Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 5187-2725 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP-U X 11i V ersion 2 Inst alla tion and Up dat e G u ide HP Int e gri ty Se rver s an d HP W orks t ation s Manufacturi ng P a rt Number : 51 87-2725 October 2003, Editi on 1 United Stat es © Copy right 1983-20 03 Hewle tt-P ackard De velopme nt Company , L.
2 Legal Noti c es The inf orm at ion in thi s do cu me nt is su b ject to ch ange wit ho ut n ot ice. Hew let t-P ack ard make s no wa rrant y of any k in d w it h re gard to th is manual, i n cludin g, but not limit e d to , t h e imp lied warranties of merch antability and fitness f or a partic u lar pu rpos e.
3 T rademark Notices Adobe and Acrobat are t rademarks of Adobe S yste ms Incor porated. HP-UX Rele ase 10.20 and later and H P-UX Release 11.00 and late r (in both 32 and 64-bit c onfigu rations) on all HP 9000 comp uters are Ope n Group UNIX 95 branded products .
4 Publi cation Histor y The ma nua l public ation da te and p art num ber indic ate its cu rre nt editio n. The public ation dat e will cha nge wh en a new edit ion is rele ase d. The ma nua l part nu mbe r will chang e when ex tens ive change s are mad e.
5 About T his Guide This guid e de scribes c old-insta lling and up datin g HP -UX 11i v2 on HP Integ rity S erve rs a nd H P W o rksta tions, and assum es t hat you are the syste m admi nist rator and fami liar wi th ins talling and main taini ng software on the syst em .
6 Typ ograp hic Conve ntio n s W e use the foll owing typo grap hical co nven tions. audi t (5) HP-U X manpag e. audit i s t h e n a m e a n d 5 is the sectio n in the HP- UX Refe renc e . On the web and on th e In stant Inform ation DVD , it may be a h o t link to the ma npage itse lf .
Con tents 7 1. W elc ome t o HP- UX 11i V er s ion 2 W elcome t o HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Int roductio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tent s 8 F acto ry Ignit ed Syst ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Sys tem Requir ements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tents 9 Retrievi ng Info rm ation afte r Cold- installin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 The Next Ste p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tent s 10 The Next Ste p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6 9. Configur ing and Ma intaining HP -UX 11i v2 Co nfigur ing Y our HP -U X 11i v2 S yste m . . . . . . .
Con tents 11 HP-UX 11i v2 Enterpri se OE (EO E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 HP-UX 11 i v2 Miss ion Crit ical OE (MCOE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 66 HP-UX 11i v2 Min imal T echnic al O E (MTOE) .
Con tent s 12.
Ta b l e s 13 T able 1-1. HP-UX 11i Re l eases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 T able 1-2. Supported O perating Environme nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 T able 2-1.
Ta b l e s 14.
Fig u r e s 15 Fi g ure 2- 1 . Install -time Security Software De p endenci es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Fi g ure 5- 1 . Cold-install ing HP-UX 11i v2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Fi g ure 6- 1 .
Fig u r e s 16.
Chapter 1 17 1 W elcome to HP -UX 11i V ersion 2 This chapter introdu ces you to t he new features , media kit conten ts, operat ing environ m ents , suppo r ted co ld-in stall an d updat e paths, guide contents, and other resource s of HP-UX 11i V ers ion 2 (B .
W el come t o HP-UX 11i V er si on 2 W el come to HP-UX 11i Ver sion 2 Chapter 1 18 W elc ome to HP-UX 1 1i V ersio n 2 HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 is the newest release of HP-UX 11i for the In tel Itanium architec ture.
W el come to HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 Intr od uct ion Chapter 1 19 In tr od u c ti o n HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 is the latest release fo r most Itan ium-bas ed HP-UX system s . The Release ID for HP-UX 11 i V er sion 2 is B .11. 23, and we use the term H P-UX 11i v2 throu ghou t t his guid e.
W el come t o HP-UX 11i V er si on 2 How to Us e T hi s Gu id e Chapter 1 20 How t o Us e Th is Guid e T o help ensu re a su cce ssful cold -inst all or u pdate of HP -UX 11i v2, w e recomm en d that you re vie w this g uide befor e proce eding to cold-inst all or u pdate the op erating s ystem or an opera ting en v ir on ment on your syste m.
W el come to HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 W h at is HP -UX 11i v2? Chapter 1 21 What is H P -UX 11 i v2? HP-U X 11i v2 is the late st Enter pris e Release on Itan ium-ba sed systems wi th e xtend ed sof t w are so luti ons and new hardw are pl a tf o rms .
W el come t o HP-UX 11i V er si on 2 What i s HP-UX 11i v2? Chapter 1 22 •H P W o r k l o a d M a n a g e r • HP-U X Bast ille fo r se cur e sy stem config uratio n • F ast er sys tem b oot a nd.
W el come to HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 W h at is HP -UX 11i v2? Chapter 1 23 F e at ur es Un av aila bl e in HP- UX 11i v 2 In comparison with HP-UX 11i v1 or HP-UX 11i v1.6, HP-UX 11i v2 does not prov ide support for the follow i ng: • P A-RISC sy stems • Virtua l P a rtit ions (vPars) • 32-bit sup port • Suppor t o f update from HP -UX 11i v1.
W el come t o HP-UX 11i V er si on 2 Me dia Ki t Con te nts Chapter 1 24 Media Kit Contents Thi s gui de i s part o f the HP -UX 11i v 2 medi a k i t. Please r evi ew the con tents, whi ch also inc lude the follo wi ng DVDs an d docu me nts : • HP-UX 11i v2 (B .
W el come to HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 HP-UX 11i v2 Operating En vi ro nm ents Chapter 1 25 HP -U X 11i v2 Ope rat in g En vi ron me n ts Oper ating Environmen ts are tested and integrat ed applicat i on bundl es desig n ed to work wi th the operating sys tem and pr ov ide the funct ionality needed for y our syst em’s purpos e.
W el come t o HP-UX 11i V er si on 2 HP-UX 11i v2 Operatin g En vironm ent s Chapter 1 26 The followi ng tab le de t ail s th e supported operating environments for serve rs and wor kstation s: Miss i.
W el come to HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 Other S ources of Inf ormation ab out Thi s Release Chapter 1 27 Other S ources of Infor m atio n about Thi s Re leas e In add ition to this guide, you ha ve many o ther source s of infor matio n related to the HP-UX 11i v2 release available to you at the web site: http:/ /do cs.
