Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 70 du fabricant Intermec
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Model 70 Pocket PC P/N 961-054-025 Edition A March 2001 User’s Guide.
Interm ec Technologies Corporation 6001 36th Avenue West P.O. Box 4280 Everett, WA 98203- 9280 U.S. service and technical support: 1- 800-755- 5505 U.S. media supplies ordering information: 1- 800-227- 9947 Canadian service and technical support: 1- 800-668- 7043 Canadian media supplies ordering information: 1- 800-268- 6936 Outside U.
1233 Contents iii Contents Before You Begin ix Warranty Information ix Safety Summary ix Warnings, Cautions, and Notes x About This Manual xi Other Intermec Manuals xi Learning About the Pocket PC Wel.
Model 70 Pocket PC User’s Guide iv Entering Information on the Pocket PC 2-8 Using the Input Panel 2-8 Writing on the Screen 2-10 Drawing on the Screen 2-12 Recording a Message 2-13 Finding and Orga.
1233 Contents v Using Inbox 3-13 Synchronizing E-Mail Messages 3-13 Connecting Directly to an E-Mail Server 3-13 Understanding Received E-Mail Messages 3-14 Composing and Sending E-Mail Messages 3-16 .
Model 70 Pocket PC User’s Guide vi Windows Media Player for Pocket PC 5-18 Using Windows Media Manager for the Pocket PC 5-19 What is Packaged Content? 5-20 Using the Playlist Manager 5-20 Microsoft.
1233 Contents vii Fixing Screen Problems 7-7 Screen Is Blank 7-7 Screen Is Dark 7-7 Screen Is Hard to Read 7-7 Stylus Problems 7-8 Fixing Connection Problems 7-8 Cable and Cradle Connection Problems 7.
Model 70 Pocket PC User’s Guide viii.
Before You Begin ix Before You Begin This section introduces you to standard warranty provisions, safety precautions, warnings and cautions, docum ent formatting conventions, and sources of additional product information. A docum entation roadmap is also prov ided to guide you in finding the appropriate information.
Model 70 Pocket PC User ’ s Guide x Warnings, Caut ions, and Notes The warnings, cautions, and notes in this m anual use the following format. Warning A warning alerts you of an operating procedure, practice, condition, or statement that must be strictly observed to avoid death or serious injury to the persons working on the equipment.
Before You Begin xi About This Manual This manual contains all of the inform ation necessary to install, operate, configure, troubleshoot, and maintain the Model 70 Pock et PC. This manual w as written for analysts and program mers who operate, prog ram, and connect the Pocket PC to a network or system.
Model 70 Pocket PC User ’ s Guide xii.
Learning About the Pocket PC 1.
Model 70 Po cket PC User’s Guide 1-2.
Learning About the Pocket PC 1-3 1 This chap ter describes t he features o f the Inter mec Model 70 Pocke t PC. It als o explains how to maintain the batteries and us e the AC adapter s, cradles, and stylus. Welcome Congratulat ions on purchasing an Interm ec Model 70 Pocket PC p owered by Mic rosoft ® Windows ® CE.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 1-4 Front Panel View Item Compon ent Function n Battery Ch ar ge an d Alarm Ligh t This light serves as both a batter y charge indicator and a vi sual alar m indicator. • Flashing green: Notification alarm signal.
Learning About the Pocket PC 1-5 1 Back Panel View 1 2 3 4 5 M70PPG007.eps Item Compon ent Function ➊ Reset But ton This button is recessed ins ide the Pocket PC. Occasionally, some h ard ware or softw are malfunctions can preven t t he Pocket PC from resp ond ing.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 1-6 Left Edge View 1 2 3 M70PPG008.eps Item Compon ent Function ➊ Syste m Ma na ger B utto n Pr ess to go to Y our Deskto p, wh ic h conta ins your most esse ntial pro gra ms. ➋ Action Button/Scro ll Wheel This wheel has three actions.
Learning About the Pocket PC 1-7 1 Top Edge View 2 1 4 3 M70PPG009.eps Item Compon ent Function ➊ Infrared Port This por t lets the Pocket PC exchange data with other infrared- equipped devices. The inf rared port can tran smit at speeds up to 115 Kbps For more information, see Chapter 6, “ Getti ng Connected.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 1-8 About th e Batteri es Warning Your comput er contains a re chargeable lith ium-ion ba ttery pack. There is a risk of fire and bu rns if the batt ery pack is handl ed improperly. Do not d isassemb le, crush, puncture, short external contac ts, or dispose of in fire or wate r.
