Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ESL E du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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User ’s Guide hp S tor age W or ks E SL E - S er i es T ape L ibr ar y Second E dition (Ma y 2004) Pa r t N u m b e r : 3 50 7 99-00 2 This gui de desc r ibes pr ocedur es for ope r ating , r elocating , and tr o ublesh ooting the HP Stor age W orks ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary .
© Cop yr ight 2004 He wlett-P ackar d De velopment C ompany , L.P . Hewlett-P ackar d Company mak es no warr anty of any kind with r egard to this mater ial, including , but not lim ited to , the implied w arr anti es of mer chanta bility and fitness fo r a particular pur pose.
3 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide Contents Contents About this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Related documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 4 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Power indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Serial port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 5 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide Diagnostics screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Stop button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 6 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Crating the library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Preparing the library for operation . . . . . . . . . .
7 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide About this Guide About this Guide About this Guide This user’ s guide provides information to help you: ■ Operate the tape library . ■ Relocate the tape library . ■ T roubleshoot the tape library .
Abou t thi s Gu ide 8 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Related documentation In addition to this guide, HP pro vides corresponding information: ■ HP Storag eW orks ESL E-Series T ape L.
Abou t thi s Gu ide ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 9 Conv entions Con ventions consist of the following: ■ Document con ventions ■ Te x t s y m b o l s ■ Equipment symbols Docum ent con ventions This document follo ws the con v entions in Ta b l e 1 .
Abou t thi s Gu ide 10 ESL E -Ser i es T ape L ibr ary Use r’s Gui de Tip: T e xt in a tip pr o vi des additional he lp to r eaders b y pr o v iding nonesse ntial or optional techniq ues, pr ocedu r es, or shortc uts. Note: T e xt set off in this manner pr es ents commentary , sideli ghts, or int er esting poin ts of in formation.
Abou t thi s Gu ide ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 11 P ow er suppli es or s y stems mar k ed with t hese s ymbo ls indicat e the pr esence of m ultiple sour ces of po w er .
Abou t thi s Gu ide 12 ESL E -Ser i es T ape L ibr ary Use r’s Gui de Rack stability Rack stability protects personnel and equipment. WA R N I N G : T o r educe the r isk of per sonal inj ury or damage t o the equipment , be sure that: ■ The lev eling jacks are extended to the floor .
Abou t thi s Gu ide ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 13 Getti ng hel p If you still hav e a question after reading th is guide, contact an HP authorized service provider or access our ESL E-series web site: http://ww w .hp .com/su pport/esle .
Abou t thi s Gu ide 14 ESL E -Ser i es T ape L ibr ary Use r’s Gui de.
15 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 1 L ibr ar y Ov er v ie w This chapter describes both the ESL E-Series tape library and its components.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 16 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide L ibrary components The ESL E-Series tape library consists of the follo wing major components: ■ Library cabinet , page 16 ■.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 17 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide Figur e 1: Library cabinet - front v iew 1 Viewi ng win dows 2 Left l oad port 3 OCP 4 Lap top tr ay in cl osed positi on 5 R igh.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 18 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide Back panel The back o f the library cabinet (s ee Figure 2 ) provides easy access to: ■ Cooling fa ns ■ Po wer , control, an.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 19 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide Operator control panel (OCP) The OCP featu res a menu sys tem for dete rmining library status, conf iguring the library , and performing certai n diagnostic functions (see Figure 3 ).
Li bra ry O ver vie w 20 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide The OCP consists of the following features (see Ta b l e 2 ): T able 2: OCP features Note: Y ou can also perform diagno stics using HP Stor age W or ks Libr ary and T ape T o o ls (L& TT), availa ble fr om http://ww w .
Li bra ry O ver vie w 21 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide Libr ary robotics The library robotics consists of the main components identif ied in Figure 4 .
Li bra ry O ver vie w 2 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Although the library does not require tape cartridges to ha v e bar code labels, properly labeled tape cartridges a nd full storage bins speed up the in ventory process and greatly impro ved media management.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 23 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide Ultrium 46 0 and 4 60 -FC tape dr ives The Ultrium tape driv e is a high-performance streaming tape dri ve that uses Linear T ape-Open (L TO ) technology .
