Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 5001451A du fabricant Ampro Corporation
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Little Boar d™ P6d Re f er ence Manual P/N 5001451A R e vision B 5215 Helly er Avenue, San Jose, CA 95138- 1007 Phone: 408 360-0200, FAX: 408 360-0222, W eb: www.
ii TRADEMARKS The Ampro logo is a registered tradema rk, and A mpro, EnC ore, Little Boa rd, CoreModule, a nd MiniM odule are trad emarks of Ampro C omputers, In c. Pentium is a registered trad emark of Intel, I ncorporated. A ll other ma rks are the p roperty of their respective comp ani es.
iii Table of Contents Preface Introduction ................................................................................................................... ...................... vii Technical Support ...............................................
iv System Memo ry .................................................................................................................. ............... 2–9 ROM BIOS .......................................................................................
v Ethernet RJ45 Interface Connector (J13) ..................................................................................2–37 Ethernet Interface So ftware ...........................................................................................
vii Preface Introduction This ma nual is for integrat ors and progra mmers of sys tems ba sed on the Am pro Litt le Board P6d, a full-featured CP U module conforming to the EBX 1.1 technica l specifica tion. It conta ins technica l information about hardware requirements, int erconnection, and software configuration.
1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction General Description The Little Bo ard P6d sy stem is a hig h integ ration, h igh-p erfo rmance Pe ntium-II base d PC/AT- compatible sy stem that co nfor ms to the EBX V1.
1-2 The board uses a s ingle 3.3V DIMM memory module for main DRAM memory, and supports from 32MB to 256MB in a 64-bit or 72-bit (ECC) config uration. The modu le has a fu ll compleme nt of stand ard PCI PC/AT architectu ral feature s, including DMA channels, interrupt controllers , real-time clock, and timer counters .
Litt le Board P 6d Module 1-3 The Co mpactFlash disk is a solid -state or rotatin g med ia disk syste m that e mulate s an IDE d rive . It uses st andard CompactFlash disk media, similar to a PCMCIA memory card, but smaller.
1-4 Flat Panel/CRT Display Controller A 69030 video display co ntrolle r suppo rts both flat p anels and CRTs, and of fers f ull softw are compatibility with all popu lar PC video standards ( VGA, Supe r VGA, and VESA) . All standard resolutio ns up to 1600x1200 pix els at 64K co lors fo r CRTs and up to 1280x1024 pix els at 16.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 1-5 Enhanced Reliability Reliability is espe cially impo rtant in em bedde d compu ter syste ms. Ampro , specializing in embed ded system com puter s and p erip herals, kn ows th at embe dde d syste ms must be able to run reliabl y in rugged, host ile, a nd miss ion-criti cal environment s wit hout operator i ntervention.
1-6 Little Board Development Platform And QuickStart Kit To help developers q uickly as semble a n embedded syst em, Ampro offers the Li ttle Boa rd Deve lopme nt Platform.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 1-7 The Little Bo ard P6d Utility I/O Dev elop ment Bo ard prov ides con nectio ns for the speaker, keybo ard, mo use, Ir DA, TTL ser ial, fron t pane l switche s, misc. po wer manage men t signals, e xtern al power supply connections, and s o forth.
1-8 J3 — Misc. This con nec tor co ntains mi scellane ous Po we r Manag eme nt sign als and the TTL serial. Table 1-3. Miscellaneous Power Management and TTL Wir ing Pin # Signal Pin # Signal 1 TT L.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 1-9 Figure 1-2 is a blo ck diagram o f the Little Board P6d architecture . CPU USB (2) Serial EEPROM Te mp IDE (4) Compac t Flash 443BX DRAM DIMM PIIX4 E Audio Video 100Bas eT Ethernet PCI/120 Bus PC/104 Bus Multi-I/O I/O Flopp y Parallel Seri al 1, 2 Ke y board Mouse Serial 3, 4 BIOS RTC Bu ffer Figure 1-2.
2-1 Chapter 2 Product Reference Ov erv iew This chapter co ntains the technical in formation you w ill nee d to install an d conf igure the Little Board P6 d syst em.
