Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit K14114 3/06 Rev.B du fabricant Honeywell
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ADEMCO LYNXR-I Security Systems Installatio n and Setup Guide AWAY OFF ST A Y AUX 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # 1 2 3 K14114 3/06 Rev. B.
- 2 - RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER PROTECTION The F ollowin g Recom men dation s for th e Loc ation of Fir e and Bur glar y Detec tion Devic es Help Provid e Prop er Cov erag e for th e Pr otect ed Prem ises.
- 3 - Table of Contents SYSTEM FEA TURES ................................................................................................................ ..................4 MOUNTING T HE CONT ROL.......................................................
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 4 - System Features U U U U L L L L LYNXR-I is not i ntended for UL985 Househo ld Fire applications unless a 24-hou r backup battery (P/N LYNXRCHKI T-HC or LYNXR CHKIT-SHA) is i nstalled. Powerline Carri er Devices ha ve not been evaluated by UL.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 5 - Mounting the Control Wall Mounting The illu strati on below show s the fron t ass embly sep arated fr om the bac k pla te. DO NOT disc onnect the ribbon cable f rom the terminal strip board. Disconnect the cable only from the front assembly board.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 6 - Wiring Connections Wiring Overview The f ollowing summ arizes the conn ecti ons re quired. Refer to th e Wiring Conne ctions p arag raph and the Summar y of C onnec tion s diagr am on th e ins ide bac k cover w hen m aking c onn ections .
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 7 - Wiring C onnections 1. Make Earth Ground Connect ion - The desig nated earth groun d termin al (1) must be ter minated in a goo d earth groun d for the li ghtning transient protec tive device s in th is produc t to be effective.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 8 - Connecting/Configuring Communication Modules General This LYNXR-I s upports centra l station repo rting via long ra nge radio and internet. It also supports upload/ down load pr ogram ming cap ability v ia th e Intern et or a Priv ate loca l area n etwor k (Intr anet).
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 9 - AlarmNet 7845G SM*, 7845i-GSM*, 7845i-ENT or 7845i, Communications Dev ice The 7845i -ENT/784 5i and 7845CV2 c an not be used f or installati ons requi ring 24-ho ur st andby. 1. Connect the 4- wire com municat ions c able to the LRR/IP Communic ations port on t he LYN XR-I.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 10 - LRR/IP Communicatio ns Device 24 -Hour Standby Po wer If you are installing t he Alar mNet 7845G SM/7845i-GS M or 7845i-L y ou must install t he Supe r High Capac ity battery P/N WALYNX-RCHB-SHA in the LYNXR-I.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 11 - AC Power and Bac kup Battery The sys tem is p owered by a 9VAC, 25 VA Plug-in Transform er, ADEMCO K 10145 X10 (K1014 5CN in Canada). Refe r to the wiring tab le below for wire gauge and lengt h. Use only the provi ded ADEM CO K10145X 10 or K10145C N Transfor mer.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 12 - AC Power and Recha rgeable Backup Battery The LYNX R-I is equ ipped with an int egral, rep laceabl e, rechargeabl e batt ery p ack rated at 7.7Vdc . Select the ap propria te batt ery pa ck, bas ed on th e instal lation ’s requ iremen t, and in stall th e bat tery pac k.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 13 - Installing Wireless Zones General I nformatio n Zones: The con trol sup ports u p to 24 wireles s zones using 5800 Serie s transmitt ers, and up to 16 wi reless button s. Range: The buil t-in RF re ceiver can d etect sig nals f rom wirel ess transm itter s within a n ominal rang e of 200 feet.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 14 - Transmitter Battery Life • Batteries in the wir eless transmi tters may la st from 4–7 year s, depen ding on the env ironm ent, usag e, and the spec ific wire less devic e being u sed.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 15 - 5800 Series Tr ansmitter Loop Numbers (Refer to t his info rmatio n when pro gramming t ransmitters ) The foll owing illu stration shows th e compatib le transmi tters, the ir associated input typ es and loop des ig natio ns .
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 16 - Mechanics of Programming General P rogrammin g In formation Programming options are stored in no n-removable, electrically erasabl e, no nvolati le EEROM me mory. The system can b e progr amme d at any time, even a t the in staller 's prem ises p rior to th e actual install ation.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 17 - Interactive Menu Mode Pr ogramming ( ✻ 56, ✻ 80, ✻ 81, ✻ 83, ✻ 84, ✻ 85) Press [ ✻ ] + in teract ive mode No .
