Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MKS (2015) du fabricant Lincoln
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Owner’ s M anual 20 15 MKS September 2014 First Printing Owner’s Manual Lincoln MKS Litho in U.S.A. FA5J 19A321 AA 20 1 5 MKS Owner’ s M anual lincolnowner.
The inf ormation cont ained in this publica tion wa s correc t at the time of g oing to print. In the int erest of c ontinuous devel opment, w e reserve the right t o change specific ations, design or equipment at any time without notic e or obliga tion.
I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
Introduction About This Manual ................................................ 7 S ymbols Gl ossary .................................................. 7 Da ta R ec ording ....................................................... 9 Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 .
Wiper s and W asher s Windshiel d Wipers ............................................. 69 Aut owipers ............................................................ 69 Windshiel d W ashers .......................................... 70 Lighting Lighting Contr ol .
Tr ansmission Aut omatic T ransmission ................................ 139 All-Wheel Driv e Using All-Wheel Driv e ...................................... 142 Brak es General Inf ormation ......................................... 147 Hints on Driving With Anti-L ock Brak es .
Changing a Fuse ................................................ 232 Maintenanc e General Inf ormation ........................................ 234 Opening and Closing the Hood ................... 234 Under Hood Overvie w - 3.5L Ecoboost ™ .........
Ext ended Service Plan (E SP) Ext ended Service Pl an (ESP) ..................... 390 Schedul ed Maintenance General Maint enance Informa tion ............ 392 Normal Schedul ed Maintenanc e ............... 396 Special Oper ating Conditions S chedul ed Maintenanc e .
6 MKS (), enUS A I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL Thank y ou for choosing Lincoln. W e rec ommend that you tak e some time to g et to kno w your vehicl e by rea ding this manual. The mor e that you kno w about it, the gre ater the sa fe ty and pl ea sure you will ge t from driving it.
Bat tery acid Brak e fluid - non petrol eum based Brak e syst em Cabin air fil ter Check fuel cap Child s af ety door lock or unl ock Child se at lo wer anchor Child se at te ther anchor E71340 Cruise.
Lo w tire pressur e warning Maintain corr ect fluid l evel Note oper ating instructions P anic alarm E139213 P arking aid P arking brak e Po wer ste ering fluid Po wer window s front/ rear Po wer wind.
The event da ta recorder in this vehicl e is designed to rec ord such data as: • How various s ystems in y our vehicle were oper ating; • Whether or not the driv er and passenger sa fety belts w e.
Additionall y , when you connec t to Tra ffic, Directions and Information (if equipped, U.S. onl y), the service uses GPS technol ogy and advanc ed vehicl e sensors to c ollect the vehicl e ’ s c ur.
Collision R epairs W e hope that y ou never experienc e a collision, but a ccidents do happen. Genuine Ford r eplac ement collision parts meet our stringent r equirements for fit, finish, structur al integrit y, corrosion prot ection and dent resist ance.
W ARNING Driving while distr acte d can re sult in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cra sh and injury . W e strongl y recommend tha t you use extr eme caution when using any devic e that may tak e your f ocus off the roa d. Y our primary responsibilit y is the saf e opera tion of your v ehicle.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION See the f ollowing se ctions for direc tions on how t o properly use sa fety r estraints f or childr en. W ARNINGS Al wa ys mak e sure your chil d is secur ed properl y in a device tha t is appropria te for their height, ag e and weight.
Rec ommendations for Safe ty Res traints for Chil dren Rec ommended restr aint type Child size , height, w eight, or ag e Child Use a child s afet y seat (sometime s call ed an infant c arrier , con vertible se at, or toddl er sea t). Childr en weighing 40 lb (18 kg) or l ess (gener ally ag e four or young er).
• Y ou are requir ed by la w to properl y use sa fe ty sea ts for inf ants and toddler s in the United S tat es and Canada. • Many sta tes and pro vinces requir e that small childr en use approv ed boost er sea ts until they rea ch ag e eight, a height of 4 fe et 9 inches (1.
• Pla ce the v ehicle sea t upon which the child se at will be install ed in the upright position. • Put the sa fety bel t in the automa tic locking mode .
E142875 5. T o put the retra ctor in the a utoma tic locking mode , grasp the shoul der portion of the belt and pull do wnward until all of the belt is pull ed out. Note: The automa tic locking mode is av ailable on the front p asseng er and rear sea ts.
Using Low er Anchors and T ethers for CHil dren (LA TCH) W ARNINGS Nev er at tach tw o child sa fety se ats t o the same anchor . In a collision, one anchor may not be str ong enough to hold t wo child sa fety se at at tachments and may br eak, c ausing serious injury or death.
Child S eat Positioning for LA TCH Lo wer Anchors All the LA T CH low er anchors are equall y space d, 11 inches (28 c entimet ers) apart, allo wing for the foll owing chil d sea t positioning: • If a single chil d seat is ins tall ed using the LA T CH lo wer anchors, it c an be installed at an y re ar sea ting position.
E173198 2. Loc ate the c orrect anchor for the s ele cte d sea ting position, then open the tether anchor co ver . E173199 3. Open the t ether anchor cov er . E173200 4. Clip the te ther strap t o the anchor as shown. 5. Tighten the chil d safe ty seat t ether strap acc ording to the manuf acturer's instructions.
E142595 • Can the chil d sit all the way back ag ainst their vehicl e seat ba ck with knees bent comf ortably a t the edge of the sea t cushion ? • Can the chil d sit without slouching? • Does t.
foll owing dra wings compare the ide al fit (c enter) to a shoul der belt uncomf ortably clos e to the neck and a shoul der belt tha t coul d slip off the shoulder . The dr awings also show ho w the lap belt shoul d be low and snug acr oss the child's hips.
If the booster se at slides on the vehicl e seat upon which it is being used, placing a rubberized mesh s old a s shelf or carpet liner under the booster se at may impr ove this condition. Do not intr oduce any item thick er than this under the booster se at.
Rec ommendations for attaching chil d safety res traints for chil dren Use any atta chment method as indicat ed below by X Combined w eight of child and chil d seat Restr aint Type Safet y belt onl y .
E1 12197 The chil dproof lock s are loc at ed on the rear edge of e ach rear door and must be set separa tel y for e ach door . Left-Hand Side T urn counter clock wise to l ock and clockwise to unl ock. Right-Hand Side T urn clockwise t o lock and c ountercl ockwise to unl ock.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Al wa ys driv e and ride with your se at back upright and the l ap belt snu g and lo w across the hips. T o reduc e the risk of injury , make sure childr en sit where they can be pr operly restr ained. Nev er le t a pass enger hol d a child on his or her lap whil e your vehicl e is moving.
The sa fety bel t pret ensioners a t the front sea ting positions are designed to tight en the sa fe ty bel ts when activ ated . In frontal and near-fr ontal cra shes, the sa fe ty bel t pret ensioners may be activ ate d alone or , if the cra sh is of sufficient severity , t ogether with the front airba gs.
E142590 Pr egnant women shoul d alw ay s we ar their sa fe ty bel t. The l ap belt portion of a combina tion lap and shoulder bel t should be positioned l ow across the hips bel ow the belly and w orn as tight as c omfort will all ow . The shoul der belt shoul d be positioned t o cross the middl e of the shoulder and the cent er of the chest.
How t o Use the Automa tic Locking Mode E142591 1. Buckle the c ombination lap and shoul der belt. 2. Gra sp the shoulder portion and pull downw ard until the entire bel t is pulled out. Allo w the belt to r etract. As the belt re trac ts, you will he ar a clicking sound.
2. R ele ase the butt on and pull down on the height adjust er to mak e sure it is lock ed in plac e. S AFETY BEL T W ARNING LAMP AND INDIC A TOR CHIME This l amp illuminat es and an audibl e warning will sound if the driver's sa fety bel t has not been fa stened when the v ehicle's ignition is turne d on.
S AFETY BEL T MINDER Belt-Minder ™ This f eatur e supplement s the saf ety bel t warning function b y providing additional reminders tha t intermitt ently sound a tone and illumina te the saf ety bel t warning light when you ar e in the driver se at or you ha ve a front se at pa ssenger and a sa fety bel t is unbuckle d.
Deactivating and A ctivating the Belt-Minder Featur e W ARNING Whil e the system all ows y ou to deac tiva te it, this sys tem is designe d to impr ove your chanc es of being saf ely belt ed and surviving an accident. W e rec ommend you le ave the sy stem activa ted for y ourself and others who ma y use the vehicl e.
Pr operly c are for sa fety bel ts. See V ehicle Care (pa ge 257). 34 MKS (), enUS A Safe ty Belts I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
The P ersonal Saf ety S ystem pr ovides an impro ved o verall l evel of fr ontal cra sh prot ection to front se at occupant s and is designed t o help further reduc e the risk of airbag-r ela ted injuries.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Airbags do not infl ate sl owl y or gentl y , and the risk of injury from a depl oying airbag is the gr ea test clo se to the trim co vering the airbag modul e.
DRIVER AND P ASSENGER AIRBA GS W ARNINGS Nev er plac e your arm or any object s ov er an airbag module. Pla cing your arm ov er a deploying airba g can r esul t in serious arm fra cture s or other injuries.
the chance of injury in a cr ash ev ent. For exampl e, if an occ upant slouche s, lies do wn, turns sidewa ys, sits f orward, le ans forward or sidewa ys, or puts one or both f eet up, the chance of injury during a cr ash is grea tly incre ase d. Childr en and Airbags W ARNING Airbags c an kill or injure a child in a chil d sea t.
The fr ont passenger sensing s yst em is designed t o disabl e (will not infl at e) the front passeng er's frontal airbag when the fr ont passeng er seat is unoc cupied, or a r ear f acing infant se at, a f orwar d-fa cing child r estraint, or a booster se at is det ect ed.
Passeng er airbag Passeng er airbag status indicat or Occupant Disabl ed OFF: Lit Empty ON: Unlit Disabl ed OFF: Lit Child ON: Unlit Enable d OFF: Unlit Adul t ON: Lit Note: When the pass enger airba .
W ARNINGS Do not use acc essory sea t co vers. T he use of acc essory sea t co vers may prev ent the deployment of the side airbags and incr ease the risk of injury in an accident. Do not le an your head on the door . T he side airbag c ould injur e you as it deplo ys from the side of the sea tback.
W ARNINGS Do not at tempt t o service, r epair , or modify the curtain airba gs, its fuse s, the A, B, or C pill ar trim, or the headliner on a vehicl e containing curtain airba gs as you coul d be seriously injure d or kille d. C ontact your authoriz ed dealer a s soon as possibl e.
The design and de velopment of the Sa fety Canopy incl uded rec ommended te sting proc edure s that w ere devel oped by a group of automotiv e saf ety e xperts known as the Side Airbag T echnic al W orking Group.
• The design of the side airba gs is to infla te in certain side imp act cr ashes. Side airbags ma y activa te in other t ypes of cra shes if the vehicl e experienc es sufficient sidewa ys motion or def ormation. • The design of the S af ety Canopy is t o infla te in cert ain side impact cr ashes or roll over ev ents.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION ON RADIO FRE QUENCIES This de vice c omplies with Part 15 of the FC C Rul es and with Industry Canada license-e xempt RS S standard(s).
REMOTE C ONTROL Intellig ent Acc ess Ke y E173598 Y our intelligent a cc ess key oper at es the pow er locks and the r emote st art sys tem. The k ey must be in your v ehicle t o activa te the push-butt on start sy stem.
E173601 2. Insert a coin int o the slot and twist t o separa te the housing. E173602 3. R emove the ol d batt ery . 4. Install a new ba tteries with the + f acing downw ard. P ress the bat tery do wn to make sur e that it is fully in the housing. 5. Snap the batt ery cov er back onto the transmit ter and inst all the mechanical ke y blade.
Remot e Starting the V ehicle Note: Y ou must pr ess each but ton within three sec onds of each other . Y our vehicl e will not remot e start if you do not f ollo w this sequence . E138626 The t ag with your tr ansmitter det ails the starting proc edure.
T o re-pr ogram the passiv e anti-theft syst em see an authorize d dealer . 49 MKS (), enUS A K ey s and Remot e Control s I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION MyK ey allo ws you to pr ogram ke ys with restric ted driving mode s to promote g ood driving habits. All but one of the k eys progr ammed to the vehicl e can be activa ted with these re strict ed modes. Any k eys tha t have not be en progr ammed are r ef erred t o as administr at or keys or a dmin ke ys.
• V arious vehicl e speed minders can be se t. Once y ou select a spee d, it will be sho wn in the displa y , f ollo wed by an audibl e tone when the presel ecte d vehicl e speed is ex ceeded . • Audio sy stem maximum vol ume of 45%. A messag e will be shown in the displa y when you a ttempt to e xce ed the limite d vol ume.
T o clear all MyK ey s of all MyKe y settings, press the l eft arrow butt on to ac cess the main menu and scroll to: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on. Set tings Pr ess the OK butt on. MyK ey Pr ess and hol d the OK button until the f ollo wing messag e display s.
