Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Microcontroller du fabricant Intel
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8XC196NP, 80C196NU Mi c roc on t ro l ler U ser ’ s M a nual.
8X C196NP , 80C196NU Micr oc o ntr oller User ’ s Manual Aug u s t 2004 Order Number 272479-00 3.
ii Informa tion in thi s document is provide d sole ly to enabl e u se of In tel products. Intel a ssumes no liabi lity w hatsoever , incl udin g infringem ent of an y patent or copyrig ht, for sale and use o f Intel products except as provi ded in Inte l’s T erms and Co nditi ons of S ale for such products.
iii CONT E NTS CHAPTER 1 GUIDE TO THIS MANUAL 1. 1 MANU AL C ONT ENTS ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ........ ....... . 1-1 1. 2 NOTATI ONAL CO NVEN TIONS AN D TE RMIN O LOGY ... ....... .
8XC1 96NP, 80C196NU USE R ’ S MANUAL iv CHAPTER 3 ADVANCED MA TH FEATURES 3.1 ENHANCED MULTIPLICATION INSTRUCTIO NS . ....... . ........... . ......... . ........... ............ .. 3-1 3.2 OPERATING MODES ........ . ......... . ...... .......... . .
v CONTENTS 4.5.1 Using Registers . ...................................... ... .............. . ..................... ... ......................4-12 4.5.2 Addressing 32-bit Operands .. . ........... ... .............. ... ................... . ........
8XC1 96NP, 80C196NU USE R ’ S MANUAL vi CHAPTER 6 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS 6.1 OVERVIEW OF INTERRUPTS. . .... .. ........ . .... ....... .. ........ . .... . ...... .......... . ...... . .... . ...... ....... 6-1 6.2 INTERRUPT SIGNALS AND REGISTERS .
vii CONTENTS Open - drain Outp ut Mode .. ................. . ........... . ......... . ........... ............ ................. . 7-14 Input Mode .. ....................................... . .. .. .................................. .
8XC1 96NP, 80C196NU USE R ’ S MANUAL vi ii 10.2 EPA AND TIMER/CO UNTER SIGN ALS AND REGISTERS ..... . ......... ............ ............ 1 0-2 10.3 TIMER/COUNTER FUNCTIO NA L OVERVIEW............. . ................ ...................... ....... 1 0-5 10 .
ix CONTENTS 12.3 IDLE M ODE ............................................................................. .................................... 12-5 12.4 STANDBY MODE (80C196 NU ONLY) .... ............ . ......... ............ . ......... . ...........
xi CONTENTS FIGURES Figure Page 2-1 8XC1 96NP and 80C196NU Block Diagram ...... ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ...... . ........ . 2-2 2-2 Block Diagram of t he Core ............... . ......... ............ ................. . .....
8XC1 96NP, 80C196NU USE R ’ S MANUAL xi i FIGURES Figure Page 8-5 Serial Port Frames i n Mode 2 and 3 ...... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ...... . ...... ....... ....... ..... ......8-7 8-6 Serial Port Control (SP_CON) Register.............
xiii CONTENTS FIGURES Figure Page 13-7 Chip Confi gur ation 1 (CCR1) Re gister .. . .......................... ... ......... ... ......................... 13-16 13-8 Multi plexing an d Bu s Width Options.................. . .............. . ..........
8XC1 96NP, 80C196NU USE R ’ S MANUAL xi v T ABLES T able Page 1-1 Han dbook s a nd P roduc t In for mation . ....... ............ ............... ............ ............ ............ ..... 1-6 1-2 A pplication Not es, Application Brief s, and Art icle Repr ints .
xv CONTENTS T ABLES T able Page 7-9 EPORT Pins . .... ........ ............ . .... ............ . ........ ........ .......... . ........ ........ ............ . .... ........ 7-11 7-10 EPORT Control and St atus Re gisters . ....... ..................
8XC1 96NP, 80C196NU USE R ’ S MANUAL xvi T ABLES T able Page A-4 PSW Flag Setting Sy m bols ............................... . ......... ... .. ... ......... ... ......... . ......... ... ...... A-5 A-5 Operand Variables . ......... . ......... . ...
1 Guide to This Manu al.
1- 1 CH A PT ER 1 GUI DE TO THIS MANUAL This manual describes the 8XC196NP and 80C196NU embedded microcont rollers. It is int en d ed for use by both s oftware a nd hardware de signers fam iliar wi th the princ iples of mi croc ontroll ers.
1-2 8XC1 96NP , 80C196 NU USER’S MANUAL Chapter 8 — Se rial I/O (SIO ) Por t — desc ribes the asynchronous/synchronous seri al I/ O (SIO) port a n d expla i ns how t o p rogra m i t.
1- 3 G UIDE TO THIS MANUAL 1.2 NO TATIO NAL CONV ENTI ONS AND T E RM INOLO GY The followi n g notations an d terminol ogy are used t hrou ghout this manua l. The Gl ossa r y defines other terms with special meaning s. # The po u nd symbol ( # ) has eithe r of two m e a nings, depending on the context.
1-4 8XC1 96NP , 80C196 NU USER’S MANUAL itali cs Italics i dentif y variables and i ntroduce new t ermi nolo gy . The context in which italics are used di stinguishes betwe en the t wo possible meani ngs.
1- 5 G UIDE TO THIS MANUAL t Lowercas e “ t ” represents the internal opera t i ng period. See “Internal T iming” on page 2-7 for details. units of m easu re The foll owing a b brevia tio ns a.
1-6 8XC1 96NP , 80C196 NU USER’S MANUAL T able 1- 1. Handb ooks and Pro duct Information Titl e and Des c riptio n Orde r Num be r I nte l Em be dd ed Qu i c k R e fe ren ce G u id e 27 24 39 S olut.
1- 7 G UIDE TO THIS MANUAL A P-44 5, 8XC19 6K R Pe rip he ral s: A Use r ’s Po int of View † 27 08 73 A P-44 9, A Compariso n of t he Event Processor Arra y ( EP A) and Hig h S peed Inp ut/Outp ut.
1-8 8XC196N P , 80C1 96NU USER ’S MA NUAL T abl e 1-5. M CS ® 96 M i crocon tr oller Quick R eferences Title and Des criptio n Ord e r Numbe r 8XC1 96KR Qu ic k Ref erence (includes th e JQ, JR, KQ.
1-9 G UIDE TO THIS MANUAL Page Intentionally Left Blank.
1-10 8XC196N P , 80C1 96NU USER ’S MA NUAL Page Intentionally Left Blank.
1-11 G UIDE TO THIS MANUAL 1.4 .4 World Wi de We b W e of fer a variety o f information throug h t he W orld W ide W eb (URL:http://www . ). Se- lec t “Embedded Design Prod uc ts” from the Intel home page. 1.5 T ECHNI CAL S UPPO RT In the U.
2 Ar chit ectural Overview.
2- 1 CH A PT ER 2 ARCHITECT URAL OVERV IEW The 1 6 -bit 8XC196NP an d 80C 196NU CHMOS microcontrollers are de signe d to h a ndle high- speed ca lcula tions and fast input/output (I/O) operatio ns. They share a common a rchitecture and instruct ion set wi th other me mbers of the MC S ® 96 mi crocontroller family .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 2-2 2.2 DE V ICE FE A T URES T able 2-1 l i st s t he features o f the 8XC1 96NP and 80C 1 96NU. 2.3 BLOCK DIA GR AM Figure 2-1 shows the ma jor blocks wit hin the devi ce. The core of the device (Figure 2-2) consi sts of the centra l p rocessing unit (C PU) and memory controlle r .
2- 3 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW Figure 2-2. Block Di agram of the Core 2.3.1 CP U Co ntro l The CPU is cont rolled by the microcode engi ne, which instructs the RAL U to perf orm operation s using bytes, .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 2-4 2.3.3 Regi ster Ari thmeti c-lo gic Uni t (RALU) The RAL U cont ains the microcode engine , the 16 -bit arit hmetic logic u nit (ALU), t he m aster pro - gram counter (PC), the processo r status word (PSW), a nd several re gist ers.
2- 5 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW Instr uction Format MCS 96 m icroco ntrollers combi ne a large set of gene ral-purpose regis ters wi th a three - o perand instruct ion format. T h i s format allows a single inst ruction to spe c ify tw o source registers a nd a separat e desti nation regist e r .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 2-6 The ext ended program co unter (EPC) i s an ext ensi on of the s lave PC. The E PC generates the up- per eight add r ess bits f or extended code fet ches and outputs them on the extende d addressing p ort (EPOR T).
2- 7 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW 2.4 INTERNAL TIMING The clock circui try o f the 8XC1 96NP (Figure 2-3) is identical to that of earlier MCS 96 micro - controlle rs. It rec eives a n input c loc k signa l on XT AL1 provided by an exte rnal cryst al o r clock and divides the frequenc y b y two.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 2-8 Figure 2-4. Cl ock Circuitry (80C196NU) For both the 8XC 196NP and 80C196NU, the rising edges of PH1 and PH2 generat e C LKOUT (Figure 2-5). T he clock circui try routes se parate inte rnal clock signa ls to the CPU and the periph- erals to provide flexibi lity in power managem ent.
2- 9 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW Figure 2-5. Internal Clock Phases The combined peri od of phase 1 and ph ase 2 of t he internal CLKOUT sig nal defines the basic t ime unit kn own as a state time or st ate . T able 2-2 l ists state time durations at various frequencies.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 2-10 Figure 2-6. Effect of Clock Mode on CLKO U T Frequenc y T a b le 2-3. Relationships Bet ween Input Frequency , Clock Mul tipl ier , and Stat e Time s F XTA L .
2-11 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW 2.5 INTERNAL P ERIPHERAL S The inte rnal periphe ral modules provide spec i al functio ns for a variety of appl ications. Thi s sec- tion provides a brief desc ript ion of t he periphera ls; su bsequent c ha pte rs descri be them in detail.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 2-12 T imer 1 a nd ti mer 2 a re bot h 1 6-bit up/ down timer/ counte rs t hat can be c loc ked i nternall y o r ex - t ernall y . Each t im e r/ coun ter is ca lled a ti m er if it is clocked i nter nally and a count er if it is cl ock ed external ly .
2-13 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW 2.6.2 T estin g the Prin ted Ci rcui t Board The on-circui t emula tio n (ONCE) mode elect rical ly isola tes the 8XC 1 96 device from the system. By in vokin g ON CE mode, you c an test the pri nted circuit board whil e the de vice is soldered onto the board.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 2-14 • The 80C 1 96NU’ s PWM has an a d di t ional pre scaler option (divide- b y-4), cont rolled by the PWM control regist er (CON_REG0).
3 Advanced M ath Featur es.
3- 1 CH A PT ER 3 ADVANCED MAT H FE ATURES The 80C196NU is the first member o f the MC S ® 96 m icroc ontroll er family to incorpo ra t e en- hanced 16-bit m ultiplication i nstr uct ions for pe r forming m ultiply -accumulat e operat ions and a dedicat ed, 32-bit ac cumul a tor register f or storin g the result s of these ope rations.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 3-2 3. 2 OP ER A TI NG MO DE S The ac cumul ator has t wo opera tin g modes that all ow y ou to c o ntrol the resul ts of ope rations o n signed numbers. These modes are call ed saturati o n mo de and f ract ional m ode .
3- 3 ADVANCED MATH FEATURES 3.2.2 Fra ctio nal M od e A s igned fra ct iona l contai ns a n im aginar y deci ma l point be twe en t he si gn bit (the MSB ) and the adjac ent bit. Thes e example s illust rat e t he represe nta tion of 32-bit si g ned fractional numbers: 0 .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 3-4 3.3 ACCUMUL ATOR REG ISTER (ACC_0 x ) The 32-bit accumul ato r register (Figure 3-1) re si des at locations 0C–0FH. Read from or write t o the accum ula tor register as two w ords a t loca tio ns 0CH and 0EH.
3- 5 ADVANCED MATH FEATURES 3.4 ACCUM ULATO R CONTRO L AND STATUS REGIST ER (ACC_ST A T) The AC C_ST A T regis ter control s the opera ting mode and refl ec ts the status of the accum ula tor . The mode bits (FME and SME) are effective only f or s i g ned mult iplication.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 3-6 T able 3- 2. Effe ct of SME and FM E Bit Com binations SME F ME De scrip tion 0 0 Sets th e OVF a nd STOVF flag s if t he sign bits of the accum u lator and the adden d (the num be r to b e ad ded to the contents o f t he accum u la tor) are e qual , b ut the sig n bit o f the resu lt is th e op posite .
4 Pr ogra mming Considerat ions.
4- 1 CH A PT ER 4 PROG RAM MI NG CO NS IDE RAT IONS This se ction pr ovides an overvie w o f the inst ructio n set of the MCS ® 96 microcont rollers and of- fers guideli nes for program developme nt. Fo r detailed informa tion ab o ut spec ific instruct ions, se e Appendix A.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 4-2 T able 4-2 lists the equivalent operand-type names for b oth C prog ramm ing a nd a sse mbly lan- gu age . 4.1.1 BIT O per and s A BI T is a singl e-bit vari abl e that ca n have t he B oole an va lues , “true” and “ fal se.
4- 3 PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATI ON S 4.1.4 WO R D Opera nds A WORD is an unsigne d, 16-bit vari able that can ta ke on va lues from 0 t h rough 65,535 (2 16 –1). Arithme tic and re lati onal op e rators can be a p plied to W ORD opera n ds, but the resul t must be in- t erp ret e d in mod ulo 65536 arith m e tic.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 4-4 4.1.7 LO NG-IN TEGE R Ope rand s A LONG - INTEGE R is a 32-bit, signed va riable that can take on values from –2,147,483,648 (– 2 31 ) through +2,147,483 , 64 7 (+2 31 –1).
4- 5 PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATI ON S 4.1.1 1 Fl oati ng P oi n t Op erati on s The hardwa re does not dire ctly suppo rt o pera t ions on RE AL (floati ng point) variabl es. Those op- eratio ns are supported by floa ting point l ibrari es from third-party tool ve ndors.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 4-6 EST Extended store w ord . S tores t he val ue of the s ourc e (le ftm os t) word operand into the dest i natio n (r ightm ost) ope rand. This inst ruction allows y ou to move data from the lowe r register file to a nywher e in th e add ress s pace .
4- 7 PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATI ON S 4.2.1 Dir ect Ad dre ssi ng Direct addres sing direc tly accesse s a loca tion i n the 256-byte lowe r regi ster fil e, wi thout i nvolv- ing the memory co ntroller .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 4-8 LD AX,[BX] ; AX ← MEM_WOR D(BX) ADDB AL,BL,[CX] ; AL ← BL + MEM_BYTE(CX) POP [AX] ; MEM_WORD(AX) ← MEM_WORD(SP) ; SP ← SP + 2 Extended Indirect Addressing Extended load an d st ore i nstruc tions can use indi rect a d d ressing.
4- 9 PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATI ON S Indir ect Addr e ssing with t he Stack Point er Y ou ca n also use i ndirect ad d re ssin g to acces s the to p of the s tack b y usi ng the stack po inter as the WO RD regist er in an indirect referenc e.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 4-10 ST AX,TABLE[BX] ; MEM_WORD(TABLE+BX) ← AX ADDB AL,BL,LOOKUP[CX] ; AL ← BL + ME M_BYTE(LOOKUP+CX) The inst r uction LD AX, T AB LE[B X] loads AX wi th t he co ntents of the me mory loc ation t hat re- sides at address T AB LE+B X.