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 18 - Zone Response Type Definitions General I nformatio n During programmi ng, you must assign a zone type to each zone, which defines the way in which t he system responds to faults in that zone. Zo ne types are defi ned below.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 19 - Zone Response Type Definitions Type 07 24-hour Audible Alarm Zone type 07 is usually assigne d to a zone containing an Emer gency button (audible eme rgenc y). Zone Characteris tics: • Sends a r eport to the centr al station, and pro vides alarm so unds externally and at the ke ypad.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 20 - Data Field Descriptions Defaul ts (whe re applic able) a re Indica ted in b old tex t. The foll owing pag es list all dat a fields in this C ontrol ( in num erical order) . Use the blank pr ogramming f orm to rec ord the d ata for this in stallati on.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 21 - Data Field Descriptions ✻ 34 Exit Delay 00-99 = exit dela y time in seco nds The system will wait the time entered before sound ing an alar m if the exit door is l eft open af ter th e s yste m has be en armed.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 22 - Data Field Descriptions All four digits of the Subscriber Account nu mber must be entered in Fields ✻ 43 and ✻ 44. If ten-digit format is selected in ✻ 48 (option 5), all ten digits of the Subscriber Ac count number mu st be entered.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 23 - Data Field Descriptions ✻ 49 Split/Dual Reporting To Primary To Secondary 0 = All repo rts None, unless prim ary fails, then a ll 1 = Alarms, Resto re, C.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 24 - Data Field Descriptions ✻ 58 RF Jam Detection 0 = no jam detect ion 1 = RF jam detection with event logging, but no central stati on report 2 = RF jam de.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 25 - Data Field Descriptions ✻ 63 Low Battery Report Code (See notes above) This will be sent when a low batt ery condition exists in the system’s standby batte ry.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 26 - Data Field Descriptions T o ensu re th at th e L YNXR- I prop erly t ransmit s it s repo rts to t he Ce ntral Station via th e prop er c hannel you mu st pr ogram a Primary Phone Number in Field *41 and/or activate/deactiva te the LRR/IP Communications Module in Field *55.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 27 - Data Field Descriptions ✻ 87 AUX Functio n/1-Button P aging 0 = Aux key performs defined function (macro) 1 = Aux key sends predefined mess age to pager or a v oice mes sage to Follow Me system phone number If “0” is entered, user can defin e a macro function for the AUX key.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 28 - Data Field Descriptions DOWNLOAD I NFORM ATION ( ✻ 94, ✻ 95) ✻ 94 Download C all Back Phon e Number Enter up to 20 di gits as follo ws: 0–9, # +11 for “ * ”, # + 12 for “# ”, # + 13 for a pause.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 29 - ✻ 56 Enhanc ed Zone Programming Mode This is an in teractive m enu mode that is used to pr ogram zone numbers, zon e types, al arm and report codes, and to id entify the typ e of lo op inpu t device. This m ode can also b e used f or ent ering 58 00 Serie s transm itt er serial nu mber s.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 30 - ✻ 56 Enhanc ed Zone Programming Mode While in Program mode, press ✻ 56 to enter Zone Programmi ng Menu Mode. Refer to the zone a ssignment table for ✻ 56 on th e se parat e progra mmin g form . The f ollowin g exp lain s the ✻ 56 p rompt s in d etail.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 31 - ✻ 56 Enhanc ed Zone Programming Mode E l Loop number or Loop and Serial number (if using RF Lear ning) 1-4 = loop number f or the zon e of the trans mitter being entered.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 32 - ✻ 56 Enhanc ed Zone Programming Mode IA LC Enroll mode 0 = advance to th e VOI CE DESCR IPTOR prompt (1C ). Note: This will save a ll zone paramete rs. 1 = enter now and pr ocee d to SERI AL NUMBER prompt (1b ).
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 33 - ✻ 56 Enhanc ed Zone Programming Mode I d vi Descri ptor 1 Enter [#] + 2-d igit vocabular y index num ber† of first de scriptor word for this zone.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 34 - ✻ 80 Device Programming Menu Mode Power line C arrier devic es (eg ., X1 0 brand devic es) are prog ramm able sw itches that c an b e used to p erform many differe nt functions. They can be used to turn lights on and off, contro l sounders, or for status i nd i c a t i o ns .