CHECKING MYKEY S Y STEM S T A TUS Y ou can find informa tion on programmed MyK ey(s) using the informa tion display contr ol on the ste ering wheel. S ee Information Displa ys (pag e 88). T o find information on a progr amed MyK ey(s), press the l eft arrow butt on to acc ess the main menu and scroll to: Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on.
USING MYKEY WITH REMOTE S T ART S Y STEMS MyK ey is not compa tible with non Ford-appr ov ed, a ftermark et remote st art sys tems. If y ou choose to install a r emote start sy stem, see an authoriz ed dealer f or a Ford-appr ov ed remote start s ystem.
Potential C auses Condition · The v ehicle has a r emote start sy stem that is r ecogniz ed as an admin k ey . Clear all MyK ey s by using the remot e start. See Using MyK ey With R emote Start S ystems (p ag e 54). I accident ally progr ammed all key s as MyK eys.
LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Y ou can use the pow er door lock contr ol or the remot e control to l ock and unlock y our vehicl e. Po wer Door Lock s The po wer door lock c ontrol is on the driver and front pa ssenger door panels. E138628 Unlock A Lock B Remot e Control Y ou can use the remot e control anytime y our vehicl e is not running.
E173603 Pr ess and hol d the door handle l ock sensor to l ock your vehicl e. T o av oid unlocking the door inadvert ently , mak e sure t o only touch the lock sens or and not other area s of the door handle . Note: K eep the door handle surfa ce cl ean to av oid issues with opera tion.
Note: The doors will not aut ounlock if you ele ctronic ally l ock your vehicl e aft er you s witch the ignition off and bef ore you open the driver door . Enabling or Disabling Note: Y ou c an enable or dis able the a utol ock and autounl ock fea tures independently o f each o ther .
E173605 KEYLESS ENTR Y SECURIC ODE ™ KEYLESS ENTR Y KEYP AD The k eypad is loc ated ne ar the driver window . It is invisibl e until touched and then it lights up so you c an see and touch the appropria te butt ons. Note: If you enter y our entry code t oo fast on the ke ypad, the unl ock function may not w ork.
Note: Pressing 5·6 , 7·8, or 9·0 ke ypad numbers as a six th digit will not recall a driver memory setting. Note: The fa ct ory-set code canno t be associa ted with a memory set ting. Y ou may also pr ogram a per sonal entry code through the MyLinc oln T ouch syst em.
3. P ress the ST ART /STOP but ton again and remo ve the k ey . 4. Insert the sec ond progr ammed key int o the backup sl ot, then press the ST ART /ST OP butt on. The f actory-se t code will appe ar in the informa tion display f or a few sec onds. Note: The code ma y not display until a fter any other w arning messag es first displa y .
Pull the handl e and push up on the lugga ge compartment door (lid) t o open from within the lugg age c ompartment. 62 MKS (), enUS A Locks I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
P ASSIVE ANTI-THEFT S Y STEM Note: The sy stem is no t compa tible with non-Ford a ftermark et remot e start s yst ems. Use of these s ystems ma y resul t in vehicle starting probl ems and a loss of se curity prot ection.
Make sur e that your v ehicle is off befor e beginning this proc edure. Mak e sure that y ou clos e all the doors bef ore beginning and that they remain cl osed throughout the pr ocedure. Perf orm all steps within 30 sec onds of starting the sequenc e.
ADJU S TING THE STEERING WHEEL Note: Make sure tha t you are sitting in the corre ct position. See Sit ting in the Correc t Position (pag e 109). W ARNING Do not adjust the st eering wheel when your v ehicle is moving. E161834 Use the contr ol on the side of the steering col umn to adjust the position.
E173608 C A B Seek up and do wn or next A Media B V olume up or do wn C Mute D Seek and Media Pr ess the seek butt on to: • tune the radio t o the next or pr evious stor ed preset • pla y the next or the pre vious track.
See C ruise Control (p age 163). INFORMA TION DISPLA Y CONTR OL E173617 See Inf ormation Displa ys (p age 88). Clus ter Displa y Control Features E173616 Use this contr ol to acc ess some of the MyLincoln T ouch f eatur es in the inf ormation displa y .
ADJU S TING THE PEDALS W ARNING Nev er use the contr ols while your f eet are on the ac celer ator and br ake pedals and the vehicl e is moving. Y ou can find the contr ol on the le ft side of the ste ering col umn. Pr ess and hold the appropria te side of the contr ol to mo ve the pedals.
WINDSHIELD WIPER S E173262 R ota te the end of the c ontrol awa y from you to incr ease the speed of the wiper s. Rota te to ward you t o decrea se the speed of the wipers. Note: Fully defr ost the windshield bef ore swit ching on the windshield wipers.
Note: W et or winter driving c onditions with ice, snow or sal ty road mis t can c ause inconsist ent and unexpect ed wiping or smearing. In these conditions, you can do the f ollo wing to help k eep your windshiel d cle ar: • Lo wer the sensitivity of the aut owipers to r educe the amount of smearing.
LIGHTING CONTR OL E173257 A Off A P arking lamps, instrument panel lamps, license pl ate l amps and tail lamps B Headl amps C High Beams E167827 Push the l ever aw ay from y ou to s witch the high beams on. Push the l ever aw ay from y ou again or pull the le ver to war d you t o switch the high beams off .
E173258 A When the lighting contr ol is in the autolamps position, the hea dlamps a utoma tically turn on in lo w light situations or when the wipers activ at e.
• Pr ess and hol d the top of the c ontrol to the second de tent to swit ch the interior lights on. • Pr ess and hol d the bottom of the c ontrol to the se cond det ent to swit ch the interior lights off.
AUT OMA TIC HIGH BEAM C ONTROL (If Equipped) The s yst em will automatic ally turn on your high beams if it is dark enough and no other tra ffic is present.
S witch the lighting c ontrol to the aut olamps position. Manuall y Overriding the S yst em E167827 When the aut omatic c ontrol has ac tivat ed the high beams, pushing or pulling the st alk will pro vide a tempor ary override t o low beam.
Note: The sy stem is onl y active a t speeds abov e 3 mph (5 km/h). The s yst em has a pow er-up mov ement check fe ature. When your st art your vehicl e, the lamps tr ack left t o right, then back to c enter to al ert the driver that the s ystem is working properl y .
Sec ond Ro w Map L amps E173272 The sec ond row l amps light when: • Any door is open. • Y ou press and hol d the top of the instrument lighting dimmer swit ch past the first det ent. • Y ou press any of the r emote entry contr ols and the ignition is in the off position.
POWER WINDO WS W ARNINGS Do not le ave chil dren unatt ended in your v ehicle and do not le t them pla y with the pow er windows. T hey may seriousl y injure themsel ves. When cl osing the power windo ws, y ou should v erify they are fre e of obstructions and mak e sure that childr en and pets are not in the pro ximity of the window openings.
Windo w Lock E144072 Pr ess the contr ol to lock or unl ock the rear window c ontrols. It lights when y ou lock the re ar window c ontrols. Ac cessory Delay Y ou can use the window c ontrols for se veral minutes a fter you s witch the ignition off or until you open either fr ont door .
Check the main mirror fir st bef ore a lane change, then check the blind spot mirror . If no vehicl es are present in the blind spot mirror and the tr affic in the adjac ent lane is at a s af e distance, signal that y ou intend to change l anes. Glanc e ov er your shoulder t o verify tr affic is cle ar and carefull y change lanes.
Auto-Dimming Mirr or Note: Do not block the sensor s on the front and back of the mirr or . Mirror performanc e may be a ffect ed. A re ar center pa ssenger or raise d rear c enter head re straint ma y also block light fr om reaching the sensor .
W ARNINGS When cl osing the dual panel moonroof, you shoul d verify that it is fr ee of obstructions and mak e sure that childr en and pets are not in the pro ximity of the roof opening. The moonr oof and sunscreen contr ols are on the ov erhead consol e.
G AU GES Note: Cluster sho wn in standard me asur e – metric cl uster s similar . E173225 Le ft informa tion display . S ee General Information (pa ge 88).
W ARNING LAMPS AND INDIC A TOR S The f ollowing w arning lamps and indica tors will alert y ou to a vehicl e condition that ma y become serious. Some lamps will ill uminat e when you st art your v ehicle to mak e sure they work.
Engine Coolant T emperature Illumina tes when the engine cool ant tempera ture is high. St op the vehicl e as soon a s possible , swit ch off the engine and le t cool. See Engine Coolant Check (pa ge 240). Engine Oil If it illumina tes with the engine running or when you ar e driving, this indica tes a malfunction.
Parking Lamps It will illumina te when you swit ch the parking lamps on. Po wertr ain Fault Illumina tes when a pow ertrain or an A WD faul t has been det ected .
K eyless W arning Alert (If Equipped) Sounds the horn twic e when you exit y our vehicl e with the intelligent ac cess k ey , a fter the la st door is closed and y our keyl ess vehicl e is in RUN, indica ting your vehicl e is still on.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acte d can re sult in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cra sh and injury . W e strongl y recommend tha t you use extr eme caution when using any devic e that may tak e your f ocus off the roa d. Y our primary responsibilit y is the saf e opera tion of your v ehicle.
Display mode Option 3 Option 2 Option 1 Displa y mode - - X XXX mi (km) to empt y - - X Bar tachomet er X X - R ound tachomet er X - - Engine cool ant temp gaug e Al wa ys P resent Fuel gau ge Al wa y.
Engine coolant t emperature g aug e Indica tes engine cool ant tempera ture. A t normal opera ting tempera ture, the l evel indica tor will be in the normal rang e. If the engine cool ant tempera ture ex ceeds the normal rang e, stop y our vehicle a s soon as sa fel y possible, swit ch off the engine and le t the engine cool.
Note: Press and hol d OK to rese t the currentl y displa yed fuel usag e information. Inst Fuel Ec onomy This displ ay shows a visu al graph of y our instantane ous fuel econom y . 30 Min Fuel History This displ ay shows a b ar chart of your fuel history .
Setting s Comf ort, Normal or Sport Handling in D Drive C ontrol V ehicle Normal or Sport Handling in S Aut o Engine Off - check enabl ed or uncheck disabl ed Normal or T owing D TE Calcul ation Ea sy.
Setting s (c ont ’ d) Aut o or Las t Set tings Climat e Control R emote S tart V ehicle ( cont ’ d) Aut o Hea ted or Off Front S ea ts Front S ea ts and Steering W heel 5, 10 or 15 minut es Durati.
Setting s (c ont ’ d) Hold OK t o Clear All MyK ey s Cle ar MyKe ys Mile s & GAL, l/ 100km or km/l Distanc e Displa y Set tings Fuel Gaug e or Fuel + T ach Gaug e Display Choose your applic able.
Adaptiv e Cruise Control Action Messag e A radar mal function is prev enting the adaptive cruise from eng aging. See Using A daptive C ruise Control (p age 164). Adaptiv e Cruise Malfunction Conditions e xist such that the adaptive cruise c annot function properl y .
Automa tic Engine Shutdown Action Messag e The engine is g etting rea dy to shut off . Engine Shuts Off in XX Se conds The engine ha s shut off to help increa se fuel economy . Engine Shut Off for Fuel Ec onomy The engine is g etting rea dy to shut off .
Batt ery and Charging Sy stem Action Messag e The char ging system ne eds servicing. If the w arning sta ys on or c ontinues to c ome on, contac t an authorized de aler as soon a s possible. Check Charging S yst em The ba ttery manag ement system de termines that the ba ttery is a t a low st at e of charge.
Brak e Sy stem Action Messag e The br ake fluid l evel is l ow and the brak e system shoul d be inspected imme diat ely . Se e Brak e Fluid Check (pa ge 247). Brak e Fluid Le vel L OW The br ake sys tem nee ds servicing. St op the vehicl e in a saf e plac e.
Doors and Locks Action Messag e The door list ed is not compl etel y closed . X Door Ajar The l uggag e compartment is not c omplet ely cl osed. T runk Ajar The driv er ’ s door is opened, your v ehicle is in park and the engine is on. Engine On Fuel Action Messag e An earl y reminder of a lo w fuel condition.
Action Messag e Ther e is a problem with y our vehicl e ’ s st arting syst em. See an authoriz ed deal er for service . Starting S yst em Fault During spare k ey programming, an intelligent ac cess ke y is progr ammed to the sys tem.
Maintenanc e Action Messag e St op your vehicl e as soon as s af ely possibl e, turn off the engine. Check the oil l evel. If the w arning sta ys on or c ontinues to c ome on with your engine running, cont act an authorized de aler a s soon as possibl e.
Action Messag e When a MyK ey is in use, the MyK ey spee d limit is on and your v ehicle speed is appro aching 80 mph (130 km/h). V ehicle Ne ar T op Speed MyK ey is activ e. Check Speed Driv e Safel y A MyK ey is in use and Belt-Minder is a ctiva ted.
