Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit AP7900 du fabricant APC
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® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU Contents I Introducti on -- 1 Prod uct D escr iption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Access Pr oced ures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 How to Re cover From a L ost Passwor d .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU II Data Me nu (Web Int erface Only) -- 69 Log Opti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Configuration Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU III How to Export Configuration Settings -- 153 Retrieving and Exporting the .ini File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 The Upl oad Ev ent a nd Er ror Message s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Using the APC Device IP Configuration Wizard .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 1 Intr oduction Pr oduct Description Featur es of the Switched Rack PDU The APC ® Switched Rack Power Distribution Unit (PDU) is a stand-alone, network-manageable de vice that provide s current monitoring and a llows programmable control of eight, sixteen, o r twenty-four power outlets (depending on the mo del).
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 2 • Four levels of user acce ss accounts—Administrator , Device Manager , Read Only User , and Outlet Use r • Event and data logging—the even t log is acces.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 3 Access Pr ocedur es Overview The Switched Rack PDU has two internal i nterfaces (control console and Web interface) that allow you to manage the Rack PDU. The SNMP interface also allows you to us e an SNMP browser with th e PowerNet ® Manag ement Information Base ( MIB) to manage t he Rack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 4 T ypes of user accounts The Rack PDU has four levels of access (A dministrator , Devic e Manager , Read-Only User , and Outlet Use r), all of which are protected by password and user name requirem ents.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 5 Y ou must use the Web interface to conf igure values for th e Read-Only User , and you must us e the control console to configure values for an O utlet User .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 6 How to Recover Fr om a Lost Passwor d Y ou can use a local co mputer , a computer that connects to the Rack PDU or other device through the serial port to access the control conso le. 1. Select a serial port at th e local computer , and disable an y service that uses that port.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 7 7. From the Control Console menu, select Sy stem , then User Manager . 8. Select Administrator , and chan ge the U ser Name and Password settings, both of which are now defined as apc . 9. Press C TRL -C , log off, reconnect any serial cable you d isconnected, and restart any service you disabled .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 8 Upgrading Firmwar e thr ough a Serial Connection Y ou can use a local co mputer that conn ect s to the Rack PDU through the serial port on the front panel of the unit. 1. Select a serial port at th e local computer , and disable an y service which uses that port.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 9 9. In the terminal program, send the file usin g the XMODEM protocol. When the transfer finish es, the console will prompt you to restore th e baud rate to normal. The Rack PDU will restart when the do wnload is complet e.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 10 Fr ont Panel Single-phase Thr ee-phase Three-phase Switched R ack PDUs have o ne of the following two fro nt panels:.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 11 Ite m Function Load Indicator LED Identifies overlo ad and warn ing conditions for the displayed ph ase or bank. See Load indicato r LED . Input Selector On 3-phase models, press the input selector to monitor the current of the next phase or bank.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 12 Link-RX /TX (10/ 100) LE D This LED indicates the n etwork status. Digital Display Displays the curren t (amps) for the phase o r bank indicated by the illumi nated Load Indica tor LED.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 13 Status LED This LED indicates the n etwork status of the Rack PDU . Load indicator LED The load indicator LED identifies overload and warning conditions for the displayed phas e or bank. Condition Descriptio n Off The Rack PDU has no power .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 14 Wa t c h d o g F e a t u r e s Overview T o detect int ernal problems and reco ver from unant icip ated inputs, the Rack PDU uses internal, syste m-wide watchdog mechanisms. When it restarts itself to recover from an internal proble m, a System: W armst art event is recorded in the event lo g.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 15 Contr ol Console How to Log On Overview Y ou can use either a l ocal (serial) conne ction, or a remote (T elnet o r SSH) connection to access th e control console .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 16 Remote access to the cont r ol console Y ou can access the co ntrol console thro ugh T elnet or Secure SH ell (SSH), depending on which is enabled. (An A dministrator can enable th ese access methods through the T elnet/SSH op tion of the Net work menu.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 17 Local access to the contr o l consol e Y ou can use a local co mputer that conn ect s to the Rack PDU through the serial port on the front panel of the unit. 1. Select a serial port at th e local computer , and disable an y service which uses that port.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 18 Main Scr een Example main scr e en The main screen that is dis played when you lo g on to the control console of a Rack PDU: User Na me : apc Passwor d : *** America n Po wer Co nver sion Net work Manag emen t Card AOS v2 .