Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 3600 du fabricant Lexmark
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3600-4600 Se ries User's Guide No vem be r 20 08 ww w.l e xma rk. com.
Contents Saf ety i nfo rmati on.. .... ... ..... .. .... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. .... ... .... ... .... ..... .7 Int r oduc tio n.. .... ..... ... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .
Advanced wireless setup........ ........... ..................... ................... .......... .................... .......... ..... ................ .......... ................39 Creatin g an ad hoc wireless network ........... ....... ............
Saving and de l eting print setting s................... .......... ..................... .................... .......... ............. ........ .......... .................67 Managing print jobs............ ................... .......... ............
Fa xin g.. .... ..... .. .... ..... .... .. .... ..... .. .... ..... . ..... .... ..... .. .... .... .. ..... .... .. ..... .... ..9 1 Sending a fa x using the computer........ ................... ......... .................... ......... .............
Wi-Fi i ndicator light is bl inking orange during inst allation (Macin tosh o nly) ..... ....... ............... ....... ............. ... .... .. 120 Wi-Fi i ndica to r light i s st ill oran ge .......... ....... .............. ....... ..............
S afety information Use only the power supply and power supp ly cor d provided w ith th is prod uct or the manufa cturer 's auth ori zed replacem ent pow er supply an d power supply cord. Con nect th e pow er sup ply cor d t o an ele ctrica l outl et th at is near t he pro duct an d ea sil y access ible .
Introduction Finding infor mation about t he printer Publ ica tion s See th e For Quick Setup s heet In it ia l s et up in str uc ti on s. Prin ted Ne tworking Guide / Fax G uid e Add itional setup i nstructions. Note: Y ou r printer ma y not come with these p u b lications.
Cus tomer supp ort Descri ption Where to fi nd (North Am erica) Where to find (rest of world) Telephone suppo rt Call us at • US : 1-8 00- 332- 41 20 – Monday –F ri day (8:00 AM–11:00 PM ET), .
• Date purc has ed • Store where pur chased Intr oduc tion 10.
Setting up the printer Bypassing security warnings during soft ware installation Th ird-par ty applic ation s, inclu din g antivir us, sec urit y, and fire wal l progr ams may al ert yo u about the printer soft ware being instal led. For your pr inter to work pro perly, al low the print er so ftware to be install ed on your c omputer.
2 Remov e all ta pe and pa cking mater ial f rom all area s of the p rinte r. W F I I P R I N T I N G 3 Rai se the pa per support , and th en exten d the paper exit tray. W F I I P R I N T I N G W F I I P R I N T I N G 2 1 4 Exte nd the pa per gu ides .
6 Pre ss to tur n on the p rint er. W F I I P R I N T I N G 7 If pr ompted, set th e langu age. 1 2 1 8 If pr ompted, set the count ry/region . 1 2 1 Se ttin g up th e prin ter 13.
9 Open the print er, and t h en pr es s dow n o n t h e prin t cartridge carrier levers . 10 Open the co lor cartridge f oil, and t hen remove the cartridge from the pa ck. 11 If a stora ge un it is in clu ded, remove t he c olor cartridge from t he s torage u nit.
12 Remove the tap e from the col or print c artridge, in sert t he cart ridge in the right c arrier, an d then cl ose t he color ca rtri dge lid. 13 If a black print cartridge is included in the box contents, open the blac k c a rtridge foil, and then remove the ca rtri dge f rom th e pac k.
14 Remove the tap e from the black print car tridge, ins ert the c artridge in the le ft cart ridge carrier, and t hen clo se th e cart ridg e ca rri er li d.
16 From the prin ter control panel, pres s . An al ignmen t page print s. 17 Disca rd or r ecycle t he alig nment pag e. Not es: • The ali gnment p age may diff er fro m the one show n. • Stre aks on the alignmen t page are norm al and do not indic ate a probl em.
Understa nding the parts of the printer W F I I P R I N T I N G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Use the To 1 Paper support Load paper. 2 Prin ter contr ol pa nel Operate the printer. 3 Wi-F i indica tor No te : Your printer model may n ot ha ve wireless cap a b ility and ma y not have this indica tor.
Use the To 9 Top c ov er Acces s the sc anner g lass. 10 Paper feed g uard Prevent items from fa lling into the paper slot. 11 Paper gui des Keep paper s traight wh e n f eeding. W F I I P R I N T I N G 2 3 4 6 5 W F I I P R I N T I N G 1 Use the To 1 Scanne r glass Sc a n a nd cop y phot os and do cument s.
Using the pr inter control pa nel buttons and me nus Using t he pr inter c ontrol p anel The p rin ter co ntro l pa nel conta ins : • Po wer on /o ff bu tt on • Tw o-lin e dis pla y that show s th.
Press To 9 • Canc el a print, copy, or sc a n j ob in progres s. • Exit from a menu l ev el of th e C opy , Scan, Photo, and File Print men us to the top level of a menu. • Exit f r om a men u level of the Setup menu to th e t op level of the previous mod e.
Me nus List Setu p menu Photo me nu Mai ntena nce • Ink Levels • Clean Cart ridge s • Align Cartrid ges • Pri nt Test Page Device Setup • Langua ge • Coun try • Power Saver • Clear Set.