Li bra ry O ver vie w 2 4 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Approv ed media has the Ultrium format tr ademark, which indicates the media has passed Ultrium format compliance testing (see Figure 5 ). Figur e 5: HP Ultrium format trademark For best resu lts, alw ays use HP branded med ia and b ar code labels.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 25 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s Gu id e Caution: Al wa ys discar d damaged tape cartridges . If a defecti ve ta pe cartri dge is loaded into a tape dri ve , it may damage the dr iv e, po tentially re qu i rin g d rive re pl ac e me n t.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 2 6 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Make it a practice to visually inspect your tape cartridges when loading or removing them from your ta pe library . T aking a fe w minutes to check the condition of your cartridges will lo wer th e risk of repeated f ailures and help ensure uninterrupted ba ck up.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 27 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s G uide Figur e 6: Load por ts (left and right) 1 Le ft load p ort (16- SDL T or 18 U ltrium ) 2 R ight load port ( 32 -SDL T or 3 6 U.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 2 8 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Card cage and contr oll ers The library card cage The lib rary card cage is located in the top of the library cabinet, above cluster 0.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 29 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s Gu id e Note: F or infor mation on installing the HP Stor age W or ks e2 400 -160 FC and e2 400 -FC 2G int erface contr olle rs, r ef.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 30 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide Reset but ton T o force a manual reboot o f the FC inte rface controller , use the reset button (see Figure 8 and Figure 9 ).
Li bra ry O ver vie w 31 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide External FC ports T wo FC p orts (for external connection s) with LED indicators are found on the interface controller: Port F0 and Port F1. See Figure 8 and Figure 9 for the location of the FC ports .
Li bra ry O ver vie w 3 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide See Figure 10 for an illustration of this process. Figur e 10: L AN-free backup and r estore Interface M anager car d The HP St.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 33 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User’s Guide The Interface Manager card is located in dr iv e cluster 0 to the right of the cluster controller card (see Figure 11 ).
Li bra ry O ver vie w 34 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Note: F or infor mation on u sing the Command Vi ew E SL softwar e , see the HP St or age W orks In terf ace Manage r and Comm and Vi e w ESL U ser Gui de that shipped wit h your lib r ary o r visit http: //www .
Li bra ry O ver vie w 35 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User’s Guide Libr ary storage locations and slot numbering The HP StorageW orks ESL E-Series tape lib rary is an automated tape sto rage and retrie va l library that may consist of up to 24 tape driv es and up to 718 Ultrium 460 tape cartridges, or 636 SDL T 320 tape cartridges.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 36 ESL E- Se ries T ape Libra ry Use r’s G uid e T o slide the slot panels out of the cabine t, press the slot panel latches do wn and pull the slot panel out of the cabinet (see Figure 13 ).
Li bra ry O ver vie w 37 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide Figure 14 shows the left panel bins. Be gin with panel 1 and load top to bottom and left to right.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 38 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Figure 15 shows the right panel bins. Begin w ith panel 4 and load top to bottom and left to right.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 39 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User’s Guide Figure 16 shows the back panel bins. Each co lumn has se ven slots. Be gin at the top, with the panel corresponding to cluste r 0, and load top to bottom and left to right. Continue loading each sequential cl uster , top to bottom and left to right.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 40 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide Model 712e Storage capacity in Ultrium libraries is as sho wn in Ta b l e 3 . Note: If the load ports are conf igur ed , those slots cannot be us ed as data slots.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 41 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide Model 63 0e Storage capacity in the SDL T library is as sho wn in Ta b l e 4 . Note: If the load ports are conf igur ed , those slots cannot be us ed as data slots.
Li bra ry O ver vie w 4 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide.
43 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide 2 L ibr ar y Oper ations This chapter describes the follo wing basic library opera t ing procedures: ■ T aking ESD precautions , page 44 ■ Preparin.
Libr ary Operati ons 44 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide T aking ESD pr ecautions Components within the library contain static -sensitiv e parts.
Libr ar y Operations 45 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s Gu id e Dieses Produkt kann ausschließlich mit einem von HP für Ihre Region zugelassenen Netzkabel verwendet werden.
Libr ary Operati ons 46 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide WA R N I N G : A voi d contact w ith the powe r supplies , EMI filter , and all other A C electr ical com ponents while the ca binet is connect ed to a pow er outle t . . Dit product mag ALLEEN worden gebruikt met een netsnoer dat door HP is goedgekeurd voor gebruik in uw regio.