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 19 Infor matio n an d sta tus fi elds Main scr e en info rmat ion fie lds. • T wo fields iden tify the A PC operating system (AOS) and a pplication (APP) firmware ve rsions. The appl ication firmware uses a nam e that identifies the ty pe of device that conne ct s to the network.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 20 Main scr een status fields. •A Stat field rep orts the Rack PDU status. Stat : P+ N+ A+ • A Rack PDU mo del and name field reports the status of the Rack P DU. For example: Switched Rack PDU: Communication Established P+ The APC operating system (AOS) is functioning properly .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 21 Contr ol Console Menus Menu stru ctur e The menus in the contr ol console list opt ions by number and name . T o use an option, type the co rresponding numb er and press E NTER , the n follow any on-screen instructio ns.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 22 Main menu The main control consol e menu has optio ns that provide access to the management features of the control con sole: 1- Device Manager 2- Network 3- System 4- Logout s Dev ice Manag er opt ion This option accesses th e Device Manage r menu.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 23 Network op tion T o do any of t he following tasks, see Network Menu : • Configure the TCP/IP se ttings for the Ra ck PDU or , when the Rack PDU will obtain its TCP/IP settings from a serv er , configure the settings for the type of server (D HCP or BOOTP) to be used.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 24 We b I n t e r f a c e How to Log On Overview Y ou can use the DNS name or System IP address of the Switched Rack PDU for the URL addres s of the Web interface. Use your case-sensitive u ser name and password settin gs to log on.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 25 Supported W eb br owsers As your browser , you can use Mi crosoft ® Internet Explorer (IE) 5.0 (and higher) or Ne tscape ® 4.0.8 (and higher , exce pt Net scape 6. x ) to acc ess the Rack PDU through its Web interface.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 26 URL addr ess formats T ype the Rack PDU’s DNS name or IP address in t he W eb browser ’s URL address field and p ress E NTER . E xcept when you spe cify a non-def ault web server port in Internet E xplorer , http:// or https:// is automatically added by the browser .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 27 Summar y Page When you log on to the Web interface at the Switched Rack PDU , the status view is at the right side o f the screen, the quick status ta b is at the upper right, and the navigatio n menu is at the lef t.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 28 Quick status tab The quick status tab is displayed at the upper rig ht on every page in the Web interface. The tab shows active alarms a nd warnings and a link to the online help. Click the help icon to access the online help for the displa yed page.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 29 Navigation Menu Overview On the Web interface, the navi gation menu (left frame) has the followin g elements: • IP address of the Rack PDU • Menus to manage .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 30 Selecting a menu to perform a task • T o do the follo wing, see Switched Rack P DU Settings : – Configure the overload and low load thre sholds for each phase o r bank. – Configure the Overlo ad Outlet Restric tion for each phase or bank.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 31 • T o do the follo wing, see Network Menu : – Configure new TCP/IP s ettings for the Ra ck PDU. – Identify the Domain Nam e System (DNS) S erver , test its network connection, and enab le or disable DNS Reverse Lookup Event Logging (which logs the doma in name of the device associated with each event).
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 32 Links menu Provides three user-defi nable URL link op tions. By default, these lin ks access the following AP C Web p age s: • APC’ s Web Site accesses the A PC home page. • T estdrive Demo accesse s a demonstration page where you ca n use samples of APC Web-enabled pr oducts.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 33 Device and Outlet Management Menus How to Configur e and Contr ol Outlet Gr oups Outlet gr oup terminology An outlet group consists of outlets that are logically linked togethe r on the same Switched Rack PD U. Outlets that are in an outle t group turn on, turn off, and reboot in a synchronized mann er , i.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 34 Purpose and benefits of outlet gr oups By using groups of synchronized ou tlets on Switched Rack PDUs, y ou can ensure that outlets turn on, turn off, and reboot in a synchronized ma nner . Synchronizing control gr oup actions throu gh outlet groups provides the following benefits.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 35 System r e quir ements for outlet gr oups T o set up and use synchronized outlet c ontrol groups: • Y ou need a 10/100B ase-T TCP/IP net work, with an Ethernet hu b or switch that has a powe r source not share d by the computers or ot her devices being synchron ized.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 36 Rules for configuring outlet gr oups For a system that uses o utlet groups, the following rule s apply: • A Switched Rack PDU can have more tha n one outlet group, but an outlet can belong to o nly one outlet gr oup.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 37 How to enable outlet gr oups From the Outlets menu in the Web interface, select Outlet G roup s , configure the following parameters, and click A pply . Enable cr eation of outlet gr o ups. Enable support for global outlet groups (linked gr ou ps).