Copy men u Scan menu PictBridge men u Copi es Quality Ligh ter/Darker Res ize Origina l Size Photo Reprint Collate Pages per Sheet Copies pe r S heet Con tent T ype Scan to • Com put er • Network .
Using t he Sc an me nu To access the S can m enu, press o n th e p rin te r con t rol pa nel . From here You c an Sca n to Choose the destination of the scanned image.
From here You can Proof Sheet Print and then scan a p roof sheet: • For a ll photos • For the most r ecent 2 0 photos, if there are 20 or more photos on the memory device • By date Save Photos Save photos to a computer or memory device. Select C omputer (appear s only in prin ters connect e d to a network) Choose a network computer.
From here Yo u can Device Setup Select : • Lan guage to chan g e the la nguage setting . • Country to set the default blan k paper size and d a te form a t be in g u sed in your l ocation. • Po wer S aver to set the time th at it takes f or the printer to switch to Power S aver m ode when le f t i dle.
8 Pres s the ar row button s to sel ect the def ault ph oto pr int si ze for the pri nter, an d then pr ess . 9 Pre ss until you exit Setup, or press ano ther mode button. Ch angin g tem porar y sett i ngs in to new defa ult se tt ings The p rinte r has d efaul t tempora ry sett i n gs for t he menus.
3 Pr ess th e ar row bu tton s un til Clea r Set tin gs Ti meou t appe ars, an d t hen press . 4 Pr ess th e ar row bu tton s un til Neve r appears, and then press . 5 Pre ss until you exit Setup, or press ano ther mode button. Ch angin g the Pow er S av er ti meou t You c an cus tomiz e the P ower Saver timeo ut of the prin ter.
3 Cho ose the p rinter a nd the pr inter driver for your op erating sy stem. 4 Follow the i nstruction s on the screen s to downlo ad the driver an d instal l the pr inter s oftware.
Us ing the W ind ows print er s oftw are Whe n you se t u p the pr inter us ing the p rinte r s oftwa re C D , a l l t he ne cessa ry so ftwa re was i nsta lle d. You may ha ve chosen to install some a dditional p rogra m s . The fol lowing table pro vides an overvi ew of va rious software programs and what t hey c an hel p you do.
Use the To Printi n g P ref erences Whe n you s ele ct File Pri nt wi th a document open and then click Properties , a P rin ting Preferences dialog appears. The dialog lets you select options for the pri n t job such as the f ollowing: • Select the n umber of copies to be p rinted.
Use the To Le xmark Printer U tility • Get help with cartr idge installation. • Prin t a test p age . • Pri n t an alignment page . • Clean the prin t cartridge nozzles. • Order in k or s upplies. • Regi ster the pr inter. • Con tact cu sto mer supp ort.
U sing Maci ntos h a Inse rt th e ins ta lla tio n soft ware CD. b Wait for the Wel come s creen t o appear . Not e: If the Welcom e screen does n ot app ear after a min ute, then c lick the CD icon o n th e desktop . c Doub le-c lick Insta ll . d Follow the inst ruction s on the co mputer screen .
Installi ng the p ri nter on a wireles s n etwork (sele cted models only) Wireless network compatibility You r print er co nta ins an IE EE 802. 11g wi rel ess p rint server . Your pr int er is co mpati ble wi th IE EE 802. 11 b/g/ n ro uters tha t are Wi- Fi cer tified.
Installing t he printer on a wireless network Bef ore you inst all the pr inter on a wi rel ess netw ork , m ake sure th at: • You have c omple ted the ini tial setu p of the pri nte r. • Yo ur wi rele ss ne twor k is se t up and wor king p rope rly.
4 If t here is an a ssociate/re gistrat ion bu tton on the bac k of your box, pre ss it wh en you a re prompt ed to ch oose a netw ork . Not e: Af ter pres sin g the ass ociat e /r egist er butto n, you ha ve fiv e minut es to c omplete the pri nter i nsta llati on.
• Blinki ng orange may i ndicate that: – The prin ter i s out of the r ange of th e wireless acces s poin t (wir eless router). – T he pri nter is tryin g to com muni cate wi th the wir el ess acces s poi nt (wi rele ss rou ter ), but th e wire less a ccess point (wir eless r outer ) m a y be t u rned off o r not w orking proper ly.
Using the Net work Setup menu The N etwor k Setup menu is av ailabl e only i f your pr inter mod el ha s an inte rnal w irel ess pr int ser ver, an d if the printer is co nnec ted to a net work. U se this men u to vie w the wir eles s sett ings of the print er, pr int a net work se tup page , and res et the int ernal wi rel ess prin t serve r.
Using Wi ndows 1 Inse rt the inst alla tion s oftw are C D. 2 Wait for t he Welco me screen to a ppear. If the Welcome scre en d o es not a ppear after a minute, do on e of th e fol lowing: In W ind ows Vis ta a Cl ick . b In t he St ar t Sea rc h bo x, t yp e D: set up.
