Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ML5590/91 du fabricant HP
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ML5590/91 u s er ’ s gui d e.
PRE FAC E > 2 PR EF AC E Every effort has been made to ensure that the inform ation in this docume nt is complete, accur ate, and up-to-date . The manufacturer assum es no respo nsibil ity fo r th e resu lts o f erro rs beyo nd its cont rol.
CONTENTS > 3 CO N T E N T S Pref ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Intr odu ctio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fe atur es / Ti ps .
CONTENTS > 4 Printing a ll Me nu Sett ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Chan ging the M enu S etting s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Men u Set tings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NOTES, CA UTIONS AND WARNI NGS > 5 NOT ES, C AUTIONS AND W ARNINGS NOTE A note appears in this manual like this. A no te prov ides additional inform ation to supple ment the main text which m ay he lp you to use an d unders tand the product. CAU T IO N ! A cau tion appear s in this m anual lik e this.
INTRODUCTION > 6 INTR OD UCTION > Extrem ely reliable, d urable operation : 20 ,000 h ours Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) at 25% d uty cycle and 35 % page d ens it y. > Advanced pa pe r h and ling, with built-in re ar push tractor and ze ro -tear forms capability .
INTRODUCTION > 7 To p o f F o r m ( T O F ) Top of For m (TOF) sets th e print st art posit ion. The fa ctory defa ult is 1" from the to p. The TOF can be chan ged in incr ements of 1/ 144", for a si ngle prin t job or set to a new def ault.
INTRODUCTION > 8 C ontrolling Acc ess to th e Printer > Y ou can control access to the prin ter by c hangi ng the se tting for the O perator Pan el Functi on in the Menu from Full Op erat io n ( the facto r y defau lt ) to Li mi ted Ope rat io n.
PRINTER DRIVERS > 9 PRINT ER DRIVER S EMULATION S The factory default emulatio n for your printer is Epson LQ. If yo u wi sh to chang e to one of the IB M e mulations , see “ Usin g your Prin ter ” . PRIN T ER D RIVER S The Ok i driver for yo ur prin ter is pr ovided on the CD included with the print er.
PRIN TER DRIVERS > 10 Win V e r is the W indows version s , and Co d e P a g e is the selected opti on. 3. After files have finished cop ying, clic k [Finish] . 4. Switc h your printer ON. US ING A C O MPATIB LE DRIVER The driver s below are listed by de creasin g compatibility w ith your printer.
PRIN TER DRIVERS > 11 This port requires a cable confo rming to US B version 1.1 or above. A genuine cab le disp lays the Tr ident sym bol on both connect ors. Using an inferior cable can cause printin g problems and special cab les are neede d for longe r runs than five met res .
PRIN TER DRIVERS > 12 5. The printe r wil l b e identified immediately by the Ne w Hardwar e Wiz ard and instal l itself in the Printer folder . An additional ite m, USB Printing Sup p ort wil l also appear in t he Devic e Manager each time t he p rinter is switc hed ON an d co nnec te d.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 13 US ING Y OUR PRINT E R C OMPONENTS: RE AR F EED (C ONT INUOUS FORMS) The ser ial nu mber of you r pri nt er is on a lab el f ixe d to the b ac k of the printer. C OMPO NENTS : T OP F EED (SINGL E SHEE TS) 1. Sheet Guide 5.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 14 T OP OF FORM (T OF) Top of For m (TOF) sets th e print st art posit ion. The fa ctory defa ult is 1" from the to p. The TOF can be chan ged in i ncrem ents o f 1/180" , for either a single print job, o r all print jobs.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 15 F O RMS T EAR -OFF The re are two wa ys to dete rmin e the sta tus of the Fo rms Tear- Off men u set ting: l Print th e Menu. l Use t h e T EA R ke y . T o pri n t the Menu: 1. Mak e sure paper is loaded. 2. Hol d SHI FT (2), t hen press SEL (1) to ente r th e Menu Mod e.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 16 SETTING T OP OF FORM (T OF) The fi rst line prints at th e red li ne (1) of th e plastic p aper shi eld on the printhead. Forms Tear-Off set to OFF - default With paper loaded and the print er ON and selected: 1. Press PAR K (6) to park t he paper.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 17 Forms Tear-Off set to ON With paper loaded and the print er ON and selected: 1. Press PAR K (6) to park t he paper. The SEL light goes off and the red alarm light comes on. 2. Press FF | LOAD (4) to load th e pape r . 3. W ait briefly unti l the p aper mo ves up to th e tear pos ition, the n pres s and hold TEAR (5) .
