Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit A.06.11 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Data Pr ot ec to r A. 06 . 1 1 MP E/iX s y ste m us er gui de B6960-90173 P art number : B6 9 60 -90 1 7 3 F irst edition: Septe mber 2009.
Legal and notice information © Cop yri ght 1 999 , 2009 He wlett-P ackar d Developme nt Compan y , L.P . Conf idential compu ter softw are . V alid licens e fr om HP requir ed for pos sessi on, use or cop ying . Consistent with F AR 1 2 .2 1 1 and 1 2 .
C ont ents P ublicati on history ................................................................ 7 Abou t this guide ................................................................... 9 Intended audi ence ............................................
User -definable r estor e var iables .................................................................... 35 T urboS T ORE/iX res tor e options ............................................................... 36 Pr e - and post-ex ec commands .........
F i gur es Data Pr otector gr aphical us er interface ............................................... 19 1 I/O conf igur ation: standalo ne dev ice ................................................. 23 2 I/O conf igur ation: S CSI ta pe library .......
T able s E dition history ................................................................................... 7 1 Doc ument con venti ons ...................................................................... 17 2 Back up types .......................
P u b lica tion histor y Guide updat es ma y be issued between editi ons to corr ect err ors or doc ument pr oduct change s. T o ensure that y ou rece iv e updated or ne w editions, su bscr ibe to the appr opriat e produc t support serv ice. S ee your HP sale s repr esentati ve f or details.
P ublication his tory 8.
About t his gui de This gui de descr ibes ho w to confi gure and us e D ata Pr otector w ith MPE/iX s yste ms. Inte nded audie nce This gui de is intended for bac ku p administrato rs r esponsible f or planning, se tting up , and maintaining netw ork back ups .
This gui de descr ibes Data Pr otector concepts and pr ov ides bac kgr ound info rmati on on ho w Data Pro tector w orks. It is in tended to be u sed with the ta sk-o ri ented online Help .
This gui de descr ibes ho w to install , conf igur e, and u se the integr ation of Data Pr otector w ith HP Servi ce Informati on P ortal. It is intended f or back up administr ators . It discus ses ho w to use the appli cation f or Data Pr otector serv ice management .
desc ribes ho w to conf igure and u se Data Pro tecto r to perf orm bac kup and r esto re using the Mi cr osoft V olume Shadow C opy Serv ice . • HP Data Pr otector MP E/iX sy stem us er guide This gui de descr ibes ho w to confi gur e MPE/iX cli ents and ho w to bac k up and r estor e MPE/iX data .
Doc umentati on map Abbr ev iations Abbr ev iations in the doc umentatio n map that follo ws ar e explained belo w . The gui de titles ar e all preceded b y the wor ds “HP Data Prot ector” .
Guide Abbre viation Installati on and licensing guide Install Media Oper ations getting started guide MO G S Media Oper ations pr oduct announcemen ts, so ft war e notes , and r efe rences MO RN Media.
Integr ations Loo k in these gui des for details o f the follo wing int egr ations: Guide Integration IG- OMU , IG- OMW HP Oper ations Manager fo r UNIX/f or Windo ws IG-P M/P A HP P erformance Manage.
Guide Integration IG-R HP Repo rter IG-S IP HP Servi ce Informati on P ortal all ZDB HP Stor age W orks Disk Arr ay XP all ZDB HP Stor age W orks Enter prise V irtual Arr ay (EV A) all ZDB HP Stor age.
Guide Integration IG-V ar S ybase all ZDB EMC Sy mmetri x IG-V ar VMwar e Doc ument con v enti ons and s y mbols T ab le 2 Documen t con v entions Element Conv ention Cr oss-re fere nce links and e -mail addre sses Blue te xt: T able 2 on page 17 W ebsite addres ses Blue , underlined text: h t tp://www .
NO TE: Pr ov ides additi onal inf or mation . TIP: Pr ov ides he lpf ul hints and short cuts . Data Pr otect or gr aphi cal u ser int erface Data Pr otector pr ov ides a c ros s-platform (W indow s and UNIX) gr aphical user interf ace. Y ou can use the or iginal Data Pr otector GUI (W indow s only) or the Data Pr otector Ja va GUI.
