Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit cp1700 series du fabricant HP
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cp1700 series user’s guide Page 1 Monday, J uly 16, 2 001 5:34 PM.
Copyright Informatio n © 2001 Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved. First edition, 10/2001 Notice The information c ontained in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-P ackard m akes no warranty of any kind with resp e c t to th i s info r ma t io n .
ENWW i Contents Getti ng started Other res ources for produc t info rmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Setting up Printer p arts and loc ation s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Front of prin ter . . . . . .
ii ENWW Printi ng envelo pes an d cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -10 Printi ng on tran sparenc ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -11 Printi ng on me dia of user-defi ned si ze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 1 Using the rear ma nual fe ed .
ENWW iii Media is not pi cked up from Tray 1 or Tra y 2 . . . . . . . . 8-1 2 Media is not pi cked up fro m the fron t ma nual f eed . . . 8 -13 Media is not pi cked up from th e rea r manual feed . . . . 8-13 Paper ou tput pr oblem . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW 1-1 1 Getting started Thank y ou for buyi ng the HP Co lor Ink jet CP 1700 s eries p rinte r. This guide provide s deta ils abou t how to set up yo ur co mputer , perfor m simp le print er tasks, a nd re solv e pri nter p robl ems.
ENWW 2-1 2 Setting up In this chapter , you will lea rn abo ut the c ompone nts of the pr inter and how to s et up t he printe r. Printer parts and lo cations Front of printer 1 Paper guides – Guide the pr int med ia int o the printer . 2T r a y 1 – Holds the pri nt med ia.
2-2 ENWW 7 Ink c artri dge co ver – Pr ovide s acces s to the ink cartr idges. 8 Print head cov er – Provid es ac cess to the prin thea ds. 9 Print head ac cess la tch – Li fts to all ow each pr inthe ad to be removed from its c olor-cod ed soc ket.
ENWW 2-3 4 POWER button – Control s powe r to the p rinte r. Press to turn the printer on or off. 5 RESUME button – Resumes curren t print op eration aft er tempo rar y interr uption, for exam ple, wh en addi ng pr int med ia to p rinter. 6 CANCEL button – Canc els the c urrent p rint job .
2-4 ENWW 7 Buttons – Push thes e buttons to remove th e rear access p anel from the prin ter. Auto-duplex unit (optional acces sory) The printe r ca n autom atical ly p rint on bo th si des of a s heet of paper usin g a printing access ory call ed the aut o-dupl ex uni t.
ENWW 2-5 Step 2: Unpack the pri nter Unpack th e p rinter a nd remov e the p acking t ape and any s hippi ng material s from insid e the pri nter a nd insid e the tr ays. Step 3: Install Tray 2 (optional accessory) 1 Posi tion Tr ay 2 a t the lo catio n wh ere you want to p lace t he printe r.
2-6 ENWW 3 Set the printer on top of Tray 2. Step 4: Install the auto-duplex unit To instal l the au to-du plex u nit, you m ust fi rst rem ove th e pre-i nstalle d rear ac cess p anel. Th e rear manu al feed is no t avai lable when y ou insta ll the auto- duplex unit.
ENWW 2-7 2 Slid e the au to-dup lex u nit into th e back of the prin ter un til bot h sid es sn ap int o pl ace. For in forma tion ab out usi ng the auto -duplex unit, se e “ Two- side d prin ting ( duple xing) . ” Step 5: Turn o n the printer 1 Connect th e po wer cord to the printer , and pl ug it in.
2-8 ENWW 3 Remov e each ink c artr idge from its pack age. 4 Install e ach ink ca rtri dge int o its o wn c olor-c oded s ocket. F oll ow the colo red arr ows to prope rly in stall the ink cartr idges . 5 Press firmly on eac h ink cartr idge to ensure prope r contac t after insta llati on.