W el come t o HP-UX 11i V er si on 2 Other Sourc es of Inf ormation about Thi s Release Chapter 1 28 HP- UX W elc o me P a ge The HP-UX W elc ome Pa ge on you r H P-UX 1 1i v 2 sy s tem contains pointe rs to in formatio n to help you us e you r HP-UX sys te m.
W el come to HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 Other S ources of Inf ormation ab out Thi s Release Chapter 1 29 Whi te P a pe rs on HP- UX All wh ite p apers a ssociate d w ith th e H P-UX 11i v2 re lease ar e ava ilable at t he fo l lowi ng web s ite: http:/ /do cs.
W el come t o HP-UX 11i V er si on 2 Th e Next Steps Chapter 1 30 The N ex t Step s In thi s chap ter , you have co mple ted the follo w ing revie w: • “W e lcom e to HP-UX 11i V e rsion 2” on p.
Chapter 2 31 2 Choosing a Migration P ath This chap ter provid es in formatio n and sc enar ios to he lp you dec ide the most a ppropri ate met h od t o migrate your s ystem to HP-UX 1 1 i v2.
Choosing a Migration P ath If Y ou H ave an Exist ing HP-UX 11i v2 System Chapter 2 32 If Y ou Have an E xisti ng HP-U X 11i v2 Syste m If your sys tem is alr ea dy run nin g HP-UX 11i v2 , yo u may on ly nee d to insta ll one or more patch bundles to bring your system up-to- dat e or to enab le new har dware .
Choosing a Mig ration P ath Migrat i ng f rom Pre vious HP-U X Releases Chapter 2 33 Mig rating f rom Pre vious HP- UX Relea ses Yo u c a n c old -install H P-UX 11i v 2 a nd its accomp anying operati ng env ironment on any supported s y stem list ed in “Support ed Servers and W o rkst ations ” on pag e 56.
Choosing a Migration P ath Migrat i ng f rom Pre vio us HP - UX Releases Chapter 2 34 Suppo rted Upda te P a th s to HP-U X 1 1i v 2 IMPOR T ANT Update is only supported on HP Servers (see “Suppor ted Serve r s an d W orkstation s ” on pag e 56 for a list of support ed servers).
Choosing a Mig ration P ath Migrat i ng f rom Pre vious HP-U X Releases Chapter 2 35 Update Path Notes • If you a re planni ng to update to a highe r lev el serve r opera ting env ironment from a c urrent HP -UX 11i v 1 .6 s erver operat ing environmen t (for exa mple, HP-UX 11i v1.
Choosing a Migration P ath Decidi ng W hich Method t o Use Chapter 2 36 Decidi ng Which Method to Use Now that you have evaluat ed your syst em and ordered any ad ditionall y needed hardw are, you ne ed to dec i de whet her to cold-install or upda te to HP- UX 11i v2 on your system .
Choosing a Mig ration P ath Deciding Which M ethod to Use Chapter 2 37 • Y our syst em configu r ati on is n o t listed as a supported update pa th (see Table 2-1, “OE Up date Migratio n P a ths to HP -U X 11i v2,” on page 34). • Y ou are m igrating an H P W or kstation to HP -UX 11i v2.
Choosing a Migration P ath Decidi ng W hich Method t o Use Chapter 2 38 Y ou may need t o select or spec ify other avail able net w orkin g dr iv ers t o enab le oth er c ards on your s ystem (see “HP-UX 11i v2 Al ways-Inst alled Netwo rk & M ass Stor age Drivers ” o n p age 174).
Choosing a Mig ration P ath Deciding Which M ethod to Use Chapter 2 39 Alter n ate Col d-I nsta ll Meth o ds In addi tion to t he proc edures de scribed in thi s chapter , y ou c an cold-in stall you .
Choosing a Migration P ath Decidi ng W hich Method t o Use Chapter 2 40 Up date Con side ra tio ns HP S ervice P artiti on Is N o t C re a te d During Update If you are updating from a supported update pa t h (see “Support ed Upd ate Paths to HP-U X 11i v2 ” on pag e 34), HP S ervice P a rtit ion will not be created or modified.
Choosing a Mig ration P ath Deciding Which M ethod to Use Chapter 2 41 Alt er na te Lb aL o = 0x 43 d67 1f Fir st Us ab le Lb aL o = 0x 22 Las tUsa bl eL ba Lo = 0x 43 d66fc Dis k GU ID = 5960 9df 4- .
Choosing a Migration P ath Decidi ng W hich Method t o Use Chapter 2 42 The PHKL _28 025 p atc h is in the GOL DBA SE11i bu ndle a s of Ju n e 200 3, which yo u can fi nd on t he Su ppor t Plu s me dia for H P- UX 11 iv1 or at th e followin g we b site: http:/ /it rc.
Choosing a Mig ration P ath Instal l-time Secur ity Consi derations Chapter 2 43 Install -time Security Considerati ons Begin nin g with H P-U X 1 1i v2 , H P-UX Ba stille ( B68 49A A ) is inclu ded as def a ult-i n sta ll e d softw are on the Operatin g Environ men t media an d can be in sta lled wi th Ign ite-UX o r U pdate -UX.
Choosing a Migration P ath Inst al l-time S ecurity Considerat i ons Chapter 2 44 Sec urit y Ch oi ce De pe ndenc ies The Sec0 0To ols se cur ity in frastruc tu re bundl e is default- insta lle d on your syste m.
Choosing a Mig ration P ath Instal l-time Secur ity Consi derations Chapter 2 45 Sec ured Ser v ice s an d Pr oto cols Each secur ity con figu ration b und le provi des incr em entally high er securit y by locki ng down variou s protoco ls and ser vices.
Choosing a Migration P ath Inst al l-time S ecurity Considerat i ons Chapter 2 46 Ta b l e 2 - 3 H o s t - b a s e d Sec 10H ost Ins ta ll-ti me Securi ty Setti ngs a Ca teg ory Ac tion s Login s and .
Choosing a Mig ration P ath Instal l-time Secur ity Consi derations Chapter 2 47 Other Settings Dea ctivate HP Apac he 2.x W eb Serve r d Set u p cron job to Secur ity P atch Che ck b a. Security settings listed here also apply to Sec20 MngDMZ and Sec3 0DMZ b.
Choosing a Migration P ath Inst al l-time S ecurity Considerat i ons Chapter 2 48 e. Manu al acti on m ay b e requ ire d to com plete co nfig urati on.
Choosing a Mig ration P ath T he Next S teps Chapter 2 49 The N ex t Step s In thi s chap ter , you have co mple ted the follo w ing revie w: • “If Y ou Have an Existing HP -UX 1 1i v2 Syst em” .
