Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit MC976LL/A du fabricant Apple
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Congr atulations , y ou and your MacBook P ro were made f or each other ..
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5 Contents C onten ts Chapter 1: Ready , Set Up , Go 9 What’ sintheBox 9 SettingUp Y ourMacBookP ro 1 6 Putting Y ourMacBookP rotoSleeporShuttin.
6 Contents 54 Repairing, Restoring , orReinstallingMacOSXSoftware 59 UsingAppleHardware T est 60 Problemswith Y ourInternetConnection 62 Probl.
Help Ce nter Migr ation Assi stant w w w . apple. com/macbo okp ro Ready , Set Up , Go 1.
8 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Y ourMacBookProisdesignedsothatyoucansetitupquicklyandstartusingitright away . Ifyouhavenev erusedaMacBookProorarenewtoMaccomputers , readthis chapterforhelpgettingstarted.
9 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go What’ s in the Box AC power cor d 60W MagSafe P ower Adapter ® Setting Up Y our MacB ook Pr o Y ourMacBookProisdesignedsothatyoucansetitupquicklyandstartusingitright away .
10 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Important: Removetheprot ectivelmaroundthe60WMagSafeP owerAdapter beforesettingupyourMacBookP ro. Step 1: Plug in the 60W MagSafe P ower Adapter to pr ovide power to the MacBook Pro and charge the ba ttery.
11 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Whenyourstconnectthepoweradaptert oyourMacBookPro ,anindicatorlighton theMagSafeconnectorstartstoglow. Anamberlightindicatesthebatteryischarging.
12 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Step 3: P ress the power ( ® ) butt on briey to turn on your MacBook Pro . Y ouhearatonewhenyouturnonthecomputer . ® ® P ower button IttakestheMacBookProafewmomentstostartup.
13 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Step 4: C ongure your MacBook Pr o with Setup Assistant. ThersttimeyouturnonyourMacBookPr o, SetupAssistantstarts.
14 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go T o set up your MacBook Pro: 1 InS etupAssistant, followtheonscreeninstructionsuntilyougettothe “ Transf er Informationto ThisMac” screen.
15 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Step 5: C ustomize the Mac OS X desktop and set prefer ences. Y oucanquicklymakethedesktoplookthewayyouwantusingSyst em Pref erences, yourcommandcenterf ormostsettingsonyourMacB ookPro .
16 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go Important: Y oucansetanoptiontoresetyourpasswordinUsers&Groups preference s, incaseyouforgetyourloginpassword .
17 Chapter 1 Ready, Set Up, Go T o wake your MacBook Pro: Â If the display is closed, simplyopenittowakeyourMacBookP ro. Â If the display is already open, pressthepower( ® )butt onoranykeyonthekeyboard.
w w w . apple. com/macosx Help Ce nter Mac OS X Life with Y our MacBook Pro 2.
20 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Basic F eatures of Y our MacB ook Pr o ® ® P ower button Camera indicator light F ace Time HD camera Built-in stereo speakers Battery indicator lights (side) .
21 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Built-in F ace Time HD c amera and camera indicator light UsetheincludedF aceTimeapplicationtomakevideocallstootherF ace Time.
22 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Keyboard F eatures of Y our MacBook Pro ® Fu nction (fn) key V olume keys Brightness keys Media Eject key Mute key Media keys Keyboard illumination keys Missio.
23 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Function (fn) key Pressandholdthiskeytoactivat ecustomizedactionsassignedtothefunctionkeys (F1toF1 2).
24 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro P or ts on Y our M acBook Pro ® ¯ Gigabit Ethernet port G SDXC card slot Audio out port f Thunderbolt port USB 2.
25 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro ¯ MagSafe power port Plugintheincluded60WMagSafeP owerAdaptert orechargetheMacBookProbattery . G Gigabit Ethernet port Connecttoahigh-speedEthernetnetwork, aDSLorcablemodem,oranothercomputer .
