Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit SN6000 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP S tor age W or ks S N6 000 F ibr e Channel S w itc h Inst allati on and R ef er ence Guide Pa r t N u m b e r : 5697- 026 0 P ublished F ebruary 20 1 0 Edi t ion : 1.
Legal and no tice infor mation © Cop yr ight 20 1 0 H e wlett-P ackar d Dev elopment C ompan y , L.P . © Cop yr ight 20 1 0. This softwar e inc ludes technolog y under a license fr om QLogi c Corpor atio n. All r ights r eserved . The inf ormati on contained her ein is subj ect to c hange without no tice .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 3 About this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Intended audience . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 IP security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Port binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 5 Exiting the maintenance menu (option 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Unpacking a firmware image file in maintenance mode (option 1) .
6 Fi g u re s 1 SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2 Switch LEDs and contro ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 7 Abo ut this gui de This gui de pr o vi des inf ormati on about: • Becoming acquainted w ith the s w itc h featur es an.
8 Doc umen t con v en ti ons and s y mbo ls WA R N I N G ! Indicate s that failur e to follo w dir ect ions coul d r esult in bodil y harm o r death. CAUT ION: Indicate s that failur e to f ollo w dir ec tions co uld r esult in damage to equipme nt or data .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 9 Ra ck st a bi l i t y WA R N I N G ! T o r educe the r isk of pers onal injury or damage to equipment: • Extend le v eling jac ks to the f loor . • Ensur e that the full we ight of the r ac k r ests on the le v eling jac ks.
10 HP w ebsit es F or other pr oduct info rmati on , see the f ollo w ing HP w ebsite s: • http://www • http://www tor age • http://www • http://ww w .docs.hp .com Doc umentati on feedbac k HP w elcomes y our feedbac k .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 11 1 Gener al des c r ipti o n The HP S tor age W orks S N6000 F ibr e Channel S w itch ( Fig u re 1 ) is a 2 4 port , 8 Gb/s sw itc h w ith both Ethernet and ser ial management int erfaces .
12 S w itc h LEDs and con tr ols The s w it ch LEDs pr o v i de info rmati on about the s w it ch ’s ope r ational status . T hese LED S inc lude the Input P ow er LED (gr een) , Heartbeat LED (green), and the S y st em F ault LED (amber) ( Fig u re 2 ).
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 13 Maintenance button The Maint enance button ( Fi gu r e 2 ) is a dual-f uncti on moment ary sw itc h on the fr ont panel. Its pur pos e is to r eset the s w itc h or to place the s w itc h in maintenance mode.
14 F ibr e Channel ports The HP S tor age W or ks SN6 000 F ibr e Channel S witc h has 20 F ibr e Channel Small F or m-F act or P luggable (SFP) ports and four F ibr e Channel XP AK ports.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 15 Po r t L E D s E ach port has its o w n Logged-in LED (gr een) and Ac ti vity LED (gr een) ( Fig u r e 4 ). Fig ure 4 Po r t L E D s P or t L ogged-in LED (gr een) The L ogged-in LED indi cates the logged-in or initi ali z atio n status of the connect ed dev i ces.
16 SFP ports configur ed as GL_P orts and all XP AK por ts conf igur ed as G_P or ts . Ta b l e 2 descr ibes ge neri c , fabr i c, e xpansion , and tr anspar ent r outing port func tions .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 17 Ethernet po r t The Ethe rnet port is an RJ-45 co nnector that pr o v ide s a connecti on to a w orks tatio n thro ugh a 1 0/1 00 Base-T Ether net cable ( Fi gu r e 5 ) .
18 The s er ial port connector r equir e s a null-modem F/F DB 9 cable. The p ins on the s w itc h R S- 2 3 2 co nnecto r ( Fi gu r e 6 ) ar e ide ntif ied in Ta b l e 3 . Fo r infor matio n about connecting the w or kstati on thr ough the ser i al port, see ” C onnect the management stati on or w or kstati on to the s w itc h ” on page 4 1.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 19 E ach po w er suppl y is capable of pr o v iding all of the s w itch ’s p o w er needs . During nor mal oper ation , each po wer suppl y pr o v ides half of the demand .
