Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 1200g du fabricant Honeywell
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Voyager™ 1200g/1202g Single-Lin e Laser Bar Cod e Scanner User’s Guide.
Disclaimer Hone ywel l International I nc. (“HII”) reserves th e right to mak e chan ges in sp ecifica tions and other inf ormation con tained in th is docum ent without prio r notice , and the reade r should in al l cases cons ult HII to de ter mine w hether an y such ch anges ha v e been made .
Pr oduc t Ag ency Comp lian ce - V o y ager 1200g USA FCC P art 1 5 Subpart B Class B This de v ice com plies with par t 15 of t he FCC R ules. Opera tion is s ubject to the f ollo wing tw o condit ions: 1. This de vice may not cause ha rmful in terferenc e.
Eur ope The CE marking i ndicates compli ance with t he f ollowing directiv es: • 2004/108/EC EMC • 201 1/65/EU RoH S (Recast) In addit ion, complies to 2006/95/EC Lo w V oltage Direc tiv e, wh en shipp ed with reco mmended powe r supply . Europea n conta ct: Hand He ld Product s Europe B .
CB Scheme Certified to CB Scheme IEC 6 0950-1, Sec ond Editio n. Laser Safety Stat ement This de vice ha s been te sted in ac cordance w ith and com plies wit h IEC6082 5-1 ed2.0 a nd 21 CF R 1040.10 a nd 1040.1 1, e xcept f or dev iations p ursuant to La ser Notice No .
Pr oduct Ag ency Compliance - V o yager 1202g and CCB00- 010BT USA FCC P art 1 5 Subpart C This de vice c omplies w ith par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Opera tion is subjec t to the f ollowing two c ondition s: 1. This de vice may not cause harmful i nterferenc e.
Honeyw ell Scanning & Mobility Product E n vironmental Inf ormation Ref er to for the RoHS / REA CH / WEEE inf o rmation. Au s t r a l i a / N Z C-Tick Stateme nt Conf or ms to AS/N ZS 3548 EMC r equirements . China SRRC Radio Cer tificat e.
Intern atio nal LED Saf ety State ment LEDs ha ve been te sted and cla ssified as “EXEM PT RISK GROUP” to the stan dard: IEC 624 71:2006. Radio T e chnology Class II CB Scheme Certified to CB Scheme IEC 6 0950-1, Sec ond Editio n. Laser Safety Stat ement This de vice ha s been te sted in ac cordance w ith and com plies wit h IEC6082 5-1 ed2.
V o y ager 1200g Saf ety Label Locati ons Laser Ou tput Compli ance Ma rkin gs informat ion, Part Number, and Seria l Number info rmati on Compl iance Ma rkings informati on Internal L aser Cautio ns.
V o y ager 1202g Saf ety Label Locati ons Laser Ou tput Complia nce Mark ings informatio n, Part Numbe r, and Serial N umber informat ion Compl iance Ma rkings informati on Internal L aser Cautio ns L.
CCB00-01 0BT Safety Label Loc ations Item N umb er, Serial Numb er, and Comp liance Marki ngs infor mat ion Comp liance Markings infor mat ion.
i Chapter 1 - Gettin g Started About This Manual .......... ............... ............... .............. ............... .............. ............... ............ .1 -1 Unpacking Your Device .. ........... ............. ........... ........... ...
ii Keyboard Wedge Modifiers . ...... ............... ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. ......... 2-18 ALT Mo de ....... .... .... ....... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... .... ....... .
iii Flash Updates ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ... ... 3-4 Beeper and LED Sequences and Meaning ..... ............... ............. ............ ............. .
iv Good Read and Error Indicat ors ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... ....... ......... .. 4-1 Beeper – Good Read .......... ......... ......... ....... ......... ......... ........... ......... ........ .
v Pref ix Sele ctio ns ....... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... .... ....... ..... .... .... ....... .... .... .... 5-2 Suff ix Sele ctio ns ..... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... ...... .....
vi UPC-E 0 ..... .... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ....... .... .... .... 7-30 EAN/J AN- 13 .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... ....... .... .... ..... .... ..
vii Standard Cable Pinouts ............ .............. ................. ............ ................. .............. ............... 11-5 Keyboard Wedge ........ ................. .............. ................. .............. ................. ...
