Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 5016-001 du fabricant Lexmark
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5016-001 Lexm ark Optra TM C710 Le xmark a nd Le xmark with diamond design are tr ademarks of Le xmark International, Inc., regis tered in t he Unite d States and/o r other coun tries.
Edition: May 2001 The fo llo wi ng para gr a ph doe s not apply to an y country whe r e suc h pro visi ons a r e inco ns ist e n t w it h lo cal law : LEXMARK INTERNA TIONAL, IN C .
iii 5016-0 01 Tab le of Con tent s Notices and Saf ety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Laser N ot ices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix General Informa tion .
iv Ser vic e Manual 5016-0 01 Carriage U nit Ser vice C heck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39 Coupling Uni t Service Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42 Cover Interl ock Servic e Check . . . .
v 5016-0 01 Toner Low/ Empty Se nsor Se rvice Chec k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-97 Transfer Roll Se rvice Chec k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-98 Tray 1 ( Integrate d Tray) Service C heck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi Ser vic e Manual 5016-0 01 Error Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22 Viewing the Err or Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22 Clearin g the Error L og .
vii 5016-0 01 Paper Sen sor Boa rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -21 Resis t S ensor Bo ard R emova l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -22 Waste T oner Bo ard Asse mbly R emova l . . . . . .
viii Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 How To Use The Parts Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Assem bl y 1: Fuser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Assem bl y 2: Fuser . . . .
Notices and Safety Informa tion ix 5016-0 01 Notices and Safety Information Laser Notices The following las er notice l abels may be affi x ed to th is pri nter as sho wn:.
x Ser vi ce Manual 5016-0 01 Laser Notice The pr inter is cer ti fied in th e U .S. to conform to the r equirem ents of DHHS 21 CFR S ubchapter J for Class I (1) laser produc ts, and elsewhere is c er tifi ed as a Cl ass I las er pro duct conform ing to the requir ements of IEC 825.
Notices and Safety Informa tion xi 5016-0 01 A vis r elatif à l’uti lisatio n de l aser P o ur les E tats-Un is : cette im prim ante es t cer t ifi é e conf or me au x provisions DHHS 21 CFR al in é a J c oncer nant les produi ts laser de Classe I (1).
xii Ser v ic e Manual 5016-0 01 A visos sobre el l á se r Se cer tifica q ue, en los EE .UU ., esta im presora cum ple l os requis itos para los produc tos l á ser de Cl ase I (1 ) establecidos en e.
Notices and Safety Informatio n xiii 5016-0 01 Laserinf ormatie De pr inter voldoet aan de eis en die ge steld worden aan e en lase r produk t v an klas se I. V oor de V eren igde State n zijn deze eisen vastgelegd in DHHS 21 CFR Subchap ter J , voor andere land en in IEC 825.
xiv Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Huomautus laserl aitteesta T ä m ä kirjoitin on Y hdysvalloissa luokan I (1) laser laitteiden DHHS 21 CFR S ubchapter J -m ää r ityksen muka inen j a muualla l uokan I laser laitte iden IEC 82 5 -m ää ritykse n mukainen.
Notice s and Safety Inf or mation xv 5016-0 01 Laser -notis Denna skr ivare ä r i USA cer tifierad att motsvara krav en i DHHS 21 CFR , und erparag raf J f ö r laserprodukter a v Klas s I (1). I andr a l ä nder uppfyl le r skr ivaren krav en f ö r laser produkte r av Klass I en ligt krav en i IEC 82 5.
xvi Ser vic e Manual 5016-0 01 Av í s sobre el L à ser Segon s ha esta t cer ti ficat als Estats Units, aquest a impres sora complei x els req uisits d e DHHS 2 1 CFR, apa r tat J, pels pr oductes l.
Notices and Safety Inf or mation xvii 5016-0 01 Japanese Laser Notice Chinese Laser Notice.
xviii Service Man ual 5016-0 01 K orean Laser Notice.
Notices and Safety Informatio n xix 5016-0 01 Safety Information • This product is desi gned, t ested and a pproved to meet str ict global safety standa rds w ith the us e of spec ific Lexmar k compon ents. The sa f ety features of so me par ts may not always be obvious.
xx Ser vic e Manual 5016-0 01 Norme di sicurezza • Il prod otto è stat o progetta to , tes tato e approvato in conformi t à a sev er i standa rd di s icurezza e per l ’ utili zzo con co mponent i Lexmar k spec ifici. L e carat teris tich e di si curezz a di alcune p ar t i non sem pre sono di immed iata c omprensio ne.
Notices and Safety Informatio n xxi 5016-0 01 Paut as de Segur idad • Este pro ducto se ha dise ñ a do , veri ficado y aprobado para cum plir los m á s estr ictos est á ndares de s egur idad glo bal usando los c omponente s espec í ficos d e Lexmark.
xxii Ser vice M anual 5016-0 01 Inf ormac ió de Se guret at • Aquest produ cte est à d issenyat, comprovat i aprov at per ta l d'ac ompl ir les e stric t es no r mes de seg ureta t glob als amb la util ilitzac i ó de co mponents e spec í fi cs de Lexmar k.
Notices and Safety Informatio n xxiii 5016-0 01 Korean.
xxiv Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-1 5016-0 01 1. General Information The Lexmar k TM Optra TM C71 0 is a lette r quali ty page pr inter designe d to atta ch to an IB M-comp atible personal computer and most co mpu ter networ k s.
1-2 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Models The 5016 -001 pr inter is available in the following model s: Standar d Features Model Memory INA Options C710 32 MB N/A N/A C710 n 32 M B 10 Bas e 10 0T N/A C710.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-3 5016-0 01 Maximu m Duple x Print Speed (Mon o/Co lor) 5/1.5 ppm (Letter an d A4) P a per Input • Standard 250 sh eet integ rated i nput tra y • Multip urpose f eeder :.
1-4 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Chargin g System Corona De v elopment Non-m agnetic mon o-compon ent Fusing Sy stem Hot rol l fuser 17 0 degree C (Hot rol l 30mm, bac kup roll 34mm) Operat ing T emp er.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-5 5016-0 01 T ri-por t Adapter Pro vides supp or t f or the f ollowing interf aces: • Serial RS-23 2C/RS-422A (which can al so be config ured to support a class 1 F ax modem. • High speed inf rared local c onnect ions. • LocalT alk network co nnecti on.
1-6 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Maintenance Approac h The dia gnostic informati on in this manual lea ds you to th e correct field r eplaceable unit ( FR U) or pa r t. Use th e ser vi ce error co des, user statu s messa ges, user err or mess ages, ser v ice checks, and diagnos tic aids to deter mine th e pri nter pr ob lem and repa ir the failure.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-7 5016-0 01 Options The following optio ns are available. Some options are not available in ev ery coun tr y . Contac t y our point of purc hase f or options availabl e in y our coun t ry .
1-8 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Operational Th eory Interlock Mechanis m When the front cover assembly , fuser cov er or car tridge cover is open, a CLOSE D OOR mes sage dis plays indica ting the in terl ock system is open.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-9 5016-0 01 Sheet Bypass P aper Feed Unit Operation of the sheet b ypass paper feed unit (multipur pose tra y) When the sheet b ypass tra y is cl osed and pri nting is star .
1-10 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Detecting paper present A sheet o f paper i n the shee t bypass tra y is detec ted by the she et bypass paper d etect sen sor . When the s heet of paper is de tected, the paper detect s ensor tu rn s off. When the sh eet of pa per is not detected, the se nsor tur ns on .
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-11 5016-0 01 P a per Feed Unit Operation of the paper f eed unit (tra y 1) When the paper ca ssett e (tray 1) is presen t in the pri nter , a flag molded i n the right s ide of the tra y co ntacts the r elease le ver rotating the paper transfer roll, allowing i t to contac t the pape r in the t ra y .
1-12 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Detecting paper size P ap er size is d eter mine d by the paper size detect pla te connec ting the inner par t of the par tition p late whic h detects the paper size tur ning on the corres ponding switch. It detects Legal, Lett er , A4 or B5/E XE.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-13 5016-0 01 Second P aper Feed Unit (Optional Paper T rays) Construction of the Se cond paper feed option The se cond p aper feed unit consis ts of two sepa rate feed units.
1-14 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Operation of the Se c ond paper feed unit When the paper ca ssett e (tray 1) is placed i n the p rint er , a fl ag molded to the r ight sid e of the tray , contact s the releas e lev e r which rotates the pap er transfer roll allowing it to con tact the pap er in the tra y .
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-15 5016-0 01 Detecting t he paper P a per in the casette is detec ted by the paper de tect sens or . W hen the paper i s detected th e sensor is tu rn s off. If paper is not detect ed the sens or rema ins of f . Detecting p aper leve l The amo unt of paper remainin g in tray 1 is detecte d by the paper detect s ensor .
1-16 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Detecting paper size P ap er size is d eter mine d by the paper size detect pla te connec ting the inner par t of the p ar tit ion plat e. This plate detect s the pape r size tur ning on the corres ponding switch. It detects Legal, Lett er , A4 or B5/E XE.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-17 5016-0 01 Drive Block Operation of the Drive Block Note: The Dr ive Block consis ts of th e paper feed dr ive b lock, dev elo per d rive block, fuser dr ive b lock, car riag e dr ive b lock and OPC/IMT ( Inter media te) dri v e block.
1-18 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Contact Cam Operati on of tr ansferri ng fr om the OPC to the transf er belt The con tact cam is stopp ed at th e positio n shown in figure b elow . The pin s fit into the grooves of the cam. L e ver 1 and lev er 2 are controlle d at the position shown.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-19 5016-0 01 Coupling Unit Operation of the coupling unit when initializing or printin g The co upling c am is r otated by the co upling mo tor .
1-20 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-21 5016-0 01 Carriage Unit Rotation and stopping operat io n of the carriage The ca rriage rotates b y 90 degree angles when switching f rom one color to anoth er . The carr iage dr i ve motor (pulse motor) tur ns on to rotate th e carr iage.
1-22 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 T oner Car tridg e Unit Detecting a new c artridge When ini tializi ng, a ref lector attac hed to the new car tr idge detect lev er inst alled in the car tridg e, reflects light. A new car tr idge d etect sensor in stall ed in the b ottom p ar t of the pr inter , allows the c ar tr idge to be detec ted.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-23 5016-0 01 Detecting toner level The tone r lev el sen sor is in stalled in the b ottom of the pr inter an d emits l ight from infrared LED ’ s mounted in the sensor assembly , to mirrors m ounted a t an angle of the car tri dge sens or window .
1-24 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Intermedia te T ransf er Unit Function of the inte rmediate t ransfer unit The inte r mediat e transfer unit co nsists of the transfer belt, be lt cleans er and waster to ner bo ttle in w hich cl eaned tone r is c ollected .
