Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit M305/M307 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Photosmart M30 5/M30 7 digital camer a w ith HP Instant Shar e User's Manual.
Legal N otices © Copyr ight 2004 H ewlett-P ackar d D eve lopment Company , L.P . The inf ormati on contained her ein is subj ect to change withou t n oti ce. The onl y war ranties for HP pr oducts and servi ces ar e set for th in the expr ess war ranty state ments accompan ying suc h produc ts and servi ces.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Chapter 1: Getting St arted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Attaching th e Wrist Str ap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Using Z oom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Optical Zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Digital Zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Setting the Fl ash .
Selecting Images for HP Instant S hare Destinatio ns . . 69 How HP Instant Share E-m ails Ima ges . . . . . . . . 71 Chapter 5: T ransferring and P rinting Images . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Transf erring Images to a Co mputer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Printing I mages Dire ctly fro m the Cam era .
HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Phone Support in the United States and C anada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Phone S upport in Europe , the Middl e East, and Af rica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 9 C hapter 1 : Get ting Sta rted Congra tulations on your purcha s e of this HP Photosmart digital camera! This camera has man y features to enhance your pictur e -taking e.
10 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Setup T o locat e a part on yo ur came r a (suc h as a b utton or a ligh t) while fo llo wing t he instr uctions in t his sect ion , see Camera Pa r t s on p age 16. Atta chin g th e W ris t Strap Atta ch the wr ist stra p to the w r ist str ap moun t on the s ide of the cam era as shown.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 11 NO TE Digital cameras use ba tteries at a much faster rate than f ilm camer as. Battery lif e in di gital camer as can be measu red in hours and mi nutes of use r ather tha n the y ear s mor e typ ical o f f ilm camer as.
12 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual 1 Wit h th e B a t ter y / M em or y c ard do o r open, insert the memor y ca rd in the small sl ot bel ow the batter ies , wit h the notched side o f the card goi ng in firs t, as s hown. The ca rd o nly fit s o ne w ay ; do n ot f or ce it .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 13 Choos ing the Langu age Th e f irs t time y ou tur n the came r a on , the f ollo w ing sc r een appears a nd pr ompts you to choose a la nguage. 1 Scroll to th e lang uag e that you wan t by usi ng th e buttons on the Contr oller .
14 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual 3 Repeat steps 1 an d 2 unti l the correct date/ti me format , dat e , and time ar e set . 4 Press the Me nu /OK b utton when you have entered the proper values for the date and time. A confirmation screen appear s, askin g if the cor rect date an d time hav e been s et.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 15 1 Clo se all pr ogr ams and tem por ar ily disa ble an y v iru s pr otection softwar e running on y our compute r . 2 Inse rt the HP Imag e Zo ne so ftwa r e CD into the CD dr iv e of your computer . Follow the in structions in the in stallation screen that automat ically appears.
16 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Use r Ma nual o n the CD A copy of this cam era U ser’s Manual in sev eral differen t languag es is located on the HP Image Zone software CD . T o view yo ur c a m e ra U se r’ s M a n ua l : 1 Inse rt the HP Ima ge Z one softw ar e CD into the CD dr iv e of your computer .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 17 # Name Descr ipti on 1P o w e r l i g h t z Solid —Camera is on. z Blink ing rapidly —Camer a is shutting dow n due to lac k of battery pow er . z Blink ing s lowl y —Camera is c har ging the bat teri es using the optional HP A C pow er adapter or the optional HP Phot osmart M-ser ies dock.
18 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual 6B a t t e r y / M e m o r y card door (pages 10, 1 1) Allo ws access to insert and remov e the batt er ies an d an opt io nal mem ory ca r d .
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 19 15 Viewfinder light s z solid red —Vi deo is recor ding. z AF so lid gree n —When y ou pre ss th e Shu tter butto n halfway do wn, this light turns on solid whe n the c amera is ready to tak e a pic ture (auto e xposure and aut o foc us ar e lock ed, and the f lash is ready).
20 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Fr ont, Sec ond Side , and Bottom of the Came ra # Name Descr iption 1M i c r o p h o n e (pag e 28) R eco r ds soun d (au di o and vi deo).
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 21 T op of t he C amera 5 USB connector (pag es 73, 7 5) Allow s you to connect a USB cable fr om the camera t o a USB-enabled compute r or prin ter .
22 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Camer a Stat es Y our camera has two main states that allow you to complete certai n tasks. Each of these stat es has a n associated me nu that you can use to ad ju st ca mera setting s or perform tasks in that state.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 23 To d i s p la y t h e Playb a ck Men u , press the Men u/O K button while you are in Pl aybac k . If you ar e not cur rently in Play b ac k , pr ess the Pl ayb a ck button first , then press the Men u/OK button. Fo r i nformation about using this m enu , see Using the P lay back Menu o n pag e 5 8.