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 38 How to cr eate multiple global outlet gr oups (W eb int erface) T o set up multip le global outlet groups that link to ou tlet groups on other Switched Rack PDUs: 1. From the Outlets menu in the Web interface, select Outlet G roup s .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 39 T y pical outlet gr oup configurations The following configurat ion shows two Sw itched Rack PDUs, each wi th eight outlet groups.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 40 The following configurat ion shows three s et s of synchr onized outlets. Global outlets are shown in black. Ou tlet groups are enclosed in re d rectangles. These four global outlet groups synchronize a total of 19 outlets.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 41 V erify your setup and configur ation for gl obal outlet gr o ups T o ensure that your setup meets all system requiremen ts for outlet group and that you have co.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 42 Outlet Settings for Outlets a nd Outlet Gr ou ps How to initiate a contro l action We b i n t e r f a c e . T o control the outlets on your Switched R ack PDU 1. Select Outlets , and then Control on the navigation menu .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 43 Control a c tions you can select. t Opti on Descript ion No Action (Web interface only) Do nothing. On Imme diate Apply p ower to the sele cted outlets. On De layed Apply power to ea ch se lected out let ac cording t o its value for Power On De lay .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 44 How to configur e outlet settings and outlet na me Settings that you can configur e. Th e following settings are av ailable in both the Web interface and control.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 45 We b I n t e r f a c e . T o co nfigure the outle t settings or outlet names , select Configuration on the Out let s menu, and click the Configure button in the Outlet Settings section o r in the Outlet Na me Configuration section.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 46 Switched Rack PDU Settings Configur e L oad Thr eshold s We b i n t e r f a c e . 1. Select Switched Rack P DU from the navi gation menu.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 47 How to configur e Device Settings We b i n t e r f a c e . Se lect Configuration on the Switched Rack P DU menu. Then, under Device Settings, click th e Configure butto n and co nfigure the Name and Location fields for the Rack PD U, and set the Coldst art Delay .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 48 Power Supply Status (co ntr ol cons ole only) Select Power Supply Status from the Device Manager menu to d isplay the status of the power supplies of the Switched Rac k PDU. Setting Description Name Set th e name of the Rack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 49 Scheduling Outlet Actions (W eb Interface Only) Actions you can schedule For any outlets you select, you ca n schedule any of the following actions to occur daily; at intervals o f one, two, four , or eight weeks; o r only once.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 50 Off D elayed Remove po wer from each selected outlet according to its value for Power Off Delay . † Reboot PDU Immediate Remove power from each selected outlet. Then apply power to each of these outlets according to its value for Rebo ot Dur atio n .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 51 How to schedule an outlet event 1. From the menus o f the Web interface, sele ct Switched R ack PDU and then Scheduli ng . 2. On the Outlet Sche duling page, select how often the event will occur: Daily , Weekly , or One-Time .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 52 How to edit, disable, enable, or delete an out let event 1. From the menus o f the Web interface, sele ct Switched R ack PDU and then Scheduli ng . 2. In the event list in the Summary section of the Outlet Sc heduling page, click on the name of the eve nt.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 53 Event-Related Menus Intr od uction Overview The Events menu provides access to the options that you use to do the following tasks: • Access the event log • D.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 54 In the control console, access the availa ble events-related options as follows: • Use the Ema il option in the Netw ork menu to define the SMTP serv er and e-mail recipients. • Use the SNMP option in the Network men u to define the SNMP tra p receivers.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 55 Event Log Overview The Rack PDU supports event-logging for all embedded management card application firmware mod ules.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 56 Logged events By default, any event which causes an SNM P trap will be logged, exce pt for SNMP authent ication failures.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 57 How to use F TP or SCP to r etrieve a log file If you have Administrato r or Device Manag er access, you can use SCP or FTP to retrieve a tab-delineated eve nt log file ( event. txt ) or data log file ( data.txt ) that you can import into a spreadsheet app lication.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 58 Secure CoPy (S CP). T o use SCP to retrieve the e vent.txt file, use the following comman d: scp username@hosthame_or_ip_address :event.txt ./event.txt T o use SCP to retrieve the data.txt file, use t he following comm and: scp username@hosthame_or_ip_address :data.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 59 3. Use the get com mand to transmit the text version of the ev ent or data log to your local drive. ftp>get event.txt or ftp>get data.txt 4. Y ou can use the del command to clear the contents of the ev ent or data log.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 60 Event Actions (W eb Interface Only) Overview The Actions option is a vailable only on th e W eb interface’s Event s menu.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 61 Severity levels Except for some System (embedded management card) events that do not have a severity level, eve nts are assigned a default se verity level based on their seriousness: • Informational: Indicates an event that re quires no action, such as a notification of a return from an abnormal condition.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 62 Syslog action By default, the Syslog action is enable d for all events that have a severity level. However , before you can use this feature to send S yslog messages when events occur , you mu st configure it.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 63 Event Recipients Overview The Web interface and control c onsole both have option s that allow you to define up to four trap receivers and up to four e-mail addresses to be used when an event occurs that has SNMP tra p s or e-mail enabled.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 64 E-mail Featur e Overview Y ou can use the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send e-mail to up to four recipients when an event occ urs.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 65 DNS servers The Rack PDU cannot send any e-mail messages unless the IP address of the primary DNS server is defined. The Rack PDU will wait a maximum of 15 se conds for a response from the primary or (if specified) the secondary DNS server .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 66 In the Web interface, use the Recipients option in the Events me nu or the Configure the Email rec ipient s lin k in the “Email Con figuration” page to identify up to four e-ma il recipients. Use the Email T est option to send a test message to a conf igured recipient.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 67 SMTP Server Selects one of the following methods for routing e-mail: • Through the SMTP server provided with the Rack PDU (the recommended option, Local ) . This option ensures that the e-mail is sent before the 20-second time-out for the Rack PDU, and, if necessary , is retried several time s.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 68 How to Configur e Individual Events Event List page The Actions option in th e Events menu opens the “Event Action Configuration” page on the Web interface. Use the Details button in this page to access a complete list of th e events that can be reported by your Switched Rack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 69 Data Menu (W eb Interface Only) Log Option Use this option to acce ss a log that store s information about the S witched Rack PDU: • Iout: The power being o utput by the Rac k PDU. • Ioutmax: The maximum p ower output by th e Rack PDU since its output power was last re corded.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 70 Configuration Option Use this option to acce ss the “Data Log Configuration ” p age. which reports how much data can be stor ed in the data log. If you change the Log Interval setting, which defin es how often data will be sampled and recorded in the data log, the report updates based on the n ew setting.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 71 Network Menu Intr od uction Overview Use the Network menu to do the followin g t asks: • Define TCP/IP settings, including DHCP o r BOOTP server settings, when.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 72 Menu options Unless noted, the following opt ions are available in the control console and Web interface: • TCP/IP • DNS • Send DNS Query (Web interface) .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 73 Option Settings TCP/IP This option accesses th e following setting s: • A Boot mode setting se lects the method used to de fine the TCP/IP values that a R ack .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 74 Boot mode setting. This setting s elects which method will be use d to define the Rack PDU’s TCP/IP settings wh enever the Rack PDU turns on, resets, or restar.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 75 Rack PDU will add this do main name when only a hostname is entered. •A Port Speed setting is availab le for all Boot mode selection s to define the TCP/IP port ’s communication speed ( A uto-negotiate , by default).