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-25 5016-0 01 The waste to ner bottl e is par titio ned and co llected toner is transferred into r espective par ti tions in or der . W hen th e bottle is filled t o capaci ty , it i s detecte d by the waste toner bottle full se nsor .
1-26 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Operation of the dri ve for the interm ediate t ransfer un it The bel t gear is r otated by the be lt dr ive gear , rotat ing the transf er belt. At th e same ti me the cl eaning r oller and di scharge r oller ar e rotated by the timing be lt and g ear .
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-27 5016-0 01 Fus er/Paper Ex it U nit Operation of the fuser a nd paper exit When the power s witch is tur ned o n the fuser lamp is tur ned on by the low voltage p ow er supply whil e the ho t roll be gins to h eat.
1-28 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Detecting New Cleaning Unit Detecting the c leaning unit in the Fuser Assembl y A ther mal fuse is a ttached on the conta ct point A in the c leaner u nit. When the cleaner unit is p laced insi de the fuser unit, contac t A contacts c ontact B.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-29 5016-0 01 Duplex Unit (Option) One side print The pr int fed by the paper f eed ro llers in tra y 1 in the pr inter an d in the sec ond paper f eed uni t is halte d tempo rarily at the timi ng roller for registration.
1-30 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 T wo si ded print When the prin ter has b een se t for two sided pr int mode and star t is pressed th e following occurs: When the settin g is two pages. The paper feed roll er in the pri nter star ts rotating . The pap er is transpor ted by the tim ing roll er and th e back page is pri nted.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-31 5016-0 01 When the trailing e dge of the p aper pas ses through the rev erse sensor fi ller ( S4 ], the mo tor rotat es in the re verse direction transpor ting the p aper in r e verse.
1-32 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 When the setting is fo ur pages The back page of the fi rst pr inted page i s printe d after Print Sta rt is pressed.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-33 5016-0 01 When the setting is not less than six pag es or t hree print s This operatio n stage s pag es in the lower and upper units and alter nates transpor tation as shown in the p recedi ng steps. Thes e step s are pe rf ormed succ essi ve ly .
1-34 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Exit of the one sided print When the prin ted page passes through the paper e x it sens or in the pri nter , th e upper d uplex unit motor r otates in the rev erse di rection , rotating the gate c law in re verse, so that paper is ejected t o the paper exit tra y .
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-35 5016-0 01 Detecting the paper ex it tra y open/c lose When the paper exit tra y opens to remove a jammed pr int, th e sensor l e ver shuts off th e open/cl osed sen sor so that detect ion is performed.
1-36 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Gate claw operation, when print exits When the leadin g edge of a duplex ed pag e pr ints, it tur ns t he pape r ex it sens or in th e printe r on. The duplex upper unit motor star ts rotating in the rev erse direction, r otating the claw gear .
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-37 5016-0 01 Storage of the paper in the duple x unit The page that is transpor ted from th e duplex rear unit pushe s on the gate claw and i s stored i n the dupl e x lower tra y unit.
1-38 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Operation of the motor When the lead ing edge of th e paper reach es the p aper pa ss sen sor in the dup lex upper unit, t he uppe r unit mo tor goes in to high speed mode (270 m/sec). At thi s time, the duplex lower unit motor r otates in the nor mal directi on.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-39 5016-0 01 When the page is tra nspor te d from the duplex rear unit f o r storage, the rev erse sens or detects the paper. After the sensor detects the paper , for a specif ied time, the motor tu r ns off and the print is stor ed.
1-40 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 When paper is f ed from the 2nd pape r option , the chassi s side input gear rotate s in [ B ] di rection. The dri v e is transmitted to the one wa y gear 16Z t hrough the store rol ler dr ive shaft, rotatin g the on e wa y gear 16Z i n the [ B ] di rection.
Gene ral I nf or mati on 1-41 5016-0 01 Skew Correct ion The hol der moun ted on the l ower side of the rear cover is incl ined about 3 de grees, in the paper pas s direct ion. The pa ge is brought to the oppos ite side of the skew correction mechani sm in the duplex lower tra y unit by this i nclinat ion f or the preparatio n of skew correct ion.
1-42 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Acr onyms CSU Customer Setup DRAM Dynamic Random A ccess Memor y EDO Enhance d Data Out EP Ele c trop hotog raphi c Proc ess EPROM Erasable, Programmable Read-Onl y M.
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-1 5016-0 01 2. Diagnostic Information Start CA UTION: Re mov e power from the pri nter before you connect or discon nect any cable, elec tronic b oard or as sembly , for persona l safety and to prev ent da mage to the prin ter .
2-2 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Service Err o r Codes Ser vic e Erro r Codes a re gen erally non- recoverab le except in an inter mitten t conditi on, when you can POR the pr inter to temporari ly recov er f rom the err or conditi on.
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-3 5016-0 01 Note: The following errors are dete cted when the pr inter is abov e the maint enance count. A s the fuse r assem bly is a CR U (customer repla ceable unit) and is conta ined in th e maintena nce kits, ask if the customer has repla ced th e fuser CRU , or if he/she has ins talled a mainte nance ki t recently .
2-4 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 948 E ngine Board Indica tes that t he engine board mic roprocesso r has stopped. Replace the engi ne board as semb ly . Go to th e “ Engine Boar d Assembl y Remo val ” on p age 4-1 9. 953 NVRAM F ailure Indicates the NVRAM f ailed th e CRC check.
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-5 5016-0 01 963 Mem ory Error Indica tes that th e DRAM in stalled i n slot 3 on the controlle r board i s def ective . Repla ce the DRA M SIMM. If this doe s not fix the prob lem, replace the controll er board ass embly . Go to the “ Controlle r Boar d Assemb ly R emov al ” on page 4-19 .
2-6 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 993 Ca m Sensor does no t turn on The cam sensor di d not activ ate . Go to th e “ Fuse r Drive and Contac t Cam System Service Chec k ” on page 2-53 . 994 E ngine EEPR OM Error An engine EEPROM error has been detected.
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-7 5016-0 01 User Status Messages Message S tatus Action Ready The printer i s ready to receiv e and proce ss data. If the printer has an int er nal fax modem , the Re ady /F a x icon is also dis pla yed .
2-8 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 W aitin g The print er has receiv ed a page of data to print but is wa iting f or an End o f Job or F or m F eed comman d or fo r additio nal data. • T o print the content s of the pr in t buffer , pres s Go. • T o cancel the print job , press Menu> or <Menu until the Job Men u is displa yed.
Diagno stic Informa tion 2-9 5016-0 01 Unloc king Menus Some one has unloc ked t he menus. Us ers ca n now change the printer def ault setting s from the operato r panel. N/A Disa bled Menu Menus have been locked, or di sabl ed. N/A Enable d M enu Menus have be en unloc ked.
2-10 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Cancel ling Job T he printer i s processi ng a request to cance l the print job. N/A Resetting the Printer The pr i n ter is del eti ng any print job s in prog ress an d restoring al l print settings to the us er d efaults.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-11 5016-0 01 Printing Men u Settings A l ist of us er def ault setting s and ins talled options is printing. T o ca ncel t he pr in t job, press Menu> or <Menu . The Jo b Menu is disp layed. Press Menu> or <Me nu until Ca ncel Job appears on the second line .
2-12 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Progr ammin g Flash The p rinter is storing resou rces in f lash me mor y . Do not turn the printer off while t his mess age is displa yed. Defra gmenting Flash The p rinter is perf or ming the d efragme ntation oper ation on flash mem ory .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-13 5016-0 01 User Attendance Mess ages Message S tatus Action Close Door The printer ’ s front c ov er , fuser co ver , or cartridge cov er is open. Close th e printer ’ s front cover , f user cover , or car t rid ge cover .
2-14 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Load Med ia This at tendance mess age indica tes the ty pe of media selected is not avai la bl e i n th e s o u r c e tra y you w an t to print fro m or th e pap e r ty pe indica ted b y the P aper Menu does not match th e type or size of the med ia yo u hav e request ed to print on.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-15 5016-0 01 Load Man ual Y ou ha ve sent a request f or a manual feed job to the printer , and the prin ter is ready f or you to insert a single sheet or e n velope into the mul t ip urpose f eeder .
2-16 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Delete All Job s Go/Stop? T his message is displa y ed when y ou ha v e selected all CONFIDENTIAL JOBS or HELD JOBS f or deletio n. This m essage wa r ns the us er this oper a tion resul ts in the delet ion of all confi den tial or he ld print jobs .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-17 5016-0 01 35 Res Sav e Off Defici ent Me mo r y The p rinter lac ks the memory needed to ena ble the Re source S av e functio n. This m essage usuall y indica tes that to o much memory is allocat ed f or one or more of the printer link buff ers.
2-18 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 37 Insuff icient Memor y Held J obs ma y be Lost. Go /Stop? The print er is unab le to perf or m the reques ted Print and H old oper ation becaus e the print er does not ha ve eno ugh memo ry . • Press Go to c lear the mes sage.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-19 5016-0 01 39 Com ple x P age The t ex t, grap hics , and print inf or mation on the page r equi re mor e memory to print tha n what yo u hav e instal led in y our pri nt er . • Press Go to clear the message and cont inue printing.
2-20 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 52 Flash Full There is no t enough space av ailable to hold the reso urces y ou want to stor e in fl ash mem or y . Press Go to clear the messa ge and c ontinue proc es si ng. Do w nl oad ed f ont s an d m acr os no t pre viously sto red in fla sh memor y o r disk are delet ed.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-21 5016-0 01 54 Se r ial x F ax Connec tion Lost The print er has dete cted the e xter nal mod em that wa s once c onnected to the serial por t is no longer respond ing . If the printer has bee n conf igured to recei ve f axes from a se ria l port and the F ax P or t setting is not se t to disab led, it polls th e modem.
2-22 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 54 P ar x ENA Conn ecti on Lo st An External Netw ork Adapter (EN A) that w as once c onnected to the speci fied para ll el port is no longer res ponding. The pri nte r onl y rec ognizes the missi ng conne ction w hen the pr i nter power is fir s t tur n ed on.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-23 5016-0 01 56 P arallel P ort x Disabled Data wa s sent to the specif ied para llel port, b ut the port has been disa bled from the para lle l buf f er menu it em. Press Go to clear t he message . The printer discar ds the d ata sent to the par allel port.
2-24 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 61 Def ectiv e Disk The hard disk in stalled i n your pr in ter is defect ive. Press Go to clear the messa ge and c ontinue printing . Y ou mus t install a diff ere nt disk bef ore y ou ca n perf or m any dis k functi ons .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-25 5016-0 01 70 – 79 Netw ork R e serv ed f or messages relating to the option al print server som eti me s ref erred t o as an Internal Netwo rk Adapter (INA) install ed in y our pr inter . F or more in formation, re fer to the on line doc umentatio n includ ed on the printer CD under “ Netw ork Printing.