2-2 Figure 2-1. Li ttle Board P6d M odule with Mounti ng Dim ensions 0. 0 .2 00 .575 .6 50 2 . 111 2.293 2.325 2.625 3.125 4.000 4.575 4.950 5.350 5.550 6.4 7 5 6.575 6.8 0 0 6.8 7 5 7.1 7 5 7.6 0 0 .1 00 .0 50 .2 50 .7 50 1.500 2.675 2.875 3.125 4.200 4.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-3 Connector Summary Refer to Figure 2 -2. Lit tle Boa rd P6d Connect or and Jumper Locat ions for t he locati ons of the conne ctors (J1 – J21) and con figur ation ju mpers ( W1 – W9). Table 2-1 su mmarizes the u se of th e I/O connectors.
2-4 Most I/ O connectors ar e shrouded dual-row ma le headers for us e with fla t ribb on (IDC) female connecto rs and ribbo n cable. Note Ampro recommends using “cent er-bump polarized” connectors t o preve nt accide ntally installing cables backwards.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-5 Figure 2-2. Li ttle Board P6d Connector and Jumper Locations CRT J1 7 J2 1 J1 5 J1 6 W10 W3 J1 J3 J1 3 J2 2 W7 W6 J7 J6 W2 W4 J8 J9 J1 0 J10 0.
2-6 Jumper Summary Ampro installs op tion j ump ers in d efau lt positio ns so that in mo st cases th e Little B oard P6d module requires no special jumpering for st andard AT operation. You can connect t he power and peripherals and operate i t immedia tely.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-7 DC Pow er The pow er conn ector J10 is a 7-p in polarize d conne ctor. Ref er to Table 2-3 for po wer co nnectio ns and Table 2-4 f or mating co nnecto r informatio n.
2-8 If a PCI expan sion card re quiring 3.3V is installe d, that v oltage can be conn ected to J10-5 to su pply power to J3, the PCI bus interface connector. Switching Pow er Supplies If yo u use a sw itchin g po wer supply , be su re it re gulate s pro perly with th e load you r syste m draw s.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-9 Fan Connector Figure 2- 3 show s the con nectio n betw een th e fan and J21. The pino ut of J21 is sh own in Table 2-5. J21 5V CPU Fan - 1 + 2 TACH Figure 2-3.
2-10 Table 2-6. Sys tem Memory Map Memory A ddr ess Function FE0000h - FFFFFFh Duplicates BIOS at 0E0000-0FFFFFh. 100000h - FDFFFFh Extended mem ory 0E0000h - 0FFFFFh 128K ROM BIOS 0D0000h - 0DFFFFh BIOS extension option, if enabled.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-11 DMA channe l not alread y in use. Fo r your conve nienc e, Table 2-7 an d Table 2-8 p rovid e a summary of the normal i nterrupt and DM A channel a ssi gnments on t he Litt le Board P 6d module. The PCI b us uses four interrupts (INTA*, INT B*, INTC *, and INTD*).
2-12 Table 2-8. DMA Channel Assignments Channel Function 0 1 2 3 Available for 8- bit transf ers Available for 8- bit transf ers Floppy controller Available for 8- bit transf ers 4 5 6 7 Cascade f or .
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-13 I/O Addresses and Interrupt Assignments The serial p orts appe ar at the stan dard po rt addre sses as sho wn in Table 2-9. Each se rial port can be independentl y disab led usi ng the Setu p function, freei ng its I/ O address es for use b y other device s installed on the PC/104 and PCI e xpansio n buses.
2-14 Table 2-10. RS232 Serial Port Connec tion Ports Pin # Signal Name Function In/Out DB25 Pin DB9 Pin Serial 1 (J8) or Serial 3 (J11) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DCD 1 DSR 1 RXD RTS TXD CTS DTR 1 RI 1 GND .
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-15 Table 2-12. J8 and J 11 Mating Connector Connector Type Mating Connector RIBBON 3M 3421-7600 Latching Clip 3505-8020 DISCRETE W IRE MOLEX HOUSING 22- 55-2202 PIN 16-02-0103 Table 2-13.
2-16 ! 9600 baud ! No parity ! 8 bits ! One stop b it To use an ASCII terminal as t he console device for your system, s et the serial baud rate, parity, data leng th, and stop bits o f the termin al to match the se rial con sole se ttings.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-17 Using A rrow Ke y s During Setup During Setup, the serial console arrow ke ys and function key s must be simulated. To simulate the functio n key s, enter two ke ystroke s, an “F” follo wed by the func tion ke y num ber.