Po wer S teering Action Messag e The po wer steering s yst em has dete cted a condition tha t require s service. See an authorized deal er . St eering Malfunction Servic e Now The po wer steering s yst em is not working. St op your vehicl e a saf e plac e.
Tire Pr essure Monitoring S ys tem Action Messag e One or more tir es on your v ehicle hav e low tir e pressure. S ee Tire Pressure Monit oring Sy stem (pag e 279). L OW Tir e Pressure The tir e pressure monit oring syst em is malfunctioning. If the w arning stays on or c ontinues to come on, c ontact an authorize d dealer .
AUT OMA TIC CLIMA TE C ONTROL Note: Y ou c an swit ch tempera ture units betw een Fahrenheit and C elsius. See Set tings (pag e 313). E173267 – MY TEMP +: Adjust the t emperatur e setting using the contr ol on the driver side. A Fan speed c ontrol: Adjust the vol ume of air circula ted in the v ehicle .
MAX A/ C: Adjust the contr ol for maximum cooling. R ecircul ate d air flow s through the instrument panel v ents, air conditioning automa tically turns on and the f an automa tically adjust s to the highes t speed. E A/C: P ress the butt on to s witch the air c onditioning on or off.
Note: If you sel ect A UTO during c old outside temper atures, the s ystem dire cts airfl ow t o the windshield and side windo w vents. In addition, the f an may run at a sl ower spee d until the engine warms up .
C ABIN AIR FIL TER Y our vehicl e is equipped with a cabin air fil ter . It is loc ated behind the gl ove bo x. The particul at e filtr ation sy stem r educes the conc entration of airborne particl es such as dust, spore s and pollen in the air supplie d to the interior of y our vehicle.
SITTING IN THE C ORRECT POSITION W ARNINGS Sitting improperl y , out of position or with the sea tback reclined t oo far can tak e weight off the se at cushion and aff ect the decision of the pa ssenger sensing sys tem, r esulting in serious injury or dea th in the ev ent of a cra sh.
W ARNINGS Install the hea d restr aint properly t o help minimize the risk of neck injury in the ev ent of a cra sh. Note: Adjust the se atback to an upright driving position bef ore adjusting the head re straint. A djust the head r estraint so tha t the top of it is le vel with the top of y our head and as f ar forw ard a s possible.
Installing the Head R estraint Align the ste el stems int o the guide slee ves and push the head r estraint down until it lock s. Folding the Head R estraint 1. Pr ess and hol d button D . 2. Pull it back up t o reset. Tilting Head R estraints (If Equipped) The fr ont head restr aints tilt f or extr a comf ort.
E138647 112 MKS (), enUS A Seats I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
Note: On vehicle s with memory sea ts, to pre vent damag e to the sea t, the po wer se at s are designed t o set a stopping position just short of the end of the se at track. If the sea t encount ers an object whil e moving f orward or backw ard , a new s topping position will be se t.
• Lumbar adjust: P ress and hold the fr ont of the lumbar c ontrol (B) to incre ase the firmness of the sel ected portion of the sea tback. Pre ss and hold the r ear of the lumbar t o decrea se the firmness.
2. Pr ess and hol d the desired pr eset button for a f ew seconds. A tone will sound . Continue hol ding until a second tone is hear d. 3. W ithin three seconds, press the l ock butt on on the remot e contr ol you are linking.
E146309 Pr ess the cool ed sea t symbol l ocat ed on the touchscr een to cycl e through the various cooling se ttings and off . Cooler se ttings are indica ted by mor e indicat or lights. If the engine fall s below 350 RPM whil e the cool ed seat s are on, the f eatur e will turn itself off.
• Pla ce he avy objec ts on the sea t. • Opera te the sea t heat er if wa ter or any other liquid is spille d on the sea t. Allo w the sea t to dry thoroughl y . The r ear seat he at contr ols are l ocat ed on the re ar of the cent er console. The he at ed seat s only oper at e when the ignition is on.
E152622 R ele ase the la tch, then pull do wn on the door loc ated in the b ack of the armres t. Y ou can stor e cargo of a l onger l ength such as skis or lumber .
3. Using both hands, simult aneousl y , press and hold the de sired HomeLink but ton and the hand-held tr ansmitter butt on. DO NO T rele ase either one until the HomeLink indica tor light fla shes slowl y and then rapidl y . When the indica tor light fla shes rapidl y, both buttons may be rel eased .
1. Pr ess and hol d the outer tw o function butt ons simult aneousl y for appr oximat ely 20 seconds until the indic ator lights abov e the buttons fla sh rapidl y . 2. When the indica tor lights fl ash, rel ease the butt ons. The c odes for all butt ons are era sed.
E142662 1. Pr ess and hol d the progr am button on the gar age door opener motor until both blue indic at or lights turn on. 2. R ele ase the progr am button. Onl y the smaller r ound indicat or light should be on. 3. P ress and rel ease the progr am button.
12 V ol t DC Power P oint W ARNING Do not plug optional el ectrical acc essories into the cig ar lighter sock et (if equipped). Impr oper use of the lighter c an cause damage not c over ed by your w arrant y , and can r esul t in fire or serious injury .
The po wer point tempor aril y turns off pow er if it ex ceeds the 150 wa tt limit. It can als o swit ch to a f ault mode if it det ects ov erloading, o verheating, or shorting conditions. For o verlo ading and shorting conditions, unpl ug your devic e and switch the ignition off then on.
CENTER CONS OLE St ow items in the cuphol der carefull y as items ma y become loos e during hard br aking, acc elera tion or collisions, incl uding hot drinks which may spill.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Ext ended idling at high engine speeds can pr oduce v ery high tempera tures in the engine and exhaust s ystem, cre ating the risk of fir e or other damage. Do not park, idl e or drive your v ehicle on dry gra ss or other dry ground co ver .
On: All ele ctrical circuits ar e operational and the warning l amps and indicat ors ill uminat e. • Without appl ying the brake pe dal, pre ss and rel ease the butt on once. Start: S tarts the engine. • Pr ess the brak e pedal, and then press the butt on for an y length of time .
Within 20 sec onds of switching the engine off, pr ess the brak e pedal and press the butt on. Aft er 20 seconds ha ve e xpired , you can no l onger rest art the engine without the ke y present inside your v ehicle . Once the engine ha s started , it remains running until you pr ess the butt on, even if the sys tem does not de tec t a valid key .
St opping the Engine When Y our V ehicl e is Moving W ARNING S witching off the engine when the vehicl e is still moving will resul t in a loss of brak e and steering a ssistanc e.
• Do not use multipl e ext ension cords. • Make sur e that when in opera tion, the ext ension cord pl ug and heat er cord pl ug connec tions are fr ee and cl ear of w at er . This c ould cause an el ectric shock or fire. • Make sur e your vehicl e is parked in a cl ean are a, cl ear of c ombustible s.
S AFETY PREC AUTIONS W ARNINGS Do not ov erfill the fuel tank. The pressur e in an overfill ed tank may cause l eakag e and lead t o fuel spray and fire. The fuel s yst em may be under pressur e. If you he ar a hissing sound near the fuel filler door (E as y Fuel capless fuel sys tem), do not r efuel until the sound stops.
FUEL QUALITY Y our warrant y will not co ver an y vehicl e damag e, l oss of vehicle perf ormance or repair s to y our vehicle, caused by the use of fuel not rec ommended. Choosing the Right Fuel Use onl y unle aded gas oline or unle aded ga soline blended with a maximum of 15% ethanol in your g asoline vehicl e.
• Y ou may need t o switch the ignition from off to on se veral times a fter refueling t o allo w the fuel syst em to pump the fuel from the tank t o the engine. On rest arting, cranking time will t ake a f ew seconds long er than normal. With k eyl ess ignition, just start the engine.
4. When done, cl ean the funnel or properl y dispose of it. Y ou can pur chase e xtra funnels from an a uthorized de aler if y ou choose to dispos e of the funnel. REFUELING W ARNINGS Fuel vapor burns viol ently and a fuel fire c an cause se vere injuries.
3. Sl owly ins ert the fuel filler no zzle full y into the fuel sys tem t o open both doors. Le ave the nozzl e fully inserte d until you ha ve stoppe d pumping fuel. E154765 Note: Allo w about five to t en seconds aft er pumping fuel bef ore remo ving the fuel filler nozzl e.
R esul ts are most a ccur ate when the filling method is consis tent. Cal culating Fuel Econom y Do not mea sure fuel economy during the fir st 1000 mile s (1600 kilome ters) of driving (this is your engine ’ s break-in period); a mor e acc ura te mea surement is obtained a fter 2000 mile s - 3000 mile s (3200 kilome ters - 4800 kilome ters).
Illumina tion of the service engine soon indica tor , charging sy stem warning light or the temper ature w arning light, fluid l eaks, strang e odors, smoke or l oss of engine power coul d indicat e that the emission contr ol sys tem is not w orking properly .
Readiness f or Inspection/Maintenanc e (I/M) T esting Some sta te/ pr ovincial and l ocal go vernments may ha ve Inspection/Maint enance (I/M) programs t o inspect the emission c ontrol equipment on your v ehicle. F ailure t o pass this inspe ction coul d prevent y ou from get ting a vehicl e registr ation.
AUT OMA TIC TRANSMIS SION W ARNINGS Al wa ys set the parking br ake full y and make sur e the gearshift is l atched in P ark (P). T urn the ignition to the off position and remo ve the key whene ver you le ave y our vehicl e. Do not apply the br ake pedal and acc elera tor pedal simul taneously .
With y our vehicle in Driv e (D), the paddl e shifter s pro vide tempor ary manual control. The y allo w you the ability to shift g ears quickl y , without taking your hands off the ste ering wheel. Y ou can achiev e extensiv e manual control by mo ving the gearshift l ever t o the Sport (S) position.
E173230 1. R emov e the side panel on the left side of the ge arshift l ever . 2. Loc ate the br ake shift interl ock lev er on the le ft side of the ge arshift a ssembly .
USING ALL-WHEEL DRIVE All-wheel drive us es all four whe els t o pow er the vehicl e. This incr ea ses traction, enabling you t o drive ov er terr ain and road conditions that a c onventional tw o-wheel drive v ehicle cannot. T he A WD syst em is active all the time and requir es no input from the opera tor .
If Y our V ehicle Goes Off the Edg e of the Pa vement • If your v ehicle goes off the e dge of the pav ement, slo w down, but a void sev ere brak e application. E ase the v ehicle back onto the pa vement only a fter reducing your spee d. Do not turn the s teering wheel too sharpl y while r eturning t o the road surf ace.
ste ering, ac cel eration or br aking which coul d result in an incr eased risk of l oss of vehicl e control, v ehicle roll over and/ or personal injury .
Be cautious of sudden chang es in vehicle speed or dire ction when you are driving in mud. E ven A WD vehicl es can l ose traction in slick mud. A s when you ar e driving over sand , apply the a ccel era tor slo wly and a void spinning your wheel s.
Y our vehicl e has anti-l ock brake s, there for e apply the br akes st eadily . Do not “ pump ” the brak es. Driving on Snow and Ic e W ARNING If you ar e driving in slippery conditions that r equire tire chains or cabl es, then it is critical tha t you drive ca utiously .
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Note: Occa sional brake noise is normal. If a metal-t o-metal, c ontinuous grinding or continuous sque al sound is present, the brak e linings ma y be worn-out.
P ARKING BRAKE W ARNINGS If the parking brak e is fully rel ease d, but the brak e warning lamp r emains illumina ted, then driving your v ehicle coul d result in r educed br aking ability , incre ase d stopping dist ances and pot ential loss of br akes.
3. W hen you r emov e your foot fr om the brak e pedal, your v ehicle r emains on the slope without r olling awa y for about t wo to thr ee seconds. T his hold time automa tically e xtends if y ou are in the proc ess of driving off. 4. Drive off in the normal manner .
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The tr action control s ystem helps a void drive wheel spin and l oss of tra ction. If your v ehicle begins to slide , the syst em applies the brak es to individual wheel s and, when needed , reduce s engine pow er at the same time.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS V ehicle modific ations invol ving braking sys tem, a ftermark et roof r acks, suspension, st eering sy stem, tire construc tion and wheel and tire siz e may change the handling char acteristics of the vehicl e and may adver sely aff ect the performanc e of the Advanc eT rac s ystem.
USING S T ABILITY CONTR OL Advanc eTrac® The s yst em automatic ally activ at es when you st art your v ehicle. T he Advanc eT rac sys tem c annot be compl etel y turned off, but the ele ctronic st ability control s yst em is disabl ed when the transmission s ele ctor l ever is in position R .
P ARKING AID (If Equipped) W ARNINGS T o help av oid personal injury , ple ase re ad and underst and the limita tions of the sys tem a s contained in this sec tion. Sensing is onl y an aid for some (gener ally lar ge and fixed) obje cts when moving on a fla t surfac e at parking spe eds.