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 76 – On Retry Failure : Defines what TCP/IP settings will be used by the Rack PDU when it fails to discover a BOOT P server ( Use Prior Settings , by default).
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 77 –F o r Host , iden tify the URL –F o r IP , identify the IP address –F o r FQDN , ide ntify the fully qualified dom ain name, format ted as myserver . mydomain .com . –F o r MX , identify the Mail Exchange add ress • Enable or disable Rev erse DNS Lookup , which is disabled by def ault.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 78 Use the Port setting to identify the TCP/IP port that the FTP server uses for communications with the Rack PDU. The d efault Port setting is 21 . Y ou can change the Port setting to an y unused port from 5000 to 32768 to enhance the protectio n provided by Us er Name and Password settings.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 79 – Do not enable both versions of SS H unless you require that both be activated at the same t ime. (Security prot ocols use extensive processing pow er .) • Configure the port sett ings for T elnet an d SSH. • Select one or more data encryption algorithms for SSH versio n 1, SSH version 2, or both.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 80 If you are using SSH vers ion 2, expect a n oticeable delay when logging on to the control console o f the Rack PDU. Although the delay is no t long, it can be mist aken for a problem because there is no explanatory message.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 81 T elnet/S SH Port Config uration T elne t Port Identifies the TCP/IP port used for communications by T elnet with the Rack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 82 SSH Serv er Config uration SSHv1 Encryption Algorithms Enables or disables DES , and displays the status (always enabled) of Blowfish , two encryption algorithms (b lock ciphers) compatible with SSH, ver sion 1, cli ents .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 83 SSH User Host Key File S tatus: The Statu s field Indicates the st atus of the host key ( priv at e key). In the control console, you display host key stat us by selecting Ad vanced SSH Configur ation .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 84 SNMP An Access option (the Settings option in the control console) en ables (by default) or disables SNM P . When SNMP is enabled, the Ac cess Control settings allow you to control how each of the four available SNMP channels is used.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 85 Email Use this option to defin e two SMTP settin gs ( SMTP Server and Fro m Address ) used by the e -mail feature of th e Switched Rack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 86 An Access option (the Settings option in the control console) en ables (by default) or disables SNM P . When SNMP is enabled, the Ac cess Control settings allow you to control how each of the four available SNMP channels is used.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 87 Syslog test (W eb interface). This option allows you to send a test message to the Syslog servers configured in the Syslog S erver section.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 88 1. For Priority , select the priority to assign to the test messag e. 2. For T e st Message, use any text that meets the format describ ed in Syslog message format — for exa mple, APC: Test message .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 89 • Configure the ports that each of th e two protocols wil l use. • Select the encryption c iphers that SSL w ill use.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 90 Opti on Descri ption Web/SSL Ne twork Con figuration Access Enables or disables the access met hod selected in Proto col Mode . Protocol Mode Choose one of the following: • HTTP: User name s, p asswords, and data are transmitt ed without encryption.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 91 HTTP/HTT PS Po rt Configur ation HTTP Port Identifies the TCP/IP port used for communications by HTTP with the Rack PDU. The default is 80 . Y o u can change the Port setting to the number of any unused port between 5000 and 32768 to enhance the prot ection provid ed by User Name and Password settings.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 92 SSL/TSL Server Configura tion CipherSuite Enables or disab les the fo ll owing SSL encryption ciphers and hash algorithms. (T o access the se options in the control con sole, choose Web/ SSL , th en Advanced SSL/TLS Configur ation .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 93 SSL/TLS Server Certificate S tatus: The Stat us field indicates whether a server certificate is installed. (T o display the status in the control console, choose W eb/SSL/TLS , t hen Advanced SSL /TLS Configuration .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 94 Parameter Descr iption Current Certifi cate Details Issued to: Common Name (CN) : The IP Address or DNS name of the Rack PDU, except if the server certificate w as generated by default by the Rack PDU. For a default server certif icate, the Common Name (CN) field displays the Rack PDU’ s serial number .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 95 WA P Use this option to disab le (the default) o r enable the Wireless App lication Protocol (W AP). W AP is a standard for providing cellular phones, p ag ers and other handheld d evices with secure access to e-mail and text- based Web p age s.