Choosing a Migration P ath Th e Next Steps Chapter 2 50.
Chapter 3 51 3 Ins tall ing and Up dating Sys tem Req u ir em en t s This ch apter will help you assess th e current sta te of yo ur system prior to c old-inst allin g or u pdatin g to H P-UX 11 i v2 .
Instal l ing and Updat ing System R equi rements F act ory Ignit ed Systems Chapter 3 52 F act ory Ig nited Sys tems If you h ave a sy stem that is alread y ru nning HP -UX 11 i v 2, su ch as a syste m t hat was fac tor y i gni ted , you may only need to chec k for the latest , critical pa tches to have the m ost up- to-da te system .
Installing and Updating Syst em Requi r ements System R equ iremen ts Chapter 3 53 Sy stem R equ irem ents T o cold-ins tall o r update HP -UX 11i v2, you m ust have the follow ing: • Supported syst.
Instal l ing and Updat ing System R equi rements System R equirements Chapter 3 54 The following table lists th e amount of disk space alloca ted for the follo wing par tition s during a default cold .
Installing and Updating Syst em Requi r ements System R equ iremen ts Chapter 3 55 Upda te Disk Spa ce Req uir eme nts T o ensu re a successf ul upd ate to HP-U X 11i v 2, you wi ll need to m ake sure.
Instal l ing and Updat ing System R equi rements Su ppor ted Se rvers and W orkstati ons Chapter 3 56 Su pp o rt e d S e rve rs an d W o r ks t ati o ns HP-UX 11i v2 (B .
Installing and Updating Syst em Requi r ements HP-UX 11i v2 N et wo r k, Mass S t orage, and SCS I D r ivers Chapter 3 57 HP-UX 1 1i v2 Net work, Mass Storage, and SCSI D rivers The HP-UX 11i V ersion 2 Release No tes provid es a co mplet e list of sup ported networ k and mass storage drive rs, and SCSI devices .
Instal l ing and Updat ing System R equi rements Keepi ng Up wit h Firm ware R ecommendati ons Chapter 3 58 Kee ping Up with F i rmwar e R eco m mendati ons Pre-Migration T ask for Everyone Firmwa re changes f requ ently .
Installing and Updating Syst em Requi r ements Keeping Up with Firmware Recommendati ons Chapter 3 59 H P Int egr it y Superd ome (HP se rvers: 16-, 32-, a nd 64-way) 14.12 1.12 zx2000 (HP workst ation) 1.50 2.21 zx6000 (HP workst ation) 1.50 MP E .02.
Instal l ing and Updat ing System R equi rements Ide n ti fy i n g Mo d e l , OS /O E , a n d S o ftw a re Chapter 3 60 Identi fying Model , OS/OE, a nd Software Befor e you cold -install or update to HP-UX 11i v2, check th e mode l and other inform ation on the sy ste m.
Installing and Updating Syst em Requi r ements Identi fyi ng Model, OS/OE , and Software Chapter 3 61 Identifying installed so ftware T o identi fy the softw are products on a system or media , use s wli st .
Instal l ing and Updat ing System R equi rements Th e Next Steps Chapter 3 62 The N ex t Step s Y o u have comple ted the pr e-cold -ins tall revi ew a nd t ask s: • “ F ac t o ry Ign i te d Sy st.
Chapter 4 63 4 Pr eparing to Migr ate to HP -UX 11i v2 This chap ter deta ils the prepar ation tasks requir ed to cold- install o r update to HP-U X 11i v2.
Preparing t o Migrate t o HP-UX 11i v2 Update T asks Chapter 4 64 Update T as ks Prior to up datin g to HP- UX 11i v2, you sho uld pe rform th ese task s: • Recording S oftware V ersions • Reb ui .
Preparing t o Migrate t o H P-UX 11i v2 Updating Y our Ignit e-UX Server Chapter 4 65 Updati ng Y our Ignite-UX Server The H P -UX 11 i v2 DVD co ntai ns the com plete Igni te- UX pro duct . When you cold-i n stall HP-UX 11i v2 from the media, a subset of Ignite-UX is use d to perform the inst a llat ion on a single sys t em.
Preparing t o Migrate t o HP-UX 11i v2 Select ing Y our HP-U X Consol e Chapter 4 66 Sele cting Y our HP-UX C onsole HP- UX requ ire s that yo u se lect th e co rrec t cons o le vi a a firm war e sele ct ion me n u. If yo u hav e orde red a ma chin e wit h HP- UX pre-ins talled , y our con sole s electio ns will be correc tly chos en for y ou.
Preparing t o Migrate t o H P-UX 11i v2 Selecti ng Y our HP-UX Cons ole Chapter 4 67 2. Choos e “Select Ac tiv e Console Outpu t Devices ”: EFI Bo ot Ma inte na nc e Mana ger v er 1 .
Preparing t o Migrate t o HP-UX 11i v2 Select ing Y our HP-U X Consol e Chapter 4 68 In terfa ce Dif f er ences betw een Itan ium-b ase d Syst ems Each Ita nium -based system has a similar in terfac e with mino r diff erenc es.
Preparing t o Migrate t o H P-UX 11i v2 Selecti ng Y our HP-UX Cons ole Chapter 4 69 F ollow all the subst eps in Step 2 of “Selecti ng Y our HP-UX Console” on page 66 to cor rect ly s ele ct yo ur co nsole inp ut devic e.
Preparing t o Migrate t o HP-UX 11i v2 About Online D iagnost ics Chapter 4 70 About Online Diagnostics HP-U X 11i v2 auto matic ally installs diagno stics o n all system s to prov ide requir ed hardw are support .
Preparing t o Migrate t o H P-UX 11i v2 About Online D iagnost ics Chapter 4 71 Ab out Off line Di agno sti cs Offline Di agn ostics (ODE) a re on the HP Ita ni u m-P roces so r F amil y Offline D iagnostic s and Uti lit ies CD.
Preparing t o Migrate t o HP-UX 11i v2 Backi ng Up Y our Syst em Chapter 4 72 Back in g Up Y o ur Sys tem In addi tion to y our norma l, p eriodic sy s tem backup pr ocedu r es , you sho uld create a network ba c kup of your root vol u me group (see Chapt er 5, “Cold- Installin g HP- UX 11i v2, ” on page 79).
Preparing t o Migrate t o H P-UX 11i v2 Backi ng Up Y our System Chapter 4 73 The c on tent s of the syst em r e c over y arch iv e alw ays inc ludes all fi les and direc tories wh ich are ess ential to brin ging up a fu nctional sy stem . This “essen tial” lis t is p re-de fined by ma ke_ net_rec ove ry .