E130178 Co verag e area of up t o 6 fee t (1.8 met ers) from the r ear bumper . Ther e is decrea sed co vera ge ar ea at the out er corners of the bumper . A The s yst em detects c ertain objects whil e the transmission is in r everse (R): • Moving t oward a st ationary object a t a speed of 3 mph (5 km/h) or l ess.
If the transmission is in r everse (R), the fr ont sensing sy stem pr ovides audio warnings when the vehicl e is moving and the dete cted obstacl e is moving to wards the vehicl e. Once the vehicl e reaches a st andstill condition, the audio warning st ops after 2 se conds.
The s yst em may not function corr ectly if something pa sses between the fr ont bumper and the parking spac e (a pedestrian or cyclist) or if the e dge of the neighboring parke d vehicl e is high off the ground (for exampl e, a bus, t ow truck or fla tbed truck).
When the sy stem finds a suitabl e space , the touchscr een display s a message and a chime sounds. Sl ow down, c ontinue moving forw ard and stop when another chime sounds and a messag e display s on the touchscr een (at appro ximatel y position A), then f ollow the instructions on the t ouchscreen.
When you think y our vehicle ha s enough space in fr ont and behind it, or you hear a solid tone fr om the parking aid (accompanie d by a t ouchscreen displa y message and a chime), bring your v ehicle to a c omplet e stop.
The sy stem does not offer a particular spac e Y our vehicl e is farther than 6 .5 ft (2.0 m) from the parking spa ce Y our vehicl e is closer than 16 in.
REAR VIEW C AMERA (If Equipped) W ARNINGS The r ear view camer a sys tem is a rev erse aid supplement de vice that still requir es the driver to use it in conjunction with the int erior and ext erior mirrors f or maximum co ver age.
The c amera ma y not operat e correctl y under the foll owing conditions: • Nighttime or dark are as if the rev erse lamps ar e not operating. • Mud, w ater or debris obstruc ts the camer a's view . Clean the l ens with a soft, lint-free cl oth and non-abrasiv e cleaner .
Note: The re verse sensing s ystem is not eff ectiv e at speeds abo ve 3 mph (5 km/h) and may no t det ect c ertain angular or mo ving object s. The s yst em uses red, yell ow and green highlights tha t appear on t op of the video imag e when the rev erse sensing syst em det ects an objec t.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION Cruise c ontrol l ets you maintain a se t speed without ke eping your f oot on the accel erat or pedal. Y ou can use cruise c ontrol when your vehicl e speed is grea ter than 20 mph (30 km/h).
Pr ess the OFF contr ol down and rel ease or turn off the ignition. USING AD APTIVE CRUISE CONTR OL (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Al wa ys pa y close at tention to changing road c onditions, especiall y when using adaptive cruise c ontrol. A daptive cruise contr ol cannot r eplac e att entive driving.
E173595 5. A lead v ehicle graphic will ill uminate if there is a v ehicle de tect ed in front of y ou. Note: When adaptiv e cruise control is a ctive, the speedomet er may vary slightl y from the set spee d displa yed in the informa tion display .
E173593 Y ou can decre ase or increa se the distance betw een your vehicl e and the vehicle in fr ont of you b y pressing the gap c ontrol do wnwar d or upw ard . E173595 The sel ected g ap appears in the informa tion displa y as shown b y the bars in the graphic.
Overriding A daptive Cruise C ontrol W ARNING Whenev er the driver is ov erriding the sys tem b y pressing the acc elera tor pedal, the sy stem will not automa tically appl y the brak es to maintain separa tion from any v ehicle ahe ad. Y ou can ov erride the set speed and gap distanc e by pr essing the ac cel erat or pedal.
Detec tion Issues The r adar sensor has a limit ed fiel d of vision. It may not det ect vehicl es at all or det ect a vehicl e lat er than expect ed in some situations. The le ad vehicl e graphic will not illumina te if the syst em does not detec t a vehicl e in front of you.
Block ed Sensor W ARNINGS Do not use the sy stem when t owing a trail er with brake c ontrols. A ftermarket trail er brake s will not function properl y when you s witch the s yst em on because the brak es are ele ctronicall y controll ed. F ailing to do so ma y result in l oss of vehicl e contr ol, which coul d result in s erious injury .
Due to the na ture of radar t echnology , it is possible t o get a bl ockage w arning and not be block ed. T his can happen, for e xample, when driving in sparse rur al or desert environment s. A f alse bl ocked condition will either self cl ear or cle ar after a k ey cycl e.
DRIVER ALERT (If Equipped) W ARNING The driv er alert sys tem is designe d to aid you. It is not int ended to repl ace your a ttention and judgment. Y ou are still responsibl e to drive with due c are and at tention. Note: The sy stem will st ore the on or off setting in the inf ormation displa y menu through ignition c ycl es.
The curr ent assessment of your al ertness indica tes that y ou should res t as soon a s sa fel y possible. The st atus bar will tr avel fr om left to right a s the cal culat ed alertness l evel decr eases. As the rest ic on is approached the c olor turns from gr een to y ellow t o red.
Sy stem Se ttings The s yst em has one standard f eatur e setting and one optional setting menu a vailabl e. T o view or adjust the se ttings, See Gener al Information (pa ge 88). T he syst em stor es the la st known sel ection f or each of these setting s.
• Lo w • Medium • High Sy stem Displa y E144813 When you s witch on the syst em, an overhe ad graphic of a v ehicle with lane marking s will displa y in the information displ ay . E173234 If you sel ect aid mode when you swit ch on the sys tem, arr ows will be displa yed with lane marking s.
Why is the fea ture not av ailable (line marking s are gra y) when I can see the lane markings on the road? Sta ying too cl ose to the l ane marking Driving at high spe eds in curve s Pr evious f ea t.
Why does the v ehicle not c ome back into the middle of the lane al ways, as expec ted, in the Aid or Aid + Al ert mode? High cross winds Larg e road cro wn R ough roa ds, groov es, shoul der drop-off.
Note: The Blind Spot Inf ormation S yst em does not pre vent contac t with other vehicl es or object s; nor det ect park ed vehicl es, peopl e, animals or infr astruc ture (fence s, guardrail s, trees). It only al erts you t o vehicl es in the blind zones.
In this first e xampl e, the l eft sensor is only partiall y obstruct ed; zone c over age is nearl y maximize d. E142441 Zone c over age also decr eases when parking at shall ow angl es. Here , the left sensor is mostl y obstruct ed; zone co ver age on that side is sev erel y limited.
Sy stem Lights and Messa ges E142442 The Blind S pot Informa tion and Cross T raffic Alert s ystems ill uminat e a yello w alert indica tor in the outside mirror on the side of your v ehicle the approaching v ehicle is coming fr om. Note: The alert indic ator dims when the sy stem de tects night time darkness.
When you r emove a bl ockage, you can res et the sys tem tw o way s: • Whil e driving, the syst em dete cts a t lea st two obje cts. • Y ou cycl e the ignition from on to off and then back on. If the block age is still pres ent aft er the key cycl e and driving in tra ffic, check ag ain for a block age.
Swit ching the Sy stems Off and On Y ou can tempor arily swit ch off one or both sys tems in the inf ormation displa y . Se e General Informa tion (pag e 88). When y ou swit ch off the Blind Spot Inf ormation S yst em, you do not r eceiv e alerts and the inf ormation displa y shows a sy stem off messag e.
Adaptiv e Learning The el ectronic po wer st eering syst em adaptive l earning helps corr ect road irreg ularities and impr oves o verall handling and ste ering feel. It communicat es with the brak e syst em to help oper ate adv anced stability c ontrol and accident a voidance sys tems.
Using the Collision W arning S yst em W ARNING The c ollision warning syst em ’ s br ake support can onl y help reduce the spee d at which a c ollision occurs if the driv er applies the vehicl e ’ s br akes. T he brake pedal must be presse d just like an y typical braking situation.
Action Cause Cle an the grille surfa ce in front of the ra dar or remo ve the object causing the obstruc tion The surf ace of the ra dar in the grille is dirty or obstruct ed in some way W ait a short time.
DRIVE CONTR OL LINCOLN DRIVE C ONTROL Lincoln Driv e Control deliver s the Lincoln driving experienc e through a suite of sophistica ted el ectr onic vehicl e syst ems. These s ystems c ontinuously monit or your driving inputs and the roa d conditions t o optimize ride c omfort, ste ering, handling, pow ertrain response and sound .
1. Choose Se ttings. 2. Choose V ehicle . 3. Choose Driv e Control. 4. Sel ect the shift position you w ould lik e to configur e, either D or S . 5. Choose from Comf ort, Normal, or S port modes a s your pr ef erred se tting in D . 6. Choose fr om Normal or Sport modes as your pr ef erred se tting in S.
LO AD LIMIT V ehicle Loading - with and without a Tr ail er This se ction will guide you in the proper l oading of your v ehicle, trail er or both, t o keep y our l oaded v ehicle weight within it s design r a ting capabilit y , with or without a tr ailer .
Tir e Label is the maximum payl oad for the v ehicle a s built b y the ass embl y plant. If you install any aft ermarke t or authorize d-deal er install ed equipment on the vehicl e, you must subtr act the w eight of the equipment from the p ayl oad list ed on the Tir e Label in order t o det ermine the new payl oad.
Exampl e only: E142516 E142517 189 MKS (), enUS A Load Carrying I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
E143817 CARGO Car go W eight - includes all w eight added t o the Base Curb W eight, including c argo and optional equipment. W hen to wing, trail er tong ue load or king pin w eight is also part of c argo w eight.
E143818 GVW G VW (Gr oss V ehicl e W eight) - is the V ehicl e Curb W eight, pl us carg o, plus pa ssenger s. G VWR (Gr oss V ehicl e W eight Rating) - is the maximum all ow able w eight of the full y loaded vehicl e (including all options, equipment, pa ssenger s and car go).
Exampl e only: E142523 192 MKS (), enUS A Load Carrying I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
E142524 W ARNING Ex ceeding the Sa fe ty Complianc e Certifica tion Label vehicl e weight r ating limits c ould resul t in substandar d vehicl e handling or performanc e, engine, transmission and/ or structural damag e, serious damag e to the vehicl e, l oss of contr ol and personal injury .
E143819 GCW GVW GCW ( Gross C ombined W eight) - is the Gross V ehicle W eight plus the weight of the full y lo aded tr ailer . GCWR ( Gross C ombined W eight Rating) - is the maximum all ow able w eight of the vehicl e and the l oaded tr ailer , including all car go and pa ssenger s, that the v ehicle can handl e without risking damag e.
Exampl es: For a 5000 pound (2268 kil ogram) c onv entional trail er , mul tiply 5000 b y 0. 10 and 0. 15 to obt ain a proper t ongue loa d rang e of 500 to 750 pounds (22 7 to 340 kil ograms). For an 11500 pound (5216 kil ogram) fifth whe el trail er , mul tipl y by 0 .
The f ollo wing gives y ou a few ex ampl es on ho w to c alcul at e the av ailabl e amount of carg o and lu gga ge l oad cap acity: *Suppose y our vehicl e has a 1400-pound ( 635-kil ogram) car go and lu gga ge capacit y . Y ou decide to g o gol fing.
Special Loading Instructions f or Owners of Pick-up Truck s and Utility-type V ehicl es W ARNING L oaded v ehicles ma y handle differ ently than unl oaded vehicl es. Ex tra pr ecautions, such a s sl ow er speeds and incre ased st opping distanc e, should be t aken when driving a hea vily l oaded vehicl e.
TOWING A TR AILER W ARNINGS Do not ex cee d the G VWR or the G A WR specified on the certific ation l abel. T owing trail ers bey ond the maximum r ec ommended gross trail er weight e xc eeds the limi.
REC OMMENDED TOWING WEIGHTS Note: Do not ex ceed the tr ailer weight f or your vehicl e configur ation list ed in the chart bel ow . Note: Be sure to t ake int o consider ation tr ailer front al are a. Do not e x ce ed 12 f eet 2 (1. 11 met ers 2 ) trail er frontal ar ea.
ESSENTIAL T OWING CHE CK S Follo w these guidelines for s afe t owing: • Do not to w a trailer until y ou drive your vehicl e at l ea st 1000 mil es (1600 kilome ters).
Before T owing a Tr ailer Pr actice turning, st opping and backing up to get the f eel of your v ehicle-tr ailer combina tion before st arting on a trip.
TRANSPOR TING THE VEHICLE E143886 If you nee d to ha ve your v ehicle t owed , conta ct a professional t owing service or , if you ar e a member of a roadside a ssistance progr am, your roadside a ssistance servic e pro vider . W e rec ommend the use of a wheel lift and dollies or fla tbed equipment to t ow your vehicl e.
Recr eational T o wing Note: Put your clima te control s ystem in recirc ula ted air mode to pr event exhaust fumes from ent ering the vehicle. S ee Climate Control (pa ge 105). Follo w these guidelines if you ha ve a need for r ecrea tional (RV) t owing.