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 96 System Menu Intr od uction Overview Use the System menu to do the followin g t asks: • Configure system identif ication, date and time settings, and Administra.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 97 Menu options Unless noted, the follow ing menu option s are available in the con trol console and Web interface: • User Manager • Outlet User Manager • RAD.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 98 Option Settings User Manager Use this option to defin e access values s hared by the control con sole and Web interface. Setting Definition V alues aff ectin g all user s Auto Logout The numb er of minutes (3, by default) before a user is automatically logged off because of inactivity .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 99 Outlet User Mana ger Use the Outlet User Manager option to s et up user accou nt s that hav e access only to specified outlets. We b i n t e r f a c e . Ch oose a user name, or cho ose Add New Use r to edit accounts.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 100 Control console. Select System from the Contro l Console menu. Then select Manage Outlet Users from the Use r Manager menu. Setting Definition Add Outlet User Account or Edit Outlet User Accoun t User Name: The user nam e for logging on to this user account.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 101 RADIUS RADIUS (Remote Authentica tion Dial-In User Service) is an au thentication, authorization, and accoun ting service. APC sup ports the authentication and authorization functions of RADIUS. Use th is option to centrally adm inister remote access for each Rack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 102 Configuring the R ack PDU. RADIUS Setting Definition Access Local Only : RADIU S is disabled. Local authentication is enabled .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 103 Configuring the R ADIUS server . Y ou m ust configure your RADIUS server to work with the R ack PDU. The follo wing example shows how t o configure a RADIUS serv er for use with a R ack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 104 3. V endor specifi c attributes (VSA) can also be used. This re quires some dictionary entries. VSAs take precedence over standard RADIUS attributes. Example: (RADIUS, dictio nary .apc) Example: (RADIUS users file with VSAs) For more informatio n on user perm ission levels, see T ypes of user accounts .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 105 Identifica tion Use this option to def ine the System Name , Contact , a nd Location values used by the SNMP age nt for the Rack P DU. The option’s settings provide the values used for the MIB-II s ysName , sysContact , and sysLocation Object Identifications (O IDs).
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 106 Synchr onize with Netw ork T ime Pr ot ocol (NTP) Server . Use this option on the Web interface, or Network Time Protocol (NTP) on the control console, to hav e an NTP Server a utomatically update the Date and Tim e settings for the S witched Rack PDU .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 107 To o l s Use this option to perfo rm the following a ctions. Action Definition No Action (W eb Interface only) No change to the Rack PDU. Reboot Mana gement Inte rfa ce Restart s the user interface of the Rack PDU .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 108 Links (W eb interface) Use this option to modif y the links to APC Web p ages . . Modem (not supported) This option, shown only in the control co nsole, is not supported fo r Rack PDUs.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 109 This screen also displays the Name , Ve r s i o n , Date , and Tim e for the Application Module and AOS. This information is set at the factory and cannot be changed. The control console also includes fields fo r system Flash T ype , and Ty p e , Sector , and CRC16 for each mo dule.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 110 Boot Mode Intr od uction Overview In addition to using a BOOTP server or manual settings, the Sw itched Rack PDU can use a dynamic host configuratio n protocol (DHCP) server to provide the settings tha t it needs to op erate on a TCP/IP networ k.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 111 DHCP & BOOTP boo t pr oces s When Boot mode is set to its default DHCP & BO OTP setting, the following occurs when th e Switched Rack PDU is started or reset: 1. The Rack PDU makes up to five requests for it s networ k assignment from any BOOTP server .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 112 DHCP Configuration Settings Switched Rack PDU sett ings The TCP/IP option in th e Network menu of the Web interface and control console accesses the n etwork settings fo r the Switched Rack PDU .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 113 When Boot mode is set to DHCP Only , two options are available: • DHCP Cookie Is in the c ontrol console (or Require vendor specific cookie to accept DHCP Address in the Web interface): By default, this option requires tha t the DHCP respon ses include the APC coo kie in order to be valid.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 114 DHCP r esponse option s Each valid DHCP respon se contains options that prov ide the TCP/IP settings that the Switch ed Rack PDU nee ds to operate on a netw ork, and other information that a ffect s the o peration of the R ack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 115 Boot Mode T rans ition. T ag 2, Len 1, Dat a 1/2 This option 43 setting e nables or disable s the Af t er IP Assignment option which, by default, caus es the B .