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 35 - ✻ 80 Device Programming Menu Mode STOP Th e "STOP" p rogrammin g determine s when and under wh at condition s the device w ill be de- activa ted.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 36 - ✻ 80 Device Programming Menu Mode The follo wing explai ns these prompts i n detail. The left two columns identify t he prompts and list the availabl e entr ies. Th e righ t-mo st colum n prov ides a f urther explan ation of the entri es.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 37 - ✻ 81 Zone List Menu Mode While in Program mode, press ✻ 81 to e nter Zone List Menu Mode. Th is m o de i s us e d t o p ro gra m z o n e lists for output devices (programmed in ✻ 8 0 menu mode) or Chim e-by- Zone in Zone List 3.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 38 - ✻ 83 Enhanc ed Sequential Mode By using th is mode, you can add, delete, or change the serial number of a transmitter in a zone, but retain all other existing data th at has been program med f or that zone.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 39 - ✻ 83 Enhanc ed Sequential Mode IA zz IA LC Enroll mode 0 = advance to n ext zone to be enrolled 1 = enter now an d procee d to SERI AL NUMBER prompt (1b ). For 4 button keys (zon es 26-29, 30-33, 3 4-37, & 38-41) the serial number will be enrolled to all four buttons.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 40 - ✻ 83 Enhanc ed Sequential Mode I b zz I b Serial number Enter transm itter’s 7- d igit serial number via R F learning or manually. [#] = return to (1A) pr ompt an d reject wha tever serial number entries have b een ma de.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 41 - ✻ 84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors Use th is mod e to as sign vo ice desc riptor s f or each z one. These are th e descr iptors that ar e ann ounced when th e sy stem ann ounc es any even t involv ing a z one num ber.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 42 - ✻ 84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptor VOICE VOCABULARY INDEX 00 ½ second paus e A 82 ALARM 32 ATTIC B 01 BABY 33 BACK 34 BASEMENT 35 BATHROOM 36 BEDROOM C 8.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 43 - ✻ 85 Record Custom Voic e Descriptor s Use th is mod e to r ecord u p to 5 custom voic e descr iptor s. Pr ess ✻ 85 whi le in Prog ramming mode. Note: Entering a number o ther than o ne spe cified will g ive unpr edictable results.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 44 - Voice Prompt Programming The LYN XR-I f eature s a qu ick prog rammin g mode that all ows you to prog ram th e system by resp ondi ng to a serie s of voic e prom pts. The Vo ice Pr ompt Pr ogram ming G uide prov ides you with the inf ormati on requ ired to use this featu re.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 45 - Voice Prompt Programming Enter Voice Prompt Programming Mode: (Installer Code + 8 8 8) . Follow the voice prompts to advance to the selected it em in the Main Programming Menu.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 46 - Voice Prompt Programming To Delet e Sens ors To Add an Emergency P endant (5) Pendant Ty pe Medical Fire Silent Police Police When adding wireless keys, wait 5 seconds between transmissi ons.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 47 - Voice Prompt Programming All four digits of the Central Station Account number mu st be entered. If ten-digi t format is selected, all ten digits must be entered.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 48 - Remote Programming/Control (Downloading) General I nformatio n Th e co nt rol pan el c an be re mote l y pro gr am med f rom a n IB M- com pat ib le Pe rson al Com put er ( PC ), a HAY ES Modem, and A DEMCO ’s Comp ass D ownload er for Window s (a s specifi ed bel ow).
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 49 - Remote Programming/Control (Downloading) • Comman d the syste m to u pload a copy of its r esid ent pr ogram to th e offic e.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 50 - System Operation Security Codes Installer C ode The in staller p rogr ams th e 4-dig it Inst aller C ode in itially as par t of th e prog ramm ing pr ocedur e. The factory default Installer Code is 4-1-1-2 , but may be chang ed in field ✻ 20 .
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 51 - System Operation Keypad Functions The key pad all ows the u ser to arm an d disarm the syst em, and perf orm other syst em func tions, su ch as bypassin g zones. Zone and syste m conditions (alarm, t rouble, bypass ) are displaye d in the display window.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 52 - System Operation To use the de fined AUX function : Press and hold AUX key 2 secs (4 beeps) + To define AUX funct ion : + FUNCTION + AUX + action s eparat .
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 53 - System Operation U U U U L L L L Audio a larm verific ation has not been evaluated by UL. Audio Alarm Verificat ion (Two-Way Voice Feature) This fe ature all ows th e centra l station op era tor to l isten, ta lk to or c onduct a two-w ay conv ersati on wit h an indiv idual(s) a t the p remis es.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 54 - System Operation “Follow Me” Remind er Feature This featu re all ows the us er to schedu le a time dr iven messag e. When activat ed the sy stem will dial a p hone number, that th e install er programs in Field ✻ 46, and d eliver a voic e messag e (custom w ords 72, 73, and 74).