20 Simple Networ k Management Pr otocol SNMP pr o v ide s monitor ing and tr ap func tions f or the f abr ic . The s w itc h f irm w ar e supports S NMP ver sions 1 , 2 , and 3, the F ibre Alli ance Management Inf ormati on Bas e (F A-MIB) versi on 4.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 21 2 P lanning Consi der the f ollo w ing whe n planning a f abr i c: • De v ice s , page 2 1 • Dev ice access , page .
22 A z o ning databas e is maintained o n each s witc h. Ta b l e 4 descr ibes the z oning database limits , ex c luding the acti v e z one set . Pe r f o r m a n c e The SN6 000 F ibr e Channel S witc h suppo rts class 2 and c las s 3 F ibr e Channel s ervi ce at tr ansmissi on r ates of 8 Gb/s w ith a max imum fr ame si z e of 2 , 1 48 b ytes .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 23 La ten cy Late ncy is a measur e o f ho w fas t a fr ame tr a v els thro ugh a s wit ch f r om one port to another . The fact ors that affec t latency inc lude tr ansmissi on r ate and the sour ce/destinati on port re lationship ( Tab l e 5 ).
24 Domain ID , princ ipal pri or ity , and domain ID loc k The f ollo w ing s w itc h confi gur ation s ettings affec t multiple s wi tch f abr ic s: • Domain ID • Princ i pal pr i ority • Domain ID lock The domain ID is a uni que n umber fr om 1–2 3 9 that identif i es each s w itc h in a fa bri c.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 25 Fi g ur e 9 sho w s a thr ee -s w itc h stac k of HP S tor age W orks SN6 000 F ibr e Channe l S w itc h sw itches using tw o 3-inch and one 9-inc h XP AK sw itc h stac king cables .
26 Fi g ur e 1 2 sho w s a si x -s w itc h stac k of model S N6000 s w itc hes using e ight XP AK s wit ch st acking cable s. 1 20 SFP ports are av ailable f or de v ices .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 27 Y ou can connec t multiple S N6 000 F ibr e C hannel S w itc h es to one or mo r e r emote f abr i cs u sing multiple TR_P orts. Local and r emote dev i ces ar e iden tifi ed b y their r especti v e port wo rld w ide names .
28 3. Map local de vi ces to r emote dev ice s and acti v ate the connection . T he QuickT ools mapping proce ss cr eate s an inter -f abr ic z one (IFZ) in the acti ve z one set consisting o f the local de v ice , the r emot e dev i ce , and the TR_P or t .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 29 • Call Home: IMP O R T AN T : The C all Home serv ice pr o v ides an e -mail no tif icati on capability for the s w itch . This servi ce has no r elationship w ith the HP C all Home featur e , w hic h notifie s only HP s ervic es.
30 Secur it y Sec ur ity is availa ble at the follo wing lev els: • User account secur ity , page 30 • IP s ec ur i ty , page 30 • Po r t b i n d i n g , page 30 • Connect ion s ec urity , p a.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 31 The S SL handshake pr oces s between the w or kstatio n and the sw itc h in vo lv es the e x changing o f certific ates. The se certifi cates contain the public and pr i vate k e y s that def ine the encrypti on.
32 F abri c manageme nt The Sim ple S AN Connec tion Manager appli cation is a GUI-base d management applicatio n for HP Sto rage W orks that runs on the management st ation . It pr o vi des basi c automat ed confi gurati on and management of s w itches , HB As, and st or age dev ices .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 33 3I n s t a l l a t i o n This s ectio n desc ribes ho w t o install and conf igur e the s w itc h .
34 T elnet wor kstati ons r equir e an RJ- 4 5 Ether net port or an RS- 2 3 2 s eri al port and an operating s y st em wi th a Te l n e t c l i e n t . Swit ch p ower re qu i re m en t s P ow er r equir ements ar e 1 A mp at 1 00 V A C or 0. 5 A at 2 40 V A C.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 35 Installing a SN6 000 F ibr e Channel S witc h in vo lv es the f ollo w ing s teps: 1. Mount the s wit ch , page 35 2. Install the tr ansce i ver s , page 3 9 3. Con figure t he w ork stat ion , page 3 9 4.