ENWW 2-9 3 Lift an d push the prin thea d acces s lat ch towa rd the bac k of th e printer . 4 Remov e each prin thead fr om it s pac kage. R emo ve the protecti ve film f rom e ach prin thead. 5 Insert e ach pri nthead i nto its own c olor-cod ed soc ket.
2-10 ENWW 9 Wait w hile th e pri nter init ializ es the printhea ds. T his can t ake a fe w minute s. Wh en init iali zatio n is com ple te, an a lignm ent page prin ts. If no al ignme nt page print s, ch eck to make su re the re is pa per i n the prin ter.
ENWW 2-1 1 Tips for loading paper l The defa ult s ize o f Tray 1 and Tray 2 is 8.5 by 1 4 in ( 215.9 by 35 5.6 mm). Wh en you want to print on medi a sma ller tha n this , you n eed to adjust the pa per widt h and paper length gu ides in t he tray before you loa d the m edi a.
2-12 ENWW 4 For Tr ay 1, p lace u p to 150 shee ts of pa per o r 30 tr ansp arencie s (up to .58 in or 15 mm thick) into th e tray. Fo r Tray 2, remove the cove r and place up to 2 50 she ets of paper (u p to .98 in or 25 mm thick) in to t he tray. D o not ov erlo ad the t ray.
ENWW 2-1 3 Fo r Ma c i nto s h If you r comput er has a USB po rt and is us ing M ac O S 8.6 o r later, you can conn ect th e pri nter to the co mputer usin g a USB cable. I f your compu ter doe s not hav e a USB por t, you c an conn ect the pri nter to th e compu ter us ing a n LIO module .
ENWW 3-1 3 Connecting to a network The pri nter ca n be shared on a networ k using an HP J etdir ect p rint server/In terne t conn ector (LI O mod ule) or an HP Je tdirect externa l pr int serv er. This c hapter ex plains ho w to set up th e prin ter for net work p rinting o n a peer-to -peer o r clien t-server networ k.
3-2 ENWW The followi ng ope ra tin g system s su pport peer -t o-pe er prin tin g: l Micros oft Wi ndows 95 l Micros oft Wi ndows 98 l Micros oft Wi ndows Me l Micros oft Wi ndows NT 4.0 (with Servi ce Pa ck 4 o r lat er) l Micros oft Wi ndows 2000 l Macintos h OS 8.
ENWW 3-3 HP su pports th e fo llowing n etwo rk oper ating sy stems (NOS) : l Wind ows 2000 l Wind ows NT 4.0 (with Serv ice Pa ck 4 o r lat er) l Novell Netwar e 4.11 (Binde ry, NDS) l Novell Netware 5.0 and 5.1 (Bin der y , NDS and NDPS) l Wind ows Ter minal Se rver Editio n 4.
3-4 ENWW To install a network pri nter on a client computer 1 Click Start , clic k Sett ings , and then c lick Printe rs . 2 Double-cl ick Add Pri nt er . 3 In Window s 9 5, Win dow s 98, a nd Win dows M e, c lick Netw ork Print er . In Window s N T 4.
ENWW 3-5 4 Cl ose t he Chooser window. Page 5 Monday, J uly 16, 2 001 5:34 PM.
ENWW 4-1 4 Installing printer software Printer softwar e enab les th e com puter to com munic ate wi th the p rinter. One of the prin ter dr ivers on the starter CD mus t be in stall ed on y our compu ter to allow you to take fu ll advan tage of the p rinter featur es.
4-2 ENWW Making copies of the software The sta rter CD c ontain s a uti lity tha t lets yo u copy th e printer softw are on to disks. Wh en you run the Instal ler, se lect Custo m iz at ion U t il i ty to copy disk s. You can also u se thi s utili ty to c opy th e printer soft ware to y our ha rd drive or to a netwo rk drive.
