Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit NS-46E340A13 du fabricant Insignia
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NS -46E340A13 Us er G u i d e 46" LED T V.
ii signiap Co n t e n t s CHILD SA FETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Important Safety Instruc tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iii Contents signiapro Understanding the basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Turn ing you r TV on or off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv Contents signiap Using IN link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Turnin g Audio Recei ver on or off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 www.insig niaproducts .com As y ou enjo y your new produc t, k eep these safety tips in mind The issue The home theater entertai nment experience is a growing trend, and larger T V s are popular purchas es. Howev er , T Vs are no t alway s suppor ted on the proper stands or instal led accord ing to the man ufacturer ’ s recommendations .
2 NS-46E340A13 www.insig niaproducts .com Importan t Safety Inst ructions 1 Read these instr uctions . 2 Keep these instr uctions . 3 Heed all warnin gs. 4 F ollo w all in stru ctions. 5 Do not us e this app aratus near water . 6 Clean only with dry clot h.
3 www.insig niaproducts .com Ser vicing These se rvic ing inst ructi ons are for use by qual ified service personn el only . T o reduc e the risk of electric shock, do not pe rform any ser vicing oth er than that contained in the op erating instru ctio ns unless you ar e qualif ied to do so .
4 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Insignia 46" LED T V Introd uct ion Congratulations on your purchase of a high- quality Insignia p roduct. Y our NS-46E340A 13 repre sents the state of the ar t in L ED T V design and is designed for reliable and tr ouble-free performance .
5 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 4 At tach the w all-moun t bra cket to your TV using the mounti ng holes on the back of your T V . See the in struc tions that came with the wall- mount bracket for i nformation abou t how to cor rectly hang your T V .
6 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Side Back # Item Descr ipti on /AUDIO OUT Con nect h eadphones , an analog audio a mplifier , a home theater system, or a sound bar to this jack. For mor e informat ion, see “ U sing analog audio ” on pag e 18 .
7 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Remote c ontr ol # Button Descr ipti on (power) Pre ss to turn your TV on or o ff (standby mode). Wa rn in g: When yo ur TV is off , pow e r still flows through it. T o discon nect power , unplug the po wer cord.
8 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Making c onnections What conn ec tion should I use? Y our T V has sev eral connection types f or connec ting devi ces to your T V . F or the best vi deo quality , you should connect a device t o the best availab le connecti on.
9 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com C onnecting pow er T o c onnect the pow er: • Plug the AC power cord into the AC connector on the bac k of your T V , then pl ug the other end into a power out let. C onnecting a cable or sat ellite bo x Many cab le or sat ellite TV box es hav e more th an one connect ion type.
10 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Using DVI (same as HDMI but req uires a sound connection) T o c onnect a cable or sat ellite bo x using DVI: 1 Make sure that your T V’ s power cor d is unplugged, and all connected equipment is tur ned o ff .
11 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Using comp osite vi deo (good) T o c onnect a cable or sat ellite box using composite video: 1 Make sure that your T V’ s power cor d is unplugged, and all connected equipment is tur ned o ff .
12 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com C onnecting an antenn a or cable TV (no bo x) T o c onnect an antenna or cable TV (no bo x): 1 Make sure that your T V’ s power cor d is unplugged, and all connected equipment is tur ned o ff .
13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Using DVI (same as HDMI but req uires a sound connection) T o c onnect a DVD or Blu-r ay pla yer u sing DVI: 1 Make sure that your T V’ s power cor d is unplugged and the DVD or Blu-ray player is tur ned o ff .
14 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Using comp osite vi deo (good) T o c onnect a DVD or Blu-r ay pla yer u sing composite video: 1 Make sure that your T V’ s power cor d is unplugged and the DVD or Blu-ray player is tur ned o ff .
15 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com C onnecting a camcord er or game console T o c onnect a camcorder or g ame console: 1 Make sure that your T V’ s power cor d is unplugged and the camco rder or game consol e is tur ned of f .
16 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Using HDMI T o c onnect a computer using HDMI: 1 Make sure that your T V’ s power cor d is unplugged and the computer is turned off . 2 Con nect an HDM I cable (not pro vided) t o the HDMI jack on the side or ba ck of you r T V a nd to the HDMI OU T jack on the compu ter .
17 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com C onnecting headphon es T o c onnect headphones: 1 Con nect the headphon es to the /AUDIO OU T jack on t he side of y our TV . 2 When a menu ope ns, pr ess S or T to select Headphones , then press ENTE R .
18 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Using analog aud io T o c onnect a home theat er system us ing analog audio: 1 Make sure that your T V’ s power cor d is unplugged and the ho me theater syst em is tur ned o ff . 2 Connect a 3.
