, same position on Navionics chart at 11.15 mile zoom and right, 5.56 mile zoom. To display a Navionics chart: 1. Install the Navionics MMC in the memory card compartment and turn on the unit.
164 To view Port Services information: 1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor over a Port Services icon. When selected, a pop-up name box appears. 2. Press WPT to display the Port Services Information screen. The Port Services information screen has two windows.
165 Tidal Current Information Navionics charts contain Tidal Current information, represented at large zoom ranges by a box icon with the letter " C ." The icon stands for a Tidal Current Sta- tion location. An example is displayed at right.
166 Current Information screen. The Tidal Current Information screen displays current tidal data for the station. The graph at the top of the screen is an approximate view of the flood and ebb pattern for the day, from midnight (MN), to noon (NN) to midnight (MN).
167 Navionics chart showing Tide Station icon selected by cursor. In the example above, the tide is at 2.8 feet and falling, as shown by the down arrow at the top of the icon. Tide Information screen. The Tide Information screen displays daily tidal data for the station.
168 1. Use → and ← to highlight month, day or year, then press ENT . 2. Use ↑ and ↓ to select the desired month, day or year, then press ENT . To clear the information screen, press EXIT .
169 contents, so you can choose items within it. An expanded category (one with a "–" next to its name) can be collapsed to hide its contents. Just select the category name and press ENT . 3. Expand any categories that might contain data you want to display.
170 If the helmsman veered off course, the arrow would show which direc- tion to steer to get back on course. Right, Sonar Page with Overlay Data turned on, showing Depth, Ground Speed and the Track the boat is following.
171 NOTE: The Customize command and the Overlay Data command both use the same information categories. The difference between the two commands is that Customize changes only the data boxes on a screen, and Overlay Data changes only the information floating on the screen without a box.
172 To set up Popup Help: Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to P OPUP H ELP . With the option highlighted, press ENT to check it (turn on) and uncheck it (turn off.) After the option is set, press EXIT | EXIT to return to the page display.
173 Screen Contrast and Brightness To access the Screen menu, press MENU | MENU | ENT . The C ONTRAST slider bar is selected. Press → or ← to move the bar. The left end of the scale is the minimum contrast; the right end is the maximum. The Screen Menu with Contrast bar selected.
174 To select a different language: 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT . 2. Press ↓ to S ET L ANGUAGE | ENT . 3. Use ↓ or ↑ to select a different language and press ENT . All menus now appear in the language you selected. Set Local Time Using the local time setting is handy when estimating local arrival time while navigating.
175 1. Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to GPS S ETUP | ENT | ↓ to S HOW WAAS A LARM . 2. With the option highlighted, press ENT to uncheck it (turn off). After the option is set, press EXIT | EXIT to return to the page display. 3. You can return to this spot again and press ENT to show the alarm.
176 The Sounds menu. To set Key Press Sounds: With the option highlighted, press ENT to check it (turn on) or uncheck it (turn off.) After the option is set, press EXIT | EXIT to return to the page display. To set Alarm Sounds: Press ↓ to A LARM S OUNDS .
177 Track Smoothing option, turned on. Trail Options There are several options you can use with trails. Some affect all trails, other options can be applied to a particular trail. You can change the way trails are updated, display or hide trails, make them flash on the screen or not flash, create a new trail, delete a trail, etc.
178 Delete All Trails To remove all of the trails from memory: from the Trails Menu, press → to D ELETE A LL | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT . Flash Trails on Screen Option From the Trails Menu, press → to T RAIL O PTIONS | ENT | ↓ to F LASH T RAILS .
179 Trail Options menu with Distance set as the update criteria. Specific Trail Options Delete Trail To delete a specific trail: From the Trails Menu, press ↓ to Trail Name | ENT . The Edit Trail menu appears as seen in the following fig- ure. Press → to D ELETE T RAIL | ENT | ← to Y ES | ENT .
180 Trail Visible/Invisible and Other Trail Options The name, maximum number of points in the trail, activity, and visi- bility are all changed on the Edit Trail menu screen. The Active setting determines whether or not the unit is recording new points for a par- ticular trail.
181 Units of Measure This menu sets the speed and distance (statute or nautical miles, me- ters), depth (feet, fathoms, or meters), temperature (degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius) and heading (true or magnetic) units. To change the units: Press MENU | MENU | ↓ to S YSTEM S ETUP | ENT | ENT .
182 Notes.
183 Section 9: Searching NOTE: The background map loaded in your unit lets you to search for U.S. Interstate Highway exits and exit services, as well as some land features, including cities and lakes.
184 2. Press ENT to search in the Street field. 3. To enter a street name, press ↓ to S TREET | ENT . There are two options: A. You can spell out the name in the top selection box. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first letter, then press → to move the cursor to the next let- ter and repeat until the name is correct, then press ENT | ENT .