4-11 PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATI ON S 4.3 ASSEMBLY LANGUAG E ADDRE SSING M ODE SELECTIONS The assem bly l anguage simpl if i es the choice of addressin g modes .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 4-12 4.5.1 Usi ng Register s The 25 6-byte lower register file contains the CPU spec ial-funct ion registers and the s tack pointer . The remai nder of the lowe r regist er file and al l of the up per register fil e is avail able for your use.
4-13 PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATI ON S 4.5.4 Li nki ng S u bro uti nes Parame te rs are pass ed t o s ubroutines via the st ac k. Para me ters are pushed into the stac k from the rightmost para met er to the left . The 8- bit parame te rs are pushe d into the stac k with the high-order byte undefined.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 4-14 4.6 SOF TW ARE PROTE CTI ON FEATU RES AND GUI DEL INES The device has seve ral feature s to assist in recoveri ng from h ardware and software errors. The un implemen t ed opcode int errup t provi des protection from executing unimple me nted opcodes.
5 Memory Part itions.
5- 1 CH A PT ER 5 MEMO RY P ART ITIONS This chapte r descri bes the o rganizati on o f the ad dress spac e, i ts ma jor parti tio ns, and the 1-Mbyte and 64-Kbyte operating modes. 1-M byt e refers to the address spa ce define d by the 2 0 external address lines .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-2 Because t he four m ost-si gnifica nt bits (MSBs) o f the internal address can take any value s with out changi n g the external address, these four b its effec ti v e l y produce 1 6 copie s of th e 1-M by t e ad- dress spac e , for a tota l of 16 Mbytes in 256 pages, 00H–FFH (Figure 5-1).
5- 3 MEMORY PARTITI ONS Figure 5-2. Page s FFH and 00H 5.2 ME MO RY P ART IT ION S T abl e 5 -1 is a mem or y map of the 8XC 1 96NP a n d 80C196NU. The re mainder of this se ction de- scribes the partiti ons.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-4 T able 5-1. 8XC196NP and 80C196NU Memory Map He x Add ress De s crip tion Add res si ng Mode s FFF FFF FF 3000 Externa l device (m emory o r I /O) con nect ed .
5- 5 MEMORY PARTITI ONS 5.2.1 E xternal Mem ory Several partitions in p ages 00H and FFH and all of pages 01H–0 EH ar e ass i gn ed to e xt ernal memory (see T able 5-1).
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-6 Special-pur pose Memory Special-purpose memor y resides in loc ations FF2000–FF207F H. It cont ains severa l rese r ved memory loc ations, the chip c o nfiguration byte s (CC Bs), and vec tors for both peri pheral transac- tion server ( P TS) a n d stan dard int errupts.
5- 7 MEMORY PARTITI ONS Reserv ed Memory Lo cat ions Several memory locations are r e served for t esting or fo r use in future products. Do not read or write the se locat ions e xce pt t o i nit ia lize t hem t o the val ues shown in T able 5-3.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-8 T abl e 5-5. Per ipheral SFRs Reserve d Locatio ns EPORT SFRs Address High ( Odd) Byte Low ( Even) B y te Address High ( Odd) Byte Low (Even) Byte 1FEEH Reser .
5- 9 MEMORY PARTITI ONS NOTE Using any S FR as a base or index re gist er f or indirect or i ndexed o perati ons can cause unpredictable re sult s be caus e exte rnal e vents can c hange the cont ents of SF Rs .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-10 Figure 5-3. Register File Memor y Map T abl e 5-6 o n page 5-1 1 lists the regist er file memory addresses. The RAL U access es the lower registe r file directl y , wi t hout the use of the memo r y controller .
5-11 MEMORY PARTITI ONS Gene ral-pur pose Register RAM The lowe r registe r f ile c ontains ge neral -purpose regi ster RAM . The stack point er locations can also be u sed as general-purpose register RAM when stack operations are not be ing performed.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-12 Subr outines may be nes t ed. Tha t is, each subroutine m ay c all ot her s ubroutines. T he CPU P USH- es the cont ent s o f t he program counte r ont o the stac k each time it e xecute s a subroutine call. The stack grows downward as entri es are added.
5-13 MEMORY PARTITI ONS 5.3 W I NDOW ING W indowing expands the amount of memory that i s a c c essible wi th direct ad dr essing. Dire c t ad- dressi ng can acc es s the lowe r regi ster fil e w ith sh ort, fast-e xec uti ng inst ructi ons. Wi t h window- ing, direct addressing ca n a lso acc ess the upper r e gis ter fi le and periphera l SFRs.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-14 5.3.1 S elec ting a Wi nd ow The wi ndow s election re gist er (Fig ure 5-5) has two functions. T he HLDE N bit (WSR .7) ena ble s and disables the bus-hold protocol (see Chapte r 13, “Interfac ing with Exte r nal Me mory”); it is unrelated to windowing.
5-15 MEMORY PARTITI ONS WS R1 (8 0C1 96 NU ) Address: Reset Sta te : 0015H 00H Wind ow sele ctio n 1 (WSR1 ) registe r selects a 32- o r 64-b yte segm e nt of t h e u pp er re g iste r file or peri phera l S FRs to be wi ndowe d i nto t he mid dle o f th e lower r eg ister file, be low a ny win dow sel ecte d by th e WSR.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-16 5.3.2 Add ressi ng a L ocati on T hroug h a Wind ow After you ha ve sel ecte d the desired wi n dow , yo u need t o know the direct addres s of the m e mory locat ion (the address i n the lowe r r egist er file).
5-17 MEMORY PARTITI ONS T able 5 -10. Win d ows Bas e Add ress (He x) WSR or WSR1 V al ue fo r 32 -by te Wind ow ( 00E0 –0 0FF H o r 00 60–0 07FH ) WSR or WSR1 V al ue fo r 64 -by te Win do w ( 00.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-18 Ap p endix C i ncl udes a table of the windowable SFRs wi th the window selection regis ter values and direct ad dresse s f or each win dow size . The followi ng examples explain h ow to determi ne the WSR value and d irect address for a n y windowable location.
5-19 MEMORY PARTITI ONS Unsupported Locations Wi ndowing Example (8XC196NP Only) Assume that you wish to acc ess loca tion 1FE7H (the EP_PIN re gister , a mem ory-map ped SFR) with direct addressing through a 128-byte window . This loca ti on is i n the range of ad d resses (1FE0–1 FFFH) that cannot be windowed.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-20 public function2 extrn ?WSR wsr equ 14h:byte sp equ 18h:word oseg var1: dsw 1 var2: dsw 1 var3: dsw 1 cseg function2: push wsr ;Prolog code for wsr ldb wsr, #.
5-21 MEMORY PARTITI ONS This l isti ng shows t he disa ssemble d code : 2080H ;C814 | PUSH WSR 2082H ;B14814 | LDB WSR,#48H 2085H ;44E4E2E 0 | ADD E0H,E2H,E4H 2089H ;B21814 | LDB WSR,[SP] 208CH ;65020.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-22 5.4 REM APPING INTERNAL ROM (83C196NP ONLY) The 83C196NP’ s 4 Kbyt es o f ROM are l ocated in FF2000– FF2FFFH. B y using t he RE MAP bit (CCB1.2) and t he E A# input, y o u c an a lso ac ce ss t hese loc ations i n ext ernal m emory (page 0FH or page 00H).
5-23 MEMORY PARTITI ONS 5.5 FETCHI NG CODE AND DATA IN THE 1-MBYT E AND 64-KBYTE MO DES This sec ti on de scri bes how the devic e fetches i nstruct ions a n d acc ess es data in the 1-M byte and 64-Kbyte modes. W hen the devic e leaves rese t, the M ODE64 bit (CC B1.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-24 For nonextended instruct ions, the EP_R EG regist er provides the page number . Da ta and constant s in this page are call ed near data and near consta nts . NOTE The 8XC 1 96NP allow s you t o cha nge the va lue of E P_RE G t o c ontrol w hich memory pa ge a nonext ended inst ruction ac cesse s.
5-25 MEMORY PARTITI ONS 5.5.3 Cod e Fetche s in the 1-Mbyte Mod e CCR1.1 (the MO DE64 bit) controls whether t he device operates in 1-Mb yte or 64-Kbyte mode. CCR1 is loaded with the conte nts of CCB1 at r ese t. When MODE64 is c l ear , t he dev ice opera tes in 1-Mbyte mode.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-26 Code fetc hes are from external memo ry or i nte rnal me mory , d e pending on th e device , the m em- ory location, and the va lue of the EA# input. 80 C196NU: Code execut es fr om page 0FH in external me mory .
5-27 MEMORY PARTITI ONS Data a cce sses t o 002000–002FFFH depend on the REMA P bit and the EA# input: • If remapping is disa ble d (CCB 1.2 = 0), acce sse s a re exte rnal . • If remapping is enabled ( CCB1.2 = 1), ac ce sses depen d on EA#: — If EA# is low , accesse s are ext ernal (REMA P i s ig nored).
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-28 83C196NP only: Loca tions FF2000–FF2FFFH, w hich s tore code and spe cial-p urpose memo ry , are im plem ent ed by int ernal ROM . Data a cc ess es to locations FF2000–FF2FFFH a re di recte d to the flash mem o ry if EA# is low and to internal ROM if EA# is high.
5-29 MEMORY PARTITI ONS 5.6.2 Exam ple 2: A 64-Kbyte System with Additi onal Data Storag e Figure 5- 10 s h ows anothe r syste m desi gned f or operation in the 64-Kbyte mode. Code exec ute s from pa ge F FH onl y . T his system is the same a s the e xample in “Exampl e 1: Usin g the 64-Kbyte Mo de” on page 5- 27, but with a dditional RAM .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-30 T able 5-1 3. Memory Map for the System in Figure 5-10 Add ress De sc rip tion FFF FFF H FF 3000 H Extern al fl ash mem ory (co de or fa r con st ants) FF2 FF.
5-31 MEMORY PARTITI ONS 5.6.3 E xampl e 3: Using 1-Mbyte Mo de Figure 5- 1 1 shows a syst em desi gned for operation in t he 1-Mbyt e mo de. In t his mo de, co de can execute fr om any page in the 1 -Mbyte m emory spa ce. The syste m uses both 8-bit and 16-bit buses and uses t he writ e-st r obe mode.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 5-32 T able 5 -14. Memory Map for the System in Fig ure 5- 1 1 Add ress De sc rip tion FFF FFF H FF 3000 H Extern al m em o ry (code o r fa r con stan t s) FF2 FFF.
6 Standard and P TS Interrupts.
6- 1 CH A PT ER 6 STANDARD AND PT S INTE RRUP TS This c hapter des cri bes the interrupt c ontrol ci rcuitry , priorit y scheme , and t iming for standa rd a nd peripheral transac tion se rver (P TS) inte rrup ts.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-2 Figure 6-1. Flow Diagram for PTS and Sta ndard I nterrupts No No PTS Enabled? PTSSEL. x Bit = 1? Yes Yes No Interrupt Pending or PTSSRV Bit Set NMI Pending ? Interrupts Enabled ? Yes No Return INT _MASK.
6- 3 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS Figure 6-1 illust rates the interrupt p rocessing flow . In this fl ow diagram, “INT_M ASK” repre- sents both t he INT _MASK a nd INT_MA S K1 regi sters, and “INT_PEND” repre sents bot h the INT_PEND a nd INT_PEND 1 regi sters.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-4 6.3 INTE RRUP T S OURCE S AND P RI ORI TIES T able 6-3 lists the interrupts sources, their default priorit ies (30 i s h ighest and 0 i s lowe st), a nd their vec tor addres ses.
6- 5 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS Unimpleme nted Opcode If the CPU a ttem pts to execute an unimple me nted opcode, an indirec t vector through locat ion FF20 1 2H occurs . T his prevent s random software execut ion during hardware and software fail- ures.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-6 NMI The external NMI pin generat es a nonm aska ble interrupt for impl em ent at ion of c rit ical inter r upt routine s.
6- 7 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS rupt if P T SSEL .5 is s et. T he i nter r upt vectors through F F2 04AH, but the corresponding en d -of- P T S interrupt vecto rs throug h F F200AH, the standard SIO transm i t interrupt vecto r . W hen the end-of - P TS interrupt vectors to the inte rrupt service routi ne, hardware clears the P TSSR V bit.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-8 6.4.2 Cal culatin g Laten cy The maxi mum l atency occ urs when the interrupt request occurs too late f or acknowle dgment fol- lowin g the current i nstruct i on. The foll owing worst -case c alcul ation a ssum es that t he c urrent in- structi on is not a protec ted instruct i on.
6- 9 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS Figure 6 -2. St andar d Int err upt Response T ime PTS Int err upt Lat ency In both 64 -Kbyte and 1-Mbyte m od e s, t he maximum delay for a P TS in terrupt i s 43 s ta t e t i mes (4 + 39) a s shown in Figure 6-3.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-10 6.5 PROG RAM MING THE I NTERRUP TS The P TS s elect re gister (P T SSEL) sel e cts eithe r P TS servic e or a stan dard so ftware interrupt s er- vice routine for each of the ma skabl e i nterrupt re que sts (see Fi gure 6-4).
6-11 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS 6.5.1 P rog ram mi ng Consi der atio ns for Mul tiplexed Inte rrup ts An overrun on the EP A ca pture compare channels can genera te the mult iple xed capture overrun interrupts (OVR0_1 a nd OVR2_3).
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-12 INT _MASK Address: Reset Sta te : 0008H 00 H The interru pt m ask (INT _MASK ) re giste r e nabl es o r d isab les (mas ks) i ndivid ua l int erru pt req u ests. (Th e EI and DI i nstru ct ions en ab le an d disab le se r vicing of a ll ma ska ble inte rrup ts.
6-13 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS 6.5.2 Modi fyin g Interru pt Prio rities Y our software can mo dify the de faul t priorit ies of maskable i nterr upts by control ling t he inter rupt mask registers (INT_M ASK and INT_M ASK1). For exampl e, you can specify whi ch interrupts, if any , can interrupt an inter ru pt ser vice r ou t in e.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-14 SERIAL_RI_ISR: PUSHA ; Save PSW, INT_MASK, INT _MASK1, & WSR ; (this disables all inte rrupts) LDB INT_MASK1, #010000 00B ; Enable EXTINT3 only EI ; Enabl.
6-15 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS 6. At the en d of the ser vice r outine, the POP A i nstruc tio n restores t he origi nal contents of the PSW , INT _MASK, INT _M ASK1, and W SR regis ters; any changes made to these registe rs durin g the interrupt se rvic e routine are overwri tten.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-16 INT _PE ND Address: Reset Sta te : 0009H 00 H When h ardwar e d etects a pe nding int erru pt, i t set s the corr espo ndin g bit in the in terr upt p endi ng (INT _PE ND or INT _PE ND1) re gisters. W he n the vecto r is take n, the har dware cle ars th e pen ding b it.