Libr ar y Operations 47 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s Gu id e ■ Use an antistatic wrist strap when touc hing internal cabinet components. T o use the wrist strap properly , place the ba nd around your wr ist and attach the clip to the cabinet frame.
Libr ary Operati ons 48 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Note: In env ir onments w ith high pot ential f or stati c electr ic ity , t ake additi onal pr ecauti ons, such as the us e of an antistatic smock o r a grounded antistati c mat .
Libr ar y Operations 49 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide Prepar ing tape cartridges Caution: Handle tape cartr idges with car e . Do not dr op or mishandle them , or place them near sources of electr omagnetic interf erence . Ro ugh handling can damage the cartridge , making it unusable and poten tially ha z ardou s to the tape dri ves.
Libr ary Operati ons 50 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Ultrium bar code labels Ultrium cartridges ha ve a recessed area locat ed on the face of the cartridge next to the write-protect switch. Use this area fo r attaching the adhe si ve -backed bar code label (see Figure 17 ).
Libr ar y Operations 51 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide For successful operation of your tape library , place the bar code label entir ely within the recessed area, ensu ring that no part of the label is outside of it (see Figure 18 ).
Libr ary Operati ons 5 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Figur e 19: Inserting an SDL T bar code label Media label identifiers Be sure to use the proper bar code labels for your d ri ve technology . Ta b l e 5 lists the identif ier that is found at the end of 7- or 8-character SDL T and Ultrium bar code labels.
Libr ar y Operations 53 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide Setting th e w rite-protect switch Each tape cartridge has a sliding write- protect switch.
Libr ary Operati ons 54 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide W rite-protecting SDL T tape cartridges By moving the switch to the left ( Figure 21 ), the tape cartridge is write-protected (orange indicator is visible). By moving th e switch to the right, the tape cartridge is write-enabled (orange in dicator is not visible).
Libr ar y Operations 55 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s G uide In s e rti n g t a pe c art r i d ge s Load tape cartridges into the library star ting with the left side panels, then the right side panels, and f inally the back panel (see “ Library storage locations and slot numbering ” on page 35 for detailed installation procedures).
Libr ary Operati ons 56 ESL E- Se ries T ape Libra ry Use r’s G uid e Closing th e cabinet doors and access panels The library has one front door and one back door . 1. Close and lock the front door using the key pro vided in the accessory kit (see Figure 22 ).
Libr ar y Operations 57 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 2. Close and lock the back d oo r using the k ey prov ided in the accessory kit (see Figure 23 ).
Libr ary Operati ons 58 ESL E- Se ries T ape Libra ry Use r’s G uid e P o wer ing the library on and off This section explains: ■ Po wering on the library , page 58 ■ Placing the library on-l ine or of f-line , page 58 ■ Po wering off the library , page 59 P ow ering on the library T o po wer on the library: 1.
Libr ar y Operations 59 ESL E -Ser ies T ape L ibrary User’s Gu i de P ow ering o ff the library T o po wer of f the library: 1. Place the library off-line, see “ Placing th e library on-line or of f-line ” on page 58. The library robotics completes any current commands and then stops.
Libr ary Operati ons 60 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Using the OCP The OCP is located on the fr ont of the library . The menu s on the OCP allo w you to obtain information about the library , e xec ute library commands, and test library functions.
Libr ar y Operations 61 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide OCP components The OCP allo ws you to perform v a rious functions on the library . Ta b l e 6 pro vides a list of the OCP functio nality a v ailable from the Home screen (see Figure 24 ).
Libr ary Operati ons 6 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide ■ Diagnostics screen , page 70 ■ Stop button , page 72 Men u s cr e e n The Menu screen pro vides access to contact and cabinet information, as well as providing a way to setup library information.
Libr ar y Operations 63 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s Gu id e Vie wing libr ary information T o vie w library information: 1. From the Menu screen, use the up and do wn arro ws to highlight Library , then press Select . The Library screen displays (see Figure 26 ).
Libr ary Operati ons 64 ESL E -Ser i es T ape L ibr ary Use r’s Gui de Vie wing cabinet information T o vie w library cabinet information: 1. From the Menu screen, use the up and do wn arro ws to hi.