Learning About the Pocket PC 1-9 1 Charging the Bat teries Your Pocket PC contains a rech argeable lithium- ion main battery pack and a coin- cell lithium backup battery . The main ba ttery pack charges each t ime you connect the Pocket PC to an external pow er source with an A C adapter.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 1-10 Monitor ing the Batteri es When you are work ing with y our Pocket PC and using battery power, you can m onitor the charg e held in the bat tery by using the Power window. To conserv e battery power, your Pocket PC au tomatical ly turns of f whenever it is id le for a contin uous period of tim e.
Learning About the Pocket PC 1-11 1 Managing the Bat teries This func tion is provid ed to help you m aximize the bat tery life of your P ocket PC. By enabling Power S aving mode, y ou reduce the speed o f the Pocket PC ’ s CPU and sav e on power consum ption.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 1-12 Power Saving Mode S creen 3. Tap Yes to restart t he Pocket PC. Note: A lways save all t he inform ation on your Pock et PC before tapping Yes to reset. I f you hav e not saved all the informatio n, tap No, then save all your im portant inform ation.
Learning About the Pocket PC 1-13 1 Using the AC Adapt ers and Cradles You must orde r an AC adapter for y our Pocket PC tha t is compatib le with your country ’ s wal l plug style. All a dapters accep t 110 or 220 VAC. T he AC adapte r connects the DC jack of the P ocket PC direct ly to an extern al power source.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 1-14 Connecting the RS -232 Cradle to a Des ktop Computer M70PPG005.eps 2. Plug the AC ad apter into the back of the cr adle and connect it to a power ou tlet. 3. Dock the Pock et PC in the c radle. While the b attery is cha rging, the Ba ttery Charg e and Alarm light flash es amber.
Learning About the Pocket PC 1-15 1 Using the St ylus Your Pocket PC h as a stylus fo r selecting items and ente ring inform ation. You can use the stylus to perform these actio ns: Tap Touch th e screen once wi th the stylus to op en items and s elect options.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 1-16 Where to Find Inform ation This u ser ’ s g uide describe s your Pocket PC, p rovides an overv iew of the program s on your Pock et PC, and explains how to connect your Pock et PC to a deskto p computer, a network, or the Interne t.
Using the Pocket PC 2.
Model 70 Po cket PC User’s Guide.
Using the Po cket PC 2-3 2 This chap ter explains how to use the Inter mec Model 70 Pocke t PC. Turni ng the P ocket PC On and Off • To turn y our Pocket PC on and off , press the Po wer button. M70PPG003.eps Openin g the Toda y Screen When you tu rn on your Pocket PC for the firs t time each d ay, you should see the Today screen.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-4 You may see the following status icons on the comm and bar. Status Ico n Me ani ng Turns al l sounds on a nd off Backup battery is low Backup battery is ver y .
Using the Po cket PC 2-5 2 The follow ing table c ontains a par tial list o f programs th at are on y our Pocket PC. Icon Program Description Your Desktop Press this butto n on the left edge of the Pocket PC to display Your Desk top. Your Desktop displa ys your most essentia l progra ms.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-6 Using the Na vigat ion Bar and the Co mmand Bar The navig ation bar is lo cated at the top of the Pocket PC sc reen. It dis plays the act ive program and current tim e, and it allows y ou to switch between p rograms and c lose screens.
Using the Po cket PC 2-7 2 Using Pop- up Menu s With pop- up menus, you can qui ckly choose an ac tion for an item. For exam ple, you can use the pop- up menu in the contact lis t to quickly dele te a contac t, make a copy of a contact, or send an e-m ail message to a contact.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-8 Enter ing Infor mation on the Pocket PC You have sev eral options fo r entering new inform ation on your Pock et PC: • Use the inp ut panel to enter typed t ext by using the soft key board or Character Recogniz er.
Using the Po cket PC 2-9 2 Typing With the Soft Keyb oard Note: You can set sever al differen t options for t he input panel by tapping th e up arrow in the com mand bar and choos ing Options . To type with th e soft keyboa rd 1. Tap the ar row next to the Input Pane l button an d then Keyboa rd .