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 116 TCP/IP opti ons. The Swit ched Rack PDU uses the following options within a valid DHCP respo nse to define its TCP/IP settin gs: • IP Address (from the yi addr field of the D HCP response): Provides the IP address that th e DHCP server is le asing to the Rack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 117 Security Security Featur es Planning and implementing secur i ty featur es As a network device tha t passes information across the networ k, the Switched Rack PDU is su bject to the same exposure as other device s on the network.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 118 SNMP . File transfer pr otocols. Security Access Description Available method s: • Community Name • Domain Name • NMS IP filters • Agent Enable/Disable .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 119 We b S e r v e r . RADIUS. Changing default user name s and p assw or ds i mmed iatel y As soon as you comple te the installation and initial co nfiguration of the Rack PDU, immediately ch ange the defau lt user names and passwords.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 120 Port assignments If a T elnet, FTP , SSH/SCP , or Web/SSL/TLS serv er uses a non-standard port, a user must specif y the port when using the client interface, such as a Web browser .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 121 T o ensure that data and communication between th e Switched Rack PDU and the client interfaces, such as the control console and the Web i nterface, cannot be i.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 122 Encryption Secur e SHell (SSH) and Secur e CoPy (SCP) The Secure SHell (SSH) protocol provides a secure mechanism to ac cess computer consoles or shells remotely .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 123 Secure CoPy (SCP) is a secure file transfe r application that you can use instead of FTP . SCP uses the S SH protocol as the unde rlying transport protocol for encryption o f user names, passwords, and files. • When you ena ble and configure SSH, y ou automatically e nable and configure SCP .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 124 Secur e Sockets Layer (SS L)/T r ansport Layer Security (TLS) For secure Web communication, you ena ble Secure Socke t s Layer (SSL) and T ransport Layer Security (TLS) by sele cting HTTPS (SSL /TLS) as the protocol mode to use f or access to the Web interface o f the Switched Rack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 125 Y ou can use the APC Security Wizard, p rovided on the APC Rack Power Distribution Unit Utility CD that came with you r Rack PDU, to create a certificate signin.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 126 Cr eating and Installing Digital Certificates Purpose For network communicatio n that requires a higher level of security th an password encryption, the Web interface of the Switch ed Rack PDU supports the use of digital certificates with the Secure Soc kets Layer (SSL) protocol.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 127 Choosing a method for your syst em Using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, you can choose any of the following methods for us ing digital certificates. Method 1: Use the auto-generated default certificate.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 128 PDU can control access to its W eb int erface by user na me, password, and account type (e.g., Administrator , Devic e Manager , or Read Only U ser ), the browser cannot authenticate what Rack PDU is sending or receiv ing data.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 129 Method 2: Use the APC Security Wizar d to cr eate a CA certificat e and a server certificate. Y ou use the APC S ecurity Wizard to cr eate two digital certifica.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 130 – The server certificate that y ou upload to the Rack PDU enables SSL to authenticate that d ata are being received from an d sent to the correct Rack PDU. This pr ovides an extra le vel of security beyond the encryption of the u ser name, password, and tran smitted data.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 131 Method 3: Use the APC Security Wizard to cr eate a certificate-signing r equest to be signed by the r oot certificate of an external Certificate Authority and to cr eate a ser ver certificate. Use the A PC Security Wizard to create a reques t (a .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 132 – The server certificate that y ou upload to the Rack PDU enables SSL to authenticate that d ata are being received from an d sent to the correct Rack PDU. This pr ovides an extra le vel of security beyond the encryption of the u ser name, password, and tran smitted data.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 133 Fir ew alls Although some methods of aut hentication provide a higher level of security than others, complete p rotection from se curity breaches is almost impossible to achieve . Well-configured firewalls are a n essential element in an overall security schem e.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 134 Using the APC Security Wizar d Overview Authentication Authentication verifie s the iden tity of a user or a netwo rk device (such a s an APC Switched Rack PDU ).
