Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit WiFi Link 5100 du fabricant Intel
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Order N um be r: 31 867 6- 0 03US Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communica tions, Embedded, and Storage Applications The rma l/ Mec ha n ic al D esi gn Gui de July 2008 Revision 003US.
Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 2 Order Number: 318676-003US Legal Lines and Disclaim ers INFORMA TION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL® PRODUCTS.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 3 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Contents 1.0 In tr oduct io n ........... ............ ........... ........... ..
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 4 Order Number: 318676-003US Figures 1 Thermal Design Process . .... ........... ............ ........... ...
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 5 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Revision History Date Revisi o.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 6 Order Number: 318676-003US 1.0 Introduction As the complexity of computer syste ms increases, so do the power dissipation requiremen ts.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 7 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t 1.2 Definition of Terms Figur e 1. Therm a l De si gn Proce ss Tabl e 1 . Defi nit ion of Ter ms Term Definiti o n FC -BGA Flip Chip Ball Grid Array .
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 8 Order Number: 318676-003US 1.3 Relat ed Documents Intel ® Elec t ronic Des i gn Kit s (EDKs ) prov ide on line , real - ti me co lla ter al updates.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 9 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t 1.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 10 Order Number: 318676-003US Figu r e 2. M CH Pac k a g e Dime nsions ( Top View ) Figu r e 3. MCH P ackag e Dime nsi ons (S id e Vie w) MCH IHS Handling Excl usio n Are a 42.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 11 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t 2.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 12 Order Number: 318676-003US Note: Thes e s pe ci ficatio ns appl y to uni form co mp ressive loadin g in a dir e c t ion perpe n d ic ular to the IHS top surfa ce.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 13 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t The case-to-local ambient thermal characterization par ameter ( Ψ CA ) is used as a measure of th e thermal perf orm ance o f the ov erall th ermal so lu tion .
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 14 Order Number: 318676-003US 2. Define a target local ambient temper ature, T LA . 3. Use Equa tio n 1 and Equat ion 2 to de termin e the req ui r ed therma l p er fo rmance need ed to coo l th e devic e.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 15 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Ta b l e 4 su m m a r i zes th e therma l bud g et requir e d to ad equ ate ly cool th e Inte l ® 5100 MCH C hipset in one config uration usi ng a TD P of 25 W .
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 16 Order Number: 318676-003US 5.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 17 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Figure 6.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 18 Order Number: 318676-003US 5.1.4 T hermocouple Condit ioning and Preparation 1. Use a calib r ated th ermo couple as sp eci fied in Ta b l e 5 .
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 19 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t 2. P lace the thermoco uple wire i nside t he g roov e le tting the exposed wire an d bead extend about 3.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 20 Order Number: 318676-003US Figure 10.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 21 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Figure 12.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 22 Order Number: 318676-003US 5.1.6 C uring Process 1. Let the t hermocouple attach sit in the op en air for at least half an hour .
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 23 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t 5.1.7 Thermocouple Wire Management Figure 15. Ther mocou ple Wi re Mana geme nt i n Groo ve Figur e 16.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 24 Order Number: 318676-003US Note: Prior to installing the heatsink, be sure that the thermocouple wires remain below t he IHS top surface by running a flat blade on top of the IHS, for example.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 25 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t The Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipset has a lower TDP than the Intel ® 5000 S eries Chipset and a similar package size.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 26 Order Number: 318676-003US Whe n using heatsi nks tha t.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 27 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Full mechanical drawings of the thermal solution assemb ly and the heatsink clip are provid ed in Appe ndix A .
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 28 Order Number: 318676-003US Effect o f Pressure on TIM Performan ce As mechanical pressure increases on the TIM, the th ermal resistance of the TIM decreases.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 29 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t 6.2 CompactPCI* Referen ce Heatsink Intel has also developed a reference thermal solution compatible with the CompactPCI* form factor .
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 30 Order Number: 318676-003US 6.2.2 T hermal Solution Pe rforman ce Characteristics Fig ur e 22 shows the per formance of the CompactPCI* reference heatsink.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 31 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Appendix A Mechanical Drawings Ta b l e 9 li s ts th e mech a n ic al drawings in clude d in th i s ap pe nd i x.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 32 Order Number: 318676-003US Figure 23.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 33 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Figur e 24 .
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 34 Order Number: 318676-003US Figure 25.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 35 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Figure 26.
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 36 Order Number: 318676-003US Figure 27.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 37 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Figur e 28 .
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 38 Order Number: 318676-003US Fig ure 29.
Intel ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Em bedded, and Storage Applications July 2008 TDG Order Number: 318676-003US 39 Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Figur e 30 .
Intel ® 5100 MCH Chipse t Inte l ® 5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedd ed, and Storage Applications TDG July 2008 40 Order Number: 318676-003US Appendix B Thermal Solution Compone nt Suppliers Table 10.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Intel WiFi Link 5100 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Intel WiFi Link 5100 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Intel WiFi Link 5100, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Intel WiFi Link 5100 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Intel WiFi Link 5100, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Intel WiFi Link 5100.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Intel WiFi Link 5100. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Intel WiFi Link 5100 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.