Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 450 du fabricant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Bluetoot h ™ wi re l e s s pr inting hp deskjet 450 mobile printer.
table of contents notices and acknowled gments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Bluetooth wireless printi ng with th e hp deskjet 450 mobile printer . . . . 1 notebook and desktop printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iii notices and ac kno wledgm ents Cop y rig ht 200 2 He wlett- P ack ar d Comp an y hew let t-pack ard compan y notices The information contained in this doc ument is subject to change without notice.
1 Bluetooth wir eless printing w it h the hp deskjet 45 0 mobile printe r The Bluetooth TM fe ature allows you to print without a c able connection between the prin ter and a Bluetooth -enabled devic e.
2 notebook a nd desk top printing The printing instructions in th is section apply to: • notebooks using a 3Com ® Wi re l e ss B l u e to o t h PC c a rd • not ebooks and deskt ops using a 3C om Wi r eles s Bluetoo th USB ada pter .
3 installing a 3Com Wireless Bluetooth PC card , or a 3Com Wireless Bluetooth USB a dapter To install a 3C om Wire less Bluetooth PC c ard in a note book, or a 3Com Wireless Blueto oth USB adapter in a noteboo k or desktop, consult the documentation th at came with the produc t.
4 printing a file 1. Open the file that you w ish to pr int . 2. Sel ect Fil e > Prin t . T he Pr int di alog bo x appear s. 3. Click Print . T he Sel ect R emot e Dev i ce dialo g bo x appear s. 4. Selec t the printer . Th e printer is i dentified b y its Bluetooth dev ice name (se e page 43 ) .
5 P ocket P C printing The printing instructio ns in this section appl y to iPaq Pocket PCs with built-in Bluetooth and Jornada Pocket PCs with a Blu etooth CompactFlash card. With HP Mobile Prin ting for Pocket PC, you can print e-m ail, Pocket Word, RTF, TX T, calendar, contacts, t asks, and images (BMP, J PG, PNG).
6 iP aq printing iPaqs with built-in Blue tooth suppo rt Bluetoo th wireless printin g. printing requirem ents You need to insert a Bluetooth CompactFlash card into the printer before you can establish a Bluetooth wireless c onnection with th e printer to se nd a print job.
7 2. On the po p-up men u , selec t T u rn rad io ON to turn on the Bluetooth radi o. Bluetooth radio is ON. 3. Ta p Start > hp mobile printing . 4. Follow the HP Mo bile Printing for Pocket PC instr uctions that yo u downloade d from ww w int .
8 hp jorna da printing Both the h p j ornada 5 00 ser i es and h p jor nada 7 00 s er ie s support Bluetooth wireless printing. hp jornada 50 0 series hp jornada 700 series printing requirem ents You .
9 printing in struc tions hp jorna da 500 series Follow thes e instructions when using the hp jornada 5 00 series: 1. installing an An ycom CF- 2001 Bluetooth car d —or— inst alling a Soc k et Bluet ooth Com pactF lash car d 2.
10 hp jo rnada 500 series installing an Any com CF- 2001 Bluetooth card To install the card: 1. P lace the Jo rnada in its cr adle . 2. Insert the car d’s soft war e CD into the c omputer ’s CD-ROM dri ve . 3. F ollow the onscr een inst ruc tions to i nstall the softwar e.
11 install ing a Socket Blueto oth Compac tF lash card To install the card: 1. P lace the Jo rnada in its cr adle . 2. Insert the car d’s soft war e CD into the c omputer ’s CD-ROM dri ve . 3. F ollow the onscr een inst ruc tions to i nstall the softwar e.
12 disco ver ing the printer (Any com CF- 2001 Bluetooth car d) Before the Jor nada can print, it must di scover th e printer. Once the printer is discovered, it does not need to be discovered again unless the Jornada is reset or the printer is chan ged.
13 4. Ta p t h e <N/A> port that is not in use (in this e xampl e the COM6 port), and then t ap Ne xt . 5. Ta p OK . T he de vi ce disco very st arts au tomat ical l y . T he Jor nada sear ches for an y Bluetoo th-enab led de vi ces w ithin r ange.
14 6. If y ou need to up date the list o f de vi ces sear ched , tap Search Again . 7. Selec t a printe r fr om the list and t ap Ne xt ..
15 8. A conf ir mation mes sage appe ars, indicatin g success o r failur e. T ap Fin is h to r eturn t o the main w iz ard start scr een, and then tap Ex it to close the pr ogr am.
16 discoveri ng t he printer (Soc k et Bluetoot h Compa ctFlash card) 1. Ta p t h e Bluetooth icon a t the bot tom of the scr e en . Bluetooth icon 2. Ta p Advanced Featur es > Bluetooth D evices . 3. F or the hp jor nada 7 00 ser ies, open the Bluetooth Dev ices fol d er .