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 135 Authentication of the s erver (in this case , the Rack PDU) occurs eac h time a connection is made from the brow ser to the server . The browser checks to be sure that the server ’s certificate is signed by a Certificate Autho rity known to the browser .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 136 – A server certificate signe d by a custom CA root certificate also create d with the APC Security W izard. Use this met hod if your company or agency does not have its own Certificate Authority an d you do not want to use an external Cert ificate Authority to sign the server certificate .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 137 Cr eate a Root Certificat e & Server Certificates Summary Use this procedure if yo ur comp any or agency do es not have its own Certificate Authority and you do not want to use a commercial Certificate Authority to si gn your server c ertificates.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 138 The pr ocedur e Cr eate the CA r oot certificate. Perform these ste p s. (Click Next to mo ve from screen to screen.) 1. If the APC Security Wiza rd is not already i nst alled on your comp uter , install it by running the installation program APC Security Wizard.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 139 7. The last screen verifies t hat the certificate has been created and instructs you on the next tasks. – This screen displays the location and na me of the .p15 fil e that you will use to sign the serve r certificates.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 140 Cr eate an SSL Server User Certificate. Perform these steps. (Click Next to move from screen to screen.) 1. On the Windows Star t menu, se lect Programs , then APC Security Wiza rd , to start the Wizard program.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 141 7. The last screen verifies t hat the certificate has been created and instructs you on the next task, to load the server certificate to the Switched Rack PDU. It d isplays the locatio n and name of the Serve r Certificate, which has a .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 142 Cr eate a Server Certificate and Signing Request Summary Use this procedure if yo ur comp any or agency ha s it s own Certificate Authority or if yo u plan to use a commerc ial Certificate Authority to sign your server certif icates.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 143 2. On the Windows Star t menu, se lect Programs , then APC Security Wiza rd , to start the Wizard program. 3. On the screen labeled “S tep 1,” select Certificate R equest as the type of file to create. 4. Enter a name for the fi le that will contain the Switched Rack PDU’s private key .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 144 8. Send the certificat e signing req uest to an extern al Certificate Authority , either a commercial Certifi cate Authority or , if applicable, a C ertificate Authority managed by your own company or agency . Import the signed certificate.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 145 7. The last screen verifies t hat the certificate has been created and instructs you on the next task, to load the server certificate to the Switched Rack PDU. It d isplays the locatio n and name of the serve r certificate, which has a .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 146 Cr eate an SSH Host Key Summary This procedure is optional. If you select SSH encryption, but do not crea te a host key , the Switched Rack PDU generates a 76 8-bit RSA key when it reboots. Host keys for SSH that are c reated with the A PC Security Wizard are 1024-bit RSA keys.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 147 the correct host key was uploaded by ve rifying that the fingerprints displayed here match th e SSH fingerprints on the Rac k PDU, as displayed by your SSH c lient program.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 148 APC Device IP Configuration Wizar d Purpose and Requir ements Purpose: configur e basic TCP/IP settings Y ou can use the APC Device IP Configuration Wizard to c.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 149 Install the Wizar d Automated installat ion If autorun is enabled on your C D-ROM drive, the installation program start s automatically when you insert the CD. Manual instal lation If autorun is not enabl ed on your CD-RO M drive, run setup.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 150 Use the Wizar d Launch the Wiz ar d The installation creates a shortcut link in the Sta rt menu that you can use to launch the Wizard. Configur e the basic TCP/IP settings r emotely Pr epar e to configur e the set tings.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 151 Run the Wizar d to perform the configuration. T o discover and configure, over the net work, installed or embedded Ne twork Management Cards that are not configured: 1. From the Star t menu, la unch the Wizard. The Wizard automatically detects the first Network Man agement Card that is not configured.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 152 Configur e or r econfigur e the TCP/ IP settings locally T o configure a single Network Manageme nt Card through a serial connection: 1.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 153 How to Export Configuration Settin gs Retrieving and Exporting the .ini File Summary of the pr ocedur e As an Administrator , you can ret rieve a dynamically generated .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 154 Contents of the .ini file The config.ini file that you retrieve from a Switc hed Rack PDU contains the following: • section headings , which are category names enclosed in brackets ([ ]), and under each sectio n heading, keyw ords, which are labels describing specific Rack PDU settings.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 155 Detail ed pr ocedu r es Use the following proced ures to retrieve t he settings of one Switch ed Rack PDU and export them to one or more oth er Switched Rack PDUs. Retrieving. T o set u p and retrieve an .ini file to export: 1.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 156 Customizing. Y ou must customiz e the file to chan ge at least the TCP/IP settings before you exp ort it. 1. Use a text editor to cus tomize the file. – Section headings, keyw ords, and pre-de fined values are not case - sensitive, but s tring values that you defin e are case-sensitive.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 157 Exporting the file to a single Rack PDU. T o ex port the .ini file to another Switched Rack PDU, use any of the file tr ansfer protocols supporte d by Switched Rack PDUs (incl uding FTP , FTP C lient, SCP , and T FTP).
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 158 The Upload Event and Err or Messages The event and its err or messages The following system event occurs when the receiving Switched Rack PDU completes using the .in i file to update its settings. Configuration file upload complete, with number valid values This event has no defa ult severity level.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 159 Messages in confi g.ini A feature might not be su pported for the d evice from which you retrieve the configuration settings or m ight not be suppo rted for the device to which y ou export the configuration settings.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 160 Using th e APC Device IP C onfiguration Wizar d On Windows operating s ystems, instead o f using the preceding pro cedure for exporting .ini files, yo u can choose to update the basic TCP/IP settings of Rack PDUs by using t he APC Device IP Configuration Wizard.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 161 File T ransfers Intr oduction Overview The Switched Rack PDU automatically reco gnizes binary firmware files. Each of these files con tains a header and one or mo re Cyclical Redundancy Checks (CR Cs) to ensure tha t the data contained in the file is not corrupted before o r during the trans fer operation.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 162 Upgrading Firmwar e: Methods and T ools Benefits of upgradin g firmwar e Upgrading the firmware o n the Switched R ack PDU has the following benefits: • New firmware has the latest bug fixes and p erformance improvements.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 163 Obtain the latest firmwar e version Automated upgrade tool for Microsoft Windows systems. An automated sel f-extracting executable tool combines th e firmware m.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 164 Manual upgrad es, primarily for Linux systems. If all computers on yo ur network are running Lin ux, you must upg rade the firmware of your R ack PDUs manually , i.e., by using the separate APC firmware module s (AOS module and application module).
