Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL du fabricant Honeywell
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VISTA50 P-PRV2 5/04 Rev A $ $ ' ' ( ( 0 0 & & 2 2 9 9 , , 6 6 7 7 $ $ 6 6 ( ( 5 5 , , ( ( 6 6 9 9 , , 6 6 7 7 $ $ 3 3 .
– 2 – Table of Contents Recommend ed Programm ing Procedur e ................. 3 Program Fie ld Index ................................................. 4 VISTA-50 P/VIST A-50PUL Progra mming Form ........ 5 Partitio n-Specif ic Field s ...........
– 3 – Recommended Programming Procedure The foll owing is a step- by-step pr ocedur e reco mmended for progr amming your VI STA-50P/ VIST A-50PU L syste m. 1. Set the k eypads ( and other p eripher al devices) to the ap propriat e addres ses. 2. Set factor y default s by pr essing ✱ 97.
– 4 – Program Field Index On the follow ing pages , the pr ogramming fields have be en arranged in numerical order. Us e this index to cross -reference the fields on th e programming f orm.
– 5 – VISTA-50P/VISTA-50PUL Programming Form Some fields are pr ogrammed for each partitio n (shown as s haded fields). If y ou are progr amming a multip le-partition system, see the Partiti on-Specific Fields s ection for program ming thes e fields.
– 6 – *39 ENABLE OPEN/CLOSE REPORT FOR [0] INSTALLER CODE 1=enable; 0=disable *40 OPEN/CLOSE REPORT FOR KEYSWITCH [0] 1=enable; 0=disable * 41 NORMALLY CLOSED or EO LR (Zones 2-8) [1] 1=N.C.loops; 0=EOLR supervision. Must be "0" f or UL inst allations.
– 7 – *80 *8 1 SYSTEM NON-ALARM CODES E nter 00-09; B-F (11-15). Default = 00 for all reports *80 1st Digit *81 2nd Digit Close | | Open | | Low Batte ry | | Low Batte ry Restore | | AC Loss | | A.
– 8 – 1*40 1*41 NON-ALARM DIALER CODES E nter 00-09; B-F (11-15). Default = 00 for all reports 1*40 1st Digit 1*41 2nd Digit Armed STAY | | Time/Da te Set o r Event Log Reset | | Event Lo g 50% &a.
– 9 – 2*06 AUTO-ARM WARNING PERI OD [15] | This is the time during which the user is warned to exit the premises prior to the auto-arm ing of the system (beeps every 15 seconds; "ALERT" displ ayed). Enter 01-15 minutes. 00=instant at end of arming delay.
– 10 – Partition-Specifi c Fields (Duplicate this p age for e ach partition in the install ation.) To program these fields, 1. Press *91 to se lect a partiti on. 2. Enter a partit ion-spe cific f ield numb er (ex. * 09). 3. Make th e requir ed entry.
– 11 – 3rd Page Programmi ng Fields (press *94) 2*05 AUTO-ARM DELAY [15] | Enter the time between the end of the arming window and the start of auto-armi ng warning period, in values of 1-14 times 4 minutes 00=instant; [15=no auto arm at all]. When this delay expires , the Auto-Arm Warning Period begins.
– 12 – Programming With #93 Menu Mode NOTE: The following field should be preset before beginning: 2*00 N umber of Partiti ons. In addition, rec eivers s hould be programmed via De vice pr ogramming.
– 13 – Zone Programming If using 580 0 Series trans mitters, do not the instal l batteries until y ou are r eady to enroll t hem. After enro lling the transm itter, the battery need not be removed. This is to pr event enroll ing the wro ng seria l number.
– 14 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 10 IN PUT TY PE RF Xmit ter 3 Input types 4 & 5 are valid for certain 5800 Series transmitters only (e.g., 5801, 5802, 5802CP & 5803).
– 15 – 5800 Series Transmitters Loop Designations LOOP 1 5802MN ENROLL AS "UR" OR "RF" Y OU MUST ENROLL THIS BUTT ON LOOP 3 LOOP 1 LOOP 2 LOOP 4 LOOP 1 5808 ENROLL AS "RF" 5804 ENROLL AS "BR" 5817 ENROLL AS "RF" LOOP 1 (PRIMAR Y) LOOP 2 (A UX.