2 4 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual To d i s p la y t h e Help Me nu , f irst access either the Captur e , P la yback , or HP In stan t Shar e menu , the n u se the button s to move to th e menu tab for the Help Menu . For infor mation about u sing the He lp Menu , see the next section.
Chapter 1: Getting S tarted 25 Ca m era Sta tus S c reen A status screen appears f or a few seconds in the Image D isplay any time yo u pr ess the Fl as h , MODE , o r Time r/ Bu rst buttons when Live View is off .
2 6 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 2 7 C hapter 2 : Ta k i n g Pi c t u r e s a n d Recordin g Vid eo C lips T akin g Still Pictures You can ta ke a pictu re almost any time the camera is o n, regard less of wh at is being show n on the Imag e Display .
28 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Recording Audio wit h Still Pictures Ther e are two way s to at tach an audio clip to a stil l picture: • Add an audio clip to the picture later , or r e- record the audio that was captured when the pic tu r e was taken .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 2 9 Recordin g Vid eo C lips NO TE Zoo m is disa bled while r ecor ding vid eo clip s. A video clip i ncludes audio. 1 F rame the s ubject f or your v ideo in the viewf inder . 2 T o sta rt r ecor ding vi deo, p r ess an d rel e as e th e Vide o button on the top of the cam era.
30 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual NO TE T o hear the a udio p ortion of yo ur vi deo clip s, y ou m us t use a computer or telev ision ( TV) . If you have an optional HP Photosmart M-series dock , you can r evi ew the audio portion of your video clips by con necting the ca mera to a TV vi a the c amer a doc k.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 31 Foc us i n g t he C a me ra Using Auto Focus The focus br ackets in the Li ve V i ew screen show the f ocus region f or the stil l pi cture you ar e taking or the video clip you are re c o rd i ng .
32 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual When yo u ha ve the camer a set to an y of the shootin g modes other than Mac r o (see Using the Shooting Modes on page 38) , th e ca mera w il l at tempt to auto focus stil l pictures using t he nor mal fo cu s r a nge of 0.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 3 3 z The AF vie w f inder lig ht w ill blink gr een, the f ocu s br acke ts w ill tur n re d, and t he Ma cr o icon w i ll bl ink in the Live View screen. In thi s case, the c amera dete cts th at the focu s i s closer than the normal range .
34 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Us ing F ocu s Lo ck Fo c u s Lo ck allo ws y ou to foc us on a su bjec t that is not in t he center of the picture , or to capture action s hots mor e quickly by pr e-foc using i n th e ar ea wh er e the a cti on wi ll occ ur .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 3 5 Pr ess Zoo m O u t and Zo o m I n on the Zo o m l ev er to mov e the lens b etween wide angle (1x) and telephoto (3 x) pos itions. Digital Zoom NO TE Digit al z oom is d isabl ed whil e r e cor ding vid e o c l ip s .
36 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual NO TE D ig i t a l zoo m re d uc e s th e re s ol u t io n of a n i ma g e, so your picture will te nd to be more pi xilat ed th an the same imag e taken wi th o ptical zoom.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 3 7 NO TE The red-e ye phenomenon is caused by light f rom t he flash r eflecting off the s ubjects ’ ey es, which sometimes makes a human’s or ani mal’s eyes appear red in th e captured imag e .
38 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Using the Shooting M odes Shoo ting m odes ar e pr e-def ined ca mer a settin gs th at ar e optimi zed f or taking still p icture s of ce rtain sce ne types to giv e y ou be tter r esults .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 3 9 If the sh o oting m ode setting is anything other th an the def ault Auto M o de setting , the i con for th e setting (in the pre viou s table) wi ll appe ar i n t he Live Vi ew sc r een.
40 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Using t he Self-T im er Set tin gs 1 Secure the camera to a tripod or set it o n a stabl e surface. 2 Pres s the Timer /B urs t bu tton until Self- Timer or Self- Time r - 2 Sh ots app ears i n the Ima ge Di spla y.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 41 For Video Clip s: To st a r t rec o rd i n g vi d e o, pre s s th e Vid e o bu t to n and then release it.
42 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Using t he Burst S ettin g Burst allows you to take up to 4 sti ll pictu r es as qu ickly as pos sible . The came r a then con tinues takin g bur st pi ctur es at a slo wer r ate un til y ou r elease the Sh utter button or the camera ru n s ou t o f m e mo r y .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 43 Using t he Ca pture Menu The Cap tu re Me nu al lo w s you to adju st var ious cam er a settings that af fect the characteristics of the images an d video clips you capture w ith your camera .