2-26 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 87 Fuser Exha ust ed This message i ndicates a new fuse r ki t must be instal led. If y ou do not ha ve the fuser kit, order it now . Press Go to clear the messa ge and c ontinue printing. Th e fuser e xhauste d intervent ion messag e is p osted ev er y time the p rinter powe r is tur n ed on.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-27 5016-0 01 20x P aper Jam The printer h as dete cted a paper ja m in the a rea spec i fie d in th e mes sage. Y ou mus t remo ve the paper from the entire paper path. Clos e any open co v ers and press Go to clear the messag e.
2-28 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Sympto m T ab les Base Printer Symptom T able Symptom Acti on Oper ator panel - One or more butto ns d o no t wor k . Go to the “ Operator P anel Buttons Service Chec k ” on pa ge 2-65 . Oper ator panel - Displa y is b lank.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-29 5016-0 01 Co vers Interloc k Sym ptom T able Dupl ex U nit S ym ptom T abl e Print qua lity - Rando m marks . Go to “ Random M arks Service Check ” on page 2 -90 . Print quality - T oner on back side of printed pag e .
2-30 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Operator P anel Symptom T a ble P aper Feed Symptom T able Symptom Action Oper ator panel - one or m ore butto ns d o no t wor k . Go t o the “ Operator P anel Buttons Service Chec k ” on page 2-6 5 . Oper ator panel - disp la y is b lank and the printer beeps fiv e times .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-31 5016-0 01 P a per T ra y Options Symptom T able P ower Sy mptom T able Symptom A ction P aper f eed prob lem with 250 /250 Sheet P aper T ray Option.
2-32 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Print Quality Sy mptom T able Symptom Action All bl ack page Go to t he “ All Blac k or Color P age Service Chec k ” on page 2-8 0 . Blank page Go to t he “ All Blank Pa ge Service Che ck ” on page 2-81 . Li gh t pr in t Go t o the “ Lo w Ima ge Density Service Chec k ” on page 2-8 7 .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-33 5016-0 01 P oor color rep roduction Go to t he “ Po o r C o l o r Repr oduction Service Che ck ” on page 2 -89 . Blac k or col or spots Go to t he “ Black or Color Spots Service Chec k ” on page 2-84 . Scratc h marks par allel to paper fe e d d i r e ct i o n Replace the fuser assemb ly .
2-34 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Service Chec ks Note: Anytime th e co ntroller board i s replac ed, the Config uration ID must be re set in NVRAM on t he new contr oller boar d. Go to “ Setting Configuration ID ” on pa ge 3-20 . Review the f o llowing i nformat ion before perfor ming any se r vice checks.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-35 5016-0 01 Base Printer Servic e Checks Bypass T ray (Multipurpose T ray) Service Chec k Note: The multipur pose tray holds up to 50 sheets of paper . Y ou only feed transpare ncies from the multipur pose tray and tra y 1.
2-36 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 A Media do es not f e ed from MPT , 250 pape r jam me ssag e displays. FRU Action 1G e a r B 1 Gear 4 PF Bushing Check PF gear B1, and gear 4 to be sure they turn.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-37 5016-0 01 B Media tr ies to f eed f rom MPT , 250 p aper jam mes sage may display . C T ransp arencie s do n ot feed, or f eed i mproper ly from the MP T . FRU Ac tio n 1 Med ia Be sure the media m eets spe cificatio ns.
2-38 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 D T ran sparencie s are not detec ted, pr inter do es no t slow to half speed. E Labels do no t f e ed, or feed impr operl y from the M PT .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-39 5016-0 01 G Double f eedin g from MPT tray . Carriage Unit Se rvice Check Note: The carr iag e unit moto r rotates th e carr iage by 90 degree angles whe n switching from one c olor to anoth er .
2-40 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 FRU Action 1 Car ri age Unit Motor (M3) Engine Board Cab le Check the carriage unit motor f or proper oper ation. Chec k the vo ltages on the motor .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-41 5016-0 01 3 Ca rriage Home P os iti on Se nsor (PH I 2) Engine B oard Cab le Right Carriage Side Pla te Be su re th e carr ia ge home posit ion ca ble is inst alle d corr e ctly t o the se nsor. Check the sens or f or correct operati on.
2-42 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Coupling Unit Service Chec k A 990 Ser v ice Eng ine Error. The couplin g does no t tur n. B 990 Ser v ice Eng ine Error. The couplin g motor tu r ns. C 991 Ser v ice Eng ine Erro r . In dicates a problem with the co upling on and off sensors.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-43 5016-0 01 B 990 Service Engi ne Error - Moto r turns. Note: Obser ve the cou pling ope ration as t he pr inter is perform ing the self test and th e engine i s war ming up.
2-44 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 C 991 Ser v ice - E ngine err or . Note: This error d isplays when a problem exists with the couplin g on and off senso rs.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-45 5016-0 01 Co ver Interl ock Service Chec k Check that switches S2, S3 , and S 4 are ope n. These should b e open anyt ime the ca r tr idge, fus er or front cov ers ar e not latc hed proper ly .
2-46 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 2 Interloc k Switc h S2 Switch S2 has tw o functions . T wo terminals control +24 V dc to the engin e board an d f our terminals control th e A C line v oltage to the fuser l amps. T e r minal A3 (red w ires) and te rminal B3 (b lue wires) con trol the +24 V dc supp ly to the engine board.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-47 5016-0 01 B 922 Fuse r E rror dis plays. FRU Ac tion 1I n t e r l o c k Switch Mechan ism Check the inte r lock s witch actuator hardware fo r proper ope ratio n making su re of the f ollow ing: • Actuator 1 activ ates door s witch S2.
2-48 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Developer/ Paper Feed Motor Service Check Servic e Error Code 911 displayed. Whenev er a 9 11 ser vi ce error code di splays, this indic ates a problem with t he dev el oper/pap er f eed motor , or motor circuits.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-49 5016-0 01 2 Developer/ P aper F eed Motor Assembly (M2) De ve loper/P aper F eed Motor Cab le Engine B oard Chec k the vo ltages on connect or CON 1 o n the de vel oper/paper fee d motor board.
2-50 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Erase La mp Service Che ck Note: The erase lamp assembly is m ounted on t he top o f the pri nthe ad ass em bly . FRU Action 1 Pr in thead Erase Lamp Engine Board Eras e Lam p Cab le Chec k the cab le to be sure it is in stalled p roperly from CN14 on the en gine cab le to CN750 on the erase l amp ass emb ly .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-51 5016-0 01 Fuser Cold Service Chec k 922 Error - F user below mai ntenance c ount. Note: If selected , tur n P ower Sav er off. Error c odes 920 , 921 an d 922 may display for a cold fuse r f ailure. A 920 fuser error caused by low line v oltage may be cleare d b y tur ning the pr inter o n and off.
2-52 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 920 and 92 1 Error code s . . FRU Action 1 Thermistor B e sure the the rmistor is cle an and pos ition ed properly . Chec k the f ollow ing resi stances of the ther m ist or : • Hot: (CN 18-1 and CN18 -2) (eng ine board) should b e appr oxim ately 2.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-53 5016-0 01 Fuser Drive and Contact Cam System Service Chec k Error Co de 993: Indi cates th e cam se nsor has no t been a ctivated. The se nsor activates when the fuser dr ive motor tur ns th e cam dis k. If the f user dr ive motor does n ot tur n on, or the dr ive par ts a re not operating, go to A .
2-54 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 A The fus er dri v e sys tem is no t operating proper ly . FRU Action 1 Fuser As semb ly Fuser Drive M otor Fuser Motor/P aper Fee d Motor Carriage Uni t M otor Cable Engine Board Chec k the fus er assemb ly in ter nal d rive gea rs for binding, o r brok en or w orn teeth.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-55 5016-0 01 B The fus er dr ive system i s operating pr oper ly and th e cam disk is tur ning. FRU Acti on 1 Cam Sens or (PH16) Engine B oard (M4) SN Cable Be sure t he cam s ensor is mounted correctly and loc ked i nto place .
2-56 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 C The fus er dri v e s ystem is op erating pr oper ly and th e cam disk is not tur ning. FRU Action 1C o n t a c t C a m Solenoid CRF Cab le Engine Board Chec k the sole noid f or proper oper ation, making sure it pic k s during POR cycle .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-57 5016-0 01 Fuser Hot Serv ice Check CA UTION: The fuser m a y be ho t, use cau tion b ef ore removi ng or ser vic ing. Error Co des 923 an d 924 m a y displ a y for a hot fuser f ailur e. Error Co de 924 ind icates t he engi ne board has detect ed an open in the ther mis tor circui t.
2-58 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 High V oltag e Leakag e Dete ct Ser vice Check Err or Code 992. This err or code di splays when le akage is detected in the p rin t car tr idge, hig h voltage co ntacts (gri d blocks 1 and 2) or HVPS.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-59 5016-0 01 FRU Ac tio n 2 HVPS Gri d Bl ock 1 Gri d Bl ock 2 Remov e the HVPS from the printer . Reinstall the HVPS ve rifying the HVPS b oard touches a ll the a ppr opriate con tacts on g rid b loc ks 1 and 2, an d is mou nted securel y .
2-60 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 ITM Dri ve Service C hec k If the 84 T ransfer Belt Ex haust ed message d isplays and the O PC/ ITM dr ive gear is not tu r ning. Go to A . If the 84 T ra nsf er Belt Exh austed or 91 7 Error Code di splays and the OPC/ITM dr ive gear is tur ning; an d a new ITM does not fix the problem.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-61 5016-0 01 B 84 T ransfer Belt Exhau sted o r 917 Err or Code di splays , the OPC/ ITM dr ive gear is tu rn ing and a new ITM does no t fix the p roblem. C The waste to ner bottle is not dete cted, and a new ITM does no t fix the problem.
2-62 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Main F a n Ser vice Chec k FRU Action 1 Main F an Ca ble Be sure the f an cable in-line c onnector is connecte d prope rly to the CRF cab le from the engine bo ard. 2M a i n F a n Engine Board Cable (CRF) Engine Board Manual ly spin the f an and v erify it rot ates freel y .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-63 5016-0 01 New T oner Ca r tridg e Detection Service Check This sy mptom may require replaceme nt of one or more c ustomer replaceable un its, desi gnated as supplie s or mai ntenanc e items, which are the respo nsibil ity of the customer.
2-64 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Operator P anel Service Chec k The pr inter de tects a pr oblem with the operator pa nel assembly , operator panel cable, interconnect bo ard or contr oller boar d, when a POR does not com plete and th e pr inter emi ts 5 beep s.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-65 5016-0 01 Operator P anel Buttons Service Check Note: Before continuing wi th this ser vice check, go to the “ Button Te s t ” on page 3-10 .
