Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit TK-C686E du fabricant JVC
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PTZ DOME CAMERA TK-C686E INSTRUCTIONS Thank you f or purchasing this product. Bef ore beginning to operate this unit, p lease read the instruction ma nual carefully in order to make sure that the best possible perf ormance is obtained. LST0621-001A TK-C686E_EN.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 2 Pa ge 2 Tuesday, De cember 4, 2007 4:45 PM.
3 Getting Started Realizin g a High P icture Qu ality This product uses high resolution 410,000 p ix els CCD and a new digital image processing IC to achiev e a standard resolution of 540 lines and high resolution/h igh image quality of S/N50dB (standard).
4 Getting Started Getting Started F eatures ............ .............. .............. ................. .............. .. 3 Saf ety precautions .......... ................. .............. .............. .. 3 T ab le of Content .......................
5 Maintenance and opera ting environment 䢇 This product is an indoor came ra. It cannot be used outdoors. 䢇 This product is a p endant mount camera. Be sure to install the product hor izontally . The product will not work properly if it is tilte d.
6 Getting Started Others 䢇 Do not subject the lens to strong light source such as sun ra ys. This may cause the equipment to malfunction. 䢇 This camera comes with a built-in A GC circuit. The sensitivity increases automati cally at a dark p lace and the screen may appear g rainy .
This system including the camera allows the opera tion of the One Push A uto Focus and image AF functions from the remote control. Howe ver , depending on the object and the camera setting, it might be out of fo cus. In this case, please adjust the focus man u ally .
8 Getting Started Ceiling clamping brac ket A [ALARM I/O 2] Alarm Input 2 to 6/A larm Output 2 T erminal (CN605) This is a ter minal for alarm input 2 to 6 and alarm output 2. This connects to the provided alarm cable. ( A P age 2 0) B [A C24V H INPUT] AC2 4V power input termin al This connects the camera to A C24V power .
9 Camera I Fixing holes (x 3) This hole is for mounting the ceiling clamping brac ket to the ceiling or the cei ling recessed brack et ( WB-S685U : Sold separately). J Setting Switch This switch allows y ou to co nfigure settings such as protocol and SYNC.
: Observe the follo wing points when connecting components together: ● T urn all the comp onents off before proceeding. ● Read the instr uction manuals of all components bef ore proceeding. ● For the types and lengths of connection cables, see [Cable Connection] ( A Page 20) ● Do not connect the control signal cables in a loop .
11 : : Pa ge 11 Tuesday, D ecember 4, 2007 4:45 PM.
12 Connection/Installation Install the camera with the follo wing procedures. Preparatio n ( A Pag e 1 2 ) K Mounting the ceiling clamping brac ke t ( A Pag e 1 5 ) K Mounting the camera ( A Pag e 1 5.
13 4 Set the switc h ( A Pa g e 1 7 、 18) Configure the setting switch and machine ID switch according to the system. 5 Mount the safety wire that connects the ceiling clampi ng brac ket to the ceilin g Memo : ● The wire should be insulated from the ceiling str ucture.
14 Connection/Installation 7 Handling cables Thread the prov ided wire clamp through the wire clamp fixing hole of the ceiling clamping bracket to tie all the wires. Note : ● T o prev ent the cables from tangling and coming off, be sure to thread a wire clamp thro ugh the wire cla mp fixing hole to tie the cables.
15 Mounting the ceiling c l amping bracket to the ceiling 1 Secure the ceilin g clamping bracket on the ceiling Install such that the A D FRONT mark B of th e ceiling clamping brac ket f aces the front. Ensure that the con nection cables are not caught in between and secure the ceilin g clamping brack et on the ceiling with 3 screws .
16 Connection/Installation 5 Mount the fall prevention wire Mount the f all prev entio n wire, which is attached to the camera, to the fall pre vention wire fixing brack et of the ce iling clamping brack et.
17 Setting Switch Before mounting the camera, set the s w itches on the ceiling clamping brack ets. The setting differs according to the system used. 1 ON 234 678 5 Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 In valid.