36 Co llect the r equir ed it ems NO TE: T he r ack mount kit ins tallation r equir e s one techni c i an. Locat e the follo w ing ite ms and set them asi de: • SN6 000 F ibr e Channel S w itc h • 8/20q and SN6 000 F ibr e Channel S w itch rac k -mount kit • Smaller items, suc h as sc r e ws , ship in plasti c bags in the kit .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 37 Rack t he sw i tch 1. Re mov e and discar d the f our 1 0 -3 2 s cr e w s fr om the sides o f the s wit ch . 2. At ta ch e ach rail to th e switch us ing t wo 1 0 - 3 2 x .
38 5. F ast en eac h r ail fl ange to the fr ont of the r ac k using tw o M6 mac hine sc r e w s ( Fig u re 1 6 ). Fig ure 1 6 Fa stening the r ail t o the fr ont o f the r ack 6. F ast en eac h slotted-r ail e nd to the r e ar mo unting br ack et using a flat washer and a 1/4- 20 he x nu t ( Fi gu r e 1 7 ).
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 39 Inst all the tr ans cei ver s A small for m-fac tor pluggable (SFP) tr anscei v er is r equir ed fo r each s w itch port connect ed to a dev ice or another s w itch . SFP s are not inc luded w ith the s w itc h.
40 F or a L inu x w ork stati on: a. Set up minicom to us e the seri al port. Cr eate or modify the /etc/minirc.dfl file w ith the follo w ing con tent . pr portdev/ttyS0 pu minit pu mreset pu mhangup b. V erify that all user s hav e per mission t o run minicom .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 41 Co nnect the management st atio n or w or kstati on to the s w itch Y ou can manage the s w itc h using the Simple S AN C onnecti on Manager, Quic kT ools, or the CLI .
42 Quic kT ools s w itc h co nf igur ati on T o log in and conf igur e the s w itc h using QuickT ools: 1. Open an Inter net br o ws er and ente r the defa ult IP addre ss 1 0. 0. 0. 1 to start the Quic kT ools web apple t . 2. Log in to the s w itch using the defa ult user name ( admin ) and pass w or d ( pas s wor d ).
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 43 Installing f i r m war e The s w itc h come s wi th cur r ent fir m w are installed.
44 Using the CLI t o install f ir m war e The me thod yo u choo se to ins tall f irm w ar e using the CLI depends on the ty pe of f irm w ar e acti vati on y ou wan t.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 45 5. Enter the pass w ord f or y our account name (FTP only). 331 Password required for johndoe. Password:****** 230 User johndoe logged in. The f ir m wa r e w ill no w be do w nloaded fr o m the r emote ho st to the sw i tc h, ins talled , and acti v ated .
46 4. Conf igur e the po rt types f or the ne w s wit ch . The ports can be G_P ort, GL_P ort, F_P ort , FL_P or t , TR_P or t , or Donor . 5. Connect the dev i ces to the s w itc h.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 47 Installati on instr uc tio ns and doc umentati on f or S IM, R SP , O SEM, and ISEE Softwar e , installati on instr uct.
48 Infr as truc tur e r equir emen ts for imple menting Call Home t o HP Serv ice s T o implement C all Home to HP Ser v ices , the follo w ing infr astr uctur e r equ ire ments must be met: • Inter net access to the C entr al Management Serv er running R S C, or a serv er running I SEE .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 49 The f ollo wing e x ample co nfi gur es S NMP tr ap 1 : SN6000 FC Switch #> admin start SN6000 FC Switch (admin) #> set setup s nmp trap 1 A list of attributes with formatting an d current values will follow.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 51 4 Diagno sti c s and tr oubleshooting Diagno stic inf or mation abo ut the s w itc h is av ailable thr ough the s w itc h LEDs and the port LEDs.