44 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual NO TE To r e s to re Captu r e M enu setting s to w hat the y wer e wh en y ou l ast tur ned th e came r a of f , hold d own the Menu/ OK butt on a s you tur n the c amer a bac k on . Help for the Men u Options Help .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 4 5 1 In the Capture Me n u (pag e 43), selec t EV Com pensati on . 2 In the EV Compensatio n sub- menu, u se the butto ns to change the EV settin g in 0.
46 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual 1 In the Capture Me n u (pag e 43), selec t Image Qual ity . 2 In the Image Q uality su b-men u, use th e buttons to highligh t a setting . 3 Pr ess Men u/OK to save t he setting and r eturn to the Capture Men u .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 47 The Image Qu ality setting n ot only aff ects t he q uality of the images but, as a result, also th e number of i mages that c an b e sto r ed ei ther in th e inter nal me mory in th e camer a or on an optional memory card .
48 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual 1 In the Capture Me n u (pag e 43), selec t Whit e Ba lanc e . 2 In the White Balance sub-me nu , use the buttons to highlight a setting. The new setting is applied to the Live View screen behin d the men u, so yo u can se e the effe ct each setti ng will have on the picture .
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 49 ISO Speed NO TE This se tting doe s not a p pl y when r ecor ding vide o clips , or w hen the shoo ting mod e is set t o Fas t S h o t . This setting adj usts th e sensiti vity of the came r a to li g ht .
50 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Colo r This setting allo ws you t o contr ol the color in w hich your image s w ill be cap tur ed. F or ex ampl e , wh en y ou set Color to Sepia , your images will be captu red in br own colors to make them lo ok aged or old- fashioned.
Chapt er 2: T aking Pi ctur es and Recor ding Video Clip s 51 NO TE After you have ta ken a pictu re usi ng eith er the Date Only or Date & T ime s etti ng, the date or da te a nd t ime tha t is impr inted on the im age canno t be r emov ed later .
5 2 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual.
Chapt er 3: R ev ie wing Images an d Vi deo Cl ips 5 3 C hapter 3 : Re vie win g Im ag es and Vid e o C lip s Yo u c a n u s e Playb a ck to re view the images and v ideo cli ps sto r ed in y our camer a.
54 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual NO TE Vi deo clips pla y aut omaticall y after the fir st fr ame of the video cl ip di splays f or 2 se conds. 3 T o turn o ff the Image Dis pla y afte r re vie wing y our images and video cli ps, press the P lay back but ton again.
Chapt er 3: R ev ie wing Images an d Vi deo Cl ips 5 5 # Icon Descr iption 1 Displa ys onl y when an optio nal memory car d is installed in the camera. 2 P ow er indicato r , such a s this low battery lev el indicato r (see Po w e r I n d i c a t o r s on page 133) .
56 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual T otal Ima ges Summar y Sc reen When you pr ess the button while v ie wing the la st ima ge, a sc r een appears s how i ng the num ber of p ic tur es tak en , an d the num ber o f pi ctur es re maining.
Chapt er 3: R ev ie wing Images an d Vi deo Cl ips 5 7 4 Pr ess t he Me n u/O K button to ex i t Thu mbn ai l view an d ret u r n t o Pl ayb a ck . The curr ent i mage or video clip ( that was in the yellow border in Thumb nai l vie w) i s di splayed in full vi ew on the Image Display again.
58 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Usin g th e Playbac k Menu The Pla yb ac k M en u allows yo u to delet e still i mages or video clips, un delete imag es, and format the camera' s internal memory or optional memory ca rd .
Chapt er 3: R ev ie wing Images an d Vi deo Cl ips 59 The follow i ng table summ ari zes each of the Pl ay ba c k M e nu options an d describes the in formation in the bot tom right cor ner of each image o r v ideo c l ip wh ile the Pla yb ac k Menu is displa yed .
60 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Delete In the Playback Men u ( page 58), whe n yo u s el e ct Delete , the Delete sub- menu disp lay s. Th e Delete su b- menu pr ovi des the follo wing options: z Cancel —Returns you t o the Play b ac k Men u wit hou t dele ting the cur ren tly disp la yed im age o r v ideo clip .
Chapt er 3: R ev ie wing Images an d Vi deo Cl ips 61 z F ormat (Memor y/Card) —D eletes all of the images, video clips, and files in internal memory or on an opt ional memory card, and t hen formats th e internal memor y or memory ca rd .