18 Connection/Installation Machine ID Setting Switch When controlling the system via a multi DROP system such as RM-P2580 , a machine ID will be attached to the system to differentiate it from other connected cameras. Match the machine ID with the [VIDEO INPUT] number of RM-P2580 .
19 䡵 Machine ID Set the machine ID using the combinatio n of dip s witch 1 to 8. (The f actor y default setting is OFF) Machi ne ID Machine ID setting s witch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .
1 Brown Alar m input 2 2 Red GND 3 Orange Alar m input 3 4 Ye l l o w GND 5 Green Alar m inpu t 4 6 Blue GND 7 Pur ple Alar m input 5 8 Gray GND 9 White Alarm input 6 10 Blac k GND 11 P each Alar m ou.
21 䡵 Alarm inpu t terminal Connects to se nsors suc h as infrared sen sors, door sensors, meta l sensors and man ual switc hes. ● T o prev ent noise from enter ing the inter nal circuit, suppl y non-voltage contact signal to the alarm inp ut terminal .
22 Connection/Installation Connecting the cont rol signal cable The maximum connection distance with RM-P2580 is 1200 m. (Multiple came ras can be connected on o ne cab le f or RM - P2580 b ut the total len gth of the cab le must be within 1200 m.
23 Connecting the power cable Connecting A C 24 V power Connect an AC 24 V po wer cable to A C 24 V power supply . T o pre vent connection mistake or cable dislocation, we recommend the use of a lug board to connect to a A C24V ter minal. Note : ● Do not connect an AC 24 V cab le to AC 230 V power supply .
24 Changing camera settings from remote contr ol Y ou can call ou t the camera menu and set functions fro m the remote control fo r systems that use the remote control unit. Setting ca mera me nu from RM-P2580 Memo : ● Do no t operate the RM-P2580 menu until the camera has completed initiali zation.
25 5 Shift the [P AN/TIL T] lever up and down to select items 6 Press the [SET] b utton ● Press the lev er to the left ( W ) to minimize the numbers . ● Press the lev er to the right ( X ) to maximize the numb ers. Memo : ● A change mar k ( * ) as shown in the left diagram will be display ed when the item setting is changed.
28 Changing camera settings from remote contr ol ( ● indicates the default v alue) CAMERA FUNCTION1 screen Item Setting value Functions and settings V . PHASE –156 to 0 to 156 ( ● 0 ) This adjusts the v er tical synchronization to those of ot her cameras when a select or sw itch f or the synchronizing syste m on the Ceilling Mount is at LL.
29 Item Setting value Functions and se ttings HOME M.DETECT (continued) HOME M.DETECT (A LARM) (con tinued) AREA EDIT .. ^ This item sets the non-det ection area. ( A P age 44) TIME ● 5s 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s, 60s This item sets the dur ation to output alarm signals.
30 Changing camera settings from remote contr ol ( ● indicates the default v alue) CAMERA FUNCTION2 screen Item Setting value Functions and settings FLIP OFF AU T O ● DIGIT AL When this item is set to A OFF B and the camera rotates vert ically , the camera will stop when it f aces down.
31 Item Setting value Functions and settings AU TO R E T U R N ^ When the camera is not operated within the duration set in A TIME B , it will automatically retur n to the state set in A MODE B . Note : ● This functio n only works nor mally w hen the model name on the serial number plate of RM-P2580 is RM-P2580(A).
32 Changing camera settings from remote contr ol This screen allows you to configure title and alar m setting s. ( ● indicates the default v alue) CAMERA TITLE/ALARM screen Item Setting v alue Functions and settings CAM.TITLE EDIT .. ^ This item sets the title to be display e d perma nently on the lower left of the screen.
33 Item Se tting value Functions a nd settings ALARM INPUT . . (continued) TIME ● 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s 10s 15s 20s 30s 60s This item sets the a larm sig nal output time and alar m title display time that are output when there is an alar m.
34 Changing camera settings from remote contr ol This function performs automati c ad justment accordin g to the bri ghtness. It sets the video signals of th e camera such as color le vel and contour enhancement.
35 Item Setting value Functions and settings B&W/COLOUR MODE.. ^ This item sets the mode s w itching of B&W and Color . Memo : ● When s witching the Color mode to B&W mode, the type of light source may cause the f ocus to be dislocated.