1 - 1 1 Getting Star ted About Thi s Manua l This U ser’ s Guide pro vides inst allation a nd prog rammin g instruction s f or the V o ya ger 1200g/ 1202g lin ear scann er . Product specifi cations , dimension s, w arran ty , and cus tomer su pport info r mation a re also include d.
1 - 2 2. Make s ure the cabl es are se cured in t he wireway s in the bottom of the base a nd that th e base si ts flat on a horizon tal surf ace. 3. The scann er beeps. 4. Verify th e scanner or base oper ation by s canning a b ar code fro m the Sample Symbols in the back of this manu al.
1 - 3 5. Verify the scanner o r base ope ration by scannin g a bar cod e from the Sa mple Symbols in the back of th is m anual . Th e scanne r beeps on ce. The unit de faults to an IBM PC A T and co mpatib les k eyboa rd wedg e interf ace with a U SA key board.
1 - 4 Connecting with RS485 A scanner or base can be connected f or an IBM POS ter minal interf ace. 1. Connec t the app ropriate in terface ca ble to the device, then to the compute r. 2. Make s ure the cabl es are se cured in t he wireway s in the bottom of the base a nd that th e base si ts flat on a horizon tal surf ace.
1 - 5 Readin g T echniques The sca nner has a v iew fin der that projects a bright red aimin g beam that corres ponds to the scanner’ s horiz ontal field of vie w . The aim ing beam should b e centere d horizon tally o ver the bar code and must hig hlight al l the v er tical b ars of the b ar code .
1 - 6 Resetting the Custom Defaults If y ou w ant the c ustom def ault sett ings rest ored to y our scanner , scan th e Activ ate Custom Defaults bar code below . This resets th e scanner to the custom def ault setting s. If there are no cus tom defaul ts, it will reset the scanner to the factory d efa ult setting s.
2 - 1 2 Pr ogramming the Interface Intr oduction This ch apter desc ribes ho w to prog ram y our system f or the desi red interf ace. Pr ogramming the Interface - Plug and Pla y Plug and Play bar c odes pro vide instant sc anner se t up f or commonly used inte rfa ces.
2 - 2 Each ba r code abov e also prog rams the f ollowin g suffix es for each symbolo gy: * Suffixes programmed for Code 128 with IBM 4683 Port 5B, IBM 4683 Port 9B HHBCR-1, and I BM 4683 Port 17 Inte.
2 - 3 USB IBM SureP os Scan on e of the f ollowin g “Plug and Pla y” codes to progra m the scann er for an IBM SureP os (USB handh eld scanne r) or IBM Su reP os (USB tab letop scann er) interf ace. Note: After s canning one of the se codes , you mu st power cycle th e cash regi ster.
2 - 4 USB PC or Macintosh Keyboar d Scan on e of the f ollowin g codes t o progr am the scan ner f or USB PC K ey board or USB M acintosh K eyb oard. Scanning these c odes als o adds a CR and LF . USB HID Scan the fo llow ing code to progr am the s canner f or USB HID bar code scann ers.
2 - 5 Scannin g either of these co des also adds a CR and LF . Note: No ex tra config uration (e.g ., baud rat e) is nece ssary. CTS/R TS Emul ation A CK/NAK Mode Communication Tim eout This al low s you to set the l ength (in m illisecon ds) f or a time out f or the ho st A CK/NAK response .
2 - 6 Timeout Retries This s etting lim its the n umber of Co mmuni cation Ti meout retri es. If the Timeo ut Retries is set to 0, the tr ansmission i s terminated aft er the initial Com municati on Timeou t.
2 - 7 Ve r i f o n e ® Ruby T ermina l Defa ult Sett ings Scan the fo llow ing Plug an d Pla y code to p rogr am the sca nner f or a V erifo ne Rub y ter minal. T his bar code sets the b aud rate to 1200 bps and the dat a fo r mat to 8 data bit s, Mark parity , 1 stop bit and R TS/CTS no timeo ut.