2-66 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 OPC Drive Serv ice Check OPC Drive Symptom Char t This sy mptom may require replaceme nt of one (or more) customer replaceable units (des ignat ed as sup plies or m ainten ance item s), which are t he respo nsibility of the cus tomer .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-67 5016-0 01 P aper Exi t Sensor Ser v ice Check Note: The paper e xit sens or (PHI 1) i s locate d in the fu ser assembly , at tached to th e exit sensor mounting p late. FRU A ctio n 1 Paper Exit Sens or Fla g Chec k th e p ape r e xit sens or f lag an d flag sp ring f or proper oper ation.
2-68 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 P aper Feed Service Check P ap er ja m messages 201 an d 202 disp la y when a timin g problem with media ex ists, ei ther not arr iving o r leaving the paper pass or e xit sensors with in the spec ifi ed time.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-69 5016-0 01 3 Re gistrat ion Roller Clutch Assem bly (CL01) Chec k the resis tance of the registr ation clut ch. It should m easure be tween 135 and 1 75 ohms. Also chec k from the cas e of the c lutch to either winding . It shoul d measure in finity .
2-70 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 B P a per jam 201 displ ays indicatin g the regi stration rol ler in the base pr inter is tur ning . Note: This sympt om may require r eplaceme nt of one or more custome r repla ceable units, desig nated as suppli es or main tenanc e items, whic h are the res ponsibi lity of the custo mer .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-71 5016-0 01 C P aper jam 202 di splays indicatin g media i s dete cted and fed from tra y x and p aper jam s after it pa sses the paper pa ss sens or . P aral lel P ort Service Chec k Run t he “ P arallel Wr ap T est ” on page 3 -11 .
2-72 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 P ower Se rvice Che ck Note: If any paper han dling options, (250/25 0 tray or duplex unit), are instal led, rem ov e the opti on(s) and check the base prin ter for correct opera tio n. If the bas e pri nter operates incorrectl y , go to A.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-73 5016-0 01 4 L VPS Fuses F401, F402 either or both contin ue to b low after being replaced. T ur n the printer off and disc onnect C N401, CN402, CN4 03 and CN406 from the L VPS. T urn the printer o n and: • If F401 or F402 contin ues to b low , replace the LV P S a s s e m b l y.
2-74 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 5 L VPS Fuses F401, F402 either or both contin ue to b low after being replaced. (Contin ued) Check the A C lin e v oltage on the L VPS at connecto rs CN4 04 and C N405. • If incorre ct, go to s tep 6. • If correct , discon nect the c ables t o CN401, CN402 an d CN403.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-75 5016-0 01 8 L VPS Fuses F401, F402 either or both contin ue to b low after being replaced. (Contin ued) The prob lem migh t be wit h a ny +2 4 V dc de vice, such as steppe r motor , solenoid or clu tc h connecte d to the en gine board .
2-76 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 B Base pr inte r operates in correc tly when paper han dling options a re installe d. FRU Action 1 250/25 0 T ra y Opti on Go to the “ 2 50/250 Dual Pape r T ra y Service Check ” on page 2- 108 .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-77 5016-0 01 Printhead S ervice Chec k The pr inthe ad assem bly does not c ontain any s er vice re placeable par ts o r compone nts. Do not remove any screws from the pri nthead cov er assem bly , as this m ight caus e inter nal contami nation or damage.
2-78 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 B 934 and 9 35 Erro r Codes 2 S3, S4 Inte rlock Switch Cab les. Printhead to Engine Board Cab le Chec k the ca b le from the interloc k mi cro s witch S3 Pin 1 (ora nge lead ) to connec tor CNLS2 on t he printhead and the y ello w jumper fro m S3 Pin 2 t o S4 Pin 2.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-79 5016-0 01 Print Qualit y Service Checks Check the following before perf or ming any of the prin t quali ty ser vic e checks. Print Quality Initial S ervice Check • Use tray 1 (integrated tray) to test the print qu ality of the base printe r .
2-80 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 All B lac k or Color P age Servi ce Chec k Note: An a ll black or a pa ge tha t is al l on e color is g enerally c aused by a problem in the hi gh voltage syste m, or incor rect high voltage in the p rinting proc ess re sulti ng in t he de ve lopm ent of t oner on the entire P C dru m.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-81 5016-0 01 All Blank P age Servi ce Che c k FRU A ctio n 1 Inte rmediate T r ansfer Uni t (IT M) An ITM u nit ma y cause an all b lank co py .
2-82 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Backgr ound Service Check Note: Some background p roblems can be cau sed by rough p apers. Slick or coat ed papers ma y also cau se background. Some problems occur with pr inters tha t run a large amount of graphi cs in a hum id environment.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-83 5016-0 01 Black, Color Lines or Bands Service Chec k Banding is diffi cult to d etect e xcept on a p age with a uniform gray , color or a lar ge amount of graphics prin ted on t he page.
2-84 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Black or Color Spo ts Serv ice Check Note: This sympt om may require r eplaceme nt of one or more custome r repla ceable units, desig nated as suppli es or main tenanc e items, whic h are the res ponsibi lity of the custo mer .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-85 5016-0 01 Evenl y Spaced Ho rizontal Lines/M arks Service Chec k FRU Ac tio n 1 Inte rmediate T r ansfer Uni t Line sp aci ng: 375 mm (circ umf erence) apar t - ITM belt. 33.3 mm ( circumf erence) apar t - supply roller .
2-86 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Fogg y Backgr ound Service Check FRU Action 1I m a g i n g / P C Cartrid ge The PC drum m a y ha ve r eached en d of lif e. Replace th e imagin g/PC cartridge. 2 Hig h V olta ge Pow e r S u p p l y (HV1) Fuser F rame Resi stor Boa rd (PWB-R1) Printer Main Engine Board (PWB-A) The printer ma y produce print.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-87 5016-0 01 Low Image Density Service Chec k Note: Media wh ich is out o f specif ication, or media containi ng a high moi sture conte nt may cause thi s problem.
2-88 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Offset Print Se rvice Che ck 5 HVPS Be sure the HVPS is correctl y installed and securely m ounted to the HVPS moun ting bra ck et and gr id block as sembli es. • If correc t, remov e the HVPS and be s ure the high v ol tag e contacts ali gn wi th the co ntac ts on the HVPS .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-89 5016-0 01 P oor Color Reproduction S er vice Check FRU A ctio n 1 Print C ar tridge Replace any toner cartr idges m atching the corresp onding colo r prob lems . Advise the customer the ca r tridge or cartridges sho uld be replaced.
2-90 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Random M arks Ser vice Check Note: Loose materi al moving inside the printer and attaching to the photocon ductor , ITM Be lt, or transfer roll, i s the pr imar y cause o f random mark s .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-91 5016-0 01 Ske w Service Chec k T oner on Back side of P age Ser vice Check Note: Loose toner, in the paper pa th, carr ied o n the backside o f paper , may cause this conditi on. FRU Ac tio n 1 Mult ipur pose Tr a y Be sure the paper is properly placed in the multip upose tra y .
2-92 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Uneven Print Density Service Check White Li nes or Bands Service Chec k FRU Action 1 Print Car tri dge Remov e the pro blem print cartridge and sh ake i t gently to distribu te the t oner e venly . The cartr i dge ma y also be lo w on toner a nd ma y need repla cing.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-93 5016-0 01 4 HVPS Gri d Bl ock 1 Gri d Bl ock 2 Be sure the mounting sc rews in t he HVPS are tight and t he HVPS boa rd is corre ctly se ated against th e high v oltage contac ts of g rid bloc k 2. Examine t he contac ts on g rid bl ocks 1 and 2 f or signs of contamin ation or da mage .
2-94 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 White Spot s Ser vice C h eck FRU Action 1 P aper Chec k paper f or moisture res ulting from high humidity . 2 Image T ransf er Roll er High V oltage Pow e r S u p p l y (HV1) Fuser F rame Resi stor Boa rd (PWB-R1) Printer Main Engine Board (PWB-A) The printer ma y produc e poor ima ge trans fe r .
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-95 5016-0 01 White/Bl ack Lines Ser v ice Check FRU Act ion 1I m a g i n g / P C Car tridge If scra tches appear on the PC drum, replace the imaging/P C cartr idge . 2 Printhead Unit Fuser F ram e Resi stor Boa rd (PW B-R 1) Printer Main Engine B oard (PW B-A ) The printhe ad unit m ay be def ective .
2-96 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Se ria l P ort Serv ice Ch ec k Run t he “ Serial Wrap T est ” on page 3-14 . The Ser ial Wra p T es t is desig ned to c heck the ser ial por t hardware, by using a wrap pl ug (P/N 13290 48) whic h inv okes the Ser ial P ost Diagnost ic T est.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-97 5016-0 01 T oner Low/Empty Sensor Service Chec k Note: Check the pr int dar knes s menu setting b efore checking the toner s ensor .
2-98 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 T ransf er Rol l Service Chec k Note: Be sure th e transfer roll is prope rly snapped into the i nner cov er . FRU Action 1 T ransf er Roll Assemb ly Check the tr ansf er roll f or sign s of toner b uildup , surf ace dam age to the roll, or oi l or other contami nants on t he surf ace of the ro ll.
Diagno stic Infor matio n 2-99 5016-0 01 T ray 1 (Integr ated T r ay) Servi ce Check Note: If 242 or 243 paper j am messa ge displays, go to the “ Options Ser vice Checks ” on page 2-106 . If a 230, 231 or 232 paper jam message displays, go to the “ Duplex Unit Option Ser vice Check ” on page 2-120 .
2-100 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 A It is di fficult to r emov e tra y 1. Note: Do not force tra y 1 from th e pri nter , as damage to the p aper detect s ensor lev er , or pick up roll er brack et ass embly , may occur . Lift up on the bracket and sens or lev er and car efully r emov e tray 1.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-101 5016-0 01 C 241 Paper Jam - Check T ray 1 displays and m edia jam s, prior to the pass through sen sor . FRU A ctio n 1 P aper T ray 1 Che ck tra y 1 for anyt hin g that mi ght ca use the paper to ja m in the t ra y , or pre ve nt media from ex iting.
2-102 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 5 P aper F eed Unit Clu tch 241 Chec k T ra y 1 message disp lay s Note: The vol tages f or the ma gnetic c lutch ca n be chec ked at the 6 pin i nline ca ble c onnector located i n the HVPS to e ngine boa rd cable harness abo ve the tempe rature /humidit y board assemb ly on the left s ide of the printer .
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-103 5016-0 01 D 241 Paper Jam - Check T ray 1 displays and m edia jam s ov er the pass throu gh senso r . FRU A ctio n 1 P aper Pass Sensor F lag Pa p e r Pa s s Sensor Sp r.
