Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit C30 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Cut Sheet Printers Maintenance Manual Models C30 and C30D HP Part No. C 4000-900 06.
-ii Notice Hewlett- Packard make s no warran ty of any ki nd wit h regard t o this mat erial, i ncluding, but no t limit ed to, th e implie d warra nties of merch antabil ity an d fitnes s for a pa rticu lar purpose.
-iii Warnings and Cautions A W ARNING denotes a hazard. It c alls atten tion to a procedure or practice , which, if not done corr ectly or adhered to, c ould resul t in persona l injury . Do not pr oceed beyond a W ARNING sign unt il the i ndicated c ondition s are ful ly underst ood and me t.
-iv Preface The C3 0/C30 D Mainte nance Manua l cont ai ns all the info rmatio n nee de d to ma in tain a n d servic e Hewlett Pa ckard C30 an d C30D printe rs. The C30 printer series are high- speed, non-im pact printe rs uti lizing ele ctrophot ographic i maging tec hnology .
-v Chapter 8, “Opt ions” Provides inform ation abou t the opt ional High Capacit y Input an d High Capaci ty Outpu t bins. Chapter 9, “Ge neral Print er Maintenanc e” Reviews pr inter mai ntenance p rocedures to compl ete during s ervic e calls.
Contents vii Printer and Troubleshooting Overview Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Theory of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
viii TAG 012: Upper Cassette Not Latched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 TAG E12: Envelope Tray or Feeder Not Latched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 TAG 013: Lower Cassette Not La tched .
ix TAG 804: Pri nts With Light Hori zontal Bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-162 TAG 805: Blac k Prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-163 TAG 806: Pri nts with Dark Spots or Scratches .
x 001 Operator Panel Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 002 Upper Cassette Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 003 Lower Cassette Test .
xi Connectors I nside the Back Cover (Cont inued) J/P18- 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 Connectors I nside the Back Cover (Cont inued) J/P 64- 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 Connectors I nside the Back Cover (Cont inued) J/P 90- 800 .
xii Counter Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20 IGS Board Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21 PCL Board Removal .
xiii Top Cover Interlock Switch Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-82 Erase Lamp Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-83 EP Cover Removal . .
xiv Printer /Maintenance Reco rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4 Every-Call Cleaning Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6 Remove Major Consumable Suppli es .
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-1 Chapter 1 Printer and T roubleshooting Overview Section 1 T roubleshooting.
1-2 Printer and Tro ubleshoo ting Ove rview Contents Printing and Troubleshoo ting Overview Theory of Operat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Paper Path a nd Cycle Seque nce. . .
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-3 Theory of Operation The print er uses a n electr ophotograp hic ima ging syste m based o n LED array t echnology . T wo key compon ents of the p rinter are th e image gene ration sy stem (IGS) c ontroll er and the pri nter cont rol logi c (PCL) b oard.
1-4 Printer and Tro ubleshoo ting Ove rview 6 Activati ng paper As the i mage is be ing de velope d, a she et of pa per i s tra nsport ed to the p hotocon ductor belt.
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-5 Paper Path and Cycle Sequence The IGS board si gna ls the PCL board th at a page of dat a is read y to be printe d. When this happens t he follo wing seq uence take s place. Simplex Pr inting 1 PCL softwar e downloade d to th e PCL board fr om the disk drive sys tem turns o n the main motor .
1-6 Printer and Tro ubleshoo ting Ove rview 2 The paper upon passing t hrough the “B” rolle r comes in cont act with the duplex sen- sor . (If the paper doe s not ener gize this senso r i n a giv en amoun t of ti me, an er ror 060 will occ ur .
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-7 Error Code T echnical Definitions The foll owing tabl e lists the print er error codes and their de scripti ons.
1-8 Printer and Tro ubleshoo ting Ove rview OPC Rotation Errors 040 PCL boar d sensed tha t the sign al from the p hotocondu ctor seam sensor ei ther was not of sufficient amp litude or did not sho w the proper ti ming.
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-9 Jogger Errors 081 PCL boar d activate d the jogg ing motor b ut did not detect a change in the s ignal from t he front sens or in the j ob offset assembl y (diag- nostic test only).
1-10 Printer and Troubl eshootin g Overview DD Er rors 405-409 IGS boa rd detected an error in th e program R AM durin g the inter- nal d iagnostic t esting of the IGS b oard. 450-566 IGS boa rd detected an error d uring the in ternal diag nostic testi ng of the IG S board a nd software.
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-11 Sensor and Switch Locations The follow ing pa ges il lustra te the locat ions of the pr inter ’ s senso r s and s witc hes.
1-12 Printer and Troubl eshootin g Overview Top view Front view Developer right view Developer left view.
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-13 Right side view Top left, duplex tray view Front view.
1-14 Printer and Troubl eshootin g Overview T able 1 -2. Sensor and Switch List Sensor/Switch Name Page No. Auto mati c tone r contr ol sens or 1-12 Cassette paper present sen so rs, uppe r and lower .
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-15 T r oubleshooting Overview Throughout the prin ter’ s life problems oc cur , such as th ose ind icated whe n an error code display s on th e operator panel, a p rinter p roduces poo r qual ity prin ts, or the printer mal- functi ons.
1-16 Printer and Troubl eshootin g Overview The Problem: Printer or Host? The pri nter is one component in a larg e host s ystem. Before you start any troubleshoot ing, make su re that t he proble m reall y belo ngs to the printer rather t han to som e other c ompo- nent in the host s ystem.
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-17 Protocol Converters Many proto col conver ters ha ve a s elf-test function or confi guration mode that enabl es the user to check the p roper fun ctioning of the control. Y ou ca n reconnec t the host interf ace and ask t he customer to exe rcise this funct ion of the converte r .
1-18 Printer and Troubl eshootin g Overview Confirming Line Power Errati c printe r problems can be c aused by impr oper lin e power . As a rul e, the v oltage of the outl et shoul d be che cked at in stallat ion. However , if you a re unable to isola te an int er- mittent proble m, the power shoul d be chec ked agai n.
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-19 Using the Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (T AG) The T roubleshoot ing Analys is Guide pr ovides pr oblem-solv ing sequenc es to h elp you identi fy and res olve prin ter pr oblems. Each T AG addresse s a particul ar symp tom or erro r code of t he print er .
1-20 Printer and Troubl eshootin g Overview The T AG then direct s you to per fo rm c ert ai n t as ks. Based o n t he results of thes e t as ks, the T AG poses qu estio ns that c an be answer ed by eithe r yes or n o. For ye s answers, y ou fol- low one pat h; for no answers, f ollow another path.
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-21 S tandard Procedures While usi ng the T AGs, you may be asked to perform some of the foll owing proce dures. Specifi c instru ctions f or compl eting the se procedu res are i ncluded he re, rathe r than repeat ed in the body of eac h T AG .
1-22 Printer and Troubl eshootin g Overview Inst alling the Inter lock By-p ass T ool The int erlock b y-pass t ool over rides t he cover interl ock switc hes, all owing you to opera te the pri nter with t he covers open. The int erlock by- pass tool is a white plas tic, “V”-s haped tool wit h two finge r pads.
Printer an d Troubl eshootin g Overview 1-23 5 Remove the p hotoconduct or unit. Figure 1 -4. Pr oducing a T oner Patch on the Photoconductor Unit 6 Examine the photoc onductor u nit to verify t hat a ton er patch h as been pr oduced. Y ou may have to rotat e the bel t slightly to obse rve the patc h.
1-24 Printer and Troubl eshootin g Overview Clearing the Error Log 1 Ente r th e dia gn osti c mo de of th e prin te r: • T urn off the prin ter and wait 5 seconds . • Hold down t he ST OP and TEST keys simultane ously as you tu rn the pr inter back on.
TAG Cr oss- Re ferenc e Tabl es 2-1 Chapter 2 T AG Cross- Reference T a bles.
T AG Cross-Reference T ables 2-2 TAG Cros s- Refe r ence T ables T AG Cross-Reference T ables This sec tion cont ains the t hree cro ss refer ence char ts for tr ouble shooting pr int prob lems: Error Cod e/TAG Cross-Referen ce Chart . . . . . . . . .
Error Code/T A G Cross-Ref erence TAG Cr oss- Re ferenc e Tabl es 2-3 Error Code/T AG Cross-Re ference Error co des, whi ch appear o n the 3-di git displ ay of the operator’ s panel, indi cate a wid e variet y of printer problems rel ated to the c ontrol bo ards, soft ware, and/or h ost communi- cation p roblem s.
2-4 TAG Cros s- Refe r ence T ables 071 Fuser the rmistor open or no fus er 071 072 Fuser tem perature too high 072 073 Fuser tem perature too low 070 081 No front j ob offset sensor 083 082 No back j.
TAG Cr oss- Re ferenc e Tabl es 2-5 160 PCL boar d PIA1 regi ster error after reset 100 161 PCL boar d PIA1 regi sters rea d/write error 1 00 162 PCL board PIA1 P A or PB rea d/write error 100 170 PCL.
2-6 TAG Cros s- Refe r ence T ables T able 2-5. IGS Firmwa re Error Codes Code IGS Firmw are Error Code Me aning These e rror codes signal a problem with the IG S contr oller firmware. No T AGs addre ss these problem s; report them to the printer ’s man ufacturer .
TAG Cr oss- Re ferenc e Tabl es 2-7 T able 2 -8. IGS/Disk Dr ive Error Codes Code Disk Drive E rror Code Meaning Go to T AG 401 Fatal IGS PB error No T AG 450 Incorrec t diskette 130 451 Diske tte for.
2-8 TAG Cros s- Refe r ence T ables 550 T wo-cha nnel tran sfer error 200 551 No PCL board/seri al control ler interru pt on break 200 552 No serial con troll er /DM AC int erac tion 2 00 553 Seria l .
Print Quality/T AG Cross-Reference TAG Cr oss- Re ferenc e Tabl es 2-9 Print Quality/T AG C ross-Refe rence Poor qu ality prin ts ar e another indicati on of pri nter probl ems. Begin by runnin g a set of test pr ints. Then , compare th e test pr ints to t he samples located i n Cha pter 4, “Pr int Qual- ity Sa mp les” .
Print Quality /T AG Cross-Referenc e 2-10 TA G Cros s- Re ferenc e Tabl es T able 2 -12. Light Print T AGs Light Print s Go to T AG With carrier p articles 801 With backg ro und 81 1 With voids /wh ite sp ots 8 02 With li ght vertica l streaks 803 With bla nk or white vertical l ines 803 With light hor izo n tal bands 804 T able 2 -13.
Print Quality/T AG Cross-Reference TAG Cr oss- Re ferenc e Tabl es 2-11 T able 2 -16. Smeare d, Blurred, and U neven Print T AGs Smeared, Blurr ed, Uneven Prints Go to T AG Smeared vertical streak s 8.
Print Quality /T AG Cross-Referenc e 2-12 TA G Cros s- Re ferenc e Tabl es Mechanical Malfunction/T AG Cross-Reference The chart below ou tlines possible mechanical malfunc tions and recommends an appropri- ate T AG to follow to resol ve the pro blem.
Print Quality/T AG Cross-Reference TAG Cr oss- Re ferenc e Tabl es 2-13 f T able 2-21. Paper Handling Problem T AGs Paper Handling Problems Go to T AG Mul tipl e p aper feed 70 5 Multiple sheet fee ds.
Print Quality /T AG Cross-Referenc e 2-14 TA G Cros s- Re ferenc e Tabl es.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-1 Chapter 3 T roubleshooting Analysis Guide (T AGs).
3-2 Tro ubles ho otin g Analy sis Guid e (TAG s) Contents Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAGs) TAG 001: Trou bleshooting a Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 TAG 002: Check &Problem Resoluti on. . . . .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-3 TAG 101: IGS Cont roller Dia gnostic Fail ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103 TAG 130: Disk ette/Disk Dri ve Malfuncti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-4 Tro ubles ho otin g Analy sis Guid e (TAG s) T r oubleshooting Analysis Guide (T A Gs) This chap ter descr ibes eac h of th e T AGs used t o diagnose and resolv e specif ic print er problems related to e rror code s, print qual ity , and mechanica l malfunctio ns.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-5 T AG 001: T roubleshooting a Problem If you ar e no t sure how t o t ro ubl esh oot a pri nt er pr obl em, s ta rt wi th thi s T AG .
3-6 Tro ubles ho otin g Analy sis Guid e (TAG s) display? No: Refer to Chapter 2, “TAG Cr oss- Reference Tables” to determine which T AG to follow , then turn to that T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 6 Run tes t prin ts from t he upper cass ette by completin g the foll owing: • Power-on-reset the printer .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-7 10 Run a j ob which is known to be good. • Compare the ou tp ut from the problem pri nt jo b to the output from the go o d print job. Can you identify the problem? No: Return to the beginning of the T AG , following the procedures carefully to determine the kind o f problem your custom er has.
3-8 Tro ubles ho otin g Analy sis Guid e (TAG s) T AG 002: Check & Pr oblem Resoluti on 1 Complete any actio ns directing you to this T AG . • Make sure all connector s, covers, parts, and hardware have be en reinstalled. In the course of resolving the printer problem, did you complete the eve ry-call cleaning procedure? No: Continue.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-9 the magnetic roller . • Reinstall th e developer unit. 6 Inspect and clean the cleaner un it/m ain charger: • Inspect the unit for damage or con tamination; repair or rep lace as necessary . • Remove the main charger from the cleaner unit.
3-10 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 3 Run tes t prin ts to con firm print quality , in bo th simpl ex and dupl ex modes an d from upper and lower paper cassettes .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-11 5 Press: ST AR T to select the drive specified. 1-0 appear s on the display 6 Press: ST AR T to select the clear error log function. 6- 0 appears on the display . 7 Press: CANCEL to clear the error log. 6-1 appears on the display .