ENWW 4-3 b Follow the in stru ctions that appear on th e sc reen to com plete the softwa re in stall ation fo r a loc al co nnecti on. 8 If the printe r is set up for net work printi ng, click Con nected via the netw ork , and then cli ck Next. 9 Click Client Setup if th e printer i s co nnected to a ser ver or to someo ne's comp uter.
4-4 ENWW T o install the printer driver 1 Insert th e star ter C D into y our C D-ROM drive. 2 Double -clic k the Inst aller ic on for the M ac OS th at you are usi ng. 3 Follow the ins truc tions on the screen to com ple te the i nstal lation . 4 Connect th e USB c able (purch ased s epar ately; pa rt num ber C6518A ).
ENWW 4-5 4 When the M ain Installation dialog box ap pears, s elec t Uninstal l from the pu ll- down men u loca ted in th e up per-le ft part of the dia log box.
ENWW 5-1 5 Using the Printer In this chapter , you will lea rn how to use the pr inter driver to ch ange printer setti ngs an d to perfo rm ba sic print er tasks . You will also lea rn about the special media you c an use with the printe r and ho w to print on th at med ia.
5-2 ENWW duple xing f rom th e printer drive r, the LCD dis plays instru ctio ns on how to i nsert p ape r into th e pri nter. To lear n mor e abou t duple xing, see “ T wo-side d prin ting (d uplex ing). ” l Create a banner . Create a banne r using so ftware su ch as Corel ® Print Ho use, M icroso ft Publis her, or Brod erbun d Print Sho p.
ENWW 5-3 4 Once y ou hav e made the nec essa ry cha nges, c lic k OK to activate the ch ange an d clo se the Prop er ties dialo g bo x. Prin ter dr iver h e lp The pri nter dr iver he lp ca n be activ.
5-4 ENWW A4 (8.3 b y 11.7 in; 210 by 297 mm ) A5 ( 5.8 by 8. 3 in ; 14 8 x 210 mm) B4 (10.12 by 14.33 in; 257 by 364 mm) JIS B 5 (7.17 by 10.12 in; 182 by 257 mm) Envelo pe U.S. #1 0 (4.12 by 9.5 in; 1 05 by 241 mm) Envelo pe DL (8.66 by 4.33 in; 200 by 110 mm) Envelo pe C6 (4.
ENWW 5-5 Media handling Sel e cti n g a t ra y The pri nter o nly pi cks up m edia i n the curren tly s elect ed tray unles s yo u turn on A uto-P ick. If t he cur rent ly sele cted tr ay run s out o f prin t medi a and A uto-Pic k is not selec ted , you will r ecei ve a message th at ins tructs you to add mo re pap er to that tray.
5-6 ENWW 2 Right-c lick the icon for th e printer , and then clic k Properties (Windo ws 95 a nd Win dow s 98), or Print ing P referen ces (Windo ws 2000 ), or Document Defaults (Windows NT 4.0) . 3 Click t he Features tab, and then c lick Advanced Featur es .
ENWW 5-7 l Top: .12 in (3.0 mm) l Bottom : .46 in (11.8 mm) A4, A 5, B5, e nvelo pes, car ds, o ther medi a sizes l Left: .13 in ( 3.4 mm) l Right: .13 in (3.
5-8 ENWW To perform auto-duplexing 1 Load th e appropr iate paper in Tra y 1, Tr ay 2, or the fro nt manu al feed. 2 From the Start menu, cl ick Settings , and the n cli ck Pr inters to open th e Printe rs folde r.
ENWW 5-9 7 Change any ot her pri nt setting s, if nec essary, and th en cl ick OK to close t he d ialog box . 8 Click OK to print. 9 After t he first si de of the pag e(s) is prin ted, turn the paper over and reload i t into the pr inter. Refer to th e dir ectio ns on the LCD fo r guida nce ab out how t o rel oad the paper in the printer .
5-10 ENWW The dev ice p rojects a solid infr ared beam to the printe r dur ing th e inf orm atio n tr ans fer pr ocess. Whe n th e inf orm ati on tr ansfer i s compl ete, the bea m turns o ff. Printing on special m edia This s ection p rovides inform ation o n ho w to print on media such as envelope s, postcar ds, an d tran sparenc ies.