Libr ar y Operations 65 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide Vie wing and editing set up infor mation T o vie w or edit the setup information: 1. From the Menu screen, use the up and do wn arro ws to highlight Setup , then press Select . 2. The library pro mpts you for your passw ord.
Libr ary Operati ons 66 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide ■ Restore F actory Setting ■ Dri ve Autoclean ■ Configured Dri ves ■ Left Load Port (18) ■ Right Load Port (36) 3. T o edit the setup informa tion, use the up and do wn arro ws to highlight the section and press Select .
Libr ar y Operations 67 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 4. When you are f inished viewing/ed iting the setup information, press Back to return to the Menu screen. Note: Setting t he IP addr ess r eq uir es one ad ditiona l step . A fter p r essing Select , pow er do wn fr om the Menu scr een .
Libr ary Operati ons 68 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide 2. Use the up and down arro ws to highlig ht the specific load port, then press Select . A warning message appears. 3. Open the load port door and press OK . The load port mo ves forward.
Libr ar y Operations 69 ESL E -Ser ies T ape L ibrary User’s Gu i de Operations screen The Operatio ns screen allows you to vi ew the status and issue commands to the cabinet and tape drives. T o access the Ope rations screen, press Ops from the Home screen.
Libr ary Operati ons 7 0 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Diagnostics sc reen The Diagnostics screen allows you t o perform th e following diagnostic tests on the library (see Ta b l e 7 ). Note: The libr ary mu st be off -line to r un diagno stic te sting.
Libr ar y Operations 71 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide For e xample, if a library has 25 full slots and a sequential slot test is set to run 50 times, the library will test slots 1-25, then begin at 1 again and test through 25. If you set the same library to run the sequen tial slot test 60 times, it will test 1-25, 1-25, then 1-1 0.
Libr ary Operati ons 7 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide 3. If you did not take the library of f-lin e, the OCP displays a notif ication (see Figure 32 ). Figur e 32: Diagnostics confirmation remaining offline 4. Select NO to take the library of f-line, then run the test.
Libr ar y Operations 73 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide Inser ting tape cartridges into the load por t T ape cartridges are inserted into either an 18-cartridge magazine for Ultrium, or a 16-cartridge magazine for SDL T as sho wn in Figure 6 on page 27.
Libr ary Operati ons 7 4 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide.
75 ESL E -Ser ies T ape L ibrary User’s Gu i de 3 M aintenance and T r oubleshooting This chapter describes pr ob lems you may encounter during the se tup and operation of the library .
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 7 6 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Star t-up pr oblems Ta b l e 8 describes correcti v e actions for prob lems which occur during start-up. T able 8: Start-up problems Problem Corrective Action The libr ary does not powe r on.
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 77 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s Guide OCP pr oblems Ta b l e 9 describes correcti v e actions for OCP problems. T able 9: OCP problems Problem Corr ective Action The OCP is blank. ■ Conf irm that po we r is on.
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 7 8 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Ro botic s pr oblems Ta b l e 1 0 describes correctiv e actions for robotics problems. T able 10: Robotics problems Problem Corr ective Action The r obot d oes not mo ve at pow er on.
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 79 ESL E -Ser ies T ape L ibrary User’s Gu i de Th e r obot dr op s a cartri dge . ■ Open the doors . Retr ie v e the cartr idge , or ient it pr operl y , a nd place the cartr idge in an empty stor age bin . (Do not tr y t o place the car tr i dge in the pic ker .
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 80 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide Operating pr oblems T able 11 describes the correcti ve action for pr oblems that occur during library operation. T able 11: Problems during library operation Problem Corr ective Action The host comp uter cannot communicate with the library .
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 81 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide A mo ve command fa ile d. ■ Chec k the source and destinati on. Th e sour ce should hold the ca rtr idge to be moved; the destinat i on should be em pty . ■ Make sure the pick er is empt y and that there are no obstructi ons.
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 8 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide T ape dri ve pr oblems T able 12 describes the correcti ve action for problems with the tape driv es. T able 12: Tape dr ive pr oblems Problem Corr ective Action The li br ar y is u nable to communicate w ith a dri v e.
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 83 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s Gu id e Interface M anager card pr oblems Ta b l e 1 3 and Ta b l e 1 4 describe the status and n etwork LEDs for the Interface Manager card. T able 13: Status LED diagnostic codes Red L ED Green LED Descriptio n On Off BIOS code failed t o run .