– 16 – PROM PT EXPLANATION ENTER ZONE N O. 00 = QUIT 11 The s ystem n ow re turn s to th e “ E NTER ZON E NO. ” prompt for the next zone. When all zones have been programmed, enter “ 00 ” to quit .
– 17 – PROM PT EXPLANATION Zn Z T P RC In L 10 03 1 1 0 RF - Enter all zone info rmation except for Loop number, or press “ C ” to copy the zone information on this screen from the last saved zone (including Loop). ZT = Zone Type P = Partit ion RC = Report Code In = Input Device Type L = Loop number to which the sensor is connected.
– 18 – Entering Wireless Keys If you press ed the D key previously to enter defau lts for 580 4 and/or 5804BD wireless keys, the fol lowing sc reens appea r: PROM PT EXPLANATION FROM TEMPLA TE 1 – 6 1 Enter templa te numb er (1 – 6). 1 – 3 = 5804 templates; 4 – 6 = 5804BD templates.
– 19 – Wireless Ke y Default Tem plates 5804 5804 BD Template 1 Loop Function Zone Type Template 4 Loop Function Zone Type 1 No R esponse 23 1 No Respons e 23 2 Disarming 22 2 No Response 23 3 Arm.
– 20 – Alpha Descript ors Programming You can program a user-frie ndly Englis h languag e descript ion/locati on for all pr otection z ones, relay s, keypad pa nics, pol ling loop short, a nd RF rece iver supervis ion troubles .
– 21 – 4. Accept the word. To accept th e word, press [6] , which s witches bac k to the alp habet list for the next word , or press [8] to store the complete des criptor an d then ex it. 5. Select the next word. For selectio n of the nex t word (DOO R), repeat step 3a (w ord #057) or 3 b, but select ing the word "DOOR.
– 22 – 2. Enter the custom word number (01-20) you want to create. For example, if you are c reating the f irst word (or w ord string) , enter 01 ; when c reating the second word, enter 02 , and so on. A cursor now appears at t he beginn ing of the s econd line .
– 23 – Alpha Descript or Vocabulary (For entering al pha desc riptors. To s elect a word, press [#] f ollowed by th e word ’ s 3-digit number.) NOTE: This vocabulary is not to be used for re lay voice des criptors. See the Relay Voice Des criptors section when programming r elay voice d escriptors .
– 24 – Device Programming This menu is used to pr ogram k eypads, receiv ers, and relay modules, etc . Device Addre ss 00 is alw ays set as an alpha key pad ass igned to Partiti on 1 with no s ounder s uppression options, and these sett ings ca nnot be chan ged.
– 25 – Relay Programming The system s upports up to 16 relay s. Relays can be used to perform many different fu nctions and actions. Eac h output must be programm ed to begin o ne of three ty pes of ACTIONS at a design ated START event , and end th at ACTION at a designated STOP event.
– 26 – Relay Device s Programming From Data Field Programming Mode, press #9 3 to display th e "ZONE PROG ?" prompt. Pr ess [0] (NO) to eac h menu opt ion until the "R ELAY PGM?" prom pt appears. Pres s [1] (YES). While in this mode, pres s [ ✱ ] to adv ance to nex t screen.
– 27 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 02 ST ART: PARTN ANY PAR TITION 0 If the starting event will be limit ed to occurring on a specific partition, enter the partiti on number ( 1-8 ) in which the start event wil l occur. Enter 0 for any partition. Pres s [ ✱ ] to continue.
– 28 – If you are def ining a zon e list, continue to t he next s ection. If not, enter 00 + [ ✱ ] at the next two prompts. Yo u will then be asked "Quit M enu Mode? " Enter 1 for "Yes ," 0 for "No. " Then ente r ✱ 99 to exit programm ing completely .
– 29 – PROM PT EXPLANATION 01 ENTER DESC d1 From the Relay Voice Descri ptors and Custom Word Substitutes Vocabulary list, enter the 3-digit index number for the first word of the relay descri ptor phrase.
– 30 – Custom Word Substitutes for VIP Module Annunciation A substitute wor d can be pro gramm ed for each of th e 20 cust om words used in y our alpha z one descriptions. The VIP Module announces this substitut e word in place of the custom word that is d isplayed on the alpha keypad.