3-12 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 010: Upper Cassette Malfunction Error Code: 010 Possible Ca uses: Cassette empty Paper incorrectly loaded Possible De fect s: Upper paper empty actua.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-13 4 Check pressure lever: • Reinsert the upper cassette. • W atch the pressure lever as the cassette is inserted.
3-14 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) E10: Envelop e T ray Out of Enve lopes This T AG refers to t he error code for t he envelo pe tray , which handl es 75 enve lopes.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-15 5 Reinsert the envelo p e cassette. • W atch the pressure lever as the cassette is inserted. Does the pres sure lever e levate the env elopes to the co.
3-16 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 01 1: Lower Cassett e Malfun ction Error Code: 01 1 Possible Ca uses: Cassette empty Paper incorrectly loaded Possible De fect s: Lower paper empty a.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-17 4 Reinsert the lower cassette. • W atch the pressure lever as the cassette is inserted. Does the pres sure lever e levate the paper to the co rrect fee.
3-18 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 012: Upper Cassette Not Latched Error Code: 012 Possible De fect s: Upper cassette relea se cam Upper cassette relea se latch Upper cassette in latch.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-19 4 Run di agnostic test 002 . Is 1-0 displayed? No: Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution . Ye s : Co ntinue. 5 Install the upper cassette. Is a value other t han 1-0 displayed? No: Continue.
3-20 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 9 Reconnect J/P40 and J/P45. • Remove the lower cassette. • Loosen the lower paper size sensor assembly f or access to the circuit board. • Disconn ect J/P43 and J/ P 47. • Check J4 3-8 to J 47-3 for co ntinuit y .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-21 T AG E12: Envelope T ray or Feeder Not Latched Error Code: E12 Possible De fect s: Upper cassette release cam Upper cassette release latch Upper cassette.
3-22 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 4 Run di agnostic test 00 2. Is 1-0 displayed? No: Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution . Ye s : Co ntinue. 5 Install the envelope tray . Is a value other t han 1-0 displayed? No: Continue.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-23 9 Reconnect J/P40 and J/P45. • Remove the lower cassette. • Loosen the lower paper size sensor assembly f or access to the circuit board. • Disconn ect J/P43 and J/ P 47. • Check J4 3-8 to J 47-3 for co ntinuit y .
3-24 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 013: Lower Cassette Not Latched Error Code: 013 Possible De fect s: Lower cassette r elease cam Even Lower cassette r elease latch Lower cassette in .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-25 5 Install the lower cassette. Is a value other t han 1-0 displayed? No: Continue. Ye s : Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 00 2: Check & Problem Resolutio n . 6 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
3-26 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 020: Paper Jam/Misfeed i n Upper Cassette Area Error Code: 020 Possible Ca uses: Paper incorrectly loaded Wr ong weight or t ype of pa per loaded Pap.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-27 3 Clear the p aper path. • Remove the upper cassette. • Power-on-reset the printer . • Run test prints from the lower cassette. Is error code 021 displayed? No: Go to #1 0 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue.
3-28 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 9 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P40 and J/ P 57. • Check the follow ing for continu ity :.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-29 13 T urn of f the printer an d unplug the power cord. • Disconn ect J/P40 and J/ P 66. • Check P4 0-6 to J 66-2 and P 40-1 1 to J66-1 f or continui ty . Is there continuity? No: Repair or replace conn ectors or wirin g from P40-6 to J66- 2 or P40 -1 1 to J66-1.
3-30 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 021: Paper Jam/Misfeed i n /Lower Casse tte Area Error Code: 021 Possible Ca uses: Paper loaded incorrectly Wr ong weight or t ype of pa per loaded P.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-31 3 Clear the paper path. • Reinsert the upper cassette. • Power-on-reset the printer . • Run tes t prin ts from the upper cass ette. Is error code 020 displayed? No: Go to #1 0 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue.
3-32 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) P40-25 to P5 7-1 P40-12 to P5 7-3 Is there ground? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from: P40-25 to J/P58-1 to P57-1, P40-16 to J/ P58-2 t o P57-2, or P40-12 to J/P58-3 to P57-3. Then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-33 13 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P40 and J/ P 67. • Check P4 0-5 to J 67-2 and P 40-1 1 to J67-1 f or continui ty . Is there continuity? No: Repair or replace the connectors or wiring from P40-5 to J67-2 or P40-1 1 to J67-1.
3-34 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 022: Paper Jam in the T ransfer or Fuser Area Error Code: 022 Possible Ca uses: Paper loaded incorrectly Wr ong weight or t ype of pa per loaded Pape.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-35 Operations manual. • Check that the fu ser unit is installed proper ly . • Power-on-reset the printer . • Run test pr ints. Is error code 022 still disp layed? No: Paper incorrectly load ed, incorrect paper type in use, or a loose conn ector was at fault.
3-36 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 8 Check the pap er path for jams. • Open the prin ter ’ s front cover and in sert the interlock by pas s to ol. • Power-on-reset the printer . • Run test pr ints. • W atch the end of the p aper timing roller shaft.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-37 14 Does pa per stop or jam either before or during entry into the fuser unit? No: Go to #1 7 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 15 Remo ve the fus er uni t. • Check the fuser unit rollers for damage or toner contamination.
3-38 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 20 Power-o n-reset the printer . • While the main m otor is run ning, cov er all o f the ho les in the vacuu m unit with a piece o f p aper . Does the vacuum transport unit fan hold the paper in place? No: Continue.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-39 T AG 023: Paper Jam in the Output Area Error Code: 023 Possible Ca uses: Paper path obstruction Output t ray obst r uction Possible De fect s: Exit paper.
3-40 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) P40-13 to P4 9-3. Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from: P40-26 to J/P50-1 to P49-1, P40-24 to J/ P50-2 t o P49-2, or P40-13 to J/P50-3 to P49-3. Ye s : Replace the exit paper sensor .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-41 T AG 025: Paper in Input Area Befor e Printing Error Code: 025 Possible De fect s: Paper timing sens or PCL board Connectors or wiring 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Check the pap er path and remo ve any paper jams.
3-42 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 6 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Loosen the paper timin g guide. • Disconn ect J/P57 and J/ P 40.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-43 T AG 026: Paper in Output Area Befo re Print ing Error Code: 026 Possible De fect s: Exit paper sens or PCL board Connectors or wiring If the printer has a high c apacity o utput unit (HCO), un plug an d remove it before beg in- ning this T AG .
3-44 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 030: Developer Bias Short/Failure Error Code: 030 Possible De fect s: Cleaner unit High vo ltage uni t DC power supply Connectors or wiring PCL board Printhead assembly Power contr ol #2 board Developer u nit 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-45 6 Open the back co ver and install an interlock by-pass tool . • Power-on-reset the printer . • Check TP4 -35 for +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Go to #1 1 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 7 Check J/ P23-5 fo r +24 Vdc.
3-46 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 11 Check TP3-27 for +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Continue. Ye s : Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 00 2: Check & Problem Resolutio n . 12 Check J/ P12-1 fo r +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Continue.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-47 T AG 031: T oner Patch Ref erence Le vel T oo Low Error Code: 031 Possible Ca uses: Contamina tion of the toner pat c h sens or or printhead lens Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor unit Connectors or wiring PCL board Developer u nit 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
3-48 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 6 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Remove t he developer unit. • Disconn ect J/P41. • Check P41-47 t o J25-3 for continu ity . Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P41-47 to J25 -3.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-49 T AG 032: T oner Patch T oo Light Error Code: 032, 033 Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor unit IGS boar d PCL board 1 Check the voltages, as described in Chapter 9, “General Printer Maintenance” .
3-50 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 7 Check the toner p atch se nsor boa r d in the de veloper unit for lo ose wir ing conn ector s. Are all connectors and wiring co nnected properly? No: Reconnect the wiring an d connectors or r eplace the deve loper unit, then tur n to TAG 00 2: Check & Problem R esolution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-51 T AG 035: Out of T oner or ADD T ONER Indicator On Error Code: 035 Possible Ca uses: Photocond uctor unit T oner cartridge seal not r emoved T oner cartr.
3-52 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 6 Remove the toner cartr idge seal. • Power-on-reset the printer . • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Continue. Ye s : The toner cartridge seal was at fault. T urn to TAG 002: C heck & Problem Resolution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-53 T AG 036: Developer Unit Not Inst alled Error Code: 036 Possible De fect s: Developer unit no t in sta lled properly Connectors or wiring PCL board 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Make sure the developer un it is installed properly .
3-54 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 040: Photo conductor Se am Sensor Mal function Error Code: 040, 041 , 042 Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor unit Main m otor gear Main mo tor gear .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-55 6 T urn the printer off. • Remove the p hotoconduct or unit. • Inspect i t for damaged d rive mechanis m or belt s lippage. Is it in good working order? No: Replace the photocond uctor unit, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolutio n .
3-56 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 11 Remove t he photocond uctor unit. • Inspect t he photocond uctor belt for damage. • Check th e timing hole for co ntamination or block age.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-57 16 Clean bo th the photo conductor LED and seam sens or using a co tton swab or com pressed air . • Run diagnosti c 009.
3-58 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 044: Main Char ger/T ransfer Charger Circuit Open Error Code: 044 Possible De fect s: Main c harge r T ransfer charger Connectors or wiring High vo ltage uni t Upper paper guide Main charger terminal assembly PCL board 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-59 4 Remove the tran sfer charge r . • Inspect t he housing for jammed p aper . Is paper jammed inside the transfer charger housing? No: Continue. Ye s : Remove the jammed paper an d check the transfer ch arger fo r damage, then tu rn to TAG 022: Paper Jam in the Transfer or Fuser Area .
3-60 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) continuity . Is there continuity? No: Replace the upper pap er guide assembly , then turn to TAG 002: Check & Prob lem Reso- lution . Ye s : Go to #13 i n thi s T AG . 11 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-61 T A G 045: Main Charger Circuit Shorted Error Code: 045 Possible De fect s: Main c harge r High vo ltage uni t Main charger terminal assembly Connectors or wiring PCL board 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
3-62 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 5 Reconnect the main char ger high voltage lead. • Disconn ect P23 and J/P4 1. • Check J/P41-34 to P23- 6 for continuit y . Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P41-34 to P23 -6, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem R esolution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-63 T AG 050: T ransfer Charger Circuit Shorted Error Code: 050 Possible De fect s: T ransfer charger High vo ltage uni t Connectors or wiring PCL board Upper paper gui de assembly 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
3-64 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 5 Reconnect the transf er charg er high voltage un it lead. • Disconn ect J/P23 and J/ P 41. • Check P4 1-37 to P 23-3 for continui ty . Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P41-37 to P23 -3, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem R esolution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-65 T AG 055: Erase L amp Malfunction Error Code: 055 Possible De fect s: Erase lamp as sembly Connectors or wiring PCL board 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • V erify that J/P26, J/P40 are connected properly .
3-66 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 6 T urn of f the printer an d unplug the power cord. • Disconn ect P26 and P40 . • Check P26-1 to P4 0-2 for continui ty . Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P26-1 to P40-2, then tur n to TAG 002: Check & Problem R esolution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-67 T AG 070: Fuser Unit Malfunction Error Code: 070, 073 Symptoms: No AC power at the fuser Possible De fect s: Fuser unit Power contr ol #2 board AC power supply uni t DC power supply uni t Connectors or wiring PCL board 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
3-68 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 4 Power-o n-reset the printer . • W atch through the output tr ay opening to see if the fuser lamp comes on during the 1 5 seconds followi ng the outp ut tray jogging t est. • If the fuser lamp comes on immediately after po wer on, turn the printer of f and replace the AC power supply .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-69 8 Check P41-21 to P5-7 for continui ty . Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P41- 21 to P83 -2 or J83-2 to P5-7, then turn to TAG 002: Ch eck & Prob lem Resolution .
3-70 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 13 T urn off the printer . • Remove the fu ser unit. • Clean the contacts of c onnector J/P5. • Disconn ect J/P44.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-71 19 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P70 and J/ P 10. • Check P70-1 to P1 0-1 for continui ty . Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P70-1 to P10-1, then tur n to TAG 002: Check & Problem R esolution .
3-72 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 071: Open Fuser Thermistor Error Code: 071 Possible De fect s: Connectors or wiring Fuser unit PCL board 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Make sure the fuser unit is ins talled properly .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-73 T AG 072: Fuser Unit T emperature T oo High Error Code: 072 Possible De fect s: Connectors or wiring Fuser unit AC power supply uni t PCL board The condi tions t hat cause error code 07 2 often c ause the fuser un it’ s ther mal fuse t o open.
3-74 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 5 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P41. • Check P41-21 fo r conti nuity to groun d.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-75 T AG 083: Job Offset Mechanism Malfunction Error Code: 081, 082 , 083 Symptoms: Jobs not offsetting Jobs off set t ing improperly Continuous jogging Poss.
3-76 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 6 Run di agnostic test 00 8. Is the voltage 100 V ac? No: Go to #9 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 7 T urn the printer off. • Disconn ect J/P 101 and J/P 19. • Check P1 01-2 to P 19-1 for continui ty .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-77 11 Run di agnostic test 008 . • Check J/P102-1 for +1 2 Vdc while the test is running. Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Continue. Ye s : Replace the power control #3 board, then turn to TAG 002: C h eck & Pr oblem Re solu- tion .
3-78 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 17 Check P40 -26 to P 55-1 for continuity . Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P40-26 to J/P5 4-4 to P55-1, then tu rn to TAG 002: C heck & Probl em Resolu tion .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-79 T AG 097: +12 Vd c Power Sho rted or Sensing Pr oblem Error Code: 097 Possible De fect s: DC power supply uni t Connectors or wiring Signal interface boa.