2-18 Table 2-16. USB Port 1 Pinout J4 Pin # S ignal Name Function 1 USBPW R1 USB1 +5 Volt Power 2 USBP-1 USB1 Data- 3 USBP+1 USB1 Data+ 4 USBGND1 Ground 5 SHIELD1 Cable Shield for USB1 Table 2-17.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-19 Table 2-18. IrDA Interf ace Pinout J19 Pin # Signal Name Function 18 IRMODE /IRRXB Fast IR Receive/Mode Input 19 IRTX IR Trans m it 20 IRRXA IR Receive (SIR) Multi-Mode Parallel Port The Lit tle Board P 6d syst em incorporates a multi-mode pa rallel port .
2-20 The ROM- BIOS scans I/O ad dresse s for paralle l ports in the fo llowin g ord er: 3BCh, 378h, 278h . DMA Channels In ECP enhancement mode, the para llel port ca n send and receive da ta under control of an on- board DMA controller. On the Li ttle Board P6 d module, select a DMA channel in Setup.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-21 Table 2-20. Parallel Por t Connections ( J9) Pin # Signal Name Function In/Out DB25 Pin 1 STB* Output Data Strobe Out 1 3 PD 0 LSB Of Printer Data I/O 2 5 PD 1 Printer D.
2-22 Latch-Up Protection The parallel port incorporates chip prot ection circuitry on s ome inputs, designed t o minimize the possibility o f CMOS “latch up ” due to a printe r or o ther pe ripheral be ing p owere d up w hile th e Litt le Board P 6d sys tem is turned off.
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-23 To change the port between in put and output sta tes, write a 1 to bit five of the cont rol regis ter to set the p ort to its inpu t state; or a 0 to set it to its outp ut state. He re is a co de sample f or dynamically ch anging th e po rt direction (after it is in Extend ed Mod e).
2-24 Table 2-22. Parallel Por t Register Bits Register Bit Signal Name or Function In/Out Act ive High/Low J5 Pin DB25F Pin DATA (378h) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PD 0 PD 1 PD 2 PD 3 PD 4 PD 5 PD 6 PD 7 I/O I/O .
Litt le Board P 6d Module 2-25 SELIN* Printer select input This bit is inverted and output to the pin. It s elects a pr inter. IRQE Interrupt request enable W hen set to 1, interr upts are enabled. An inter rupt is generated by the positive-going -ACK input.
2-26 If you don’t use t he floppy int erface, dis able i t in S etup. Thi s frees t he floppy’s I/O address es, IRQ6 , and DMA chann el 2 fo r use by o ther pe ripher als installed o n the PC/104 bu s. Floppy Interface Connector (J14) Table 2-25 sho ws the pinou t and sign al def initions o f the flop py disk in terface conne ctor, J14.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-27 Note For maximum reliability , keep ID E drive cables less than 18 in ches long. Table 2-26. IDE Interfac e Connectors ( J6, J7) Pin # S ignal Name Function Pin # Signal .
2-28 IDE Interface Configuration Use Setup t o specify your IDE hard disk dri ve types. See the Set up section beginning on page 2 -48 for de tails. If you do not find a drive t y pe whose displ ayed paramet ers match t he drive you are us ing, use drive type U SER.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-29 A udio Interface The audio interface w ill be provide d by a combinatio n of the 4DWAVE-NX PCI D irectSound Accelerator, a Re v 2.
2-30 Table 2-27. Audio Interfac e Connectors Connector Function Type Signals J1 Audio Interf ace 26 Pin, Fem ale, 2m m All Audio Signals f rom CPU J2 Video Sound In RCA Jack 1 – Ground 2 – Video Sound In Left J3 Video Sound In RCA Jack 1 – Ground 2 – Video Sound In Right J4 CD Input 4 Pin, Single Row, .
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-31 Figure 2-5. Audi o Interface Adapter Schem atic R5 1K R1 1K R6 1K J6 J7 J1 R8 4. 7 K J5 J9 R7 1K J8 J2 C1 10 00 pF J4 R3 1K R4 1K J3 R9 1K R2 1K C2 470 pF R10 1K 1 2 3 4 .