Figure 1 Data Protector graphi cal user interface Gener al inf ormati on Gener al infor mation about Data Pr otecto r can be found at h t tp://www .hp .com/go/ datapr otecto r . HP tec hnical su ppor t F or wo rld wi de tec hnical suppo r t info rmati on, see the HP su pport web site: http://www .
Sub sc ripti on se r v ice HP r ecommends that you r egister y our pr oduct at the Subsc riber's C hoice f or Business w ebsite: http://www .hp .com/go/e -updates After r egister ing, y ou w ill recei ve e-mail notifi cation of pr oduct enhanceme nts, ne w dr i ve r versi ons, f irm war e updates , and other produc t res ources .
1 MPE/iX s y s tem user gui de Intr oducti on This c hapter e xplains how to co nfi gure and us e the D ata Pr otecto r MPE/iX in tegrati on . It desc ribes concepts and me thods you need to under sta.
• F or an up-to -date list of supported v ersio ns, platfor ms, dev ices , requir ed patches and other inf ormation , see the HP Data Pr otector pr oduct announceme nts , softwar e notes , and re fer ences or http://www .
2. W rite do wn ta pe I/O Conf igur ation fr om the ISL utility MAPPER . a. Pr ess CTRL - B to put the sy stem in contr ol mode . b. Ente r TC and pr ess RETURN to s oft res et the s yste m. c. Pr ess an y k e y to o ver ri de the autoboot . d. Enter Y f or Boot from the primary boot path (Y or N)? o r if pr ompt sho ws BO PRI .
4. R un the SYSGEN utilit y , IO subs ys tem: MPE/iX s ys tem use r guide 2 4.
5 . F or a standalone (DDS) de vi ce, add: • P ath for de v ice and i dentify it as PSEUDO : • T ape dri ve de vi ce (alw ay s on path addr ess ending w ith 0) , set ID and mode as AUTOREPLY : IO>ADEV LDEV=30 PATH=52.3.0 ID=HPC1533A MODE=AUTOREPLY • Autoc hanger (r obotic s) dev ice and i dentify it as PICKER : IO>ADEV LDEV=31 PATH=52.
6. K eep the new conf igurati on and ex it SYSGEN : Enter Y f or Purge old configuration (yes/no)? . 7 . Create a de vi ce link f ile using mknod : :mknod “/dev/picker c 0 31” :mknod “/dev/drive c 0 30” 8. T o ver if y the change s, re start the sy stem .
2. W rite do wn ta pe I/O Conf igur ation fr om the ISL utility MAPPER . a. Pr ess CTRL - B to put the sy stem in contr ol mode . b. Ente r TC and pr ess RETURN to s oft res et the s yste m. c. Pr ess an y k e y to o ver ri de the autoboot . d. Enter Y f or Boot from the primary boot path (Y or N)? o r if pr ompt sho ws BO PRI .
4. R un the SYSGEN utilit y , IO subs ys tem: :SYSGEN SYSGEN>IO F or a SC SI tape libr ary (D L T) dev ice , add: • The path and de vice f or autoc hanger: IO>PATH PATH=56/52.0 ID=PSEUDO IO>ADEV LDEV=30 PATH=56/52.0.0 ID=PICKER • P aths and dev ices f or tapes: IO>APATH PATH=56/52.
6. K eep the new conf igurati on and ex it SYSGEN : Enter Y f or Purge old configuration (yes/no)? . 7 . Create a de vi ce link f ile using mknod : :mknod “/dev/dlt_picker c 0 30” :mknod “/dev/dlt_tape01 c 0 31” :mknod “/dev/dlt_tape02 c 0 32” 8.
Y ou perform an MP E/iX back up in the same w ay as the file sy stem back up . F or the pr ocedure , see the online Help inde x: “ cr eating back up spec ificati ons ” . Additi onally , spec ify the supported MPE/iX bac kup opti ons in the form o f extended var iables .