ENWW 5-1 1 Printing on t ransparencies For bes t resul ts, us e HP P remium Trans paren cy Fil m, whic h is spec ificall y design ed to wor k with the pri nter, o r other tr ansp arency f ilm that is desi gned fo r inkj et pri nters. To print on tra nsparencies 1 Remove al l medi a fro m Tray 1.
5-12 ENWW To print on media of user-def ined size 1 Lift th e output tray and remo ve ex istin g medi a from T ray 1 or Tray 2. 2 Insert th e medi a into the tray y ou wan t to pr int from. 3 Slid e the width an d length guides until the y stop at the edges of the me dia.
ENWW 5-1 3 To print using the rear manual feed 1 From the p rinter d river, s elect Options . 2 In the Printer Propertie s dialog b ox, un der Paper Tray , select Rear Manual Feed . 3 Under Pap er Siz e sel ect the media siz e you a re us ing. 4 Click OK to c lose the Pr inter Proper ties d ialog box, a nd then OK to send y our job to pri nt.
ENWW 6-1 6 Using the Toolbox The To olbox provid es st atus an d main ten ance info rmati on abou t your printer . It als o giv es y ou ste p-by-step gu idanc e for b asic pr intin g task s and prov ides help s olving prin ter prob lem s. After in sta lling y our pri nter, you c an open the Tool box by clicki ng the Toolbox icon on your desk top.
6-2 ENWW Printer Services tab The Printer Se rvic es tab provide s util ities that h elp y ou main tain a nd test you r printer. You can clean and alig n your prin thea ds, and ca librate the co lor o n your p rinto uts. Y ou can pr int a t est or diag nostic page, and test your pri nter commu nicat ion.
ENWW 7-1 7 Maintaining the printer This c hapter expl ains basi c printe r mai nte nance, incl uding clean ing the printer , and mainta ining the pr inthea ds an d ink cartr idges. Y ou ca n find informat ion about t he stat e of the prin ter, the prin theads , and th e ink cart ridges from th e Too lbox if you ha ve it i nstal led.
7-2 ENWW Maintaining t he printh eads The pri nthead s re quire ve ry litt le mainte nance. You can p rint up t o 16,000 bl ack an d white pag es and 24,0 00 colo r pages befo re you ne ed to repla ce a pri nthead. Wh en a prin thea d needs to be replace d, t he LCD display s an alert messa ge.
ENWW 7-3 3 Release t he POWE R button. The p rinte r begins the pr inthe ad clea ning pr ocess . To perform a level 3 printhead cl eaning 1 Press and ho ld down the POWER bu tton. 2 Whil e holding do wn the PO WE R b utton, press the CANCEL butto n twice and then pr ess the RESUME b utton twi ce.
7-4 ENWW 5 Press firmly on the print head to ensur e pro per con tact aft er insta llati on. 6 Close the prin thead ac ces s latch firml y, ensur ing t he hook catches the ca rriage lock , and the n clo se the p rinth ead co ver. You wi ll need to use so me for ce to close th e printhe ad acc ess la tch.
ENWW 8-1 8 Troubleshooting This c hapter p rovi des infor matio n about how to troubl eshoo t comm on printer prob lems, such as pa per j ams an d poor quali ty prin tin g. If the infor mati on in th is chap ter do es not help you troubl eshoot th e printer prob lem, try to pr int a di agnos tic page, and then c ontact HP Custom er Suppo rt.
8-2 ENWW Unexpected printer shutdown Check t he power l Make sure th e p ower cord is con necte d fir mly to the print er an d to a working outlet , and that the prin ter is tur ned o n. The P OWER light o n the LC D panel of t he printer sho uld b e gre en.