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 84 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide Ta b l e 1 5 describes common symptoms relating to the Interface Manager card and ho w to resolv e them.
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 85 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s Gu id e Interface Mana ge r car d does not detect one or more FC interface contr oller s Bad networ k connection ■ V erify that the Interface Ma nager car d is pr oper ly conn ected to the FC in terf ace contr ollers and that the cables are good .
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 86 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Interface Mana ge r car d does not detect dri v es or library SCS I c abl es no t connected properl y Chec k cabling connecti ons. SCSI settings or termination not set pr operly ■ Check the S CSI setti ngs for the devi ce.
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 87 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide Comm and View ESL do es not run in the br owser Incompatible bro wser ver sion or Java support not enabled ■ Mak e sur e yo u ar e u sing a minim um o f Microsoft Internet Explorer v 6.
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 88 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide FC interface contr oller problems Most problems occur during the initial installation of t he interface controller . Before proceeding with adv anced troubleshooting t echniques, verify all connections and re vie w the configuration.
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 89 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User’s Guide See Figure 34 for LED locations and functions on the e2400-FC 2G interface controller . Figur e 34: e2400 -FC 2G interface controller illustr ation Basic troubleshooting Simplify the installation b y reducing it to the most basic configuration.
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 90 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide V erifying SCSI bus configur ation Items to check include: ■ Te r m i n a t i o n — Problems with termination can cause intermittent or hard failures. A SCSI b us must be terminat ed on both en ds.
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 91 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide Note: By def ault , the FC port speed is set to 2 Gb /s . Changes to the FC port speed mu st be manuall y set , such as f or 1 Gb/s.
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 92 ESL E- Se ries T ape Libra ry Use r’s G uid e V erifying the host configuration In some cases, the FC HBA or host de vice driv er may not be working properly .
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 93 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s G uide Maintaining tape car tridges Note: In addition to the inf ormati on pr ov ided in this manual , access the HP Storage W orks SDL T T ap e Driv e Reference G uide, and the HP Stor age W or ks Ultrium T ap e D rive Us er’s Gu ide from ht tp://w ww .
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 9 4 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide ■ If it doesn't rattle, check the tape leader inside the cartridge. T o do this, open the door on the rear of the tape cartridg e b y releasing the do or lock.
Maintenance and T r oubleshoo ting 95 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide Cleaning tape dri ves Use the guidelines in th e following sections to clean your tape dri ves. Cleaning SDL T tape driv es Be aw are of the following: ■ Under normal conditions, the cleaning cartridge is ef fecti ve for about 20 cleanings.
Maintenance and T r oubleshooting 9 6 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Caution: Onl y use HP Ultr ium Univ er sal Cleaning Cartr idges in Ult rium 46 0 or 46 0 -FC ta pe dri v es . ■ If the cleaning cartridge is ejected immedi ately , then it has expired or is not an Ultrium cleaning cartridge.
97 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide A L ibr ar y Char ac ter istic s This appendix lists charac teristics and specif icatio ns of the library .
Libr ary Charac teristi cs 9 8 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Ph y sical spec ifications and r equirements Ta b l e 1 7 and Ta b l e 1 8 provide dimensions and other physical charac teristics of the library unit.
Libr ary Char acter istics 99 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s G uide P erformance and r eliability c har ac ter istics Ta b l e 1 9 and Ta b l e 2 0 list performance and reliability characteristics of the library .
Libr ary Charac teristi cs 100 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Env ir onmental spec ifications Ta b l e 2 1 provides v arious library en vironmental specif ications.
Libr ary Char acter istics 101 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide R adiat ed fi elds pe r IEC -801-3 Unmodulated 2 7 MH z t o 500 M Hz @ 3 V/m F ast tr ansien ts (EFT or Bu rst) per IEC801-4 Data cab les @ 0.5kV P ow er cabl es @ 1.0kV Sound po w er le ve l Oper ating 7 .
Libr ary Charac teristi cs 102 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide.
103 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide B Relocating the L ibr ar y Caution: HP str ongl y recommends t hat an HP auth or iz ed serv ice r epresen tative r elocate a li br ary to a nother location . This appendix explains ho w to relocate th e library .
Rel oca ti ng t he Libra ry 104 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Chec king the n e w installation site Check the ne w installation site for the lib rary using the guidelines found in the HP Stora geW orks ESL E-Series Pr e-Installation Site Surve y Instructions .