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 55 - System Operation System Disp lays Display M eaning PC Remot e Phon e Contr ol fea ture i s activ e (App ears in place of the cl ock). PH System Speak er Phon e mod e is activ e (Ap pears in place of the c loc k).
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 56 - Testing the System Test Mod e After in stall ation i s comp leted , the secur ity sy stem s hould b e car efully t ested , as f ollows. 1. With the system in the disarm ed sta te, ch eck th at all z ones are in tact.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 57 - System Communication This sect ion pr ovides an ex planation of f ormats th is sys tem acc ommodat es for r eporting a larms and other system cond itions to the c entral st ation.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 58 - System Communication Report 3+1/4+1 Stan dard 3+1/4+1 Expanded 4+2 Alarm SS S(S) A SSS( S) A AAA(A) Z SSSS AZ Troub le SSS( S) T SSS( S) T TTT(T) t SSSS T .
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 59 - Troublesho oting Guide Trouble Conditions The w ord “FAULT ” on the keypad’ s display , accomp anied by a rapid “b eeping ” at the keypad, indicate s that ther e is a trou ble c onditi on in th e sy stem.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 60 - Troublesho oting Guide System (including Wireless ) SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Transmit ter signal not receive d at control. 1a. Tr ansmitter not properly powered. 1b. Trans mitter is locat ed too fa r fro m RF receiv er.
LYNXR-i Installation and Setup Guide - 61 - Troublesho oting Guide Contro l SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. The word “AC” is not displayed . 1a. Int errupt ed AC power supply . 1a. Che ck transform er connec tion and powerl ine ci rcuit brea ker.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 62 - Programming Default Tables (boldfa ce indi cates defa ults tha t differ betw een tab les) Function Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 *20 Instal ler code 4112.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 63 - Programming Default Tables (boldf ace indicates d efaults t hat differ b etween tables) Function Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 *90 Event logging 3 15 3 3.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 64 - Programming Default Tables ✻ 56 ZONE ASSIGN MENT/ALAR M REPORT CO DES FOR TAB LES 3 & 4 Zone No. Zone Type Alar m Code Input Type Loop Number Zone De.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 65 - – Index – *56 Enha nc ed Zon e Pr ogram ming Mode ............... 13, 24 , 28 , 29 * 80 D evic e Prog ram ming ....................................... 28, 34, 35, 3 6 *81 Z one List M enu M ode.........
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 66 - Exit D elay .................................................................... 21 , 59, 62 Exit D elay Rest art ............................................................. 21, 51 Exit D oor.............
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 67 - RF ............................................................................................. 30 RF (Sup ervi sed R f)................................................................... 13 RF Hous e I D Cod e .
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 68 - Regulatory Agency State ments UL NOTICE: This is a "Grade A " resident ial syst em FCC STATEMEN T T H I S D E V I C E CO M P L I E S W I T H P A R T 1 5 O F F CC R U L E S .
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 69 - WARNING THE LIMITATION S OF THIS ALARM SY STEM Whil e this Sys tem is an a dvanced desi gn security s ystem , it does n ot offer gu aranteed p rotection agains t burgla ry, fire or other emer gency.
LYNXR-I Installation and Se tup Guide - 70 - Specifications LYNXR-I Security Controls 1. Physical: 10-3/8” W x 7-1/8” H x 1-3/4” D 2. Electrical: VOLTAGE IN PUT: 9VAC from plug- in 25VA tran sformer. RECHARGEABLE BAC KUP BATTERY: Nickel-metal hydride battery pack rated at 7.
LIMITED WARRANTY Honeyw ell Internati onal Inc. acting th rough its Security & Custom Electr onics busin ess ("S eller"), 165 Eileen Way, Sy osset, New Y ork 11791, warrants its pr oduct.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Honeywell K14114 3/06 Rev.B c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Honeywell K14114 3/06 Rev.B - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Honeywell K14114 3/06 Rev.B, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Honeywell K14114 3/06 Rev.B va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Honeywell K14114 3/06 Rev.B, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Honeywell K14114 3/06 Rev.B.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Honeywell K14114 3/06 Rev.B. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Honeywell K14114 3/06 Rev.B ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.