ENWW 8-3 withou t first s pecif ying whi ch pr inter y ou want t o use w ith an appli catio n. The defaul t printer sho uld be the pr inter that yo u u se most often . If the pri nter s electio n is a prob lem, op en the P rin ters fold er by clic kin g Settings and the n Printe rs .
8-4 ENWW Check t he statu s of the in k car tridges l You c an vi ew the st atus of the i nk ca rtridge s fro m the To olb ox. Replace a ny in k car tri dges th at are low on ink. Resolving print ing prob lems This s ection p rovides sol utions to co mmon pri nting p robl ems.
ENWW 8-5 Move clo ser to t he pr inter l Make sure the devic e is no more than three feet (one mete r) fro m the prin ter whe n you send th e pri nt job. If you are stil l hav ing pr oble ms se nding a job t o pri nt using t he infrar ed featu re, c onsult the infr ared d ocumentat ion for th e handhe ld or laptop device .
8-6 ENWW Check t he margin settings l If the te xt or graphic s are c ut off a t the edg es of t he p age, ma ke sure the ma rgin settin gs for th e do cumen t do not exce ed th e printabl e are a of yo ur pr inter. For in forma tion ab out margin s etting s, se e “ Minim um margi ns .
ENWW 8-7 Check t he docum ent file l Occasio nally , a docum ent file is d amaged . If you can p rint othe r document s fro m th e same so ftwa re pack age, tr y to pri nt usi ng a backup c opy of your d ocume nt, if avai labl e.
8-8 ENWW Check the paper type print setting l When print ing on transpar enci es or ot her s pecia l medi a, se lect th e corre spondi ng med ia typ e in th e Print Se ttings dialog bo x. Check t he ink car tridges l Check tha t all the lin es are c onnec ted and have print ed pro perly.
ENWW 8-9 Blee ding co lors in p rin tout Check the pri nt sett ings l Some paper type s etting s (suc h as Tr anspar ency F ilms a nd Photo Paper s ) and prin t qua lity se ttin gs (su ch as Best ) require more ink than others . Choos e diff erent pr int se ttings in the Prin t Settings dialog bo x.
8-10 ENWW 1 Remove al l medi a fro m the ou tput tr ay. 2 Open the top cover to locate th e jam. Wh en you lift the to p cov er, the carri age sh ould retu rn to its po sition o n the r ight sid e of the printer . 3 If the carr iage does not retur n to the right si de of the pr inter , turn the printer off.
ENWW 8-1 1 6 If yo u hav e the rear a cces s pan el ins talled , rem ove t he re ar a ccess panel and ch eck f or ja mmed m edia. If you do no t have the rear acce ss pa nel inst all ed, pr oceed to ste p 7.
8-12 ENWW To avoid jams l Make su re not hin g is blo cking th e pa per path. l Do not overlo ad the trays. T ray 1 holds 150 sheets of plain paper or 30 trans paren cies . Tray 2 h old s 250 sheets of pap er. The front manual feed h olds up to ten sh eets o f paper or th ree transpa rencies .
ENWW 8-1 3 Medi a is not picked up from t he front manual feed l Check th at the width g uide is s nug, bu t not t ight, a gains t the e dge of the pap er. l Make sure the re is not mo re tha n 10 sh eet s of pa per or th ree transpa rencies load ed in th e fron t manua l feed.
8-14 ENWW 3 Release t he POWE R button. You r print er pr ints a diag nostic page. If you stil l can not resol ve the p robl em after re viewi ng the di agnos tic page, cal l the HP Custo mer Car e Center.
ENWW 8-1 5 3 What i s the br and and model of you r com puter ? 4 What i s the versio n of pr inter softwa re you a re us ing? 5 What p rinte r driv er did y ou se lect? For customers in North America.
8-16 ENWW Australia Calling from else where in the world Contac t your l ocal dealer or n eares t HP S ales and Su pport Office fo r tech nica l ass ist ance or hardwar e rep air s ervic es.