17 4. Do one of the f ollo wing to la unch the Bluet ooth Dev ice Dis cov er y w iz ard: •T a p t h e eyeballs icon. —or— •T a p T ools > Device D iscovery .
18 7. T ap the c heck bo x nex t to the pr inter ’s Bluet ooth de v ice name , and then tap Ne xt . 8. Ta p Fi nis h ..
19 9. Ta p T ools > My Favorite . 10. Ta p t h e My Fav ori te Device dr op-do wn ar r o w to v ie w a list of pr inter s. 11. Selec t th e pr inte r and tap OK .
20 printing a file using t he hp jornada 500 series application s for printing You need to install a printin g applicat ion before yo u can print. HP Mobile Printing for Pocket PC is the recommende d application. Download the software and documentati on from ww w .
21 hp jo rnada 7 0 0 serie s install ing a Socket Blueto oth Compac tF lash card For instruction s, see instal ling a Sock et Bluetooth C ompactF lash car d on page 11. install ing applicat ions f or prin ting You need to install a printin g applicat ion before yo u can print.
22 printing a file using t he hp jornada 7 00 series To print using a Bluetooth w ireless connection: 1. Open the file that you w ish to pr int . 2. Ta p Fi le > Print . T he Pr int di alog bo x appear s. 3. Sel ect PC L In kje t fr om the Pr inter menu .
23 P alm OS pr in ting dev ices supported printi ng requir ements You need to insert a Bluetooth CompactFlash card into the printer before you can establish a Bluetooth wireless c onnection with th e printer to se nd a print job. The recommended car d for use w ith the prin ter is the Anyc om CF-2001 Bluetooth card.
24 •( O p t i o n a l ) B t P r i n t TM Pr o . F ind BtPr int Pr o on the St arter CD that came with the pr inte r , or v isit th e IS/C omplete w ebsit e at www .is com plet e .com . Also visit www .btprint .com . •( O p t i o n a l ) D o c u m e n t s T o G o ® .
25 install a B luetooth SDI/O e xpansion car d To install a Bluetooth SDI/O card: 1. V e ri f y t ha t t h e B l ue t o ot h S D I / O c a rd s of t wa re h a s b ee n i n s ta l l e d on yo u r computer . 2. Place the Palm OS PDA in its cradle. 3. Verify that the H otSync ® Manager is runnin g on your computer.
26 print a document Print a document us ing one of the f ollowing methods: • se nd file • (optional) BtPr int Pro send file Sending is a Blueto oth wireless comm unication method that is included as part of Palm OS 4.0. The pr inted output is unformatted.
27 (option al) BtPr int Pr o BtPrint Pro is a print utility for printing from your Palm OS PDA to the printer via the printer ’s Bluetooth or infrared port. It enha nces the form atting for documents pr inted from the Addres s, Memo Pad, To Do L ist, Date Book, an d Mail options.
28 printing 1. Ta p t h e Hom e i con until the All menu appea rs . 2. Ta p t h e BtPr int Pr o icon. Th e BtPrint Pr o sc r een appears..
29 3. Ta p t h e Advanced icon to s w itch between Infrared or Bluetooth . 4. Ta p t h e BtDis co ver icon . Dev ice disco v er y starts automati cally .
30 9. Select one of the fo llow ing print options: • If y ou hav e selected a def ault prin ter , tap OK and pr oceed to st ep 11. F or mor e info rmati on on selec ting a de fault pr inter , see (optional) cho ose de fault pr inter on page 30. • T o select a Bluet ooth pr inter , tap Select Printer .
31 (optional) D ocuments T o Go Documents To Go enables you to vie w and edit Microsoft Word and Ex cel files with complete fo rmatting, including color, bold, italic, underline, bullets, outlines, and tables. It is included on the Palm OS PDA installation CD in the Bonus Software section.
32 7. T ap the pr inter’s Blue tooth de v ice name to selec t it , and then tap OK . Th e BtPrint Pr o sc r een appears. 8. Selec t th e ap pr opri ate pr int options and t ap OK to print the doc ument . Th e P alm OS PD A conne c ts to the printer and the file pr ints .
33 mobile phone print ing I f y o u r m o b i l e p h o n e i s e q u i p p e d w i t h B l u e t o o t h o r i n f r a r e d t e c h n o l o g y , y o u can establish a w ireless connection w ith the printer to send a print job.
34 digital cam er a printing If y o ur digit a l came r a us e s a Type I C o mpa c tFla s h ( C F ) c ard, y o u can insert the card into the pr inter to print your photos. Your camera must support DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) versio n 1 or 1.1 in order to print dir ectly from the CF card .
35 tr oubleshooting This section covers Bluetooth w ireless printing only. F or other troubles hooting material, see the onscreen User’ s Guide on the HP Deskjet 450 printer Starter CD.