Preparing t o Migrate t o HP-UX 11i v2 Backi ng Up Y our Syst em Chapter 4 74 F o r more infor matio n on us ing ma ke_tap e_r eco ver y , see t he make_tape _recove r y (1M) manpage on an Ignite-UX server or the Ig ni te- UX Ad min ist rat io n Gui d e .
Preparing t o Migrate t o H P-UX 11i v2 Savi ng Conf i gurat ion Fi les Chapter 4 75 Savi ng Configur ation F i les If you are p lanning to cold-in stall HP-U X 11 i v2 on a sys tem tha t alrea dy h as HP -UX in st all ed, be sur e t o sa ve t he fi les t hat yo u wi ll w an t to re-in stall.
Preparing t o Migrate t o HP-UX 11i v2 Lo cati ng Sour ce Media and Codew o rds Chapter 4 76 Locat ing Sour ce Media and C odew o rds Now that you have backed up your system and importan t data files,.
Preparing t o Migrate t o H P-UX 11i v2 Lo cati ng Sour ce Med ia and Codew ords Chapter 4 77 Locatin g Codewords Y o u can obt ain a cod ew ord fo r a purch a sed pro duc t b y cal li ng one of th e follow ing numbers . NO TE F or more infor matio n on H P Licen sing Ser vices and code word redem ption, go to the web: http:/ /li cen sin g.
Preparing t o Migrate t o HP-UX 11i v2 Th e Next Steps Chapter 4 78 The N ex t Step s Y o u ha ve com plete d t he f ollo wing r evie w: • “Upd atin g Y our Ign ite- UX Serv er” on pa ge 65 • .
Chapter 5 79 5 Cold -Instal ling HP-UX 11i v2 This chap ter descr ibes cold -installin g H P-UX 11i v2 . What Y ou Will Find in This Chapte r •“ B e f o r e Y o u B e g i n ” o n p a g e 8 0 •.
Cold-Inst alling HP-UX 11i v2 Be for e Y ou Begi n Chapter 5 80 Befo re Y ou Be gin Bef ore you cold- ins tall HP-U X 11i v2 , be sure you have do ne the followi ng: • Y o u are installin g from a suppo rted migr ation p ath, see “Suppo rted Cold -Insta ll Paths t o H P-UX 11i v2 ” on pag e 33.
Cold-Installin g H P-UX 11i v2 Revie wing the C old- Inst all Pr ocess Chapter 5 81 Re view i ng t he Co l d-I nst al l Pr oc ess This sec tion d escribe s cold-ins tallin g from the HP-U X 11i v2 DVDs, inclu ding the operat ing system, a selected oper a ting envir onm ent (OE) bund le, net work drive rs, CDE langu age bun dle, and diag nostic s .
Cold-Inst alling HP-UX 11i v2 Revi ew ing th e C o ld-Inst al l Process Chapter 5 82 F igu re 5- 1 Col d-i nst all ing HP -UX 11i v2 Determine ins tall approa ch Fr om Media Fro m Depots 1 If F acto r.
Cold-Installin g H P-UX 11i v2 Cold-inst al ling H P-UX 11i v2 Chapter 5 83 Co ld- in st all in g HP -U X 11i v2 T o cold-instal l the oper a tin g syst em, use the foll owing steps . Ple a se no te tha t co ld-inst allin g ove rwrites e very thi ng on the tar get d isk.
Cold-Inst alling HP-UX 11i v2 Cold-in stalling HP-UX 11i v2 Chapter 5 84 Continu ing the Inst all wit h I gnite -UX Pro gra m The sys tem now displays the I g nite -UX welcome scr een for the H P -UX insta lla tion p r oces s. If you have used Ignit e-UX on P A systems , t he remain ing pr ocedur es w ill be fa mil iar to you.
Cold-Installin g H P-UX 11i v2 Cold-inst al ling H P-UX 11i v2 Chapter 5 85 You have selected the keyboard language USB _PS2_DIN_US_English. Please confirm your choice by pressing RETU RN or enter a new number: Step 3. Select In s t al l H P -U X to begin int erac ting with the Ign ite-U X (cold -ins tall) prog r am.
Cold-Inst alling HP-UX 11i v2 Cold-in stalling HP-UX 11i v2 Chapter 5 86 IMPOR T ANT Review t he HP -U X 11 i V ersi on 2 Rel eas e N ote s to ensu re th at a ny bun dle you desel ect does not have a dependency . F or example, you may deselec t a so ftwar e b undl e tha t is ne ces s ary for ano t he r pro gr am to w ork cor re ct ly .
Cold-Installin g H P-UX 11i v2 Cold-inst al ling H P-UX 11i v2 Chapter 5 87 Step 5. Select file syst em type. The defau lt valu e chosen by the install p rogram is reco mmended.
Cold-Inst alling HP-UX 11i v2 Cold-in stalling HP-UX 11i v2 Chapter 5 88 a. Se le ct SecurityChoic es . Th e fo ur s ecu rit y c onf igu rat ion bun dles appear . By de fault, Sec0 0To ols is selec ted . b. Se le ct Sec30DM Z from the l ist. c. Se le ct OK .
Cold-Installin g H P-UX 11i v2 Cold-inst al ling H P-UX 11i v2 Chapter 5 89 Step 15. At th is poin t, yo u w ill ne ed to answe r a fe w que stions befo re you can u se th e sy s tem. The f i rs t is whether or not you plan to use the syste m on a netw ork.
Cold-Inst alling HP-UX 11i v2 Ret ri ev i ng In fo rm a t io n af te r C o ld -i n s ta ll in g Chapter 5 90 Retr ievi ng Informat ion after Cold-i nstalli ng Afte r completin g the co ld-in stall, yo u can retri eve th e in for mation you had pr eviously saved ont o another s ystem.
Cold-Installin g H P-UX 11i v2 R etr ie vin g In for ma ti on a f ter Co l d-in st a ll ing Chapter 5 91 Rest or in g othe r files Caref u lly us e th e sam e t ech niqu es to res t ore oth e r fil es a nd d ire cto rie s, such as / usr, / loc al and /op t .
Cold-Inst alling HP-UX 11i v2 Th e Next S tep Chapter 5 92 The N ex t Step Y o u have com plete d the cold -ins tall process : • “Reviewing the Cold-In s tall Proces s ” on page 81 • “Cold -.