6 2 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual If th e curr ently di splayed image already has an audio cl ip attac hed to it , when y ou select Reco rd Au di o , t he Rec o rd Au di o sub- menu is displa yed inst ead.
Chapte r 4: Usi ng HP Instant Share 63 C hapter 4 : Usin g HP Ins tant Share This camer a has an e xc i ting f eature called HP Ins tan t Shar e . This featur e allo ws y ou to easil y select s till image s in yo ur camer a to be au tomati call y sen t to a var iety of de stinati ons t he ne xt time yo u connect th e camera to y our com puter .
64 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Using t he HP Instant Sh are Menu When you pr ess the HP Inst ant Shar e/Pr int / button on the back o f th e camer a, t he m os t r ecent ly tak en or v ie w ed image appe ars on the Imag e Display , with the HP Ins tan t Share Men u o verlaid on top .
Chapte r 4: Usi ng HP Instant Share 65 With the defa ult HP Instan t Sh ar e Me n u , you can no w select images in y our camera so the y will pr int automa ticall y the ne xt time yo u connect your camer a to yo ur computer or pr inter .
66 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual When you sel ect HP I nstan t Share Setup ... , a message appea rs on the Imag e Display aski ng you to conne ct the camer a to y our compu t er .
Chapte r 4: Usi ng HP Instant Share 6 7 Set ting U p Dest inations on a Windo ws Com pu ter 1 At t he We l c o m e sc reen , click Sta rt . 2 The Set Up Y our HP Instan t Share Destina tions scr een appea rs . Any HP Inst ant Shar e destin ations you have already set up will be l iste d here.
68 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual 7 Click Cr eat e to add an other dest ination (repeati ng s teps 2 , 5, and 6 above), or select a des tinat ion and do one of th e foll owin g : • Click Edit to modif y t he dest ination. • Click Rem ove to de lete the de stin ation.
Chapte r 4: Usi ng HP Instant Share 69 NO TE Y ou can co nfi gure a m axim u m of 3 2 HP I nstan t Sha r e destinat ions (such as individual e- mail add resses or gr oup dist ribution lists ) that can be l isted in t he HP Inst ant Shar e Menu on y our camera .
7 0 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual 4 Press the Me nu /OK b utto n to s e lect the d estinati on, an d a appears over that destin ation in the HP Ins tant S har e Menu .
Chapte r 4: Usi ng HP Instant Share 71 Ho w HP I nstant Shar e E-m ail s I ma ge s The wa y images are e- mailed vi a HP Instant S har e work s muc h the same o n W indow s and Mac into sh co mput ers.
7 2 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual.
Chapt er 5: T ransf err ing and Pr inting Image s 7 3 C hapter 5: T ransferring and Pr int ing I mage s T ransferring Ima g es to a Compu ter NO TE Y ou can also use the optional H P Photosmart M-series dock to do this task. S ee the do ck User’s Man ual for instruc tions.
7 4 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual 3 Y our camer a came w ith a special USB c able for connecting the camer a to a com pute r . Co nnec t the larger end of that USB c able to the compute r . 4 Open th e rubber door on th e si de o f the camer a and connect the sma ll end of the US B cab le to t he U SB con necto r on th e ca mera.
Chapt er 5: T ransf err ing and Pr inting Image s 7 5 Printin g Ima ges Direc tly fr om the Camer a NO TE Y ou can also use the optional H P Photosmart M-series dock to do this task.
7 6 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual • If yo u ar e connecting the camer a to a p rin ter displaying the Pi ctBridge logo (se e logo on ri ght) from HP or a nother manufacturer , do the following : a. M a ke s u re th e c a me ra’ s USB Configu ration setting is set to Digital Camer a (s ee USB Config uration on page 83) .
Chapt er 5: T ransf err ing and Pr inting Image s 77 5 If al l the setti ngs in the P r int Setup men u look c or rec t , pre ss Menu/ OK on the camer a to begin pr inting . Or yo u can cha nge the settings in t he Print Se tup me n u u s i ng t h e a rrow k ey s on the camera , and then f ollo w the instru cti ons on the screen to begin printing.
7 8 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual.
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 7 9 C hapter 6 : Using t he Setup Menu The Setup Menu al low s you to adju st a n umber o f came r a settin gs, such a s the camer a soun ds, dat e and time, an d the con figuration of the USB or T V co nne ction.
80 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual 5 Us e one o f se ver al wa ys to e xit t he Setup Men u . After you hav e used the Setup Men u , yo u can navi gate to ano ther menu via t he m enu tabs a t th e top of the Ima ge Di splay . Y ou can also sele ct the EX IT menu option and press Menu/ OK .