19 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com U si ng the remote control Instal ling re mote c ontr ol batt eries T o i nstall remote co ntrol bat teries: 1 Whil e pressing the re lease lat ch on t he back of the rem ote control, li ft th e batter y compar tm ent cover o ff the remote co ntrol.
20 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 4 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Mode , then press W or X to s elec t Man ual (to set the date and time man ually) or Aut o (to set th e date a nd time automatically from a T V signal source based on the tim e zone y our select).
21 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com B If you sele ct Cable , a message asks if y ou have a cable box: • Sele ct No , then press ENTER if no cable box is connec ted. Y our T V scans for avai lable ch anne ls. The s can m ay take several minutes.
22 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Un derstand ing the ba sics T urning y our T V on or off T o tur n your TV on or off : 1 Ma k e s ur e t ha t t he p owe r c or d i s c on ne c te d t o a power out let. 2 Press (power) to turn on you r T V .
23 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Settings menu (T V mode) Photos menu (USB mode) Navigating the menus Select ing a ch an nel T o select a channel: • Pr ess CH or CH to go to the nex t or prev ious channel on the memorized chan nel list.
24 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com V iewing system informatio n T o vi ew sys tem i nform atio n: 1 Pr ess MENU . The on-s cree n menu opens . 2 Pr ess W or X to high light Settings , then press T or ENTE R . The Se ttings menu open s.
25 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com • Ad van ce d Vid eo —Op ens the Pictur e-Adv anc ed Vi deo menu w here y ou can adjust addit ional video options . • Dynamic Backlight (DCR) —Enhances t he contr ast rati o between ligh t and dark are as of the pictu re.
26 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 3 Pr ess W or X to high light Settings , then press T or ENTE R . The Se ttings menu open s. 4 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Comp u ter S et ti ng s , then press ENTER . The Sett ing s-C omp ut er Settings menu open s.
27 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com • Adv an ce d A ud io —Op ens the Audio -Advanced Audio menu wher e you can adjust addit ional audio opti ons. • Bass —Adj usts th e low soun ds. • T reble —Adj usts the high sounds. • T V Speaker s — T ur ns the TV speakers on or off .
28 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Changing channel sett ings Automatical ly scanni ng for channel s When you scan for channels, your T V searches for channels with si gnals and stores the channel info rmation in th e channel l ist.
29 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com B If you sele ct Cable , a message asks if y ou have a cable box: • Sele ct No , then press ENTER if no cable box is connec ted. Y our T V scans for avai lable ch anne ls. The s can m ay take several minutes.
30 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 2 Pr ess W or X to hi ghlight Channels , then pr ess T or ENTER . The Channels me nu opens. 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t A dd/Skip Channels , then press ENTER . The Chan nels-Add/Sk ip Channels screen opens .
31 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 4 Pr ess S T W or X to hig hlight the cha nnel y ou want to add to the favorites l ist, then press ENTE R . A check mark ap pears nex t to the channel. 5 Pr ess MENU to return to the previous menu , or press EXIT to close the me nu.
32 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Chec king the digi tal signal stren gth Y ou can chec k the digital signa l strength to determine if you need to adjust your antenna or digit al cable i nput. T he high er the si gnal str ength, the le ss likely you are t o experie nce pictur e degr adation.
33 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 4 Pr ess the numbe r buttons to en ter th e four-digit password. The defa ult passwor d is 0000 . Y ou should change the passwor d to a number you can r eme mber . The Settings - Parental Controls menu op ens.
34 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 4 Pr ess the numbe r buttons to en ter th e four-digit password. The Se ttings-Parental Controls menu opens with Button Loc k highli ghte d. 5 Pr ess ENTE R . 6 Pr ess S or T to select On (locks th e buttons) or Off (u nlocks the bu ttons).
35 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Sett ing pa rental contro l levels Y ou can set parental controls for the U .S. and Ca nad a. U.S. r ating levels Some of t he age-based T V P are ntal Guid elines ratings also hav e content- based ratings.
36 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 4 Pr ess the numbe r buttons to en ter th e four-digit password. The Se ttings-Parental Controls menu opens . 5 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t USA P arental Locks , then press ENTER . ( T o set Canadian ratings, select Canadi an Par ental Locks ).
37 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 3 Pr ess ENTE R . The Enter Password scree n opens. 4 Pr ess the numbe r buttons to en ter th e four-digit password. The Se ttings-Parental Controls menu opens . 5 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t RRT5 , then press ENTE R .
38 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 6 Pr ess MENU to return to the previous menu , or press EXIT to close the me nu. Selecting the analog cl osed captioning mod e T o select the analog c losed captioning m ode: 1 Pr ess MENU .
39 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Closed Captio n , then press ENTER . The Settings-Closed C aption menu opens . 4 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Digital C aption , then press ENTER . A m enu opens . 5 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t a dig ital c aption setting , then press EN TER .