2 - 8 Datalogic ™ Mage llan © Bioptic A ux P ort Configur ation Scan the fo llowing Plu g and Pla y code to prog ram the sc anner f or a Datalog ic Magel lan biopti c scann er auxiliary port configur a- tion. Th is bar co de sets t he baud r ate to 960 0 bps and the da ta f ormat to 8 data b its, n o parity , 1 stop bit.
2 - 9 Wincor Nixdorf Beet le™ T ermina l Default Settings Scan the fo llow ing Plug and Pla y code to progr am the scan ner for a Wi ncor Nixdo rf Beetle te rm inal.
2 - 10 K eyboard Countries (Continued) Albania Arab ic Azeri (Cyrillic) Azeri (Latin) Bel aru s Belgium Bosnia Brazil Brazil (MS) Bulgaria (Cyrillic) Bulgaria (Latin).
2 - 11 K eyboard Countries (Continued) Canada (French legacy) Canada (Frenc h) Canada ( Multili ngual) China Croatia Czech Czech (Programmers) Czech (QWERTY) Czech (QWERTZ) Denmark Dutch (Netherlands).
2 - 12 K eyboard Countries (Continued) Eston ia Faroese Finlan d France Gaelic Germany Gree k Greek (220 Latin) Greek (220) Greek (319 Latin) Greek (319).
2 - 13 K eyboard Countries (Continued) Greek (Latin) Greek (MS) Greek (Polytonic) Hebrew Hungarian (101 key) Hungary Iceland Irish Italian (142) Italy Japan ASCII.
2 - 14 K eyboard Countries (Continued) Korea Kazakh Kyrgyz (Cyrillic) Latin A merica Latvia Latvia (QW ERTY) Lithuani a Lithuania (IBM) Macedoni a Malt a Mongoli an (Cyri llic).
2 - 15 K eyboard Countries (Continued) Norway Pola nd Polish (214) Polish (Programmers) Portugal Romania Russia Russian (MS) Russian (Typewriter) SCS Serbi a (Cyril lic).
2 - 16 K eyboard Countries (Continued) Serbia (La tin) Slovakia Slovakia (QWERTY) Slovakia (QWERTZ) Slovenia Spain Spanish variation Swed en Switzerl and (French) Switzerl and (German) Tata r.
2 - 17 K eyboard Countries (Continued) Thailan d Turkey F Turkey Q Ukrainian Unite d Kingdom United States (Dvorak) United States (Dvorak l eft) United Stated (Dvorak right) United States (Internation.
2 - 18 K ey boar d W edge Modi fier s AL T Mode If y our bar code c ontains s pecial ch aracters from the e xtended ASCII ch ar t for e xample , an e with an ac cent gr ave (è), you will use AL T Mode. (See "Extended ASCII Char acters" on p age A-4.
2 - 19 A utocaps via NumLo ck bar code should b e scanne d in countrie s (e.g. , Germany , F rance) wh ere the Caps Lo ck k ey can- not be us ed to toggle Caps Lock. Th e NumLo ck o ption works s imilarly to th e regular A utocaps , but u ses the N umLoc k ke y to ret riev e the current state of the Caps Lock .
2 - 20 Def ault = Con trol + ASCII Mode Off . Nume ric Keypa d Mod e: Sends numer ic cha racte rs a s if ent er ed fr om a nu mer ic keypad. Def ault = Off.
2 - 21 <F0> Break Charac ter When your ke yboard detects that an y key is bein g pressed , release d, or held d own , the k eyb oard send s a pac ket of inf or- mation know n as a “s can code” to you r comp uter . There are t wo di ffer ent types of scan codes: “m ake codes” an d “break codes.
2 - 22 RS232 Mod ifiers RS232 Ba ud Rate Baud R ate sends the data f rom the sc anner to t he terminal at th e specif ied rate . The host terminal must be set f or the same b aud rate as the s canner .