BREAKING-IN Y ou need to br eak in new tir es for appro ximatel y 300 miles ( 480 kilomet ers). During this time, y our vehicle ma y exhibit some unusual driving chara ct eristics. Av oid driving too fa st during the first 1000 mile s (1600 kilome ters).
E176360 When driving throu gh standing w at er , drive very sl owly and do not s top y our vehicle. Y our brak e performance and tr action may be limited . Aft er driving through w ater and a s soon as it is s af e to do so: • Lightly pr ess the brak e pedal to dry the brak es and to check tha t they work.
E142666 T o install fl oor mats, position the fl oor mat so that the e yelet is o ver the ret ention post and press do wn to lock in. T o remo ve the floor ma t, rev erse the install ation pr ocedure.
RO ADSIDE A SSIS T ANCE V ehicl es Sold In the Unit ed Sta tes: Getting R oadside Assistance If you e ver nee d help on the road , the Lincoln Motor C ompany is there for y ou with nation wide, 2 4-hours-a-da y , sev en-day s-a-week a ssistance. The servic e is avail able: • Thr oughout the life of the vehicl e for original owner s.
driving, l ogging, autocross and an y other form of off-road use . W ell maintained roads and surfa ces help ensur e saf e tra vel for the Supplier , and all ow their repre senta tives t o perform servic e as per the standar d opera ting proc edure s.
Note: When you try t o restart your v ehicle aft er a fuel shutoff, the vehicl e makes sure that v arious systems ar e safe t o restart. Onc e your vehicl e determines tha t the syst ems are sa fe, then the vehicle will all ow y ou to restart.
2. Connec t the other end of the positive (+) cabl e to the positive (+) t erminal of the assisting ba ttery . 3. C onnect the nega tive (-) cabl e to the nega tive (-) terminal of the a ssisting bat tery .
3. R emove the jumper c able from the positive (+) t erminal of the booster vehicl e's batt ery. 4. R emov e the jumper cable fr om the positive (+) t erminal of the disabled vehicl e's batt ery.
GETTING THE SERVICE S Y OU NEED W arrant y repair s to y our vehicle must be performe d by an authoriz ed dealer . Whil e any authorized de aler handling your v ehicle line will pro vide warr anty service, w e recommend you r eturn t o your selling authoriz ed dealer who wants t o ensure your c ontinued sa tisfa ction.
2. If your inquiry or c oncern remains unresol ved , cont act the Sale s Manager , Servic e Manag er or Cust omer Rela tions Manag er . 3. If y ou require a ssistance or clarific ation on Ford Mot or Company policies, pl ease conta ct the Ford Cust omer R ela tionship Cent er .
Y ou are requir ed to submit your w arrant y dispute t o BBB AUT O LINE before a sserting in court any right s or remedie s conf erred by Calif ornia Civil Code S ection 1793.22(b). Y ou are also r equired to us e BBB AUT O LINE bef ore e xer cising rights or seeking remedies cre at ed by the Feder al Magnuson-Moss W arrant y Ac t, 15 U.
UTILIZING THE MEDIA TION/ ARBITRA TION PROGR AM (C ANADA ONL Y) For vehicl es delivered t o authorized Canadian deal ers. In those ca ses where you c ontinue to f eel that the eff orts by Ford of Cana.
If your v ehicle must be service d while y ou are tra veling or living in Puert o Rico , contact the near est authorize d deal er . If the authorize d deal er cannot help you, c ontact: FORD MO T OR COMP ANY Cust omer Rela tionship Center 1555 Fairl ane Drive Fairl ane Business Park #3 Allen P ark, Michigan 48101 U.
REPORTING S AFETY DEFECT S (U.S . ONL Y) E142557 If you belie ve that y our vehicl e has a def ect which coul d cause a cr ash or coul d cause injury or de ath, y ou shoul d immedia tel y inf orm the Na tional Highwa y T ra ffic Saf ety A dministra tion (NHTS A) in addition to notifying For d Motor C ompany .
FUSE SPECIFIC A TION CHART Po wer Dis tribution Box W ARNINGS Al wa ys disc onnect the batt ery before servicing high-current fuse s. W ARNINGS T o reduc e risk of electric al shock, alw ays repl ace the c ov er to the po wer distribution bo x befor e reconnec ting the bat tery or refilling fl uid reserv oirs.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. - 1 Not used. - 2 Not used. - 3 Wiper mot or rela y . 30A 2 4 Anti-lock br ake sy stem pump . 50A 2 5 Not used. - 6 Not used. - 7 Moonroof , po wer sunshade . 20A 2 8 Sec ond row po wer point.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. - 17 Front bl ower mot or relay . 40A 2 18 Start er rela y . 30A 2 19 St orage bin po wer point. 20A 2 A 20 R ear hea ted se at modul e. 20A 2 21 Mass age c ontrol sea ts rela y. - 22 Driver po wer sea t.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Ele ctric f an relay 3. 25A 2 31 Not used. - 32 Right-hand cooling f an rela y. - 33 Blo wer motor r elay . - 34 Le ft-hand cooling f an Number 1 rela y. - 35 Not used. - 36 Not used. - 37 Not used.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. - 4 7 Not used. - 48 Not used. - 4 9 Hea ted Mirrors. 15A 1 50 Not used. - 51 Not used. - 52 Not used. - 53 Not used. - 54 Wiper r ela y . - 55 Not used. - 56 Le ft-hand high intensit y discharg e headlamp .
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. - 63 Mass age c ontrol sea ts. 15A 1 64 Fuel pump rel ay . 30A 1 65 Fuel inject ors. Po wertrain c ontrol module r elay . - 66 Oxy gen sensor he ater . 20A 1 6 7 Mass airfl ow sensor .
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Ele ctronic c ompressor bypa ss valv e. All-wheel drive modul e. Po sitive cr ankca se ventila tion heat er . Not used. - 7 1 Not used. - 72 Not used. - 73 Not used. - 7 4 Not used. - 75 Not used.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. - 85 Po wertrain c ontrol module. 7 .5A 1 86 K eep alive pow er and rela y. Canist er vent sol enoid. Run/ start rel ay . 5A 1 87 Run/ start rel ay . - 88 Front bl ower r ela y coil.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used. - 97 Not used. - 98 1 Mini Fuses 2 Cartridge Fus es Pa ssenger C ompartment Fuse Panel The fuse panel is under the instrument p anel to the l eft of the steering wheel. Y ou may need t o remo ve a trim panel to ac cess it.
E173619 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33 41 42 43 44 45 34 35 36 37 23 24 25 26 27 28 38 46 39 47 29 32 40 31 30 48 49 227 MKS (), enUS A Fuses I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Le ft front and right r ear smart windo w motor s. 30A 1 Driver se at switch. 15A 2 Right front smart windo w motor . 30A 3 Demand lamps ba ttery sa ver rel ay . 10A 4 Audio amplifier 20A 5 Ac tive noise c ontrol module.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Backlighting LED . Interior lighting. Right-hand direc tion indica tors. 15A 13 Le ft-hand direc tion indica tors. 15A 1 4 St op lamp. 15A 15 Backup l amp. Right front l ow beam. 10A 16 Le ft front l ow beam.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Da talink. Decklid rel ease . 15A 25 Push butt on ignition switch. 5A 26 Intellig ent access modul e power . 20A 2 7 Not used (spare). 15A 28 Radio . 20A 29 Global po sitioning syst em module Front park l amps.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Hea ted ste ering wheel. 10A 36 Not used (spare). 10A 37 Moonroof modul e and switch. 10A 38 High beams. 15A 39 R ear park l amps. 10A 40 Occupant cl assifica tion sensor . 7 .5A 41 R estr aint contr ol module .
CHANGING A FUSE Fuses W ARNING Al wa ys r eplac e a fuse with one that ha s the specified amper ag e ra ting. Using a fuse with a higher ampera ge ra ting can cause se vere wire dama ge and coul d start a fire. E142430 If ele ctrical c omponents in the vehicl e are not working, a fus e may ha ve blo wn.
Col or J-type fuses M-type fuses Dual micro fuses Micro fuses Fuse ra ting Green Green - - 40A R ed - - - 50A Y ello w - - - 60A 233 MKS (), enUS A Fuses I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Hav e your vehicl e serviced reg ularl y to help maintain its r oadworthine ss and resale v alue. Ther e is a larg e netw ork of authorized de alers that ar e there to help y ou with their prof essional servicing expertise.
2. Go to the fr ont of your v ehicle and loc ate the secondary r elea se lev er . The r elea se le ver is loc at ed belo w the grille . 3. R elea se the hood la tch by pushing the yell ow secondary r elea se lev er to the le ft-hand side of your v ehicle.
UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 3.5L E COBOOS T ™ E173375 Engine cool ant reservoir . S ee Engine Coolant Check (pag e 240). A. Engine oil filler c ap. See Engine Oil Check (p age 239).
Engine oil dipstick. S ee Engine Oil Dipstick (pag e 239). C. Brak e fluid reserv oir . Se e Brak e Fluid Check (pag e 247). D. Bat tery . S ee Changing the 12V Battery (pag e 248). E. Po wer distribution bo x. Se e Fuses (pag e 218). F . Air filt er assembl y.
UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 3. 7L E173333 Engine cool ant reservoir . S ee Engine Coolant Check (pag e 240). A. Engine oil filler c ap. See Engine Oil Check (p age 239).
Engine oil dipstick. S ee Engine Oil Dipstick (pag e 239). C. Brak e fluid reserv oir . Se e Brak e Fluid Check (pag e 247). D. Bat tery . S ee Changing the 12V Battery (pag e 248). E. Po wer distribution bo x. Se e Fuses (pag e 218). F . Air filt er assembl y.
6. W ipe the dipstick clean. Insert the dipstick fully , then r emove it a gain. • If the oil le vel is betw een the l ow er and upper hole s, the oil l evel is acc eptable. DO NOT ADD OIL. • If the oil le vel is belo w the low er hole, add enough oil t o raise the le vel within the lo wer and upper hole s.
W ARNINGS Do not put engine cool ant in the windshield w asher fluid c ontainer . If spra yed on the windshield , engine cool ant could mak e it difficult t o see throu gh the windshield . T o reduc e the risk of personal injury , make sur e the engine is cool befor e unscre wing the cool ant pressure relie f cap .
Do not use the foll owing a s a cool ant substitute: • Alc ohol. • Methanol. • Brine. • Any engine cool ant mixed with al cohol or methanol antifre eze or c oolant. Alc ohol and other liquids can cause engine damag e from o verhe ating or fr eezing.
the cool ant tempera ture warning light will illumina te the service engine soon indic ator will illumina te. If the engine re aches a pre set ov er-tempera ture condition, the engine automa tically s witches to al ternating c ylinder opera tion. Each disabl ed cylinder acts a s an air pump and cools the engine .
At this time , you ma y notice your engine cool ant tempera ture gaug e needle mo ve to ward the H and the POWER REDU CED TO LO WER TEMP messag e may appear in the informa tion display . Y ou may notice a r eduction in vehicl e speed caused b y reduce d engine pow er.
Note: For vehicle s with the EcoBoost engine , mov e the air filter a ssembly aside t o acce ss the transmission dipstick. See Moving the Air Filt er Assembly f or more information. 5. Remov e the dipstick and wipe it clean with a dry , lint free cl ean ra g.
E173400 7 . Pull the air fil ter assembl y up to disconnec t it from the seat ed grommets loc ated under the air fil ter a ssembl y . 8. Rota te the air filt er assembl y 90 degree s count erclockwise . Make sure the rubber hose is still conne ct ed to the air fil ter assembl y .
Note: Fluid l evel abo ve the MAX l evel may cause shift or eng agement conc erns or possible dama ge. An o verheating c ondition can c ause high fluid l evels.
W ASHER FLUID CHE CK W ARNING If you oper ate y our vehicle in temper atures bel ow 40°F (5°C), use wa sher fluid with antifreez e protection. Fail ure to use w asher fl uid with antifreeze prot ection in col d we ather c ould resul t in impaired windshiel d vision and increa se the risk of injury or accident.
Y our vehicl e is equipped with a Mot orcr aft maintenanc e-free bat tery which normall y does not requir e additional wat er during its life of servic e. For long er , trouble-fr ee operation, keep the top of the ba ttery cl ean and dry . Also, make certain the b at tery c able s are al way s tightly fa stened t o the battery t erminals.
Al ways dispose of aut omotive batt eries in a responsibl e manner . Follo w your local a uthorized standards f or disposal. Call your l ocal authorized recycling cent er to find out more about r ecycling automotiv e batteries.
E129990 1 1 2 2. Pr ess the l ocking buttons t ogether . 3. R otat e and remov e the wiper blade . 4. Install in the re verse order . Note: Make sure tha t the wiper blade l ocks into pl ace. L ower the wiper arm and bl ade back to the windshiel d. T he wiper arms will automa tically r eturn to their normal position when the ignition is turned on.
E142465 4. Ther e is a distinct cut-off (change fr om light to dark) in the l eft portion of the beam pa ttern. P osition the top edge of this cut-off 2 inches (5 c entimeter s) belo w the horizontal ref erence line . E167359 5. Loca te the v ertical adjuster on e ach headl amp.