Chapter 6 93 6 Upd ating to H P-UX 11i v2 This ch apter des cribes up datin g your syst em to HP- UX 11i v2 us ing the update -ux comma nd. T o he lp you d ecid e whe th er you sh ou ld upd ate or cold-in stall, se e Chapte r 2, “Choos ing a Migrat ion Path, ” on pag e 31.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Be for e Y ou Begi n Chapter 6 94 Befo re Y ou Be gin Bef ore you up da te to HP- UX 11i v2, be su re yo u have don e th e fol low ing : ✓ Y ou ar e updating fr om a suppor.
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Revie wing the Update Pr ocess Chapter 6 95 Re view i ng t he U p dat e Pr oc es s This section describes updati n g to HP-UX 11i v 2 using up dat e-ux command and Softw are D istri buto r (SD) tools to selectiv ely over w rite the operatin g sys tem an d a pplicati on s oftware from a media o r n etwork sourc e depot.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Revi ew ing th e Update Proc ess Chapter 6 96 F igure 6-1 Upda ting to HP-UX 11i v 2 Identify and install non-OE pa tches using Custom P at ch Creat e ar ch ive /r e co ver y.
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Updati ng Tips Chapter 6 97 Updati ng Tips Duri n g an update pr oc ess , h er e are some t ips a nd recomme ndation s : Mon itorin g t he U pdate Pr oces s If y ou w ish to v.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Updati ng Tip s Chapter 6 98 All Sof twa r e Doe s No t Get Up da ted The upda te- ux command updates the HP-UX O S and any soft ware specified in addit ional software bu ndles availa ble on the source m edia o r depot.
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Chapter 6 99 Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 After de t erminin g if your system meets the require men ts for updati ng t o HP-UX 11i v2 an d p reparing y our sy stem , y ou a re read y to upd ate y our syst em.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Updati ng to HP - UX 11i v2 Chapter 6 100 Step 2. Log in as roo t and mou nt the logic al volu me on a new d irec tory na med /updat e . This dire ctor y will hold yo ur ne twor k dep ot. Step 3. Ins er t th e HP-UX 11i v2 DVD an d wait for the dr ive’ s busy l ight to s top blinkin g .
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Chapter 6 101 Step 2. Find th e DVD-RO M dev ice file nam e: ioscan -f -C di sk | m ore /dev/d sk/ c1t 2d0 is a typic al devic e nam e. Step 3. Crea t e t h e di rectory u nder r oot (/) : mkdir /dv dro m Step 4.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Updati ng to HP - UX 11i v2 Chapter 6 102 upda te-ux Syn ta x update -ux -s sourc e_l ocat ion [-?] [-n |-y ] [ -i] [-x optio n = valu e ] [ sw_spe c ] where : -s source _lo cat ion Specifies the source conta ining th e n ew softw are depot.
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Chapter 6 103 an O E bun dle na me is not in clude d on t he co mm and li ne, onl y th e co re OS wi ll be up da ted . F o r m ore informat i on, see Appendix D , “Softwar e Distri bu tion Media, ” on page 161.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Updati ng to HP - UX 11i v2 Chapter 6 104 W e Recomme nd this Update: Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 OS (OE Installed) T o update to HP -UX 11i v2 and include an H P-U X 11i v2 operatin g env ironment, you ne ed to sp ecify t he OE bu n dle n ame in the update- ux comma n d.
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Chapter 6 105 Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 OS (No OE Installed) NO TE HP st ro ngl y r ecom mends tha t yo u upd ate you r sys tem wit h an oper ati ng env ironment to provide you with an integrated a n d tested set of suppor ting s oftware an d ap plicatio ns.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Updati ng to HP - UX 11i v2 Chapter 6 106 /usr/s bin /up dat e-ux - s netde pot :/u pda te/ update _dep ot HPUX11 i-O E-E nt Updating Using Interactive Softwar e Selection T o inter active ly sele ct softwar e for an updat e, use the -i option.
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Chapter 6 107 In th e a b ov e co m m an d, upd ate -ux installs th e HP -UX 11i v2 Fo u ndat ion Oper ating Environment bundles li sted on Appe n dix.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Confi guring O E Applicat i ons Chapter 6 108 Conf iguring O E Applicat ions After updat i ng t o an HP-UX 11 i v2 opera ting environ men t (O E), s ome OE pro ducts wil l ne ed post- insta lla tion config ur ation to mak e them function al.
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Creating an HP Ser vice P art iti on Chapter 6 109 Cr eating an HP Serv ice P artiti on Update-UX does not creat e or modi fy the HP S er vice P artition r equi r ed by some HP Off line Diag nosti cs tools.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Creatin g an HP S ervice P artit ion Chapter 6 110 Step 2. Run the i dis k c ommand on t he boot disk. F or exa mple on L VM e n ter : # idis k - p / dev /rdsk/ c2t1 d0 Figur.
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Creating an HP Ser vice P art iti on Chapter 6 111 Fig u r e 6 -3 idisk O u tpu t Sh ow in g H P Se rv ice Parti tion In s tal led idis k ve rsi on : 1.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Creatin g an HP S ervice P artit ion Chapter 6 112 In Figur e 6-2, only two pa rtitio ns are displaye d in the Pr i ma r y P ar ti ti on Ta b l e l i s t : Pa r t i t i o n 1 ( E F I ) a n d Pa r t i t i o n 2 ( H P - U X ) .
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 Creating an HP Ser vice P art iti on Chapter 6 113 IMPOR T ANT The rec overy proc ess may fa il if t he b o ot dis k file s y st em is v ery full while atte mpting to cr eate a f ull ar chive with m ake_ tape_r eco ver y or make_n et_ rec ove ry , causin g either the system or user data resto re t o run ou t of s pace.
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Creatin g an HP S ervice P artit ion Chapter 6 114 Step 5. Ent er the appropri ate Keyboard device for your system. Step 6. The W elcome t o Ignite-U X! s c reen appears . Us ing the Ta b key , se lect Adv anced Opt i ons . The User Inte rface and Media Option s screen appear s.
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 The N ext Step Chapter 6 115 The N ex t Step Y ou have complet ed t he update proces s : •“ B e f o r e Y o u B e g i n ” o n p a g e 9 4 • “Reviewing the Updat e P .
Updati ng to HP-UX 11i v2 Th e Next S tep Chapter 6 116.
Chapter 7 117 7 V erifying System Inst al l or Upda t e This chap ter provide s steps to verify that you r sys tem is read y a nd back in pr odu ctio n. Bef ore yo u be gin , you sh ould ha ve al ready co mple ted eith er installin g or u pda t ing to HP-UX 11i v2.