2 - 23 RS232 W ord Length: Data Bits , Stop Bits , and Parity Data Bits se ts the wo rd length at 7 or 8 bi ts of data per char acter . If an ap plicatio n requires only ASCII H e x chara cters 0 through 7F decima l (text, di gits, an d punctuati on), select 7 data bits.
2 - 24 RS232 Ha ndshakin g RS232 Handsh aking al lows c ontrol of data tr ansmissi on from the sc anner usi ng softw are commands from the host de vice. R TS/CTS Off: RTS/CT S is turned off so no da ta flow control is used, b ut RTS is still a ctive .
2 - 25 RS232 Timeout When us ing Flo w Control with Time out, y ou mu st progr am the length o f the dela y y ou want to wa it f or CTS fro m the host.
2 - 26 A CK/NAK After tr ansmitting d ata, the s canner waits f or an ACK cha racter (hex 06) or a NAK c haracter (he x 15) resp onse from th e host. If ACK is receive d, the commu nication s cycle is c ompleted and the s canner look s for more bar codes.
2 - 27 NAK Retries This s election limits th e numb er of NAK retrie s that can occur in ACK/N AK mode . Scan t he bar cod e belo w , then se t the numb er of retries (fro m 0-255) b y scannin g digits from the Progra mmin g Cha rt , then scanning Save .
2 - 28 Bloc k Chec k Char acter When this selec tion is s et to Tr a n s m i t , the NCR Block Check Ch aracter (BCC) is e xpected with incoming messages and tra nsmitted w ith outgoi ng mess ages. Def ault = T ransmit. NCR Prefix This selection allows y ou to progra m an NCR-specific prefix.
2 - 29 NCR NOF (Not-on-File) Error A scann er receiv es an NOF ( Not on File) command from the P OS whene ver it cannot c ross-ref erence the b ar code to a price par ameter .
2 - 30 Communication Tim eout This al low s you to set the l ength (in m illisecon ds) f or a time out f or the ho st A CK/NAK response . Scan t he bar cod e belo w , then se t the timeout (from 1-65535 m illisecon ds) b y scann ing digit s from the Programming C hart , the n scanning Save .
3 - 1 3 Cor dless System Operation Note: This cha pter appli es only to cordles s scannin g systems. It d oes not a pply to cord ed scanners. How the Charge and Com m uni cation s Base W orks A cordles s charge and com municatio ns base pro vides the link be tween the cordless scanne r and the h ost syst em.
3 - 2 When data is sc anned, the data is s ent to the host system via the base . The cord less scann er recogni zes d ata ac kno wledge- ment (A CK) from the base . If it can not be determined that the data has bee n properly sent t o the base , the scanner is sues an error indi cation.
3 - 3 Y ou will not hear a comm unicatio n error tone in this mod e, but y ou will hear a shor t bu zz when y ou pres s the b utton if the rad io commun ication is not working . Once the radi o connect ion is made , the scan ner produces a series of beeps whi le the data is being tr ansferred to the base.
3 - 4 Place th e scanne r in the ba se that is connected to an appro priate pow er supply . Use only a Listed Limi ted P ow er Source (LPS) or C lass 2 type pow er suppl y with outp ut rated 5 to 5.
3 - 5 Scanner LED Sequen ces and Meaning Note: Press ing the b utton on th e scanne r causes the LED to gl ow red until it co mmunicates success fully w ith the base. Base LED Sequences and Meaning The b ase contain s a red LED that ind icate the status o f the unit a nd verifies i ts comm unication wit h the host system.
3 - 6 Rese t Scanner Scannin g this ba r code rebo ots the s canner an d causes it to relink with the ba se. Scanning Wh ile in Ba se Cradle If y ou want to be ab le to scan bar code s while the scanne r is in the base , scan th e fo llowing Scan ning in Cradle On bar cod e.
