Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 000-10483-001 du fabricant Lowrance electronic
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ENGLISH HDS Gen2 T ouch I nstallation Manual lowr ance .com.
| 1 Pr eface As Navico is continuously impr oving this product, we retain the right to make changes to the product at any time which may not be reected in this version of the manual. P lease contact your nearest distributor if you r equire an y further assistance.
2 | Complianc e Stat ements Lowrance HDS-7, HDS-9, and HDS-12 Gen2 T ouch: • meet the techni cal standard s in ac c orda nce with P art 1 5. 1 03 of the FC C rules • comply wit h CE under RT.
| 3 About this manual This manual is a ref erence guide f or installing the Lowrance HDS-7, HDS-9, and HDS-12 Gen2 T ouch system. The manual does not cover basic background inf ormation about how equipment such as radars, echo sounders and AIS work. Such information is available from our web site: http://www.
4 | C onten ts 6 HDS Gen2 T ouch ov erview 7 F ron t - con tr ols 8 Rear - c onnectors 9 SD car d slo t 10 Check the cont ents 11 Display Installation 1 1 Mounti ng location 1 2 Bracket moun ting 1 3 .
| 5 30 Ac cessories 30 NMEA 2000 30 T r an sduce rs 3 1 E thernet ca bles 3 1 Displ ay parts 33 Suppor ted da ta 3 3 NMEA 2000 34 NMEA 0 1 83 35 Specications.
6 | HDS Gen2 T ouch overview | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual HDS Gen2 T ouch o v erview The HDS-7, HDS-9, and HDS-12 Gen2 T ouch multifunc tion displays are available with or without inbuilt sonar and structure scan.
| 7 HDS Gen2 T ouch overview | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual F ront - c ontr ols 2 1 3 4 5 6 1 T ouchscre en 2 Card reader door 3 Page s key 4 Zoom i n / Zoom ou t key 5 Mark / Waypo int key 6 P.
8 | HDS Gen2 T ouch overview | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Rear - connectors 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 4 5 1 A B A HDS -9 & 1 2 connec tor a rrange ment B HDS-7 connecto r arrangement 1 Sonar 2 Stru.
| 9 HDS Gen2 T ouch overview | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual SD card slot Used for optional Navionics or InsightHD chart data, sof tware updates, transf er of user data and system backup. The card r eader door is opened by lightly pressing and sliding the door to the left, then pulling forward from the left side.
10 | Check the contents | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Check the con ten ts Display Bracket k nobs (x2) F ront Bezel (attached to unit) P ower cable Sun cover F asteners - #6 x 1.
| 11 Display Installation | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Display Installation Mounting location Choose the mounting locations carefully bef ore you drill or cut. The display should be mounted so that the operator can easily use the controls and clearly see the display screen.
12 | Display Installation | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Brack et mounting Place the bracket in the desired mounting location, and use a pencil or permanent mark er to mark drilling locations.
| 13 Display Installation | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Flush moun ting Check the template f or scaling accuracy, using a tape measur e or ruler against the ruler printed on the template. MOUNTING SCREW SIZE IS #6 TAPPING SCREW L C L C Check dimensions before cutting 12" SUN COVER PRODUCT OUTLINE 199.
14 | Display Installation | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Mounting the transduc er T ransducer location selection and installation are two of the most critical steps in sonar installation. T o func tion properly the transducer must be in the water at all times, and in a location that has a smooth ow of water when the boat is moving .
| 15 Display Installation | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual ¼ Note: Bo ats with strake s or ribs on the hul l can cr ea te la rge amou nts of turbulenc e at h igher speeds. A good transduce r location on these t ypes of boats is bet ween the ribs c losest to the eng ine.
16 | Display Installation | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Secure the cable to the hull at regular int er vals using cable P clips or saddles and ensure that moving parts such as an outboard motor or boarding ladder can ’t snag the cable.
| 17 Wiring | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual W iring Guidelines Don ’t do this Do this Don ’t make sharp bends in the cables Do make drip and ser vice loops Don ’t run cables in a way that .
18 | Wiring | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual P ow er c onnection HDS Gen2 T ouch displays are designed to be power ed by a 12 V DC system. They are protected against reverse polarity , under voltage and over voltage . The plug of the supplied power cable has two discret e cables exiting from it.
| 19 Wiring | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual The following demonstrat es the power connections for a small system. + _ 6 3 2 7 8 5 4 1 1 HDS Di spla ys 2 HDS p ower ca ble 3 Broadband radar inter.