3-80 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 3 T urn the printer off. • Disconn ect J/P330 . • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-6 for +12 Vdc. No: Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Continue. Ye s : Go to #35 i n thi s T AG . 4 T urn the printer off.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-81 8 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P32. • Disconn ect J/P91. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-6 for +12 Vdc. Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Go to #1 3 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 9 T urn the printer off.
3-82 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 12 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Reconnect J/P41. • Remove the fu ser unit. • Check P41-49 t o P25-4 and P41-5 0 to P2 5-1 for continui ty to grou nd. Is there continuity? No: Go to #1 5 in this T AG .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-83 17 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P60. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-6 for +12 Vdc. Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Go to #2 0 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 18 Disconn ect J/P 61. • Check P6 2-1 to P 61-1 for co ntinuity to groun d.
3-84 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 22 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P40, J /P58, J/ P60, and J /P62. • Disconn ect J/P50 and J/ P 54. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-6 for +12 Vdc. Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Go to #3 0 in this T AG .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-85 27 T urn the printer off. • Remove the ex it cover . • Disconn ect J/P49 and J/ P 51. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-6 for +12 Vdc. Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Go to #2 9 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue.
3-86 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 32 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P40. • Check P4 0-34 to P 12-8 for continui ty to grou nd. Is there continuity? No: Continue. Ye s : Repair or replace the connecto rs or wiring from P40 -34 to P12-8, then tu rn to TAG 002: Check & Problem R esolution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-87 37 T urn off the printer . • Reconnect J/P305. • Disconn ect J/P 310 (insi de the dupl ex tray). • T urn on the prin ter . • Check J/P330 -2 for +12 Vdc. Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Continue. Ye s : Go to #4 in this T AG .
3-88 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 42 T urn off the printer . • Reconnect J/P310. • Disconn ect J/P 320 and J/P 322. • T urn on the prin ter . • Check J/P330 -2 for +12 Vdc. Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Continue. Ye s : Go to #44 i n thi s T AG .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-89 47 T urn of f the printer an d unplug the power cord. • Disconn ect J/P309 . • Check for continu ity to g round: P309- 4 to P319 - 1, an d P309-3 to P3 18-1 Is there c ontinuity at either? No: Replace duplex control board #1, th en turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolutio n .
3-90 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 098: -12 V dc Power Sh orted Error Code: 098 Possible De fect s: Connectors or wiring DC power supply uni t PCL board IGS boar d Signal interface board External atta chment option 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-91 5 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P32. • Disconn ect J/P74. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P 8-8 for -1 2 Vdc. Is the voltage -12 Vdc? No: Replace the IGS board , then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso luti on .
3-92 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 099: +24 Vdc Power Shorted Error Code: 099 Possible De fect s: DC power supply uni t AC power supply uni t Connectors or wiring PCL board IGS boar d .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-93 4 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P330. • Disconnect J/P1 1 . • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-1 1 for +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Go to #1 1 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 5 T urn the printer off.
3-94 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 8 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P12. • Disconn ect J/P41. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-1 1 for +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-95 12 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P91. • Disconn ect J/P40 and J/ P 41. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-1 3 for +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution .
3-96 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 16 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P41. • Disconn ect J/P69. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-1 3 for +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Continue. Ye s : Replace the lower pick-up roller assem bly , then turn to TAG 002: Ch eck & Problem Res - oluti on .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-97 20 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P67. • Disconn ect J/P68. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-1 3 for +24 Vdc.
3-98 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 24 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P305. • Disconnect J/P310 (inside d uplex tray). • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P330 -1 for +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Continue. Ye s : Go to #29 i n thi s T AG .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-99 28 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P331 . • Check J3 31-1 and P306-1 f or continu ity to g round.
3-100 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 32 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P313. • Disconn ect J/P314 . • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P330 -1 for +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Continue. Ye s : Replace the “in” solenoid, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Prob lem Resoluti on .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-101 36 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P317. • Disconn ect J/P 308 and J/P 309. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P330 -1 for +24 Vdc. Is the voltage +24 Vdc? No: Repair the duplex control board #1, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Pr oblem Res ol u ti o n .
3-102 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 100: PCL Bo ard Interf ace Malfunct ion Error Code: 100, 132 , 140, 145, 160-1 62, 170-17 2, 180-182 Symptoms: PCL board failure Possible De fect s: Connectors or wiring PCL board 1 T urn of f the printer an d unplug the power cord.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-103 T AG 101: IGS Cont roller Diagnostic Fai lure Error Code: 101 Possible De fect s: IGS boar d 1 Power-o n-reset the printer . Is error 10 1 displayed on the operator panel. No: The pr oblem may be cau se d by pow e r fluctu ation.
3-104 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 130: Diskette/Disk Drive Malfuncti on Error Code: 130, 131 , 133, 134, 450, 451, 572-57 6, 586 Symptoms: T est print s do not run Possible De fect s.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-105 5 Is error code 572 displayed? No: Go to #7 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 6 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P31 and J/ P 79. • Check P31-28 to P79-28 for contin u ity to ground .
3-106 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) P31-10 to P7 9-10. Is there continuity on any? No: Replace the disk driv e assembly . If this does not r esolve the problem, replace the I GS boar d, th en t urn t o TAG 002: Check & P roblem Resol ution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-107 P31-22 to P79-22, P31-24 to P79-24, P31-26 to P79-26, P31-2 8 to P79-28 , and P31-32 to P79-32. Is there continuity on each? No: Replace wire harness W46, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Probl em Resoluti on .
3-108 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 200: IGS Internal Communication Malfunct ion Error Code: 401, 454 , 455, 500- 509, 5 20-530, 54 0-566, 570 , 571, 577-585, 6 00-605 Symptoms: IGS bo.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-109 7 Replace the software diskettes in drives A and B . • Power-on-reset the printer . Has the problem been resolved? No: Replace the signal interface board, then turn to TAG 002 : Check & Problem Reso lution .
3-110 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 201: IGS- PCL Interface Malf unction Error Code: 121-127 , 199-215, 380-38 7 Symptoms: Communication failure between t he IG S bo ard and the PCL b .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-111 6 Replace the IGS board. • Power-on-reset the printer . Has the problem been resolved? No: If error co de 121 or 123 b rought you to this T AG , replace the DC or high v oltage power supply , then turn t o TAG 002: Check & Problem Resoluti on .
3-112 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 405: IGS Bit-Map RAM Malfunction Error Code: 606, 600 , 610 Possible De fect s: IGS boar d 1 The IGS bit-map RAM has malfunction ed. Replace the IGS boar d, then tur n to TAG 002: Check & Problem Res ol ution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-113 T AG 500: +5 Vdc Power Malfunction Error Code: 500 Symptoms: Operator panel blank with AC power supply coo ling fan running Possible De fect s: DC fuse .
3-114 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 5 Check J/P42- 1 for +5 Vdc. Is the voltage +5 Vdc? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P94-1 to J/P90-1 to P42-1, th en turn to TAG 002: C heck & Probl em Resolu tion . Ye s : Co ntinue.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-115 10 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P77. • Disconn ect J/P27. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-1 0 for +5 Vdc. Is the voltage +5 Vdc? No: Continue. Ye s : Replace the LED printhead assembly , then turn to TAG 002: Check & P roblem Resolu - tion .
3-116 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 14 T urn the printer off. • Disconn ect J/P42. • Check P4 2-1 for continuit y to gro und. Is there continuity to ground? No: Replace the operator pa nel circuit board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Prob lem Reso- lution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-117 19 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P333. • Disconnect J/P73, the DC cable for the attachment o ption. • T urn the printer on. • Check J/P8-1 0 for +5 Vdc. Is the voltage +5 Vdc? No: Replace the signal interface board, then turn to TAG 002 : Check & Problem Reso lution .
3-118 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 600: AC Power Malfunction Error Code: 600 Symptoms: Operator panel blank with fans not running Printer Open indicator on Circuit breaker keeps tripp.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-119 4 Does the PRINTER OPEN light come on with all the covers closed? No: Go to #2 5 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue.
3-120 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 10 Reinstall the fuse. • Disconnect J/P4. • Clo se th e top cove r . • Check P4-5 to P4-6 for continuity . Is there continuity? No: Go to #3 4 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 11 Remove the AC power su pply uni t.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-121 15 Reconnect J/P9. • Install a goo d uppe r fuse in th e AC power supply unit. • Disconn ect J/P13 and J/ P 14. • T urn the printer on for 5 s econds, then of f. • Remove the fu se. • Check the fu se for continuity .
3-122 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 19 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P22. • T urn on the printer for 2-1/2 m inutes, then off. W a s the power-on-res et successful? No: Replace the vacuu m transport unit, then turn to TAG 00 2: Check & Problem Resolution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-123 24 Close the top cove r . • Check P4-5 for continui ty to ground. Is there continuity? No: Replace the AC power supp ly , then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolu tio n . Ye s : Repair or replace the top cover interlo ck switch assembly .
3-124 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 30 Check J4-1 at the AC power su pply unit for conti nuity to ground. Is there continuity? No: Continue. Ye s : Replace the AC power supply unit, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resoluti on . 31 Check P4-7 for continui ty to ground.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-125 T AG 610: Operator Panel Malfunction Error Code: 610 Symptoms: One o r more message indicators will not light Incomplete numbers are displayed T one doe.
3-126 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 6 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P42 and J/ P 41. • Check P4 2-18 to P 41-3 for continui ty . Is there continuity? No: Repair or r eplace the con nectors or wirin g from P42-18 to J/P90-18 to P41-3, then tu rn to TAG 002: C heck & Probl em Resolu tion .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-127 13 Check P4 1-6 to P42 -15 for continuit y to grou nd. Is there continuity? No: Replace the operator panel.
3-128 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) Wiring T a ble Refer t o the tabl e below to c heck t he wiring f or an open o r short t o ground. I n the displ ay panel i llustra tions, “on ” status lights ( which may b e dimly li t) are blac k. T able 3 -1.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-129 J/P 42- 10 to J/P 90- 10 to J/P41 -1 1 Open J/P 42- 10 to J/P 90- 10 to J/P41 -1 1 Short to ground CLR P APE R light may be very dim J/P42 -1 1 to J/P90.
3-130 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 700: Output T ray Circuit Malfunction Error Code: 700 Symptoms: Output T ray Full light remains on , will not light, or ligh ts prematurely Possible.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-131 6 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P51 and J/ P 40. • Check P4 0-26 to P 51-1 for continui ty . Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P40-26 to J/P5 0-4 to P51-1, then tu rn to TAG 002: C heck & Probl em Resolu tion .
3-132 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 702: Paper Size Detection Malfunct ion Error Code: 702 Symptoms: Incorr ect paper size displayed Possible De fect s: Upper cassette Lower cassette Upper paper s ize sensor Lower paper size sensor Connectors or wiring PCL board 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-133 5 Remove the lower paper size sensor assembly . • Disconnect the circuit board fro m its mounting. • Inspect t he paper size se nsor circui t board and mo unting fo r contaminati on or damage. Is the circuit board or mounting contaminated or damaged? No: Continue.
3-134 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) Wiring for the Upper Paper Size Sensor Refer t o the foll owing tabl e when perf orming cont inuity ch ecks for a n open or short t o ground fo r the upper paper size sen sor .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-135 T AG 703: Upper Cassette Malfunction Error Code: 703 Symptoms: Upper cassett e does not load or unload properly Upper cassette does not latch pr operly .
3-136 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 704: Lower Cassette Malfunction Error Code: 704 Symptoms: L ower cassette does not load or unload pr operly Lower cassette does not latch pro perly .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-137 T AG 705: Multiple Paper Feeding Error Code: 705 Possible Ca uses: Wr ong weight or t ype of pa per loaded Paper improperly loaded Possible De fect s: Upper feed roller assembly Lower feed roller assembly Paper cassette 1 Remove pape r from the cassette.
3-138 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 706: Paper Damaged or Wrinkled Error Code: 706 Possible Ca uses: Paper incorrectly loaded Wr ong weight or t ype of pa per loaded Paper path obstructed Possible De fect s: Fuser unit Exit roller assembly Exi t pi nch r oller ass embl y 1 Make sure t he paper being used is no t damaged.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-139 T AG 707: Upper Paper Guide Assembly Not Closing Error Code: 707 Possible Ca uses: Obstructions Photocondu ctor uni t front or rear latch arm springs Ph.
3-140 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 750: Counter Malfunction Error Code: 750 Symptoms: Counter does not count Counter counts to o often Consumable compo nents requir e replacement too frequently Possible De fect s: Counter assem bly Connectors or wiring PCL board 1 Run di agnostic test 00 7.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-141 7 Run tes t prin ts. • Check TP4 -25 for a vo ltage change f rom +24 Vdc to 0 Vdc whil e running t he print s. Does the voltage change f rom +24 Vdc to 0 Vdc? No: Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution .
3-142 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 751: Main Drive Motor Runs Conti nuously Error Code: 751 Possible De fect s: Power contr ol #2 board Connectors or wiring PCL board 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P12 and J/ P 40.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-143 T AG 753: Externa l Communications Malfunction Error Code: 753 Symptoms: T est p rin ts c an b e made but job s do not r un Jobs do not print corr ectly.
3-144 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 3 T urn of f the printer an d unplug the power cord. • Remove fuse FH2, which is mou nted to the signal interface board, and check for contin uity . Is there continuity? No: Install a new fuse and retes t.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-145 9 Check J/P8-8 for -12 Vdc. Is the voltage -12 Vdc? No: Replace the DC power supp ly unit, then turn to TAG 00 2: Check & Pr oblem Res olution . Ye s : Repair or replace connectors or wiring from P8-8 to P32-3, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolu tion .