Rel oca ti ng t he Li brar y 105 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide Prepar ing the library for re location T o prepare the library for relocation: ■ Removing tape cartridges , page 105 ■.
Rel oca ti ng t he Libra ry 106 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Installing shipping r estraints and packing T o install internal shipping restraints: 1. Remov e the six panel shipping restrain ts (three sets on each side) from their storage location on the lower cabinet frame (see Figure 35 ).
Rel oca ti ng t he Li brar y 10 7 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s G uide 2. Attach the six panel shipping restraints (three on each side) with a 1/4-in nut driv er (see Figure 36 ).
Rel oca ti ng t he Libra ry 108 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide 3. Remov e the robot shipping restraints from their storage location under the left cartridge bin panel (see Figure 37 ). Figur e 3 7 : Shipping restraints - storage location 4.
Rel oca ti ng t he Li brar y 109 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide 5. Install the robotic ship ping restraints (see Figure 38 ). Figur e 38: Installing the robotic shipping restraint Rob ot.
Rel oca ti ng t he Libra ry 110 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide 6. Install the counterweight (see Figure 39 ). Figur e 39 : Installing the counter weight shipping restr aint Nuts Sh i p.
Rel oca ti ng t he Li brar y 111 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 7. Locate the two sheet metal pieces that form the internal library frame restraint and insert them as sho wn in Figure 40 . Figur e 40: Installing th e inter nal library frame restraint 8.
Rel oca ti ng t he Libra ry 112 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide 10. From the front of the library , add the foam to the Y -axis cov er plate, to the left front door , and also to the back door frame (see Figu re 41 ).
Rel oca ti ng t he Li brar y 113 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 11. Close the library doors and add sh ipping foam to the bottom of the library perimeter (see Figure 42 ). Figur e 42: Adding the shipping foam to the library perimeter Disconnecting library cables T o disconnect library cables: 1.
Rel oca ti ng t he Libra ry 114 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide ■ Dri ve SCSI cables (not present on Ultrium 460-FC dri ves) ■ Cabinet controller SCSI cable ■ Robotics controller .
Rel oca ti ng t he Li brar y 115 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide Crating the libr ar y Use this section if you need to: ■ Ship the library to the ne w site. ■ T ransport the library b y forklift or similar means. If you are moving the l ibrary within a facility , refer to “ Preparing t he library for operation ” on page 118.
Rel oca ti ng t he Libra ry 116 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide T o crate the library for a ne w site (see Figure 43 ). Figur e 43: Crating the library 1. Prepare the shipping palle t for the library b y attaching the ramp to the pallet.
Rel oca ti ng t he Li brar y 117 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 3. Secure the library . a. Place the shipping bag o ver the library , and secure it into place.
Rel oca ti ng t he Libra ry 118 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Prepar ing the library for oper ation After shipping or moving the library , refer to the HP Stor ageW orks ESL E-Series .
119 ESL E -Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide C Regulatory Statem ents FCC statement This equipment has been tested an d found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of th e FCC Rules.
Regulatory Statement s 120 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide BSMI statem ent !" #$%&'()*+,-.
Regulatory Statements 121 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide Japan statem ent (V CCI).
Regulatory Statement s 122 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide Industry Canada (digital apparatus) Reference : Interfer ence-Causing Equipment Standar d , ICES-003 Issue 2 This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Eq uipment Regul ations.
Regulatory Statements 12 3 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide Notice for U SA and CAN AD A onl y If shipped to USA, use the UL LISTED po wer cord specified belo w for 200-240 V operation. If shipped to Canada, use th e CSA CER TIFIED powe r cord specified belo w for 200-240 V operation.
Regulatory Statement s 12 4 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Laser statement Class 1 laser product WA R N I N G : With all panels and enclosur es in place, this pr oduct is r ated as a Class I la ser pr oduct. T he bar code scanner i nsi de this pr oduct , how ev er , is a Class II laser .
Regulatory Statements 125 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s Guide ¡A TENCI ÓN! El uso de los controles o ajustes para realizar procedimientos que no son especificados puede pr ovocar una situación pelig r osa. Luok an 1 laserlaite A TTENZIONE: Questo prodotto emette una luce laser di Class e II.