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-10 To select typ ed text • Drag the s tylus across the text y ou want to sele ct. You can cut, copy , and paste te xt by tapping and hol ding the selec ted words and then choosing an ed iting comm and on the pop- up menu, or by choosing the com mand on the Edit menu.
Using the Po cket PC 2-11 2 To select w riting 1. Tap and hold the stylus next to the text y ou want to se lect until th e insertion p oint appears. 2. Without l ifting, drag the stylus acro ss the tex t you want to sele ct. If you accid entally w rite on the scre en, tap Tools and then Undo and try ag ain.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-12 Drawing on the Scr een You can draw on the screen in the same w ay that you wri te on the scree n. The differenc e between writing and drawing on the screen is h ow you select item s and how they can b e edited.
Using the Po cket PC 2-13 2 Recording a Message In any prog ram where y ou can write or draw on the screen, you can a lso capture thoughts, reminders, and phon e numbers by re cording a m essage. I n the Notes program , you can eithe r create a st and-alone reco rding or in clude a record ing in a w ritten note.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-14 Findi ng and Orga nizin g Inf ormatio n The Find fe ature on y our Pocket PC helps y ou quickly loc ate inform ation. To find a fold er or file 1. On the menu, tap Find . 2. In the Find f ield, enter th e text you want t o find.
Using the Po cket PC 2-15 2 Using C ompact Flash C ards The Compact Fl ash Card expansion slot supports Type I Compact Fl ash cards. The Compact Flash slot lets y ou install storage cards for backup and s torage of data and applications. I t also allows y ou to instal l comm unication devices su ch as a LAN adapte r or a fax /modem.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-16 Backi ng Up and Res toring Da ta To avoid lo sing your da ta in the event that your Pock et PC is lost, sto len, or becom es damag ed, periodic back ups to the com puter or a Comp act Flash card are re commended.
Using the Po cket PC 2-17 2 CF Backup Screen 3. Tap Start to begin the backup proces s. A status bar reports the da ta activity until the functio n is comp lete. Note: Do n ot remov e the Compact Flash c ard or turn off the Pocket PC during backup. You m ay lose data.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-18 Restoring Data Fr om a Compact Flash Card 1. Install t he Compact F lash card that contains the b acked up data in to your Pocket PC. 2. Close al l active prog rams. 3. Tap , Prog ram s , then CF Backup . 4. Tap Restore .
Using the Po cket PC 2-19 2 Customizing Your Pock et PC You can custom ize your Pock et PC by adjusting settings and by installing prog rams. You can adjust Po cket PC setting s to suit the way you work. To see av ailable options, tap, Settings , th en the Pe rsona l or System tab loca ted at the bottom of the screen.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-20 Setting a Passwor d Password secur ity is prov ided to help pr otect agains t unauthorized u se of your Pock et PC. For imm ediate protection, w e recomm end setting up pa ssword security through the Pa sswo rd ut il ity i n th e Settings of your Pock et PC as soon as po ssible.
Using the Po cket PC 2-21 2 To add programs 1. Determine y our Pocket PC and processor ty pe so that you k now which version of the softw are to insta ll. Tap and then Se ttings . On the System tab, t ap About . In the Version tab, mak e a note of the in formation in Processor .
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-22 Customizing the Star t Menu • Tap , Settings, Menus , the Start Menu tab, and then the check box for the program .
Using the Po cket PC 2-23 2 Setting V olume 3. Use the ta bs to choose the v olume, soun d types and rem inder types. The option s you choose here a pply throughout the Pocket PC.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-24 Adjusting the Backlight Pocket PC fe atures a bu ilt-in back light that allow s you to v iew text and graph ics clearly whether y ou are indoors or o utdoors, in a dim study or at a brightly lit work site.
Using the Po cket PC 2-25 2 Tap Edit to edi t the programs on Yo ur Desktop Using Your Desktop The Your Desk top utility g reatly speeds up acc ess to and m anagement of prog rams on your Pock et PC.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-26 Adding Program Icons to Your Desktop 1. Open Your Desktop e ither by pre ssing the Your Deskt op button on the left- hand side of y our Pocket PC or by tapping Your D esktop on the Program s screen. 2. Tap Edit and then New .