36 Changing camera settings from remote contr ol ( ● indicates the default v alue) CAMERA VIDEO screen Item Setting v al ue Functions and settings MONIT OR TYPE ● CRT LCD1 LCD2 This sets the monitor type. Y ou can change the output video settings according to the type of monitor used.
37 This screen sets the A uto Pan function that rotates slowly in a hori zontal direction, the A uto P atrol function that mov es the c amera to multiple positions in sequence, and the A uto T race function that reproduces manual camera settings.
38 Changing camera settings from remote contr ol ( ● indicates the default v alue) A UT O P AN/P A TR OL/TRA CE screen (continued) Item Setting value Functi ons and setting s A UTO P AN/TRA CE VIDEO This item sets the images duri ng A uto Pa n and Auto T race.
39 Item Setting value Functions and settings A UTO P AN/TRACE VIDEO (continued) W .BALANCE ● AT W - W AT W - N AW C This item sets the wh ite balance adj ustme nt function. Y ou can adjust the illumination within the color temper ature range of 2,300K to 10,000K.
40 Changing camera settings from remote contr ol ( ● indicates the default v alue) POS.FUNCTION SET screen Item Setting value Functions and settings POSITION TI TLE.. ^ This item sets a title of maximum 16 ch aracters for the configured positions (99) and home position (1), and displays the title on the screen.
41 Setting rev er ts back to def aul t setting. When the [SET] butt on is pressed, A F A CTOR Y SETTINGS... B will be display ed for about 20 seconds. Then settings will rev er t back to def aul t settings. After this is complete, A D A T A CLEARD B will be displ a yed.
42 Detailed setting This function allows you to configure settings to mask the areas that you do not wish to displa y in the recorded screen in single color (color setting is availab l e).
43 Memo : ● When [MODE] item is set to A OFF B , A - - - B will be display ed and settings is disabled. ● Mask No. 1 to No . 8 are all display ed as ( - ) at f actor y def ault. ● When an edited mask number is selected, the [MASK EDIT] screen will move to the position that has been set.
44 Detailed setting When the camera is at the hom e position, the Motio n Detect function will activate when there is a mov ement in th e images. This item sets the locations (non-detecti on areas) where mov e ment will not be detected.
45 䡵 Settin g 1 Setting non-d etection area ● Select [AREA EDIT ..] and press the [SET] button. ● The [MOTION DETECT AREA EDIT] screen is displa yed. Memo : ● The frame is d ispla yed slight ly tow ard the top lef t from the center of the screen.
46 Detailed setting This item sets the function to automatically trac k objects with mov e ment when the camera is at the home posi tion. [MENU] button [SET] button [CAMERA] button [P AN/TIL T] Lev er.
47 䡵 Settin g 1 Set [LEVEL] ● Move the cursor ( Z ) to the [LEVEL] item, shift the [P AN/TIL T] lev er to the left and right and set the A LEVEL B (motion detection sensitivity). ● The setting value is from – 5 (low sensitivity) to 5 (high sensitivity).
48 Detailed setting This fe ature sets the pan ning (horizontal) area dur ing manual operation. 䡵 Preparation 1 Select a camera ( A RM-P2580 Instruction Manual) ● [CAMERA] button B Numeric keypad (camera number) B [ENTER] b utton ● Images from th e selected camera are output.
49 䡵 Settin g 1 Set the left limit position ● Use the [P AN/TIL T] le ver (le ft/right) to determine the left limit position. ● A [L]POS . SETTING → B appea rs at the bottom left of the screen dur ing operation.
50 Detailed setting A maximum of 16 characters can be set f or the title. It is permanently displ ay ed on the bottom left of the screen. The display position can be set for RM-P2580.
51 This function d ivides the 360 ⬚ panning (horizon tal rotation) area into 16 areas and displa ys the area title on the screen when the camera is rotated manually .
52 Detailed setting When the basic axis di rection N (north) is set, this function divides the 360 ⬚ panning (ho rizontal rotation) area into 8 areas and displays N, NE, E, SE, S , SW , W , NW respectively for each area when the camera is panned (rotated horizontally) manually .