3-146 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 754: Atta chmen t Option Malfunction Error Code: 754 Symptoms: J ob fails only when an attachme nt opti on is us ed.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-147 4 Reconnect the attachment cables. • T urn on the printer for five seco nd s, then turn it off. • Check the signal interf ace board fuse fo r continuity . Does the fuse have continuity? No: Replace the attachment option, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolu tio n .
3-148 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 800: Print s Blank or Wit h Dark Horizont al Bands Error Code: 800 Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor unit, Printhead assembly IGS boar d Main driv.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-149 5 Replace the developer u nit and toner cartridge. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the orig inal developer un it and continu e. Ye s : Tu r n t o TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution .
3-150 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 10 Run di agnostic test 1 1 1. • W atch the printhead LEDs while the test is running. Do the LEDs illuminate? No: Go to #1 8 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 11 Are the prints blank without dark bands? No: Go to #1 5 in this T AG .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-151 16 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Remove the p hotoconduct or . • Cle an the photo conductor unit cont acts and guide rail contacts. • Check the bo ttom connector contact on th e photoconducto r guide rail for co ntinuity to groun d.
3-152 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 801: Print s Light or Lig ht Wit h Carrier Particles Error Code: 801 Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor unit Connectors or wiring Main driv e gear .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-153 5 Replace the photocond uctor unit an d main char ger . • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the original photoconductor unit and main charger and continue.
3-154 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 10 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Replace the transfer char ger unit. • Power-on-reset the printer . • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Replace the upper pap er guide assembly .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-155 15 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P 41, J/P 24, and J/P23. • Check the follow ing for continu ity : P41-30 to J24-4, P41-38 to J23-2, P41-43 to J25-5, P41-44 to J25-2, P41-47 to J25-3, P41-48 to J25-6, P41-49 to J25-4, an d P41-50 to J25-1.
3-156 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 20 Run diagno stic tes t 010. Use ext reme caution: • Check J/ P13-5 to J/P13- 2 for 100 V ac while the tes t is runn ing. Is the voltage 100 V ac? No: Go to #2 2 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 21 Run diagno stic tes t 010.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-157 26 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Replace the printhead assembly u nit. • Power-on-reset the printer . • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the orig inal printhead ass embly unit and co nt inue.
3-158 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 802: Prints Wi th Vo ids or White Spots Error Code: 802 Possible Ca uses: Wr ong weight or t ype of pa per loaded Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor unit Developer u nit 1 Perform the every -call cleaning procedure.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-159 6 Replace the fuser unit. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the original fuser unit.
3-160 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 803: Prints Wi th Light or White V ertical S treaks Error Code: 803 Possible De fect s: T ransfer charger unit Printhead assembly unit Photocond uctor unit Developer u nit 1 T urn of f the printer an d unplug the power cord.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-161 6 T urn on the printer . • Produce a developed im age on the phot oconductor . Are there vertical s treaks on the photoconductor belt image? No: Replace the transfer char ger unit, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Proble m Resolu tion .
3-162 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 804: Prints Wi th Light Horizontal Bands Error Code: 804 Possible Ca uses: Loose printhead connectors Possible De fect s: T ransfer charger unit Photocond uctor unit Main c harge r 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-163 T AG 805: Black Print s Error Code: 805 Possible Ca uses: Contaminated toner/carrier mix Possible De fect s: Main c harge r Printhead assembly Connector.
3-164 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 5 Replace the develop er unit, toner cartridge, an d cleaner unit. • T urn the printer on. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the original developer unit and clean er unit, then continue.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-165 11 Replace the IGS board. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Replace the main char ger lead wiring, th en turn to TA G 002: Ch eck & Pr ob lem Res olu- tion . Ye s : Tu r n t o TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution .
3-166 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 806: Print s with Dark Spot s or Scratches Error Code: 806 Possible Ca uses: Paper path contamination Paper supply d efects To n e r Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor unit Main c harge r Fuser unit Developer u nit Cleaner unit 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-167 6 Replace the fuser unit. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the orig inal fuser unit and cont inue. Ye s : Tu r n t o TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution . 7 Replace the developer u nit and toner cartridge.
3-168 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 807: Misregistered/Skewed Prin t s (Simplex) If this proble m occu rs in the duple x printin g mode o nly , go to TAG 901 : Misregis tration / Skewed P rints (Dup lex) .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-169 2 Remove the upper cassette. • Power-on-reset the printer . • Run test prints from the lower cassette. Is the problem a lso with the low er cassette? No: Go to #4 in this T AG . Ye s : Co ntinue. 3 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
3-170 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 6 Inspect t he following f or damage or c ontamina tion: • Lower pick-up roller assembly • Lower feed roller assembly • Lower pinch r ollers • Lower cassette.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-171 7 OFF ON ON ON 8 ON OFF OFF OFF 9O N O F F O F F O N 10 ON OFF ON OFF 1 1 ON OFF ON ON 12 ON ON OFF OFF 13 ON ON OFF ON 14 ON ON ON OFF 15 ON ON ON ON T able 3-5.
3-172 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 808: Print s Overtoned/ Dark V ertical S treaks Error Code: 808 Possible Ca uses: Clogged clean er Contaminated toner/carrier mix Possible De fect s.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-173 5 Replace the cleaner unit. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the original cleaner u nit and continue. Ye s : Tu r n t o TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution . 6 Replace the developer u nit with toner cartridge.
3-174 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 10 Reinstall the dev eloper unit. • Run test pr ints. • Check TP3 -31 for a voltage chan ge from +12 Vdc to 0 Vdc while ru nning t est prin ts. Does the voltage change f rom +12 Vdc to 0 Vdc every other print cycle? No: Go to #1 4 in this T AG .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-175 15 Reconnect J/P24. • Disconn ect J/P23. • Check P4 1-38 to P 23-2 for continui ty . Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the connectors or wirin g from P41-38 to P23 -2, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem R esolution .
3-176 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 20 Repair or replace the PCL board. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the original PCL board. Confirm that the photocon ductor , m ain charger , devel- oper unit, and fuser units are new .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-177 T AG 809: Blurred or Smeared V ertical S treaks on Prints Error Code: 809 Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor unit Main c harge r Cleaner unit Fuser uni.
3-178 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 5 Replace the fuser u nit. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the orig inal fuser unit and cont inue. Ye s : Tu r n t o TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution . 6 Replace the cleaner unit.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-179 10 Run test prints. Use extreme cau tion: • Check J/P22- 1 to J/P22- 2 for 100 V ac. Is the voltage 100 va c? No: Continue. Ye s : Replace the vacuum transport unit, then turn to TAG 002: Ch eck & Probl em Resoluti on .
3-180 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 810: Uneven Densit y or Dark Ar eas on Pr ints Error Code: 810 Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor unit Main c harge r Developer u nit Cleaner unit 1 Perform the every -call cleaning procedure, d escribed in Chapter 9, “General Printer Maintenan ce” .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-181 6 Replace the developer u nit and toner cartridge. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the orig inal developer un it and toner cartridge, th en turn to TAG 811: Back- ground/Residu al Images/Dark Prints .
3-182 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 81 1: Background/Residua l Images/Dark Print s Error Code: 81 1 Possible Ca uses: Contaminated toner/carrier mix Possible De fect s: Photocond uctor.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-183 5 Replace the developer u nit and cleaner unit. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the orig inal developer un it and cleaner unit and co ntin ue. Ye s : Tu r n t o TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution .
3-184 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 10 V erify that th e toner patch sensor bo ard connector , mounted o n the deve loper unit , is connected proper ly . Is it connected properly? No: A loose connection was at fau lt. T urn to TAG 002: C heck & Prob lem Resolu tion .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-185 15 Reconnect J/P41 and J/P24. • T urn the printer on. • Run test pr ints. • Check TP4 -40 for 0.5 Vdc whil e running the pr ints. Is t he vol t age 0.5 V dc? No: Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution .
3-186 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 22 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord . • Disconn ect J/P40. • Check P40-31 fo r conti nuity to groun d. Is there continuity? No: Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-187 T AG 812: Uneven or No Fusing on Print s Error Code: 812 Possible Ca uses: Wr ong weight or t ype of pa per loaded Possible De fect s: Fuser unit Connectors or wiring AC power supply uni t PCL board 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
3-188 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 6 Power-o n-reset the printer . • W atch through the ou tput tray opening to see if the fuser lamp comes o n. Does the lamp light within 1.5 minutes? No: Go to TAG 070: Fuser Unit Malfun ction . Ye s : Co ntinue.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-189 T AG 813: Residual I mages on Print s Error Code: 813 Possible De fect s: Cleaner unit drive belt Cleaner unit High vo ltage uni t Photocond uctor unit Erase lamp as sembly Developer u nit 1 T urn th e printer off an d unplug t he power cord .
3-190 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 6 Replace the develop er unit and toner cartridg e. • Run test pr ints. Has the problem been resolved? No: Reinstall the orig inal developer un it and continu e. Ye s : Tu r n t o TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso lution .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-191 T AG 815: Prints Resulting From Print head Malfunctions Error Code: 815 Possible Ca uses: Addition al lines or miss ing lines on pag e. Possible De fect s: Printhead assembly Connectors or wiring IGS boar d 1 T urn of f the printer an d unplug the power cord.
3-192 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 900: T op Cover I nterlock Malfunction, Duplex Error Code: 900 Possible De fect s: Cover open sensor PCL board Duplex control boar d #1 Connectors or wiring Comple te TAG 600: AC P ower Malfunct ion before s tartin g this T AG .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-193 5 T urn on the printer . • Check J/ P36-1 on t he PCL board f or +12 Vdc. Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Replace the duplex con trol board #1, then turn to TAG 00 2: Check & Problem Resolu- tion . Ye s : Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 00 2: Check & Problem Resolutio n .
3-194 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 901: Misregistration/Skewed Print s (Duplex) Error Code: 901 Possible Ca uses: Wr ong weight or t ype of pa per loaded Possible De fect s: Duplex h .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-195 3 V erify that J /P305, J /P310, J/ P31 1, J/P312, J/P320, J/ P321, and J/P322 are connected p roperly t o duplex contro l board #2. • V erify that J/P3 06, J/P 307, J/P 308, J /P309, an d J/ P324 ar e connected pro perly to du plex con trol boar d #1.
3-196 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 8 Run di agnostic test 01 7. Did diagnostic test 017 indic ate a duplex tray pa per sensor problem ? No: Continue. Ye s : Go to #13 i n thi s T AG . 9 T urn the printer off. • Disconn ect J/P 312 and J/P 321.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-197 14 Manually activate the duplex tray p aper sensor . • Check J/P312 -5 for 0 Vdc. Is the voltage 0 Vdc? No: Replace the duplex tray paper sensor . If this resolves the pr oblem, turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem R esolution .
3-198 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) T AG 902: Paper Jam in Duplex Area Error Code: 027, 060 , 061, 062 Possible Ca uses: Paper incorrectly loaded Paper path not clear Possible De fect s: Du.
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-199 5 T urn the printer off. • Reconnect J/P309. • Disconn ect J/P319 . • T urn the printer on. • Check J3 19-1 for +12 Vdc. Is the voltage +12 Vdc? No: Repair or replace the wiring or connectors from P309-4 to J319-1, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem R esolution .
3-200 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 10 T urn the printer on. • Run diagnosti c test 018. Is the input solenoid in good working order? No: Continue. Ye s : Go to #13 i n thi s T AG . 11 T urn off the printer . • Disconn ect J/P308 . • T urn on the prin ter .
Troub leshootin g Analys is Guid e (TAGs) 3-201 P308-6 to P3 15-2. Is there continuity? No: Repair or repl ace the wiring or conn ectors from: P308-2 to P3 15-1, or P308-6 to P3 15-2, then turn to TAG 00 2 : Check & Problem Res o lution . Ye s : Replace the “C” roller solenoid, then turn to TAG 00 2: Check & P roblem Resol ution .
3-202 Troublesh ooting Anal ysis Guide (T AGs) 21 T urn the printer on. • Check J/P306 -3 to J/P306-4 for +5 Vdc. Is the voltage +5 Vdc? No: Repair or repl ace the wiring or conn ectors from P306-3 to J/P331- 3 to P330- 3, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution .
Print Quali ty Samples 4-1 Chapter 4 Print Quality Samples Section 2 T roubleshooting.
4-2 Print Quality Sample s Contents Prin t Q u a lity Sa m p le s Sample 1: Good Quality Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Sample 2: Washout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Print Quali ty Samples 4-3 Prin t Q u a lity Sa m p le s This sect io n con tains fl awed t es t prints, along wit h a go od test pri n t for compa ri son . Com- pare pri nt samp les from yo ur customer’ s print job or from te st print s you’ve r un with the samples in thi s section.
4-4 Print Quality Sample s Sample 1: Good Qualit y Print Figure 4-1. Good Quality Print Descripti on: Good, prop erly regist ered print ..
Print Quali ty Samples 4-5 Sample 2: Washout Figure 4 -2. W ashout Descripti on: V oid areas, light spo ts, or blurs . This is a composite o f possible s ymptoms.
4-6 Print Quality Sample s Sample 3: ;: Blan k Prin t Figure 4-3. Blank Print Descripti on: No images or charac ters. The p aper is not di scolore d. Go to TAG 800: Prints Blank or With Dark Hor izontal Ba nds , TAG 815: Pr int s Re sul ting From Print head Malfuncti ons .
Print Quali ty Samples 4-7 Sample 4: Light Print Figure 4 -4. Light P rint Descript ion: Imag es or char acters a re light er than no rmal. Examin e the le tters H, T , M, and E; if t he vertical st rokes are dark enough but the di agonal strokes ar e stair -stepped, t he prob le m is re la ted to th e prin t head .