Regulatory Statement s 12 6 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide Batter y statement WA R N I N G : This pr odu ct contains a L ithium batte ry . The Dallas Semiconductor DS12B88 7 on the motherboard contains a Lithium bat tery . L ithium may be consi der ed a haz ar dou s mater ial .
Regulatory Statements 12 7 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s Guide Attenz ione Questo prodotto contiene una batteria al litio. Il modulo Dallas Semiconductor DS12B887 contiene una batteria al litio su lla scheda madre. Il litio può essere considerato un materiale pericoloso.
Regulatory Statement s 128 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide.
129 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide D Sense Data V alues This appendix lists sense data v alues an d descriptions. These values appear in library error codes, as well as in the library error log. Ta b l e 2 2 lists message information that can be sent from the tape library to the host computer .
Sense Data V alues 130 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide T able 2 2: Sense data values (He xadecimal) Sense Key ASC ASCQ Messa ge Name/Description 00 0 0 0 NO ADDITIONAL SENSE INFORMATION No r eco ve ry ne ces sary . 20 4 0 0 LU IS NOT READY, CAUSE NOT REPORTABLE Inte rnal e rr or .
Sense Da ta V alues 131 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 52 5 0 0 LOGICAL UNIT IS NOT SUPPORTED V erify the logical unit fi eld specif ied in the command contains a legiti mate logical unit num ber . Check cabling to logical un it . 52 6 0 0 INVALID FIELD IN PARAMETER LIST Ve r i f y Mode Se lect page fi elds.
Sense Data V alues 13 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide 62 9 0 4 INTERNAL DEVICE RESET OCCURRED Info rmati onal message . If pow er on occur s, the host u ser should assume the inv entory may ha ve changed , and should ask the libr ar y for tha t i nform at ion aga in.
Sense Da ta V alues 13 3 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide 53 B 0 D MEDIUM DESTINATION ELEMENT FULL Destina tion ele ment addr ess alr ea dy cont ains a cartr idge . Issue a Read Element Status command and r etry mo ve co mmand u sing y our applicati on softwar e.
Sense Data V alues 134 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary U ser’s Guide 25 A 0 1 OPERATOR MEDIUM REMOVAL REQUEST Indicates that the element cont ain s a cleaning ca rtr idge that is “ used-up ” and the s ystem is unable to export the cleani ng cartri dge.
Sense Da ta V alues 13 5 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide 68 0 0 7 SYSTEM STOP BUTTON WAS PRESSED The STOP button on the contr ol panel was pr essed. Pr ess the STOP button . Retry command. 68 0 0 8 LOGICAL UNIT TURNED ON-LINE Thr ough the menu opti ons, bring the libr ary on-line.
Sense Data V alues 136 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide 58 0 2 2 ELEMENT CONTENTS UNKNOWN The conten ts of an element addr ess are unkno wn . Issue a Read Element Statu s for the element addr ess. If contents ar e still unknown issue an Initializ e Element S tatus com mand .
Sense Da ta V alues 13 7 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s G uide 58 3 E 0 EXTENSION INVALID START CONDITION Extensi on har dwa re conditi on is unkno wn. Issue a Re zero Un it command. 58 3 F 0 EXTENSION INVALID COMMAND Extensi on hard war e w as commanded t o a position out o f the s yst ems mechanical limits.
Sense Data V alues 138 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide 58 7 F 0 DEPTH INVALID COMMAND Depth h ard wa re co mmanded to po sition ou t of s ys tem mech anical limits. Issue a Rezero Un it command. If th e pr oblem persists, cali br ate the library .
Sense Da ta V alues 139 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s G uide B8 C 0 1 LOAD PORT LATCH FAILURE Th e load port doo r wa s unlock ed , but di d not lea ve its c ur r ent position be for e time-out (30 seconds). This may be due to th e door being stuck , or in the case o f a close operati on, the oper ator not mo ving the door .
Sense Data V alues 140 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide T able 23: Hardw are failure AS CQ values ASCQ Description 00-0 F OTHER Har dw are in ter nal failur e . Call T echni cal Support . 10-1 F ENCODER/MOTOR Check the mo tor/encoder connect or .
Sense Da ta V alues 141 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 90 -9F FORCE ERROR While pushing a cartr idge into a b in or dri ve , the e xtension ax is nev er made contact w ith an y ob ject .
Sense Data V alues 14 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide.