5 In the Conne ct to a N etwor k dial og, cl ick Set up a wireless ad- hoc (co mpute r-to-co mpute r) networ k , and then click Ne xt . 6 Foll ow the i nstruct ions in the “S et up a wireless ad h oc netw ork” wizard. As part of the s etup: a Cre ate a ne twork na me or SSI D for th e netw ork betwe en the computer and you r prin ter.
6 Clic k En abl e , if it appears in the pop- up menu. Not e: If En able d oes n ot appe ar, y our wi reless con nection is alre ady en abled. 7 Right -click th e Wirele ss Networ k Connect ion icon. 8 Clic k Pr ope rti es . 9 Clic k the Wireless N etworks ta b .
23 It ma y take a few minute s fo r your comput er to r ecogn ize t he ne w setti ngs. To ch eck on the s tatus of yo ur netwo rk: a Ri ght- c li ck t h e Wireless Network C onnections icon.
4 If t his is t he firs t time you wi ll b e sett ing u p the p rin ter f or use on a wire les s netw o r k, ins ert the in stalla tio n sof twar e CD, dou ble-c lick th e i nsta ller ico n f or yo ur p ri nter o n th e F inde r de skto p, and t hen fo llo w t he inst ructio ns o n t h e Wel come sc re en.
There a re differen t ways a netwo rk can be set up. Fiv e common ex ample s appear bel ow. Not e: The p rinte rs i n the fo llowi ng d iagra ms re prese nt pri nte rs wi th inter nal pr i n t serv ers bu ilt i n to them so that they c an co mmunicat e over a network.
• The n etwork is connecte d to t he Interne t through a DSL o r a c able modem. Internet Sce nari o 2: Deskt op co mpute r, lapt op, and p rint er co nne ct ed wi re less ly w ith In tern et • A deskto p comp uter, a lap top, an d a prin ter ar e con nected wir elessl y t o a wi reless ro uter.
Sce nari o 4: La ptop c onne cte d wire lessl y to pr int er wit hou t Inte rne t • A lapt op is dir ect ly conn ec ted wi rele ssly to a prin ter w ithou t goin g throu gh a wire le ss rout er. • The netw ork ha s no co nnect ion t o t he Int erne t.
2 Atta ch t he sma ll, sq u ar e co nnecto r t o th e pr inter . 3 Co ntin ue f ol low ing the o n-sc re en in st ructi ons. What is t h e di fferenc e between i nfrastruc ture and ad hoc netw orks? Wirel ess ne twork s can operat e in o ne of two modes : i nfrastruc tur e or a d h oc.
Inf rastr uctu re Ad hoc Same channel Yes , includ ing the wirel ess ac cess point (w ireless router) Yes Lex mark r ecomme nds sett i n g up a netwo rk i n i n fras truc ture mo de usin g the ins talla tion CD th at came wi th the print er.
R EM OV E OBSTACLES B ETWEEN THE AC C ESS POINT AND THE PRIN T ER The wir eles s sign al from y our ac cess po int w ill pa ss thr ough m ost ob jec ts. Most wal ls, flo ors, fur ni ture and othe r objects will n ot block t he wirel ess sig nal. However , th ere are materials that a re to o dense f or the s ignal to pass t hrough .
What i s an SSID ? A Service Set Id entifier (SSID ) is the na me tha t iden tifi es a w irele ss n etwor k. Al l de vices on the netwo rk mu st kn ow t he SS ID of the wi rel ess netwo rk or they will not b e ab le to commu nicate wit h each othe r.
How d o I find the MA C addre ss? Most n etwor k equipment ha s a uniq ue hard ware iden tifica tion num ber to disti nguish it fr om othe r dev ices on t he netw ork. This is cal led th e Medi a Acces s Contro l (MAC ) ad dres s. The M AC address i s a series of lette rs and n umbers l ocated on t he ba ck of your prin ter.
How d o I loca te IP a ddresses? How t o loc ate a co mput er IP a ddres s usin g Windo ws 1 Do on e of the followi ng: In Wi ndo ws Vis ta a Cl ick . b Cl ick All P r o grams Accessories . c Cl ick Command Prompt . In Wi ndo ws XP a nd ear lie r a Cl ick Start .
What i s a k ey index? A wir eless a ccess point (w ireles s router ) can be con figure d with as many as four WEP k eys. Onl y one k ey i s use d on the network at a time, h owever. The keys a re number ed, and the number of a k ey is referred t o as its key index.
Loading pape r Loading paper 1 Make sure: • You use paper designed for inkjet pr inters. • If you are us ing photo, g lossy, or heavy weight matte paper, y ou load it with the g loss y or p rintable side facing you. (If you ar e not s ure whic h side is the printabl e side, see the i nstruct ions that came with the paper .
• The paper guides rest again st th e edges of th e pap er. Not e: P h o t o s r e q u i r e m o r e d r y i n g t i m e . R e m o v e e a c h p h o t o a s i t e x i t s , a n d t h e n a l l o w i t t o d r y t o a v o i d i n k s m u d g i n g . Envelo pes You ca n load up to 10 envelo pes.
Make sur e: • The r ough si de of the tra nsparencies faces y ou. • If the tran sparenci es h ave a remova ble strip, each strip face s aw a y from you and down toward the print er. • The t ranspare ncies are l oaded in th e center o f the paper s upport.