Repla cing Front P arking, Direction Indicat or and Sidemarker Bulbs These l amps are designed with LED light sourc es. See an authoriz ed deal er . Repla cing Fog Lamp Bulbs (If Equipped) E163826 1. Make sur e the headlamps ar e off. 2. Disconnec t the electric al connec tor fr om the fog l amp bulb.
Tra de number Function D3S * He adlamp (high intensit y discharg e) Low and High LED * Sidemarker - front LED * Park l amp - front 7 444NA * T urn lamp - front LED Signal indicat or mirror lamp LED Ap.
CHANGING THE ENGINE AIR FIL TER W ARNING T o reduc e the risk of vehicle dama ge or personal burn injuries, do not start your engine with the air cl eaner remo ved and do not r emove it when the engine is running. When changing the air fil ter el ement, use only the air filt er element list ed.
6. Inst all the air filt er housing cov er . 7 . Engag e the clamps to s ecure the air fil ter housing co ver to the air fil ter housing. 256 MKS (), enUS A Maintenanc e I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v .
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Y our Ford or Lincoln authoriz ed dealer ha s many quality pr oducts avail able to cl ean your vehicl e and protec t its finishes.
Ext erior Chrome Parts • Apply a high qu ality-cl eaning pr oduct to bumpers and other chrome p arts. Foll ow the manufa cturer ’ s instructions. W e rec ommend Motorcr aft C ustom Bright Metal Cl eaner . • Do not apply the cl eaning product t o hot surfa ces.
When wa shing: • T ake c are when using a power w asher to cle an the engine. The high-pr essure fl uid coul d penetra te the se aled parts and cause dama ge . • Do not spra y a hot engine with cold w ater to a void cracking the engine bl ock or other engine components.
• If gre ase or t ar is present on the ma terial, spot-cle an the area first with Mot orcra ft Spot and S tain R emover . In Cana da, use Motor craft Mul ti-Purpose Cle aner . • If a ring forms on the f abric after spot cle aning, clean the entir e area immedia tel y (but do not over satur ate) or the ring will set.
For cle aning and removing spots and st ains such as dy e transfer , use Mot orcra ft Premium Le ather and Vinyl Cl eaner or a commer cially av ailabl e lea ther cleaning pr oduct for automotiv e interiors. Note: T est any cl eaner or stain remo ver on an inconspicuous ar ea.
• Cle an the wheels weekl y using Motorcr aft Wheel and T ire Cleaner . Appl y using manufa cturer's instruc tions. • Use a sponge t o remov e hea vy deposits of dirt and brak e dust accumul ation. • Rinse thoroughl y with a strong stre am of wa ter when you ha ve c omplete d the cle aning process.
Batt ery • Check and rechar ge as ne cess ary . K eep connec tions cle an. • If storing y our vehicle f or more than 30 day s without rechar ging the batt ery , we rec ommend that you disc onnect the bat tery cabl es to maint ain battery char ge for quick st arting.
TIRE C ARE Information About Unif orm Tire Quality Gr ading E142542 Tir e Quality Gra des appl y to new pneuma tic pass enger c ar tires. T he Quality gr ades can be f ound where applicabl e on the tire sidew all betw een trea d shoulder and maximum sec tion width.
Tr action AA A B C W ARNING The tr action gr ade a ssigned to this tire is ba sed on str aight-ahead br aking trac tion te sts, and doe s not include ac cel era tion, cornering, hy dropl aning or peak tra ction chara cteristics. The tr action gr ades, from highes t to l ow est are AA, A, B, and C.
• Standar d l oad: A cl ass of P-metric or Metric tir es designed to c arry a maximum loa d at set pressur e. For ex ample: For P-metric tir es 35 psi (2.
Information on P Type Tir es H I J K L M A B C D E F G E142543 P215/ 65R15 95H is an e xampl e of a tire siz e, l oad inde x and speed r ating. The de finitions of these it ems are list ed bel ow . (Not e that the tire siz e, l oad inde x and speed r ating f or your vehicl e may be diff erent from this ex ampl e.
Note: Y ou may not find this informa tion on all tires bec ause it is not re quired b y feder al la w . mph ( km/h) Lett er ra ting 81 mph (130 km/h) M 87 mph (140 km/h) N 99 mph (159 km/h) Q 106 mph .
K. Maximum Load: Indic at es the maximum l oad in kilogr ams and pounds that c an be carried b y the tire . S ee the Sa fet y Complianc e Certific ation Label (a ffixed t o either the door hinge pill .
• Trea dwear T he treadw ear gr ade is a compar ativ e ra ting ba sed on the we ar ra te of the tir e when te st ed under contr olled conditions on a spe cified go vernment t est c ourse . For ex ampl e, a tir e graded 150 w ould we ar one and one-half times a s well on the g overnment c ourse a s a tire gr aded 100.
A. L T : Indicat es a tire, designa ted by the T ire and Rim Associa tion, that is int ended for s ervice on light trucks. B. Load Rang e and Load Inflation Limits: Indica tes the tir e's l oad-c arrying capabilities and it s infla tion limits. C.
E. 16: Indic at es the wheel or rim diamet er in inches. If you chang e your whe el size, you will hav e to purcha se new tire s to ma tch the new wheel diame ter .
post, ne xt to the driv er's seating position), or T ire Label which is l oca ted on the B-Pill ar or the edge of the driver ’ s door . F ailure t o foll ow the tire pr essure re commenda tions.
Note: If you o verfill the tire , rel ea se air b y pressing on the me tal stem in the cent er of the val ve. T hen recheck the pressur e with your tir e ga ug e. 4. R eplac e the val ve cap . 5. R epeat this pr ocedur e for e ach tire , incl uding the spare .
When the tr ead is w orn down t o one sixt eenth of an inch (2 millimet ers), tires mus t be repl aced t o help pre vent y our vehicl e from skidding and hy dropl aning.
U.S . DOT Tir e Identification Number Both U.S . and Cana da Feder al reg ula tions requir e tire manuf actur ers to pl ace standar dized informa tion on the sidew all of all tires. This inf ormation identifies and describes the fundamental char acteristic s of the tire and al so pro vides a U.
W ARNINGS T o reduce the risk of s erious injury , when mounting repl acement tir es and wheel s, y ou shoul d not ex cee d the maximum pressur e indica te d on the sidew all of the tire t o set the beads without additional pre cautions liste d bel ow .
W ARNINGS Do not spin the wheels a t ov er 35 mph (56 km/h). T he tires may f ail and injure a pa ssenger or by stander . Driving habits ha ve a gr eat de al to do with your tir e milea ge and sa fety .
Note: Y our vehicl e may be e quipped with a dissimilar sp are wheel and tir e a ssembl y . A dissimil ar spare wheel and tire a ssembly is de fined a s a spare wheel and tir e assembl y that is differ ent in brand, size or appear ance from the ro ad tires and wheels.
Each tir e, incl uding the spare (if pro vided), shoul d be checked monthly when c old and infl at ed to the infla tion pressure rec ommended by the vehicl e manufactur er on the vehicl e placar d or tire infla tion pressur e label.
Note: Each road tir e is equipped with a tire pressure s ensor loc ated inside the whe el and tire a ssembl y ca vity . The pr essure sensor is at tached t o the valv e stem. The pre ssure sensor is co vered b y the tire and is not visible unle ss the tire is remo ved.
Cust omer action required Possibl e cause Low tire pr essure warning light Make sur e tires are a t the proper pressure . See Infla ting your tires in this chapter .
When Inflating Y our Tir es When putting air int o your tires (such a s at a ga s station or in y our gar age), the tire pressur e monitoring syst em may not respond immedia tel y to the air added t o your tires.
If you ha ve a dissimilar spar e wheel and tire , then it is intended f or temporary us e only . This me ans that if y ou need to use it, y ou should r eplace it a s soon as possibl e with a road whe el and tire a ssembly that is the same size and t ype as the r oad tires and wheels tha t were originall y provided b y Ford .
Tire Chang e Proc edure W ARNINGS When one of the front whe els is off the ground , the tr ansmission alone will not prev ent the vehicle fr om moving or slipping off the jack, ev en if the transmission is in park (P).
5. Remov e the second wing nut that s ecure s the jack re tention br acket b y turning it count erclockwise . Then remo ve the jack kit from y our vehicl e. 6. R emove the ja ck and the wrench fr om the fel t bag. Fol d down the wr ench socket used t o loosen the l ug nuts and to opera te the jack.
9 . P ut the flat tir e, jack and lu g wrench aw ay . Mak e sure the jack is fa stened so it does not ra ttle when y ou drive. Unbl ock the wheels. St owing the flat tire 1. R emov e the extension bol t from the ext erior pocket of the f elt bag. E173212 2.
TECHNIC AL SPECIFICA TIONS Wheel Lug Nut T orque S pecifications W ARNING When a wheel is install ed, al way s remove an y corrosion, dirt or f oreign mat erials present on the mounting surf ace s of the wheel or the surfa ce of the wheel hub , brak e drum or brak e disc that cont acts the wheel.
E145950 Wheel pil ot bore A Inspect the wheel pil ot bore and mounting surfa ce prior t o installa tion. R emove any visible c orrosion or loos e particle s.
ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS 3. 7 V6 3.5L V6 Ecoboost Engine 226 214 Cubic inches Minimum 87 octane Minimum 87 octane Requir ed fuel 1-4-2-5-3-6 1-4-2-5-3-6 Firing order Coil on pl ug Coil on pl ug Ignition sys tem .04 9-.053 in. (1.25-1.35 mm) .030-. 033 in.
MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS 3. 7L V6 engine 3.5L V6 Ecoboost Component F A-1884 F A-1884 Air filt er element FL-500-S FL-500-S Oil filt er BXT-65-6 50 BXT-65-650 Bat tery SP-520/ CYFS-12F-5 SP-534/C YFS-12-YT3.
E142476 Ple ase note tha t in the graphic, XXXX is repr esenta tive of your v ehicle identific ation number . The V ehicl e Identification Number c ontains the foll owing informa tion: E142477 W orld .
TRANSMIS SION C ODE DESIGNA TION E167814 The tr ansmission code is on the Saf ety Complianc e Certifica tion Label. T he foll owing tabl e shows the transmission c ode along with the transmission des cription.
TECHNIC AL SPECIFICA TIONS W ARNING The air c onditioning refriger ant system c ontains refrig erant R-134a under high pr essure . Opening the air conditioning r efrigerant s ystem can c ause personal injury . Ha ve the air conditioning re frigerant sy stem serviced onl y by qualified pers onnel.
Ford part number / Ford specifica tion Rec ommended fluids and lubricants Capacity Item X O-5W20-QSP or X O-5W20-QFS (U.S.) / W SS-M2C945-A Motor craft S AE 5W-20 Pr emium S ynthetic Bl end Motor Oil or Motor craft S AE 5W-20 Full S ynthetic Mot or Oil 6.
Ford part number / Ford specifica tion Rec ommended fluids and lubricants Capacity Item Aut omatic tr ansmission fluid 4,5 Z C-32-B2 (U.S.) / W SS-M14P19-A Motor craft P remium W indshield W ash C oncentra te with Bitt erant (U .
Ford part number / Ford specifica tion Rec ommended fluids and lubricants Capacity Item W SH-M1C231-B 1 Ford r ecommends using DO T 4 L ow V iscosity (L V) High Perf ormance Brak e Fluid or equival ent meeting W SS-M6C65-A2.
E142732 298 MKS (), enUS A Capacities and Specific ations I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Radio Frequencies and R eception Fac tors AM and FM frequencies ar e established by the Federal C ommunications C ommission (FC C) and the Canadian Ra dio and T el ecommunic ations Commission ( CRT C). Those fr equencies are: • AM: 530, 540-1 700, 1710 kHz • FM: 87 .
MP3 Tr ack and Fol der Structur e Audio sy stems capabl e of recognizing and pla ying MP3 individual tracks and f older structure s work a s follo ws: • Ther e are two diff erent modes for MP3 disc pla yback: MP3 track mode (s yst em def aul t) and MP3 fol der mode.
E146318 CD slot: Insert a CD . A Eject: Eject a CD . B TUNE +/-: In radio mode , select a fr equency band and press one of the TUNE butt ons. The sy stem stops a t the first sta tion it finds in that dir ection. In SIRIUS mode, s ele ct the pre vious or next channel.
Pow er: Swit ch the audio system on and off b y pressing the butt on. E Seek/Fa st Forward/Rev erse: Press t o go to the pr evious or next tr ack or avail able r adio station. Press and hol d to either rev erse or fa st forwar d through the current tr ack or to quickl y rever se or advance thr ough the ra dio band in individual increments.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acte d can re sult in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cra sh and injury . W e strongl y recommend tha t you use extr eme caution when using any devic e that may tak e your f ocus off the roa d. Y our primary responsibilit y is the saf e opera tion of your v ehicle.