6-17 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS 6.6 INITIALIZING THE P TS CONTRO L BLOCKS Each P T S interrupt requires a block of da ta, in register RAM, called the P TS control block (P TS CB). The P TSC B identi fi es which P T S microcode r outine will be inv o ked and sets up the specifi c parameters for t he r outine.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-18 The address of the fi rst (lowest ) P TSC B byte is sto red i n the P T S vec tor table in spe cial -pur pose memory (see “Special- purpose Memory” o n page 5-6). Figure 6 -9 shows the P TSCB for e ach P T S mode .
6-19 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS 6.6.2 S elec ting th e PT S M od e The second b yte of each P T SCB is always an 8-bit value ca lled P TSCON. Bi ts 5–7 select the P T S mode (Figure 6-1 1 ). The function of bits 0–4 dif fe r for each P TS mode . Refer to the s ectio ns that describe eac h mode i n det ail to see the f unctio n of these bit s.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-20 6.6.3 S ingle T ransfer M ode In single transfer mode , an interrupt c ause s the P T S to transfer a si n g le byte or word (selecte d by the BW bit in P TSC ON) from one mem ory location to another . This mode i s typically used with seri al I/ O o r s ync h ronous se rial I/O interrupts.
6-21 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS PTS Sin gle T ra nsfer Mo de Cont rol Bloc k In single transfe r m ode , the PTS contro l b lo ck contain s a so urce and desti nati on addres s (P T SSRC and PTS DST), a cont rol registe r (PTSCON) , and a tra nsfe r cou nt (PTSCOUNT).
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-22 The P TSCB in T a ble 6-5 d efine s nine P TS cycles. Each cycle moves a sin g le word from loca t ion 20H to an e xterna l memory loc ation.
6-23 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS 6.6.4 Block T ransfer Mode In block transfer mode, an interrup t causes t he P TS to move a block of bytes o r words from one memory location to another . See AP-445, 8X C196K R Periphe rals: A User ’ s Point of V iew , f or a p- plicatio n exam ples wi th code.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-24 PTS Bloc k T ran sfer Mod e Contro l Block In b l ock transfe r mode, t he PTS control b l ock con tains a b lock size (P T SBL OC K), a source and destinati on a ddress (P T SSRC and PTSDST), a c o nt rol r egiste r (PTSCON), and a tran sfer cou nt (P TSCOUNT).
6-25 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS Reg iste r Lo catio n Functio n PTSCON PTSCB + 1 PTS Control B its M2:0 PTS Mode The se b its sel ect t he PTS m ode : M2 M1 M0 000b l o c k t r a n s f e r m o d e BW.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-26 6. 6.5 P W M Mo des The PWM to ggle an d PWM rem ap m odes are desi gned for use with the e vent processor ar ray (EP A) to generate pul se-wi dth modulated (PWM ) output signa ls. These mo des can also be use d with an interrupt s ignal fr om any other sourc e.
6-27 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS Figure 6-14. A Generic PWM Waveform The PW M mo d es d o not use a P TSCOUNT register to specify the number of consecutive P TS cycles.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-28 5. Configure P1.0 to s erve as the EP A 0 o utput. — C lear P1_DIR.0 (s elects o utput). — Set P 1_MOD E .0 (se lects the EP A0 specia l-funct ion signal ) . — Set P 1_R EG. 0 (i nitia lizes t he out put t o “ 1”).
6-29 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS PT S PW M T o ggl e Mo de Cont rol Bl ock In PW M to ggle mod e, the PTS uses a sin gle E P A chan ne l to g ener ate a pulse -wid th mo dula ted (PWM ) outp ut signa l.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-30 Figure 6- 16 is a flow diagram of the EP A and P TS ope rations for this e xampl e. Operat ion begi ns when the t ime r is enabled (at time = 0 in Figure 6-14 on page 6-27) by the write to T1CO NTR OL. The first t i mer m atch occ u rs at time = T1.
6-31 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS Figure 6-16. EP A and PTS Operat ions for the PWM T oggle Mode Example Y ou can m o d i fy the dut y cyc le without interrupti ng t he PWM operatio n.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-32 When the next t im er m at ch occurs, t he P TS cyc le (Fi g u re 6- 16) increm ent s E P A 0_T IM E by T 1 (if TBIT is zero (output = 0)) or T2 – T1 (if TBIT is one (output = 1)) .
6-33 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS 4. Se t up E P A0 and EP A 1. — Load EP A0_CON with 68H (t ime r 1 , compa re mode, as s ert output pin, re-e nable ). — Load EP A1_CON with 158H ( ti mer 1, compare mode, deas sert output pin, re-enable, remap e nable d ).
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-34 P TS P WM Re map M o de Cont rol Bl oc k In PWM remap mode, the PTS uses two EP A chan nels to genera te a p u lse-wi dth m o du lated (PWM ) out put sig nal.
6-35 STANDARD AND PTS INTERRUPTS Figure 6- 18 shows t he E P A and P TS opera tions for thi s exampl e. The first time r ma tch occ urs at ti m e = 0 for EP A0, which asse rts the output and generat es an interrupt. PWM Rem ap Cyc le 1. T he P TS a dds T2 to E P A0 _TIME an d to ggle s t he T BIT .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 6-36 Figure 6-18. EP A and PTS Oper ations f or the PW M Remap M o de Example Y ou can cha nge the duty cycle b y chan g ing the t ime that the output is high and keepin g the period constant .
7 I/O Ports.
7- 1 CH A PT ER 7 I/O P O RTS I/O ports pr o vi de a mechanism to transfer in f orma tion betwee n the device and the surrounding system c ircuitry . They can read sys tem status , monitor syste m operat ion, output devi ce status, configure system opti ons, generate contr ol signals, provid e s e ria l communi cation, and so on .
7-2 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL T abl e 7-3 lists the regis ters ass ociated wit h the bidi recti onal ports. Each port has three control reg- ist e rs ( P x _M O DE, P x _DIR , and P x _REG ); the y can be both re ad and writte n.
7- 3 I/O PORTS 7.2.1 Bid ir ectio nal Po rt O per atio n Figure 7-1 shows t he logic for drivin g the output t ransistors, Q1 an d Q2. O n ports 1, 2, and 3, Q 1 c an so urce at leas t – 3 mA a t V CC – 0.7 vo lt s. On port 4, whic h has a high-cu rrent sink ca pability for the PW Ms, Q1 c an s ou rc e at least –3 m A at 0.
7-4 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL In special -f unction mo de (sel ected by setting P x _MODE. y ), SFDIR and SFDA T A are i n put to the multiple x ers. T hese signals combine to drive the ga t es o f Q1 a nd Q2 so tha t t he output is hig h , low , o r high impe dance .
7- 5 I/O PORTS Figure 7 -1. Bi directional Port Str ucture Vcc Q2 Q1 Px_REG Px_DIR Sample Latch PH1 Clock Internal Bus SFDATA SFDIR Px_MODE Px_PIN D Q 0 1 0 1 Vcc Vcc Q R S Any Write to Px_MODE Weak P.
7-6 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL T able 7-4. L ogic T able for Bidirect ional Ports in I/O Mode Con figu rati on Co mpl emen tary Out put Open-d rain Ou tput Inp ut P x _MODE 00 0 0 P x _DIR 0.
7- 7 I/O PORTS 7.2.2 Bid ir ectio nal Po rt Pi n Con fig urati on s Each bidi rec tio nal port pin can be indi vidual ly config ured to operate ei ther a s an I/O pin or as a pin for a spec ia l-function signal . In the spec ial-funct ion configuration, the signal is control led by an on -chip peri pheral or an of f-chi p c ompon e nt.
7-8 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 7.2.3 Bid ir ectio nal Po rt Pi n Con fig urati on Exam p le Assume t hat you wi sh t o confi gure t he pins of a bidirec tional port as s hown in T abl e 7-7. T o d o so, y ou coul d use t he foll owing exa mple code segme nt.
7- 9 I/O PORTS 7.2.4 Bid ir ectio nal Po rt Co ns id erati ons This sect ion outlines spec ia l considera tions for using the pins of the se ports. Port 1 After reset, your s oftware must con figure the device to match the external system. Thi s is accomplishe d by writing appropriate config- uration data into P1_MO DE.
7-10 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL P2.7/CL KOUT Following rese t , P 2.7 carri es the st r ongly drive n CLKOU T signal. It is no t he ld high. W hen P2.7 i s configured a s CLKOUT , i t is always a complem ent ary output. P2.7 A value written t o P2_REG.
7-11 I/O PORTS 7.2.5 Desi gn Consider atio ns for E xtern al Interrupt In pu ts T o c onfigure a po rt pin tha t serves a s a n external i nte rr upt in put, you m ust set t he corresponding bits in the co nfig uratio n regist ers (P x _DIR, P x _M ODE, and P x _REG).
7-12 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 7.3.1 E PO RT Op erati on As Figure 7-2 shows, each EPOR T pin serves either as I/O or a s an address l ine, a s selected by the I/O mult iplexer . This multipl exer is co ntrolled by the EP_M ODE regi ster . If EP_MODE .
7-13 I/O PORTS Figure 7-2. EPORT Bl oc k Diagram If EP_MO DE . x is set (address mode), the address multiple xer det ermi nes the address source . For an inst ruc tion fet ch, the a ddre ss m ult ipl exe r is set to the CODE i np ut, which se lects t he e xten ded program counter (EPC) as the address source .
7-14 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL The 8XC196NP allows you to cha nge the value o f E P_R EG to control whi ch memory page a n on- extended i nstruc tion accesses . Howeve r , soft ware tool s require tha t EP_R EG be equal to 00H. The 80C196NU forces all nonexten d ed data accesses to page 00H.
7-15 I/O PORTS Figure 7-3. EPORT Structure Vcc Q2 Q1 EP_REG EP_MODE Sample Latch PH1 Clock Internal Bus EP_PIN D Q 0 1 Vcc Vcc Weak Pullup Medium Pullup RESET# Q3 Q4 Buffer Vss Read Port LE 300ns Dela.
7-16 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL Input Mode Input mode is obta ined by c onfiguring the pin as an o pen-drain output (EP_DIR set and EP_MO DE clear) and writ ing a one to EP_R EG . x . In this configurat ion, Q1 and Q2 a re both off , allowi n g an ext ernal device to dri ve the pin.
7-17 I/O PORTS 7.3 .2 Con fig uri ng E PO RT P i ns Each EP OR T pi n can be indivi dually configured t o o perate either a s an exte nde d-ad dress signal or as an I/O pin i n one of these modes: • complem ent ary output (output o nly) • high-impedanc e i nput or open-drain output (input, output, or bidi rec tio nal) 7.
7-18 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 7.3.3 E PO RT Con sid erati on s This sect ion outlines consi derat i ons for using t he EPOR T pin s. EPORT Status Duri ng Reset, CCB Fet ch, I dle, Power down, and Hol d During reset, the EPOR T pins are forced t o their e xtended -address fu nct i ons a nd are weakly pulle d hig h .
7-19 I/O PORTS 3. An y n onexte nde d or dire ct ins truct i on that a cc ess es the regi ster fi le or the wi n d owable SFRs is a lways directe d internal ly to these area s , regar d l ess of the page from whic h c o de is exec uti n g. This effect ive ly ma ps the registe r fi le and wi n dowa ble SFRs into every page.
8 Serial I/O (SIO) Po rt.
8- 1 CH A PT ER 8 SE RIAL I/O (S IO) PO RT A serial input/ output (SIO) port provides a m e a ns for th e syst em to comm u nica t e wi th ext ernal devices . This devic e has a seria l I/O (SIO) port that shares pins with p ort 2. This cha pte r desc ribes the SIO port and e xplai ns how t o configure it.
8-2 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL An i ndependent , 15-bit baud-rat e genera tor c ontrols t he ba ud r ate of the seri al port. E ither the in - ternal periphera l cloc k or T1C LK can provid e the c lock signal. The baud-rate register (SP_BAUD) se lects the clock s ource and t he baud rat e.
8- 3 SERIAL I/O (SI O) PORT P1_PIN 1FD6 H Po rt 1 Pin State If you are u sin g T1CL K (P 1.4) a s the clo ck so urce for th e b au d- rate gen era tor, you can re ad P1 _P IN.
8-4 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 8.3 SE RIAL PO RT MO DE S The serial p or t has bot h synchronous and asynchr o nous operatin g modes for transmi ssio n and re- ception.
8- 5 SERIAL I/O (SI O) PORT In mode 0, RXD must be enabl ed f or recept ions and disable d for transmis sions. (See “Pr ogram- min g the Cont r ol Regi ster” on pa ge 8-8 .) W hen R XD is e nable d, eit her a ris ing e dge o n the RX D input or clearing the re ceive inter r upt (RI) flag in SP_ST A TUS st art s a recept ion.
8-6 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL When the s eria l p ort is configured for mode 1, 2, or 3, writing t o SBUF_TX c ause s the s eria l p ort to start transm itting dat a. New dat a pla ce d in S BUF_T X is transm itted only a fter the stop bit of the p revious da ta has be en se nt.
8- 7 SERIAL I/O (SI O) PORT Mode 2 Mo de 2 is the a synchrono us , ninth -bit recognition m ode. This mode is comm only used with m ode 3 for mul tip rocessor comm unications. Figure 8-5 shows t he da ta frame used in t his mode. It con - sists of a st art bit (0), ni ne dat a bi ts (LSB fi rst), and a stop bit (1).
8-8 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL Multipr ocessor Co m municatio ns Mo des 2 an d 3 are provi ded fo r mul t ip ro c essor communicatio n s . In mode 2, the seri a l p ort s e ts the RI i nterrupt pending bit only when the ninth data bit i s set.
8- 9 SERIAL I/O (SI O) PORT SP_CON Address : Re set State: 1 FBBH 00H The se rial p ort control (SP_ CON) reg iste r sel ects th e com m unicat io ns m od e and en able s or d isab le s the recei ver, parity chec king , a nd nine-b it data tra nsmi s sion .
8-10 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 1:0 M 1 :0 Mo de Se le ctio n These b it s sele ct th e co mmu ni catio ns m o de. M1 M0 00 m o d e 0 01 m o d e 1 10 m o d e 2 11 m o d e 3 SP _CON (Co nti n.
8-11 SERIAL I/O (SI O) PORT SP_ BAU D Address: Reset Sta te : 1F BCH 000 0 H The seria l p ort b au d rate (SP _BA UD) re gi ster se lects t he seri al po rt b aud rat e a n d clo c k source.
8-12 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL CAUT ION For mo d e 0 receptions, the BAUD_V ALUE must be 0002H or grea ter . Othe rwis e, the re sulting da ta in t he re ce ive shi ft re gist e r will be inc orre ct.
8-13 SERIAL I/O (SI O) PORT 8.4.4 Enab ling the S eri al P or t I nterr upts The seria l port ha s both a t ransm it inter rupt (TI) and a receive inte rrupt ( R I).
8-14 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL The rece ive r checks f or a valid st o p bit. Unless a stop bit is f ound w i thin the appropr ia te time, th e framin g e rr or (FE) bit in the SP_ST A TUS regist er is se t .