Wid th: – 76. 2–215. 9 mm – 3. 0–8.5 i nches Length: – 127. 0– 355.6 m m – 5. 0–17 .0 in ches • The pa per is loaded in the ce nter of t he pap er sup port. • The paper guides rest again st th e edges of th e pap er. Banner pape r You c an load up to 20 sh eets.
Loading original docum ents on the s canne r glass You can scan and th en prin t photo s, text documen ts, magazin e artic les, new spapers , and oth er publ ication s. You can scan a docu ment for faxing. Not e: The maximu m scan area for t he scanner gl ass is 216 x 297 mm (8.
3 Clo se th e top cover to avoid dark edges on the s canned imag e. W F I I P R I N T I N G Using the autom atic paper typ e se nsor The pri nter is equipped wi th an au tomatic paper type sen sing device . The Paper Type S ensor au tomatically det ects the ty pe of paper that ha s been loaded in to the pr inter an d adjusts the sett ings for you.
Printing For in stru ctio ns o n a dditi ona l pr i n ting tas ks, se e the Hel p as socia ted with the prin ter so ftwar e. Printing ba sic documents Printi ng a d ocu ment 1 Loa d the paper . 2 Do o ne of the fo llow i n g to pri nt: U sing Wind ows a With a docu ment open i n a W indo ws progr am , click Fi le Pri nt .
1 Load paper. 2 O pen a W eb p a ge u si ng a supp ort ed b row ser . 3 Se le ct a pr in t o pti on to pr int the pa ge . You can also adj ust settings or preview the pag e before printing. Printi ng multiple copie s of a d ocument Usi ng Windo ws 1 With a docu ment open, click File Pr int .
4 Clic k OK to close a ny p rint er sof twar e di alogs. 5 Clic k OK or Pr in t . Not e: The coll ate opt ion i s avai lable o nly when you are pr inting mul tiple copies. Usi ng Maci ntosh 1 With a docu ment open, click File Pr int . 2 In the Copi es field, ent er the n umber of cop ies that you wa nt to print, an d th en select Collate d .
Printi ng mult iple p ages on on e s heet (N- Up) Usi ng Windo ws 1 With a docu ment open, click File Pr int . 2 Clic k Pr ope rti es , Prefer ence s , Optio ns , or Se tup . 3 Fro m the Advance d ta b, sel ect N-Up u nder the Layout drop-down menu.
When th e printer detects th e memor y device, the message Me mory Ca rd De te cted or Stora ge Dev ic e Dete cted appea rs on the printer contro l p anel display. 2 If onl y document f iles are stored on the memory devi ce, then th e printer au tomati c a lly switc hes to File Pr int mode.
• Tra nsparen cy —A clea r, plas tic m edia primaril y us ed for o verhead projec tors . • Car d s tock —A ve ry thick p aper used for printin g stur dier it ems, su ch as greetin g cards . • Ir on-On transfer —A type of media that has a rever se image prin ted on it that can be iro ned onto fabri c.
Printi ng l abel s 1 Load the la be l shee ts in th e prin ter. 2 Do on e of the followi ng: U sing Wind ows a With a doc ume nt ope n, click File Pri nt .
Printi ng on custom -size paper Before beginn ing these inst ructions , l oad the custom- size paper in the p rinter. For mor e in formatio n, see the “ Loa ding Pap er” c hapt er. Usi ng Windo ws 1 With a docu ment open, click File Pr int . 2 Clic k Pr ope rti es , Prefer ence s , Optio ns , or Se tup .
5 Sele ct a n emp ty loc ation for y our s ettin g, an d th en ass ign a nam e. Not e: T he first locati on contains Factory Defa ult Setting s, which cannot be cha nged or deleted.
In Windows 2000 a Cl ick Start . b Cl ick Settin gs Pri nt e rs . 2 Right -cli ck th e pr inter , and then sele ct Pa use Print ing . Usi ng th e task bar in Win dows 1 D oubl e-c li ck the pr inte r i co n i n t he ta skba r. 2 Right -click the do cument name , and then select Paus e .
Usi ng th e task bar in Win dows 1 D oubl e-c li ck the pr inte r i co n i n t he ta skba r. 2 Right -click the do cument name , and then select Resume . Usi ng Mac OS X vers ion 10 .5 1 Fro m the m enu ba r, cl ick S ystem Pr eferences Pr int & Fa x .
In Windows 2000 a Cl ick Start . b Cl ick Settin gs Pri nt e rs . 2 Right -cli ck th e pr inter na me, and th en se lect Open . 3 Do on e of the followi ng: • If you want to cancel a p articu lar pri nt job, ri ght-cli ck the docu men t na me, and the n sele ct Canc el .
Working with photo s You can als o use th e programs tha t are ins talled w ith th e prin ter softw are to c ustomize and print phot os. F or more inform ation, see th e Help a ssociat ed with these programs. Inserting a memo ry card 1 Insert a memory car d.
2 Wai t for th e ligh t locate d nea r the to p memor y card sl ot on th e prin ter to co me on. The light b link s to indic a t e the memo ry card is bein g re ad or is tra nsmit ting data .