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 18 T EMPORARILY CH ANGIN G T HE T OP OF FORM To m ove the Top of F orm po sitio n lower for one p age only: 1. Press SEL to d eselec t t he pri nter.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 19 When data is r eceived , the pa per auto matical ly mo ves dow n to the print po sition (TOF) and p rinting be gins. When printing sto ps, For ms Tear-O ff automati cally .
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 20 CHANGING THE F ORMS T EAR-OFF SETTING The d efault setting fo r Fo rms Tear-Off is OF F . To ch ange the Forms Tear- Off set ting: 1.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 21 PA P E R PA R K Pap er pa rk allow s you to sw itch to singl e she et p rint ing with out removing con tinuous feed paper from the print er.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 22 4. Move the pap er leve r (1) to th e middle positi on marked “ TOP . ” 5. Adjust the paper guid es (1) for t he size of paper you are using, then place a sheet o f paper in t he she et g uide. SINGLE SHEETS TO C ONTINUOUS FORMS 1.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 23 3. Swing the wire feed guid e over onto th e pull-up roll e r . 4. Move the paper lever to the appropriat e pos it ion. l Rea r fe e d: l Botto m feed: l If nec essary, lo ad continuous form paper.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 24 PRINTHEAD GAP 1. The printhead gap is the distanc e between the printhead and the plate n. T o a d j u s t t h e g a p , o p e n t h e a c c e s s co v e r a n d m o v e t h e c o l o u r e d l e v e r (1) to th e recomme nded set ting from the table.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 25 PR INT QU AL ITY Pre ss PRI NT Q UALITY (1) t o sel ect: Letter Qu ality (LQ l igh t o n): l Highest quality, slowest speed Choic e of 7 ty pef aces Ut ilit y ( UT ILI TY .
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 26 CHAR ACT ER PITC H Charact er pitch deter mines how many char acters will print o n each line. You ca n choose a s pecific fixed widt h (10 to 20 ) for each char acter i n chara cters per i nch (CP I). The higher cpi se ttings a re oft en used fo r sprea dshee ts.
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 27 PRINT ER RESET Clearing some err or conditions requires that you reset (reinitia lise) the pri nter. To do this : 1. Press and re lease SEL (1) to take the prin ter off li ne. The SEL light goes out. 2. Press and h old SHI FT (2), then pr ess the RESET/C HARACT ER PITCH ke y ( 5 ) .
USING Y OUR PRINTE R > 28 4. Press and h old SHI FT (2 ), the n pr ess SEL (1) to s ave your se tting and e xit th e Men u Mode ..
MENU MODE > 29 MENU MOD E In Me nu Mode, use th e front panel keys to change the defaults for the printer paramet ers. The ch anges made in th e Menu Mode are auto mati cally save d when y ou ex it th e Men u Mode and a re re taine d, even w hen the print er is turned off.
MENU MODE > 30 ENTERING AND EX ITING MENU MODE Hold down the SHIFT key while p ressing SE L. RESETTING THE MENU TO T HE F A CTORY DEFA UL TS 1. Tu r n t h e p r i n t e r O F F. 2. Press SEL and LF while turning the printer ON. PRINTING THE MENU SETTINGS 1.
MENU MODE > 31 6. Press and h old SHI FT , th en press SEL to exit the Menu Mod e an d sa ve you r s et ti ngs . MENU SETTINGS For a complete explanat ion of each menu item, s ee “ Ex p lan ati on s of Men u Items ” la ter in this chapt er. The table f ollowi ng show s the i tems which may ap pear in t he me nu.
MENU MODE > 32 Symbol Sets Character Set Lan gua ge Se t Ze r o Character Co d e Pa ge Set I, Set I I ASCII , Frenc h, German, British, Danish I, S wedish I, Italian , Spanish I, Japanese, Norwegia.
MENU MODE > 33 To p F e e d Lin e Sp acing Form T ear-Off* Bottom Margi n Page Width (wide model) Page Length Wa i t T i me Page Length Control * With RollPaper Stand fi tted 6 LPI , 8 LPI Off , 500 ms, 1 sec. , 2 sec. Va l i d , Invalid 8", 13.
MENU MODE > 34 Parallel I/F I-Prime Pin 18 Auto Feed X T* Bi-Direction *When Epson L Q emulation se lected . Buffer Pr int, Buffer C lear, Invalid +5V , Open Invalid , V alid Enable , Disabl e Seri.