2-32 Table 2-28. Audio Interfac e Input Connector (J 12) Pin # Signal Function Pin # Signal Function 1 VIDEO_L Audio in Lef t fr om Video Source 2 VIDEO_GND Video Ground 3 VIDEO_R Audio in Right from .
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-33 Table 2-30. Video Connector Summary Name Connector Pins/T y p e Description Flat Panel J15 50-pin Shrouded 2mm Header Provides c onnections f or a broad ar ray of standard f lat panel displays. CRT J 1 7 10-pin Shrouded .
2-34 Table 2-31. Flat Panel Video Connector (J15) Pin # Signal Name Description 1 SHFCLK Shif t Clock . Pixel c lock for flat panel data. 2 M DE M signal for panel AC drive c ontrol. Som etim es called ACDCLK or AC Drive. May also be configured to be -BLANK or as Display Enable (DE) for T FT panels .
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-35 BIOS Support of Standard Flat Panels The Lit tle Board P 6d syst em can support flat panel BIOS sett ings for up to 1 6 popular LC D panels, but only 8 have b een configured in the BIOS. Y ou select which flat panel BIOS setti ngs to use i n Setup.
2-36 Table 2-32. CRT Interfac e Connector ( J17) Pin # Signal Name DB-1 5 1R e d 1 2 Ground 6 3 Green 2 4 Ground 7 5B l u e 3 6 Ground 8 7 Horizontal Sync.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-37 Table 2-35. J6 Mating Connector Mating Connector Discrete W ire: Molex Housing 51110-2650 Molex Pin 50394-8051 Disabling the Video Controller The video control ler can be dis abled in Setup. T here are no jumpers to change.
2-38 Ethernet Interface Software Manufacturer's Ethernet ID Each manufacture r of Eth ernet ne twork ad apters and interface s is assigned a unique manufacturer's ID by the IEEE Standards Office. A network address consists of 48 bits. The upper 24 bits are the manu facturer's ID and the lowe r 24 bits are the board's un ique ID.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-39 http://deve s ign/networ k/drivers/index.htm#82559ER Note Intel upd ates its we b site fre quen tly and th is location could mo ve in the fu ture . Ethernet Setup This sect ion describes how to configure and connect the Ethernet L AN interface.
2-40 Ampro Commo n Utilities man ual. The f ollow ing simple assembly lang uage routine illustrates ho w to control t he watchdog t imer usin g the Ampro ROM -BIOS functi on provided for this purpose:.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-41 Table 2-38. Utility Connec tor (J19) Pin # Signal Name Function Pin # Signal Name Function 1 - 12 Ex ternal -12V input for ex pansion car ds 2 GND Ground retur n 3 - 5 Ex.
2-42 LED Connection To connect an external LED power-on indicat ion lamp, connect the LED anode t o pin-5 and the cathode to gro und. Pin 5 p rovid es +5V throu gh a 300 oh m resistor. Speaker Connections The board supplie s about 100 mW fo r a speake r on pin -7.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-43 IrDA Interface The IrDA interface is described earlier in this chapter. TTL Serial Ports The TTL ve rsion o f the serial po rts 1,3, and 4 are bro ugh t out to the Utility conn ector. Th e TTL version of serial port 2 can be rerouted t o the IrDA TX and RX lines .
2-44 Most Ampro M iniModule products have stackthrough connectors compatible with the P C/104 specifica tion. Y ou can sta ck several modules on the L ittle Board P6 d headers. E ach addit ional module increases the thickness o f the package by 0.66 inches (15 mm) .
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-45 Table 2-43. PC/104 Expans ion Bus Connector , J1 (A1-B32) Pin # Signal Na me Function Pin # Signal Name Function A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A1.
2-46 Table 2-44. PC/104 Expans ion Bus Connector , J2 (C0- D19) Pin # Signal Name Function Pin # Signal Name Function C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 GND SBHE* LA.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-47 Table 2-45. PC/104-Plus Expansion Bus Connector, J 3 (A1-D30) P i n ABCD 1 GND/5.0V KEY4 Reserved + 5 AD 00 2 VI/O (+5V) AD02 AD01 +5V 3 AD05 GND AD04 AD03 4 C/BE0* AD07 GND AD06 5 GND AD09 AD08 GND 6 AD11 VI/O (+5V) AD10 M66EN1 7 AD14 AD13 GND AD12 8 +3.