8-15 SERIAL I/O (SI O) PORT The rece iv e interrupt (RI) flag i n di cates whether a n incomi ng d a t a byte h a s been received. The transmi t in t errupt (TI) fla g indicates whether a dat a byte has finis hed transmitting. Thes e flags a lso s et t he c orr e spond ing bit s i n the inte r rupt pen ding re gist er .
9 Pulse-width Modulator.
9- 1 CH A PT ER 9 PUL SE -W IDT H MO DUL AT O R The pulse-wi dth modula tor (PWM ) m odule has three outp ut pins, each of w h ich c an output a PWM s ignal with a fixed freque ncy a nd a variabl e du ty cyc le.
9-2 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL Figure 9 - 2. PWM Block Diagr am (8 0 C196NU Onl y) 9.2 PWM SIGNAL S AND RE GIS TE RS T abl e 9-1 describes the PW M ’ s signal s a n d T abl e 9 -2 briefly des cri bes t he control a nd sta tus reg- ist e rs .
9- 3 PULSE-WIDTH M ODULATOR 9.3 PWM OP E RATI ON For the 8XC196NP , CON _REG0.0 (CLK0) control s the PWM output frequenc y by e nabling or disabli n g the divide -by-two clock presc aler .
9-4 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL For the 80C196NU, two bits control the PW M output fre quency , CON_REG0. 0 (CLK0) and CON _REG0.1 (CL K 1 ). The two bits control the PWM output frequency by enabling o r disabl ing the divi de-by-two or di vide - by-four clock prescaler .
9- 5 PULSE-WIDTH M ODULATOR Figure 9-3. PWM Out p ut W a v eform s 9.4 PROG RAM MING TH E F REQ UENC Y AND P E RIOD The PWM m odule provides two s electable , fixed PWM outp ut frequencies for a specified internal operat ing frequenc y (f). T able 9 -3 shows the PWM out put frequenci es for com mon operat ing freque nci es on the 8XC1 96NP .
9-6 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL For the 80C196NU, the PWM module provides three selectable , fixed PWM output frequencies for a spec ified inte rnal operating freq uency (f). T able 9-3 shows the PW M output frequenc ies for commo n operating frequenci es.
9- 7 PULSE-WIDTH M ODULATOR 9.5 PROG RAM MING TH E DUTY CYCLE The valu e written to the PWM x _CONTR O L regist er cont rols the width of the high pulse, effec- tivel y contr o l ling the d u ty cyc le. The 8-bit va lue writ ten to t he control register is loaded i n to a buffer , and thi s value is used during the next perio d .
9-8 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL Pulsewid th (i n µ s) = D u ty Cy cl e (in %) = where: PWM x _CON = 8-bit v a lue to l o ad i n to the PWM x _CONTROL re gister Pulsewid th = wid th of e a ch high pu lse f = op era ti ng fr e qu en c y , in M Hz T PWM = out put p er i od on t he PW M pi n , i n µ s † 80 C 19 6NU only .
9- 9 PULSE-WIDTH M ODULATOR 9.5 .1 S am pl e C alcu la ti on s For example , assum e that the o pe rating frequenc y equal s 25 MH z, the desired p eriod o f the P W M output wa veform i s either 20.4 8 µs (5 12 state ti mes) if the divide-by-two presc aler is di sabled or 40.
9-10 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL Figure 9-6. D/A Buff er Block Diagram Figure 9-7 shows a sample circui t used fo r low output current s (less t han 10 0 µ A). Co nsider t em- perature and p ower -supp ly drift when selec ting com ponents for the ex t ernal D/A c irc uit ry .
10 Event Pr ocessor Array (EP A).
10 -1 CHAPTER 10 EVENT P ROCES SOR ARRAY (E P A ) Contr ol applications ofte n req uire high-speed eve nt control. For exa mple, the cont roller may nee d to periodic ally genera te p ulse-widt h modula ted outputs or an inte rrupt.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -2 Figure 10-1. EP A Blo ck Diagram 10.2 EP A AND TIM E R/ COUNTE R S IGNAL S AND REGISTERS T abl e 10-1 describe s the EP A and time r/c ounter input and o utput signa ls. Each signal is multi- plexed wi th a port pin a s shown i n the first column.
10 -3 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) T a ble 10-2. EP A Cont rol and Stat us Register s Mne m oni c Add res s Desc riptio n EP A_M ASK 1F 9C H EP A Mas k Four bits (OVR0, OVR1, OVR2, an d OVR3) in th i .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -4 P 1_MODE 1 FD0H Port 1 Mo de Each bit of P1 _M ODE controls wheth er the correspo nding pin functi on s as a standa rd I/O port pin or as a speci al-fun ctio n sign al.
10 -5 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) 10.3 TIMER/C OUNTER FUNCTIONAL OV ERV IEW The EP A has tw o 1 6 -bi t up/down timer/counters, timer 1 an d tim e r 2, whi ch c an be c locked in- ter nally o r exte rnal ly . E ach is calle d a time r i f it is cloc ke d int ernal ly a n d a counter if it i s clo cked external ly .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -6 The timer/ counters can be used as time bases for input capture s, output compares , and p ro- grammed i nterrupts (sof t ware tim ers). W hen a cou n t er increme nts from FFFEH to FFFFH or dec - rements from 0001H to 0000H, the co u nter-overflow inte rrupt pending b it is s et.
10 -7 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) Figure 1 0-3. Quadrat ure Mode I nter face T abl e 10-3. Quadrature Mode T ruth T a ble Sta te o f X_i nte rnal (T x CLK) S tate of Y_ inte rna l (T x DIR) Co unt Di.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -8 Fi gur e 10 -4. Quadr ature Mode T im ing and Count 10.4 EP A CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL OV E RV IEW The EP A has f o ur prog ramm able c apture /compare channe ls that can perform t he foll owing tasks.
10 -9 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) Figure 1 0-5. A Sin gle EP A Capt ure/Compar e Channel 10.4.1 Op erati ng in Capture Mo de In capture m ode, when a valid event occurs on the pi n, the value of the sel e cted ti me r is captu red into a buffer .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -10 Fig ure 10-6. EP A Simpl ified Input -capture Str ucture If a third event occ urs bef ore the CPU reads the event -time registe r , the ove rwrite bit (EP A x _CON. 0) determines how the EP A will handle the event.
10-11 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) An input c apture e vent does n o t s et the interrupt pen ding bit until the captured time va lue ac tua lly moves from the capture bu f fer into the EP A x _T IME re gist er .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -12 Preventing EP A Overru ns An y one of the following methods can be used t o prevent or recover from an EP A ove r run si tua - t ion. • Cle ar E P A x _CON.0 Wh en t h e o verw ri te bit (E P A x _C ON.
10-13 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) The ma ximum output freq uency depends u pon the total interrupt latency and the interrupt-service executi on tim es used b y your system.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -14 The maxi mum out p ut frequency depends u pon the tota l inter rupt latency a nd inter rupt-servi ce ex- ecution tim e.
10-15 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) Gene rating the Highest-speed PWM Output Y ou can generat e a highes t-speed, puls e-wi dth modula ted outp ut with a pair of EP A cha n nels and a dedicated time r/c o u nt er .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -16 T1CONTROL Address: Reset Sta te : 1F 90 H 00 H The t imer 1 con trol (T1 CONTROL ) registe r d eterm ines th e clock sou rce, c oun ting dire ctio n, an d count ra te for tim e r 1 .
10-17 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) T2CONTROL Address: Reset Sta te : 1F 94 H 00 H The t imer 2 con trol (T2 CONTROL ) registe r d eterm ines th e clock sou rce, c oun ting dire ctio n, an d count ra te for tim e r 2 .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -18 10.5.3 Prog ram m ing the Capture/ C o mpare Ch ann els The EP A x _C ON regi ster control s the funct ion of its assigned ca pture /com pare channel .
10-19 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) EP A x _CON x = 0– 3 Address: Reset Sta te : T a ble 10- 2 on page 1 0- 3 00H The EP A con trol (EP A x _CON) registe r s cont rol the f un ctio ns o f thei r a ssigne d capture /com p are cha nnels. Th e registe rs for EP A 0 a ndEP A2 are iden tical.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -20 5: 4 M1: 0 EP A Mode S e lec t In ca pt ure m ode, sp ecif ie s the type of eve nt t ha t tr igg er s an inp ut cap ture . In compa re mode, specif ie s the action tha t the EP A execu tes when the re fere nce ti mer m at ch es t he eve nt tim e .
10-21 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) 1 ROT Rese t Op posi te Ti mer Con tro ls d iffer en t fu ncti on s fo r cap ture a nd com p are mod e s. In Cap ture M ode : 0 = ca uses no actio n 1 = re sets the opposite timer In Com pa re M o de: Sele cts the timer t ha t is t o be rese t if the RT bit is set .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -22 10.6 ENABL ING T HE EP A INTERRUP TS The EP A genera tes four indivi dual e vent interrupts, EP A3:0, from the four capture/ compare chan - nels and two t i me r in te rrupts, OVR TM1 an d OVR TM2, from timer 1 a nd t ime r 2.
10-23 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) The E P A i nte rr upt pe n ding re gist er , EP A_PEN D, has the same bit struc ture as the EP A _ MA SK registe r . E P A_PEND is simi lar to an int errupt pending register i n that it shows the s t a tus of the individual capture/compare overrun i nterrupts.
8XC196N P , 80C1 96NU USER ’S MA NUAL 10-2 4 10.8 PRO G RAM MI NG EX AMP L ES FO R E P A CH ANN ELS The t hree p rogram mi ng e xampl es pr ovided in th is s ecti o n de monst ra te the use o f the EP A c hannel for a compare event , for a c apt ure event, and for generat i on of a PWM s igna l.
10-25 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) void poll_epa0() { if(checkbit(int_pend, EPA0_INT_BIT)) { /* Insert user code f or event channel 0 here. */ /* Since this event is absolute and re-enab led, no polling is neccessary.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 10 -26 time_value = epa0_tim e; /* must read to prevent overrun * / } void init_timer1() { t1control = COUNT_ENABLE ¦ COUNT_UP ¦ CLOCK_INTERNAL ¦ DIVIDE_BY_1; }.
10-27 EVENT PROCESSOR ARRAY (EP A) void Init_PWM_toggle_P TS3(void) { disable(); /* disable all interrupts */ disable_pts(); /* disable the PTS interrupts */ nstant2 = 127; nstant1 = 127; s_ptr = (void *)&EPA0_TIME; PWM_toggle_CB_3.
11 Minimum H ardwar e Considerat ions.
11 -1 C HAPT ER 1 1 MINIM UM HARDWARE CONSIDE RAT IONS The 8XC196NP and 80C196NU have several basi c req uirements for operation within a syste m. This chapt er describe s options for providing the basic requirement s and discusses other hardware considerat ions.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 11 -2 1 1. 1.1 Unused I npu ts For predic tabl e performanc e , it i s i mportant to tie unused inp u t s to V CC or V SS . Ot herwise, they can floa t to a mi d- voltage level and draw exc essi ve current . Unused interrupt inputs may generate spur ious i nte r rupts if left unconnec ted.
11 -3 MINIMUM HARDWARE CONSIDERATI ON S Figure 1 1 - 1. Minimum Hardwar e Co nnections ALE INST XTAL1 XTAL2 V CC (Note 2) 0.01 µF NMI READY V CC Bus Control (Note 4) 20 pF 20 pF (Note 1) 4.7 µF + .22 µF RESET# BHE# WR# RD# EA# V CC A2415-02 V SS RPD 8XC196 Device V CC Notes: 1.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 11 -4 1 1.2 AP PLYING AND REMOVING POWER When power is first applied to the device, RESE T# must remai n contin uously low for a t least one state ti me aft er the p ower supply is wit hin tole ranc e an d the oscilla tor/ clock ha s stabi lized; oth - erwise, operat ion m ight be u npredictable .
11 -5 MINIMUM HARDWARE CONSIDERATI ON S Multilaye r print ed circ uit boards wi th sepa rate V CC and grou nd pla nes a lso h e l p to m ini mize noise.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 11 -6 Figure 1 1-4 shows the c onnections betwe en the external crystal and th e device. Whe n designing an external osc i ll a to r circuit, conside r t h e ef fec ts of parasit i c board capac i t ance, extended op er- ating tempe ratu res, and crystal spec i fi catio ns.
11 -7 MINIMUM HARDWARE CONSIDERATI ON S 1 1.5 USI NG AN EX TERNAL CLOCK SOURCE T o use an exte rnal clock sourc e, apply a c lock si gnal to XT AL1 and l et XT AL2 float (Fig u re 1 1 -5).
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 11 -8 1 1. 6 RE S E TT ING T HE DE V ICE Res et f o rces the device in to a known state . As soon as RESET# is asserted, the I/O pins, the con - trol pins, a nd the regis ters are drive n to the ir rese t state s. (T a ble B-5 on page B- 13 lists the re set states of the pins.
11 -9 MINIMUM HARDWARE CONSIDERATI ON S The following e vents will reset t he de vice (see Figu re 1 1- 8) : • an external device pulls the R ESE T# pin low • the CPU issues the rese t (RST) i nst.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 11 -10 The si mples t wa y t o reset the devic e is to inse rt a capa ci tor bet ween the R E S ET # pin an d V SS , a s shown in Fig ure 1 1-9. The devi ce has a n interna l p ull-up resistor ( R RST ) s hown in Figure 1 1-8.
11-11 MINIMUM HARDWARE CONSIDERATI ON S 1 1. 6. 2 Issuing the Res et (RS T) Instruc tion The RST inst ruct ion (o pcode FFH) resets t he devi ce by pulli ng RES ET# lo w f or 16 state times.
12 Special Op erating Modes.
12 -1 CHAPTER 12 SPE CIA L OPE RATI NG M ODES The 8XC 196NP and 80C 196NU provide the fol lowi ng p ower saving m odes: idle, st andby (80C196NU only), and powerdown. They also prov ide an on-ci rcuit emulatio n (ONCE) m ode that electri cally isolates the device from the other system components.
12 -2 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL — PLL EN2 : 1 (80 C19 6NU on ly ) I Ph ase Lock Loo p 1 a n d 2 Enable T hes e i np ut pins a r e used to ena ble t he on- ch ip cl ock mu lt i plie r feature a nd select e ither the d oubl ed o r qua drupl ed clock spe ed.
12 -3 SPECIAL OPERATING MODES 12.2 REDUCI NG POWE R CONS UM P TION Each power -saving mode conser ves power by disabling portions of the i nternal cloc k circui tr y (Figure 12-1 an d Fig ure 12-2). The fol lowi n g paragraphs desc ribe each mo de in detail.
12 -4 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL Figure 12-1. Cl o ck Control During Power -saving Modes (8XC196NP) A3161-01 Clock Generators CPU Clocks (PH1, PH2) Divide-by-two Circuit Peripheral Clo.
12 -5 SPECIAL OPERATING MODES Figure 12-2. Cl o ck Control During Power-saving Modes (8 0C196NU) 12.3 IDLE MO D E In idle m o de , the devic e’ s power consumption d ecrease s to approximat e ly 40% o f n ormal con- sumption. Inte rnal logic holds the CPU clocks a t logi c z ero, ca u s ing the C PU to stop execut ing instruct ions.