Using the Po cket PC 2-27 2 Deleting Program Icons F rom Your Desk top 1. Use the j og wheel or stylus to sel ect the prog ram icon. 2. Tap Edit and then Del et e .
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 2-28 Managing Programs in Y our Desktop You can use the Sy stem Manager to manage prog rams that are r unning on your Pock et PC. You have three c hoices: • You can stop al l program s that are running . • You can stop one p rogram that is running .
Microsoft Pocket Outlook 3.
Model 70 Po cket PC User’s Guide.
Microso ft Pocket Outlook 3-3 3 Tap New to cre ate a new appointment This chap ter explains how to use Microsoft Po cket Outlook on y our Intermec Model 70 Pocket PC. Pock et Outlook includes Calendar , Contacts, Task s, Inbox, an d Notes. You can use these p rograms indi vidually or to gether.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 3-4 Entering Appoi ntments 1. If you are in Day or Week view, tap the desi red date and tim e for the appoin tment. 2. Tap New . 3. Using the input panel, ent er a description and a location. Tap first to s elect the fiel d.
Microso ft Pocket Outlook 3-5 3 About the Calendar Summary Screen When you tap an appointment in Calendar, a summary screen is display ed. Tap the top portion of the summ ary screen to chang e the appointm ent. Creating M eeting Requests You can use Calend ar to set up m eetings with us ers of Pocket Out look, Outlook, or Schedule+.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 3-6 Using Cont acts Contacts m aintains a li st of your friends and colleag ues so tha t you can easily find the inform ation you are look ing for, wheth er you are at hom e or on the road . Using the infrared (I R) port, you can q uickly share Con tacts inform ation with other Windows- powered device use rs.
Microso ft Pocket Outlook 3-7 3 Creating Contact s 1. Tap New . 2. Using the input panel, ent er a name and o ther contact information. Yo u need to scroll to see all av ailable fields. 3. To assig n the contact to a category , scroll to and tap Categories an d select a category from the list.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 3-8 About the Cont acts Summary Screen When you tap a contact in the contact lis t, a summary screen is disp layed.
Microso ft Pocket Outlook 3-9 3 Using Task s Use Tasks to k eep track of wha t you have to do. I n the task list, overdue t asks are display ed in bold. Keep your Tasks current by synchronizing your Pocket PC with Microsoft Outlook on your desk top computer.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 3-10 Creating Tasks 1. Tap New . 2. Using the input panel, ent er a description. 3. You can ente r a start date an d due date or en ter other information by first tapping the field. I f the input pa nel is open, you wi ll need to h ide it to see al l available fields.
Microso ft Pocket Outlook 3-11 3 About the Tasks Summar y Screen When you tap a task in the task list, a summary screen is disp layed. Tap to edit the task deta ils Tap to show and hide additional sum.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 3-12 Using Notes Quickly captu re thoughts, reminders, idea s, drawings, and phon e numbers with No tes. You can crea te a written n ote or a re cording. You can also include a recording in a note. If a note i s open when you crea te the recording , it will be inc luded in the no te as an icon.
Microso ft Pocket Outlook 3-13 3 Using Inbo x Use Inbox to send and receiv e e-m ail messag es in either of these ways: • Synchroniz e e-mail m essages with Mic rosoft Exchange o r Microsoft Out look on your desk top computer.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 3-14 Tap to conne ct to the selected service You can work online or offline. When working online, you re ad and respond to messag es while connected to the e- mail server. M essages are sen t as soon as y ou tap Send , which sav es space on your Po cket PC.
Microso ft Pocket Outlook 3-15 3 Tap this ic on to delete a messag e Inbox Scre en When you con nect to y our e-mail serv er or synchron ize with y our desktop com puter, Inbox downloads on ly the firs t 100 lines o f each new m essage (default). The original messag es remain on the e- mail serv er or your de sktop computer .
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 3-16 You specify y our downloading pref erences when you se t up the serv ice or sele ct your synchroniza tion option s. You can change them at any tim e: • Change options for Inbox synchron ization using ActiveSync optio ns.
Microso ft Pocket Outlook 3-17 3 The m essage is placed in the Outbox folde r on your Pock et PC and will be de livered in one of two ways: • They are tran sferred to th e Outbox fold er in Exchange or Ou tlook on y our desktop computer an d then sent the next tim e you synchroniz e.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 3-18 Folder Behavior With A Direct Connect ion To An E-Mail Server The behav ior of the folde rs you create d epends on whether y ou are using POP3 or IMA P 4: • If you are us ing POP3, folders wi ll behave lik e they do when using ActiveSync.
Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer 4.
Model 70 Po cket PC User’s Guide.
Microso ft Pocket Interne t Explorer 4-3 4 This chap ter explains how to use Microsof t Pocket In ternet Explore r on your Interm ec Model 70 Po cket PC.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 4-4 Mobile fav orites take up storage m emory on y our Pocket PC. To minim ize the amount of mem ory used: • In the sett ings for t he Favorit es inform ation type in Ac tiveSyn c options, turn o ff pictures an d sounds or stop som e mobile fav orites from being downloaded to the Pocket PC.
Microso ft Pocket Interne t Explorer 4-5 4 About Channels Channels a re Web sites desig ned specific ally for o ffline viewing on y our Pocket PC . You can subscri be to two types of channels for fre e: AvantGo Channe ls and mobile channels.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 4-6 Refresh butt on Using P ocket In ternet Explo rer You can use Pock et Internet Expl orer to browse m obile favor ites and chan nels that have been downloaded to your Pocket PC w ithout conne cting to the I nternet.
Microso ft Pocket Interne t Explorer 4-7 4 To view mob ile favorites and channels 1. Tap the Favorites but ton to display y our list of fav orites. 2. Tap the m obile favori te or channel y ou want to view. You will see th e page that was down loaded the las t time you sy nchronized with your desktop com puter.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 4-8 To browse the Web 1. Connect to the I nternet or y our network in either of th e following way s: • Connect using Connections , as describ ed in Chapter 6, “ Ge tting Connected. ” Then switch to Po cket Interne t Explorer by ta pping it on the m enu.
Companion Programs 5.
Model 70 Po cket PC User’s Guide 5-2.
Companion P rograms 5-3 5 This chap ter explains how to use the compani on programs on yo ur Intermec Model 70 Pocket PC. The co mpanion prog rams consi st of Microso ft Pocket Wo rd, Microsof t Pocket Excel, Expenses, Mic rosoft Money, Windows Media P layer, and Mic rosoft Reader.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-4 Note: You can change the z oom magn ification by tapping View and then Z oom . T hen select the percentag e you want.
Companion P rograms 5-5 5 Writ ing Mode In w riting mode, use y our stylus to w rite directly on the screen . Ruled lines ar e display ed as a guide, and the zoom mag nification is g reater than in typing m ode to allow y ou to write m ore easily.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-6 Pocket Excel Pocket Exce l works with Mic rosoft Excel on your desktop com puter to giv e you easy access to y our workbook s.
Companion P rograms 5-7 5 You can show and hide the Pocket Ex cel toolbar by tapp ing the Sho w/Hide Toolbar button on the command bar. For more in formatio n on using Pocket Ex cel, tap and th en Help .
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-8 Expense s Expenses is a s imple-to- use expenditure m anagement program that allows y ou to keep track of your expenses on the move. I t is designed so tha t you can quick ly record de tails of expenses a s they occur.
Companion P rograms 5-9 5 2. Confirm the date by tapping outside the ca lendar. The number of this new record is automati cally disp layed so con tinue to the nex t item. 3. Tap Company or Person al , as approp riate. 4. Next to Category , tap the arrow and select a desc ription from the drop-down m enu.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-10 Calculating and Viewing Exp enditure Totals To view the ov erall tota l expenditu re for a giv en period, tap the icon in the toolba r at the bott om of the scr een and ente r a period of tim e. The statis tics display ed are broken down by Catego ry — with an overa ll total al so given.
Companion P rograms 5-11 5 Expense Screen Printing a List of Records 1. Press th e printer icon in the toolbar a t the bottom of the screen. 2. At the top of the screen tap Starting Date and Endi ng Date to sel ect the perio d within which y ou want a prin tout of records.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-12 3. The re cords will b e listed, st arting wit h the earlie st first. Note: The records are stored in a da tabase on your Pock et PC. To print, v iew or manipulat e these re cords, they must be firs t converted to a text file and copied to a folder o n your PC.