53 This item sets the title to be display ed during alar m input. Up to 10 titles (remote control alar m title No. 1 to No . 10) and 12 characters for each title can be set. Memo : ● The following setting in RM-P2580 i s required to disp la y the alarm title set in this item.
54 Detailed setting This item sets the auto pan function that rotates slowly in the horizont al direction. There are 3 modes in the Auto P an mode; Shuttle to-and- from 2 points, Right rotation, and Left rotatio n.
55 5 Press the [SET] b utton (only du ring A RETURN B ) The star t position s witches to the end position. 6 Set the end position ( only during Shuttle) ● Set the retur n posit ion with t he [P AN/TIL T] lev er. ● A ← [END]POS.SET B appears at the bott om rig ht of the setting screen.
56 Detailed setting This item sets the A uto Pa tr ol function where the camera mov e s to multiple positions in order . Three modes (mode 1 to 3) and up to 100 patrols (1 to 32) can be set f or each mode. (It is con venient if y ou set the mode in day or time slots.
57 䡵 Settin g 1 Shift up and down the [P AN/TIL T] lever and move the cur sor ( Z ) to a patrol number y ou wish to set ● T o display the ne xt setting page (Patrol 9 to 16), press the [TELE] b utton. ● T o display the pre vious page, press the [WIDE] button.
58 Detailed setting This item sets the A uto T race function (appro x. 30 seconds) that reproduces manual camera settings. [MENU] button [SET] button [CAMERA] button [P AN/TIL T] Lev er Numeric keypad.
59 䡵 Settin g 1 Set start position ● Use the [P AN/TIL T] lev er and [FOCUS (NEAR) (F AR)], [ZOOM ( WIDE ) ( TELE)] buttons to set the start position of the Auto T race function. 2 P ress the [SET] button (Star t rec ording) ● The camera enters the Auto T race recording state.
60 Detailed setting This item sets the title to be display ed when selecting positions . Up to 16 characters can be set f or each position. Memo : ● Register th e positions befo re setting. For details on registering position s, ref er to the RM-P2580 In struction Manual.
61 䡵 Settin g 1 Check that the cursor ( Z ) is at the [POSITION TI TLE..] item and press the [SET] button ● The Edit P osition Titl e screen appears.
62 Detailed setting Each light source has its own color temperature. Theref o re, when the main light source lighting an object is changed , set the [W .
63 䡵 Settin g 1 Place a white object at the center of the screen, under the same lighting cond ition as the object to be shot and zoom in to fill the scr een with white . 2 Set [W .B ALANCE] to A AW C B ● Shift up an d down the [P AN/TIL T] lev er and move the cursor ( Z ) to the [W .
64 Others T roub leshooting Symptom Cause Action P ower does not tur n on. ● Are the pow er cables and coaxial cables connected correctly? ● Are the camera and ceiling clamping brack ets mounted securely? ● Connect the cables correctly . ● Mount the camera and ceiling clamping brack ets securely .
65 䡵 CAMERA HEAD Image pickup de vice : 1/4 type, Interline T ransf er CCD 752 (H) x 582 (V) Synchronization system : Inter nal synchronization /Linelock Video output : VBS 1 V(p-p) 75 K Scanning frequency : Horizontal 15.
66 Others 䡵 Dimension [Unit: mm (inch)] 䡵 Ceiling mounting hole [Unit: mm (inch)] T Specifications and appearance of this unit are subject to change for further improvement without prior notice. Specifications (continued) R 160 (6 1/4) 201 (7 7/8) 199 (7 7/8) 90.
67 Pa ge 67 Tuesday, D ecember 4, 2007 4:45 PM.
© 2007 Victor Company of Japan, Limited LST0 621-0 01A TK-C686E PTZ DOME CAMERA Pa ge 68 Wednesday, December 5, 2007 9:24 AM.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté JVC TK-C686E c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du JVC TK-C686E - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation JVC TK-C686E, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le JVC TK-C686E va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le JVC TK-C686E, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du JVC TK-C686E.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le JVC TK-C686E. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei JVC TK-C686E ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.