12 -6 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL The device ent ers idle mode after exec utin g the IDLPD # 1 instruct ion. A ny enabled inter rupt sour ce, eithe r internal or exter nal , o r a hardware rese t can cause t he devi ce to exit idle mode.
12 -7 SPECIAL OPERATING MODES 12.4.3 Exiti ng S tand by M od e The devic e will exit st andby mode when a transition on an exter nal i nter rupt pin (E XTINT 3:0) or a hardware res et occ u rs.
12 -8 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL After comple tin g these tasks, execut e the IDLPD #2 instruct ion to ente r powerdown mode. NOTE T o prevent an acc ide nta l return to ful l powe r , h old t he exte rnal interrupt pins (EXTI NT x ) l ow while the device is i n powerdown mode.
12 -9 SPECIAL OPERATING MODES Figure 12-3. Power- up and Powerdown Sequenc e When Using an External Interrupt When using an external interrupt signal to ex i t powerdown mode, we recommend that you con- nect the e xternal com ponent shown i n Fi gure 1 2-4 t o t he RPD pin.
12 -10 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL During normal operation (before entering powerdown mode), an internal pull-up holds the RPD pin at V CC . Whe n a n ext ernal inte rrupt signa l is ass erted, the int ernal osc i l lator circuit ry is enabled and t u rns on a we ak inte rnal pull - down.
12-11 SPECIAL OPERATING MODES Fig ure 12-5. T ypical V ol tage on th e RPD Pin W hile E xit ing Powerdown When sele c ting the c apacito r , determ ine the wo r s t-case di scharge time ne eded for the osci llator to stabilize, t hen use this form ula to calculate an appropria te va lue f or C 1 .
12 -12 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL For exampl e, assume t hat t he osc illato r nee ds at least 12. 5 ms t o disc harge (T DI S = 12. 5 m s), V t is 2.5 V , and the discha rge c u rrent is 200 µ A. The mi nim um C 1 ca pa ci t or siz e is 1 µ F.
12-13 SPECIAL OPERATING MODES T abl e 12-3. 80C 1 96NU Clock Modes PLLEN 2 PL LEN1 Mode 0 0 Clock-mu lt iplie r circui try d isable d. 0 1 Reserved . CAUTION: T his com bin ation cau ses the device to ente r an unsup p orte d test mo de. 1 0 Do ub led; clock doubling circu itry e nabled.
13 Interfacing with External M emory.
13 -1 CHAPTER 13 INTERFAC ING WIT H EXTERN AL MEMORY The device can interfac e wi th a vari ety of exte r nal memory devic es. Six chip-se lect s can be in d i- vidually programm ed f or bus width, t he number of wai t state s, and a mult iple xed o r demul ti- plexed address/data bus.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -2 13.2 EX TERNAL M EMORY INTERF ACE S IGNALS T abl e 13-2 desc ribe s the ext erna l memory inte r face sig nals. For some signal s, the pin has a n al- t er n a te f unc tio n (sho w n i n th e Mult ipl ex ed W i th col umn).
13 -3 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY ALE O A ddress La tch Ena ble Thi s acti ve-hi gh o utput sign a l i s a s serte d only du rin g exte rnal me mory cycle s.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -4 EA# I Ex ter na l Ac c ess Thi s input de termine s wh ether m emor y accesses to specia l-pu rpose an d prog ra m m e m ory part iti on s (FF2 00 0– FF 2F FFH) are dire ct ed to int ernal or e xternal me mory .
13 -5 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY 13.3 THE CHI P -SELE CT UNI T The chip-sel e ct unit provides six outputs, CS5:0#, for selecti ng an externa l device during an ex- ternal b us cycle .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -6 Figure 13-1 illust rates the devi c e ’ s calcula t i on of a chip-s e l ect outp u t CS x # f or a given external memory add ress. The 12 most -si gnificant bits of the exte rnal ad dress are compared (XOR ed) bit - wise with the 12 l e as t-significant bits (BASE19:8) of the A D DRCOM x r e gi st er.
13 -7 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY 13.3.1 Defin in g Chip-se lect Add ress Ranges This se ction de scri bes the ADDRC OM x and ADDRM SK x registers and how to se t them up for a desired addres s r ange.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -8 ADDRMSK x x = 0 –5 Ad dress: Reset Sta te : Ta b l e 1 3 - 5 The addre ss m a sk (ADDRMS K x ) reg iste r , t ogeth er with the a d dr es s compa re reg iste r , d efi nes the addr es s ran ge th at is a ssig n ed to th e ch ip - se le ct x ou tp ut, C S x #.
13 -9 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Observe the followi ng restric tio ns i n choosing an a d d ress range for a chip-se lect output : • The addresses in the address range must be contig uous. • The siz e o f the address ran g e must b e 2 n bytes, w h ere n = 8, 9, .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -10 Note that the 3 2-Kbyte address range could not have 4000H as ba se addre ss, for example , because 4000H is not on a 32-Kbyte boundary . “Exampl e of a Chip-select S etup” on page 13- 12 shows anothe r example of setting up the c hip- select unit .
13-11 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY 13.3.3 Chi p-sel ect Uni t Initia l Condi tio ns A chip re set produce s t he fol lowi n g initial con ditions for t he chi p-sele ct uni t: • ADDRMSK x = XFFFH. • ADDRCOM0 = 0F20 H. This asser ts CS0# for th e 256-by t e address ra nge F2000 –F20FFH.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -12 Use the follo wi ng sequenc e to i nit i aliz e the chip -sel ect regis ters afte r reset : 1. Initialize c hip-sel ect output 0 : 1.1. C lear ADDRMSK0. 1.2. Write to ADDRC OM 0 to establi sh the desi red base addres s.
13-13 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Figure 13-5. Exampl e Sy stem for Setti ng Up Chi p-select Outputs The loca tion and size of an addre ss range are spe cified by the ADDR COM x regi ster and the ADDRMSK x re gister (see Figure 1 3-2 an d Figure 13-3).
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -14 13.4 CHIP CONFIGURAT IO N REG ISTERS AND CHIP CONF IGURATI ON BY TES T w o chip configurat ion re gisters (C C R s) have bi ts tha t set param eters for chip operat i on and ex- ternal bus cycles. The CCR s cannot be access ed by code.
13-15 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY CCR0 no direct acces s † The chip con figura tion 0 (CCR0) reg iste r e nabl es o r d isab les po werd own and stan dby (80 C1 96 NU only) mo des an d selects the write-co ntro l mode . It a lso co nt ains the bus-con tro l pa ramet ers for fetchi ng chip con fi gurati on byt e 1.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -16 Up o n leavin g the reset state, the device is configured for nor mal ope ration. Thi s secti on describe s the state of the chip followi ng reset and summa rizes the st eps in t he configurat ion proc ess.
13-17 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Following reset , the chip automatic ally fetches the two chip configura tio n byte s. • 83C196NP only . The CCB fe tches a re fr om ex t ernal me mory if EA# = 0 an d from internal ROM i f EA# = 1 . • 80C196NP and 80C196NU only .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -18 After RESET# is deas sert ed, t he followi ng pins are ini tiali zed: • The P2.7/ C LKOUT pi n opera tes as CLKOUT (a s duri ng rese t). B e s ure t hat t he C LKOUT signal does not dam age ext ernal ha r dware.
13-19 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Figure 13-8. Multipl exi n g and Bus Widt h Opt ions Bus Control Address Bits 16–19 Address Bits 0–15 16-bit Data A19:16 (EPORT) A15:0 AD15:0 8XC196 D.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -20 A design can inco rporate e xternal devi c e s that ope rate with di f ferent bus wi d t hs and m u ltipl e x- ing. The bus parameters use d during a particul ar bus cycle are det erm ine d by t he chi p-sel ec t out- put that is assigned to the ad dress bei ng acces sed.
13-21 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY In mult iplexed m ode , with t he full a d d ress on the bus for only hal f of the cycle , the external de- vic e ha s les s time t o re c e ive it a nd to re spon d.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -22 Figure 13-10. 1 6- bit External Devices in Demult iplexed Mode 13.5.2 16-bi t Bu s Timings Figure 13-1 1 show s i deal ize d 16-bit external -bus timings for the 8XC1 9 6NP . The signal s are di- vided into two g roups: signals for a demultiplexed bus (top) and sig nals for a multiplexed bu s (bottom ).
13-23 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Figure 13-1 1. Timings fo r Multiplexed and Demultipl e xed 16-bit Buses (8XC196NP) CLKOUT RD# ALE AD15:0 Address Data WR# A19:0 AD15:0 RD# WR# AD15:0 AD15:0 Da.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -24 13.5.3 8-bi t Bu s Tim ings Figure 13- 12 shows i dealize d 8-bit timin gs for the 8XC 196NP . One cyc le is required fo r a n 8-bit read or writ e. A 1 6-bit access re qui res tw o cycl es. The first cycl e acc esses t he lower byte , and the secon d cycl e accesses the u pper byte.
13-25 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Figure 1 3-12. Timings for Mul tiplexed a nd Demult iplexed 8-bi t Buses ( 8XC196NP ) CLKOUT ALE Address A19:0 WR# AD7:0 AD7:0 Data Low Address Data Low Address.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -26 13.5.4 Com p ari son of M ultip lex ed and Demul tip lexe d Buses This se ction compares the tim ings for m ultiplexe d and de mul tiplexed buses . A 16-b it bus is us ed for the comparis on. “8-bit Bus T imings” on page 13-24 compares the 8-bit and 16-bit b use s.
13-27 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY When selecting infi nit e wait states, be sure to add externa l hardware to count wait states and re- lease REA D Y wit hin a spe ci fie d period of t ime. Othe rwis e, a de fect ive e xte rnal de vic e could t ie up the addre ss/da ta bus indefi nitely .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -28 Figure 13-13. READY T iming Diagram — Mult iplexed Mode T0013-02 T WLW H + 2t T QVW H + 2t T CL Y X (m ax) T AVY V T LH LH + 2t T RL RH + 2t T AV D V + 2t.
13-29 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Fig ure 13-14. READY T im ing Diagram — Demultiple xed Mode (8XC196NP) T0007-02 T CLYX (ma x ) T AVDV + 2t T WL WH + 2t T AV Y V T LHLH + 2t T RLR H + 2 t T R.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -30 Figure 13-15. READY Timing Di agram — Demul tiplexed Mode (80C196 N U) 13.7 BUS-HOLD PRO TO COL The 8XC 196N x supports a bus-hold protocol that allows ext ernal devices to gain control of the address/da ta bus.
13-31 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY . Fig ure 13-16. HOLD#, HLDA# Timing When the external devic e is finished wit h the bus, i t relin quishe s co ntrol by driving HO LD# high. In response, t h e 8XC196 N x deassert s HLDA# a n d resumes cont rol of the bus.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -32 If the 8XC196N x has a pending externa l bus cycle while i t is in hold (an other device has control of the bus), it asserts BREQ# to reque st control of the bus. Aft er the exte rnal device responds by releasing H OLD#, the 8XC1 96N x e xits hold and t hen de ass erts BR EQ# a nd HLDA #.
13-33 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY 13.7.4 Rega in ing Bus Control While HO LD# is a sserted, the 8 XC1 9 6 N x c ontin u e s exe cuting code until it nee ds to a c cess the external bus. If e xecuting from i nte r n al memor y , it cont inues u ntil it needs t o perform an ext ernal memory cycl e.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -34 Figure 13-17. W rite-contr ol Sig n al W av eform s T abl e 13-14 compares the values of the write-c o ntrol signal s for wri te operatio ns in the st a ndard mode and the wri te strobe m ode.
13-35 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY T o writ e si ngl e byt es on a 16-b it b u s requires separa te low-byte and hig h-byte write signal s (WRL# a n d W RH#). Figure 13- 18 shows a s a mple c i rcuit that combi nes WR#, BHE#, and ad- dress b it 0 (A0) to produce these signals.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -36 Figure 13-19 i l lust rat es the use of th e write strobe mode in a mixed 8-bit a nd 1 6-bit system with two flash me mori es and one SRAM. The W RL# signal , which i s generated for all 8-bit writes (T abl e 13 -14 ), is use d to wri te byte s t o the SRAM .
13-37 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Figure 13-20. Multiplexed System Bus T iming ( 8XC196NP ) CLKOUT ALE RD# AD15:0 (read) WR# AD15:0 (write) BHE#, INST AD15:8 T CLCL Address Out Data Dat.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -38 Figure 13-21. Multiplexed System Bus Timing (80C1 96NU) T0011-02 T CLCL T CL LH T LHLL T RL AZ T RHDZ T AV L L T WLW H T CHWH T WH LH T QV W H T WHB X , T R.
13-39 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Figure 13-22. Demultiplexed System Bus T im ing ( 8XC196NP ) CLKOUT ALE RD# AD15:0 (read) WR# AD15:0 (write) BHE#, INST A19:0 CS x # T CLCL Vali.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -40 Figure 13-23. Demultiplexed System Bus T im ing (8 0C1 96NU) 13.9.1 Deferre d Bus-cycle Mode (80C196NU Only) The 80C 196NU offers a deferred bus cyc le mode.
13-41 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY Figure 13-24. Deferred Bus-cycle Mode Timing Diagram (80C196NU) T LH LH + 2 t T WHLH + 2t T RHL H + 2 t T AVRL + 2 t T AV D V + 2t T AVWL + 2 t val id valid val.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -42 13.9.2 Expl anati on o f AC Sym bo ls Each s ymbol consis ts of t wo pai rs of letters prefixe d by “T” (for time). The cha rac ters i n a pai r indicat e a signal and it s condit ion, respec ti vely . Symbols re pre sent the t im e bet wee n the tw o sig- nal/condition points.
13-43 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY The 8 XC1 96N x Meets Thes e Spe ci fic atio ns f Op e ra ti ng fr e qu en cy Freq uency of the signal in pu t o n the XT AL1 p in times the clock multip lier ( x ). For th e 8XC1 96 NP , x is always 1 ; for t he 80C196NU, x is 1 , 2, or 4, de pendi ng on th e cl oc k mode .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL 13 -44 The 8 XC1 96N x M eets T hes e Spe ci fica tio ns (Con tinu ed ) T RHA X (Mu ltipl exed M ode) AD1 5:8/CS x # Hold after RD# High Minim u m ti m e the h ig h byte of the addre ss in 8 -b it mode will be valid af t er RD# inactive.
13-45 INTERFACING WITH EXTERNAL MEM ORY The 8 XC1 96N x M eets T hes e Spe ci fica tio ns (Con tinu ed ) T WHSH A1 9: 0 /CS x # Ho ld afte r WR # Hi gh Min imu m ti m e the a ddre ss and chip-sel ect ou tput are held after WR# ina ctive.
A Instruction Set Re fer enc e.
A- 1 APPENDI X A INST RUCT ION SET REF ERENCE This appe n dix p r ovi des referenc e i nforma t ion for the instruct ion set of the fam i l y of M C S ® 96 microcont rollers.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-2 T able A -1. Opcode Map ( L eft Half) Opco de x 0 x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 0 x SKIP CLR NOT NEG X CH di DEC EXT IN C 1 x CLRB NOTB NEGB XC HB di DECB EXTB I.