Companion P rograms 5-13 5 Microsoft Money Use Microsof t Money to eas ily enter and v iew your financi al transact ions, check y our account b alances, and tr ack your investm ents.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-14 Microso ft Money — Account Mana ger Screen Viewing the Account Register The Account Reg ister display s all transac tions for that account th at are stored on your Pocket PC.
Companion P rograms 5-15 5 Microso ft Money — Account Re gister Screen Note: To switch between ac counts, tap the name of the cu rrent account in the upper- right co rner and se lect another account from the list. Entering Tr ansactions 1. In the Account Reg ister, tap New to create a new tran saction.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-16 Microso ft Money — Entering T ransactions Note: I f you do not want Microsoft Mon ey to autom atically enter inform ation, tap Tools and then Options and turn off AutoComp lete+.
Companion P rograms 5-17 5 Microsoft Money can update investm ent prices from the MoneyC entral Web site. To do this, open a co nnection to th e Internet and tap Update Investment s on the Tools men u .
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-18 Windows Media Pla yer for Pocket PC Use Windows Med ia Player for Po cket PC to list en to digital aud io files. For m ore inform ation on using Windows Media Pl ayer, tap and th en Help . To open the Windows Media Player • Tap , and then Windo ws Media .
Companion P rograms 5-19 5 Using Windows Media M anager for the Pocket PC Use Windows Med ia Manager for the Pocket PC o n the deskto p computer to create digita l audio files in Windows Medi a format and to transfer audio content t o your Pocket PC or storage card.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-20 What is Packaged Cont ent? Packag ed content is dig ital mu sic that has been encrypted for distributio n to prevent unauthoriz ed access to copy righted con tent. Windows Med ia Player for P ocket PC cannot play packaged conten t without a valid li cense.
Companion P rograms 5-21 5 Microsoft Reader Use Microsof t Reader to read e lectronic book s on your Pocket PC. Down load books to your desk top computer from your favorit e eBook Web site. Then, use ActiveSy nc to copy the book files to your Pock et PC.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-22 To open a book • Tap the book title in the Libra ry list. Reading a Book Each book con sists of a cov er page, an option al table o f contents, and the pages of the book. Nav igation options are l isted in the b ottom portion of the cover pag e.
Companion P rograms 5-23 5 Microso ft Reader Screen Using Reader Featur es Reading a book electronic ally giv es you several options not availab le with paper book s. These opt ions are availabl e from any book page. Select tex t by dragging across the tex t on the page.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 5-24 • Highli ghts. When y ou highlight text, it appea rs with a co lored back ground, just as if you use d a marker pen. • Notes. When you attach a note to text, y ou enter th e text in a no te pad that appea rs on top of the bo ok page.
Getting Connected 6.
Model 70 Po cket PC User’s Guide.
Getting Connec ted 6-3 6 This chap ter explains how you can use your Int ermec Model 70 P ocket PC to exchange informat ion with other Window s-powered devices a s well as your des ktop computer , a network, or t he Internet.
Model 70 Po cket PC User’s Guide 6-4 Trans ferrin g Data Usi ng Infr ared Using inf rared (I R), you can send and rece ive inform ation, such as contacts an d appointm ents and files, betwe en two Windows-powered dev ices. You can als o connect to the I nternet throug h an infrared m odem.
Getting Connec ted 6-5 6 Connect ing to an IS P Throu gh a Modem You can connect to your ISP by creating a m ode m connection. On ce connected, y ou can send and rece ive e-m ail messages and v iew Web pages. You can a lso use the prog ram Easy On line .
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 6-6 5. Enter a nam e for the con nection, su ch as “ ISP Connectio n. ” 6. In the Select a modem list, select y our modem type.
Getting Connec ted 6-7 6 Connect ing to a Ne twork If you hav e access to a netw ork, you can s end e-mail m essages, v iew Intrane t pages, synchronize y our Pocket PC w ith your desk top computer, and possibly access t he Internet. You can connect to y our network in one of two ways: • Create a m odem connection by using a RAS accou nt.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 6-8 Creating an Et hernet Connection 1. Get the fo llowing inform ation from your network adm inistrator : user nam e, password, and dom ain name. 2. Insert the E thernet card into your Pock et PC. For ins tructions on inse rting and using the Etherne t card, see the ow ner ’ s manual for the ca rd.