4-8 Print Quality Sample s Sample 5: Light Print With B ackground Figure 4-5. Light Print With Background Descript ion: Image s or character s lighte r than normal , ranging fr om a few dark spec ks to a lar ge speckl ed backgr ound. Go to TAG 811: Background/ Residual I mages/Da rk Prints .
Print Quali ty Samples 4-9 Sample 6: V oids or White Spots Figure 4 -6. V oids of White Spot s Desc riptio n: V oid s o r whi t e spots in imag e area s.
4-10 Print Quality Samples Sample 7: Light V ertical S treaks Figure 4-7. Light V ertical Streaks Descript ion: One or more light ve rtical streaked areas of varyi ng widths.
Print Quali ty Samples 4-11 Sample 8: Blank V ertical Bands Figure 4- 8. Blank V ertical Bands Descript ion: One or more verti cal blank bands o f varying widths ext end over th e entire length. Go to TAG 803: Pr ints Wi th Light o r White Ve rtical Streaks .
4-12 Print Quality Samples Sample 9: Light Horizontal Bands Figure 4-9. Light Horizont al Bands Descripti on: One or mor e light hori zontal bands of varyin g width.
Print Quali ty Samples 4-13 Sample 10: Black or Dark Print Figure 4 -10. Black or Dark Print Descripti on: Black or very dark wit h no visib le images.
4-14 Print Quality Samples Sample 1 1: Dark Specks, Lines, or Areas Figure 4-1 1. Dar k Specks, Line s, or Areas Descript ion: Dark specks or lines (l ike scra tches), s ome in the s ame place on each prin t. Go to TAG 806: Prints with Da rk Spots or Scratches , TAG 81 0: Uneven Dens ity or Dark Areas on Pr ints .
Print Quali ty Samples 4-15 Sample 12: Dark V ertical Lines Figure 4 -12. Dark V ertica l Lines Descript i on: One or more dark l ines of var yi ng density . If the image c an be ru bbed of f, go to TAG 812: Une ven or No Fus ing on Prin ts . If th e image cann ot be rubbe d off , go to TAG 808: Pri nts Overto ned/Dark Verti cal Streaks .
4-16 Print Quality Samples Sample 13: Skewed P rints Figure 4-13. Skewed prints Desc riptio n: The entire imag e is not locate d squ a rely o n the p a per . Go to TAG 80 7 : Mis regis tered /S kew ed Prin ts (Si m plex) or TAG 901: M isregi stratio n/ Skewed P rints (Dup lex) .
Print Quali ty Samples 4-17 Sample 14: Misre gistration Figure 4 -14. Misregistration Descript ion: The entire image is not cor rectly lo cat ed from the lea ding edge of the pape r .
4-18 Print Quality Samples Sample 15: Overtoned Print Figure 4-15. Overtoned Pr int Descript ion: Simi lar to da rk print quality p roblems. Nar row gaps bet ween lett ers an d image s may be fi lled w i th ton er . Exc e ss ton er may be pr esen t o n the s u rface of the pr int.
Print Quali ty Samples 4-19 Sample 16: Blurred Images or Characters Figure 4 -16. Blurred Images or Character s Descript ion: The i mages or ch aracter s are not c lear . The lower e dges of imag es and/or charact ers are extended an d may appear smeared .
4-20 Print Quality Samples Sample 17: V ar ying Print Density Figure 4-17. V arying Print Density Desc riptio n: Some areas of the print a re lig hter o r dark er than n ormal .
Print Quali ty Samples 4-21 Sample 18: Background Figure 4 -18. Background Descript ion: Whit e areas on the print s have var ying degre es of s pecks appe aring in a spe- cifi c p atter n.
4-22 Print Quality Samples Sample 19: Residual Images Figure 4-19. Residual Images Descript ion: Imag es from a pr evious pri nt are vi sible. Whi te areas on the pri nt may have varying degrees of specks appeari ng in a spec ific pat tern. Go to TAG 811: Background/Resi dual Image s/Dark Print s , TAG 813 : Residual Images o n Prints .
Print Quali ty Samples 4-23 Sample 20: W rinkles Figure 4 -20. W rinkles Descripti on: W rinkles or cre ases, oft en at the top or bottom. Go to TAG 706: Paper Damaged o r Wrinkled .
4-24 Print Quality Samples Sample 21: Fusing Problems Figure 4-21. Fusing Problems Descript ion: Imag es or char acters may rub of f the su rface . Go to TAG 812: Uneven or No Fus ing on Prints .
Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-1 Chapter 5 Diagnostic Te s t s Section 3 T roubleshooting.
5-2 Diagnostic Tests Contents How to Run Diagnos tics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 001 Operat or Panel Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How to Run Diagnostics Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-3 Diagnostic T ests This sec tion provi des step -by-step instruct ions for running ea ch of the diagnos tic tests availa ble throu gh the s elf-dia gnostic mod e of the pr inter . Each test i s refer enced by num- ber .
How to Run Diagnostics 5-4 Diagnostic Tests 001 Operator Panel T est 1 T urn the volume c ontrol on t he operat or panel up full y . 2 Go to: 0 01 3 Press: READY to run the test. 4 Confirm t hat the t one sounds a nd all li ghts tur n on and of f continuously .
(004 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-5 003 Lower Cassette T est 1 Make sure t he lower pa per cass ette is i nstall ed with pape r , the side an d rear gui des securel y against the edges of the pap er in the casse tte. 2 Go to: 0 03 3 Press: READY to run the test.
(004 intentionally excluded) 5-6 Diagnostic Tests 005 Sensor T est Sequence 1 Go to: 0 05 2 Press: READY to run the test. The code for the fir st sensor (i.e., “0- 0” or “ 0-1”) appears on the dis play , confir ming that t he sensor is working proper ly .
(004 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-7 006 Paper T ransport Clutch T est Sequence 1 Go to: 0 06 2 Press: READY to run the test. The first cl utch engag es, si gnaled by a continuous clicki ng sound. “3-0” appea rs on the display , correspo nding to the upper pick- up roller clutc h.
(004 intentionally excluded) 5-8 Diagnostic Tests 008 Jogging Motor T est 1 Go to: 0 08 2 Press: READY to run the test. The o utput tray j ogs back and forth. 3 Confirm that a tone sou nds each time t he tray c ontacts the s ensor at eac h side. The codes in the following table in dicate sp ecific e rror cond itions: 4 Press: STOP to e xit.
(004 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-9 010 T oner Supply Motor T est 1 Open the f ront and top c overs. 2 Remove the p hotoconduct or unit a nd the developer unit. Plac e the phot oconducto r unit in its prot ective p ackagi ng. 3 Insert the inte rlock by-pass tool in the front co ver .
(004 intentionally excluded) 5-10 Diagnostic Te sts 01 1 Main Charg er T est 1 Remove the p hotoconduct or unit a nd place i t in its protective p ackaging. Cl ose the t op cover . 2 Go to: 0 1 1 3 Press : REA D Y to run th e test . The ma in charger tu rns on an d off repea t edly .
(004 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-11 012 T ransfer Ch arger T est 1 Remove the pho toconducto r unit and place it in its pr otectiv e packagin g. Close the top cover . 2 Go to: 012 3 Press: READY to run th e test. The transfe r char ger tur ns on and of f repeatedl y .
(014 intentionally excluded) 5-12 Diagnostic Te sts 013 Erase Lamp T est 1 Open the t op cover an d inse rt the in terlock by-pass to ol. 2 Remove the p hotoconduct or unit and p lace it in i ts prote ctive cover . 3 Select: 013 4 READY to run th e test.
(014 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-13 015 Negative Developer Bias T est 1 Open the t op cover an d insert the in terlock by-pass to ol. 2 Remove the p hotoconduct or unit a nd plac e it in its protect ive packag ing. 3 Go to: 0 15 4 Press: READY to run t he tes t.
(014 intentionally excluded) 5-14 Diagnostic Te sts 016 Duplex Feed Motor T est 1 Go to: 0 16 2 Press: READY to run the test. The d uplex feed moto r opera tes at full f orward spee d and “7-0” appears o n the di splay . 3 Press: READY to advance t o the next motor speed.
(014 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-15 017 Duplex In put Sensor T est Sequence 1 Go to: 0 17 2 Press: READY to run the test. The code for the fir st sensor (i.e., “0- 0” or “ 0-1”) appears on the dis play , confir ming that t he sensor is worki ng proper ly .
(014 intentionally excluded) 5-16 Diagnostic Te sts 018 Duplex Clutch T est Sequence 1 Go to: 0 18 2 Press: READY to run t he test . The fi rst f lipper e ngag es, acc ompanied by a con tinuou s clicking s ound, and “7- 0” appears on the di splay .
(014 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-17 019 Duplex T ray Paper- Guide Motor T est 1 Go to: 0 19 2 Press: READY to run the test. 3 Press: READY again. Th e pape r guide in the d uplex tray moves to and from its home positi on. 4 Confirm that the paper guide in the duplex tr ay moves back and forth each time you press READY .
(014 intentionally excluded) 5-18 Diagnostic Te sts 020 High-Capacity Output Unit T est 1 Go to: 0 20 2 Press: READY to run the test. The code for the fir st sensor (i.e., “0- 0” or “ 0-1”) appears on the dis play , confir ming that t he sensor is working proper ly .
(023-100 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-19 021 High-Capacity Input Unit T est 1 Go to: 0 21 2 Press: READY to run t he test. The disp lay regist ers the paper siz e install ed in the unit, as outl ined on the chart (“ 1-0” will appear on t he displ ay if a hi gh-capaci ty input unit is not install ed.
(023-100 intentionally excluded) 5-20 Diagnostic Te sts 101 EIGS/MI GS Board T est 1 Select: 101 2 Press: READY to run the test. 3 If an er ror is f ound: • The erro r code appe ars. • Look up the c ode in “Erro r Code/TAG Cross -Referenc e” on page 2-3 to determine which T AG to follow .
(023-100 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-21 103 Comm unication Loop-back T est (Single Loop) 1 Remo ve the in te rface cable fr om the printer. 2 Check to mak e sure the four DI P switches on the si gnal inte rface boa rd have bee n pulled t oward the print er ’ s back cover .
(106 intentionally excluded) 5-22 Diagnostic Te sts 104 Comm unication Loop-back T est (Continuous Lo op) 1 Remo ve the in te rface cable fr om the printer. 2 Make s ure t he DIP swi tch es on th e sig nal i nt erf ac e boar d h ave be en pulle d t owar d t he printe r ’ s back co ver .
(109 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-23 107 EIGS/MIGS Bit Map T est (Single Loop) 1 Go to: 1 07 2 Press: READY to run the test. 3 If no e rror is d etecte d, the te st exit s automa tical ly . 4 If an er ror code a ppears, look it up in “Erro r Code/TAG Cross- Reference” on page 2- 3 to det ermine wh ich T AG to fo llow .
(109 intentionally excluded) 5-24 Diagnostic Te sts 1 10 Format Disk/Clear Error Log • T o fo rma t a disk , ref er to the Guide to Operations manual. 5 T o clear the err or log, follow t he proce dure on cl earing t he log f ound in “Cle aring the Error Log ” on page 1- 24 .
(109 intentionally excluded) Diagn ostic Tes ts 5-25 1 12 Disk D rive T est (Sin gle Loop With S t op on Error ) This te st r eads d ata f rom the dr iv e sel ect ed . I t chec ks th e s eek f unction, c ycle re dunda ncy , parity , checksum, directo ry and all ocation t able int egrity , and disk format .
(109 intentionally excluded) 5-26 Diagnostic Te sts 1 13 Disk D rive T est (Continu ous Loop) This tes t reads d ata dire ctly fro m the drive selecte d. It check s the s eek funct ion, cycle redundan cy , parity , checksum, di recto ry and alloca tion tab le integr ity , and dis k format.
Chapter 6 W i ring Diagrams and Electrical Data Section 4 T roubleshooting.
6-2 Wir ing Di agra ms and E lect rical Data Contents Wiring Diagrams and Electri cal Data Wiring Diagra ms and Electri cal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Connector (J /P) Index . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-3 Wiring Diag rams and Electrical D ata This se ction p rovides a refe rence g uide f or all in fo rmat io n rela te d to the electr ical sy s tem of the pr in.
6-4 Section 1 : Printer and Troubl eshootin g Overview Connector (J/P) Index Connector Page Schematic Location J/P 2 6-12 simp lex/du plex F4 J/P 3 6-12 simp lex/du plex F4 J/P 4 6-12 simplex/d uplex .
Section 1: Printer and Troub leshootin g Overview 6-5 J/P 8 2 6-6 simple x/duplex A4 J/P 8 3 6-14 s implex/d uplex E5 J/P 8 4 6-14 s implex/d uplex E6 J/P 8 5 6-14 s implex/d uplex B6 J/P 8 7 6-11 si .
6-6 Wir ing Di agra ms and E lect rical Data Connector Lo cations The ill ustrati ons that f ollow show t he relat ive loca tion of al l access ible conn ectors i n the printe r , a nd illu strate the conn ector ( except for a fe w instanc es in wh ich the connector is so simple t ha t a n i l lustrat ion is unnec essar y).
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-7 Connectors Inside the Left Cover J/P 43, 45, 47 J/P 46, 48 J/P 59, 61 J/P 1 19, 120, 127, 128 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 3 1 2 1.
