Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit HP BladeSystem Enclosure technologies du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure technologies technology brief Abstract .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Overview of HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure .
Abstract The HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosur e is the next generation in an evolution of the entir e rack- mounted infrastruct ure. The c3000 Encl osure is desi gned for remote sites, small and medium-sized businesses, and data centers with special power and cooling constraints.
Table 1. Comparison of components supported by HP BladeSystem c-Class Enclosures Enclosure c3000 c7000 Height 6U 10U Blade orientation Horizontal Vertical Blades supported 8 HH , 4 FH, 6HH/1FH 16 HH, .
Figure 2. HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure – rear view HP Thermal Logic technologies with a variety of HP Thermal Logic onnect er view : t Scalable Enclosure Cooling (PARSEC) design undancy modes alan.
Active Cool fans Quite often, dense, full-feat ured, small form-factor servers use very small fans designed to provide localized cooling in the specific area s needed by th e server blade.
HP PARSEC architecture HP Parallel Redundant Scalable Enclosure Cooling (PARSEC) architecture is a hybrid model for cooling that combines the best of local and centralized cooling in a single system to ensure optimum airflow and cooling for all servers.
Figure 5. The c3000 Enclosure fan bay and device bay pop ulation guidelines Thermal Logic for the server blade and enclosure The server blade design uses precise ducting thro ughout the server blade to manage airflow and temperature based on the unique thermal requirement s of all the critical components.
Figure 6. Processor heat sink using fully ducted design (left) and a traditional heat sink in a 1U rack-mount server (right) Instant Thermal Monitoring provides a real-time vi ew of heat, power, and cooling data.
Figure 7. HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure supports up to six power supplies The new, high efficiency H P c3000 power supplie s provide greater than 90 percent efficiency in AC to DC conversion. These power supplies use the ProLia nt universal form factor so they can also be used in other ProLiant servers.
Values obtained from the BladeSystem Power Size r tool are based on worst case loads and are intended for facility planning purposes only. Actu al power consumption will vary with application type, application utilization, and ambient temperatur e. The BladeSystem Power Sizer is available at the following URL: http://www.
Connecting with no power redundancy configured If no power redundancy is configured, the total power available is define d as the power available from all power supplies installed (six power suppl ies installed = up to 7200W ). Any power supply or AC line failure may cause the syst em to power off.
server power consumption, checks it against the power cap goal, and, if necessary, adjusts server performance to maintain an averag e power consumption that is less than or equ al to the power cap goal. This functionality is available on all Intel-based ProLiant server blades.
Figure 10. Traces on the signal midplane can transmit many different types of signals, depending on which interconnect fabrics are used. The right-hand side of th e diagram represents how the signals can be “overlaid” onto the same traces.
Figure 11. HP BladeSystem c3000 interconnect bay numbering For interconnect bay mapping purp oses, it does not matter in whic h device bay a server blade is installed.
interconnect. Depending on the configuration requirements, additional mezzanine cards and interconnects can be populated in: • Mezzanine 1 and Interconnect Bay 2 • Mezzanine 2 and Interconnect Bay.
Figure 13 lists the available conf igur ations for half-height devices installed in device bay N (1–8). Figure 13. Port mapping for HP BladeSystem c3000 half-h eight server blades to interconnect ba.
Full details about Virtual Connect te chnology are available in the technology brief entitled “HP Virtual Connect technology implementation for the HP BladeSystem c-Class” on the HP technology website at www.
The Onboard Administrator aggregates up to eigh t iLO 2 ports in a c3000 Enclo sure, simplifying cable management and providing a graphical interface to launch individual server iLO management interfaces.
• Cooling—The Onboard Administrator makes sure there is sufficient cooling capacity for the ser ver blade or interconnect module by retrieving thermal information from all of the server blades, power supplies, Active Cool fans, and inte rconnect modules in the enclosur e.
More information about the Insight Display is avail able in the technology brief entitled “Managing the HP BladeSystem c-Class” at this URL: ucts/servers/technology/white papers/proliant-servers.html . Web GUI The web GUI uses event-driven, push technology.
The enclosure link-do wn port connects to the enclosur e link-up port on the enclos ure below it. The enclosure link- up port connects to the enclosure lin k-down port on the enclosur e above it. Linking the enclosures enables the rack technician to access all the enclosures through the op en link-up/serv ice port.
Appendix A. Acronyms in text The following acronyms are used in the text of this document. Table A-1. Acronyms Acronym Acronym expansion AC Alternating current BTU British thermal unit CFM Cubic feet .
Appendix B. Fan, power supply, and device bay population guidelines Figure B-1. HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosur e – Fan population gu idelines. For correct operation, fans and server blades must be installed in the correct fan bays.
Figure B-2. HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosur e – Power supply population guidelines Table B-1. Power supply placement Number of power supplies Power supply bays used 2 1 a nd 4 4 1, 2, 4, and 5 6 All power supply bays filled Table B-2.
Figure B-3. HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure – Full-height server blade device bay numbering. Full--height servers should be populated from bottom to to p when viewing from the front of the enclosure. With four fans, on ly the bottom two device bays can be used; with six fans, all device bays can be used.
Figure B-5. The c3000 Enclosure is div ided by sheet metal panels into 2 full-height zones. Each horizontal z one is divided vertically by a removable shelf to make a ma ximum of 8 half-height device bays. These zones reflect the PCIe bus mapping in the signal midplane and limit placement of the server blade/storage blade comb ination.
27 When installing a companion blade (HP Storag eWorks SB40c Storage Blade, HP PCI Expansion Blade, or HP StorageWorks Ultriu m 448c Tape Blade), the c ompan ion blade can be installed in either of the paired device bays (1/2, 3/4, 5/6, or 7/8) with a half-height server blade installed in the other paired device bay.
For more information For additional information, refer to the resources listed below. Resource description Web address General HP BladeSystem information HP BladeSystem c-Class documentation rprise/cache/3 16735-0-0-0- 121.
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Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP BladeSystem Enclosure technologies. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP BladeSystem Enclosure technologies ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.