36 Bluet ooth ca rd LED is f lashi ng, is on , or i s off This table explains the status of the green LED o n the Anycom CF-2 001 Bluetooth card: LED of Anycom CF-200 1 Bluetooth card is… This me ans What yo u should do Flashi ng The prin ter could be busy receiving data over a Blueto oth wirele ss conn ection.
37 printe r cannot be discovered Ensure the following, and then tr y to discover the printer again: • T he pr inter is plugged in . • The Bluet ooth LED is not on persistentl y . If the printer canno t be discovered, try mov ing the sending de vice closer to the printer.
38 more than one printer is di scov ered If two or more printers are within range, the sending device w ill display multiple printer icons. Each printe r icon displays th e printer’s Bluet ooth dev ice name (see page 43) or the model na me appended by its ser ial number.
39 print to file error messa ge ap pears 1. Click Ca ncel on the P r int to F ile er ror mes sage , and then clos e the app licatio n . 2. S tart the appr opri ate a pplicati on and prin t a doc ument . If the problem persists, follow these st eps to locate the COM port number: 1.
40 Follow thes e steps to se lect the appropr iate printer and Blue tooth wirel ess port: 1. Click St ar t > Settings > Printers . 2. Rig h t - cl ic k t h e hp deskjet 45 0 print er ico n and sele ct Pr operti es . 3. Click th e Po r t s tab. 4.
41 th e pr inter ’s Bluetooth w i r el ess feature This se ction explains som e basic elem ents of th e printer’s Bluetoot h wirele ss feature. Bluetooth wi reless b asics 30 feet (10 meters) or l.
42 Bluetooth dis cov er y Discovery is the process by wh ich a Bluetooth-e nabled device detec ts other Bluetooth- enabled devic es that are within rang e. When a de vice discov ers the printer , it displays the printer’s Bluetooth dev ice name (see page 43) or the model na me appended by its ser ial number.
43 pr inter-spe cific Blue tooth inf ormation Each hp deskjet 450 printer has the fo llowing items that are specific to the printer: • Bluetooth d e v ice name • Blueto oth de v ice addr ess • PIN c od e To see th e Bluetooth-specific info rmation for your printer, print a Co nfi gur atio n page (see page 42).
44 access modes Access modes determin e the level of ac cess that Bluetooth -enabled devi ces have to the printer. The printer has fo ur access modes: • publ ic mode • pr i vat e mode • turn off Bluetooth • en cr ypt ion req ui red To set the access m ode for the printer, use the Configure Bluet ooth Set tings dialog box.
45 c hanging th e pr inter ’s Bluetooth wir eless featu re USB or LPT cable and printer dr iv er re quir ed To change the printe r’s wireless settings, you m ust have the following: • A n oteb ook o r des ktop th at is conn ecte d to the printer with a USB cable.
46 ch ang ing wirel ess set tings To change the printer’s wireless settin gs, you must connect the printer to your computer with a USB cabl e. 1. Click St ar t > Progra ms > hp de skjet 4 50 printer > hp deskj et 4 50 pr int er T oolbox . T he hp deskj et 4 5 0 pr inter T oolbo x appear s.
47 using the Configure Blue tooth Settin gs dialog bo x Use the Configure Bluetooth Settings dialog box to set the following o ptions: 1. Device Address : Addr ess by w hic h Bluetooth de vic es iden tify the print er . 2. Device Nam e : Use for changing the pr inter ’s Bluet ooth de v ice name (see page 4 8).
48 changing the prin ter ’s B luetooth de vic e name When a Bluetoo th device (s uch as a notebook) discovers the prin ter, the device identifi es the printer to the user by its Blu etooth device name. The printer ships with a default p rinte r n ame.
49 changing the pri nter ’s PIN code Whe n the Encr yptio n Requi red chec k box is se lecte d, all dev ices a ttempt ing to use the printer ar e prompted for a PIN code. To set the PIN c ode, you must connect the printer to your computer with a USB cable.
50 r esettin g dev ice acces s To clear all devices from the printer’ s memory, you must conn ect the printer to your comp uter with a USB cable. 1. Click St ar t > Progra ms > hp de skjet 4 50 printer > hp deskj et 4 50 pr int er T oolbox .
51 inde x numerics 3Co m Wireless Blueto oth PC card 2, 3 Wireless Bluetooth USB adap ter 2, 3 a access modes desc riptio n 44 encryption required 44 private mo de 44 publ ic mode 44 turn off Bluetoot.
52 mobile p hone infr ared printi ng 33 printing ins tructions 33 mode 47 n notebooks printer co nfiguratio n 3 print ing 2 p Palm OS devic es supported 23 infr ared printi ng 24 , 27 printing ins tru.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.