A- 3 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE T able A-1. O pcode M ap (Right H alf) Opco de x 8 x 9 x A x B x C x D x E x F 0 x SHR SHL SHRA XCH ix SHRL SHLL SHRAL NORM L 1 x SHRB SHLB SHRAB XCHB ix EST in EST ix E.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-4 T able A-2. Processor S t atus Word (PSW) Flags Mne m oni c De scripti on C T he carry flag i s set to i nd icat e a n arith metic carr y fr o m th e M SB of the ALU o r the state o f t he la st b it sh ift ed ou t of an op era nd .
A- 5 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE T abl e A-3 sh ows the eff ect o f the PSW fl ags or a specified condit ion on condi tio n al jump inst ruc- tions. T able A-4 define s t he symbol s used in T able A-6 to show th e effect of e ach instructio n on the PSW flags.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-6 T abl e A-5 defines the vari abl es that are used in T able A-6 t o repre se nt t he inst r uct ion operan ds. T able A- 5. Operand V ariables V aria bl e Des cri ptio n aa A 2-b it fie ld wit hin a n o pco de th at se lects th e ba sic a ddre ssing mode use d.
A- 7 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE T able A- 6. Instructi o n Set Mne mo nic Operati on Ins truc tion Fo rma t ADD (2 o pe ran d s) ADD WORDS. Adds the source a n d destin at ion wo rd op er ands a nd store s th e sum i nto th e de st in ati on o pe ran d.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-8 A DDCB ADD BY TES WITH CA R RY . A dds the sou rce and de stin ation b yte o p erands and t he carry f lag (0 o r 1 ) a nd st ores th e s um in to th e destin at io n ope ra nd .
A- 9 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE AND B (3 o pe ran d s) L OGICAL AND BY TES . ANDs the two sou r ce byte o pe rands a nd sto res th e resu lt into t he destin at io n ope ra nd . The resu lt ha s ones in only t he bit p osi tions i n wh ich bo th oper ands had a “1” and zeros in all othe r bit positio ns .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-10 B MOVI INT ERRUPTIBL E B LOCK MOV E. Mo ves a block of word data fro m o n e l ocat io n i n memo r y to a n oth e r .
A-11 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE CLR CLEAR W ORD. Cl ea rs the va lu e of the ope ran d. (DEST) ← 0 DE S T CL R w reg ( 000000 01) (wre g) P SW F lag Se ttin gs ZN CV V T S T 1000 — — CL RB CL EAR B YTE.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-12 CMPB COM P ARE BYT ES. Sub tract s the sou rce byte o peran d fro m the desti natio n byte op era nd . The fl ag s ar e al te r ed , but th e ope ran ds re main u naffecte d. If a b orro w occurs, the carry fl a g is c l eare d; ot her wise, it is set.
A-13 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE DI DIS ABL E INT ERRUPTS. Disab les inte rrup ts. Interru pt call s cannot occur after this i nstru ct ion. Inte rrup t E na bl e (P SW .1 ) ← 0 DI ( 11111 0 1 0 ) P SW F lag Se ttin gs ZN CV V T S T ———— —— DIV DIV IDE I NTEGERS .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-14 DIVU DIVIDE W ORDS, UNSIGNED. Divid e s the con tents o f t he destin at ion d oub le- wor d ope rand by the cont ent s o f t h e source word ope ran d, usin g un sign ed arith m etic. It store s th e qu oti en t i nt o t he lo w- o rde r wo rd ( i.
A-15 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE DJNZW DECRE MENT A ND JUMP IF NOT Z ERO WORD. Decrements the va lue of the word operand by 1. If the result is 0, control passes to th e next se quentia l instru ct ion.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-16 EBM OVI EXT ENDED INTE RRUPT ABL E BLOCK MOVE. M o ves a bl ock of word d ata from on e memo r y location to anot her . Th is instru ct io n all ows you to m ove b locks of u p t o 64 K w ords betwe en a ny tw o l ocat io ns in th e 16 -M byte address space.
A-17 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE E CALL EXT ENDED CAL L. Pushe s the conten ts of th e pro gra m counte r (t he re turn add ress) o nto th e st ac k, th en a dd s to the p rog ram cou nter t he offse t b etwe en th e en d of this instructi on a nd th e targ et la bel, effe ct ing t he cal l.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-18 ELD EXT ENDED LOAD WORD. Loads the value of th e source wor d o pera nd into th e destin at io n ope ra nd . This i nstru ct ion al low s you to m ove da ta fro m anywhe re in the 16-M byt e addre ss sp ace into the lower reg ister f ile.
A-19 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE EST EXTENDED STOR E WORD. S t ores th e val ue of the source (le ftmo st) word o peran d in to th e de st ina ti on (rig htm os t) op era nd . This i nstru ct ion al low s you to m ove da ta fro m the lower reg ister f ile to anywh ere in the 1 6- Mbyte a ddress space.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-20 EXTB SIGN- EXTE ND SHORT-INTEGER INTO INTEGER. Sig n-exten ds the low-o rde r b yte of the operan d throu gh ou t the high-o rd er byte o f th e op e ra nd .
A-21 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE IN C INCREME NT W ORD. I ncrem ents t he val ue of the word ope ran d by 1. (DEST) ← (DEST) + 1 I NC w reg (0 0000 1 1 1) ( wre g) P SW F lag Se ttin gs ZN CV V T S T ✓✓✓✓ ↑ 0 IN CB INCRE MENT B YTE. In crem ents th e va lue o f the byte op eran d b y 1.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-22 JC JUMP IF CARRY FL AG I S SE T . T ests the carry fla g. If t he carry fl ag i s clea r , con trol pa sses to th e n e xt se quen ti al in structi on .
A-23 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE JGT JUMP IF SIGNE D GREA TER T HAN. T ests b oth the ze ro fla g an d the n egati ve f la g. If eith er flag is set, control pas ses to th e next seq uent ial i nstru ct ion.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-24 JL T JUMP IF SIGNE D LE SS T HAN. T ests th e neg ati ve fl ag. I f t he fla g is cl e ar , cont rol pa sses to th e n e xt se quen ti al in structi on .
A-25 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE JNH JUMP IF NOT HIGHER (UNS IGNED). T ests both the zero f lag and the carry f lag. If t he carry f lag i s set a nd the zero flag is cle ar , con trol p asses to th e next seq uential instructi on.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-26 JNVT JUMP IF OVERF LOW-TRA P FLAG I S CL EAR. T ests the overf low-tra p flag. If the flag is set , this i nstru ctio n cl ea rs the flag and pa s ses con trol to th e ne xt seq ue nti al instructi on.
A-27 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE JVT JUMP IF OVERF LOW-TRAP FL AG I S SE T . T e sts the overf low-tra p flag. If the flag is clear , con trol p asses to th e next seq uential instructi on.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-28 LDB L OAD BYTE. Lo ads the value of the source byte o pe ran d into the desti natio n opera nd. (DEST) ← (SRC) D EST , SRC LD B b re g, ba op ( 101 100 aa ) (b ao p) (bre g ) P SW F lag Se ttin gs ZN CV V T S T ———— —— LDBSE L OAD BYT E S IGN-EXT ENDED.
A-29 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE MUL (2 o pe ran d s) M UL T IPL Y I NTEGE RS. M u ltipl ies t he sou r ce and de stin ation i nteg er op era nd s, u si ng sig ned arith metic, an d sto res t he 3 2-b it re sult in to th e de st ina ti on lo ng-i nte ger op e ra nd .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-30 MULB (3 o pe ran d s) M UL T IPL Y S HO RT -I NTEGERS. M ultiplies the two so ur ce s h ort-i nte ger op e ra nd s , usi ng si gn ed a rit hm etic, an d sto res th e 16 -bit resu lt into the desti natio n inte ge r op er and .
A-31 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE MULUB (2 o pe ran d s) M UL T IPL Y B YTE S, UNS IGNED. Mult iplies the source a n d destin ation o peran ds, usin g unsig ne d a rithm etic, a nd sto res th e word result int o the d estinat ion oper and. The sticky bit f lag i s unde fine d afte r t he inst ructi on is ex ec uted .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-32 NORML NORM ALIZE LONG-INT EGER. Norma lize s the source (leftm ost ) lon g-i nte ger op e ra nd . (Th at is, i t shift s the operan d to the left unti l its most sig nifican t b it is “1 ” o r unti l it h as perfo rm ed 3 1 sh ift s).
A-33 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE OR L OGICAL OR WORDS. ORs t he source word ope ran d with the de st ina ti on wo rd o pe ra nd and repl aces the orig inal de stin ation o pera nd wit h the result. T he resul t has a “1 ” in ea ch bit positi on in wh ich ei the r t he sou r ce o r destin at ion o pe ra nd ha d a “1”.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-34 P OP A POP ALL . T his instr uctio n is used inste ad of POPF , to sup port t he eigh t ad ditio nal inte rrup ts. I t pop s two wo rd s off th e stac k and place s the first word into the INT _MASK 1/W SR register pa ir and the secon d word into t h e PSW/INT _M ASK regi ster-p ai r .
A-35 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE P USHA PUS H ALL. Thi s instru ctio n is used inste ad of PUS HF , to su p po rt the eig ht addi tio na l inte rrup ts. I t pushe s two wo rds — PSW /IN T_MAS K a nd INT _M ASK 1/WSR — o nto th e st a c k. This i nstru ct io n cle ar s the PSW, INT_M AS K, and INT _MASK1 re gi sters a nd d ecrem ents the SP by 4 .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-36 RS T RES ET S YSTE M. Initial izes the PSW to zero , the EPC /P C to FF 2080 H, a nd th e pins a nd SF Rs to th e ir reset value s. Executin g t his instructi on cau se s th e RESET # p in to be pull ed l ow f or 16 stat e t im es.
A-37 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE S HL SHI F T WORD LEF T . Shif ts the d esti natio n w or d ope ran d t o t he l eft as ma ny ti mes as spe cified by th e coun t opera nd.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-38 SHLL SHI F T DOUBLE -WORD LEF T . Shifts the destin at io n d ou ble- word o peran d t o the le ft as ma ny ti m es a s specif ied b y the cou nt ope rand.
A-39 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE SH RA ARI THMETI C RIGHT SHIF T W ORD. S hifts t he d es tin at ion wor d op eran d t o t he r i gh t a s many time s as spe cifie d by th e coun t ope rand.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-40 SH RAL ARI THMETI C RIGHT SHIF T DOUB LE- WORD. Sh ifts the d esti nation doub le-word op era nd to th e r ig h t as man y time s as spe cified by th e coun t opera nd.
A-41 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE SH RL LOGI CAL RIGHT SHIF T DOUBLE-W ORD. Sh ift s th e de st inati on d ou ble-wo rd ope ran d to t he r igh t as ma ny t ime s as s pec if ied by th e cou nt op era nd.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-42 ST STORE W ORD. S tore s th e va lu e o f t he sou r ce (l eftm os t) w o rd op e ra nd i nt o th e destin at io n ( ri ght mo st) op era nd . (DEST) ← (SRC) SRC, DE ST S T w reg , wa op (1 10 000a a) ( wao p) ( wre g) P SW F lag Se ttin gs ZN CV V T S T ———— —— S TB STORE BYT E.
A-43 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE SU BB (2 o pe ran d s) SUB TRACT BYT ES. Sub tract s the sou rce byte o peran d fro m the desti natio n byte ope ran d, store s th e re sul t in the destin ati on ope rand, and sets th e ca rry fl ag as t he com plem ent of bo rro w .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-44 TIJMP T ABLE INDI RECT JUMP . Causes exe cuti on t o c ont inu e at an a ddr ess s el ect ed fr om a ta bl e of ad dre ss e s. The first word regist er , TBAS E, contain s the 16 -bi t a ddr ess of th e be gi nni ng of the jump tabl e.
A-45 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE TR AP SOF TWARE TRAP . T his i nstru ctio n causes an int erru pt call that is vecto red th roug h locati on FF 2010 H. T he o pe rat ion o f t hi s instructi on i s n ot a ffected b y the sta te of the inte rrup t en ab le flag (I) i n the PSW.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-46 T able A-7 l i sts the instruction opcodes, in he xadecimal order , along wi th the corresponding i n- structio n mnemonic s. X OR L OGICAL EXCL USIV E-OR WORD S. XORs the sou rce wo rd op e rand wit h th e desti na tion wo rd o p era nd a nd st ore s th e re sul t in t he destin at io n ope ra nd .
A-47 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE T able A -7. Inst ructi on Opcodes He x Co de Ins truc tion M nemon ic 00 SKI P 01 CLR 02 NOT 03 NEG 04 X CH Dire c t 05 DEC 06 EXT 07 INC 08 SHR 09 SHL 0A S HR A 0B X C.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-48 44 A DD Dire ct (3 o ps) 45 ADD I mme di ate (3 o ps) 46 A DD In direct ( 3 ops) 4 7 A DD In de xe d ( 3 op s) 48 S UB Di rect (3 o ps) 49 SUB Imme diat e ( 3.
A-49 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE 6 D MU LU I mme di ate (2 o ps ) 6E MUL U In direct ( 2 o ps) 6F MULU I nd exed ( 2 ops ) 70 A NDB Di rect (2 o ps) 71 ANDB Imm e diat e (2 o ps) 72 A NDB Indirect (2 op.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-50 97 X OR B In de x ed 98 CM PB Dire c t 99 CMP B Imm e di ate 9A CM PB In di r ect 9B CM PB In de xe d 9C DI VUB Di rect 9D DI VUB I mme diate 9E DIVUB I nd ir.
A-51 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE C0 S T Di rect C1 BMOV C2 S T Indi rect C3 S T In de xe d C4 S TB Di rect C5 CMPL C6 STB In di r ec t C7 STB I ndexed C8 P USH Di rect C9 PUS H I mm edi ate CA P USH Ind.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-52 T able A-8 lists inst ructions along with thei r lengt hs and opc o des for each a pplicable addressing mode.
A-53 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE T able A-8. Instr uction L e ngths and Hexadecimal Opcodes Ari thm eti c ( Group I) Mn em on ic Direc t Im m edi ate In dire ct (Note 1) In dex e d (N ote s 1, 2) Len gt.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-54 Arithme tic (Group II ) Mn em on ic Direc t Im m edi ate In dire ct (Note 1) In dex e d (N ote s 1, 2) Len gth Opc ode L ength Opco de Le ng th Opcode Le ngth.
A-55 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE S tac k Mn em on ic Direc t Im m edi ate In dire ct (Note 1) In dex e d (N ote s 1, 2) Len gth Opc ode L ength Opco de Le ng th Opcode Le ngth S/ L Opc ode PO P 2 CC —.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-56 Data Mn em on ic Direc t Im m edi ate E xte nd ed- ind irec t E xte nde d- in dex e d Len gth Opc ode L ength Opco de Le ngth Op cod e Length Opc od e E B M O.
A-57 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE Ju mp Mn em on ic Direc t Im m edi ate E xte nd ed- ind irec t E xte nde d- in dex e d Len gth Opc ode L ength Opco de Le ngth Op cod e Length Opc od e E B R ———.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-58 Con dit ion al Jump Mn em on ic Direc t Im medi ate In dire ct In dex e d (N ote s 1, 2) Len gth Opc ode L ength Opco de Le ng th Opcode Le ngth S/ L Opc ode .