2-48 Setup Many opti ons provided on t he Lit tle Boa rd P6d s ystem a re controlled b y the Set up function. T he parameters are displ ayed on several screens, s elected from a main menu screen. T o configure the board, you modi fy the fields in these screens a nd save t he result s in t he on-board configura tion memory.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-49 Table 2-46. Func tions on Each Setup Page Page M enu Name Functions 1 Main Menu Select various Setup sc reens Load Setup defaults Save and/or Exit Setup 2 Standard CMOS S.
2-50 Setup 1 — Main Menu The first Set up page contains a menu for access ing several Setup screens , plus several additi onal parameters. Figure 2-7 s hows Setup page 1. Sections following the figure describe each option. CMOS SETUP UTILITY Ampro Computers, Inc.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-51 Setup 2 — Standard CMOS Setup Use Setup 2 to set the da te and ti me, configure your hard and floppy di sks, and report sys tem memory. Fig ure 2-8 sh ows w hat can be co nfigu red o n Setup 2, and the sections th at follow describe each parameter.
2-52 cylinder. The drive manufacturer supplies t hese parameters. T he list contains “legacy values” , standard for PCs — a number of older (smaller) drives are defined.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-53 Video Specify the initial v ideo mo de. Sele ct Mono , CGA40, CGA80, or EGA/VGA. If y our v ideo d isplay card is VGA, super VGA, or any other high resolution standard, specify EGA/VGA no matter how it is configured to come up.
2-54 !!! WARNING !!! Disk Boot sector is to be modified type "Y" to accept, any key to abort Award Software, Inc. ! BOOT SEQUENCE – is , [A,C], [C,A], [A,SCSI], [SCSI,A], [CD,A,C], [C onl y], or [SCSI only]. Note "C" refers to IDE/ATA drive and "CD" refe rs to a IDE/ATA CD-ROM drive.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-55 ! F keys – F key s are e ntere d with two ke ystro kes. The first en try is "F" fo llow ed by the nu mber. So that "F" fo llowe d by "1" is th e same as using th e "F1" key . F10 is simulate d by e nteri ng F0, "F" and "0".
2-56 Setup 5 — Power Management Setup The Lit tle Board P6d CP U BIOS incorpora tes power ma nagement feat ures complia nt with Advanced Power Man agemen t (APM) BIOS Inte rface Spe cification Re vision 1.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-57 ! PM Control by APM — This sele ction, w hen e nabled , allows op erating system s with po wer management support t o control the modes required for s afe operation of shut down occurrences. The default setti ng is Y es (Enabled).
2-58 Setup 6 — PCI Configuration Setup The Litt le Board P6d CP U BIOS incorporates aut omatic PCI IRQ configuration for peripherals . You can , how eve r, o verr ide th e auto matic f eature s and sp ecif y PCI IR Q settin gs with SETUP 6. Figure 2-1 2 shows what can b e configured on SETUP 6.
Litt le Board P6d Module 2-59 Setup 7 — Integrated Peripherals Setup The peripheral interfaces integrated on the Li ttle Boa rd P6d s ystem ca n be configured on Setup 7 — Integrated P e ripherals S etup (Figure 2 -13). Y ou can configure the IDE port , USB port , floppy controller, IrDA port, serial ports , and parallel port from this screen.
2-60 ! Onboard Serial Ports — Thes e items configure each serial port ’s address and int errupt. Available choice s for th e I/O add resses are 3F8, 2F8, 3E8H, and 2E8H. Available IRQ choice s for all fo ur serial po rts are IRQ3 an d IRQ4. You also use IRQ 10 and IRQ12 f or serial po rts 3 and 4, if these IRQs are not alre ady assig ned.
3–1 Chapter 3 Technical Specifications Little Board P6d Technical Specifications The fo llowin g sectio n pro vide s technical spe cificatio ns for th e Little Bo ard P6d syste m. CPU/Motherboard ! CPU: Pentium-II process o r ! System RAM: – DIMM module , utilizing 3.