2-104 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 E P ape r size in tra y 1 is not detected. When med ia in T ra y 1 reaches 50 or less sheets, the p aper dete ct lev er turns on the pa per detec t sensor and displ a ys Load Paper T ray 1.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-105 5016-0 01 F P a per lev el in tra y is not detect ed. When med ia in tray 1 reaches 50 or les s sheets, the pap er detec t lev er turns on the p aper detect s ensor and displays Load Paper T ray 1. G Media do uble f eeds from tra y 1.
2-106 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Options Ser v ice Checks When you have a problem with any of th e optio ns insta lled in t he option s slots on the int erconne ct board, s witch the non -operatin g option to one of th e other op tion slo ts, to isolat e the failure.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-107 5016-0 01 Har d Disk Option Se rvice Chec k V erify the hard d isk and the hard dis k board ar e correc tly ins talled. When a pr oblem is su spected, either with t he har d disk sy stem board or th e hard di sk, ru n the “ Quick Disk T est ” on page 3-16 .
2-108 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Network Car d Option Service Check Err or Code 976 - N etw ork Car d X (X =Net wo rk ca rd 1 , 2, o r 3) A 976 er ror co de indica tes an un recover ab le software error in networ k ca rd x.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-109 5016-0 01 250/250 P aper T ray Sym ptom T able Note: F or P aper Jam 24x (x = tray 2 or 3). Exa mple 242 i s tra y 2. • It is di fficult t o remove tra y x fr om the 250 /250 op tion base assembly . Go to A . • Y ou are unable to selec t the 250/2 50 tray option.
2-110 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 A It is di fficult to remove tr ay x from the 250/ 250 opti on base assembly . Note: Do not force tra y x from the base u nit, as da mage to the paper de tect sensor le ver , o r pick up roller bra c ket assembly may occur .
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-111 5016-0 01 C T ray x is co rrectl y insta lled and " Inser t T ra y x" dis plays. Note: If the dete ct board for the tray x cable (detect boar d to interc onnect boa rd), L VPS, L VP S fuse, inter connect board, op tion cable (OP), eng ine cable (OP ) or eng ine board are failing, this messag e may display .
2-112 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 D P a per Jam 24x d isplays and no paper feeds fro m tra y x. T he paper feed motor is noisy o r vibrates. E P aper Jam 24x displays and n o paper is f ed from tra y x.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-113 5016-0 01 2 Opti on Paper F eed Motor Option i nterconnec t board v oltage ch ar t paper fee d motor . Connector C N802 Pin # Signal V o ltage V olt age V oltag e Si gn a l Signal Static Operating 1 (B rown) PH3B - +24 V dc +22.
2-114 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 4 P aper Detect Sensor F lag P aper Detect Sensor Board Chec k the pape r detect s ensor le ver (flag ) in the paper f eed unit ass emb ly , for the tra y flag that is not f eeding, f or any signs o f brok en parts. Be s ure that it is oper ating prop erly .
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-115 5016-0 01 F P a per Jam 24x d isplays, media tr ies t o f eed fr om tra y x an d does not reac h the paper pass sens or . FRU Ac tio n 1 P aper T ra y x Check T ra y x f or anything t hat might cause th e paper to j am in th e tra y , o r pre v ent the m edia from ex iting.
2-116 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 G P aper Jam 24x displays , media feeds from tray x and jams pr ior to the pape r pass se nsor in the base p rin ter .
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-117 5016-0 01 H P aper J am 24 x displ a ys, media is detec ted an d fed from tra y x and paper jams over the pap er pass se nsor in the base prin ter . 4C S T C a b l e Engine B oard Chec k cont inuity of the cab le. • If incorre ct, replac e the cab le.
2-118 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 I P a per Jam 24x d isplays, the media is detec ted and f ed from tra y x and jams ov er the pa per pass sensor i n the pr inter , while t he regist ration rolle r (timing roller) is not tur ni ng.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-119 5016-0 01 J P aper si ze in tra y x is n ot detect ed. K P aper lev el i n tra y x is not det ected. Note: When the p aper in t ra y 1 reaches 50 or less sheets th e paper detect l e ver will tur n on t he pape r detect sen sor and display Load P a per T ra y 1.
2-120 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 L Media dou ble f eeds fr om tra y x. Duplex Unit Option Service Check Be sur e the paper guide as sembly br idge block is pr esent and correc tly instal led. P aper Ja m Error Message s (Duplex) 23x = 230 In dicates a ja m at the top of the dup le x unit.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-121 5016-0 01 Duplex Symptom Chart The dup lex option is no t recogn ized. Go to A . 250/250 pa per tray option is n ot recog nized when install ed below the duplex optio n. Go to B . 230 P aper Jam error me ssage di splays.
2-122 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 A The duplex option is not rec ognized. B The 250/250 pa per tray option is no t recogn ized when installe d below the duplex optio n. Duplex option i s operating proper ly . C 230 P aper Jam error mess age dis plays .
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-123 5016-0 01 D 230 error message d isplays, printer d oes not comp ete POR. FRU Ac tio n 1 A C Po wer Cord from A c Wall Outle t Duplex on ly insta lled.
2-124 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 E 202 Paper Jam displays. P ap er is j ammed in upper unit of dup lex assembly whe n pri nting in s implex mode. The pr inter is operating proper ly . FRU Action 1 P aper Exit/ Storag e Selectio n Guide (Gate Cla w) Chec k the pape r e xit/st orage gu ide f or proper oper ation.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-125 5016-0 01 F 202 P aper Jam displays. P ape r is jamme d in up per unit of the duplex assembly , when pr inting in the duplex mod e. The pr inter i s oper ating correctl y . FRU Ac tio n 1 Upper Cov er Be sure the latch on the upp er cov er is cor rectly located i n the open ing in the paper e xit guide .
2-126 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 G POR incom plete. Close d oor mess age dis plays when duplex option insta lled and all doo rs and covers on the duplex are closed. FRU Action 1 T ray Present Detect Sens or (S9) Duple x Option Controller Boa rd Chec k the v oltages on th e duple x tra y detect sensor o n connec tor CN905.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-127 5016-0 01 H 231 Paper Jam displays. P aper is jamm ed in uppe r or re ar unit of the duplex option. 3 Duple x Rear Unit Door Open Sensor(S8 ) Duple x Option Controlle r Board Che ck the voltag es on the du plex rear uni t door open sensor on con ne cto r CN904.
2-128 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 I 232 Paper Jam displays. P ap er is jamm ed in t he lower rear uni t, or the lower unit of the dup lex option. 3 P aper P ass Sensor Upper Unit (S2) Chec k t he v ol tages on the dupl e x up per un it pape r pass se nsor on c onnector CN9 04.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-129 5016-0 01 3 P aper Pass Sensor Rear Duple x Unit (S3) Che ck the voltag es on the du plex rear uni t pape r pass se nsor on connect or CN90 4. Pin # V oltage V olta ge V olta ge Signal Cl osed Open 8 DGND 0 V dc 0 V dc 10 BP SN +5 V dc 0 V dc 12 VL +5 V dc +5 V dc All v oltages are appro ximate v alues .
2-130 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 J 232 Paper Jam displays . The p rint er doe s not com plete PO R. FRU Action 1 Low er Duple x Unit Re v erse Sensor (S 4) Chec k the v oltages on th e duple x low er unit rev er se sens or on CN90 7.
Diagnost ic Inform ation 2-131 5016-0 01 K The du plex option pr inted pa ge is skewed. FRU Ac tio n 1H o l d e r / A r m / Rolle r Assembly , Rear Door If sk ew ing is a p roble m, be su re the sk ew holde r assemb ly is correctl y instal led in the rear co ve r .
2-132 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01.
Diagnost ic Aids 3- 1 5016-0 01 3. Diagnostic Aids This cha pter explains the tests and procedu res t o identify printe r failures and verify r epairs have correc ted the pro b lem . The following diagn ostic a ids can be initia ted at POR by pressin g cer tai n button seq uence s.
3-2 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 P aper Jam 20 2 - (POR co mplete) Indi cates media is jammed at the ex it sens or , o r the coa ting rol l is miss ing from the fuser as sembly . • Open th e fuser c ov er to acces s the area of the pa per jam. • Be sure the coa ting rol l is instal led, not c ontami nated and operating corre ctly .
Diagnost ic Aids 3- 3 5016-0 01 Disabling Do wnload Emulati ons Error Code 964: Download Emulation CRC F ailure. Checksum failure detecte d in the emul ation head er or emulati on file. Error Co de 965: Download Emulation Outdated. Time stamp s indica te the downlo ad emulat ion and RIP code ar e incomp atible.
3-4 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Dia gnost ic Mode T o e nter the Diagn ostic Mo de: 1. T ur n the prin ter off. 2. Pr ess and h old the GO and RETURN buttons. 3. T ur n the prin ter on. 4. Relea se the b utton s when "Perf o r ming S elf T est" dis plays on the operato r panel.
Diagnost ic Aids 3- 5 5016-0 01 • Duplex T ests (displayed only if ins talled) – Duplex F eed T est 1 – Duplex F eed T est 2 • Device T ests (di s played only if the Flash or Disk options are .
3-6 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Print Registration Pri nt Regist ration provides a method to set the pr inte r registrat ion if requir ed. When e nteri ng the Print Re gistration menu, you may select the T OP Ma rgin for T ray 2, T ray 3, and Duplex. If you sele ct LEFT Margin, you must select the source an d resol ution.
Diagnost ic Aids 3- 7 5016-0 01 T o set the Left Margin (on ly effects T ray 1 and the multi pur pose tra y): 1. Select Registration from the Dia gnostic menu. 2. Select Left M argin from the Regi stration me nu. 3. S elect the desired sour ce and re solut ion.
3-8 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Print T ests The pur p ose of the diagno stic Pr int T e sts is to ver ify that the pr inter can pr int on m edia f rom each of the ins talled i nput option s.
Diagnost ic Aids 3- 9 5016-0 01 T o r un th e Pr int T est P age: 1. Select Print T ests from the Diagn ostic m enu. 2. Select the med ia sou rce. 3. Select Sing le or Continuous . (If single i s selected , no buttons are ac tive duri ng pr inting. If continuo us is s elected, R etur n or Stop ca n be s elected t o cancel the test.
3-10 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Hard ware T ests The following Hardware T es ts can be sele cted from this menu: L C D Te s t B u t t o n Te s t DRAM Memor y T e st ROM Mem or y T est P arallel Wr a.
Diagnos tic Aids 3-11 5016-0 01 P aralle l Wr ap T est This test is used wi th a wrap plug to check operation o f the parallel por t hardware. Each parallel si gnal i s tested . T o r un th e P arallel Wra p T es t: 1. Di sconne ct the paralle l interface cable and instal l the wrap plug (P/N 13 19128).
3-12 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 ROM Memory T est The ROM Memo r y T est is u sed to ch eck the validity of the system board c ode and fonts. T o run th e R OM Memo ry T est: 1. Sel ect RO M M em o r y Tes t f rom the me nu. P and F represent the sam e numbers for DRAM.