MENU MODE > 35 EXPLA NATION OF ME NU ITEMS These exp lanatio ns are in alphabet ical seq uence to make it easier to look the m u p. Some items onl y app ea r whe n op tion al acce ssorie s ar e installe d; others appear in se veral groups in the menu.
MENU MODE > 36 Bottom Mar gin, Def ault = V alid Change t o Invalid if you w ant th e printe r to ignor e the bot tom margin sett ing. Busy Line, Def ault = S SD- Appears only w hen the opti onal Serial In terface is inst alled.
MENU MODE > 37 Char acte r Set, D efau lt = IBM Set II Use t his to sw itch char acter se ts to I BM Set I. C ode P age, Defa ult = US A Choo se the Code Page c haracte r set y ou wis h to us e: US.
MENU MODE > 38 D T R Sig nal, Defaul t = Ready On Powe r Up Appears only wh en the optional Serial Interfa ce is installed. Ch ang e to Ready On Sele ct if the DTR signal is requi red when the print er is selected (le ave as Ready On Powe r Up if the DTR signal is required wh en the pri nter is tur ned ON ).
MENU MODE > 39 Lang uage S et, Default = AS CII Replaces certain s tandard symbols with special ch aracters used in foreign lan guages. Line Spac ing, Def ault = 6 lpi Chan ge t o 8 lin es pe r in ch (lp i) to get more lines on a page.
MENU MODE > 40 Paper Out Override, Def ault = No Senses when less th an 1" (25 mm ) of paper remain s and stops printi ng. Ch ange t o Yes to over ride th e senso r and p rint clo ser to the bott om of the p age. Par i ty, Def aul t = N on e Appears only wh en the optional Serial Interfa ce is installed.
MENU MODE > 41 Print Suppr ess Effective, De faul t = Y es If yo ur syst em us es the D C1 and DC3 code s for so methi ng ot her than the print suppr ess mode, change t he setting to No. Propor tional Spacing, Default = N o Cha nge th e sett ing to Yes to en gage pr oport ion al sp acing of ch ar act ers .
MENU MODE > 42 SI Selec t Pitch 12 cpi, De fault = 20 cpi IBM e mulation only . Sets the pi tch to b e engag ed wh en the p rinte r contr ol panel is set for 12 cpi and th e SI command is received. Size , Def ault = Sing le Change to Double for dou ble width and hei ght print ing.
MAIN TE NANC E > 43 MAIN T ENA NCE REP LACING THE RIBBON CARTRIDGE Important! Make s ure yo u have the correc t replac ement ri bbon fo r your p rinter. The wron g ribbo n will not print when insta lled in your printer. Loo k for the pri nter mo del numbe r on th e ribbon package.
MAIN TE NANC E > 44 2. Swing the used ribbon cartrid ge up off the printhead, lift it out, and disc ard it. 3. Unpac k the new rib bon cartridge and install it. Important! Do not remove the ribbon shield (1) from th e ribbon! 4. T urn the take-up kn ob (1) in the di rectio n of the arrow to take up an y rib bon slack.
MAIN TE NANC E > 45 LOAD I NG PA P E R REAR F EED If you have any paper in the paper pat h, remove it before in stalling rear feed paper. 1. Lock Le ver 2. Upper T ractor Cov e r 3. Pin s Loading R ear F eed Paper from the B ack of the Print er The se inst ruct ions as sume you have ready acc ess to the b ack o f the p r i n t e r .
MAIN TE NANC E > 46 1. O pe n t h e a cce s s co v e r ( 1 ) . 2. Gra sp the shee t guide. Lift it slight ly , then slide it bac k. 3. Pivot the shee t guide for ward and gently rest it ag ainst the rolle r asse mbl y. Careful ! If you push the sheet g uide too hard agains t the roller assembly, it m a y d i s l o d g e i t .
MAIN TE NANC E > 47 4. From the ba ck of the pri nter, locate the trac tors (1 ). 5. Open the lock levers (1) and move the righ t tractor (as v ie wed from the back of the printer) to the referen c e mark (2) matc hi ng the width of th e paper yo u are loadi ng.
MAIN TE NANC E > 48 7. Plac e continuous forms paper on the first two pin s of either tracto r . I mportant! You mu st keep the nu mber of p aper ho les engag ed on ei ther pin the same. If you don’t the paper will skew and jam . 8. C lose the r ight tr actor co ver .