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 81 Camer a So unds Camera sounds are the sounds that the ca mera mak es when y ou tur n it on , pr ess a bu t ton , or tak e a pic tur e. Came r a soun ds are not th e audio sounds recorded with i mages or video clips. The d efaul t Camera Sounds setting is On .
82 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Date & Time This setting al lo ws you to s et the date/ time format, as w ell as the current date and time for the camera.
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 8 3 USB Configuration This setting determines how the camera is recognized when connected to a computer. 1 In the Setu p Menu (page 7 9) , select US B .
84 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual TV Conf igura tion This sett ing a llows you to set th e format of the video signa l for displaying camera images on a television (T V) that is connected to the came r a wit h an optio nal HP Photo smart M- s e rie s c a m era d o c k.
Chapter 6: Using the Setup Menu 8 5 Lan gu ag e This setting allo ws y ou t o set the language used in the camera interface, such a s the text in menus. 1 In the Setu p Menu (page 7 9) , select . 2 In the Lang uage sub-m enu , highlight the l anguage you w ant to use.
86 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual.
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 8 7 C hapter 7 : T roubl esho otin g and Support This chapter contain s information on th e following topics: z Re setting the camer a (page 88) z Usi ng t.
88 HP Ph oto sma rt M305/ M30 7 User’s M anual R es ett i ng the Came ra If y o ur ca m e ra do es no t re s po n d wh en y ou pr ess an y butt ons , try r esetting the camer a as f ollo ws: 1 Tu r n o f f t h e c a m e r a . 2 If y ou hav e an opti onal me mory car d inst alled , re mo v e it .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 8 9 Usin g Y our C am era wit hout Ins tall ing the HP I mage Zo ne Soft w are If you do no t, or c an no t, i ns ta ll th e H P Im a ge Zon e s of t ware .
90 HP Ph oto sma rt M305/ M30 7 User’s M anual T ransferrin g Images to a C ompu ter withou t HP Im ag e Zone Soft w are NO TE If you have a W indows Me, 2000, or XP sy stem, or a Mac O S X s ys tem , you do no t need to r ead this sec tion .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 91 4 T wo directories (folders) ap pear under the remov able d isk. Click on th e + sig n next to the fold er cal led DCIM , an d a subd ir ectory sh oul d ap pear .
92 H P Ph otosm art M3 05/ M3 0 7 Use r’s M anua l T ransferr ing Ima ges to a Macintosh Computer 1 Remo ve the memor y card fr o m your camera and insert it into the memory c ard r e ader (or the memor y card slot in your comput er or prin ter ).
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 93 Configuring the C amera as a Disk Driv e This meth od sets up your ca mera to function as a dis k driv e when it is con nected to your computer . NO TE This meth od may be unavailable w ith Windo ws 98 compu ters.
9 4 HP Photos ma rt M30 5/M 307 User’ s M anua l NO TE On Macintosh computers, if either Image Capture or iPhoto do no t laun ch au tom atical ly , look o n the de skto p fo r a disk dr iv e icon with the labe l HP_M30 5 or HP_M307 .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 95 Problems an d Solu tions Probl em P ossible cause Solu tion The c am era does not turn on . The batter ies eit her are fun ct ion i ng incorr ectly , ar e dead, ar e installed incorr ectly , ar e missing , or are the wrong t ype.
9 6 HP Photos ma rt M30 5/M 307 User’ s M anua l The c am era does not turn on (contin ued) . The opti onal memory card is not a supported card or is co rru pt e d. Ensure that the memory ca r d is the pr oper t ype for yo ur cam era (see Storage on page 14 5).
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 9 7 I hav e to replace or rec h arg e t he batteries fre que n tly. Extended Image D isplay use for Li ve View or video re c o r d i n g, ex cess iv e flash use, a nd ex cess iv e zo o m i ng consume a lot of b at ter y pow er .
98 H P Ph otosm art M3 05/ M3 0 7 Use r’s M anua l The c am era batteries w ill not char ge. Rec hargeable batteri es are not i nser ted. Install NiMH batteri es. L ithium batteri es cannot be recharged . Batter ies are alread y cha rged. Battery char ging will no t start if th e Ni M H b a t teri es we re rec en t ly cha rged.
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 99 The c am era batteries w ill not charge (con tinued ). The batter ies are damaged or bad. NiMH batteries degr ade over time a nd can f ail . If the camer a dete cts a proble m wi th the batteri es, it will not st art charging or will stop char ging prematurel y .
100 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual The c am era does not res p on d when I press a button (contin ued) . The cam era has stopped operatin g. Re se t t h e c a m er a ( s e e Resetting the Ca mera on page 88) . A lon g delay occurs betw een pressing t he Shutter butt on and t he camera taking a pict ure.
