Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 24VDC du fabricant Kohler
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Operation TP-6843 1/13a DC G enera tor Set s Models: 6VSG 24VDC 36VDC 48VDC Controller: VSC.
Engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer , birth defects, or other reproductive harm. California Proposition 65 W ARNING ! Product Identification Information Produc t identifi cation nu mbers de termine ser vice parts.
TP-6843 1/13 Table of Contents 3 Figure 1-1 Table of C ontents Product Identification Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Safety Pr ecautions and Instructi ons . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents 4 Table of Contents TP-6843 1/13 3.14.1 System Parameters fo r Battery Bank Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.14.2 Setting th e Exercise r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.14.3 Adjusti ng the Displ ay Contrast .
TP-6843 1/13 Safety Precautions and Instructions 5 Safety Precautio ns and Instruction s IMPOR T A NT SAFET Y INSTRUCTI ONS Electr o-mechan ical eq uipment, includ ing generat or sets, tran sfer swi t.
6 Safety Pre cautions and Instructions TP-6843 1/13 Battery gases . Explosion can cause s evere injury or dea th. Battery gases c an caus e an e x plos ion. Do not smoke o r permi t flame s or spa rks to occur nea r a battery at any time, p articularly w hen it is charging .
TP-6843 1/13 Safety Precautions and Instructions 7 Fuel System The fuel syste m. Explosive fuel vapors can cause sever e injury or death. V aporized fuel s are hig hly explos ive. Use extreme c are whe n handlin g and storing fuels. S tore fuels in a well -ventilat ed area awa y from spa rk-produ cing equipment and out of the reach of ch ildren.
8 Safety Pre cautions and Instructions TP-6843 1/13 Weld ing on the generator set. Can cause s evere el ectrical equipme nt damage. Bef ore welding on the generato r set perform the followin g step s: (1) Remove the battery cables, negativ e (–) lead fi rst.
TP-6843 1/13 Introduction 9 Int roduc tion This man ual provide s operation and maintenanc e instructio ns for the DC (d irect curre nt) vari able speed model 6VS G generator sets equipped wi th Kohler V SC generato r set co ntrollers.
10 Introduction TP-6843 1/ 13 Nameplate The fol lowing i llustratio n shows a typical generat or set nameplate . Co py the model, ser ial, a nd spec ification numbers from the nameplate into the spaces prov ided in the pro duct infor mation s ection on th e inside front cove r of this manua l.
TP-6843 1/13 Service Assistance 11 Service Assist an ce For profes sional adv ice on generato r set power requireme nts and con scientious servic e, please contact you r nearest K ohler dist ributor or d ealer . • C onsult th e Y ello w Pages under the heading Generators—Elec tric.
12 Servic e Assistance TP-6843 1/13 Notes.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 1 Descriptions and Service Views 13 Section 1 Descriptions and Service Views 1.1 Introduction The generato r set specifi cation s heets provide sp ecific generato r and engine infor mation. Refer to the spec sheet f or data not suppli ed in this manual.
14 Sect ion 1 Descriptions and Service Views TP-6843 1/ 13 ◦ Back lit display wi th adjustable con trast for excell ent visib ility in all li ghting con diti ons • S crolling system status disp la.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 1 Des criptions and Service Views 15 1.7 Service V iews Figure 1-2 Figure 1-2 S ervice View (s ee Figure 1 -3 for opti onal com munications kit compon ents) kps_002.eps ADV-8060 1. Exhaust air outlet 2. Air cleaner 3. Oil fill 4. Oil drain 5.
16 Sect ion 1 Descriptions and Service Views TP-6843 1/ 13 Figure 1-3 Figure 1-3 O ptional C ommunica tions Ki t Componen ts ComKitB GM85956C 1. Interface board (factory-wired to terminal blocks) 2. Intrusion alarm switch 3. Interface board input and output connection terminal blocks 4.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 2 Generator Set Operation 17 Section 2 Generator Set Op eration 2.1 Theory of Operation The gene rator set u tilizes a permanen t-magnet alternat or to produc e 3-phase AC v oltage.
18 Sect ion 2 Generator Set Operation TP- 6843 1/13 Exhaust Sy stem. Check for ex haust leaks a nd blockag es. Chec k the m uffler condi tion. • I nspect the ex haust system co mponents for crac ks, leaks, and cor rosion. Check for tig ht exhaust system conne ction s.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 2 Generator Set Operation 19 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-3 O utput Block 2.5 Exerci se The VSC contr ollers ca n be set to autom aticall y run the gener ator set at the s ame time a nd day each week.
20 Sect ion 2 Generator Set Operation TP- 6843 1/13 2.6.3 Resett ing the Controller Af ter a Fault Shut down Always id entify an d correc t the caus e of a fau lt shutdown b efore reset ting th e controlle r .