6-8 Wir ing Di agra ms and E lect rical Data Connectors on the Duplex Cover J/P 316 J/P 22-1 J/P 307 J/P 315 J/P 319 J/P 306 J/P 309 J/P 308 J/P 314 J/P 313 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-9 Connectors Inside the Right Cover J/P 49, 51, 53 J/P 22 J/P 31 7 J/P 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 12 3 12 3 1 2 J/P 5 5 1 2 34 56 J/P 54 53 5.
6-10 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a Connectors Inside the Top Cover J/P 305 J/P 322 J/P 310 J/P 31 1 J/P 312 J/P 321 J/P 5 J/P 5 7 J/P 320 J/P 63 J/P 131-132 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 .
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-11 Connectors on the Back Cover J/P 32 J/P 31 J/P 36 J/P 40, 41 J/P 37 J/P 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .
6-12 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a Connectors Inside the Back Cover (J/P2-14) J/P 2, 3 J/P 4 J/P 6 J/P 7 J/P 8 J/P 9 J/P 10 J/P 13 J/P 14 J/P 1 1 J/P 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3.
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-13 Connectors Inside the Back Cover (Continued) J/P18-62 J/P 18 J/P 19, 20 J/P 21, 22 J/P 23 J/P 25 J/P 2 6 J/P 2 7 J/P 50 J/P 56 , 58, 60 , 62 J/P 3 0 J/P 44 .
6-14 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a Connectors Inside the Back Cover (Continued) J/P 64-85 72 71 102 73 101 500 56 19 54 24 Jogg ing Motor Contro l Board Signa l Interface Board 52 100 J/P .
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-15 Connectors Inside the Back Cover (Continued) J/P 90-800 J/P 90 J/P 9 4 J/P 96 J/P 121, 12 2, 124 J/P 323 J/P 33 3 139, 140, 1 43 J/P 251, 2 52, 255 not illu.
6-16 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a V oltage Isolation Diagrams Use the f ollowing vo ltage is olation d iagra ms to locat e the pre sence o r loss of pro per DC poten t ials w it hin th e printe r . Simp lex circ uit are shown first, f ollowe d by dup l ex cir cuits .
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-17 Figure 6 -3. (Simplex) +12 Vdc Circuit s J/P8-3 J/P32- 10 J/P91-3 J/P8-6 J/P77-1 J/P40- 25 J/P40-26 J/P40-34 J/P50- 4 J/P50-1 J/P62-1 J/P60- 1 J/P58- 1 J/P5.
6-18 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a Figure 6-4. (Simplex) +24 Vdc Circuits PCL Board Power Control Board #2 Coun ter High V ol tage Unit AC Power Lower pi ck-up clu tch Pap er timi ng clut .
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-19 Figure 6 -5. (Duplex) +5 Vdc Circuit Figure 6 -6. (Duplex) +24 Vdc Circuit s DC Power Supply Signal Interface Board Duplex Control Boar d #1 Duplex Control .
6-20 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a Figure 6-7. (Duplex) +12 Vdc Circuits J/P331-2 J/P330-2 J/P323-2 J/P306-2 J/P310- 2 J/P305- 2 Duplex Duplex Control Board #2 DC Power Supply Board #1 Con.
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-21 Ground System J/P4-9 – AC power supp ly J/P5-8 – Fus er unit J/P6-3 – DC power supply J/P18-3 – T oner supply motor J/P19-4 – Jogging motor J/P21-.
6-22 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a Host Interface Refe rence S tandard print ers support three host i nterfaces: RS- 232C, RS-422, an d Centronics P arallel. User-lev e l info rmation about th e inst al latio n, conf igurat ion, an d use of these in terfa ces is include d in the pr inte r ’ s Guide to Oper ations .
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-23 S tandard DCE to DT E RS-232C Cab le The s tanda rd DCE h ost to the pr inter (DTE) p in co nf igura tion follow s.
6-24 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a DTE Host to Printer (Option 1) DTE Host to Printer (Option 2) T able 6-3. DTE Host to Printer Connector W iring (Option 1) Host Signal DCE DTE Printer Signa l GND 1 1 GND GND 7 7 GND DTR 20 20 DTR DCD 8 8 DCD DSR 6 6 DSR RTS 4 4 RTS CTS 5 5 CTS TD 2 2 TD RD 3 3 RD T able 6-4.
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-25 IBM PC/XT to P rinter Normally , the IBM PC/XT comes with a par allel i nterface for the p rinter wi th a 25 -pin female c onnector . T o run RS-232 , you must i nstall a seria l boar d, which wi ll have a male connecto r .
6-26 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a Macintosh Communication Port to Printer Normally , the Macintosh c omes with a 9-pin male c onnecto r . RS-422 Host int erface The RS-422 ho st in terface uses the s ignal def initions de fined bel ow .
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-27 Centronics Paralle l Host Interface The Centr onics Para llel hos t interf ace uses the signal defini tions def ined below .
6-28 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a IBM Parallel to Printer T able 6-10. IBM Parallel to Pr inter Connector Wiring Host Sign al Prin ter Signa l DS 1 1 DS DB0 2 2 DB0 DB1 3 3 DB1 DB2 4 4 DB.
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-29 Special Considera tions for Centronics Parallel Interface Users For DOS host computers, a dd the fol lowing li ne to the AUT OEXEC.BA T file: MODE PRN,,P T o edit th e AUTOEXEC.BA T file, use any text edi tor or th e EDLIN facili ty of DOS.
6-30 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a Circuit Board Settin gs Several of the ci rcuit boa rds in th e prin ter have j umpers and/ or DIP swit ches used t o con- trol t he functi onality of the boar d. These se tting s are desc ribed th e followin g section .
Wiring D iagrams an d Electric al Data 6-31 For a Centr onics Parall el Host Interf ace: set al l four DIP switches t o OFF by pu shing them to ward th e inter ior of t he prin ter , as ill u strate d.
6-32 Wiri ng Di ag rams and El ectr ical Dat a.
Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-1 Chapter 7 Removal/Replacement Procedures Section 5 T roubleshooting.
7-2 Remova l/Replac ement Proc edures Contents Front Cover Re moval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Back Cover Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-3 Fuser Drive Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-57 Paper Fee d Drive Belt Remov al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Remo val 7-4 Remova l/Replac ement Proc edures Removal This sec tion incl udes step -by-step instruc tions for removing al l fiel d service replacea ble parts i n the pri nter . Each part i s addres sed under i ts own headi ng, as outl ined o n the pre- ceding c ontents pages .
Front Cover R emoval Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-5 Front Cover Removal T o remove the fr ont cover : 1 Open the f ront cover . 2 While hol ding the co ver up h alfway , unhook the s trap fro m the right side. 3 Duplex only: Remov e the str ap from the left side.
Back C over R emov al 7-6 Remova l/Replac ement Proc edures Back Cover Removal T o remove the bac k cover: 1 Remove all ext ernal ca bles and att achments. 2 Open the t op and back c overs. 3 Disconnec t CN31, CN32, CN37, CN40, CN41, CN74, a nd CN91. 4 Duplex onl y: Disconnect CN36.
Lower Ba ck Cover Re moval Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-7 Lower Back Cover Removal T o remove the lower b ack cover: 1 Disconnec t all ex ternal c ables and a ttachment s. 2 Open the ba ck cover . 3 Loosen th e two sc rews holdi ng the lower back cover in place .
Left Side Cover Removal 7-8 Remova l/Replac ement Proc edures Left Side Cover Removal T o remove the left si de cover: 1 Open the t op, back, and front cov ers. 2 Duplex only: Re move the dupl ex tray by discon necting P30 5 and loose ning th e two thumb scr ews.
Right Side Cover Removal (Simplex) Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-9 Right Side Cover Removal (Simplex) T o remove the right si de cover: 1 Rem o ve the paper outp ut tray . 2 Open the t op and fron t covers. 3 Loosen th e two sc rews holdi ng the rig ht side co ver .
Right Side Cover Removal (Duplex) 7-10 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Right Side Cover Removal (Duplex) T o rem ove th e right side c over: 1 Remove the pa per output tr ay . 2 Open the to p, back, a nd front c overs. 3 Remove the t wo screws hol ding t he right s ide cover in place.
V acuum T ransport Unit Removal (Simplex) Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-11 V acuum Tr ansport Unit Removal (Simplex) T o remove the simplex vac uum transpo rt unit: 1 Open the t op and back c over . 2 Disconnec t CN22A. 3 Remove the r etainin g clip hol ding the c able in pl ace.
V a cuum T ransport Unit Removal (Simplex) 7-12 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Vacuum Transport Detail Mounting Sc rews.
V a cuum T ransport Unit Removal (Duplex) Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-13 V acuum Transport Unit Removal (Duplex) T o remove the duplex vac uum transpor t unit: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the u pper duple x roll er cover ( four scr ews). 3 Remove the l ower duple x roll er cover ( four scr ews).
T op Cover Re moval 7-14 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures T op Cover Removal T o remove the top cover : 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the vacuum tr ans por t unit from the top cover . It is not necess ary to remov e it comple tely fro m the print er .
T op Cover Support R emoval Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-15 T op Cover Su ppor t Removal T o remove the top cover support: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the s pring fr om the top co ver sup port (singl e screw). 3 Remove the s crews hold ing the support t o the base of the pr inter .
T op Cover Hinge Removal 7-16 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures T op Cover Hinge Removal T o remove the top cover hinge: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the t wo screws ho lding t he hinge/ support t o the top c over . 3 Remo ve the two screw s holdin g the hi nge/s upport to the pr inter base.
Rear Duplex Cov er Re mova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-17 Rear Duplex Cover R emoval T o remove the rear dupl ex cover: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remo ve the lo w er scr ew for the rear d u plex c ov er . 3 While supp orting t he cover , remove the uppe r screw for the rea r duplex co ver .
Front Duplex Cover Removal 7-18 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Front DuplexCover Removal T o remove the front dup lex cover: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Rem o ve the rear d uplex c over . (Ref er to page 7-17 .) 3 Close th e top cover . 4 Open the f ront duplex c over .
Operator Panel Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-19 Operator Panel Removal T o remove the operator panel: 1 Open the f ront cover . 2 Remo ve the two screw s holdin g the op erato r p anel in plac e . 3 Disconnec t connector CN4 2. 4 Remove the g round scre w .
Counter Removal 7-20 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Counte r Removal T o remove the counte r: 1 Open the f ront cover . 2 Remove the s crew holding t he counter in place.
IGS Bo ard Re moval Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-21 IGS Board Removal T o remove the IGS b oard: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Disconnec t connectors CN31, CN32, CN33, a nd CN74. 3 For the h ard drive optio n, disconnec t the dri ve’ s data cabl e.
PCL Board Removal 7-22 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures PCL Board Removal T o remove the PCL boa rd: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Disconnec t connectors CN33, CN37, CN40, CN41 , and CN91. 3 Duplex only: a lso disconnec t connect or CN36. 4 Push the t wo retai ning clip s away fr om the boar d.
Printh ead As se mbly Re mova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-23 Printhead Assembly Removal T o remove the printhea d assemb ly: 1 Open the f ront, top, and back cov ers. 2 Remove the p hotoconduct or unit a nd plac e in its pro tective packaging.
Printhead Assembly Removal 7-24 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures 10 Remove the t wo front s crews holdi ng the printhea d assembly i n place. 11 Pull the printhe ad assemb ly fr om the front of the pr inter . Replacement Note: Do not change the DIP switch s etting on the repl acement pri nthea d circuit board.
Disk D rive Housi ng Re moval Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-25 Disk Drive Housing Removal T o remove the di sk drive ho using: 1 Open the f ront and ba ck cove rs. 2 Rem o ve the diske tte(s ). 3 Disconnec t CN77 and CN79. 4 For the h ard drive optio n, disconnec t the dri ve’ s data cable.
Cooling Fan Removal 7-26 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Cooling Fan Rem oval T o remove the coo ling fan: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s).
Duplex Fan Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-27 Duplex Fan Removal T o remove the dupl ex fan: 1 Open the ba ck and top c overs. 2 Remove the f user dri ve cover ( three sc rews). 3 Remove the EMI grounding p late (i f present ) from the rear of the pri nter (f our scr ews).
T oner Motor Remova l 7-28 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures T oner Motor Removal T o remove the toner motor: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Disconnec t CN18.
AC Power Supply Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-29 AC Power Supply Removal T o remove the AC power supply: 1 Open the f ront, back , and top covers. 2 Duplex only: Remov e the duplex t ray . 3 Remove the u pper and lo wer pape r casset tes.
AC Power Supply Removal 7-30 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures 8 From the side of the prin ter , remove t he thre e screws hol ding the AC power s upply in place.
DC Power Supply Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-31 DC Power Supply Removal T o remove the DC power supply: 1 Open the f ront, top, and back cov ers. 2 Disconnec t CN6, CN7, CN8, and CN330. 3 Remo ve the ou t put tra y . 4 Remove the r ight sid e cover .
High V olt a ge Unit Removal 7-32 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures High V oltage Unit Remo val T o remove the high volt age unit: 1 Open the t op and back c overs. 2 Remove the EMI grounding p late (i f present ) from the rear of the pri nter (f our scr ews).
Photoconductor Seam Sensor Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-33 PhotoconductorSeam Senso r Removal T o remove the phot oconducto r seam senso r: 1 Open the f ront, back , and to p covers. 2 Remove the p hotoconduct or and place in its prot ective pa ckaging.
Photoconductor Seam Sensor R emoval 7-34 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures 7 From insi de the empty photoc onductor ca vity , disconnect connec tor CN63. 8 Lift t he photocond uctor sea m sensor and bracke t up out of the pr inter . Note : Use cauti on not to be nd the b racket.
Photoconductor Rear Guide Rail Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-35 Photoconductor Rear Guide Rail Removal T o remove the photoconduc tor rear guide ra il: 1 Open the f ront, back , and to p covers. 2 Remove the p hotoconduct or and place in its prot ective pa ckaging.