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 101 The c am era does not take a pi ctur e when I press the Shutter button. Yo u d i d n o t pr ess the Shutter button hard e nough. Pr ess the Shutter button all the way d own. The i nterna l memory or the optional memory card that is inst a lled is full .
102 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual My image is blurry . The lig ht i s low and the fla sh is set t o Fl as h O f f . In dim light , the cam er a r equires a longer e xposure . Use a tripod to hold the camer a steady , impr ove li ghting conditions , or set the flas h to Fl a s h O n (see Setting the F lash on page 3 6) .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 103 My image is too bright. The flas h pr ov ided too much light. z Tu r n t h e f l a s h o f f ( s e e Setting the Flas h on page 36). z Mov e back f rom the sub ject and use t he zoom to get t h e same frami n g.
104 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual My image is too dark. There was not enough light. z Wait for natural lighting conditions to improve. z Add indirect lighting. z Use the flash (s ee page 36). z Increa se the EV Compensati on (see page 44).
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 105 My image is gr ain y . The cam era was to o wa rm wh en th e pictur e was taken. Th e camera ma y hav e been on for a lo ng ti m e or had been stor ed in a hot loc ation. This effect , which can happen on all digital cam er as, is pr obably not noti ceable in most images.
106 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual The wrong date and/or time is show n. Th e da te an d/ or time w as set incorr ectly or the ti me zone has c hanged. R eset the date and time b y using the Date & Time opti on in the Setup Men u (see page 8 2).
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 10 7 The c am era gets warm (or even hot ) to the touch . Yo u a r e u s i n g the optional HP AC po wer adapter to pow er the camera or t o cha rge t he batteri es in the camera , or you hav e been usin g th e camer a for a pr olonged peri od of tim e (15 minu tes o r long er).
108 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual I cannot unload images fr om the camera to my c o mp ut er . The HP Ima ge Zon e so ft ware is not inst a lled on the compute r .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 109 Error Messages on t he C amera Message Po s s i b l e c a u s e Solution BA T T ER I ES DEPLET ED . Camera is shutting down . Batter y p ow er i s too lo w to continue ope ration. Replace or rec harge the batteries, o r use an optional HP A C pow er adapter .
110 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual CARD IS UNF ORMA TTED Press OK to form at ca rd The opti onal memory car d that is installed needs to be formatted . F ormat the memory card by fo llowi n g th e instructi ons on the Image Displa y (or r emov e the car d f r om t he c ame r a if you do not want it to be for m atted) .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 111 CARD L OCKED The opti onal memory car d that is installed is locked. With the ca mera turne d off , remo ve the memory c ard from t he c a me ra a n d switch the lo cki ng tab on th e ca rd to the un lo cked pos itio n.
112 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual Ins uf ficient sp ac e on card to complete r equest . Ther e is insuffi cient r oom in inter nal memory or o n the optio na l m em ory card to rota te th e image .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 113 PROCESSI NG.. . The c am era i s proce ssi ng da ta, such as sav ing the last p icture you t ook. W ait a few seconds for the came ra t o f inish processing bef ore taking another pic ture or pressing another b utton .
114 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual Blinking The fo cus distance is closer tha n the ca me ra can foc us w ithout being in the Macr o shooting mode .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 115 ERROR SA VING IMAGE or ERROR SA VING VIDEO The opti onal memory car d that is installed wa s r emov e d befor e the c am era f inished wr iting to the car d or wa s half- locked. z Alw ays wait until th e Memory light st ops blinking bef ore r emo vin g the memory card f r om the camer a.
116 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual Unknow n USB dev ice The c am era i s con ne cte d to a USB dev ice that it does not re c o g n ize. Ma k e sure that the camera is connected to a supported pr inter or com pu te r . Unable t o com mu nic ate wi th prin ter Ther e is no connection between the camera and printe r .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 117 In c orre c t o r missing print cartri dge The p rinter cartridge is the in co rre ct m od e l or is missing .
118 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual Bor derle ss prin ting is only supported on pho to pa per . Y ou tr ied to prin t a borderl ess image on plain paper .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 119 Error Messag es on the Com pu ter Message Po s s i b l e c a u s e Solu tion Cannot Connect To P r o d u c t The c ompu ter needs to access f iles in memory during HP Instan t Share setup . But either the inte rnal memory is f ull, or if an opti onal memory card is in stalled , the ca rd is ful l.