ENWW A-1 A HP Supplies and Accessories You c an order HP s upplie s and acce ssor ies from th e HP web site. Visi t HPsho pping. com ( http://ww w.hpsho pping.
A-2 ENWW P arallel cab l es USB cable Netw ork interf ace HP Brigh t Whi te Inkj et P aper HP Pre mium Plus Pho to P aper HP IEEE-1284 A-B Parallel Ca ble (2 m) C2950A HP IEEE-1284 A-B Parallel Ca ble.
ENWW A-3 HP Premium Photo Paper HP Photo P a per HP ColorFast Photo P aper HP Photo Quality Inkje t/Design Glossy P aper 50 sheets , glossy US Let ter (8.
A-4 ENWW HP Pr ofessional Br ochure and Flye r P a per HP Premi um In kjet P aper HP Design Hea vyweight P aper HP Hea vyweight Premium P aper HP Premi um Inkj et T ransparenc y 50 sheets , two-si ded, glossy US Letter (8 .5 by 11 i n) C6817 A 50 sheets , matte US Letter (8 .
ENWW A-5 HP Banner Pa per HP T e xtured Greeti ng Car ds HP Greeting Card P aper HP Ir on-on T -shir t T ran sf er s 50 shee ts A4 ( 210 by 29 7 m m) C3835A 100 sh eets US Letter (8 .5 by 11 in) C1820A 100 sh eets A4 (210 b y 297 mm) C1821 A 20 sheets , 20 envelope s, felt-t extured , ivory/ half-fol d US Letter (8 .
ENWW B-1 B LCD Messages Many dif ferent mess ages c an app ear o n the LCD . So me mes sages inform y ou of t he cur rent sta tus of the printer , suc h as INITIA LIZING . Other m essa ges requ ire a n acti on, su ch as CLOSE A LL CO VERS . The following tab le desc ribes som e of the mess ages th at mig ht appea r on the LCD.
B-2 ENWW [COLO R] INK CA RTRI DGE MISSI NG The printer can no t detec t the ink cartri dge be cause it is miss ing, impro perly instal led, or defec tive. Open t he ink cartridge door and chec k for a missing , inc ompatibl e, or im proper ly ins talled cartrid ge.
ENWW B-3 LOAD [MEDIA S IZE] MEDIA IN [ TRAY ] PRESS RESUM E TO CON TINUE For a pri nt job tha t automa tic al ly se lec t s the media type, the prin ter requires media of the speci fied size to be load ed into the specif ied pape r tray. Foll ow the i nstructio ns in the print er mess age.
B-4 ENWW AUTO- DUPLEX U NIT NOT AVAIL ABLE PRE SS RESUM E OR CAN CEL The aut o-duple x unit co mes with the CP 1700D mod el. You can al so pur chase it as an op tio na l ac ce ss ory . If you have not p urchased the au to- duplex unit, yo u cann ot prin t an auto -duplex j ob.
ENWW C-1 C Printer Specifications Pri n t M et hod Dr op on -de m and t her mal in k je t pr int ing Print Spee d: (Letter/A4) Fast Norm al Bes t Black Text Mixed Text Co lor 4 in by 6 in Photo Full Pag e Color 16 pp m 14.5 ppm 1.4 ppm 5.5 ppm 8 ppm 7 ppm 0.
C-2 ENWW Media Handli ng Tray 1, front manu al feed, re ar manu al feed, T ray 2 (optional, part C8220A), output tray Recomm ended Media Weight Pap er : 16 to 36 lb Bond using T ray 1 or front manua l.
ENWW C-3 Sy st em R equ ir emen ts Minim um Windows 95/98 : Pentium 6 0 MHz, 16MB RAM Windows NT 4.0: P entium 60 MHz , 24 MB RAM Windows Me: Penti um 150 M Hz, 32 M B RAM Windows 2000: Pentium 13 3 MHz, 32 MB RAM Mac OS 8 .6 or la ter: 32 MB RAM (USB/Ap pleTalk) Ma c OS 8.