Setting Bac kup V ari ables 1 . In the HP Data Protector , s w itch t o the B ackup con text . 2. In the Scoping P ane, e xpand Bac k up , and double-clic k B ackup Specifications . 3. R ight-clic k the back up spec ificati on and select Pr oper ties fr om the pop-up menu .
5 . Select Other fr om the Files ystem Options windo w , and then cli ck Edit under User defined var iabl es . See F igure 4 on page 32. Figure 4 Specifying bac k up options MPE/iX s ys tem use r guid.
6. In the Ad vanced w indow , enter the su ppor ted MP E/iX var iable , for e xam ple ONLINE w ith the value START . See F igur e 5 on page 33. Figure 5 Entering the variabl e 7 .
Cr eating SL T T o cr eate a SL T , run: sysgen>TAPE (or sysgen>TA ) When the ta pe is creat ed, y ou rece i ve the me ssage that boot back up w as gener ated successf ully . If an err or occur s, a flashing TAPE ERROR mes sage is issued to the console .
Us er -def inable r est or e var iables Set us er-de fina ble vari ables (a var iable name and its v alue) to enable fle xible oper ation of the Data Pr otector MP E/iX integr ation.
7 . In the Advanced di alog box , specify the appr opri ate var iable and its value , and then cli ck Add . Figure 6 Entering the variabl e 8. Cli ck OK t o appl y the settings . T urboS T ORE/iX r est or e options The v ari able VOLSET=/ VOLUMESETNAME dir ects the r esto re beha vio r to w rite the data to /VOLUMESETNAME .
The f ollow ing T urboS T ORE/iX re stor e options cann ot be used a s they ar e replaced by the s tandard Data Pr otecto r f uncti onality: COPYACD , KEEP , NEWDATE , NOACD , OLDDATE , and SHOW .
See the S T ORE and T urboS T ORE/iX Pr oducts Man ual for mo r e informati on about disast er reco very on MPE/iX . Pr er equisites • SL T containing s ys tem par ameters and I/O conf igur ation • Sto r e tape containing us er f iles and direc tor ies and s yste m dir ectory informati on R ecov ery Pr ocedure 1 .
Pr er equisites • F or the omnib command to oper ate proper ly , add the MANAGER.SYS user to the admin gr oup . NO TE: Due to th e limitations o f the MPE/iX P osix sh ell (utility nroff is not imple mented), it is not po ssible to imp lement help f or this comm and as a m an page .
T ur boS T ORE/iX log file s Dur ing back up or r estor e , T urboS T ORE/iX cr eates a log file , sav ed in the /tmp dir ectory . Its name consists of st or e or res tore pr ocess and the pr ocess i dentifi cation number (p id) , for e xample store74711122.
Ex amp le 2. T urboST ORE/iX log files with ONLINE=ST ART >> TURBO-STORE/RESTORE VERSION C.60.17 B5152AA << (C) 1986 Hewlett-Packard CO. STORE /SYS/SAMPLEDB/; ;TREE;ONVS=MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUM.
5 * <- END OF UDC COMMAND 6 // ... /keep OB2UDCF.PUB.SYS /exit END OF SUBSYSTEM : T o activ ate the UDC file ent er : :SETCATALOG OB2UDC.PUB.SYS; APPEND OB2SE T file OB2SET f ile can be cr eated with any editor .
Ind e x A audie nce , 9 B backing u p MPE/iX , 29 databas e back up , 39 full s ys tem back up , 33 online back ups , 29 true-online back ups , 29 T urboS T ORE/iX back up options , 33 user -definable.
MPE/iX co nfi gurati on , 21 MPE/iX in tegrati on back up , 29 conf igurati on , 21 disast er reco very , 37 full s ys tem back up , 33 pr e - and post-e xec commands , 37 r estor e , 34 supported CLI.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) A.06.11 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) A.06.11 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) A.06.11, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) A.06.11 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) A.06.11, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) A.06.11.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) A.06.11. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) A.06.11 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.