Phone. A Navig ation (or Inf ormation if your v ehicle is not e quipped with Navig ation). B Climat e. C Set tings. D Home. E Informa tion. F Entert ainment. G This s yst em uses a four-corner str ate gy to pro vide quick acc ess to sev eral vehicl e fe atures and se ttings.
E142607 SETTINGS Pr ess to sel ect any of the f ollowing: • Clock. • Displa y . • Sound . • V ehicle . • Set tings. • Help. E142613 HOME Pr ess to a cc ess your home screen. Depending on your v ehicle ’ s option packa ge and soft ware , your screens ma y vary in appear ance from the descriptions in this section.
• VOL: C ontrol the vol ume of audio output. • Seek: • Whil e in radio mode, pr ess to s eek betw een memory presets or pr ess and hold t o seek betwe en stations. • Whil e in USB or CD mode, press t o seek betw een stations or pr ess and hold t o fa st seek.
Speed-restric ted Features Some f eature s of this sys tem ma y be too difficul t to use whil e your vehicl e is moving so they ar e restric ted fr om use unless y our vehicl e is stationary .
Restric ted fea tures Vie wing rec eived te xt message s Editing prese t te xt messag es Using the ke yboard to ent er a destina tion Navig ation Demo navig ation rout e Adding or e diting Addr ess Bo.
Ac cessing and Adjus ting Modes through Y our V ehicle Inf ormation Displa y E173235 The displ ay is loc ated on the right side of y our instrument clust er . It allow s you to view and make minor a djustments to a ctive modes without taking your hands off the whe el.
The sel ection menu expands and diff erent options appear . • Pr ess the up and down arr ows t o scroll through the mode s. • Pr ess the right arro w to enter the mode. • Pr ess the l eft or right arro ws to mak e adjustments within the chosen mode .
• Speak na turall y , without long p auses betw een words. • At an y time, y ou can interrupt the sy stem while it is spe aking by pressing the v oice icon. A ccessing a List o f A vailabl e Commands • If you use the t ouchscreen, pre ss the Set tings ic on > Help > V oice C ommand List .
• Inter action Mode • Confirma tion Prompts • Media Candida te Lists • Phone Candida te List s • V oice C ontrol V ol ume. T o ac cess the se setting s using voic e commands: 1. Pr ess the voic e icon. W ait f or the prompt "Ple ase say a c ommand ".
SETTINGS A B C D E F E161968 Clock. A Displa y . B Sound . C V ehicle . D Set tings. E Help. F 313 MKS (), enUS A MyLincoln T ouch ™ I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
E142607 Under this menu, you c an set your clock, access and a djust the displa y , sound and v ehicle se ttings as w ell as acc ess settings f or specific modes or the help fe ature. Clock Note: Y ou c annot manuall y set the dat e. Y our vehicl e ’ s GP S does this for y ou.
Only phot ographs that me et the foll owing conditions displ ay: • Compa tible fil e forma ts are as f ollo ws: jpg, gif, png, bmp • Each fil e must be 1.
Y ou can find more inf ormation on the rear view camer a in another chapter . See R ear View C amera (page 160). Enable V alet Mode V al et mode all ow s you t o lock the sys tem. No informa tion is acce ssible until the s ystem is unlock ed with the corre ct PIN.
V oice C ontrol E142607 Pr ess the Se ttings ic on > Settings > V oice C ontrol , then sel ect fr om the foll owing: V oice c ontrol Standar d intera ction mode pro vides more detail ed intera ction and guidance. A dvanced mode ha s less audibl e inter action and more t one prompts.
Media play er When this f ea ture is on, the syst em automa ticall y switches t o the media source upon initial c onnection. This allo ws you t o listen t o music during the indexing proc ess. When this f eatur e is off, the sys tem does not a utoma t- icall y switch t o the inserted me dia source.
Navig ation S witch br eadcrumbs on and off. Map Pr efer ences Hav e the system displ ay your turn list t op to bottom or bot tom to t op. S witch the P arking POI notifica tion on and off. Choose to ha ve the syst em display the Short est, Fa stest or most Ec ological r oute fir st.
Navig ation Hav e the system displ ay any smog al erts. Hav e the system displ ay we ather w arnings. Hav e the system displ ay where ther e may be r educe d visibility . Hav e the system turn on y our radio f or tra ffic announcements. Hav e the system a void tra ffic problems aut omaticall y .
Phone Connec t, disc onnect, a dd or dele te a device , a s well a s save it a s a fav orite. Bluet ooth Devices S witch Bl uetooth on and off. Bluet ooth Hav e all calls go dir ectl y to your v oice mail and not ring inside your vehicl e.
Wirel ess & Internet Y our syst em has a W i-Fi fea ture that cr ea tes a wirel ess network within y our vehicle , thereb y allo wing other devices (such a s personal c omputer s or phones) in your vehicl e to speak t o each other , share fil es or pla y games.
Wi-Fi Inste ad of using Wi-Fi, your s ystem can al so use a USB mobile br oadband conne ction to acc ess the internet. (Y ou must switch on y our mobile broadb and device on y our personal comput er before c onnecting it to the sys tem.) T his screen allo ws you t o set up wha t is your typical ar ea f or your U SB mobile br oadband connection.
Help Vie w your v ehicle's current l ocation if y our vehicle is equippe d with navig ation. If your v ehicle is not equipped with navig ation, you do not se e this button.
T o ac cess Help using the v oice commands, press the v oice button, then, a fter the t one, say "Help". The s yst em provides all owabl e voic e commands for the curr ent mode.
USB E T ouch this butt on to scr oll down for mor e options, such a s SD Card , BT St ereo and A/V In F These but tons change with the media mode y ou are in. G Radio memory pr esets and CD contr ols. H Note: Some fe atur es may no t be avail able in your are a.
Y our voice s yst em allow s you t o change audio sourc es with a simple voic e command. For exampl e, if you ar e listening to music on a USB devic e, then want t o swit ch to a sa tellit e radio channel, simpl y press the voic e butt on on the steering whe el contr ols and say the name of the Sirius st ation (such as, "the Highwa y").
• Balanc e and Fade • THX Deep Note Demo • DSP (Digital Signal pr ocessing) • Occupanc y Mode • Speed C ompensate d V olume. Note: Y our vehicl e may not ha ve all these sound set tings. Set PTY f or Seek/Sc an This all ows y ou to sel ect a ca tegory of music you w ould like t o search f or .
The mul ticast indic ator appe ars in FM mode (onl y) if the current sta tion is broadca sting multipl e digital broadc asts. T he highlighted numbers signify a vail able digit al channels where new or diff erent cont ent is avail able . HD1 signifies the main progr amming status and is av ailabl e in analog and digital broadc asts.
HD Radio Rec eption and Station T roubleshoo ting Potential r eception issues If you ar e listening t o a multica st station and y ou are on the fringe of the re ception ar ea, the st ation may mut e due to w eak signal strength.
Potential s tation issues Action Cause Issues No action r equired . This is a bro adca st issue. This is poor time alignment b y the radio broadc aster . Echo, s tutter , skip or r epeat in audio . Incre ase or de crea se in audio vol ume. No action r equired .
HD Radio T e chnolog y manufactur ed under license fr om iBiquity Digital Corp . U.S . and for eign patents. HD Radio and the HD and HD Radio l ogos are pr oprietary trademark s of iBiquity Digital C orp. Ford Mot or Company and iBiquity Digital C orp.
"TUNE" " AM autos et pre set <#>" " AM prese t <#>" "FM" "FM <87 .9-10 7 . 9>" "FM <87 .
Set Ca tegory for Seek/ Scan This all ows y ou to sel ect a ca tegory of music you w ould like t o search f or . Y ou can then choose to either se ek or scan for the sta tions pla ying that ca tegory . Parental Lock out This all ows y ou to l ock and unlock channels, change or r eset y our PIN or unlock all channels.
Satellit e Radio El ectronic Serial Number (ESN) Y ou need your E SN to ac tivat e, modify or track y our sat ellite r adio acc ount. The E SN is on the S yst em Information S creen (SR ESN:XXXXXXXXXXXX). T o access y our ESN, touch the bot tom l eft corner of the touchscr een.
Troubl eshooting tips Action Cause Radio display No action r equired . This messa ge should disappear shortl y . Radio r equires more than tw o seconds t o produc e audio f or the sele ct ed channel. Ac quiring... If this messag e does not clear shortl y , or with an ignition ke y cycle , your r eceiver ma y have a fa ult.
Sirius Satellit e Radio V oice Commands E142599 If you ar e listening t o Sirius sat ellite radio , press the v oice butt on on the ste ering wheel contr ols.
Repeat T ouch this butt on to r epeat the curr ently pla ying track, all tr acks on the disc or turn the fe ature off if alre ady on. Shuffle T ouch this butt on to pl ay the track s or entire albums in random or der, or turn the fea ture off if alre ady on.
Note: The navig ation sy stem al so uses this card sl ot. See Na vigation (pa ge 364). E142619 The SD c ard sl ot is loca ted either in the cent er console or behind a small a cc ess door in the instrument panel. T o ac cess and pla y music from y our devic e, pr ess the l ow er left corner of the t ouchscreen.
Sound Set tings allow s you to adjust setting s for: • Bass • Midrang e • T reble • Balanc e and Fade • THX Deep Note Demo • DSP (Digital Signal pr ocessing) • Occupanc y Mode • Speed C ompensate d V olume. Note: Y our vehicl e may not ha ve all these sound set tings.
"USB" or "SD C ARD" "Pla y music video <name>" ** "Pla y playlist <name>" "Pla y podcast <name>" "Pla y podcast episode <nam.
"BRO WSE" "Genre <name>" "Pla ylist <name>" "Podc ast <name>" "TV show <name>" * "Video <name>" * "Video .
W ARNINGS St ore the portable music pl ayer in a secur e loc ation, such a s the cent er consol e or the glov e box, when y our vehicl e is moving. Hard obje cts ma y become projec tile s in a cra sh or sudden stop, which may incr ea se the risk of serious injury .
• If the music sounds distort ed at l ower listening l evels, turn the portabl e music pla yer vol ume down. If the pr oblem persists, repl ace or rechar ge the batt eries in the portabl e media play er.
Phone A Quick Dial B Phonebook C History D Messaging E Set tings F Hands-free c alling is one of the main fea tures of S YNC. Once you pair y our phone, you c an acc ess many options using the touchscr een or voic e commands. Whil e the system supports a varie ty of f ea tures, many are dependent on your c ellular phone ’ s functionality .
Note: Put the transmission in park (P). Switch on your vehicl e ignition and the radio . 1. T ouch Add Phone in the upper l eft corner of the t ouchscreen. Find S YNC appears on the scr een, and instructs y ou to begin the p airing proc ess from y our devic e.
Phone Menu Options Pr ess the top l eft corner on y our touchscr een to sel ect from the f ollowing options: Phone T ouch this butt on to a cc ess the on-scre en numerical pad t o enter a number and pla ce a call. During an a ctive c all, you can al so choose to: • Mute the c all.
Composing a T e xt Messa ge Note: This is a speed-dependent f ea ture. It is unav ailable when y our vehicl e is traveling a t speeds o ver 3 mph (5 km/h). Note: Downl oading and sending t ex t messag es using Bluet ooth are phone-dependent fe atur es.
911 Assist S witch on or s witch off the 911 Assis t fe ature. See Inf ormation (pag e 351). Phone Ringer Sel ect the ring tone y ou want t o hear when you r eceiv e a call. Choose from po ssible sys tem ring t ones, your curr ently pair ed phone ’ s ring tone, a beep , tex t-to-spee ch or a silent notific ation.
"PHONE" "R eply t o tex t messag es" "T urn ringer off " "T urn ringer on" "PHONE" "Unmute c all" * "Help" * This c ommand is only av ailable during an activ e call. ** If you sa y "Message s", see the f ollowing "Messag es" chart for additional c ommands.
INFORMA TION A B C D E E161889 S YNC Services A Sirius T rav el Link B Alert s C Cal endar D S YNC Applications E 351 MKS (), enUS A MyLincoln T ouch ™ I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :.
Under the Informa tion menu, you can a cc ess fe atures such a s: • S YNC Services • Sirius T rav el Link • Alert s • Cal endar • S YNC Applications E142608 If your v ehicle is equipped with Navig ation, press the Inf ormation butt on to ac cess these f eature s.
1. Pr ess the voic e button. 2. When prompt ed, sa y "Services". T his initiat es an outgoing c all to S YNC Servic es using your p aired and c onnected Bluet ooth-enabled c ellular phone.
Disconnecting fr om SYNC Servic es 1. Pr ess and hol d the hang-up phone button on the ste ering wheel. 2. Say "Good-b ye" from the S YNC Services main menu. S YNC Services quick tips Y ou can personaliz e your S ervices f eatur e to provide quick er acc ess to y our most used or fa vorite inf ormation.
Sirius Tr av el Link (If Equipped) W ARNING Driving while distr acte d can re sult in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cra sh and injury . W e strongl y recommend tha t you use extr eme caution when using any devic e that may tak e your f ocus off the roa d.