A-59 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE Shi ft Mn em on ic Direc t Im medi ate In dire ct In dex e d Len gth Opc ode L ength Opco de Le ngth Op cod e Length Opc od e NORML 3 0 F —————— S H L 3 0 9 .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-60 T able A-9 lists instruct ions alp h abet ically within groups, along wit h their exec utio n t ime s, ex- presse d i n st at e time s. T abl e A-9. Instr uct ion Execution Times (in State T imes) Ari thm eti c ( Group I) Mne moni c Dire ct I mmed .
A-61 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE Arithme tic (Group II ) Mne moni c Dire ct I mmed . I ndi rec t In de xe d Norm al Autoin c. Sh ort Long R e g .M e m .R e g .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-62 Sta ck ( Re gis te r) Mne moni c Dire ct I mmed . I ndi rec t In de xe d Norm al Autoin c. Sh ort Long R e g .
A-63 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE Data Mne moni c E xtende d-i ndi rect (Norm a l) E BM OVI re gi st er/ reg iste r 8 + 14 p er word + 16 per int erru pt me mo ry/reg iste r 8 + 17 per word + 16 p er i n.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-64 Ju mp Mne m oni c Dire ct I mm ed. Exten ded-in dire ct Exte nd ed -ind exed Norm al Autoin c. EBR — — 9 — — EJ MP — — — — 8 Mne moni c Dire ct I mmed .
A-65 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE Call (M emory ) Mne moni c Dire ct I mmed . Exten de d-in dire ct Exte nd ed -ind ex ed Norm al Autoin c. E CALL 1-M byte m od e — — — — 22 Mne moni c Dire ct I mmed .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL A-66 Con dit ion al Jump Mne moni c Sho rt-Ind ex ed DJ NZ 5 (j um p not ta ken ), 9 (j ump take n) DJNZW 6 (jump not taken), 10 (jump taken) JBC 5 (j ump no t ta .
A-67 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE Sp eci al Mne moni c Dire ct I mmed . Indire ct Ind ex ed Norm al Autoin c. Sh ort Long C L R C 2 — — ——— C L R V T 2 — — ——— D I 2 — ———— .
B Signal Des criptions.
B- 1 APPENDI X B SIGNAL DE SCRI PTIONS This appe ndix pr ovides refere nce informat ion for the pi n fu nct ions of t he 8XC1 96NP an d 80 C196NU. B.1 F UNCTI ONAL G ROUP INGS OF S IGNALS T able B-1 l i sts the signal s for the 8XC 1 96NP and 80C1 96 N U, grouped by funct ion.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL B-2 Figure B-1. 8XC1 96NP 1 00-lead SQFP Package RD# BHE# / WRH# ALE INST READY RPD ONCE V SS V CC V SS A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 NC V SS XTAL1 XTAL2 V SS NC P2.
B- 3 SIGNA L DESCRIPTIONS Figure B-2. 8XC196NP 100 -lead QFP P a ckage V SS A18 / EPORT.2 A19 / EPORT.3 WR# / WRL# RD# BHE# / WRH# ALE INST READY RPD ONCE V SS V CC V SS A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 V SS XTAL1 XTAL2 V SS P2.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL B-4 Fig ure B-3. 80 C 196NU 100-lead SQFP Package RD# BHE# / WRH# ALE INST READY RPD ONCE PLLEN2 V CC V SS A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 NC V SS XTAL1 XTAL2 V SS V CC P2.
B- 5 SIGNA L DESCRIPTIONS Figure B-4. 80C196 NU 100-lead QFP P a ckage V SS A18 / EPORT.2 A19 / EPORT.3 WR# / WRL# RD# BHE# / WRH# ALE INST READY RPD ONCE PLLEN2 V CC V SS A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 V SS XTAL1 XTAL2 V SS P2.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL B-6 B.2 S IGNAL DE SCRIP T IONS T abl e B-2 define s t he colum ns used in T abl e B-3, which descri bes the si gna ls. T able B -2. Description of Column s of T able B-3 Col umn He ad ing De scripti on Nam e List s the sig na ls, a rra nged a lpha betical l y .
B- 7 SIGNA L DESCRIPTIONS AL E O A dd r ess La tch E na ble This acti ve-h igh outpu t signal i s assert ed on ly duri ng e xt ernal m emory cycles. ALE signa ls the start of an extern al b u s cycle .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL B-8 EA# (NP only) I Exter nal Access This input determines w hether memory accesses to special-purpose a nd pro gr am m em o ry pa rtit io ns (FF 2000 –F F2 FFF H) a re di recte d t o i nt ern al or exte rna l mem ory .
B- 9 SIGNA L DESCRIPTIONS HOL D# I Bus Ho ld Re que st An externa l device u ses this active -low inp ut signal to requ est contro l of the bus. Th is pin fu ncti ons as HOLD# o nly if the p in is con.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL B-10 P LLEN2: 1 (N U on l y) I Phase-l ocked Lo op 1 a nd 2 Ena ble These in put pins a re used to e na bl e the o n-ch ip clock mul tipli er featu re a nd select .
B-11 SIGNA L DESCRIPTIONS RP D I Ret urn fro m Po werd own Ti m in g pin f or the return -fro m-po wer down cir cu it. If your ap plicati on uses po werd o wn mo de, conne ct a capacito r † be twe en RPD an d V SS if eith er o f t he fo ll owi ng con di tio ns a re true .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL B-12 V CC PWR Dig ita l Sup pl y V ol tag e Con nect e ach V CC pi n to the d ig ita l su pp l y v ol tag e. V SS GND Digita l Circuit Groun d Con nect e ach V SS pi n t o gr oun d t hrou gh th e l owes t p os si ble im peda nce pa th.
B-13 SIGNA L DESCRIPTIONS B.3 DE F AULT CO NDIT IO NS T abl e B-5 l ist s the default functions of the I/O and contr ol pins of the 8XC 196NP and 80C 196NU with their values during v arious operating co nditions. T abl e B-4 defines the symbols used t o rep- resent t he pin s t a tus.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL B-14 P4 .3 — W K1 W K1 (N ot e 1) ( N ot e 1) ( Not e 1 ) — E PO RT .3 :0 A19 :1 6 W K1 1 (N o te 5) (No te 5) (No te 6) (No te 8) — A15 : 0 WK1 L oZ 0 (No t.
C Registers.
C-1 APPENDI X C REGI STERS This appendix provid es re ferenc e information abou t the d evice registers. T able C-1 lists the mod- ules a nd ma jor c omp onents of the device with thei r re lated configurat ion and stat us regist ers.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-2 T able C- 2. Register Name, Address, and R eset Statu s Re gister Mne m oni c Re gis ter Nam e Hex Add ress Bin ary Res e t V al ue High Low ACC_00 (NU) Accumu.
C-3 REGISTERS EP A2 _C ON EP A Captu re /Com p 2 Con tro l 1 F8 8H 000 0 0 00 0 EP A3 _C ON EP A Ca ptu re /Com p 3 Con tro l 1 F8 C H 0 000 000 0 0 00 0 0 000 EP A0 _T IM E EPA Ca ptu re /Com p 0 Tim.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-4 SBUF _TX Se rial P ort Tr ansmi t Buffer 1FBAH 0000 0 000 SP Stac k Point er 0018H X XXX X XXX X XXX X XXX SP_BAUD Se rial Port Ba ud Rat e 1FBCH 0000 0 000 00.
C-5 REGISTERS ACC_0x ACC_0 x x = 0 , 2 (8 0C1 96 N U) Add re ss : Rese t St ate: T a ble C -3 The 32 -b it accum u lator re gi ster (ACC_ 0 x ) re sides a t lo cation s 0C –0FH. Y ou ca n read from or wri te to the ac cumu lator re gi ster a s two wo rds a t locati ons 0CH and 0EH.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-6 ACC_ST A T ACC_ST A T (8 0C1 96 NU ) Address: Reset Sta te : 0BH 00H The accum ulato r contro l and statu s (ACC_ ST AT) re gister en ab les and disa bles fract iona l a nd satu ratio n mo des an d cont ains th ree sta tus f lags th at in dica te th e sta tus of the accu mu lato r ’s con tents.
C-7 REGISTERS ACC_ST A T T able C-4. Eff e ct of SME and FME Bi t C ombinati ons SME F ME De scrip tion 0 0 Sets the OVF and STOVF flags if the sig n b it s of the accum ula tor and the adden d (the num be r to b e ad ded to the contents o f t he accum u la tor) are e qual , b ut the sig n bit o f the resu lt is th e op posite .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-8 ADDRCOMx ADDRCOM x x = 0 –5 Address: Reset Sta te : T abl e C- 5 The a d dress co mpare (ADDRCOM x ) re gister sp eci fies the base (lo west) addre ss of t he addre ss rang e. The base addre s s of a 2 n -byte add ress ran ge m ust be o n a 2 n - byte boun dar y .
C-9 REGISTERS ADDRMSK x ADDRMSK x x = 0 –5 Ad dress: Reset Sta te : T abl e C- 6 The addre ss m a sk (ADDRMS K x ) reg iste r , t ogeth er with the a d dr es s compa re reg iste r , d efi nes the addr es s ran ge th at is a ssig n ed to th e ch ip - se le ct x ou tp ut, C S x #.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-10 BUSCO Nx BUSCON x x = 0 –5 Ad dress: Reset Sta te : T abl e C- 7 For t h e addres s r an ge assigned to chip-selec t x , the bus control (BUS CON x ) regist.
C-11 REGISTERS CCR0 CCR0 no direct acces s † The chip con figura tion 0 (CCR0) reg iste r e nabl es o r d isab les po werd own and stan dby (80 C1 96 NU only) mo des an d selects the write-co ntro l mode . It a lso co nt ains the bus-con tro l pa ramet ers for fetchi ng chip con fi gurati on byt e 1.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-12 CCR1 CCR1 no direct ac cess † The chip con fi gurati on 1 (CCR1 ) re gi ster se le cts t he 16-b it or 2 4- bit a dd ressing mode and (for the 8XC19 6 NP o .
C-13 REGISTERS CON_REG 0 CON_REG0 A ddress: Reset Sta te : 1F B6H FEH The cont rol (CON_ REG0) registe r contro ls the clo ck presca le r fo r the three p u lse-w idth modu lato r s (PW M0–PWM 2 ).
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-14 EP_DIR EP_ DIR Address: Reset Sta te : 1F E3 H FF H In I/O m o de , each b it of the exte nde d p ort I/O d ire ctio n (E P_DI R) re giste r con tro ls th e d ire ctio n of th e corre spond ing pin.
C-15 REGISTERS EP_MOD E EP_ MO DE Address: Reset Sta te : 1F E1 H FF H Ea ch bit of the e xten ded po rt mode (EP_ M OD E) regi ster co ntro ls whet he r th e corre sp ondi ng p in functi ons as a standard I/O po rt pin or as an exten ded-add ress sig nal.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-16 EP _ P I N EP_ PIN Address: Reset Sta te : 1F E7 H XXH Each b it of t he exten ded po rt input (EP_ PIN) registe r refle cts the curr ent state of th e correspo ndin g pi n, reg a rdl e s s of the p in c on fig ura ti on .
C-17 REGISTERS EP_ REG EP_ REG Address: Reset Sta te : 1F E5 H X0 H Each b it of the e xten ded port data o ut pu t (EP_REG) registe r conta ins dat a t o be driven out b y the corresp ond ing p in. W hen a p in is con figu red a s standa rd I /O (EP _MOD E.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-18 EP A_M ASK EP A _MASK Address: Reset Sta te : 1F9CH AAH The EP A in terr upt mask (EP A_M AS K) regist er e n ab les or d isab les (ma sks) the multiple xed EP A3:0 ove rrun in te rru pts (OVR 3:0).
C-19 REGISTERS EP A_PEND EP A _PEN D Address: Reset Sta te : 1F 9E H AAH When ha rdwa re d ete cts a pending EP A3:0 overrun inte rrup t (OVR3 :0), i t sets t he co rresp ondin g b it in the EP A interru pt p endin g (EP A _PE ND) re gist er . OVR0 and OVR1 are multip lexe d to share one bit (OVR0 _1) in the INT_ PEND1 re gist er .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-20 EP Ax_CON EP A x _CON x = 0– 3 Address: Re set State: Ta b l e C - 8 The EP A con trol (EP A x _CON) registe r s cont rol the f un ctio ns o f thei r a ssigne d capture /com p are cha nnels. Th e registe rs for EP A 0 a ndEP A2 are iden tical.
C-21 REGISTERS EP Ax_CON 5: 4 M1: 0 EP A Mode S e lec t In ca pt ure m ode, sp ecif ie s the type of eve nt t ha t tr igg er s an inp ut cap ture . In compa re mode, specif ie s the action tha t the EP A execu tes when the re fere nce ti mer m at ch es t he eve nt tim e .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-22 EP Ax_CON 1 ROT Rese t Op posi te Ti mer Con tro ls d iffer en t fu ncti on s fo r cap ture a nd com p are mod e s. In Cap ture M ode : 0 = ca uses no actio n 1 = re sets the opposite timer In Com pa re M o de: Sele cts the timer t ha t is t o be rese t if the RT bit is set .
C-23 REGISTERS EP Ax_CON T able C- 8. EP A x _CON Addresse s and Re set V alues Re gis te r Add res s Rese t Value EP A0_CON 1F80 H 00H EP A1_ CO N 1F 84H 00 00H EP A2_CON 1F88 H 00H EP A3_ CO N 1 F8C.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-24 EP Ax_TIME EP A x _T IM E x = 0 –3 Address: Reset Sta te : T abl e C- 9 T he EP A ti me ( EP A x _TIM E) reg iste r s are th e event-t im e reg ister s f or the EP A channe ls. In captu re mod e, the value o f th e refere nce time r is cap tured in EP A x _TIM E wh en a n i nput tra nsit io n o ccu rs.
C-25 REGISTERS INT_M AS K INT _MASK Address: Reset Sta te : 0008H 00 H The interru pt m ask (INT _MASK ) re giste r e nabl es o r d isab les (mas ks) i ndivid ua l int erru pt req u ests. (Th e EI and DI i nstru ct ions en ab le an d disab le se r vicing of a ll ma ska ble inte rrup ts.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-26 INT_M AS K 1 INT _MASK1 Address: Reset Sta te : 0013H 00 H The inte rrup t ma sk 1 (INT_ M ASK1 ) r eg ister ena bles o r d isab les (m asks ) indi vidual int erru pt requ ests. (Th e EI a nd DI i n structi on s enab le and disabl e ser vicing o f a ll m as kable interr up ts.
C-27 REGISTERS INT _PE N D INT _PE ND Address: Reset Sta te : 0009H 00 H When h ardwar e d etects a pe nding int erru pt, i t set s the corr espo ndin g bit in the in terr upt p endi ng (INT _PE ND or INT _PE ND1) re gisters. W he n the vecto r is take n, the har dware cle ars th e pen ding b it.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-28 INT_P E N D1 INT _PE ND1 Address: Reset Sta te : 0012H 00 H When h ardwar e d etects a pe nding int erru pt, i t set s the corr espo ndin g bit in the in terr upt p endi ng (INT _PE ND or INT _PE ND1) re gisters.