V erifying Syst em Install or Update V e ri fyin g th e H P -U X In s tall or U p dat e Chapter 7 118 V er ifying the HP-U X Install or Update T o verify that HP-U X 11i v2 was installe d or upd ated suc cessfu lly , use the Sof twa re Di st ribu to r co mm an d s swlist an d s wve rify .
V erifying Syst em Install or Update V e ri fyi ng th e HP -U X In sta ll or U p dat e Chapter 7 119 If the analysis fails , either view /var/ adm /sw /swage nt. log to revi ew th e ana lysis log or r un the swjo b ... command l i sted a t the end of the swver ify rep ort s ent t o sta ndard o u tpu t.
V erifying Syst em Install or Update V erifyi ng HP-UX Application s Chapter 7 120 V er i fy ing HP-U X Appli catio ns T o verify that all requ ired HP-UX ap plic ations h ave been ins talled or updat.
V erifying Syst em Install or Update Changing the State of HP-UX I nstal led P atches Chapter 7 121 Chang ing the Sta te of H P -U X I nstalle d Pa t c h e s The swi nst all u tility perm its the insta llation of m ultip le patch bu ndle s wi th a def err e d co nfig ura tio n.
V erifying Syst em Install or Update Changi ng the State of HP -UX Installed Pat ches Chapter 7 122 W ARNING This probl em on ly e xis ts wh e n an ac ti ve p atch is remo ve d and r olled ba ck to a su persed ed patch lef t i n an “i nstalled” st ate .
V erifying Syst em Install or Update The N ext Step Chapter 7 123 The N ex t Step Y ou ha ve c ompleted the verificati on process : • “V e rifying th e H P-UX In stall or Up date” o n p age 1 18.
V erifying Syst em Install or Update Th e Next S tep Chapter 7 124.
Chapter 8 125 8 Installing P atches and Appl ications This chapt er desc ribes how to install HP-relat ed patches an d non-O S H P applica tions. Befor e you bein g , you shou ld have alre ady comp leted Chapter 7 , “V erify ing Sy stem Insta ll or Update ,” on pag e 117.
Instal l ing P atches and Applications Keepi ng Up to Date with t he Lat est Crit ical P at ches Chapter 8 126 Keeping Up to D ate w ith the Latest Critical Pa t c h e s After yo u installe d HP-U X 11i v2, yo u will have the latest cri tical patch es insta lled on you r sys tem that sh ipped with the m edia .
Installing P atches and A ppl ications Keeping Up to Date w ith t he Latest Critical P at ches Chapter 8 127 Down loading Indi vi dua l Patche s Whe n you ne ed to fi nd and d ownl oad a s ingle pat ch, use the HP P atc h Database. Begin at the HP IT Resou rce Center web site: http:/ /it rc.
Instal l ing P atches and Applications Inst alling OS P at ches Required by Indi vid ual A pplicat io ns Chapter 8 128 Installing OS P atche s Required by Individual Appl ications If the operatin g sy.
Installing P atches and A ppl ications Installin g OS P atches R equired by I ndividual A ppli cat ions Chapter 8 129 2. F r om y our system, enter the comman d: /usr/s bin /sw lis t -l produ ct -a readme patch _na me Removi ng HP -U X P a tche s T o remo ve any patche s from yo ur syste m, you must f irst det erm ine which pa tches are installe d.
Instal l ing P atches and Applications Inst alling OS P at ches Required by Indi vid ual A pplicat io ns Chapter 8 130 1. On the s ys tem, run s winsta ll i nte ract ivel y: /usr/s bin /sw ins tall 2. Highligh t the patch bundle t o selec t it, or indiv i dual patche s and pres s Ret ur n/Ente r .
Installing P atches and A ppl ications Tips f or I nstalling or Updat ing HP Ap plications Chapter 8 131 T ips fo r Ins talling o r Updating HP Appl ications In the pre viou s chapters o f this gui de , you ins talled HP-UX 11i v2, installe d addi tional patch es if nece ssary , and ve rified the syst em.
Instal l ing P atches and Applications Tips f or Instal li ng or Updati ng HP Applicat io ns Chapter 8 132 Installing O p tional Software Produ cts The Appli cations DVD that is d istribu ted with H P-UX 11i v2 contain s option al developmen t tools a nd system management softw are.
Installing P atches and A ppl ications Tips f or I nstalling or Updat ing HP Ap plications Chapter 8 133 The swin sta ll program pres ents an in terface fo r select ing an d installin g sof tware from the DVD. Step 5. Unmoun t and eject th e Applic ations DVD.
Instal l ing P atches and Applications Tips f or Instal li ng or Updati ng HP Applicat io ns Chapter 8 134 2. Af ter installin g the so ftware, see the Ign ite-U X release notes and Ig ni te- UX Ad min ist rat io n Gui d e to comple te any post -insta ll s tep s and confi guration .
Installing P atches and A ppl ications Backi ng Up the System Chapter 8 135 Back in g Up t he Sy st em Now th at y ou ha ve a sol id sy stem conf igur ati on, yo u nee d to ba ck it up . This pr ovide s you with a st able con figuratio n that you c an use to rebuild th e system, if nec essary .
Instal l ing P atches and Applications Th e Next S tep Chapter 8 136 The N ex t Step Y o u have comple ted the ad ditional in stall an d back-up proc esses: • “K eeping U p to Date wi th the L ate.
Chapter 9 137 9 Configuring a n d Mai ntaining HP-UX 11i v2 This cha pter outlines s teps on how to con figure your s y stem t o meet your need s. Bef ore yo u begin yo u shou ld have alrea dy c omplete d the insta ll or updat e of HP-UX 11 i v 2, and v er ified it a s desc ribed in t he previ ou s cha pte rs.
Confi gur ing and Maint ai ni ng HP-UX 11i v2 Confi guring Y our HP-UX 11i v2 Syst em Chapter 9 138 Conf iguri ng Y our HP-U X 11i v2 Sys tem Now that you have instal led or updated HP-U X 11i v2 and an y addit ional soft ware and patches , y our next task is to configure your sys tem.
Confi gur ing and Maint ai nin g HP-UX 11i v2 Configuri ng Y our HP-UX 11i v2 System Chapter 9 139 • Printers and P eriphera ls —P r i n t e r s : S e e Man agi ng Syst ems and Workgr oup s: A G uid e for HP- UX Sy stem Ad m ini stra t ors on http:/ /do cs.
Confi gur ing and Maint ai ni ng HP-UX 11i v2 Maintai ni ng Y our HP - UX 11i v2 System Chapter 9 140 Ma int a ini n g Y o u r HP -U X 11i v2 Sy st e m The follow ing flowchart offer s a recommende d method for m aintaining your HP-U X 11i v2 syste m usin g the HP sof tware s uppo rt se r vice s .