Photoconductor Rear Guide Rail Removal 7-36 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures 10 From insi de the phot oconduc tor cavit y , remove the two sc rews holdi ng the gu ide rail in plac e. 11 Push CN64 and the ground wire thro ugh the photoc onductor c avity to t he front of the printe r .
Signal Interfac e Boar d Remova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-37 Signal Inte rface Board Removal T o remove the signal i nterfac e board: 1 Disc onne ct all e xt ernal cable s and attach m ents . 2 Open the ba ck cover . 3 Remo ve the lo w er back cover .
Power Control Board Removal 7-38 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Power Contro l Boa rd Removal T o remove the power control board: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 3 Remo ve the po w er con trol bo a rd cove r (one screw) .
Jogging Motor Control Board Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-39 Jogging Motor Control Board Removal T o remove the jogging mot or contro l board: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 3 Remo ve the po w er con trol bo a rd cove r (one screw) .
Upper or Lower Paper S ize Sensor Removal 7-40 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Upper or Lo werPaper Size Sen sor Removal T o remove the upper or l ower paper size sens or: 1 Duplex only: Remov e the duplex t ray . 2 Remove the u pper and lo wer pape r casset tes.
Upper Cassette Mount R emoval Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-41 Upper Cassette Mount Removal T o remove the upper cass ette mount : 1 Open the f ront, back , and to p covers. 2 Duplex only: Re move the duplex t ray . 3 Remove the u pper and lo wer pape r casset tes.
Upper Cassette Mount Removal 7-42 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures 10 Remove the u pper paper size sens or . (See pa ge 7-40 .) 11 Remove the c assette release cover ( two screws ). 12 Remove the p lastic g uide on the vert ical edge of the pri nter .
Upper Cassette Mount R emoval Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-43 14 Disengage the top of the damper as sembly . Push it to t he right out of the way .
Upper Cassette Mount Removal 7-44 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures 15 Remove the l ower brack et (four screws; t wo front a nd two bac k). 16 Remove the t ray (fou r screws; two front and two back) . 17 Remove the u pper tray lift ar m (two scre ws with tw o plastic r etainer s).
Lower Cassette Mount R emoval Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-45 Lower Cassette Mount Removal T o remove the lower cass ette mount: 1 Open the f ront, back , and to p covers. 2 Duplex only: Re move the duplex t ray . 3 Remove the u pper and lo wer pape r casset tes.
Lower Cassette Mount Removal 7-46 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures 9 Remove the l ower paper size sens or . (See page 7-40 .) 10 Remove the c assette release cover ( two screws ). 11 Remove the p lastic g uide on the vert ical edge of the pri nter . Depress the t abs visi ble through t he casse tte ho using.
Lower Cassette Mount R emoval Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-47 13 Remove the l ower brack et (four screws; t wo fron t and two bac k). 14 Remove the t ray (four s crews, two fron t and two bac k) 15 Remove the AC p ower supply . (See pa ge 7-29 .
Upper Paper Guide Removal 7-48 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Upper Paper Gu ide Removal T o remove the upper pape r guide: 1 Open the f ront, back , and top covers. 2 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 3 Disconnec t the tr ansfer co rona high v oltag e lead fr om the HVPS.
Upper Paper Guide Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-49 5 Remove the c assette release cover ( two screws ). 6 Raise th e upper pap er guid e. 7 Remove the b ack screw ho lding the upper p aper guide in place . 8 Remove the f ront scr ew holding t he uppe r paper gui de in pla ce.
Upper Paper Gui de Roller Removal 7-50 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Upper Pa per Gu ide Rolle r Removal T o remove the upper pape r guide ro ller: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the t w o sp ri ngs at eac h end of t he rol ler . T o do this, pre ss down ge nt ly on th e end of th e spring a nd move it ou t from u nder the pl astic.
Lower Paper Guide Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-51 Lower Paper Gui de Removal T o remove the lower p aper guide : 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Raise th e upper pap er guid e. 3 Raise th e lower pap er guid e slightly . 4 Push the b ase of the lower paper guid e toward the back o f the pri nter unti l the fr ont mounting p eg is free.
Paper T iming Guide Remov al 7-52 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Paper Timing Guide Removal T o remove the paper ti ming guid e: 1 Open the f ront, back , and top covers. 2 Raise th e upper pap er guid e. 3 Remove the l ower paper gui de. (See pa ge 7-51 .
Paper T iming Guide Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-53 4 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 5 Remove the b ack screw ho lding the paper ti ming guide i n place.
Cleaner Drive Belt Remov al 7-54 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Cleaner Drive Bel t Removal T o remove the cleaner dri ve bel t: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remove the f user dri ve cover ( three sc rews). 3 Remo ve the ma in drive cove r (o ne scre w).
Cleaner Dri ve Re mova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-55 Cleaner Drive Removal T o remove the cleaner dri ve: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s). 3 Remove the ma in drive cover (one scr ew). 4 Remove the c leaner dr ive belt .
Fuser Drive Belt Removal 7-56 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Fuser Drive Belt Removal T o remove the fuser dr ive belt: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remove the f user dri ve cover ( three sc rews). 3 Remo ve the ma in drive cove r (o ne scre w). 4 Remove the g ear stay cover (one screw).
Fuser Dri ve Remova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-57 Fuser Drive Removal T o remove the fuser drive: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s). 3 Remove the ma in drive cover (one scr ew). 4 Remove the g ear stay cover (one screw).
Paper Feed Drive Belt Re moval 7-58 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Paper Feed Drive Belt Removal T o remove the paper feed driv e belt: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remove the f user dri ve cover ( three sc rews). 3 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws).
Paper Timi ng Roller Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-59 Paper T iming Roller Removal T o remove the paper ti ming rolle r: 1 Open the f ront, back , and to p covers. 2 Raise th e upper pap er guid e. 3 Remove the p hotoconduct or and place it in its p rotecti ve bag.
Upper Feed Roller Re mova l 7-60 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Upper Feed Roller Removal T o remove the upper fee d roller : 1 Open the f ront and ba ck cove rs. 2 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 3 Disconnec t CN66. 4 Remove the p aper feed drive belt from the upper f eed roll er gear .
Lower Feed Roller Re mova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-61 Lower Feed Roller Removal T o remove the lowe r feed ro ller : 1 Open the f ront and ba ck cove rs. 2 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 3 Disconnec t CN67. 4 Remove t he paper f eed drive belt fro m the lowe r feed ro ller gea r .
Upper Pick-Up Roller Removal 7-62 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Upper Pick-Up Rol ler Removal T o remove the upper pic k-up ro ller: 1 Open the f ront and ba ck cove rs. 2 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 3 Disconnec t CN68. 4 Remove the c assette release cover ( two screws ).
Upper Pick -Up Roll er Drive Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-63 Upper Pick-Up Roller Drive Removal T o remove the upper pic k-up ro ller drive: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 3 Remo ve the up p er pic k -up roll er driv e (thre e scre w s).
Lower Pick-Up Roller Removal 7-64 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Lower Pick-Up Roller Removal T o remove the lowe r pick-up roll er: 1 Open the f ront and ba ck cove rs. 2 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 3 Disconnec t CN69. 4 Remove the c assette release cover ( two screws ).
Lower P ick-Up Roll er Dri ve Remova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-65 Lower Pick-Up Roller Drive Removal T o remove the lowe r pick-up roll er drive: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws). 3 Remo ve the lo w er pick -up roll er driv e (thre e scre ws).
Job Offs et Assembly Re moval 7-66 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Job Of fset Asse mbly Removal T o remove the job of fset as sembly: 1 Open the f ront, top, and back cov ers. 2 Rem o ve the paper outp ut tray . 3 Remove the r ight sid e cover . (See p age 7-10 .
Job Offset Assembly Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-67 5 Remove the DC p ower supply (See page 7- 31 .) 6 Remove the mou nting bracket for the DC power supply (t wo screws) . 7 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s). 8 Disconnec t CN19 and CN54.
Exit Pinch Rolle r Removal 7-68 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Exit Pi nch Roller Removal T o remove the exit pinch roller : 1 Open the f ront, back , and top covers. 2 Remove the fus er . 3 Remove the o perator p anel. (S ee pag e 7-19 .) 4 Remove the f ront scr ew holding t he exi t pinch roll er in pl ace.
Ex it Pi nch Roll er R emo val Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-69 6 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s). 7 Remove the b ack screw ho lding the exit pin ch roller in pl ace. 8 Lift t he exit pi nch rolle r from the printer . Note : Use cauti on so as not to damag e the paper full or exit sen sors.
Upper St at ic Brush Removal 7-70 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Upper Static Brush Removal T o remove the uppe r stati c brush: 1 Open the t op and front c overs. 2 Remove the fus er . 3 Remove the u pper stat ic brush from the exi t pin ch roller as sembly ( two screws ).
Lower St at ic Brush Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-71 Lower S tatic Brush Removal T o remove the lower sta tic brus h: 1 Open the t op, front and back covers. 2 Remo ve the fu se r . 3 Remove the o perator p anel. (S ee pag e 7-19 .) 4 Remove the e xit pinch roller assembly .
Exit Roller Assembl y Removal 7-72 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Exit Roller Assembly Removal T o re move th e exit roller as sembl y: 1 Open the f ront, back , and top covers. 2 Remove the fus er . 3 Remove the o perator p anel (S ee page 7-19 ).
Ex it R olle r Ass embl y R emov al Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-73 5 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s). 6 Remove the e xit pinch roller . (See page 7-68 .) 7 Duplex only: Re move the lower duplex dr ive (3 screws). 8 Remove the b ack screw ho lding the exit guide in pl ace.
Exit Cover Rem oval (Simple x) 7-74 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Exit Cover Removal (Si mplex) T o remove the simplex exi t cover: 1 Open the f ront, back , and top covers. 2 Remove the fus er . 3 Remove the r ight sid e cover . (See p age 7-9 .) 4 Rem o ve the paper outp ut tray .
Exit Cover Remova l (Simplex) Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-75 6 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s). 7 Remove the e xit pinch roller . (See page 7-68 .) 8 Disconnec t CN49 and CN51. 9 Remove the f our screws hol ding the e xit cover i n place (t wo front and t wo back).
Exit Cover Remova l (Duplex) 7-76 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Exit Cover Removal (Duplex) T o remove the dupl ex exit c over: 1 Open the f ront, top, and back cov ers. 2 Remove the fus er . 3 Rem o ve the paper outp ut tray . 4 Remove the r ight sid e cover .
Exit Cove r Removal (Duplex) Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-77 6 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s). 7 Remove the e xit pinch roller . (See page 7-68 .) 8 Disconnec t CN49 and CN51. 9 Remove the wi ring harness for CN42, CN49, a nd CN51 from the exit cov er .
Paper Exit Sensor Removal 7-78 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Pape r Exi t Sensor Removal T o remove the paper exi t sensor: 1 Open the f ront, back , and top covers. 2 Remove the fus er . 3 Remove the o perator p anel. (S ee pag e 7-19 .) 4 Remove t he exit pi nch roll er .
Paper Full S ensor Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-79 Paper Fu ll Sensor Removal T o remove the paper ful l sensor : 1 Open the f ront, back , and to p covers. 2 Remo ve the fu se r . 3 Remove the o perator p anel. (S ee pag e 7-19 .) 4 Remove the e xit pinch roller .
Front Cover Interlock Switch Removal 7-80 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Front Cover Interlock Switch Removal T o re move the fro nt co ve r inte rlock switc h: 1 Open the f ront, top, and back cov ers. 2 Duplex only: Remov e the duplex t ray . 3 Remove the u pper and lo wer pape r casset tes.
Back C over Interl ock Switc h Remova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-81 Back Cover Interlock Switch Removal T o remove the back co ver inter lock swit ch: 1 Open the f ront, top, and back cov ers. 2 Duplex only: Re move the duplex t ray . 3 Remove the u pper and lo wer pape r casset tes.
T o p Cover Interlock S witch Removal 7-82 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures T op Cover Interlock Switch Removal T o re move the top c over i nterl ock sw i tch: 1 Open the t op, front, and back covers. 2 Duplex only: Remov e the duplex t ray . 3 Remove the u pper and lo wer pape r casset tes.
Erase Lamp Remova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-83 Erase Lamp Removal T o remove the erase la mp: 1 Open the t op and back c overs. 2 Remove the p hotoconduct or and place it in its p rotecti ve packagi ng. 3 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s).
EP Cover Removal 7-84 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures EP Cover Removal T o remove the EP co ver: 1 Open the f ront, back , and top covers. 2 Remove the fus er . 3 Remove the p hotoconduct or and place it in its p rotecti ve packagi ng. 4 Rem o ve the clean er uni t.
EP Cover Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-85 6 Remo ve the fu se r driv e cover (thre e scre w s). 7 Remove the t wo supports for t he vacuum tr ansport u nit (one screw each) . 8 Duplex only: Re move the duplex f an. (See page 7-27 ). 9 Remove the f our scre ws holding t he EP cov er in pla ce (two fr ont and two b ack).
Main Motor Remov al 7-86 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Main Motor Removal T o remove the main moto r: 1 Disc onne ct all e xt ernal cable s and attach m ents . 2 Open the f ront, back , and to p covers. 3 Remove the p hotoconduct or and place it in its p rotecti ve packagi ng.
Main Motor Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-87 8 Remove the r ight sid e cover . (See p age 7-9 .) 9 Remove the c ounter . (See page 7-20 .) 10 Remo ve the ma in drive cove r (o ne scre w). 11 Remove the f user dri ve cover ( three sc rews).