C-29 REGISTERS ONES _RE G ONES_REG Address: Reset Sta te : 02 H FF FF H The two-b yte o nes register (ONE S_RE G) is al ways eq ual to FFF FH. I t is useful as a f ixed source of all ones f or co mpa rison ope rati on s. 15 8 One (h igh b yte) 7 0 On e ( lo w byte ) Bit Num ber F unc tio n 15 : 0 On e The se b its a re al ways eq ual to FFF FH.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-30 Px_DIR P x _DIR x = 1– 4 Address: Reset Sta te : T a bl e C -1 0 Each pin o f p o rt x can ope rate i n any o f t he stan d ard I/O mode s of oper ati on: co mp le men tary o utpu t, open -dra in ou tpu t, or hi gh-im ped an ce in put.
C-31 REGISTERS Px_M ODE P x _MODE x = 1– 4 Add re ss : Rese t St ate: Ta b l e C - 1 1 Each b i t of the po rt x mod e (P x _MODE ) re gist er controls whe ther the cor respo ndin g pi n functio ns a s a stan da rd I /O port pin or a s a s pecia l-f un ct io n signal.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-32 Px _P IN P x _PI N x = 1– 4 Add re ss : Rese t St ate: T a b le C -13 Each bit o f t he po rt x pin in put (P x _PI N) registe r refl ects the curren t state of th e corre sp ondi ng p in, reg ard le ss of the pin co nf igura tio n.
C-33 REGISTERS Px_ REG P x _RE G x = 1– 4 Add re ss : Rese t St ate: T a b le C -14 For a n i np ut, set the correspo ndin g port x d ata ouput (P x _RE G) re giste r bit. For an ou tput, wri te th e data t o be d riven out b y each pi n to t he corre spo nd ing bit o f P x _RE G.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-34 PS W PSW no direct access The proces sor sta tus wo rd (PSW ) actua lly con sists of two b ytes. Th e hi gh b yte is the sta tus wo rd, which i s describ e d here ; the lo w b yte is th e I NT_ MASK re gi ster .
C-35 REGISTERS PSW 4 V T Overflow-tra p Flag T hi s fla g is s e t whe n t he ove rflo w flag is se t, bu t it is clear ed only by the CLRV T , JVT , an d JNVT instructi ons.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-36 PT S SE L PTS SEL Address: Reset Sta te : 0004H 000 0 H The PTS select (PTSSEL) registe r selects e ither a PTS m i crocod e rou tine or a sta ndar d interru pt service ro utin e for ea ch in terru pt re quest.
C-37 REGISTERS PT SSRV PTS SRV Address: Reset Sta te : 0006H 000 0 H The PTS service (P T SSRV ) register is used by the h ard war e to i ndicat e that the fina l PTS in t erru p t has been serviced by the P TS routi ne.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-38 PWMx _CONTR OL PW M x _CONTROL x = 0 –2 Ad dre ss : Re set S tat e: T abl e C- 15 The PW M co nt rol (PW M x _CONTROL) reg ister d et ermines th e dut y cycle o f the PWM x ch an ne l. A zero loa ded into this regist er causes the PWM to outp ut a low continu ously (0% duty c ycl e).
C-39 REGISTERS SBUF_RX SBUF_RX Add ress : Re se t Sta te: 1F B8H 00H The serial port receive buffer (SBUF_RX) registe r conta ins data recei ved fro m the serial port. T h e seri al port recei ver is buffere d a n d can b eg in receivin g a second d ata byt e b ef ore the first byte is read .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-40 SBUF_T X S BUF_ TX Ad dre ss : Rese t St ate: 1FBAH 00H The seri al port tran smi t b uffe r (S B UF_ TX) r egister contai ns d ata tha t is r ea dy fo r tra n sm issio n. In mo des 1 , 2 , and 3 , wri ting t o SB U F_TX sta rts a tra n smissio n.
C-41 REGISTERS SP SP Address: Reset Sta te : 18 H XXXXH The system’s stac k p o inter (SP) c an poin t anywhe re in an i ntern al or exte rnal mem ory page; it m u st be w ord ali gn ed a nd m u st a lwa ys b e i nit ialize d be for e use.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-42 S P_BA UD SP_ BAU D Address: Reset Sta te : 1F BCH 000 0 H The seria l p ort b au d rate (SP _BA UD) re gi ster se lects t he seri al po rt b aud rat e a n d clo c k source. Th e most-sig ni fica nt bit sel ects th e clo ck sour ce.
C-43 REGISTERS SP_BAUD T able C-16. SP_BAUD V alues Wh en Using t h e Int ernal Clock at 25 MHz Bau d Ra te SP _BAUD Reg iste r V a lue (Note 1) % Error Mo de 0 Mo de 1, 2, 3 Mo de 0 Mo de 1 , 2 , 3 9 60 0 85 15 H 8 0A 2H 0 0 .1 5 4 80 0 8A 2BH 8 14 4H 0 0 .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-44 S P_CO N SP_CON Address : Re set State: 1 FBBH 00H The se rial p ort control (SP_ CON) reg iste r sel ects th e com m unicat io ns m od e and en able s or d isab le s the recei ver, parity chec king , a nd nine-b it data tra nsmi s sion .
C-45 REGISTERS SP _ S T A T U S SP_ ST ATUS Address: Reset Sta te : 1 FB9 H 0B H The se ria l port stat us (SP _ST A T US) re gi ster cont ains bi ts th at indi cate th e sta tu s of the seri al p ort.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-46 T1CONTRO L T1CONTROL Ad dress: Reset Sta te : 1F 90 H 00 H The t imer 1 con trol (T1 CONTROL ) registe r d eterm ines th e clock sou rce, c oun ting dire ctio n, an d count ra te for tim e r 1 .
C-47 REGISTERS T2CONT ROL T2CONTROL Ad dress: Reset Sta te : 1F 94 H 00 H The t imer 2 con trol (T2 CONTROL ) registe r d eterm ines th e clock sou rce, c oun ting dire ctio n, an d count ra te for tim e r 2 . 7 0 CE UD M2 M1 M0 P2 P1 P0 Bit Num ber Bit Mne m oni c F unc tio n 7 CE C ou nter Ena bl e Thi s bit ena bles or di sabl es t he ti mer .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-48 TI ME R x TIM ER x x = 1 –2 Address: R eset Sta te : T a bl e C -17 Th is regi ster cont ains the valu e o f tim er x . Th is re gi ster ca n b e writ ten , all owi ng ti me r x to b e initi alized to a val ue ot he r th an zero .
C-49 REGISTERS WSR WS R Address: Reset Sta te : 0014H 00 H The win dow selectio n reg iste r (WSR) has two f u ncti ons. One bit enable s and disa bles the bus-h old proto col. The remai ning b its select w indo ws. Windows map sections of RAM i n to the top o f the lower registe r file , i n 32-, 64-, or 128-b yte incre men ts.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-50 WSR BUSCON1 1F4CH 7AH 00ECH 3D H 0 0 CCH 1EH 0 0CCH BUSCON2 1 F54H 7AH 00F4H 3DH 00D4H 1EH 00D4H BUSCON3 1F5CH 7AH 00FCH 3DH 00DCH 1 EH 0 0D CH BUSCON4 1 F64H.
C-51 REGISTERS WSR P4_ DIR 1FDB H 7EH 00 FB H 3FH 0 0 DBH 1FH 00 DBH P 4_MODE 1 FD9 H 7EH 00F9H 3FH 00D9 H 1FH 00D9H P4_ PIN 1 FDF H 7 EH 0 0 FFH 3FH 00DFH 1 FH 00DFH P4_ REG 1FDDH 7EH 00 FDH 3FH 0 0 .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-52 WSR 1 WS R1 (8 0C1 96 NU ) Address: Reset Sta te : 0015H 00H Wind ow sele ctio n 1 (WSR1 ) registe r selects a 32- o r 64-b yte segm e nt of t h e u pp er re g iste r file or peri phera l S FRs to be wi ndowe d i nto t he mid dle o f th e lower r eg ister file, be low a ny win dow sel ecte d by th e WSR.
C-53 REGISTERS WSR 1 BUSCON5 1F 6CH 7BH 0 06CH 3DH 00 6CH CON_REG0 1F B6H 7DH 007 6H 3EH 0076H E P _DI R 1 FE3 H 7FH 00 63H 3 FH 0 063H EP_MODE 1FE1H 7FH 006 1H 3FH 0061 H E P _P IN 1 FE 7H 7F H 00 67.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL C-54 WSR 1 PWM0_CONT R OL 1FB0H 7DH 0070H 3EH 0070 H PWM1_CONT R OL 1FB2H 7DH 0072H 3EH 0072 H PWM2_CONT R OL 1FB4H 7DH 0074H 3EH 0074 H SBUF_RX 1FB8H 7DH 0078H 3E.
C-55 REGISTERS ZERO_REG ZERO_REG Address: Reset Sta te : 00 H 000 0 H The two-b yte zero reg iste r (Z ERO_RE G) is a lwa ys equ al to zero . I t is u sefu l as a fi xed so urce of the con stan t zero for com p ari sons a nd cal cula tion s.
Gloss ar y-1 GLOS SARY This glossa ry defines acronyms, abbrevi ations, and te rms tha t have spec ial mea ning in this m an- ual. (Chapt er 1 discusse s notational conventi ons and general term inolog y .) 1-Mbyte m ode The address ing mode that a llows c ode to re side anywhere i n the 1-M byte addressing space.
Gloss ar y-2 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL chip-se lect u nit The inte grat ed module that select s an external memory devi ce during a n ext erna l bus cyc le. cl e ar The “ 0” value of a bit or the act of giving i t a “0” val ue . Se e als o set .
Gloss ar y-3 GLOSSARY far data Data tha t can be access ed only with extended inst ruc- tions. See a lso near dat a . FE T Fie l d-e ffec t tra ns ist o r . f Lowercas e “f” repres ent s the freq uency of the internal clock. For the 8XC 196NP , f is alw a ys eq ual to F XTAL 1 (the input fre quency on XT AL1).
Gloss ar y-4 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL ISR See i nte rrupt ser vice r outine . LONG-INTEGER A 32-bit, signed vari able with values from –2 31 throug h +2 31 –1 . LS B Least-si gnific ant bit of a b yte or leas t-sig nificant byte of a word .
Gloss ar y-5 GLOSSARY nonvo l atil e m emory Read-only memor y that re tains its contents w hen p owe r i s r em ove d. M a ny M C S ® 96 microcontrol lers are avai lable wit h eithe r maske d ROM , EP R OM , o r OTPRO M .
Gloss ar y-6 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL PSW Processor status word. The high byte of the PSW is the sta tus byte, whic h conta ins one bit tha t globa lly enabl es or disa ble s servic i ng of all mas kable interrupts, one bit that enable s or disables the PTS , and six Bool ean fla gs tha t reflect the stat e of the current p rogram.
Gloss ar y-7 GLOSSARY r eser ved m emory A memory location t hat is rese rv ed f o r fa c t ory use or for future e xpansi on. Do not use a r ese rved me mory locat ion e xce pt to i nit ia liz e it wi th F F H. sampled inputs All input pi ns, with the exce pti on of RESET#, are sample d inp uts.
Gloss ar y-8 8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER’S MANUAL speci al-purpose me m ory A partition of memory use d for storing the int err upt ve ct o r s , PTS vec tors , chi p configurat ion byte s, and several res erved loca tions.
Index -1 #, de fine d, 1- 3, A- 1 1-Mbyte mode, 5- 1 fetching code , 5 -2 3, 5-25 f etching data, 5-2 6 incr ementi n g S P, 5- 11 memor y c onfig uration e xample , 5-31 64-K byte mode, 5-1, 5-5 fetc.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER ’ S MANUAL Index -2 Baud-rat e genera tor SIO port, 8-8 BAUD_VAL UE, 8-11, C-42 BHE# , 13-3, B-7 during bu s hold, 13-30 See al so wr ite-contr ol s ignal s BIT, defined, 4.
Index -3 INDEX CMP ins truct ion, A -3, A- 1 1, A-49, A-53, A -60 CMPB i nstructio n, A-3, A- 1 2, A-50, A-53, A- 60 CMPL ins tructio n, A-2, A- 1 2, A-51, A-53, A- 60 Code e xec ution, 2-4, 2- 5 Code.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER ’ S MANUAL Index -4 resetting the time rs, 1 0-21, C-22 selecting t he c apture /compare e vent, 10-20, C-21 selecting t he t ime ba se, 10-1 9, C-20 selecting up or down c.
Index -5 INDEX device consi der ations, 11-1–11-11 device r e set, 11- 8, 11 -9, 11-10, 11-11 inte rr u pt proc essor , 2- 6, 6-1 minimum confi gurat ion, 1 1- 1 NMI cons ider ations, 6- 6 noise pro.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER ’ S MANUAL Index -6 JNC instruc tion, A-2, A-5, A-24, A-51, A-58, A-66 JNE instr uct ion, A- 2, A- 5, A-24, A-5 1, A-58, A- 66 JNH instruc tion, A-2, A-5, A-25, A-51, A- 5 .
Index -7 INDEX map, A- 2 reserve d, A-3, A-52 Operand type s, See dat a types Operands, a ddre ssi ng, 4-12 Op era ting mod es, 2-12 S ee a lso 1-Mbyte mode, 64-Kbyte m ode OR i nstructio n, A-2, A- 3.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER ’ S MANUAL Index -8 Power consumptio n, re ducing, 2-12, 12-7 Powerdown mode, 2-12, 12- 7–12-12 circ uitr y, e xte rna l, 12-1 1 controlli ng, 13-15 disabli ng, 12-6, 12-.
Index -9 INDEX S ee a lso windows Regis te r R AM and idle mode, 12 - 5 and powerdown mode, 12-7 Regis ter s ACC_ 0 x , 3-4 ACC_ STAT, 3-5 al l oc at i n g, 4- 12 EPA_MAS K, 10- 3 EPA_PEND, 10-3 EP_DI.
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER ’ S MANUAL Index -10 S e ri al I/O p ort ‚ See SIO port Set , de fined, 1- 3 SETC inst ruc tion, A-3, A-36, A-52, A- 59, A-67 SF Rs and i dl e mode, 12 - 5 and powerdown .
Index-11 INDEX T1DIR, 10-2, B- 11 T2CLK, 10-2, B-11 T2CONTROL, C-51, C-54 T2DIR, 10-2, B- 11 Technic a l supp or t, 1-1 1 Terminology , 1-3 TIJMP i nstructi on, A- 2, A- 4 4, A-51, A-57, A- 64 Timer/ .
8XC1 96NP , 80C196NU USER ’ S MANUAL Index -12 and SIO baud ra t e, 8-12, 8-1 3 hardwa re co nnections, 11-6, 11- 7 XTAL2 , 11-2, B-12 hardwa re co nnections, 11-6, 11- 7 Y y , def ine d, 1- 4 Z Zer.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Intel Microcontroller c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Intel Microcontroller - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Intel Microcontroller, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Intel Microcontroller va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Intel Microcontroller, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Intel Microcontroller.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Intel Microcontroller. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Intel Microcontroller ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.