MAIN TE NANC E > 49 9. Adjust the left t ractor u n til the holes in t he paper are centered on the pins then lock the lever and close th e left tractor cov e r. 10. Lo we r the sheet guide and s lide it to ward s t he fro nt of th e pri nter u nti l the mark s ali gn.
MAIN TE NANC E > 50 11. Plac e t he wire guide in the sh eet guide on the pull-up roller assem bly. 12. Press FF/L OAD . Loading R ear Feed P aper from the Fr ont of the Printer These in structions assume you do not ha ve ready ac cess to the bac k of the print er.
MAIN TE NANC E > 51 Make s ure the paper lever is forward ( position ma rked “ REAR ” ). 1. O pe n t h e a cce s s co v e r ( 1 ) . 2. Gr asp the tab s and li ft off the sh eet guide .
MAIN TE NANC E > 52 3. Pu ll up on the loc k levers to relea se them. 4. Move th e left tractor to t he posit ion to matc h your pape r size and pus h bac k on the lev er to loc k it in p lace, then move t he right tra ctor to f it the wi dth of the paper.
MAIN TE NANC E > 53 5. Open the tractor covers and pl ace c ontinu ous forms paper on the fi rst two pins of eith er tract or, then clos e th e left tracto r cov e r. 6. Adj ust the pos iti on of t he rig ht tr actor to c ente r the hole s in the pape r on the pins.
MAIN TE NANC E > 54 7. Reinsta ll t he she et feed er..
MAIN TE NANC E > 55 8. Plac e th e wire guide (1) in the sheet guide on t he pull-up r oller assem bly. 9. Press FF/L OAD . NOTE The factor y default setting for the Top of Form (whe re th e printing sh ould begi n) is 1" down from the top of the pa ge.
MAIN TE NANC E > 56 T OP F EED (SINGLE SHEETS) If you have cont inuous form paper in the path, press PAR K to rem ove it before lo ading single shee ts. Make s ure the pri nte r is on and deselecte d ( SEL light off). 1. Move the pap er leve r (1) to th e center positio n (marked “ TOP ” ).
MAIN TE NANC E > 57 3. Adjust the paper fee d guides ( 1) for t he width of the paper, then plac e a sheet of paper in the separator . The paper wil l feed into the printer. NOT ES > If t he paper does not fee d in, remove it . Ch eck the pap er lever position.
MAIN TE NANC E > 58 CL EARING P APER JAMS REAR F EED JAMS 1. T urn off the print er . 2. Use the platen knob to back the paper all the way o ut of the printer . 3. Open the acc ess cover (1) and remove th e pul l-u p roller as sembly (2). R emove any to rn paper.
MAIN TE NANC E > 59 5. Lo we r the shee t guide , then in sta ll th e pul l-up ro lle r ass emb ly and close the acce ss cover. 6. T urn ON the printer and press FF/L OAD .
MAIN TE NANC E > 60 2. Use the platen knob to back the paper all the way o ut of the printer . 3. Open the acc ess cover (1) and remove th e pul l-u p roller assembly (2). Th en grasp the tabs (3) on t he shee t guide (4 ) and lift it off the printer.
MAIN TE NANC E > 61 6. Use the platen knob to draw the quadru ple-thick pag e around the platen. This brings ou t jammed pieces of paper. 7. Remove the paper pieces. Then, use the platen kn ob to back the pape r out. 8. Loa d standard paper, close and lock the tractor co vers.
MAIN TE NANC E > 62 SINGLE SHE ET PAPER JAMS 1. T urn off the print er . 2. Use the platen knob to back the paper out . 3. Open the acc ess cover (1) and remove th e pul l-u p roller assemb ly (2 ). 4. Remove any torn pieces from around the carriage.
MAIN TE NANC E > 63 CLEA N I N G TH E H O U SI NG You shou ld clean the printer housing eve ry six months (or aft e r about 300 ho urs of opera tion). 1. T urn off the print er . 2. Use the pl aten knob to bac k the paper ou t of the printer . 3. Open the acc ess cover (1) and remove th e pul l-u p roller assemb ly (2 ).
MAIN TE NANC E > 64 5. Reinstall the pull-up roller asse mbly a nd cl ose t he access cov e r..