Not e: The pri nter r ecognizes one ac tive med ia devic e at a time. I f you inse rt more t han one medi a devic e, a messag e ap p ea rs on the displ ay pr ompting you to des igna te the d evi ce you want the pr inte r t o rec ogniz e.
c On the comput er screen , select an o ption to save ph otos t o th e computer . d Follow the inst ruction s on the co mputer screen . Usi ng Lexm ark Pr oduct ivi ty S tudi o in Wi ndow s • If you.
Tra nsferr ing phot os fr om a me mory c ard t o a f lash dr ive 1 Ins ert a mem ory card int o the p rin ter . 2 After the memor y card is detect ed, press t he ar row but tons un til S ave Photos appea rs. 3 Insert the f lash driv e into t he pri nter, an d then pr ess the arrow bu ttons until USB Fl ash Dr ive appear s.
6 Do on e of the followi ng: • If you are in the Easy Pho to me nu, use the ar row bu ttons to sele ct the pa per si ze and p hoto size . Pre ss each ti me you make a sel ection.
3 From t he pri nt optio ns pop -up menu, c hoose Quality & Media . • From t he Paper Type pop -up men u, choos e a pap er type. • From the P rint Qualit y men u, choose A utomatic or Ph o to .
If the pr inter is co nnecte d to th e compute r thr ough a netw ork , then th e Lexma rk Netw ork Car d R eader la unches on the compute r. Transfer the photos t o the c omputer using the ap plicat ion, and then use t he appl ication s in stalled o n the c ompute r to pr int the ph otos .
Printi ng ph otos from a PictBr idge-ena bled digita l came ra Pict Bridge i s a t echnolo gy a vail able i n most digita l c amera s th at le ts yo u pr int direct ly f rom yo ur digi tal ca mera withou t using a com puter.
Not es: • If y ou ins ert t he ca mer a whil e t he prin te r is p erfor min g anothe r j ob, w ait f or the j ob to fini sh b efore prin ting from th e ca mer a. • To use t he cam era to c ontrol printing photos, s ee the in struc tions i n the cam era do c u mentat ion.
Printi ng ph otos from a digi tal c amera using DPOF Digi tal P rint Orde r Form at (D POF) is a f eatur e availab le on some digita l cam eras. I f y our ca mera s upport s DPO F, then you can s pecify whi ch photo s t o print, how many of ea ch, and the print s ettings wh ile the memory ca rd i s still in the camera .
Copying Making copies 1 Load paper. 2 Loa d t he origin al docum ent faced own o n th e sc anner glas s. 3 From the prin ter control panel, pres s . 4 Press the arrow button s to sel ect the n umber of copies , and th en pres s or to s et a color or blac k-and -wh ite copy .
5 P ress th e ar row bu tto ns un til the set ti ng tha t y ou want a ppe ar s. Not es: • I f you se le ct Cu stom Resi ze, pres s to e n ter t h e nex t me nu, and the n pr ess the a r row b utt ons until the sett ing th at y ou wan t app ears . Pres s to save t he se tti ng that you sel ecte d.
Collating copie s using the printer c ontrol panel If you pr int multi ple copies of a docum e n t, then yo u can choo se to print ea ch copy as a set ( collate d) or to p ri nt the copi es as gr oups of pages (not col lated) . Co llat ed No t coll ate d 1 Load paper.
Copying multipl e pages on one sheet (N-Up) The N- Up sett ing lets you copy m ultiple pages on one s heet by printin g sma ller image s of eac h pa ge. For example, you can conden se a 20 -page documen t into 5 pages if you use the N-Up s etting to prin t 4 pa ge images per sheet.
Scanning For m ore opt ions on sc anning a nd cus tomiz ing sc anned im ages , see the Help as socia ted wit h the prog ram s instal led w ith t h e pr in ter s of twar e . Scanning or iginal documents You can scan and th en prin t photo s, text documen ts, magazin e artic les, new spapers , and oth er publ ication s.
c Use the a rrow b utto ns to se lec t the qu alit y and orig ina l ima ge siz e, an d then pres s each t ime y ou ma ke a sele ction. d Pr ess . Not e: Do not re move the memo ry dev ice un til th e menu ind icate s tha t the file has be en sav ed.
Scanning col or or black- and-white original documents 1 Open the top c over, an d t hen load an origi nal doc umen t fac edown on th e sc anner gla ss. 2 Clo se th e top cover to avoid dark edges on the s canned imag e. 3 From the prin ter control panel, pres s .
4 Pr ess th e ar row bu tton s un til Netw ork appear s, and t h en press . 5 If prompt ed, press the arrow but tons to select the compu ter na me of the n etwork comput er where you w ant to send the scann ed image, an d then pr ess . Not es: • You may be prompte d to ente r a PIN if t he compu ter requi res it.
Faxi ng Before you se nd a fax, make su re: • The pr inter is con nected to a comput er wi th an a ctive fax modem, t he comput er is conf igured to fax, a ph one line is conn ected to the co mpute r, and bo th the pr inter and compu ter ar e on.