3-2 On-board Peripherals This s e ction describ es sta ndard peripherals found on every Little Board P6 d module. ! Four buffered seria l ports (T wo with full handshaki ng) – Implemente d with 1655.
Litt le Board P6d Module 3-3 – Software p rogrammable flat panel inte rface. Flat panel video BIOS contained in an on -board Flash EPROM device for easy customizat ion. – Standard mod el supports 3.3V flat pan els; support for 5V f lat panels with exte rnal adapter.
3-4 ! 5 to 95% relative humid ity (no n-co nden sing) ! Storage t emperature: -5 5 ° to +85 ° C ! Weight: 11.6 o z. (329 gm) , no D RAM installed ! Shock and Vibration: D esigne d to MIL- STD 202F, Meth od 213B, Table 213- I, Cond ition A (three 50G sho cks in each axis) and MIL-STD 202F, Me thod 214A, Table 214-I, Con dition D (11.
Litt le Board P6d Module 3-5 Table 3-1. Supported CRT Video Modes—Standar d VGA Video Mode # Pixel Resolution Color Depth Font Size Character Resolution Pixel Clock (MHz) Horizontal Frequency (KHz) Vertical Frequency (Hz) 00h 360x400 16 9x 16 40x25 25.
3-6 Table 3-2. Supported CRT Video Modes—Low Res olution Video Mode # VESA VBE Mode Pixel Resolution Colors Font Size Character Resolution Pixel Clock (MHz) Horiz Freq (KHz) Vert Freq (Hz) 14h ---- 320x 200 256 8x 16 40x12 12.587 31.5 70 15h ---- 320x 200 64K 8x 16 40x12 12.
Litt le Board P6d Module 3-7 Table 3-3. Supported CRT Video Modes—Ex tended Modes Video Mode # VESA VBE Mode Pixel Resolution Colors Font Size Character Resolution Pixel Clock (MHz) Horiz Freq (KHz) Vert Freq (Hz) 30h 101h 640x480 256 8x16 80x30 25.
3-8 46h ---- Generic 32K 8x16 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 47h ---- Generic 64K 8x16 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 48h 119h 1280x1024 32K 8x 16 160x 64 78.75 108 135 47 64 79.98 43 (I) 60 75 49h 11Ah 1280x1024 64K 8x16 160x64 78.
Litt le Board P6d Module 3-9 74 66.1 100 74h 105h 1024x768 256* 8x 16 128x 48 44.9 65 78.75 94.5 121 35.5 48.4 60 68.7 84 43 (I) 60 75 85 100 78h 107h 1280x1024 256* 8x16 160x64 78.75 108 135 47 64 79.98 43 (I) 60 75 Notes: All modes in this table are Graphical, Linear, and the memory organiz ation is Pack Pix, except where noted.
A–1 Appendix A Standards Contact Information To contact the PC/104 Consor tium fo r a copy o f the p ropo sed PC/104-Plu s specificatio n: PC/104 Consortium 1060–B North Fo urth Stre et San Jose, .
B–1 Appendix B Cables Cables include d in the QuickStart Kit ( LB3-LB/P6d-K- 00) and th e Cable K it (CBL-LB/P6d- Q-01) are detailed in this sectio n. The se cables are inte nde d for u se durin g you r applicatio n dev elop ment, and are on ly show n he re to aid y ou in th e desig n of cable s for yo ur particu lar application.
Index–1 Index A AAN-9403, Serial boo t ............................ 2-16 AGP Bus Interface, Enhanced ................. 1-4 Analog video ........................................... 2-36 APM, video ............................................. 2-35 architecture .
Index Index–2 Flat Panel Video Co nnector (J3) ............ 2-35 Floppy co nnector ( J14) ........................... 2-27 Floppy drives ................................. 2-26, 2-54 Floppy interface .............................. 1-3, 2-25 Frequently Asked Q uestions .
Index Index–3 SETUP summary .................................... 2-51 shadowing ............................................... 2-10 shock and vibration .................................. 1-5 SIR .....................................................
Index Index–4.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Ampro Corporation 5001451A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Ampro Corporation 5001451A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Ampro Corporation 5001451A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Ampro Corporation 5001451A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Ampro Corporation 5001451A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Ampro Corporation 5001451A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Ampro Corporation 5001451A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Ampro Corporation 5001451A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.