ENWW Hewlett-Packard Limited Warranty Stateme nt Extent of Limited W arranty 1 Hewlett-P ackard warrant s t o the en d-user cust omer t hat the H P product s spe cifie d ab ove will be fr ee fro m defec ts in mater ials and workman ship for the dur ation spec ified above , which duratio n begin s on th e da te of pu rcha se by the cu stomer .
ENWW 7 HP sh all ha ve no obliga tion to repai r, repl ace, o r refund un til the cust omer ret urns the def ect ive pro duct to HP. 8 Any re pla cemen t prod uct ma y be ei ther new or li ke new, prov ided that it has fu nction ality at lea st equ al to th at of the prod uct bei ng replac ed.
ENWW 2 To the ex tent that th is Wa rran ty Stat ement is inco nsis tent wit h lo cal law, th is Wa rranty Statem ent sh all be dee med mo dified to be cons isten t wi th suc h loc al law . U nder such lo cal l aw, ce rtain discla im ers a nd limita tio ns of t his W arranty State ment ma y not apply to the custo mer.
ENWW DECLARATION OF C ONFORMITY accordi ng t o I SO /IEC Gui de 22 an d EN 450 14 Supp lementar y Infor mation: (1) The prod uct he rewith compl i es wit h th e requi re me nt s of the Lo w V olt a ge D i re ctive 73/ 23/ E EC and the EMC Directive 89/ 336/EEC , and carr ies the C E m arking accord ingly .
ENWW I- 1 Index A accessories installing 2-6 part numbers A-1 adding paper 2-10 ADI AutoC AD drivers 4-5 aligning printheads 7-3 Apple Macintosh. See Macint osh AppleTalk, configuring 3-4 AutoCAD driv.
I-2 ENWW customer s upport telephone 8-14 websites 8-14 Customization U tility 4-2 custom-size media 5-11 cut-off pages, t roubleshooting 8-5 D declaration of conform ity 9 default settings, printer dr iver 5-2 diagnostic page, printing 8-13 dimensions, printer C-2 disks, copying software to 4-2 display.
ENWW I- 3 trays supporting 2-10 help customer s upport 8-14 online 1-1 printer driver 5-3 Toolbox 6-1 hook, carriage loc k 2-2 HP Autoduplex unit. See auto-duplex unit HP Banner Paper 5-2, A-5 HP Brig.
I-4 ENWW troubleshooting 8-4 LCD panel buttons and lights 2-2 language, selecting 2-13 messages B-1 legal paper, loading 2-11 length guides, paper 2-11 lights 2-2, 8-3 limited warranty 5 Linux drivers.
ENWW I- 5 P page orientation 2-11 pages per month C-2 panel, rear access error messages B-4 locating 2-3 removing 8-11 paper capacities, trays 2-10, 5-5 custom-size 5-1 1 error messages B-2 guides 2-1.
I-6 ENWW aligning 7-3 cleaning 7-2 cover, locating 2-2 error messages B-2 installing 2-8 part numbers A-1 replacing 7-3 status 6-1 Properties 5 -2 Q quality, troubleshooting 8-6 R rear access panel er.
ENWW I- 7 Information tab 6-1 installing 1-1 opening 6-1 Printer Services tab 6-2 Printer Status tab 6-1 test page, printing f rom 8-1 top cover 2-1 transparencies capacities, trays 5-5 HP Premium Tra.
I-8 ENWW settings 5-2 system r equirements C-3 uninstalling software 4-3 wireless printing troubleshooting 8-4 using infrared lens 5-9 utilities 4-5 Z ZoomSmart 5-1 EulerUG.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP cp1700 series c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP cp1700 series - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP cp1700 series, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP cp1700 series va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP cp1700 series, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP cp1700 series.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP cp1700 series. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP cp1700 series ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.