143 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide E Even t Re po r t in g The library is capable of reporting a v a riety of e v ents that occur within the cabinet. An ev ent is defined as any occu rrence that requires user attention and possible interv ention.
Event Reporting 144 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide Information e vents Informational e vents are for user info rmation o nly and do not require an y intervention on the cabinet such as replacing components or updating software. Ta b l e 2 4 lists the information e vents provided by the library .
Event Reporting 145 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide Added ne w SNMP community Updated SN MP communi ty Rem ove d SN MP co m mun it y Added ne w tra p destination Updated tra p destination.
Event Reporting 146 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary U ser’s Guide Wa r n i n g e ve n t s W arning e vents indicat e that a possible error condition exists wi thin the cabinet. These ev ents gi ve the user a chance to check the cabinet before a failure occurs.
Event Reporting 14 7 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ar y User ’s Gu id e Unable to get medium changer statisti cs NV R AM corrup te d Dri ve update Logical unit init r equir ed Logical unit is n ot r ead.
Event Reporting 148 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide Critical e vents Critical e vents indicate that a f ailure ha s occurred in the cabinet. The user must intervene to return the cabinet to operation. Ta b l e 2 6 lists the critical e vents pr ovid ed by the libr ary .
Event Reporting 14 9 ESL E -Ser ies T ape L ibrary User’s Gu i de T ransfer f ull - at end of place T r ansfe r empty - command aborted Load r etry failed Cartr idge partially gr ipped Low power err.
Event Reporting 150 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide Hori zontal mapping fai lur e W arning safe t emper atur e ex ceeded Load port timeout *panel name , sensor *name needs attention Dr .
Event Reporting 151 ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide No Mond conn ection No HB As fo und Fo rk n ew t e d fa i l ed Initiali z ation fa iled Pa r s e e r r o r Soft w are Socket F ail ur e.
Event Reporting 15 2 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide.
153 E SL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s Guide Glossary Glossary Glossary This glossary def ines terms used in this guide or related to this product and is not a comprehensiv e glossary of computer terms. Antistatic mat A mat made of antistatic material which in cludes a cabled connection to ground at a wall receptacle.
Glossary 154 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibr ary U ser’s Guide Chec k Condition status Blocks of data are stored on the tape medium along with additional information that the library controller uses to manage storage and retrie v al.
Gloss ary 15 5 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s Guide Elements SCSI designation for an y de vice or bin in the library that can hold a cartridge. SCSI elements include storage bins, tape driv es, load port bins, and the picker . EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference refers to un wanted electrical noise present on a po wer line.
Glossary 156 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide NVRAM Non-V olatile Random Access Memory is a type of me mory that retains its contents when po wer is turn ed off. One type of NVRAM is SRAM that is made non-v olatile by connecting it to a constant po wer source such as a battery .
Gloss ary 15 7 ESL E- Ser ies T ape Libr ary User’s G uide SDL T Super Digital Linear T ape is a Quantum ta pe dri v e and tape cartridge specif ication offered in three ranges of capacity and tr ansfer rates for w orkgroup, mid-range, and enterprise needs.
Glossary 158 ESL E - Ser ies T ape L ibrary User ’s Guide.
15 9 E SL E- Seri es T ape Library User’s Guide Index Index Index A antistatic mat 153 ASCI 153 ASCQ 153 authorized reseller, HP 13 Autoclean 22 , 153 B back panel 18 , 35 backup 31 bar code 49 , 50.
Inde x 160 ESL E - Ser ies T a pe Libr ary User’s Gui de G getting help 13 H HBA device driver, troubleshooting 92 help, obtaining 13 host 33 , 155 host configuration, troubleshooting 92 HP authoriz.
Inde x ESL E - Series T ape L ibrary User’s Guide 16 1 power off 58 on 58 supply, LED indicators 30 preserving tape cartridges 95 R rack stability, warning 12 related documentation 8 reliability spe.
Inde x 16 2 ESL E -Ser ies T ape L ibr ary User’s Guide T take-up leader 157 tape cartridg es 73 ESD precautions 49 installing 55 inventory 21 labeling 49 LTO Ultrium 23 magazines 26 maintaining 93 .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) ESL E c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) ESL E - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) ESL E, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) ESL E va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) ESL E, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) ESL E.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) ESL E. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) ESL E ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.