TP-6843 1/13 Section 2 Generator Set Operation 21 Figure 2-5 Co ntroller Fau lt Messages Enclosure Intrusion Alarm W The enclo sure d oor is ope n. (Option al communi catio ns kit requir ed.) Check for evid ence of un authori zed access t o the gene rator se t.
22 Sect ion 2 Generator Set Operation TP- 6843 1/13 Notes.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 23 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 3.1 VSC Generator Set Controller All 6VSG generato r sets are equipped wit h the VSC generato r set co ntroller . The VSC control s generator set and the optiona l Programma ble Inter face Mod ule (PIM) or Communic ations K it.
24 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.2.1 Contr oller Keyp ad The RUN, OFF , a nd AUTO buttons c ontrol the generato r set as des cribed in Figure 3-3 . Use the Se lect, Up arro w , and Down a rrow butt ons to navigate through the menus and cha nge sett ings, if necessa ry .
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 25 3.2.3 LCD Dis play The con troller is equipped w ith a two-l ine x 16-charac ter bac klit digital di splay with adjus table contras t. When t he genera tor is ru nning, the control ler automa tically sc rolls through th e display s shown in Figure 3-5.
26 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.3 Con troller Power The VS C controll er is p owered by th e genera tor set engine s tarting battery and the bui lt-in b attery charge r . Note: T o disc onnect c ontroll er powe r , disc onnect t he AC power to the gener ator se t starting batter y .
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 27 Figure 3-7 Figure 3-7 Changi ng Set tings 1. Press the Select button to enter the main menu. 2. Press the down arrow button until the desired menu is displayed. See Figure 3-9. Date and T ime are used for this example.
28 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.6 Setting t he Exerciser Set the exercis er to autom aticall y run the generator s et for 20 mi nutes ev ery week or every two weeks.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 29 Figure 3-8 Figure 3-8 P rocedure to Set the E xercise r on the VSC Controlle r tp6804 System Voltage: 54.
30 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.7 VSC Control ler Menus Controll er menus displa y power s ystem infor mation, includi ng status informat ion for the engine, generat or , and optio nal RBUS access ories, ex ercise s ettings, and event history .
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 31 3.9 Overview Menu Figure 3-10 Figure 3-10 Overview Menu 3.10 Engine Metering Menu The e ngine me tering m enu dis plays e ngine status inform ation as sho wn in Figure 3-1 1. Thi s menu displa ys statu s inf orm ation onl y .
32 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.1 1 Generator Metering Menu The gen erator met ering m enu dis plays t he gener ator voltage a nd % load. S ee Figur e 3-12. 3.1 1.1 Ca libration The c alibration mode can b e entered from the Generato r Metering me nu.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 33 3.12 Generator Set Information Menu The gene rator set mo del number and seria l number s are displa yed (see F igure 3-13).
34 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.14 Genset System Menu The gens et system menu displays the system info rma tion shown in Figu re 3-19. Gener ato r set s are factory-s et and s hould not req uire ch anges to t he system settings in the fie ld.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 35 Figure 3-17 Figure 3-17 Effect of Chan ging the Sys tem V oltage S etting Auto St op Load: The auto sto p load is set as a percentage of full load. As the battery bank approac hes the fully charge d state, t he charge rate slows, an d the load on the gene rator set dec reases.
36 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.14. 2 Set ting t he E xerci ser Use the Genset System menus to set th e generato r set e xercise r . See Se ctio n 2.5 fo r instru ctio ns to se t the exer ciser and for more i nformati on about exercis ing the gen erator set.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 37 3.15 Date and T ime Menu The date an d time will ty pically be s et at contr oller powerup. T o change the dat e, time, o r time form at (12 hour or 24 hou r), use the Date and Time menu. See Figu re 3- 20.
38 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.16.1 Networking St atus Submenu The Network ing S tatus su bmenu contains settings fo r OnCue ® . See Figur e 3-22. See the OnCue ® Software Operation M anual for information a bout the appropria te network sett ings for O nCue ® .
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 39 3.16.2 Networking Configuration Submenu (OnCue ® Password) The networ king Configu ratio n menu incl udes setti ngs used for commun ication with the Kohl er ® OnCue ® Generat or Manageme nt System .
40 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.16.3 RBUS Information The RBUS Informat ion menu contains se ttings for remote module s that commun icate with the VSC control ler using RBU S protoco l (see Fi gure 3-24).
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 41 3.16.4 Remote Devi ces Submen u Check the s tatus of remote de vices c ommunic ating through RB US (see Figu re 3-25). D evice types can include : Programma ble Inter face Modu le (PIM) The seria l numbers fo r the PIM are p rinted on the circuit b oards ins ide the enc losures .
42 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 3.17 Programmable Int erface Module (PIM) St atus Menu Note: The PIM status men u appears if a program mable i nterface m odule (PIM) o r a commu nicatio ns kit int erface bo ard (IB) i s conne cted.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 43 3.18 Event Log The ev ent log displays up to 10 00 control ler faults a nd notices , starting with the mos t recent event.