26 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Using the Multi-T ouch T rackpad Usethetrackpadtomovethepointerandt oper formavarietyofMulti-T ouchgestures. Unliketypicaltrack pads, theentireMacBookProtrackpadisabutton, andyoucanclick anywhereonthetrackpad.
27 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro  Secondary-clicking or “right-clicking” letsyouaccessshortcutmenucommands. • T osetuptwo-ngersecondary-click .
28 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Thefollowingtrackpadgesturesw orkincertainapplications. Whenyouperformthese gestures , slideyourngerslightlyonthesurfaceofthetrack pad.
29 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro  Three-nger swiping worksintheF inderandallapplications. Swipingthreengersto theleftorrightletsyoucyclethroughfull-screenapplications. Swipingthreengers upopensMissionControl.
30 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Using the MacBook Pro Batt er y WhentheMagSafepoweradapterisn ’tconnected, yourMacBookProdrawspow er fromitsbuilt-inbattery .
31 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro Charging the Batt ery Whenthepoweradapterthatcamewithy ourMacBookProisconnected , thebattery chargeswhetherthecomputerison, o ,orinsleep .
32 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro More Information Formor einformationaboutusingyourMacBookPro ,seethef ollowing: T o learn about See Installingmemory Chapter3, “Boost Y ourMacBookPro” onpage3 5.
33 Chapter 2 Life with Your MacBook Pro T o learn about See UsingBluetoothwireless technology .com/support/ bluetooth. Orop entheBluetoothFileEx changeapplication (intheUtilitiesfolderinLaunchpad)andchooseHelp> BluetoothHelp.
w w w . apple. com/store Help Ce nter RA M Boost Y our MacBook Pro 3.
36 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Thischapterprovide sinformationandinstructionsforupgradingtheharddiskdrive andinstallingadditionalmemoryinyourMacBookPro.
37 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Replacing the Hard Disk Drive Y oucanupgradetheharddiskdriveinyourMacBookPr o. T heharddiskdriveis locatednexttothebuilt-inbatterywhenyouopenthebackofyourMacBookPro .
38 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Important: Becausethescrewsaredi erentlengths, notethescrewlengthsand locationssoyoucanreplacethescrewsc orrectly . Putthemasideinasafeplace .
39 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 3 B eforetouchingthehar ddriveassembly ,dischar geanystaticelectricityfromyour bodybytouchingametalsurfaceinsidethecomputer .
40 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 4 Locatethebracketatthetopofthedrive. UseaPhillipsscrewdrivertoloosenthetwo captivescrewsthatholdthebracketinplace. Putthebracketasideinasafeplace.
41 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 6 Holdthedr ivebyitssidesandgen tlypulltheconnectorontheleftsideofthedrive todisconnectit. D on ’tpressthedrivebetweeny ourngers, andavoidtouchingthe circuitryontheundersideofthedrive.
42 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 8 Inser tthereplacementdriveatanangle , makingsurethemountingscrewsare seatedproperly .
43 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 1 0 Replacethebottomcase. Replaceandtightenthetenscrewsyour emovedinstep2in theirproperlocations, makingsuretoinser ttheshorterscrewsattheanglesshownin theillustration.
44 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Installing Additional Memory Y ourcomputerhastwomemoryslotsthatyouaccessbyremovingthebott om case.
45 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 3 Pushtheleversonthesidesofthememorymoduleoutwardtoreleasethemodule fromthememorycardslot. Thememorypopsupatanangle. Beforeremovingit ,makesurey ouseethehalf-circle notches.
46 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro 4 Holdthememor ymodulebyitsnotchesandremoveitfromtheslot. 5 Removetheothermemor ymodule. Important: Holdthememorymodulesbytheiredges, anddonottouchthegold connectors.
47 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Notches 7 Followtheinstructionsforreplacingthebottomcaseinstep1 0onpage43..