Appendi x A 141 A Data Collection T ables Whe n installin g H P-UX 11i v2 , you need to enter i nfo rmat ion in the Networ k Data and Misc ell an eous Data coll ection tables .
Data Collection T ables Networ k Data Coll ecti on T ab le A ppe ndi x A 142 Netw ork Data C oll e ctio n T able The follow ing N etwor k Data co llection table provid es H P-UX comm a nds tha t yo u can u se a fter the inst all to c onf irm speci fic inform a tion.
Data Coll ect ion T ab l es Misce l laneous D at a Col lecti on T able Appendi x A 143 Mis cel la neo us Da ta Co llec tion T ab le The f ollow ing Mis cellane ous Data c olle ction t able m ay contain s ome items th at ar e not fa miliar to you, but the y are all que stions that yo u will be as ked during th e in stall.
Data Collection T ables Miscellaneo us Data Col l ection T able A ppe ndi x A 144.
Appendi x B 145 B Known Problems and T roubleshooti n g This appe ndix lis ts kn own pr oblems an d t roub leshoo ting ste ps for t he install and update .
Known Probl em s and T roub leshooting Know n Install /Update Pr oblems A ppe ndi x B 146 Known I nstal l/Upd a te Probl ems The following problems are known t o occur i n the H P-UX 11i v 2 release . H P C IFS Se rver Pro duct The new version of th e HP CIFS Ser ver A.
Known Probl em s and T r oub l eshooting Know n Install /U pdate Pro blems Appendi x B 147 How Do Y ou Know If T h is A f fe c t s Y ou If your current sys tem is running HP-UX 11i v1. 6 and VxVM, and you attemp t to inst all HP-U X 11i v2 from an I gnite -UX serve r , yo u will recei ve th is messag e.
Known Probl em s and T roub leshooting Know n Install /Update Pr oblems A ppe ndi x B 148 How Do Y ou Know If T h is A f fe c t s Y ou If you update your system to HP-UX 11i v2 f r om eit her HP-UX 11i v1.6 or HP-U X 11i v2, yo u will enco un ter this er ror messa ge.
Known Probl em s and T r oub l eshooting Know n Install /U pdate Pro blems Appendi x B 149 How Do Y ou Know If T h is A f fe c t s Y ou The probl em occurs after u pdating to H P-UX 11i v 2 from HP-UX 1 1i v1.6. Dur ing th e reboot after th e upda te, the HP-UX 11i v2 Update -UX kerne l attemp ts to reboo t the sys tem .
Known Probl em s and T roub leshooting Know n Install /Update Pr oblems A ppe ndi x B 150 No Du mp Dev ice s Conf igur ed W arni n g Afte r cold-in stalli ng HP-UX 11i v2, you m ay see the followi ng warning messag e while re booting y our syste m: WAR NING : No du mp dev ices ar e conf ig ured .
Known Probl em s and T r oub l eshooting Uninstall i ng HP-UX 11i v2 Appendi x B 151 Un install ing HP-UX 11i v2 If y ou c anno t resolve p roblem s afte r in stall ing HP -UX 11 i v 2, then yo u may want to un- install it.
Known Probl em s and T roub leshooting Restrict ions w i th N etscape C o m m unicator A ppe ndi x B 152 Rest rict ion s wit h Ne tsca pe Co mmu ni cat or Netsc ape 4. x Unbund les du ring U pd ate W he n up da tin g fr o m HP -U X 1 1i v 1.6 t o H P- U X 11 i v 2 , Net s ca pe 4.
Known Probl em s and T r oub l eshooting Char acter -code H an dli ng with P er l Appendi x B 153 Char acter-c ode Handli ng with P erl Although P er l 5.6.1 does not directly support wide characte rs , its exper imental su pport of U n icod e ma y be a suitabl e solutio n .
Known Probl em s and T roub leshooting Character -code Handli ng with P er l A ppe ndi x B 154.
Controll ing Memory Util izat i on of VxFS 3. 5 on HP-UX 11i v2 Appendix C 155 C Control l ing Memory Utilizat ion of VxFS 3 . 5 on HP-UX 11i v2 This appendix discusses t h e eff ec t of tw o Vx FS tu.
Controlli ng Mem ory Utilizat ion of VxFS 3.5 on HP-UX 11i v2 Intr od uct ion Ap pend i x C 156 In tr od u c ti o n VxFS 3.5 reso rts to caching obje cts in memor y as a way to improve per for manc e. Most of the memor y co nsum ed b y Vx FS i s use d t o ca che inodes (in th e inode cache) a n d met adata (in t he b uffer c ache).
Controll ing Memory Util izat i on of VxFS 3. 5 on HP-UX 11i v2 Control ling the inode Cache Appendix C 157 Contr olling the ino de Cac he As a m a tter o f cours e, VxF S file syst ems al locate and free u p in odes as req uired by the loa d on the file sy s tem.
Controlli ng Mem ory Utilizat ion of VxFS 3.5 on HP-UX 11i v2 Control ling t he Bu f fer C ache Ap pend i x C 158 Co ntr oll ing t he Buf fer Ca che VxFS 3.
Controll ing Memory Util izat i on of VxFS 3. 5 on HP-UX 11i v2 Conc lusion Appendix C 159 Concl usion VxFS us es in -m em ory cache s for obje cts that resu lt in imp rov ed file sy stem performan ce. The cache siz es are cont r oll ed by tunables th at are auto-tune d at boot tim e by the driver .
Controlli ng Mem ory Utilizat ion of VxFS 3.5 on HP-UX 11i v2 Conclu sion Ap pend i x C 160.