52 S ys tem f a ult LED is illuminate d The S ystem F a ult LED illuminates to indicat e that a fault e x ists in the s w itc h fir m war e or har dw ar e . If the S y stem F a ult LED illuminates, i dentify the Hear tbeat LE D err or blink pattern and tak e the necessary acti ons.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 53 F atal P O S T err or blink patte rn A s ys tem er ro r blink pattern is 3 blinks fo llo we d by a 2 -second pause . T he 3-blink err or patter n indicate s that a PO S T failur e or a s y stem er ro r has left the sw itc h inoperable .
54 L ogged-in LED indi catio ns P ort diagnosti cs ar e indicat ed by the L ogged-in LED for eac h port ( Fi g u re 2 1 ). Fig ure 2 1 L ogged-in LED The L ogged-i n LED has thr ee indi catio ns: • Conti nuou s illumination: A de v ice is logged in to the port .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 55 3. Displa y the fabr i c domain IDs using the show domains CLI command or b y selecting the QuickT ools Swi tc h tab, Summary icon . Ar e all domain IDs in the fabr i c uniq ue? •Y e s — C o n t i n u e .
56 Re v ie w the ev ent br o w ser to dete rmine if e xce ssi ve port err ors are r esponsible f or disabling the port. L ook fo r a message that menti ons one of the monit or ed err o r ty pes indicating that the port has been disabled , then perfor m the fo llo wing pr ocedur e: 1.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 57 • All po w er suppl y LEDs ar e normal , y et the S y stem F a ult LED is illuminated and the Heartbeat LED does not sho w a blink pattern . This means that the tw o po w er supplie s hav e differ en t air flo w dir ecti ons.
58 Ex iting the maintenance men u (optio n 0) The Ex it option c lose s the cur r ent Maintenance men u sessi o n . T o log in again , enter the mainte nance mode account name ( prom ) and pas s w or d ( prom ) . T o retur n to normal oper atio n, momentar il y pr ess and r eleas e the Maintenance bu tton or po w er cy c le the s w itch .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 59 NO TE: If y ou choose the Remake Filesystem option , y ou w ill lose all changes made to the f abr ic confi gur ation that inv ol v e that s w itc h, suc h as pass w or d and z oning changes.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 61 5 R emo val/R eplacement This s ectio n descr ibes the r emo v al and r eplacement pr ocedur es f or the f ollo w ing f.
62 NO TE: Both po w er suppli es mu st hav e the same air f lo w dire ctio n to pr ev ent the s w itc h fr om o ve rheating . T o a v oid o v er heating, do not oper ate the s w itc h w ith one po we r suppl y any lo nger than necessary .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 63 4. P lug the pow er cor d into the A C r eceptac le . Conf ir m that air flo w dir ecti on is corr ect .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 65 A R egulatory compli ance and saf ety R egulatory compli ance F ed eral Com mun icat ions Comm issio n no tice for Cla .
66 Certifi cati on and c lassif icati on info rmati on This pr oduc t contains a laser internal to the fiber opti c (FO) tr ansce i ve r for connec tion to the F ibr e Channe l communicati ons port.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 67 E ur opean Uni on r egulat ory notice This pr oduc t complies w ith the f ollo w ing E urupean Uni on (E U) dir ecti v .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 69 B Elect r o s tati c dis c har ge This a ppendi x pr o v ides the f ollo w ing inf ormati on: • Ho w to pr e ven t el.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 71 C T ec hni cal s pec if i cati ons This appe ndix contains the spec ificatio ns for the S N6000 F ibr e C hannel S w itc h. See ” G en era l d escri p tio n ” on page 1 1 f or the locatio n of all connec tions , sw itches, contr ols , and components .
72 Scalab ility Max imum 2 3 9 sw i tch es, depe nding on conf igur atio n. F or the latest supported con f iguration s, see the SA N D e si g n Referen ce Gu ide availa ble at http://ww w .hp .com/go/S ANdesigngui de . Max imum use r ports > 4 7 5, 000 ports depending on conf igur atio n.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 73 Maintainability featur es Ta b l e 1 0 lists maintaina bility featur e s for the S N6 000 F ibr e Channel S w it ch. F abr ic manage ment sp ec if icati ons Ta b l e 1 1 lists fa bri c management spec if icati ons for the S N6000 F ibre Channel S witc h.