Using Macint osh 1 Loa d an orig inal do cum ent fac edow n on the scan ner g lass . 2 From the Fin der de sktop, double- click t he prin ter fol der. 3 Dou ble -c lick XXXX Ser ies Center , wh ere XXXX is t he pr inter series. 4 Fro m the “W hat is b ein g scan ned? ” men u, ch oos e the type of doc ume nt to b e sca nned.
9 To set th e number of teleph one rin gs befor e the pr inter auto m a ticall y receiv es faxes , select a s etting from th e “Pi ck-up on the” drop -down lis t in the “Answeri ng on your ph one line type” a rea. 10 Clic k OK to sa ve th e sett in gs .
Maintaini n g the printer Maintaining print ca rtridges Inst alling pri nt cart ridges 1 Open the print er, and t hen press down on the cartridge carrier levers.
4 If a black c artridge is inc luded in t he box contents , remove the tape from the ba ck and bot tom of the bl ack cartridg e, i nsert the car t ridge in the left car rier, and t h en close t he black cartridge carrier lid.
The pr int c a rtridge ca rrier m o ves an d stops at th e loading position , unl ess the printer is bu sy. 3 Press down on t he cartridg e carrier l at ch to raise the car tridge carri er lid. W F I I P R I N T I N G 4 Remove the used print cart ridge.
• If y ou are using the pr inter withou t a co mput er, pres s Canc el . Lex mark's wa rranty does n ot cover dama ge c aused by non- Lexmar k ink or print car tridge s. Ali gning pr int ca rtrid ges Usi ng th e prin ter c ontrol panel 1 Loa d plain Lette r-size paper.
3 Pr ess th e ar row bu tton s un til C le an Ca rtri dg es appe ars , and t hen press . A page print s, fo rcin g ink th rou gh the pr int ca rtri dge no zzle s to clea n the m. 4 Pri nt the docu men t again t o veri fy tha t the pri nt qua lity has im pro ved.
Usi ng Windo ws Use the Lexmark Service C enter t o check the ink l evels of the c artridges. 1 Do on e of the followi ng: • In Wi ndow s Vist a, clic k . • I n Win do ws XP a nd ea rli er, cli ck Start . 2 Clic k Al l Pr og ra m s or Pr ograms , an d then selec t t h e p rinter progra m folder from the list.
4 Usin g a n othe r cle an sec tio n of the clot h, ge ntly ho ld the c loth agai nst the conta ct s for a bout th ree secon ds, and then wip e i n the dir ectio n shown. 5 With ano ther c lean s ecti on of t he cloth , rep eat ste p 3 and step 4, and th en let th e n ozzle s and cont acts dr y complet ely.
3 Damp en a c l ean, lint-f ree c l oth with water. Warning—Potentia l Damage: Do not u se household cl eaners or detergent s, as th ey may dama ge the fin ish of th e p rin te r. 4 Wipe only t he outs ide of the pr inter , mak ing sure to rem ove any i nk re sidu e that ha s acc umul ated on the pa per exit tra y.
Orderi ng p aper a nd othe r supp lies To purchas e s u pplies or to locate a dealer near you, vis it our W eb s ite at www. lex ma rk. com . For bes t res ults when p rinting ph otos o r oth er hig h-qual ity im ages, use Le xmark Photo P aper or L exm ark Pe rfectFin ish Phot o Paper and Le xmar k print cartr idges.
Troubles hooting Using the pr inter tr oubleshooting software (Windows only) The Lexma rk Servi ce Center provides step-by-s tep trou bleshooti ng help and con tains lin ks to printer maintenan ce tas ks and cust omer sup port.
Powe r butt on is not lit These are possib le s olution s. Try one or more of the followi ng: P RESS POWER BUTTON Make sure the printer is on by pres sing . D ISCO NNE CT AND R ECONNE CT TH E PO WER CORD 1 Dis conn ect th e powe r cor d from th e w all outle t, and then fr om the p rint er.
R ECON NECT THE POWER SU PPLY 1 Pr ess to tur n th e pr inte r of f. 2 Disc onnec t the pow er co rd fr om t he wa ll out le t. 3 Gently rem ove the po wer supply from the printer . 4 Reco nnect th e pow er sup ply to th e prin ter. 5 Plug the po wer co rd i nto the wall ou tle t.
C HECK CARTRID GE S 1 Re move the p rin t cart ri dges . 2 Make su re the sti c ker and t ape have b een remov ed. 1 2 1 2 3 Rein ser t the cart ridg es. C HECK PRINTER DEF AULT AND PAUSE SETTINGS Usi ng Win dows 1 Do on e of the follo wing: In W indo ws Vi sta a Clic k .
Us ing Maci nt osh For Mac OS X vers ion 10 .5 1 Fro m t he Fi nde r d eskt op, clic k Sy st em P re fere nc es Print & Fax . 2 Fro m the De faul t Pri nter pop -up me nu, che ck if the pr inter is the d efaul t print er.
R EM OV E AND REINSTALL THE SOF TW ARE If you encou ntered problems while inst alling, or if your pri nter does not appear in t he printers fold er or as a prin ter option when send ing a prin t j ob, th en t ry unin stal ling and rein stall ing the softwar e.