20 | Wiring | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual T ransducer connection All Combo HDS Gen2 T ouch displays have internal Broadband and StructureScan sonar (char t only units requir e an external module for sonar).
| 21 Wiring | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Ethernet devic e connection Ethernet is used to interconnect high bandwidth devices such as radar , sonar , and other displays. The HDS-7 display has one ethernet por t, whereas the HDS-9 and 12 displa ys have two .
22 | Wiring | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual NMEA 2000 device c onnection All HDS Gen2 T ouch models are equiped with a NMEA 2000 por t, which allows the receiving and sharing of a multitude of data from various sources.
| 23 Wiring | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual In smaller NMEA 2000 systems, the power connection may be made anywhere in the system, F or larger systems intr oduce power at a central point in the backbone to ‘balance’ the voltage dr op of the network.
24 | Wiring | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual NMEA 0183 device c onnection The HDS has a NMEA 0183 serial por t, providing both an input and output for NMEA 0183 data. The port can be set to dierent baud rates , up to 115,200 baud. The NMEA0183 sentences output can be individually turned on or o .
| 25 Wiring | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual T alkers and Listeners Do not connect multiple devices outputing data ( T alkers) on to the input (Rx) of the unit. The RS422 pr otocol is not intended f or this type of connection, and data will be cor rupted if mor e than one device transmits simultaneously .
26 | Software setup | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Sof tware setup Sonar installation settings Keel o set This is a value that can be entered on the Sonar Installation page to make depth readings relate to an y point from the water surface, to the deepest point of the vessel.
| 27 Software setup | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual W a ter speed calibration W ater speed calibration is used to adjust the speed value from the paddle wheel to match the actual boat speed through the water . Actual speed can be determined from GPS speed over g round (SOG) or by timing the boat over a known distance.
28 | Software setup | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual T ouch Screen C alibra tion In some cases it may be required to r e- calibrate the touch screen due to electrical inuences on the device from it ’ s installation environment. The following steps should be complet ed to apply calibration: 1.
| 29 Dimensional drawings | HDS Gen2 T ouch I nstallation Manual Dimensional dra wings HDS 7 Gen2 T ouch 146 mm (5.76") 215 mm (8.48") 240 mm (9.45") 95 mm (3.72") 166 mm (6.52") 82 mm (3.23") 30 mm (1.18") 7" HDS 9 Gen2 T ouch 287 mm (11.
30 | Accessories | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Ac c essories Refer to websit e for latest accessories: www NMEA 2000 P art number Descr iption 000-0124-69 NMEA 2000 ST AR TER KIT 000-0119-88 N2KEXT -2RD 2’ (0.61M) EXTENSION CABLE 000-0127-53 N2KEXT -6RD 6’ (1.
| 31 Accessories | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual P art number Description 000-0136-02 P319 50/200 L OW PR OFILE THRU-HULL W/TEMP 000-0136-03 P79 50/200 IN-HULL 000-10116-001 TM260 50/200 TRANSOM.
32 | Accessories | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual P art Number Description 000-0127-49 HDS POWER CABLE 000-0124-70 HDS C ONNEC TOR CAPS 000-0127-50 HDS FUSE & FUSE HOLDER.
| 33 Supported data | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Suppor ted data NMEA 2000 PGN Description Rx Tx 59392 ISO Acknowledgement 1 1 60928 Address Claim 1 1 126208 NMEA Group F unction 1 1 126992 S.
34 | Supported data | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual PGN Description Rx Tx 130074 W aypoint Name and P osition 1 1 130306 Wind Data 1 130310 Environmental P arameters 1 1 130311 Environmental P a.
| 35 Specications | HDS Gen2 T ouch Installation Manual Specications Refer to websit e for updates t o specications: www.lowrance .com Multi Function Display HDS-7 HDS-9 HDS-12 Display Display resolution 800x480 1280x800 Display type 7 inch WVGA color TFT L CD 9 inch WVGA color TFT L CD 12.
*988-10317-002* N2584.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lowrance electronic 000-10483-001 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lowrance electronic 000-10483-001 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lowrance electronic 000-10483-001, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lowrance electronic 000-10483-001 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lowrance electronic 000-10483-001, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lowrance electronic 000-10483-001.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lowrance electronic 000-10483-001. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lowrance electronic 000-10483-001 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.