185 Find City By Name menu. Find Any Item Selected by Map Cursor On the Map Page: with a POI or map feature selected by the cursor, press WPT. To return to the previous page, press EXIT . A POI selected by the cursor, left, POI information screen, right.
186 The Find Exit menu, right. 2. First, select a highway name by pressing ENT , which calls up the Find By Name menu. There are two highway search options: A.
187 Find Exit menu, with an exit selected in the Exit List. 4. In the Exit Information screen you have two choices. A. Press ENT to navigate or "go to" the exit. B. Press → | ENT to find the exit on the map. "Go To Exit" option, left, "Find On Map" option, right.
188 Find Map Places or Points of Interest (POI) 1. Press WPT , press ↓ or ↑ to select a map place or POI category, then press ENT . (To narrow your search, press → then press ↓ or ↑ to select a subcategory before pressing ENT .) You will be given two options; Search By Name or By Nearest.
189 Find by Name option, left, Find by Name menu, right. 4. When the POI's Waypoint Information screen is displayed, you can choose to "Go To" the POI waypoint by pressing ENT or find it on the map by pressing → | ENT . "Go To" POI option, left, "Find on Map" POI option, right.
190 street from the list. Press ENT , then press ↓ or ↑ to select a street from the list and press ENT . The Find Streets menu. Find Street By Name menu. Spell out name in the top box, or select from the list in the lower box. 3. The Find Streets menu reappears with the street you're searching for in the First Street box.
191 Left, the Find Streets menu with the Find First Street command highlighted. Right, the Streets Found list. 4. The Map Page appears, with the cursor pointing to the found street. Map Page showing results of a street search. The cursor points to the located street.
192 to display the Find By Name menu. There are two options: A. You can spell out the street in the top selection box. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first letter, then press → to move the cursor to the next letter and repeat until the name is correct, then press ENT | ENT .
193 7. The Map Page appears, with the cursor pointing to the found intersec- tion. The intersection in our example is shown in the following figure. Map Page showing results of an intersection search. The cursor points to the located intersection. If you want to navigate to the found intersection, just press MENU | ENT | EXIT .
194 A. To navigate to the waypoint, press ENT . (The Go To Waypoint command is already highlighted.) The unit will show navigation in- formation to the waypoint. B. To find the waypoint, press ↓ to F IND O N M AP | ENT . The Map Page appears with the cursor highlighting the found waypoint.
195 Section 10: Supplemental Material Datums Used by This Unit WGS 1984 Default Adindan Mean for Ethiopia, Sudan Adindan Burkina Faso Adindan Cameroon Adindan Ethiopia Adindan Mali Adindan Senegal Adi.
196 Chua Astro Paraguay Corrego Alegre Brazil Dabola Guinea Djakarta (Batavia) Indonesia (Sumatra) DOS 1968 New Georgia Islands (Gizo Island) Easter Island 1967 Easter Island European 1950 Mean for Au.
197 Naparima BWI Trinidad & Tobago North American 1927 Mean for Antigua, Barbados, Barbuda, Caicos Islands, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Turks Islands North American 1927 Mean .
198 Point 58 Sweden Santo (DOS) 1965 Espirito Santo Island Sao Braz Azores (Sao Miguel, Santa Maria Islands) Sapper Hill 1943 East Falkland Island Schwarzeck Nambia Selvagem Grande Salvage Islands SGS.
199 FCC Compliance This device complies with Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communi- cations Commission (FCC) Rules. Operation is subject to the fol- lowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful in- terference, and (2) this device must accept any interference re- ceived, including interference that may cause undesired opera- tion.
200 Notes.
202 DATABASES LIMITED WARRANTY "We", "our", or "us" refers to Lowrance Electronics, Inc., the manufacturer of this product. "You" or "your" refers to the first person who purchases the prod- uct as a consumer item for personal, family, or household use.
203 LOWRANCE ELECTRONICS FULL ONE-YEAR WARRANTY "We," "our," or "us" refers to LOWRANCE ELECTRONICS, INC., the manufacturer of this product. "You" or "your" refers to the first person who purchases this product as a consumer item for personal, family or household use.
204 Notes.
205 Notes.
206 How to Obtain Service… …in the USA: We back your investment in quality products with quick, expert service and genuine Lowrance parts. If you're in the United States and you have technical, return or repair questions, please contact the Factory Customer Service Department.
Accessory Ordering Information for all countries To order Lowrance accessories such as power cables or transducers, please contact: 1) Your local marine dealer or consumer electronics store. Most quality dealers that handle marine electronic equipment or other consumer electronics should be able to assist you with these items.
Visit our web site: Lowrance Pub. 988-0156-071 © Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved Printed in USA 121704 Lowrance Electronics, Inc..
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Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lowrance electronic LMS-337C DF, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lowrance electronic LMS-337C DF.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lowrance electronic LMS-337C DF. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lowrance electronic LMS-337C DF ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.