120 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual Cannot Connect To P r o d u c t (conti nued) The came ra is set to the Digital Camera setting in the USB Configurati on sub-menu of the Setup Me nu , but the computer cannot rec ognize t he camera as a digital camera .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 121 Cannot Connect To P r o d u c t (conti nued) The op tion al memory card that is installed is locked. With the camera turned off , remo ve the memory car d and s wit ch the locking tab on the card t o th e unl oc ked positi on .
122 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual Get ting Assis tance This sectio n contains s upport info rmatio n for your digital camer a, inclu d ing suppo rt web sit e inf orm ation , an e xplan atio n of the support process, and support phone numbers.
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 123 Customer Support is available in the following languag es: Dut ch, E nglish , F r ench , Ger man , Itali an, P ortu gues e , Spanish, S wedish, T raditional Chines e , Simplified Chinese, Jap anese , K or ean .
124 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual • The ver sion of the HP soft war e (on the CD label) • Messag es di splayed at the tim e the situat ion occurred The applicable con dition s for HP phone support are subj ect to chang e wit hout no tice .
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 125 After th e warranty period, cal l 1- (8 0 0) -47 4 -6836 (1 -8 00 - HP invent) . A s erv ice cha rg e w ill be r equir ed, w hich wil l be ch a rg ed t o yo u r cre d i t ca rd.
126 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual Hungar y +36 1 38 2 1111 Ireland 18 90 92 3 902 Israel +9 7 2 ( 0) 9 830 4848 Italy 848 800 8 71 Luxem bo u rg 900 40 0 06 (Fr ench) 900 40 00 7 (Ger man) Middl e East +9 71 4 3 66 20 20 (int ern ati onal n umber ) Mor occo +212 22 404 7 4 7 Nethe rlands 0900 20 20 165 (E u r o 0.
Chapt er 7 : T ro ublesh ooting and Suppo rt 1 2 7 Tu n i s i a +216 71 89 12 2 2 Tu r k e y +90 216 5 7 9 71 7 1 Ukra ine +7 (380 44) 4903 5 20 (Kie v) United Ar ab Emirates 800 45 20 (in-country tol.
128 HP Ph otosmart M305/ M307 User ’s Manual Guatemala 1-800 -999-5105 Hong Kong S AR +852 28 02 4 0 98 India 1 600 44 77 3 7 Indonesia +6 2 (21) 350 3408 Jamaica 1-800 - 7 11- 2884 Japan 05 7 0 0 0.
Append ix A: M anag ing Batteries 129 Append ix A: Managing Ba t te ries Y our came ra u ses tw o AA ba tter ies . Do not use or dinary alkalin e batteries. F o r best result s, use Energi zer Lithium A A or rechargeable Nickel Me tal Hydride (Ni MH) AA ba tteries.
130 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual z Th e perf or mance o f all batte r ie s w ill de cr ease a s th e tem per atur e dr ops. F or best perf or mance in col d env ironments, use Energi zer Lithium AA ba tteries. NiMH batteries may also pr ovide acce ptable low temperature performance.
Append ix A: M anag ing Batteries 131 z Minimi ze unnecessary po wer cy cling. If y ou expect to aver age more than t wo pic tures ev er y fi ve minutes, leave the camer a on with the Imag e Displa y off , rathe r than turn ing off t he camer a afte r eac h shot .
132 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual z Do n ot disa ssem ble o r modify t he battery . Th e batt ery contains safety and protection devi c es, which, if damaged, may cause th e bat tery to g enerate heat, explode, or ignite.
Append ix A: M anag ing Batteries 133 Pow e r I n d i c a t o r s The follow ing icon s may be disp lay ed on th e status screen, in Live V iew , in Pla yb ac k , and when the camer a is connected t o a computer or printer . If no ic on is di splayed , thi s me ans tha t the camer a is using battery pow er .
134 HP Photosmar t M305/M3 0 7 User’s Manual Rech arging N iMH B a t teries NiMH ba tteries can be recharged in the c amera when the camer a is connected to an option al HP A C p ow er ada pter o r HP Photosmart M-series dock. NiMH batterie s ca n also be recharged with the optional HP P hotosmart batter y quick rec h a rge r .
Append ix A: M anag ing Batteries 1 35 If you will not be using your camera immediately after charging the batteries, we recommend that you leave the came ra in the dock or plugged in to th e HP AC adapter . The camer a w ill t op o ff the batter ies per iodi cally to ensur e that the c am e ra is a l ways re ad y for u se .
136 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual z The cam era , the dock, or the quick r echarger may be warm while oper ating and char ging NiMH b atter ies.