TROUBLESHOOTING > 65 T R OUB LESHOOTING GENERA L INFORMATION Here are some gener al th ings to chec k be fore proc eedi ng wi th deta ile d trouble shoo ting.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 66 l Y our printer driver set tings ca n override any settings from the printe r menu or prin ter fron t panel . Before sending a file to the print er, many wo rd proc essors send e ither an “ initialisation s tring ” or an I- Pr im e signal to th e printe r.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 67 Problem I'm gettin g strange sy mbols, incor rect fonts, etc ., when I try to print a do cume nt. Solu tions 1. Check to be sure that th e prin ter drive r you have sele cted in y our soft ware ma tc he s the prin ter em ulat ion.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 68 Problem There ar e dots missin g in my printou ts. Solu tion The he ad gap may not be set correctly. Try movi ng the he adgap lever to a lo wer se tting. I f that d oesn ’ t help , the printh ead ma y be dama ged ; ca ll fo r se rvi ce.
TROUBLESHOOTING > 69 Problem Continuous form pa per sticks to th e sheet guide. Solu tion In cold dry weather , static charges can build up and m ake the paper cling to the she et guide . Try moving th e pap er guides to gethe r so that the paper r ests o n the g uides rather t han on the se parato r.
PARTS AND ACCESSORIES > 70 P AR TS AND AC C ES SORIE S Purchasing Parts & Accessories Before you purchase part s and accessories, make a note of your print er model number (see the fro nt of the unit) and have the corre ct part number and de scriptio n of the item you wish to purchas e.
PARTS AND ACCESSORIES > 71 Option Pa r t n u m b e r ML 5590 Pa r t n u m b e r ML559 1 Pull T ractor, T op-Mo unt (1) 09002 365 090023 69 Push T ractor, Bottom-Mount (2) 09 002366 090 02370 Roll P.
PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 72 P R I N T E R CO N T R O L CO D E S This sec tion lists th e most commonly used print er contr ol codes. You will find a compre hensive listing of the co ntrol code s (English only ) on y our Pr inte r CD. To acc ess it: 1.
PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 73 For m Le ng th : n inches (n = 1 to 22) n lines ( n = 1 to 127) ESC C NUL n ESC C n 27 6 7 0 n 27 67 n Hori zontal T ab, Ex ecute HT 9 Ital ics ON Ital ics OFF ESC 4 ESC.
PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 74 Subsc rip t ON Supe rsc rip t ON Subscript/Supers cript OFF ESC S 1 ESC S 0 ESC T 27 8 3 49 27 8 3 48 27 8 4 Und erl ine P ri ntin g ON Und erl ine P ri ntin g OFF ESC -.
PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 75 IB M C OMMAN DS Propri nter X24e / XL24e and IBM X24 AGM / X L24e AGM IBM C ommand ASCII Decimal Backspa ce BS 8 Can cel CAN 24 Carr ia ge Ret ur n Execute CR 13 Character Pitch.
PRINTER CONT ROL CODES > 76 Line S pacing. Set Spacin g to: 1/8" 7/72" n/60" AG M only (n = 0 to 255) n/72" PPR o nly (n = 0 to 255) Activ ate Spa cing Set b y ESC A n n/180&quo.
SPE CIF ICAT ION S > 77 S PECIFIC ATION S Item Specifica tion Print Metho d Impact dot matr ix Prin thead 24 pins, 0.20 mm ( 0.0079 ") diamete r, with thermal protect ion Interf aces : Stand ard: Optional: C e ntron ics parallel, I EEE-128 4 compliant USB 1.
SPE CIF ICAT ION S > 78 Characters per Line ( cpl) Setting 10 cpi 12 cpi 15 cpi 17.1 cpi 20 cpi ML559 0 ML559 1 80 c pl 136 cp l 96 c pl 163 cp l 120 cpl 204 cpl 137 cpl 233 cpl 160 cpl 272 cpl Gra.
SPE CIF ICAT ION S > 79 Paper Specifications: Single ( Cut) Sheets Feed: We ig ht : Wid th R ang e: Single-par t, continuous forms Feed: We ig ht : Wid th R ang e: Car b onless continuous forms (orig . + 4 c opies) Feed: We ig ht : Wid th R ang e: Interleaf c onti nuous forms (orig .
SPE CIF ICAT ION S > 80 Envir onmental Re quirements Te m p e r a t u r e Operat ing: Stor age: Humi dity Operat ing: Stor age: 41 t o 95 ° F (5 to 36 ° C) 14 t o 122 ° F (-10 to 50 ° C) 20 t o.
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 81 SETTING UP Y OUR PRINT E R LO CA TI O N l Plac e your printer on a firm, solid surfac e. l Allow enoug h space around the pr inter to easily acc ess t he p lat en kno b and the v ariou s pap er fe ed path s. l Mak e sure a suitab le grounded pow er outlet i s avail able nearby .