Diagnos tic Aids 3-13 5016-0 01 SDRAM Memory T est The pur pos e of this test is to c heck the v alidi ty of SDRA M, both standar d and op tional. T he tes t writ es patt er ns of da ta to SDR AM to verify that e ach bit i n memor y can be se t and read corre ctly .
3-14 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Serial W rap T est This t est is us ed to che ck the operatio n of the serial por t hardware using a wrap plug. E ach signal is teste d. T o r un the Ser ial Wrap T est : 1. Dis connect the s eri al inter f a ce ca b le a nd install t he wrap plug .
Diagnos tic Aids 3-15 5016-0 01 Duplex T ests Quic k T est T o r un th e Quick T e st: 1. E nte r Dia gnos tic Mod e. 2. Select Duple x T ests from the me nu. 3. Select Quic k T est . Th e pri nter pr ints one sheet of the Qui ck T e st P age and feeds it through the duplex option .
3-16 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Devi ce T ests Quic k Disk T est This test performs a non-d estr uctive read/wr ite on on e block per track on the disk . The tes t reads one block on each track, saves the data, and p roceeds to wr ite and r ead f our tes t patte rns to the bytes in the block.
Diagnos tic Aids 3-17 5016-0 01 Disk T e st/Clean W ARNING: This test dest ro ys a ll data on th e disk and should not be attemp ted on a goo d disk. Also not e that th is test may ru n approximately 1 1/2 hours dependin g on the disk s ize. T o r un the Di sk T es t/Clean T est: 1.
3-18 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Flash T est This test c auses the file system to write and read da ta on the flas h to test the fl ash. W ARNING: This test destr o ys all data on the flash because the flash is reformatted at the e nd of the tes t. T o run th e Flas h T est: 1.
Diagnos tic Aids 3-19 5016-0 01 Printer Setup Note: Def aults wi thin this printe r can be set to eit her U .S. or Non- U. S. Setting the Pa ge Count This lets the ser vi cer change the pag e count from the dia gnostic menu.
3-20 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Setting Configuration ID The con figuration ID is use d to communi cate infor matio n about cer tai n areas of t he pr inter that canno t be deter mi ned using hardware sens ors.
Diagnos tic Aids 3-21 5016-0 01 Laser P ower This set ting contr ols how much power is us ed to dr ive the laser . A higher , or more pos itive number , makes a darker copy , while a lower number makes a ligh ter copy .
3-22 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Err o r Log Vie wing the Err or Log The er ror log is helpf ul to the s er vicer by providing a hi stor y of prin ter errors. The err or log con tains the 12 mos t recent er rors that h av e occur red on the pri nter .
Diagnos tic Aids 3-23 5016-0 01 Exiting Diagnostic Mode Select Exit Dia gnostics to exit the diagn ostics mode and r etur n to nor mal mod e..
3-24 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01.
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 1 5016-0 01 4. Repair Information Handling ESD-Sensitive P ar ts Many electro nic prod ucts us e par ts that are k nown to be sen sitive to electros tatic dis charge (E SD).
4-2 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Co ver Remo vals Note: Alwa ys rem ov e any paper tray and/or duplex optio n, pri or to an y cov er remov al..
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 3 5016-0 01 Cart ridge Cover Remo val 1. Re mov e the two (2) left and r igh t white plasti c cover pins by pull ing inwar d. 2. Re mov e the car tri dge cov er . Front Co ver Remov a l 1. L ower the front c ov e r and re mov e the front cov er strap screw .
4-4 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Right Side Co ver Remo val 1. Rais e both the f user doo r and the car tridge c ov er . 2. Ope n the bypass tra y 2. 3. Remove the four (4) screws from the r ight s ide cover . 4. Clos e the bypass tray 2. 5. Remove the ri ght side cover .
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 5 5016-0 01 Righ t Side R emo v als Remov e the right s ide cov er , ref er to th e “ Right Side Cover Remov al ” on p age 4-4 an d remo ve an y of th e f ol low ing F R Us. Note: T ake care when rem oving the cables on t he ri ght side of the pri nter .
4-6 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Carriage Drive Motor Remo val 1. Remove the ri ght side cover , refer to the “ Right Side Cover Remov al ” on page 4-4 . 2. Remove the two (2) screws [A ] fro m the c arriag e dr ive motor . 3. Dis connect t he carr iage dr ive cable [B] .
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 7 5016-0 01 Coupling Drive Motor Remov al 1. Re move the right side cover , refer to the “ Right Side Cover Remov al ” on page 4-4 . 2. Re mov e the motor moun ting stay assembly , re f e r to the “ Moto r Mounting Sta y C Assembly Remo val ” on page 4-13 .
4-8 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Fuser Drive Motor Rem ov al 1. Remove the ri ght side cover , refer to the “ Right Side Cover Remov al ” on page 4-4 . 2. Remove the two (2) screws [A ] fro m the fuser dr ive motor . 3. Dis connect t he fuser drive motor ca ble [B] .
Repair Inf or matio n 4- 9 5016-0 01 OPC Drive Motor Remov al 1. Re move the right side cover , refer to the “ Right Side Cover Remov al ” on page 4-4 . 2. Remov e the three (3) sc rews [A ] f rom the OP C drive motor . 3. Di sconnect t he OPC dr ive motor cable [B] .
4-10 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 L VPS Assembly Remov al.
Repair Informat ion 4-11 5016-0 01 T ake ca re when removi ng the cables on the r ight si de of the pr inte r . Alwa ys en sure to route the cables through th e appropr iate cable clips a s show n. 1. Re move the right side cover , refer to the “ Right Side Cover Remov al ” on page 4-4 .
4-12 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Main Fan Remo val 1. Remove the ri ght side cover , refer to the “ Right Side Cover Remov al ” on page 4-4 . 2. Remove the two (2) screws [A ] fro m the main f an. 3. Dis connect the m ain fan cable [B] . 4. Remove the main f an assembly .
Repair Informat ion 4-13 5016-0 01 Motor Mounting St a y C Assembly Remov a l 1. Re mov e the m ain fan with mountin g brack et, refer to the “ Main Fan Mounting Br acket Remo va l ” on pa ge 4-12 . 2. Di sconne ct the c able har ness f rom the c able clip s [A] .
4-14 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 OPC Coupling Drive Block Assembly Remo v al 1. Remove the top cover , refer to the “ T op Co ver Removal ” on page 4-4 . 2. Remove the main f a n assembly w ith the fan mounting brac ket, refer to the “ Main Fan Mounting Brac ke t Remo val ” on page 4-12 .
Repair Informat ion 4-15 5016-0 01 Left Side Remov als Remov e the l eft side c ov er , refer to the “ Left Side Cover Remov al ” on page 4-3 and r emov e any of the following FR Us. Note: T ake care when rem oving the cables on t he left side of th e pri nter .
4-16 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Grid Bloc k 1 Asse mbl y Remo val 1. Remove the left side c ov er , re f e r to the “ Left Side Co ver Remov al ” on page 4-3 . 2. Remove the HVPS as sembly , refer to the “ HV PS Board Assembly Remov al ” on page 4-20 .
Repair Informat ion 4-17 5016-0 01 Grid Bloc k 2 Asse mbly Remo v al 1. Re mov e the left s ide cover , refer to the “ Left Side Co ve r Remov al ” on page 4-3 . 2. Re mov e the HV PS board a ssembly , refer to the “ HVP S Bo ar d Assembly Remov a l ” on pag e 4-20 .
4-18 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Cable Cover 3 Remo v al 1. Remove the left side c ov er , re f e r to the “ Left Side Co ver Remov al ” on page 4-3 . 2. Remove the screw (1) from the lef t side frame. The sc rew can be see n behin d the co v er int erloc k s witch ca bl e.
Repair Informat ion 4-19 5016-0 01 Electr onics Remov als CA UTION: W hen wor king on th e pri nter , alwa ys unp lug the pr inter from the electr ical outlet. Lin e voltage is pre sent in th e pri nter as long as it is pl ugged into the ele ctric al outlet.
4-20 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 HVPS Boar d Assembly Remo val 1. Remove the ri ght side cover , refer to the “ Right Side Cover Remov al ” on page 4-4 . 2. Remo ve the six (6) sc rews [A] from th e HVPS bo ard. 3. Discon nect the HV PS cable [B] .
Repair Informat ion 4-21 5016-0 01 Inter connect Board Assembl y Remov al 1. Re mov e the contr oller boar d assembly , refer to the “ Contr oller Board Assembly Remo val ” on p age 4-19 . 2. Re mov e the four (4) sc rews from the co ntroller b oard shiel d plate 2.
4-22 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Resist Sensor Board Remo val 1. Remove all co vers, r efer to the “ Cover Remov als ” on page 4-2 . 2. Remove the L VPS as sembly , refer to the “ L VPS Asse mbl y Remov al ” on page 4-10 . 3. Remove the C-clip and the shaft bear ing fr om the lef t side of th e reg is trati on ro ll .
Repair Informat ion 4-23 5016-0 01 Fuser Unit Fuser Unit Remo v al 1. O pen the fu ser door . 2. L oosen the two (2) lockdown screws and re mov e the fuser. Fuser Lamp Remo val 1. Re mov e the i nsulatio n heat cover (2 screws). 2. Re mov e ri ght lam p ter minal (1 screw).
4-24 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Main Bod y P aper Feed Block Asse mb ly Remo v al Note: The paper pick mechanis m is a par t of the paper feed bloc k assembly . 1. Remove the front cover , refer to the “ Front Co ver Remov al ” on page 4-3 . 2. Remove the screw (1) from the left s ide of the p aper feed block.
Repair Informat ion 4-25 5016-0 01 Print Cartridge C ar ousel Remo v al 1. Remo ve al l co vers , ref er to “ Cover Remov als ” on page 4-2 . 2. Re mov e the motor moun ting stay assembly , re f e r to the “ Moto r Mounting Sta y C Assembly Remo val ” on page 4-13 .
4-26 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Carriage Home P osition Sensor Remo val 1. Remove the L VPS bo ard, refer to the “ LV P S A s s e m b l y Remov al ” on page 4-10 . 2. Remove the two (2) scre ws [A] from the carr iage home position senso r . 3. Remove the sensor .
Repair Informat ion 4-27 5016-0 01 Registration Roll Remo val 1. Re mov e all covers , refer to the “ Cover Remov als ” on page 4-2 . 2. Re mov e the L VPS assembly , refer to the “ LV P S A s s e m b l y Remov al ” on page 4-10 . 3. Re mov e the C- clip and the sh aft bear ing from the left side of the reg is trati on ro ll .
4-28 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01.
Connecto r Locations 5- 1 5016-0 01 5. Connecto r Locations Engine Boar d.