If t he ins tall scr een does not appear a utomatic ally aft er you restar t your compu ter, do one of the fol lowin g: In Wi ndo ws Vis ta a Cl ick . b In t he St ar t Sea rc h bo x, t yp e D: set up.exe , whe re D is th e lett er of your CD or DVD dri ve.
c Fro m the Ha rdwa re tab , cli c k De vic e Man ag er . In W indow s 2 000 a Cl ick Start . b Cl ick Settin gs Contr ol Panel System . c Fro m the Ha rdwa re tab , cli c k De vic e Man ag er . 2 Clic k the plus s ign (+ ) besi de Univer sal Seria l Bus Contro ller .
• The p rint er dr iver is inst alled o n the co mput er fr om whi ch yo u ar e pe rformi ng a task . • The c orre ct prin te r p ort i s s ele cted.
2 At tach th e smal l, squa re conn ector t o the pr inter . Cannot pr int over wire less ne twork If you enco unte red proble ms while in stall ing, or if you r printe r does no t appear in the prin ters fold er or as a prin ter optio n whe n s end ing a print job, you can try unin stall ing and reins tall ing the s oft ware.
If yo u do no t kn ow th e IP ad dr ess of th e wire le ss a cce ss poi nt : a Do on e of the foll owing: I n Wind ow s Vis ta 1 Cl ick . 2 Cl ick All P r o grams Accessories . 3 Cl ick Command Prompt . I n Wind ows XP a nd earli er 1 Cl ick Start .
Usi ng Macin tosh wi th a wir eles s access poin t (wir eless r out er) 1 Type the I P address of the wire less acces s point (wire less router) in t he Web address f ield of your brows er and cont inue to St ep 2.
WPA or WPA2 pa ssphr ase Must m eet one o f t he foll owing cr iteria : • Fro m 8 to 63 AS CII ch aracte rs. A SCII cha rac ters in a WP A pa ssphr ase ar e case -sen sitiv e. or • Exact ly 6 4 he xadeci mal c hara cter s. He xadecim al ch ara cters are A-F, a -f, and 0-9.
E NABLE THE PRINT E R Con firm th at the pri nte r is ena bled. 1 Do on e of the follo wing: In W in dows Vist a a Clic k . b Clic k Control P anel . c Un der Ha rdw are and Soun d, c lick Printe r . In Wi ndows X P a Clic k St a rt . b Clic k Pr in ter s a nd F a xes .
S EL ECT THE WIRELESS PO RT If you ha ve p revi ously set u p you r pri nter a s a l ocall y att ache d prin ter , you may nee d to sel e c t the wir eles s pri nter to us e the pr inter wirele ssly. 1 Do on e of the follo wing: In W in dows Vist a a Clic k .
T RY ADJUSTING EXTERNAL ANTE NNAS A n t e n n a s u s u a l l y w o r k b e s t i f t h e y a r e p o i n t i n g s t r a i g h t u p . Y o u m a y f i n d t h a t r e c e p t i o n i m p r o v e s i f y o u e x p e r i m e n t wi th d iffe rent angle s fo r t he pr inter an d/or wi rele ss a ccess point a n tenna s.
b Type ip co nfig . c Pre ss Ente r . • T he “Def ault Ga teway” entry is ty picall y the ac cess poi nt. • T he IP ad dre ss app ear s as fo ur se ts of n umbe rs sep ara ted b y peri od s, such a s 192 .168 .0. 100. Yo ur IP address mi ght also s tart w ith the n umbers 10 or 16 9.
R UN THE WIR ELESS SET UP AG AIN I f you r wi rele ss s etti ngs hav e cha ng ed, you must run the p rint er wi rel ess set up agai n. Som e r easo ns y ou r se tti ngs may hav e changed inc lude your.
M OVE YOUR PRINTER Move the printer clos er to the wireless a ccess point. Alth ough the possibl e dist ance between devic es in 8 02.11b or 8 02.11g ne two rks is 300 feet , th e effec tive ra nge for op tima l perf ormance i s gener ally 100 –150 feet.
e Clic k TCP /IP . • T he IP ad dre ss ap pear s as fo ur se ts of numbe rs se para ted b y per iod s, su ch as 192 .168 .0. 100. • The "Rou ter" en try is ty pically t he wi reless ac ces s point. In M ac OS X vers ion 10 .4 and ear lier a Clic k S y stem Prefer ences .
Th e print er may be un able to join the ne twork b ecaus e of inter feren ce, it s d istanc e fr om the wi reless acces s point (wir eless router), or unti l its s etting s are changed.
Wireless p rint serv er not i nstalled You may see a mess age durin g inst allat ion in dicati ng that t he prin ter doe s not h ave a wi reless print ser ver inst alled. If y ou are sure th e prin ter is capable of wir eless printin g, try the f ollowing: C HECK POW ER Ma ke sur e the li ght is on .
3 Pr ess th e ar row bu tton s un til R es et Ne twork Ad apte r De faul ts appears , and the n pres s . 4 Pr ess th e ar row bu tton s un til Yes a ppears, and then press . The i n terna l w ire less pr int serve r i s r eset to facto ry d efa ult s ettin gs.