44 Section 3 VSC Cont roller Operation TP-6843 1/13 Notes.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 4 Scheduled Maintenance 45 Section 4 Scheduled Maint enance Disabling the gen erator set. Acciden tal st arting can cause s evere injury or dea th.
46 Sect ion 4 Scheduled Maintenance TP-6843 1/ 13 4.1.1 Servi ce Schedule, 6VSG Models System Component or Proced ure See Sectio n Procedure Freq uenc y Visually Inspect Check Change Clean Test Fuel Flexible lines and c onnections X R Quarterly Main tank s upply level (if LPG f ueled) X Weekly Fuel piping X Yearly Lubrica tion 4.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 4 Scheduled Maintenance 47 4.2 Lubrication System See th e servic e schedule s in Se ction 4.1 for o il change and oil filter replaceme nt interval s. See the ser vice views i n Sec tion 1.7 for the oil drain, oil dipstick, oi l fill, and oil fi lter lo catio ns.
48 Sect ion 4 Scheduled Maintenance TP-6843 1/ 13 3. Fill with oil. a. Fill the en gine to the F ma rk on the dipsti ck. The en gine oil c apacity is shown in Figure 4-2. See S ection 4.2.3 Engi ne Oil Reco mmendatio n, for oi l select ion. Figure 4-2 Figure 4-2 E ngine Oil Capaci ty b.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 4 Scheduled Maintenance 49 4.4 Air Cleaner Ser vice The engin e has a replaceab le high-de nsity paper air cleaner element with an o iled foam p reclean er . See Figure 4- 6. Figure 4-6 Figure 4-6 A ir Cleaner Components Check for a b uildup of d irt and deb ris aroun d the air cleaner system.
50 Sect ion 4 Scheduled Maintenance TP-6843 1/ 13 8. Check the air cleaner bas e. Make su re it is secure and not bent or damag ed. Also che ck the element c over for dam age and fit. Replace all damaged a ir cleaner compone nts. Remove any loose di rt or debri s from the ai r cleaner bas e.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 4 Scheduled Maintenance 51 Refer to this sec tion for gener al battery info rmation and ma intenance . Also consult the batter y manufactu rer ’s instructions for ba ttery maintenan ce. All gen erator set model s use a n egative ground w ith a 12-volt engine el ectrical system.
52 Sect ion 4 Scheduled Maintenance TP-6843 1/ 13 4.8.5 B attery Perfor m battery s torage la st. 1. Press the OF F button on the gener ator set controlle r . 2. Discon nect the ba ttery , negative ( –) lead fir st. 3. Clean the battery . 4. Place the b attery in a warm, dry l ocation.
TP-6843 1/13 Section 5 Troub leshooting 53 Section 5 Troubleshoo ting 5.1 Introduction Use the tro ubleshootin g charts in t his sectio n to diagnose and co rrect com mon prob lems. F irst ch eck for simpl e cause s such as a de ad eng ine starting battery , loo se conn ections, or an op en circui t breaker .
54 Section 5 Troubleshooting TP- 6843 1/13 5.5 T roubleshooting Figure 5-2 contains generato r set trouble shooting, diagnostic, and repair inform ation. Chec k for loose co nnection s before r eplacing parts. Figu re 5- 2 Figure 5-2 G eneral Troubleshoot ing Chart Problem Possible Cause Recommend ed Action Controller displ ay back lig ht is off.
TP-6843 1/13 Appendix 55 Appendix A Abbrevia tions The foll owing li st contains abbreviati ons that m ay appear in this publicat ion. A, amp ampere ABDC after bottom dead center AC alternating current A/D analog to digital ADC advanced digital control; analog to digital c onverter adj.
56 Appendix TP-6843 1/ 13 kJ kilojoule km kilomet er kOhm, k Ω kilo-ohm kPa kilopascal kph kilometers per hour kV kilovolt kV A kilovolt ampere kV AR kilovolt ampere reactive kW kilowatt kWh kilowatt-hour kWm kilowatt mechanical kWth kilowatt-thermal L liter LAN local area network L x W x H length by width by height lb.
TP-6843 1/13 Appendix 57 Notes.
58 Appendix TP-6843 1/ 13 Notes.
KOHLER CO. Kohler, Wisconsin 53044 Phone 920-457-4441, Fax 920-459-1646 Kohler Power Systems Asia Pacific Headquarters 7 Jurong Pier Road Singapore 619159 Phone (65) 6264-6422, Fax (65) 6264-6455 For the nearest KOHLER authorized installati on, service, and sale s dealer in the US and Canada: Call 1- 800-5 44-2444 or visi t KOHLERPower.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Kohler 24VDC c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Kohler 24VDC - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Kohler 24VDC, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Kohler 24VDC va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Kohler 24VDC, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Kohler 24VDC.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Kohler 24VDC. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Kohler 24VDC ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.