5-2 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Engine Boar d Connections Engine Board Connector CN10 Interloc k swit ch S2 CN11 L VPS CN12 • Bypass pape r detect s ensor • Bypa ss pi ckup clutc h • HVPS • Inp.
Connecto r Locations 5- 3 5016-0 01 L VPS (Low V oltage Po wer Supply) Erase Lam p Board TRA Y 1 Sensor Boar d L VPS Connector CN401 Cont roller board CN 402 En gine boar d CN403 • Engine board • .
5-4 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 TRA Y 1 Registration Sensor Board W ast e T oner Sensor Boar d T ray 1 Registratio n Board Connector CN250 En gine board W aste T oner Sensor Board Connecto r CN350 En g.
Connecto r Locations 5- 5 5016-0 01 Belt P osition Sensor Boar d Belt Position Sensor Board Conn ector CN200 Eng ine board.
5-6 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Connector Locations for Option s 2nd P aper Option (250/250 P aper Option).
Connecto r Locations 5- 7 5016-0 01 2nd P aper Option (250/250 Pa per Option) L VPS (Internal 2nd T ray Option) Connector CN802 P aper f eed motor CN803 • Option clu tch 1 (uppe r) • Opti on cl ut.
5-8 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Duplex Unit Option Duplex Unit Option CN901 CNOPT1 CN902 CNOPT2 CN903 Microswitch CN904 • BOSN • BPSN • F e ed mo tor • DOSN • UPSN • PFOSN CN905 • DRSN .
Connecto r Locations 5- 9 5016-0 01 L VPS (Internal Automatic Duplex Option) Engine Board Con nector CN851 A C inlet (L) CN852 A C plug (L) CN853 A C inlet (N) CN854 A C plug (N) CN871 ADU CPU PWB.
5-10 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Electri cal Components Sensor/Switc h Locations.
Connecto r Loc ations 5-11 5016-0 01 Symbol Name Function S1 P ower Swit ch On/Off A C po w er s witch - tu rns printer on/ off . S2 Interloc k Switch Shuts do wn the +24 V dc L VPS when ev er the fuse r , front or top cov ers ope n.
5-12 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 PQ350 W aste T oner Sensor Detects w hen the w aste ton er bo x is full. PS200 Belt P ositi on Sensor Detect s when the tr ansf er belt is in the home positi on. PS250 Registra tion Sensor Detec ts when a s heet of pape r f eeds to the registr ation rol ler .
Connecto r Loc ations 5-13 5016-0 01 Printer Cir cuit Boar d Locations Fan/ Motor Locations.
5-14 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Solenoid/Clutch Locations.
Connecto r Loc ations 5-15 5016-0 01 250/250 P aper T r a y Option Duplex Option Symbol Name Function OPPSN P a per Pa ss Sensor Detects when a she et of paper is fe d. Symbol Name Function PFOSN P aper Exit Sens or Detects w hen a sheet o f paper is f ed out of the dupl ex option.
5-16 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Cable Connecti ons Cable Connecti on Page / Part s Cata log Reference HVPS HVPS to En gine Board P age 7-13, Ref erence 5-17 HT L VPS to Interlock Switc h S2 P age 7-.
Connecto r Loc ations 5-17 5016-0 01 MSN W aste T oner/Hum idity-T empera ture/ Belt P osition /P aper Exit/ New O il Roll Sensors and Thermistor to En gine Board P age 7-41 , Refere nc e 14- 7 Cable .
5-18 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01.
Prev entive Maintena nce 6-1 5016-0 01 6. Preventive Mainte nan ce This cha pter des cribes procedur es for printer p rev ent ive maint enance. The following rec ommendati ons may prev ent problems whi le maint aining optimum per formance.
6-2 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-1 5016-0 01 7. Pa r t s C a t a l o g How T o Use The P a r ts Cat alog • NS: (No t Shown) in th e Asm.Ind e x column indicate s that the par t is proc urable b ut i s not shown in the illu stratio n. • PP: in the Des cripti on colum n indi cates the par t is av ailable in the lis ted par ts packet.
7-2 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 1: Fuser.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-3 5016-0 01 Assembly 1: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Des cription 1 - 1A 12G1698 1 Fuse r ASM, 110v W/Lamp 1 - 1A 12G1699 1 Fuse r ASM, 220v W/Lamp 1 12G 1014 1 Brus h, Di sc.
7-4 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 2: Fuser.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-5 5016-0 01 Assembly 2: Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 2 -1 12G1010 1 Co v er , Cab le 2 12G1 131 1 Guide , Cable 3 12G 1664 1 Sen sor , Paper Ex i t 4 12G 111 5 1.
7-6 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 2 (Co nt.): Fuser.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-7 5016-0 01 Assembly 2: Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 2 - 32 12G1347 1 Spacer , Connecto r , Righ t 33 12G1381 1 Spacer , Connecto r , Left 34 12G1012 1 T er mina.
7-8 Ser vice Ma nual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 3: T ransfer.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-9 5016-0 01 Assembly 3: Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 3 -1 12G1345 2 Spring, T ransf er Unit 2 12G 118 2 1 Bracket , Sp ri ng 3 12G1 074 1 Holde r , Middle T ransf er , Uppe r Rt. 4 12G1 344 1 Spring, Cen ter Pipe G round 5 12G 1018 1 Sheet, D ischa rge, R ight 6 12G1 052 2 P a c king B 7 12G1616 1 Plate Asm.
7-10 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 4: Frames.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-11 5016-0 01 Assembly 4: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Des cription 4 -1 12G1085 1 Suppor t, ADU , Rear Left 2 12G 167 6 2 Cl amp, Cable 3 12G1 047 2 Sheet, Edge 4 12G1075 1 S.
7-12 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 5: Frames Left Side.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-13 5016-0 01 Assembly 5: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 5 -1 12G1516 1 Cov er , Inne r , L 2 12G 1016 1 She et , D isc ha rg e, L1 3 12G1 181 1 Brack et, F user F.
7-14 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 5 (Co nt.): Frames Left Side.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-15 5016-0 01 Assembly 5: Asm. Index Par t numb er Units Des cription 5 -33 12G1637 1 Brack et, Door , Switch 34 12G1201 1 Plate, Lens Adju stubg, A 35 12G1314 1 Spring, Door Actu ator , 2 36 12G1286 1 Actuator , Switch 37 12G1633 1 Actuator Asm.
7-16 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 6: Frames Right Si de.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-17 5016-0 01 Assembly 6: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 6 -1 12G1181 1 Brack et, Fuser Fixi ng, Righ t 2 1 2G 1 67 6 3 Cl a m p, C a bl e, L W S 3 12G1 515 1 Co v er , Inne r , Right 4 12G1 491 2 Bushing , P aper F eed 5 12G1 422 2 Gear , 4 6 12G1348 1 Block Asm.
7-18 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 6 (Co nt.): Frames Right Si de.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-19 5016-0 01 Assembly 6: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 6 -34 12G1123 1 Stop , Latch, Right 35 12G1 072 1 Support.
7-20 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 7: Frames Right Si de 2.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-21 5016-0 01 Assembly 7: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Descrip tion 7 - 1 12G1 595 1 Cable, SVL 2 12G15 88 1 Cabl e, A C, On /Off Switc h 3 12G11 76 1 Brac ket, Door L ock C o.
7-22 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 7 (Cont.): Frames Right Side 2.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-23 5016-0 01 Assembly 7: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Descrip tion 7 - 33 12G1375 1 Slee ve , Coupling Cam 34 12G1261 1 Cam, Couplin g 35 12G1 263 1 Cam, 2 36 12G1256 1 Sh af.
7-24 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 8: Frames Right Si de 3.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-25 5016-0 01 Assembly 8: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Des cription 8 - 1 12G1664 1 Sensor , Carriage Home P osit ion 2 12G1 067 1 Holder , Carriage Home P osition Sensor 3 12.
7-26 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 9: Carria ge Block.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-27 5016-0 01 Assembly 9: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Des cription 9 - 1 12G1043 2 Pipe, Cent er 2 12G1 040 1 Lens Asm. 3 12G 155 6 1 Sea l, C olor, Cyan 4 12G1066 1 Plate , .
7-28 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 10: Base Frame.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-29 5016-0 01 Assembly 10: Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 10 - 1 12G1175 1 Brac ket, Sensor M ounting 2 12G1076 1 Plate , ADU Support, F 3 12G1 638 1 Case, O zone F.
7-30 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 11: Fr ont Cov er Assembl y.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-31 5016-0 01 Assembly 11: Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 11 - 1 12G1631 1 Ne edle Asm. , Discharge 2 12G1054 2 Block , Mid T ransf er Uni t Pressure 3 12G 1340 2 S.
7-32 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 11 (Con t.): Fr ont Cov er Assembl y.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-33 5016-0 01 Assembly 11: Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 11 - 34 12G1157 1 Strap , F ront Cov er.
7-34 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 12: Fr ont C o v er Assemb l y 2.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-35 5016-0 01 Assembly 12: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Des cription 12 - 1 1 2G135 5 2 S pr i n g, Gro und 2 12G 1062 1 Pla te, Di sc har ge Ne ed le 3 12G1 094 1 Plate, Latc.
7-36 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 12 (Con t.): Fr ont Cov er Assembl y 2.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-37 5016-0 01 Assembl y 12 (cont.): Asm. Index Par t Number Units Des cription 12 - 33 12G1487 1 Bushing, Bypas s Roll er 34 12G1419 1 Gear , Pick up Idle 35 12G1242 1 Shaft, B.
7-38 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 13: Feed Unit.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-39 5016-0 01 Assembly 13: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 13 - 0 12G1632 1 F eed Assemb ly , Com plete Unit 1 12G 106 4 1 F rame, F eed 2 12G1 319 1 Spring, Pic ku.
7-40 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 14: Laser Sca nner Unit.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-41 5016-0 01 Assembly 14: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 14 - 1 1 2G17 03 1 Boar d, I n ter c onn ect 2 12G1177 1 Brack et, PCI Board 3 12G 167 9 2 Cl amp, Cable 4 12G 168 0 1 Cl amp, Cable 5 12G 1562 1 Boa rd A sm.
7-42 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 14 (Con t.): Laser Scanner Unit.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-43 5016-0 01 Assembl y 14 (cont.): Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 14 - 27 12G1708 1 Board, Controll er Le v el 2 28 12G1702 1 SIMM, Code O ve rla y.
7-44 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 15: Cassette.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-45 5016-0 01 Assembly 15: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Descrip tion 15 - 1 12G15 42 1 Guide , P aper , Rear 2 12G15 44 1 Labe l, P aper Upper Li mit 3 12G11 68 1 P ad, T ra y.
7-46 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 16: U pper Co ver s.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-47 5016-0 01 Assembly 16: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Des cription 16 - 1 1 2G10 33 4 P in, C over 2 12G1 537 1 T ra y , Pa per Exit 3 12G1 502 1 Co v er , Cartridge, A 4 12.