48 Chapter 3 Boost Your MacBook Pro Making Sure Y our MacBook Pro Recognizes the New Memory AfterinstallingadditionalmemoryinyourMacBookPro, checkwhetherthecomputer recognizesthenewmemory . T o check the computer’ s memor y: 1 Star tupyourMacBookPro .
w w w . apple. com/suppor t Help Ce nter help P roblem, Meet Solution 4.
50 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Occasionally ,youmightha veproblemswhileworkingwithyourMacBookPro. Read onfortroubleshootingtipstotrywhenyouhav eaproblem.
51 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Problems That Pre vent Y ou from Using Y our MacB ook Pro If your MacBook Pro doesn ’t respond or the point er doesn’ t move Onrareoccasions, anapplicationmight “freeze ” onthescreen.
52 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution If your MacBook Pro freeze s during startup, or you see a ashing question mark, or the screen is dark and the sleep indicator light is glowing st eadily (not in .
53 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution  Iftheproblempersists, closeallopendocumentsandquitallapplications. R eturn thecomputertoitsfactorysetti.
54 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution If an audio device plugged int o the audio port isn’t w orking Unplugtheaudiodevice. ChooseApple()>SystemP references, andopenSound preference s.
55 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution UsetheMacOSXUtilitiesapplicationto: Â Restoreyoursoftwareanddatafroma TimeMachinebackup.
56 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution T o open the Mac OS X Utilities application: m RestartyourcomputerwhileholdingdowntheCommand( x )andRkeys.
57 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Restoring Information U sing a Time M achine Backup Ifyoupreviouslycreateda TimeMachinebackup, usetheRestoreutilitytorestore everythingonyourcomputertoitspreviousstate .
58 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Y oucaninstallMacOSXwithouterasingthedisk, whichsavesyourexistingle s andsettings, oryoucaneraseth.
59 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution AfterrestoringMacOSXandyourAppleapplica tions, youcanselectivelyrestoreyour otherdataandapplicationsfroma TimeMachineback up.
60 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Problems with Y our Internet Connection Y ourMacBookP rohastheN etwork SetupAs sistant applica tiont ohelpw alky ou throug hsettin gupan Intern etconn ection. OpenSy stemP refere ncesa ndclick Network .
61 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Important: Instructionsthatrefertomodemsdonotapplyt oLANusers. LANusers mighthavehubs , switches, routers, orconnectionpodsthatDSLandcablemodem usersdonothave.
62 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Network Connections MakesuretheEthernetcableispluggedintoyourMacBookProandin tothenetwork. Checkthecablesandpowersuppliest oyourEthernethubsandrouters.
63 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution  MakesureyourMacBookProiswithinrangeoftheothercomputerorthenetw ork ’ s accesspoint. Nearbyelectronicdevicesormetalstructurescaninterferewithwireless communicationandreducethisrange .
64 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Learning More , Service, and Suppor t Y ourMacBookProdoesnothav eanyuser-serviceablepar ts, excepttheharddriveand thememory. Ifyouneedservice, contactAppleortakeyourMacBookProtoanApple AuthorizedServiceProvider .
65 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution AppleCare Service and Suppor t Y ourMacBookProcomeswith90day softechnicalsupportandoneyearofhardware repairwarranty.
66 Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution Locating Y our Product Serial Number Useoneofthesemethodstondyourcomput er ’ sser ialnumber: Â T urnovery ourMacBookP ro. Theseri alnumbe riset chedin tothe casene artheh inge.
Help Ce nter ergo nomic s w w w . apple. com/environment Last, but Not Least 5.
68 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Fory oursafetyandthatofyourequipment, followtheserulesf orhandlingand cleaningyourMacBookProandf orworkingmorecomfortably. Keeptheseinstructions handyforrefer encebyyouandothers.
69 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least T ooperatethecomputersafelyandr educethepossibilityofheat-relatedinjuries, followtheseguidelines: Â SetupyourMacBookProonastableworksurfacethatallowsforadequateair circulationunderandaroundthecomputer .