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 82 1. Remove any packing t ape , then grasp the tabs (1) at either en d of th e ac ce ss c ov er and piv ot it to ward s the fr ont of th e printe r as far as it will go. 2. Remove the printhead shipping restr aint . 3. Remo ve t he shipping restraint from the pul l-up roller assemb ly (1 ).
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 83 4. Us e the ta bs (1) to lift and r emov e the shee t guide , then remove th e sh ipping restraint . 5. Reinst all the sheet guide: inser t the clips on either side of the separato r into th e notches marked with a triangle, then press do wn to se cur e the separ ator i n pl ac e.
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 84 INST ALLING THE RIBBON C AR TRIDGE RIBBO N CA R TRIDG E HAN DLING l Le av e unused ribbon car tridges in their pa c kages u nt il needed. l C areful; th e ribbon ink may cau s e permanen t stains. l Ribbon ink on skin or clothing can usual ly b e removed with soap and w ater.
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 85 2. Unpac k the ne w ribbon cartridge and install it on the printhead. 3. T urn the tak e-up kn ob (1) in th e direction of the moulded arro w to take up a ny rib bon sla c k . 4. Clo s e t he a cce ss co v er a n d tu r n t he p r i nt e r ON .
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 86 POWE R C ONN E CT ION Make sure both the pri nter and the computer are OFF. 1. Plug t he power cord into the back of the printe r , then int o a grounded outlet .
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 87 CO M P U TE R CO N N E C T I O N S PARAL LEL (LP T), IEEE 1284 l Requires a bi-di rectio nal cable, max. leng th 6 f t. (1.8 m), not supplied. l Pri nter h as a 36- pin s ock et. Make sure the pri nter and computer are both turned OFF.
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 88 3. Attach a suitab le USB cable to the prin ter. The n attach the cab le to your computer. 4. T urn the computer and printer ba ck on. LOADIN G PAPER For instr uctions on loadin g paper, se e “ Loading Paper ” in the chapter on “ Maintenance ” .
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 89 Fo nt S a m pl e T e s t The Font Sample Test prints a sam ple of the fonts standard t o the printer. The top of the printo ut shows the Printer Model, Emulation, Country Code, Int erface, and Firmwa re Revision Lev el.
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 90 Rolling AS CII T est The Rolling ASC II Print Test produces a continuous printout of all 96 ASCII char acters in a rolling pattern in wha tever typeface is se lected (defau lt = LQ Cour i er). The top of the printo ut shows the Printer Model, Emulation, Country Code, and Firmw are Revisi on Level.
SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER > 91 Hexad ecimal Dum p Mo de When the printer is placed in the Hexadecimal Du mp Mode, all data received , including text and printer com mands, is printed in bot h hexadec imal and ASC II format .
> 92 INDEX A Auto Carriage return ........... ......... 35 Auto LF (Line Feed) ..... .......... 33 , 35 Auto Select ........................ ......... 33 B Bar Codes .. ................ ................. 78 Bi-directional printing .......... 33 , 40 Bottom Feed .
> 93 Limited Opera tion ................ 39 , 69 Line Spacing ...... ................ ......... 39 Bottom Feed ... ................ ......... 32 Rear Feed ............... ................. 32 Loading Paper ............ ................. 88 M Margin, Bottom .
> 94 T Temperature Specifications ......... 80 Testing the Prin ter ...................... 88 Thickness, Paper ................ ......... 78 Time Out ............ ................ .. 33 , 42 Top Feed .... ................ ................. 79 Bottom Margin .
> 95 OKI CONTAC T DETAILS Oki Systems (UK) Limited 550 Dundee Road Slough T rading Estate Slough, SL1 4LE Tel:44 (0) 1753 819819 Fax:44 (0) 1753 819899 Oki Systems Ireland Limited Th e Squa re In dus tri al C omple x Tallag ht, Dublin 24, Ireland Tel:+353 1 4049590 Fax:+353 1 4049591 http://www.
Cen tral House Balfour Road , Hounsl ow TW3 1HY Unit ed Kingdom tel +44 (0) 20 8219 2190 F ax +44 (0) 20 8219 2199 ML5590/91 07044301 I ss .0 2.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP ML5590/91 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP ML5590/91 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP ML5590/91, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP ML5590/91 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP ML5590/91, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP ML5590/91.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP ML5590/91. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP ML5590/91 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.