40 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 4 Pr ess S or T to highli ght Date/T ime , then press ENTE R . The Settings- Time-D ate/Time menu opens .
41 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 5 Pr ess S or T to s e l e c t t h e a m o u nt o f t i m e b e fo r e your T V tur ns off autom atical ly . Y ou c an sel ect Off , 5 , 10 , 15 , 30 , 60 , 90 , 120 , 180 , or 240 minutes. T o tur n off the s leep time r , s elec t Off .
42 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t Auto Inpu t Sen sing , then press ENTER . A m enu opens. 4 Pr ess S or T to select On (tu rns on th e inpu t sensor) or Off (tu rns of f the inp ut senso r).
43 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 2 Pr ess W or X to high light Settings , then press T or ENTE R . The Se ttings menu open s. 3 Pr ess S or T to highli ght Reset to Defau lt , then press ENTER . A co nfirma tion bo x open s. 4 Pr ess W or X to select Ye s (t o reset) or No (to not reset), then press ENTER .
44 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 2 Pr ess W or X to high light Settings , then press T or ENTE R . The Se ttings menu open s. 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t INli nk , th en pr ess ENTE R . The Settings-INlink menu opens.
45 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com T urning Audio Receiver on or off When IN lin k Control is tur ned on and you have connec ted an audio rece iver to your T V , turni ng on Aud io Re ce ive r lets y ou use y our T V ’ s remote contr ol to con trol the volume on the audio re ceive r .
46 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 3 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t INli nk , th en pr ess ENTE R . The Settings-INlink menu opens. 4 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t INlink De vice Lists , then press ENTER . A list o f the HDMI CEC-co mpatible devices you have connected appears.
47 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Opening an INlink -compati ble devic e ’ s root menu Y ou c an open an INlink-compa tibl e device ’ s root menu , then use your TV ’ s r emote contr ol to contr ol the d evice. T o open an INlink-compatib le device ’ s root menu : 1 Pr ess MENU .
48 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Browsing p hotos T o br owse phot os: 1 Swi tch t o U SB m ode. 2 Pr ess MENU . The on-s cree n menu opens . 3 Pr ess W or X to hi ghlight Photos , the n press T or ENTE R . The Photos menu opens with Photos high lighted .
49 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com V iewing fav orite photos After you created your favorite photo li st, you can brow se amon g your fa vorit e photos qu ickly . T o view favorite ph otos: 1 Swi tch t o U SB m ode. 2 Pr ess MENU .
50 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com 4 Pr ess ENTE R . The Photos menu o pens. 5 Pr ess S or T to hi ghligh t V iew Slideshow , th en press ENTER . A slideshow star ts with the first photo i n the c urrent folde r . 6 T o c ontrol the slidesh ow , pr ess: • ENTE R to pau se or s tar t the sl ides how .
51 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com • Tr a n s i t i o n —S elect s the way photos transition when movin g to th e nex t file i n the s lid eshow. Y ou ca n select: • None —No transi tion ef fect. • F ade to Black —F ades the scr een to bl ack betwee n photos.
52 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com No col or , dark pi cture, or color is not corr ect. • T r y ano ther chann el. The station may be experiencing pro blems. • Adjust the color settings. See “See “ Adj usti ng the TV picture ” on page 24 .
53 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Remote c ontr ol Gener al Note : I f the pr oblem is not solved by using these tr oubleshooting instructions , turn off your TV , then turn it on again. Problem Solution Remote control does not wor k .
54 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Specifica tions Spec ificat ions ar e subj ect to chan ge witho ut notic e. Dimensions and weight Screen Disp lay r esolu tions Tu n e r Inputs Outputs Audio Pow er Miscellaneous Without sta nd 41.
55 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com P ro gra mming univ ersal re mote co ntro l s Pr ogrammin g a differ ent un ivers al remot e contro l Y ou can operat e your Insignia TV with a new or exist ing un iversal re mote cont rol.
56 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com Leg a l no t i ce s FCC Pa r t 15 This dev ice complies w ith Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
57 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com One -year limited warr anty - Insignia T elevisions Defini tions: Insignia Products (“In signia ”) warrants to you, the original purchaser of.
58 NS-46E340 A13 Insignia 46" LED TV www.insig niaproducts .com.
INSIGNIA is a registered trademark of BBY Soluti ons, Inc. Regi stered in som e countr ies. Distributed b y Best Buy Pur chasing , LL C, 7601 Pen n Av e South, Richfield , MN 55423 U . S.A. ©2012 BBY Solutions , Inc. All Rig hts Re served Made in China 1-877-467-4289 www.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Insignia NS-46E340A13 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Insignia NS-46E340A13 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Insignia NS-46E340A13, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Insignia NS-46E340A13 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Insignia NS-46E340A13, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Insignia NS-46E340A13.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Insignia NS-46E340A13. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Insignia NS-46E340A13 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.