70 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least T oreducethepossibilityofoverheatingthepoweradapterorofheat-rela tedinjuries, dooneofthefollowing: Â Plugthepoweradapterdirectlyint oapoweroutlet.
71 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Disconnectthepoweradapteranddisconnectanyothercablesifan yofthefollowing conditionsexists: Â Y ouwanttoaddmemoryorupgradetheharddiskdrive.
72 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Hearing damage P ermanenthearinglossmayoccurifearbudsorheadphonesare usedathighvolume. Y oucanadaptovertimetoahighervolumeofsoundthatma y soundnormalbutcanbedamagingtoyourhearing.
73 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Impor tant Handling Inf ormation NOTICE: Failur etofollowthesehandlinginstructionscouldre sultindamagetoyour MacBookProorotherproperty.
74 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Using the optical drive TheSuperDriveinyourMacBookProsupportsstandard1 2cm (4.7inch)discs. Irregularlyshapeddiscsordiscssmallerthan1 2cm(4.7inches)arenot supportedandcanbecomelodgedinthedrive.
75 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Understanding Ergonomics Herearesometipsforsettingupahealth yworkenvironment. Keyboard and T rackpad Whenyouusethekeyboardandtrackpad, yourshouldersshouldberelaxed .
76 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Usealighttouchwhentypingorusingthetrackpadandkeepyourhandsandngers relaxed . Avoidrollingyourthumbsundery ourpalms. Not this This Changehandpositionsoftentoavoidfatigue .
77 Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least Y oumighthavetoraisey ourchairsothatyourforearmsandhandsarea ttheproper angletothekeyboard.
78 Regulatory Compliance Information FCC C ompliance Statement Thisdevicecomplieswithpart1 5oftheFCCrules.Operation issubjecttothefollowingtwoconditi.
79 FCC Bluetooth Wireless Compliance Theantennausedwiththistransmittermustnotbecolocatedor operatedinconjunctionwithanyotherantennaortransmitter subjecttotheconditionsoftheFCCGrant.
80 Latviski Ar šo Apple Inc. deklarē, ka MacBook Pro ierīce atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem. Lietuvių Šiuo „Apple Inc. “ deklaruoja, kad šis M acBook Pro atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.
81 T aiwan Wireless Statemen ts T aiwan Class B Statement Japan V CCI Class B Statemen t External USB Modem Information WhenconnectingyourMacBookProtothephonelineusingan.
82 European Union—Disposal Information Thesymbolabovemeansthataccordingtolocallaw sand regulationsyourproductshouldbedisposedofseparatelyfrom householdwaste.
L ook ing for Something?.
84 Looking for Something? Index A ACplug 1 0 ACpoweradapter . See power adapter ACpowercor d 1 0 adapter ,pow er . See power adapter AppleCare 65 Apple.
85 Looking for Something? F F1toF1 2functionkeys 23 F ace Timeapplication 2 1 F ace TimeHDcamera 2 1 F ast-forwardkey 23 FireWire connections 33 port 25 as.
86 Looking for Something? N network addresstranslation(NA T ) 62 connections 62 diagnostics 60 NetworkSetupAssistant 60 number ,serial 66 O onlineresources 64 optic.
87 Looking for Something? T three-ngerswiping 29 Thunderboltport 25 trackpad about 2 1 gestures 26 troubleshooting AppleCare 65 applicationfreezes 5 1 batteryindicator.
K AppleInc. ©20 1 1AppleInc. Allrightsreserved. Underthecopyrightlaws, thismanualmaynotbecopied,inwhole orinpart,withoutthewrittenconsentofApple .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Apple MC976LL/A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Apple MC976LL/A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Apple MC976LL/A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Apple MC976LL/A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Apple MC976LL/A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Apple MC976LL/A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Apple MC976LL/A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Apple MC976LL/A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.