– 31 – System Layout Worksheet s Before programmin g any security syst em, you should first define the inst allation. T o help you lay out a partitioned system, use the f ollowing w orksheets. Thi s will further s implify the progr amming process.
– 32 – PRINTER OPTIONS 12- or 24-hour Time format Printer On-Li ne (yes/no) 1200 or 300 baud Printer Baud Rate EVENT LOG TYPES Option No Yes Alarm Trouble Bypa ss Open/Close Syste m DEVICES (keypads, 4 204, rf receivers, vip module) Addr Type Part Sound Opt House ID 00.
— 33 — ACCESS CODES & USER DEFINITIONS FOR PARTITIONS 3 & 4 Partitio n 3 Partition 4 4-digit Security Code Access Group 0; 1-8 2-Digit User # Auth.
— 34 — Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / Loop Input Type Part 1-8 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 01-25 Zone No.
— 35 — Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / L oop Input Type Part 1-8 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 26-50 Zone No.
— 36 — Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / L oop Input Type Part 1-8 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 51-75 Zone No.
— 37 — Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words max.) Rpt. Code Serial # / L oop Input Type Part 1-8 Zone Type ZONE DEFINITION FOR ZONES 76-86 Zone No.
— 38 — ZONE DEFINITIONS FOR KEYPAD PANIC ZONES 95, 96, & 99 Enter yes/ no for each partition-field *2 2 Zone No. Zone Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Report Code Zone Information (part nu mbers) & Alpha Descriptor (3 words m ax.) 9 5 9 6 9 9 ZONE DEFINITIONS FOR SYSTE M ZONES; 88; 89, 90, 91, 9 7 & 98 Zone No.
— 39 — Relay Devi ces Worksheet s Applicable only if rela ys (4204) , or X- 10 devic es are used . Relays are pro grammed in the #93 Men u Mode in t he Relay Program ming Secti on.
— 40 — ZT = ZONE TYPE/SYSTEM OPERATION Choices for Star t/Stop Zone Types and System Oper ations: 00 = No Response (Not Used) 23 = No Alarm Response 43 = Communication failure 01 = Entry/Exit #1 3.
— 41 — Zone List 7: St arted or stop ped by zone n umbers (enter 000 to end entries). Zone List 8: St arted or stop ped by zone n umbers (enter 000 to end entries).
— 42 — Scheduling Worksheets Time Windows Defi nitions Workshe et . The syst em pr ovide s 20 t ime win dows th at are define d with st art an d sto p times.
— 43 — Holiday Schedul e Worksheet: The system provi des u p to 16 holi days th at can be assi gned for the syste m. Each holi day can be ass igned to any combinatio n of partitio ns.
— 44 — Below is a list of the "Action" codes (desired ac tions) us ed when pr ogramming tim e-driven events. Note t hat these c odes are independent of the "r elay code s" programmed d uring the #9 3 Menu M ode – Relay Progr amming mod e.
— 45 — Temporary Sched ule #81 Me nu Mode . The syste m pro vides a Tempo rary S c hedule f or each partition . Enter the tem porary scheduling mode by pr essing [ Installer Code] + [#] + [ 81] .
— 46 — Partition/Windows Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 7 Disar m Window Start Time HH:MM Stop Time HH:MM Arm Window Start Time HH:MM Stop Time HH:MM 8 Disar m Window S t a r t T i m e H H : M M S t .
— 47 — VISTA-50P/VISTA-50PUL Summary of Connections Diagram V50P_PUL-SOC-V1 ++ – N.C. N.C. N.O. 2k EOLR (note 1) 2k EOLR (note 1) + – + – + – BELL SIREN NO CONNECTION TRANSFORMER 16.5VAC, 40VA ADEMCO No.1361 (IN CANADA USE No. 1361CN) OR 1361X10 IF X-10 DEVICES WILL BE USED Connect to 24hr.
¬9,67$3359 l VISTA50P-PRV2 5/04 Re v. A 165 Eileen Wa y , Syosset, New Y ork 11791 Cop yright © 2004 Honeywell International, Inc. www .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Honeywell Vista-50P/Vista-50PUL ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.