Main Gear Driv e Removal 7-88 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Main Gear Dri ve Removal T o remove the main gear dri ve: 1 Open the ba ck cover . 2 Remo ve the lo w er back cover . (See page 7- 7 .) 3 Remove the p aper feed drive cover (th ree screws).
Duplex Control Board #1 Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-89 Duplex Control Board #1 Removal T o remove dupl ex contro l board #1: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the d uplex control board cove r (two scr ews). 3 Disconnec t CN306, CN307, CN308, and CN30 9.
Duplex Control Board #2 Removal 7-90 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Duplex Control Board #2 Removal T o remove dupl ex contro l board #2: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the d uplex tray . 3 Remove t he paper gu ide from th e duple x tray (f our screws ).
Duplex T ray Regist ration Motor Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-91 Duplex T r ay Registration Motor R emoval T o remove the duplex tr ay regist ration mot or: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the d uplex tray . 3 Remove the p aper guide insi de the dupl ex tray ( four scre ws).
Duplex Skew Correction Cable Removal 7-92 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Duplex Skew Correc tion Cable Removal T o remove the duplex ske w correcti on cable: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the d uplex tray . 3 Remove the p aper guide from in side the duplex tr ay (four s crews).
Duplex Sk ew Cor recti on Cable Remova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-93 Paper G uide Ske w Correctio n Guides Mounting P late Shaft Bracket Shaft Mount ing Bead Skew Cor rection Cable Driv e G.
Upper Duplex Drive/Clutch Assembly Remov a l 7-94 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures Upper Duplex Drive/Clutch Assembly Removal T o remove the upper dupl ex drive/ clutch as sembly: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the r ear duplex co ver . (See page 7-17 .
Duplex Route Motor/Solenoid Assembly Remova l Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-95 Duplex Route Motor/Sol enoid Assembly Removal T o remove the dupl ex route motor/sol enoid assembly: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the r ear duplex co ver . (See page 7-17 .
“A” Roll er Removal 7-96 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures “A” Roller Removal T o re move th e “A” ro ller: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the r ear duplex co ver . (See page 7-17 .) 3 Remove the l ower duple x roll er cover ( four scr ews).
“B” Roller Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-97 “B” Roller Removal T o remove the “B” rolle r: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the r ear duplex co ver . (See page 7-17 .) 3 Remove the u pper duple x roll er cover ( four scr ews).
“C” Roll er Removal 7-98 Removal/R eplacemen t Proced ures “C” Roller Removal T o remove the “C” rolle r: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the r ear duplex co ver . (See page 7-17 .) 3 Remove the u pper duple x roll er cover ( four scr ews).
“C” Roller Solenoid Removal Removal /Replacem ent Proced ures 7-99 “C” Roller Sole no id Re mo val T o remove the “C” rolle r solenoi d: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the f ront me chanism cove r (two scr ews). 3 Disconnec t CN315 and cut the c able tie se curing th e wires to the mountin g plat e.
Duplex Route Sep a rat or Removal 7-100 Remo val/Rep lacemen t Procedure s Duplex Route Separator Removal T o remove the duplex rou te separa tor: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the r ear duplex co ver . (See page 7-17 .) 3 Remove the u pper duple x roll er cover ( four scr ews).
Duplex Route Sep a rat or Removal Remo val/Re place m e nt Pro cedure s 7-101 9 Remove the f ront C-cl ip fr om the rout e separat or . 10 Disengage the rout e separat or from it s side su pports. 11 Lift t he route s eparator out from th e duplex co ver .
Duplex Paper Path Sensor Removal 7-102 Remo val/Rep lacemen t Procedure s Duplex Paper Path Sensor Rem oval T o remove the duplex pape r path se nsor: 1 Open the t op cover . 2 Remove the t wo screws ho lding t he duplex control b oard cover in pla ce.
Options 8-1 Chapter 8 Options Section 6 T roubleshooting.
8-2 Optio ns Contents Options Introduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 1200-Shee t/2500-Sheet Feeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Options 8-3 Introduction This sec tion provi des info rmation about spec ific pr inter opt ions no t covered elsewhere in the ma nual. These op tions incl ude the 12 00-shee t and 2500-s heet f eeder s, the 1400-s hee t stacker , and the en hanced vide o model of t he printe r .
8-4 Optio ns 1200-Sheet/250 0-Sheet Feeder Figure 8-1. 1200-Sheet /2500-Sheet Physical Locations T able 8 -1. 1200-Sheet/2 500-Sheet Component Acronyms Acronym Component DSW Door Switch (magnetic doo .
Options 8-5 Bench T est Procedure The bench t est procedur e referenc es the compon ent acronyms i n Table 8-1 on page 8-4 and the c omponent locations i n Figur e 8-1 on page 8-4 . T o be nch te st the printe r : 1 T urn the print er ’ s main power switch of f, then di sconnect the unit ’ s power cor d.
8-6 Optio ns sor IPES s ignals t he input c ontrol boa rd tha t paper is pr esent on t he ele vator . Photo- sensor I ULS signals the i nput contro l board t hat the u pper limit for the paper suppl y tray an d paper st ack has been reach ed.
Options 8-7 Input Control Board Logic The tabl e below indi cates swi tching l ogic for t he unit’ s various component s. Except f or the power control s witch (PCSW), each compo nent ca n be monitor ed from the various pins of CN508 (loc ated on th e input co ntrol boa rd).
8-8 Optio ns Figure 8-4. Connection Diagram for 1200-Sheet/2500-She et Feeder NPS PHS ILLS PES IULS IPES DSW IEM IP M J529 W514 P530 P529 W507 J509 P509 P512 P513 P514 P515 J500 P500 M 1 M 2 P518 P519.
Options 8-9 1400-Sheet S tacker Figure 8 -5. 1400-Sheet S tacker Component Locations T able 8-3. 1400-Sheet Stacker Component Acronyms Acronym Component ERM Exi t Roller Moto r (M1) EPS Exi t Paper Se.
8-10 Op tions Bench T est Procedure The bench t est procedur e referenc es the compon ent acronyms i n Table 8-3 on page 8-9 and the c omponent locations i n Figur e 8-5 on page 8-9 . Figure 8-6. 1400-Sheet St ack er Bench T est Pre p ar ation T o bench tes t the 1400 -sheet st acker: 1 T urn th e printe r ’ s ma in powe r swi tc h off.
Options 8-11 7 Place a j umper from pin 9 to pin 10 ( ground). Using the print er ’ s power cor d in place of the unit’ s power cord, plug the printer’ s power cord in the stacker uni t, then into the wall out let. 8 W ith the power ap plied to the stack er uni t, the exi t roller mo tor (ERM -M1) will be off.
8-12 Op tions Connector Locations Figure 8-7. Connector Locations (front view , cover removed) Connector s/circu it boards shown with b roken line s are conc ealed fr om view .
Options 8-13 Figure 8 -9. Rear Side View (cover removed) Connector s/circu it boards shown with b roken line s are conc ealed fr om view . Figure 8 -10.
8-14 Op tions Output Control Board Logic The tabl e below det ails spec ific st acker act ions a nd which sen sors suppl y the sig nals needed f or each action.
Options 8-15 Figure 8-1 1. Connect ion Diagram for the 14 00-Sheet St acker OULS ERM P407 M 1 J41 Outp ut Cont rol Board PH-1 12V Power Supply OEM M 2 J41 OJRM M 3 J41 OJFM M 4 J41 OELS P412 S-1 OLLS .
8-16 Op tions.
Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-1 Chapter 9 General Printer Maintenance Section 7 T roubleshooting.
9-2 General Pri nter Main tenance Contents General P rinter Maintena nce Introduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 Every-Call Cleaning Procedur e . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-3 General P rinter Maintena nce Introduction This sec tion descri bes t he pri mary print er main tenan ce pro cedure s to be comp leted durin g servic e calls. I n additi on, this i ntroduct ion re views safe ty precau tions, tool requ irements, and th e print er main te nance r ecord .
Introduction 9-4 General Pri nter Main tenance • Do not push object s of any ki nd through the cabin et slots . They may c ontact da nger- ous volt age points or other hazards. • Do not expose the printer to liqui ds of any ki nd. • Protect the power cord.
Introduction Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-5 HISTORY LOG To Be Completed By User To Be Completed By HP Page Co unter Operator HP Notified Date/Time Down-Time HP Customer Enginee r On Si te Date Ti.
Introduction 9-6 General Pri nter Main tenance Every-Call Cleaning Proced ure Perform t he every- call cle aning proc edure every time the printer is servi ced. When trou- bleshoot ing a pri nter prob lem, you may be direct ed to complete this proced ure as you iso- late o r corr ect the pr oblem.
Introduction Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-7 Clean the Developer Unit • Inspect the un it for da mage or cont amination; repair or repla ce as neces sary . • Clean any excess to ner fr om the devel oper unit with a sof t cloth. • Clean the tone r patch se nsor le ns wi th a sof t cl ot h, maki ng s u re no li nt re ma ins on t he lens.
Introduction 9-8 General Pri nter Main tenance Adjusting Paper Feed T ension Printers With P aper T ension Levers Rece ntly re lease d simpl ex and duplex printe rs hav e press ure tens ion le vers in side th e fron t cover , as illustrat ed in Figur e 9-1, Pape r Feed T ensio n Levers, be low: Figure 9-1.
Introduction Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-9 Printe rs With Pic k Pressur e Adjust ers Older simpl ex and dup lex print ers have two pi ck pr es sur e adj us ter s i n si de t he f ron t cov er , behind t he casset te relea se cover i llustr ated belo w .
Introduction 9-10 General Printe r Maintena nce This rev eals the pick pr essure ad justers, illust rated in Figure 9-3 , Paper P ick Press ure Adjuster s, below: Figure 9-3.
Introduction Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-11 Lubr ic a ti o n Proc edur e Complete t he lubri cation pr ocedure as -needed. Appl y lubric ation spa ringly .
Introduction 9-12 General Printe r Maintena nce Figure 9-4. Front V iew Lubrication Point s.
Introduction Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-13 Front V iew Lubrication T ables Duplex Only T able 9-1. All Printers – Front View Lubrication Symbol Part Lubricant H 1 Front roller be arings (pape.
Introduction 9-14 General Printe r Maintena nce Figure 9-5. Rear View Lubrication.
Introduction Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-15 Rear V iew Lubrication T ables Duplex Only T able 9-3. All Printers – Re ar View Lubrication Symbol Part Lubricant H 1 Clutc h shafts: upper pick-u .
Introduction 9-16 General Printe r Maintena nce Figure 9-6. Duplex Only: T op View Lubrication T able 9 -5. Duplex T op View Lubrication Symbol Part Lubricant H 1 Dup lex pinch r ollers oil.
Introduction Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-17 Figure 9 -7. Duplex Only: Duplex Holding T r ay Lubrication T able 9-6. Duplex Front View Lubrication Symbol Part Lubricant P 9 Drive g ears M olycote.
Introduction 9-18 General Printe r Maintena nce Tune-Up Maintenance Procedur e The tune- up maintena nce proced ure sho uld be per formed when t he printe r: jams fre- quently ; yields sub-stand ard print quality even afte r completi ng reg ular maint enance pro - cedures ; and has pr inted more than o ne- or two- million pri nts.
Introduction Gener al Pri nter Mai nten ance 9-19 Figure 9 -8. T une-Up Kit Component s 7 Replace t he component assemblie s in th is order : • Paper ti ming ro ller • Exit r oller • Upper pic k.
Introduction 9-20 General Printe r Maintena nce.
Abbrevia tions and Acronyms A-1 Appendix A Abbreviations and Acronyms ACIA . . . . . . . . . Asynchronous Communication Inte rface Adap ter ALU . . . . . . . . . . Arithmetic Logic Unit AP A . . . . . . . . . . All Points Addressa ble ARC . . . . . . .
A-2 Abbrevia tions and Acronyms MCH . . . . . . . . . .Main Cha rger Unit MCS . . . . . . . . . .Main Char ger Sensor MIGS . . . . . . . . .Minter Image Gener ation System MPU . . . . . . . . . .Micro Process ing Unit MUX . . . . . . . . . .Multiplexer OPC.
Index Index-1 A "A" roller removal 7- 96 abbreviations A-1 AC power malfunctions 3-118 AC power supply removal 7-29 acronyms A-1 add toner indicator problems 3-51 B "B" roller remo.
Index-2 removal 7-26 counter malfunctions 3-140 problems 2-13 removal 7-20 testing 5-7 covers removing back 7-6 removing EP 7-8 4 removing exit 7-74 , 7-76 removing front 7-5 removing front duplex 7-1.
Index-3 removal 7-92 duplex tray paper guide motor testing 5-17 duplex tray registration motor removal 7-91 E EIGS program RAM testing 5-22 EIGS/MIGS bit map testing 5-23 envelope fuser solenoid testi.
Index-4 overriding 1-22 top cover 3-192 J job offset assembly problems 3-75 removal 7-66 jogging motor testing 5-8 jogging motor control board removal 7-39 jumpers signal interface board 6-30 L left s.
Index-5 paper exit sensor removal 7-78 paper feed drive belt removal 7-58 paper feed tension adjusting 9-8 paper full sensor removal 7-79 paper handling problems 2-13 paper inp ut timing problems 3-41.
Index-6 smearing 2-11 uneven print density 2-11 , 3-180 varying print density example 4- 20 voids example 4- 9 voids or white spots 3-158 washout example 4-5 white spots example 4- 9 wrinkle example 4.
Index-7 too light 3-49 toner supply motor testing 5-9 tool kit 9-4 top cover connectors 6-10 removal 7-14 top cover hinge removal 7-16 top cover interlock switch removal 7-82 top cover support removal.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) C30 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) C30 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) C30, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) C30 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) C30, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) C30.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) C30. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) C30 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.