"SIRIUS TRA VEL LINK " "5-day w eather f orec ast" "Fuel prices" "Movie listing s" "Sports he adlines" * "Sports schedul es" * "Sports .
Additional sports-rel ated v oice c ommands "Motor sports s chedul e" "My te am headline s" "My te ams schedul e" "My te ams scor es" "NBA hea dlines".
Note: Befor e setting this f eature on, make sure tha t you re ad the 911 Assist Priva cy Notice la ter in this section f or important informa tion. Note: If any user turns 911 Assist on or off , that setting applie s for all pair ed phones.
Bef ore making the call: • S YNC provides a short windo w of time (about 10 seconds) t o cancel the c all. If you f ail to canc el the call, S YNC at tempts to dial 911.
The s yst em allow s you t o check your vehicl e ’ s ov erall heal th in the form of a dia gnostic report c ard . The V ehicle Heal th Report contains v aluable inf ormation, such a s: • V ehicle .
E148839 Pow er: T ouch the button t o turn the system on and off . Swit ching off the climate c ontrol syst em prevent s outside air from ent ering the vehicl e. A Passeng er settings: B T ouch the + or – to incr ease or decr ease the air t empera ture on the passeng er side of the vehicle .
Note: T he pass enger side t emperatur e and the DUAL indic ator aut omaticall y turn on when the passenger is a djusting their tempera ture contr ol. Fan speed: T ouch + or - t o increa se or decre ase the vol ume of air circula ted in your v ehicle.
Note: T o pr ev ent window f ogging, you cannot sel ect recir culat ed air when MAX Defrost is on. Driver set tings: J T ouch the + or – to incr ease or decr ease the air t empera ture on the passeng er side of the vehicle . T ouch the hea ted sea t icon to turn the he at ed seat off and on (if e quipped).
"CLIMA TE" "P anel floor on" "P anel on" "R ear defr ost off " "R ear defr ost on" "R ecirc off" "R ecirc on" "T empera ture" * "T empera ture <15.
1. Enter the nec essary informa tion into the highlighted t ext fiel ds (in any order). For addre ss destina tion entry , the Go! button appears onc e you enter all the nec essary informa tion. Pre ssing the Go! button make s the address l ocation appe ar on the map.
Subcat egories Govt Offic e Public T ransit Educa tion T o expand the se listings, pr ess the + in front of the listing. The s yst em also allo ws y ou to sort alphabeticall y , by distanc e or by cityseekr listings (if a vail able).
• Laundry . • R efriger ator . • 24 hour r oom service . • Fitness cent er . • Interne t acc ess. • Pool. • Wi-fi. For rest aurants, city seekr can pro vide informa tion such as star r ating, av erag e cost, revie w , handicap a cc ess, hours of opera tion, and websit e address.
A uto - Fill St ate/P rovinc e Hav e the system aut omaticall y fill in the sta te and provinc e based on the inf ormation alre ady enter ed into the sy stem. S witch this fe ature ON or OFF . Tra ffic Preferenc es A void T ra ffic Probl ems Choose how y ou want the syst em to handle tra ffic problems al ong your rout e.
E142642 Heading up (2D map ) alw ays show s the direc tion of forw ard tra vel to be up ward on the scre en. This vie w is av ailabl e for map scal es up to 2.5 mile s ( 4 kilometer s). The sy stem r emembers this setting f or larg er map scales, but show s the map in North up only .
E142649 Home indica tes the loc ation on the map currentl y store d as the home position. Y ou can onl y save one addre ss from the A ddress Book as your Home entry . Y ou cannot chang e this icon. E142650 POI (Point Of Inter est) icons indica te loc ations of any point of inter est cat egories you choo se to displa y on the map.
Navig ation Map Updates Annual navig ation map updat es are av ailabl e for pur chase through y our dealer ship, b y calling 1-866-4NA VTEQ (1-866-462-883 7) (in Mexic o, call 01-800-55 7-5539) or g oing to www .na viga sync. Y ou need t o specify the mak e and model of your v ehicle to de termine if ther e is an updat e avail able.
"DES TINA TION" "<nameta g>" "<POI ca tegory>" "Fa vorites" "Home" "Inter section" "Near est <POI ca teg ory>" &.
For a compl ete listing of the ac cessories tha t are a vail able for y our vehicle , pl ea se contact an authorized de aler or visit our online stor e at A ccessories.Linc oln.c om (United St at es only ). Lincoln C ustom A ccessorie s are avail able for your v ehicle through an authoriz ed Lincoln deal er .
• Mobile c ommunications s yst ems may harm the opera tion of your vehicl e, particul arly if their manuf acturer did not design them specificall y for aut omotive use.
END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT S YNC End User License Agreement (EULA) • Y ou have a cquire d a devic e ("DEVICE") that incl udes software lic ensed by Ford Motor C ompany and its affilia tes ("FORD MO T OR COMP ANY") from an a ffiliat e of Microsoft C orporation ("MS") .
GRANT OF S OFTW ARE LICENSE: This EULA grants y ou the foll owing lic ense: • Y ou may use the SOFTW ARE a s install ed on the DEVICE and as otherwise interf acing with syst ems and/ or service s pro vide by or thr ough FORD MO TOR COMP ANY or its third part y softwar e and service pr oviders.
• Consent t o Use of Data: Y ou agree tha t MS, Micr osoft Corpor ation, FORD MO T OR COMP ANY , third party softw are and sys tems supplier s, their a ffiliat es and/ or their designa ted a gent ma.
• Links t o Third Part y Sites: The MS SOFTW ARE may pr ovide you with the ability t o link to thir d party sit es throu gh the use of the SOFTW ARE. T he third party sit es are not under the c ontrol of MS, Micr osoft Corpor ation, their a ffiliates and/ or their designat ed ag ent.
PRODUC T SUPPORT: P roduct support for the SOFTW ARE is not pro vided by MS, its parent c orporation Micr osoft Corpor ation, or their affilia tes or subsidiaries. For pr oduct support, pl ease re fer t o FORD MO TOR COMP ANY instructions pro vided in the documenta tion for the DEVICE.
General Opera tion V oice C ommand Control: Functions within the Windo ws Automotiv e-based sy stem ma y be acc omplished using only v oice commands. Using v oice commands whil e driving allo ws you t o opera te the sy stem without remo ving your hands fr om the wheel.
T eleNa v Software End User Lic ense Agreement Ple ase re ad these t erms and conditions car efull y bef ore y ou use the T el enav Softw are. Y our use of the T elena v Softwar e indica tes that y ou accept the se terms and conditions.
use the T el enav S oftwar e (in object code form onl y) in order t o acc ess and use the T el enav S oftwar e. This lic ense shall termina te upon any t ermination or e xpiration of this Agre ement.
8.2 Ex cept f or the limited license s expr essly grant ed in this Agreement, T elenav r etains all right, titl e and interest in and t o the T el enav S oftwar e, including without limita tion all rel ated int ellectual pr operty rights.
The Da ta is pro vided for y our personal, internal use onl y and may not be res old . It is prot ected b y cop yright, and is subject to the foll owing terms (this “ End User License Agre ement ”.
Governing La w: The abo ve terms and c onditions shall be go verned by the l aws of the St ate of Illinois (for D at a for the Americ as and/ or the Asia P acific re gion) or The Netherl ands (for Da .
Grac enote® End User License Agre ement (EULA) This de vice c ontains software fr om Grac enote, Inc. of 2000 Po well Str eet Emeryville , California 94608 ("Gr acenote").
PRO TECT Y OURSELF FR OM THE RISING CO S T OF VEHICLE REP AIRS WITH A LINCOLN EX TENDED SERVICE PLAN. SERVICE PLANS (U .S. Onl y) Lincoln o wners have disc over ed the pow erful prot ection of Lincoln Ext ended Service Pl an.
A void the Rising Cost of Pr operly Maintaining Y our V ehicl e! Lincoln Ex tended Servic e Plan al so offer s a Pr emium Maintenanc e Plan that c overs all schedul ed maintenance, and select it ems that r outinely we ar out. The co verag e is prepaid , so you nev er hav e to worry about aff ording your v ehicle maintenanc e.
GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMA TION Why Maintain Y our V ehicle ? Care fully f ollo wing the maintenanc e schedul e helps protect a gainst major repair expenses r esulting from ne glect or inadequa te maintenanc e and may help to incre ase the v alue of your v ehicle when y ou sell or tra de it.
When the oil change me ssag e appears in the informa tion display , it is time f or an oil change. Make sure y ou perform the oil chang e within two w eeks or 500 mil es (800 kilome ters) of the messag e appearing. Mak e sure y ou rese t the Intelligent Oil-Lif e Monitor aft er each oil change.
Check every month Engine oil le vel. Function of all int erior and ext erior lights. Tir es (including spare) f or wear and proper pr essure. Windshiel d washer fl uid lev el. Check every six months Bat tery c onnections. Cle an if necessary . Body and door drain hol es for obstructions.
Multi-P oint Inspection In order t o keep your v ehicle running right, it is important t o hav e the systems on y our vehicl e checked r egul arly . This c an help identify potential issues and pr event major probl ems.
Be sure t o ask your deal ership service a dvisor or technician about the mul ti-point vehicl e inspection. It is a c omprehensive wa y to perform a thor ough inspection of your v ehicle. Y our checklist gives y ou immediate f eedback on the ov erall condition of y our vehicl e.
When to e xpect the OIL CHANGE REQ UIRED messag e V ehicle use and e xample Interval Ext ended hot or cold oper ation Extreme 3000-4999 mil es ( 4800-7999 km) Maximum l oad or towing Extr eme hot or col d operation Maintenanc e Intervals At e very oil chang e interval as indic ated b y the information display * Change engine oil and fil ter .
At e very oil chang e interval as indic ated b y the information display * Inspect the st eering linkage , ball joints, suspension, tire-rod ends, driv eshaft and U-joint s. Lubric at e any area s with grea se fittings ( All-wheel drive v ehicles). Inspect the tir es, tir e we ar and mea sure the tread depth.
Other maintenanc e items 1 Change aut omatic transmission fl uid. Ev ery 150000 mile s (240000 km) R eplac e acce ssory drive bel t(s). 4 1 Perf orm these maintenanc e items within 3000 miles ( 4800 kilome ter s) of the la st engine oil and filt er change.
T owing a trail er or using a car-top carrier Change engine oil and fil ter as indic ated b y information displ ay and perform servic es listed in the Normal Schedul ed Maintenanc e chart. As requir ed Inspect and l ubrica te U-joints. Inspect fr equentl y , service as r equired See a xle maint enance items under Ex ceptions .
Operating in dus ty or sandy conditions (such a s unpav ed or dusty roads) R eplac e cabin air filt er . Inspect fr equentl y , service as r equired R eplac e engine air filter . Inspect the wheel s and rel ated c omponents for abnormal noise, w ear , loosene ss or drag.
California Fuel Fil ter Replac ement If you r egist er your v ehicle in Calif ornia, the Calif ornia Air R esourc es Board has det ermined that the f ailure t o perform this maintenanc e item does not nullify the emission warr anty or limit recall liability bef ore the c omple tion of your vehicl e's useful life .
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 412 MKS (), enUS A Schedul ed Maintenanc e I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e .
A A/C See: Clima te Control .............................................. 105 About This Manual ................................................ 7 Prot ecting the Environment ..................................... 7 ABS See: Br akes ..................
Bulb Specific ation Chart ................................ 253 C Cabin Air Fil ter .................................................... 108 Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 ................................... 11 Capacities and S pecifications .............
Drive C ontrol ....................................................... 185 LINCOLN DRIVE C ONTROL ................................. 185 Driver Al ert ............................................................. 171 Using Driver Al ert ...............
Fog Lamps - Front See: Fr ont Fog Lamps .............................................. 75 Foot Pe dals See: A djusting the Pedals ...................................... 68 Front Fog Lamps ................................................. 75 Front P assenger S ensing Sy stem .
Informa tion Message s ...................................... 94 Adaptiv e Cruise Control .......................................... 95 Adv anceT ra c ™ ........................................................... 95 Alarm ...........................
Memory Function ............................................... 114 Eas y Entry and Exit Feature .................................. 115 Linking a Pre set P osition to Y our R emote Contr ol or Intellig ent Ac cess K ey ................... 114 Saving a P reset P osition .
Po wer Windo ws ................................................... 78 Ac cessory Dela y ......................................................... 79 Bounce-Back ............................................................... 78 Global Opening .......
Starting a G asoline Engine ............................. 12 7 Automa tic Engine Shutdown .............................. 128 Fail ure to St art .......................................................... 128 Fa st Restart ..............................
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lincoln MKS (2015) c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lincoln MKS (2015) - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lincoln MKS (2015), vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lincoln MKS (2015) va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lincoln MKS (2015), mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lincoln MKS (2015).
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lincoln MKS (2015). Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lincoln MKS (2015) ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.