Getting Connec ted 6-9 6 Connect ing Dir ectly to an E -m ail Serv er You can set up a connection to an e-mail serv er so that y ou can send and rece ive e-m ail messag es by using a m odem or network connec tion and Inbox on y our Pocket PC. Note: The ISP or network must use a POP3 or I MAP4 e-mail serv er and an SM T P gat ew ay.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 6-10 Get Help on Connec ting More in formation on the p rocedures d escribed here, as well as info rmation on additional procedures, c an be found in the following locations: • “ Using I nbox ” in Chapter 3. • Chapter 7, “ Troubleshooting .
Troubleshooting 7.
Model 70 Po cket PC User’s Guide 7-2.
Troublesho oting 7-3 7 This chapter help s you troubleshoot probl ems you may experience with the Int ermec Model 70 Po cket PC. Reset ting th e Pock et PC You can perform a soft reset o r a full reset. I f your Pocket PC re sponds slowly, stop s responding as expected, or “freezes,” try soft resett ing it.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 7-4 To clear memory 1. Turn on the P ocket PC. 2. Press and hold the Power but ton, and use the s tylus to press and ho ld the Reset button for ab out two second s. 3. If a m essage appears on the screen, confi rm that you want to clear mem ory.
Troublesho oting 7-5 7 Turn Off Sounds You Don’t Need The Pocket PC p roduces sounds in response to a num ber of events , such as warning s, appointm ents, and screen t aps or hardware- button presse s. To optim ize battery lif e, turn off any sounds you don ’ t need.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 7-6 • If you are copy ing files f rom your desk top computer or a nother device to your Pocket PC, t ry adjusting the slider in the Mem or y se tti ng. T ap and then Settings . On the Sys tem tab, tap Memor y and check w hether the slid er can be adjusted m anually bef ore copying fi les.
Troublesho oting 7-7 7 Fixing Screen P roblems If your scre en freezes or responds slowly , reset your Pock et PC. See “ Res etting th e Pocket PC ” ea rlier in th is chapter. I f your scree n is blank, dark , or otherwise ha rd to read, try these sol utions.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 7-8 Stylus Problems If you are exp eriencing inaccurate respo nses to sty lus taps, ad just the touch screen to respond m ore accurately to screen taps. To adjust the touch screen 1. Tap and then Settin gs . 2. On the System tab, tap Alig n Screen.
Troublesho oting 7-9 7 Modem Connection Pr oblems You m a y encounter the following problems when using a modem . Additional trouble shooting inform ation is av ailable in t he Connections on line help on the Pocket PC and in the Act iveSync online he lp on the desk top computer.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide 7-10 • Verify that you are using the rig ht phone number fo r the modem you are trying to reach Tap and then Sett i ng s . O n t he Connections tab, tap Modem . Tap the connection an d then Next and double- check the phone num ber you are try ing to reach.
Specifications and Othe r Helpful Information A.
Model 70 Po cket PC User’s Guide.
Specifications and Other Help ful Informa tion A-3 A This appendix prov ides the specificatio ns for the Intermec Model 70 Pocke t PC, explains how to use Character Recog nizer, and e xplains how to t ransfer data from a palm-sized PC.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide A-4 Using Char acter Recogn izer Using C haracter Rec ognizer, y ou can write alphan umeric ch aracters direc tly on your Pocket PC screen w ith your sty lus, just as y ou would on a piece o f paper. The chara cters you write are translated into typed tex t.
Specifications and Other Help ful Informa tion A-5 A The fo llowing chart is a partial d isplay of the characte rs you can w rite while in lowercase m ode (the dot on e ach character is the star ting point for w riting).
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide A-6 How to Transfer Palm-Size PC Data to a Pocket PC 1. Install M icrosoft Act iveSync 3.1 on your de sktop computer . 2. Synchroniz e your palm- size PC with your de sktop computer so that the in formation on your desk top computer is current.
Specifications and Other Help ful Informa tion A-7 A 8. Select Copy selec ted messages to your Pocket PC and then click the Bro wse button. 9. Select the o ffline folder on y our Pocket PC y ou want to transfer the messag es to and then click OK . 10.
Model 70 Po cket PC User ’ s Guide A-8.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Intermec 70 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Intermec 70 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Intermec 70, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Intermec 70 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Intermec 70, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Intermec 70.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Intermec 70. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Intermec 70 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.