7-48 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 16 (Con t.): Upper Cover s.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-49 5016-0 01 Assembly 16: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Des cription 16 - 33 12G1283 1 Lev er , Fuser La tch 34 12G1560 1 Label, Fuse r Unit Ope ratio n 35 12G1235 1 Suppor t,.
7-50 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 17: Co v er s.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-51 5016-0 01 Assembly 17: Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 17 - 1 12G1513 1 Co ver , Rear 2 12G1 029 4 Scre w , Shou lde r 3 12G1 038 4 Ring, C , Rear Cov er 4 12G1640 1 Shield Asm.
7-52 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 18: Co ver s / Frame 250 T ray Option.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-53 5016-0 01 Assembly 18: Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 18 - 1 12G1508 1 Co ver , Left 2 12G 160 1 1 Cable, O P 3 12G1 185 1 Brac ket, C onnect or Mountin g 4 12G.
7-54 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 18 (Cont.): Co ver s/Frame 250 Option.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-55 5016-0 01 Assembl y 18 (cont.): Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 18 - 10 12G1673 1 Sock et, A C, Cord 11 12G1604 1 Cable , O A C 12 12G1574 1 L VPS, P aper T ra y.
7-56 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 19: Mid dle Roll Unit 250 T ra y Option.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-57 5016-0 01 Assembly 19: Asm. Index Par t Number Units De scription 19 - 1 1 2G14 8 0 2 B ear ing, Midd le Roll er 1 S haft 2 12G1037 2 Clip , Retai ner , Middle Roller 1 Shaft 3 12G1 390 1 Rolle r , Middle, 1 4 12G1 446 1 Gear , Midd le Roll er Drive 5 12G1 134 1 Guide , Pap er , 1 6 12G1659 1 Plate Asm.
7-58 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 20: 250/250 T ra y Option Lo wer Unit.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-59 5016-0 01 Assembly 20: Asm. Index Par t Number Units Des cription 20 - 1 1 2G15 42 1 Guid e, Paper , Righ t 2 12G 1168 1 Pad, T ray 3 12G1 544 1 Label, P aper Upper Li mit .
7-60 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 21: D uple x Unit Option 2.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-61 5016-0 01 Assembly 21: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 21 - 1 12G1188 1 Brack et, Sensor , 1 2 12G1664 1 Senso r , Exit or P ass Thru Sensors 3 12G1610 1 Cab l .
7-62 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 21 (Con t.): Duplex Unit Option 2.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-63 5016-0 01 Assembly 21: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 21 - 33 12G1452 1 Gear , 27Z 34 12G1657 1 Disc Asm., Lim iter 35 12G1325 1 Spring, Li miter 36 12G1212 1 Holder , Limiter Sp ring 37 12G1017 1 Guide Asm .
7-64 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 22: Cassette Upper Section.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-65 5016-0 01 Assembly 22: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 22 - 1 12G1142 1 Guide, P aper Exit 2 12G1 140 1 Guide, U pper 3 12G1 330 1 Flag, Open/C lose Sensor 4 12.
7-66 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 23: Cassette Rear Section 1.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-67 5016-0 01 Assembly 23: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 23 - 1 12G1518 1 Cov er , Rear 2 12G1 088 4 Holder , Pinch Roll er 3 12G1 273 4 Ar m, Pinch Ro ller 4 12G 1329 4 Spr i n g, Pi nch R olle r 5 12G1 394 4 Roller , Pinch 6 12G 1145 1 Pla t e, P ape r Guide 7 12G1 496 4 Bushing 8 12G1 646 1 Ar m Asm.
7-68 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 24: Cassette Rear Section 2.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-69 5016-0 01 Assembly 24: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 24 - 1 1 2G10 2 5 2 S cr ew , S hould er 2 12G1609 1 Cab l e , ADB 3 12G1 191 1 Brack et, Co nnector 4 12.
7-70 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assembl y 25: Dupl e x Option Lower Section 1.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-71 5016-0 01 Assembly 25: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 25 - 1 12G1150 1 Plate , T ransf er Low er Guide 2 12G1 400 1 Rolle r , Re verse 3 12G1 401 2 Roller , Sub Plate As m.
7-72 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assembl y 25 (Cont.): D uplex Lo wer Section 1.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-73 5016-0 01 Assembly 25: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 25 - 33 12G1406 1 Pulley , Fee d Roller 2 34 12G1091 1 Plate, Sid e, Left 35 12G1411 1 Pulley , (34Z17T) .
7-74 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assembl y 26: Duplex Option Lower Section 2.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-75 5016-0 01 Assembly 26: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 26 - 1 1 2G11 97 1 P late, R ev erse Secti on M oun ti ng, 2 2 12G 1329 2 Spr i n g, Pi nch R o lle r 3 1.
7-76 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assembl y 27: Dupl e x Option Lower Section 3.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-77 5016-0 01 Assembly 27: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 27 - 1 1 2G13 35 1 Spr ing, Sens or 2 12G 1664 1 Sens or 3 12G 1292 1 Lever , S ens or 4 12G1613 1 Cab l .
7-78 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 28: Cassette Lower Section 4.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-79 5016-0 01 Assembly 28: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 28 - 1 1 2G10 21 1 P ower Cor d, AC 1 12G 102 2 1 P ower Co rd, AC 2 12G1687 1 Bushing , Cord 3 12G1 110 1 Case, L VPS 4 12G 1673 1 Socket , AC 5 12G 167 6 2 Cl amp, Cable 6 12G 1006 3 Cl ip, Cable 7 12G1 614 1 Cab l e , O AC 8 12G 1574 1 Boa rd A sm.
7-80 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assembl y 29: Dupl e x Option Lower Section 5.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-81 5016-0 01 Assembly 29: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 29 - 1 1 2G14 83 4 Bush ing 2 12G1 459 1 Gear , 18Z 3 12G1 274 1 Guide, Sel ecting, 2 4 12G1 397 1 Rolle .
7-82 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb l y 29 (Con t.): Duplex Option Lower 5.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-83 5016-0 01 Assembly 29: Asm. Index Par t num ber Units Descr iption 29 - 33 12G1258 1 Shaft 34 12G1689 1 Pin, Dow el, Shaft 35 12G1416 1 Pulle y , 16T 36 12G1656 1 Brack et Asm.
7-84 Se r vic e Man ual 5016-0 01 Assemb ly 30: Misce ll aneous Asm. Index Par t numbe r Units Description 30 - NS 12G1 704 1 Card Asm., SIM M IPDS/SCS/TNE NS 13A0297 1 Cable , Coax NS 13A0296 1 Cabl e , T winax NS 99A0459 1 Hard Disk, 2.
Index I-1 5016-0 01 Ind ex A Assemb lies Base Frame 7-2 8 Carriag e Block 7-26 Cassette Lower Se ction 4 7-78 Cassette Rear Sectio n 1 7-66 Cassette Rear Sectio n 2 7-68 Cassette Upper Section 7-6 4 C.
I-2 Ser v ic e Manual 5016-0 01 G General In formation 1-1 Acronyms 1-42 Mainte nance App roach 1-6 Model s 1-2 Options 1-7 Standard Fea ture s 1-2 Tool s Required 1-6 L Laser Noti ces ix Lubrica tion.
Index I-3 5016-0 01 Registr ation Ro ll 4-27 Main F an 4-12 Main F an Moun ting Brac ket 4-12 Micro Switc h 4-1 8 Motor Moun ting Stay C 4-1 3 Motors Carriage Drive 4-6 Couplin g Drive 4-7 Develope r .
I-4 Ser v ic e Manual 5016-0 01 Tray 1 (I ntegrate d Tray) 2-99 250/ 250 Option T ray 2-108 Service Precaution s 6-1 Standard F eatures 1-2 Start 2-1 Symptom Ta bles 2-28 Base Prin ter 2-28 Covers Int.
Index I-5 5016-0 01 12G104 1 7-31 12G104 2 7-41 12G104 3 7-27 12G104 4 7-53 12G104 5 7-31 12G104 6 7-5 12G104 7 7-11 12G104 8 7-13 12G104 9 7-21 12G105 0 7-23 12G105 1 7-13 12G105 2 7-9 , 7-55 , 7-69 .
I-6 Ser v ic e Manual 5016-0 01 12G113 5 7-57 12G113 6 7-55 12G113 7 7-45 12G113 8 7-47 12G113 9 7-47 12G114 0 7-65 12G114 1 7-61 12G114 2 7-65 12G114 3 7-61 12G114 4 7-61 12G114 5 7-67 12G114 6 7-77 .
Index I-7 5016-0 01 12G122 8 7-41 12G122 9 7-77 12G123 0 7-11 12G123 1 7-13 12G123 2 7-25 12G123 3 7-47 12G123 4 7-47 12G123 5 7-49 12G123 6 7-77 12G123 7 7-21 12G123 8 7-51 12G123 9 7-47 12G124 0 7-4.
I-8 Ser v ic e Manual 5016-0 01 12G132 2 7-17 12G132 3 7-45 12G132 4 7-47 12G132 5 7-63 12G132 6 7-65 12G132 7 7-65 12G132 8 7-61 12G132 9 7-67 , 7-75 12G133 0 7-65 12G133 1 7-67 12G133 2 7-81 12G133 .
Index I-9 5016-0 01 12G142 3 7-35 12G142 4 7-35 12G142 5 7-35 12G142 6 7-35 12G142 7 7-35 12G142 8 7-35 12G142 9 7-39 12G143 0 7-5 12G143 1 7-5 12G143 2 7-21 12G143 3 7-23 12G143 4 7-21 12G143 5 7-21 .
I-10 S er v ic e Manual 5016-0 01 12G151 6 7-13 12G151 7 7-61 12G151 8 7-67 12G151 9 7-69 12G152 0 7-69 12G152 1 7-79 12G152 2 7-77 12G152 3 7-51 12G152 4 7-47 12G152 5 7-61 12G152 6 7-61 , 7-67 , 7-7.
Index I-11 5016-0 01 12G161 0 7-61 , 7-65 12G161 1 7-79 12G161 2 7-83 12G161 3 7-77 12G161 4 7-79 12G161 5 7-13 12G161 6 7-9 12G161 7 7-9 12G161 8 7-21 12G161 9 7-23 12G162 0 7-21 12G162 1 7-25 12G162.
I-12 S er v ic e Manual 5016-0 01 99A1 753 7-84 99A1 754 7-84 99A1 755 7-84 99A1 756 7-84 99A1 757 7-84 99A1 758 7-84 99A1 759 7-84 99A1 773 7-84 99A1 774 7-84 99A1 830 7-84.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark 5016-001 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark 5016-001 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark 5016-001, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark 5016-001 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark 5016-001, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark 5016-001.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark 5016-001. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark 5016-001 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.