74 W ei ght and ph y sical dimensi ons Ta b l e 1 2 lists ph y sical pr operties f or the S N6000 F ibre Channel S w itc h. El e ctrica l spe c ific at ion s Ta b l e 1 3 lists electri cal spec if icati ons for the S N6000 F ibr e Channe l S w itch.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 75 D F acto r y co nf i gur atio n def a ults This a ppendi x desc ri bes the f ollo w ing fact ory configur ati on def au.
76 F act or y p or t con figu r at ion Enter the show config port CLI command t o display port conf igur ati on value s. T able 1 6 P ort confi gurati on def aults P arameter P or t Defaults AdminStat.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 77 F actory por t thr e shold alarm conf igur ati on Enter show config threshold CLI command t o display thr e shold alarm co nfi gurati on v alues .
78 Fa c t o r y SN M P c o n fi g u ra t i o n Enter the show setup snmp CLI command t o display S NMP confi gur ation v alues. F act or y s w i tch s er vices co nfig urat ion Enter the show setup services CLI command t o display s w it ch se rvi ce confi gur ation v alues .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 79 F actor y DNS ho st name conf i gur ati on Enter the show setup system dns CLI command to displa y the Doma in Nam e S y stem host na me confi gur atio n values .
80 F actory IP v ersi on 6 Ethe r net conf i gur ati on Enter the show setup system ipv6 CLI command to dis play the IP v er sion 6 Ethe rnet co nfi gurati on val ues. F actory e v ent logging co nf i gur ati on Enter the show setup system logging CLI command to display the e v ent logging conf igur ation val ues.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 81 F act or y R A D IUS c on figu r at ion Enter the show setup radius CLI command t o display RADIUS conf igur ation v alues . Fa c t o r y s e cu ri t y c o n f i g u ra t i o n Enter the show config security CLI command to display s ec urity conf igur ati on values .
82 Fa c t o r y C a l l H o m e c o n f ig u r a t i o n Enter the show setup callhome CLI command to dis play call home conf igur ation v alues . T able 2 9 Call Home se rvi ce confi gur ation de faul ts Pa r a m e t e r s D e f a u l t PrimarySMTPServerAddr 0.
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 83 Glos s ar y This gloss ary defines ter ms used in this guide or related to this pr oduct . It is not a compr ehensi ve glos sary of compute r terms. Active firmwar e The f irm w ar e image on the s w itc h that is in use .
84 Fabr ic services A component of f abr ic sec ur ity that pro v i des f or the contr ol of inband management and SNMP on a s w itch . See Fa b ric s e cu r i t y and Simple Networ k Management Protoco l (SNMP) . FC port F ibre Ch annel port FL_P ort F abr ic loop port .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 85 Principal sw itch The s w it ch in the f abr i c that manages domain ID as signme nts . See Domain ID . QuickT ools A br o wse r -based s w itc h management applicati on that r eside s in the sw itc h f irm w ar e .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 87 Numerics 10/100 Base-T straight cable 41 A account name default 42 FTP 45 maintenance mode 57 active zone set 21 Activi.
88 flash memory 13 four-switch stacking 25 frame size 72 FRU - See Field Replaceable Unit FTP - See File Transfer Pr otocol G G_Port 16 generic ports 15 GL_Port 16 H hardware requirements 33 , 34 HBA .
HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre C hannel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 89 fatal error 53 principal priority 24 switch 24 processor 33 , 34 , 72 Q QuickTools service 28 web applet 19 R rack mount 35 rack stability, warning 9 RADIUS - See Remote Dial-In User Service.
90 X XPAK port 14 Z zone conflict 55 definition 21 zone set active 21 definition 21 zoning database 22 hardware-enforced 21 limits 22.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) SN6000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) SN6000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) SN6000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) SN6000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) SN6000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) SN6000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) SN6000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) SN6000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.