Append ix A: M anag ing Batteries 1 3 7 z Aft er ex tensi ve u se, a n NiMH batte ry may b egin to s we ll. If i t be co me s d i f f icu lt to i n s e r t a n Ni M H b a t t e r y i n to o r rem o ve the b atte ry from the c amera, the do ck, or the quick r ech arg er , disc ontinu e u se o f the b attery an d r epl ace it w ith a ne w one .
138 HP Photosmar t M305/M3 0 7 User’s Manual.
Append ix B: Purchasing Camera Ac cessories 139 Append ix B: P urc ha sin g C am era Accessories Y ou can pur chase additiona l access or ies f or y our camer a. F or information on your HP M305/ M307 and compa tible access or ies , go t o : z www .hp .
140 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Some acce ssor ies f or this digit al camer a ar e as f ollo ws: z HP Photosmart M -series dock — C8907A Re char ge the AA NiMH batter ies in you r c a me ra s o yo u r c a m era i s alway s ready to go.
Append ix B: Purchasing Camera Ac cessories 141 z HP Photosmart SD memory c ar ds ( North America only) (F or i mportant information ab out supp orted t ypes of memory c ards, see Storag e on page 145.
142 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual.
App endix C : Sp ecificatio ns 143 Append ix C: Spec if ica tions Fe a t u re Descr iption Reso lu tio n Still pictu res: • 3.2 7 MP (209 6 b y 1560) tot al pix el count • 3.21 MP (208 0 by 1544) effecti ve pi xel c ount Video cli ps: • 2 88 by 216 total pi xel count Sensor Diagonal 6.
144 HP Photosmar t M305/ M30 7 User’s Manual Shutter s p eed 1/2000 t o 15 secon d s Tr i p o d m o u n t Ye s Built-in f lash Y es, 7 .5-second typi cal r echar ge time Fl as h w o rk i n g dis ta nce Zoom Po s i t i o n ISO 100 ISO 200 IS O 400 Wi de 2 .
App endix C : Sp ecificatio ns 1 45 Storage z 16 MB inter nal flas h memory z Slot for m emor y c ard z This camer a supports both Se cur e Digit al (SD) and MultiMediaCar d (MMC) memory cards 16 MB and la r ger . Only MMC c ards tha t hav e been verified complian t to the MultiM ediaCar d specification are supported.
146 HP Photosmar t M305/M3 0 7 User’s Manual White Ba lanc e settings Auto (defa ult), Sun , Shade , Tun g s t e n , F luor escent IS O Speed settings Auto (defa ult), 100 , 200 , 400 Color se tting.
App endix C : Sp ecificatio ns 147 Po w e r T yp ical po wer usage: 2 .1 W atts with Image Displa y on. 4.5 W at ts max imum power usage . P ow er sources in clude: z Ei ther two non-r echar geable AA Lit hium batter ies (in cluded) o r t wo rechar geable AA NiMH batter ies (pu rchased sepa rately) .
148 HP Photosmar t M305/M3 0 7 User’s Manual Memory Capacity The follow i ng table list s the appr ox imate numb er and aver age si ze of still images t hat can be sto r ed in the inte rnal me mory in the camera when the c ame ra is set to dif ferent I mage Qua lit y setti ngs available in the Captu re Men u .
Ind e x 149 Index A AA batteries, typ es to use 12 9 AC power adapter connector on camera 20 purchasing 140 acce ssories f or camera 139 Action mode, setting 3 9 AF vi ewfin der l ight 19 arrow button.
150 Index connections as a Pict ure Transfer Protocol (PTP ) dev ice 83 as a USB Mass Storage Device Class (MSDC) 83 to computer 73 to printer 75 connectors AC power adapter 20 camera dock 21 USB 2 1 .
151 In dex selecting individual images 69 turn on/off 65 using the HP Instant Share Menu 6 4 HP Instant Share Menu customizing 65 description 64 selecting individual images 69 setti ng up d estin atio.
15 2 In dex M Macintosh computer connect to 73 install softwar e 15 USB setting on camera 83 Macro mode, setting 38 Magnif y control on Zoom lever 17 using 57 magnifying images 57 memory card door on .
15 3 In dex power indicators 133 light 17 specifications 147 turn on/off 12 power adapter, HP AC 20 connector on camera 20 purchasing 140 Power li ght, description 17 Power ON/OFF s witch, description.
154 Index T tech nical s uppor t 12 2 Thumbnails control on Zoom lever 17 view ing 56 Time & D ate, se tting 13, 82 Timer/Burs t button 18 total images summary screen 56 transfer images to compute.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) M305/M307 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) M305/M307 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) M305/M307, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) M305/M307 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) M305/M307, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) M305/M307.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) M305/M307. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) M305/M307 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.