No tic e s Pr oduct i nform ati on Pro du ct name : Lex mark 3600 Se ries Mac hin e t ype: 4438 Mod el(s ): 001, 002 Pro du ct name : Lex mark 4600 Se ries Mac hin e t ype: 4438 Mode l n umb er 2: W02.
If you don't ha ve acces s to the In ter net, you can co ntact Le xmar k b y ma il: Lex mark In ter natio nal , Inc. Bld g 004-2/C SC 740 N ew Circl e Road NW Lex ington , KY 40550 US A © 2 008 Le xmar k Inte rnat ion al, Inc . All right s reserve d.
The man ufact urer is n ot re sponsible for radio or te levision inte rference cau sed by using other t han recommen ded cables or by una uthorized ch anges o r modificat ions to t his equi pment. Una uthoriz ed chang es or modifi catio ns could void t he use r's au thor ity to operat e this equip ment.
The i nsta ller of this ra dio eq uipme nt mu st ensu re th at the a nten na is loca ted o r point ed su ch that it do es not e mit RF fi elds i n exce ss of He al th C an ada li mi ts f or the g ener al po p ulati o n; c ons ul t S af ety Co de 6, o bta ina b le from He alth Can ada' s Web site www.
Compl iance is indica ted by th e CE mar king. The A lert s ign ind icate s tha t there ar e re stri ctions withi n certa in me mber stat e s . The m a n ufac turer of th is p rod uct i s: Le xmar k Inter nat ional , In c., 74 0 West New Circ le R oad, L e x ingt on, K Y, 40550 U SA.
Íslenska Hér með lýsir Lexmark I n t e rna ti onal, Inc. yfir því að þessi vara e r í samræmi við grunnkröfur og aðrar krö fur , sem ger ðar eru í tils ki pun 199 9/5/ EC.
Wa ste from Electric al and Ele c tr onic Equ ipment (WEEE) dire ctive The W EEE logo si gnifie s specifi c recy cling pro grams and pro cedure s for elec troni c pr o d ucts in coun tries of the Eur opean Union . We enc ourag e the recyc ling of our produ cts .
Mode Des cri pti on Power cons umpt ion (W atts) Prin ting Th e product is generating ha rd - copy output from electronic inputs. Lex mark 3600 Serie s: 22.1; Le xmark 3 6 0 0es Seri es: 11 .47; Le xmar k 46 00 Ser ies : 2 4.3 Copy ing The product is generatin g hard-copy output from hard-copy orig inal documents.
CARTRIDGE LI CENSE AGREEMENT I ag ree that t he pat ented prin t cartri dge(s) shi pped with this pr inting device ar e sold subject t o th e followin g licens e/agreement : The patented print car tri.
c Reserv ation of Rights . The So ftware Pr ogram, in cludin g al l fo nts, is c opyri ght ed and own ed by Lex mark Inter natio nal, I nc. and/o r its su ppli ers. L exmar k res erves al l rig hts no t exp ressl y grant ed t o you in this Lic ense Agreement.
10 TERM . This Licen se Agreement is effectiv e unle ss termin ated or rejected. You ma y reje ct or termin ate this licens e at a ny time b y de stro yin g all copies of the So ftwa re Progr am, toget her w ith all modi ficati ons , docu ment ation , and mer ged por tions in a ny for m, or as otherw ise d esc ribed he rein .
Networking g lossary ad hoc mode A setting fo r a wireles s device th a t lets it communica te directly wi th other wir eless device s with out a n acc ess po int or ro uter ad ho c ne two rk A wireles s network that do es not use an acces s point AutoIP a ddress An IP a ddress automatic a l ly assigned by a n etwork device.
router A device tha t shares a single Inter n et c onnection with multiple compu ters or other d ev i ces. The b asic r ou ter contro ls netwo rk traffic.
Index A ad hoc wir eles s netw ork adding a printer 43 creat ing 3 9 additional compu ter s inst al ling wire less pr inte r 38 AliceBox 35 alig ning print ca rtrid ges 9 7 app liances wir ele ss netw.
MAC address 5 1 public atio ns 8 We b sit e 8 findin g IP addr ess of comput er (Ma c) 52 fi rew all on comp ut er 115 flash drive inse rt ing 73 pri nti ng docu ment s from 63 prin ting ph otos using.
pape r feed guar d 18 pape r g u ide 19 pap er support 18 pape r type choos ing automa tical ly 59 pap e r, loa di ng 54, 60 part s memory card slot s 18 paper e xit t ray 1 8 paper fee d guar d 18 pa.
usin g th e prin ter c ont rol panel 87 sec uri ty in form at ion 11 wir ele ss netw ork 50 sec u r ity ke y 50 Serv ice Center 10 3 sett ing up prin ter on w ire less n etwor k (Mac ) 3 5 on w ire le.
Wi- Fi in dicat or li ght i s not lit 115 Wi- Fi in dic at or li ght is sti ll orang e 1 22 Wi -Fi i ndic ator 18 de scri pti on of co lo rs 36 int erpr eti ng col ors 36 lig ht is no t lit 11 5 Wi- F.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Lexmark 3600 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Lexmark 3600 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Lexmark 3600, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Lexmark 3600 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Lexmark 3600, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Lexmark 3600.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Lexmark 3600. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Lexmark 3600 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.