Appendi x D 161 D Softw are Dist r ibution M edia This appendix descri bes the Operati n g En viron men ts an d media con te nts. Wh at Y ou W ill Find i n Th is Ap pen di x • “HP-UX 11i v2 O pera.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Operatin g En vi r onments at a Glance A ppe ndi x D 162 HP -U X 11i v2 Ope rat i ng En v ir onm en ts at a Glan c e Ov er vi ew Oper ating Environmen ts a.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Oper ating En vir onment s at a Glance Appendi x D 163 • HP-UX 11i v2 T echni ca l Comput i ng Operati n g Enviro nment (TCO E) — Des ign ed fo r bo th.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Operatin g En vi r onments at a Glance A ppe ndi x D 164 Always-I nstalled Feature s • Eve nt M on itori ng Sy stem • FDDI ( PCI) • FibreChan nel ( P.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Oper ating En vir onment s at a Glance Appendi x D 165 •N e t s c a p e 7 • P ar tition Ma nager •P e r l • Run time E nviro nmen t (R TE ) for th e Java 2 Platform v1.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Operatin g En vi r onments at a Glance A ppe ndi x D 166 Se le ct abl e F eatu re s • See “HP-UX 11i v2 F oundation OE (FOE ) ” on page 1 63 HP- UX 1.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Oper ating En vir onment s at a Glance Appendi x D 167 The M TOE is positione d to del i ver a lean s et of h igh-demand applica tions th at do not in crea se purch ase cost, s upp ort cost, or license cos t over the base operatin g system.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Operatin g En vi r onments at a Glance A ppe ndi x D 168 HP -UX 11 i v2 T ec h ni cal C om putin g O p e rating Enviro nment (TCOE) Lik e the Minimal T ech.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP- U X 11i v2 S oftware an d Driver B undle T ype Def i nitions Appendi x D 169 HP -U X 11i v2 S of twa re and Dr iver B u ndl e Type Def i nitio ns The HP-U X 11 i v2 media c ontains all o f the s oftware and netw ork d river bu ndle s fo r your sys tem to ru n the l ate st ver sio n of HP- UX 11i v2 .
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Core Software Bundles A ppe ndi x D 170 HP-U X 11i v2 Co re So ftwa re Bund les The f ollow ing softwar e bu ndle s co mpri se th e ba se s oftware install.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Always- I nstall ed Software Bundles Appendi x D 171 HP -U X 11i v2 Alw ays -I ns tal l ed S of twa re Bundl es In additio n to the core so ftware bun dles.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Alw ays-Installed S oftware B undles A ppe ndi x D 172 HP M LI B Mathe matical Software Library B606 1AA X HP WBEM Ser vices for HP-UX B846 5BA X X XXX Inst ant Capac ity on Deman d ( iCO D) B907 3BA X X XXX Java 2 J PI v1.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Always- I nstall ed Software Bundles Appendi x D 173 V eri ta s Fil e Sy st ems (VxF S v3.5) / Online JFS v3.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Al ways-I n stalled Netw ork & Mass S torage Drivers A ppe ndi x D 174 HP -U X 11i v2 Alw a ys -In st all ed Netw o rk & Mass Stor age Dri vers The.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media H P-U X 1 1i v2 D efa ul t-I n sta lle d S o ft war e B und l es Appendi x D 175 HP -U X 11i v2 Defa u lt- I nsta l le d So ftw a re Bundl es The follow ing so ftware bund les are ins talled on all operating environm en ts by default.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 D efa ul t -In st al led Sof t ware Bundles A ppe ndi x D 176 HP-UX W ebmin -based Adm in hpuxw sWe bmi n HP-UX X M L W eb Ser v er T ools hpuxw sXm l Jav a Bundl es Java 2 S DK v1 .3 B9788 AA J ava 2 JRE v 1.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Selectable Software Bu n dles Appendi x D 177 HP-UX 1 1i v2 Se lec table Soft ware Bund les The follow ing bu ndle s are not in st alled or u pdat ed b y default. Y ou mu st select the desir ed bund les prio r to installin g o r updatin g your system.
Softwar e Dist r ibuti on Media HP-UX 11i v2 Selectable Netw or k Drivers A ppe ndi x D 178 HP -UX 11i v2 S el ecta ble Net wo rk Driv ers The following network d rivers ar e not i nstalle d or updat ed by de fa ult . Y o u m ust s el ect the desire d bund les pr ior to in sta lling or up dating y our syst em.
Appendi x E 179 E W eb Resources This app endix lists the many resour ces on the web: • Latest HP-U X 11i v2 infor mation : http:/ /do cs. hp. com/hp ux/o s/1 1iv 2 http:/ /fo rum s.i trc.hp .com http:/ /ww w.h p.c om Lo cal- lang uag e user gui des : http:/ /do cs.
W eb R esources Appendi x E 18 0 • HP T e chnic al Do cum enta tio n feed bac k form : http:/ /do cs. hp. com/as sist anc e/f eedbac k.h tml • Ign ite-UX i nfo rmation and dow nload: http:/ /so ftw are m/pr odu cts /IUX • P ar tition Ma nager http:/ /ww w.
181 Index Symbol s /et c , 75 /et c /pa s sw d , 90 /h om e , 90 /lo c al , 91 /op t , 75 , 91 /u sr , 91 /u sr /lo c a l/ , 75 A about this gu ide , 5 addin g OE , 105 addin g groups , 138 addin g pa.
Index 182 c onsi der atio ns cold-in stall , 38 golde n im age s , 39 instan t igni tion , 38 softw ar e depots , 39 con so le , 66 , 68 consol e n ote s , 69 contact informatio n , 4 con te nts , 20 .
Index 183 fbackup , 72 features , 18 , 21 unavailab le , 23 feedback , 180 feedback form , 4 FibrChanl-00 , 174 file p artition s , 54 file s izes , 53 file s ystem , 86 , 87 , 138 , 143 file s ystem .
Index 184 I identify ing mo del , 60 identify ing O E , 60 identify ing O S , 60 identify ing softwar e , 60 IDS 9000 , 177 Ignite-UX , 36 , 65 , 72 , 73 , 84 , 133 , 151 , 177 , 180 tr ou b le sh oot.
Index 185 mod_l oad_helper tr ou b le sh oot in g , 149 Mod_perl , 15 3 model , 60 monito ri ng u pda te , 97 Mozilla , 175 Source , 175 MP , 58 , 66 , 68 MPI , 17 2 MTO E , 25 , 26 , 53 , 10 4 con te.
Index 186 install , 146 update , 146 proc es s , 81 update , 95 Proc ess Resource Ma nage r , 172 prot ocols sec ured , 45 publi cation h istor y , 4 R reactive main tenan ce , 140 Read Befo re Ins ta.
Index 187 select able , 169 , 177 updat ing se lec table softwa re , 106 softw are depot , 95 installin g from , 39 softw are depot s , 81 Software Dist ributo r , 121 , 129 , 180 Software Sele ction .
Index 188 all softwar e not upda ted , 98 clean log files , 64 co nfig ura tio n , 10 8 , 109 monitor process , 97 re b ui ld k ernel , 64 rec ord so ftwa re ve rs ions , 64 to an 11i v2 OE , 104 to HP-UX 11i , 101 tr ou b le sh oot in g , 97 update -u x comma n d , 101 vs.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5187-2725 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5187-2725 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5187-2725, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5187-2725 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5187-2725, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5187-2725.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5187-2725. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5187-2725 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.