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 165 Firmwar e file transfer methods T o upgrade th e firmware of a Switched Ra ck PDU: • From a networked compu ter running a Mic rosoft Windows operating system, you can use the automated firmware upg rade tool on your CD or downloaded from the APC Web site.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 166 Use F TP or SCP to upgrade one Rack PDU Instructions for usin g F TP . For you to be able to use FTP to upgrade a single Switched Rack PD U over the netwo rk: • The Switched R ack PDU must be connect ed to the network.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 167 21000 , you would use the following com mand for a Windows FTP client transferring a file t o a Rack PDU with an IP address of ftp> open 21000 4. Log on using the Adm inistrator user nam e and password.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 168 Use F TP or SCP to upgrade multiple Rack PDUs. T o upgrade multip le Switched Rack PDUs usin g an FTP client or using SCP , write a script which automatically perform s the procedure. For FTP , use the steps in Use FTP or SCP to upgrade one R ack PDU .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 169 2. Select a serial port at the lo cal computer and d isable any service which uses that port. 3. Connect the smart-sign aling cable tha t came with the Rack P DU to the selected port and to th e serial port at th e Rack PDU.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 170 V erifying Upg rades and Updates Overview T o verify that th e firmware upgrade was su ccessful, see the Last T ransfer Result message, availab le through the F TP Server option of the Network menu (in the control con sole only), or use an SNMP GET to the mfiletransferSt atusLas tT ransferResult OID.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 171 Pr oduct Information W arranty and Ser vice Limited warranty APC warrants the Switched Rack PDU to be free from d efects in materials and workmanship for a p eriod of two yea rs from the date of purcha se.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 172 Obta ining s ervic e T o obtain support for problem s with your Switched Rack PDU: 0 1. Note the serial number a nd date of purc hase. For the serial numb er , see the About System menu op tion or the label on the b ottom of the unit.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 173 Life-Support Po licy General policy American Power Conversion ( APC) does not recomme nd the use of any of its products in the following situations: • In life.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 174 Index A About S ystem 31 Access FTP Server 77 limiting NMS SNMP access by IP ad- dress 85 securit y options for ea ch interface 11 7 Access setting for RADIUS 1.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 175 navigati ng menus 21 refreshi ng menus 21 Cookie APC 114 Customi zing u ser configur ation f iles 156 D Data log configur ation 70 Log Interval settin g 7 0 using FTP to retrieve 57 data.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 176 with SSL 88 Error me ssages for f irmw are fil e tr ansfe r 170 from overridden val ues during .ini f ile tr ansf er 159 Ethe rnet Por t Speed sett ing 112 Event Log accessing 21 disabling 61 errors from overridden values during .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 177 ini files, Se e User co nfigur ation f iles Initiato r outlet gr oups 33 IP addr esses of DNS server for e-mai l 64 of tra p receiver s 63 to li mit access to s.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 178 enabling 37 follower 33 global 33 initia tor 33 local 33 purpose and benefit s 34 rule s for conf iguring 36 system requ irements 3 5 typical co nfigurations 39.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 179 123 Seco ndar y NTP S erver 10 6 Seco ndary Server for RADIUS 10 2 Secondary Server Secret fo r RADIUS 102 Section headi ngs, user configuration file 154 Secu re CoPy . See SCP. Secure Ha sh Algorit hm (SHA) 92 Secure SHe ll.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 180 authentic ation through di gital certif icates 124 certif icate signi ng requests 12 5 encrypti on ciphers and hash al gorithms 92 Stat us in Web in terface 27 .
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 181 U Up Time control cons ole main screen 19 Web interf ace 27 Update In terval 106 Upgr ading f i rmwar e without usi ng a utility 1 62 Upload a user config urati.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 182 APC W orldwide Customer Support Customer support for th is or any other AP C product is available at n o charge in any of the fo llowing ways: • Visit the APC Web site to access documents in the APC Know ledge Base and to submit cu stomer support req uests.
® USER’S GUIDE Switched Rack PDU 183 Copyright Entire contents © 2005 American Power Conversion. All rig ht s reserved. Reproduction in whole o r in part without permission is p rohibited. APC, the APC logo, InfraS truXure, and Powe rNet are trademarks of American Power Conversion Corporation and may be regis tered in some jurisdictions.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté APC AP7900 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du APC AP7900 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation APC AP7900, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le APC AP7900 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le APC AP7900, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du APC AP7900.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le APC AP7900. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei APC AP7900 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.