3 - 7 P aging Pitch When you pre s s the P age b utton on the base, the scan ner associa ted with that base will be gin beepi ng (see Pa ge Button on page 3-3). Y ou can set the pitc h of the paging beep f or the scanne r by scanni ng one of the f ollowing ba r codes .
3 - 8 In order t o program the base fo r Charge On ly Mode, y ou must l ink a scan ner to it. O nce the scanner i s link ed to the b ase, scan the Charge Only Mode bar code. An y subseque nt scanne rs placed in that base will cha rge witho ut linkin g to it.
3 - 9 Unlink ing the Scann er If a ba se has a sca nner link ed to it, that s canner mus t be unlin ked bef ore a new scanner can be linked. O nce the p rev ious sc an - ner is un link ed, it wil l no longer com munic ate with the ba se. T o unli nk the scanne r from a base , scan the f ollowing Unlink Scan- ner bar code .
3 - 10 When t her e is no act ivit y wi thin a spe cif ied time pe r iod , the scan ner en te rs low power mode. Scan t he ap prop r iate scan ner pow er time-out bar c ode to cha nge the ti me-out dur ation (in sec onds). If the sca nner is not a ctivat ed during the timer interva l, the scan ner goes in to powe r down mode .
3 - 11 Def ault = Batch Mode Off . Batch Mode Beep When scanning in Batch Mode, the scanne r beeps ev er y time a bar code i s scanned. When Batch Mo de Beep is On , you will also hear a clic k when e ach bar c ode is sent to the host . If y o u do no t want to hea r these clic ks, scan Batch Mode Beep Off .
3 - 12 Example: Ad d a quanti ty of 5 for the last item s canned. 1. S can th e i tem 's b ar co de. 2. Scan the quantity 5 bar code. Example: Ad d a quanti ty of 1,50 0 for the last ite m scann ed. 1. Scan the item's ba r code. 2. Scan the quantity 1 bar code.
3 - 13 Delete Last Code If y ou w ant to del ete the la st bar code s canned wh en in Batc h Mode , scan Delete Las t Code . Record Counter If y ou wish to add a re cord cou nter to e ach bar code sc anned in Batch M ode, s can Reco rd Counter On .
3 - 14 Clear All Codes After T ransmi ssion If y o u w ant to cl ear the sc anner’ s b uff er of all d ata accu mulate d in Batch Mode after the data h as been t ransmi tted to the host s yste m, scan Clear All Codes After T ransmission .
3 - 15 T ransm it Rec ords to Ho st If y ou are ope rating i n Inv entory Batch Mod e (see Inventory Batch Mode on page 3-11), a nd y our scann er is set to Do n’t T ransmit Recor ds Au tomaticall y , y ou m ust scan the f ollo wing bar c ode to tr ansmit a ll stored records to the host s ystem.
3 - 16 Y ou may also scan t he following Scanner Name ba r code and scan up to 30 num bers and/or le tters f or the scanne r name. F or e x ample , if you wa nted to name the link ed scan ner “312, .
3 - 17 T o relink t o the charg e base, s can the Base B T Connection bar code . Changing the Sca nner’ s Bluetooth PIN Code Some de vices require a PIN code as part of the Bluetoot h security f eatures . Y our scanner’ s def ault PIN is 0000, wh ich yo u ma y need to enter t he first tim e yo u connect to y our non-base Blu e tooth de vice.
3 - 18 Maximum Link Atte mpts The Max imum Link Attempt s setting controls the num ber of tim es the sc anner tries to fo rm a connectio n with a base . During the connect ion setup process , the scanner tr ansmits in order t o search f or and conne ct to a base .
3 - 19 When the scanner g oes out of range , 15 attempts a re made to l ink to the base unit. Each attem pt consists of appro ximately 5 seco nds of ac tiv e time f ollow ed by 3 se conds of idle time .
3 - 20.
4 - 1 4 Input/Output Settings P ower Up Beeper The sca nner can b e progr ammed t o beep when it’ s pow ered up. Scan the Of f bar code(s) if you don’t w ant a po wer up beep . Def ault = P ower Up Beeper On - Scanner . Beep on BEL Charac ter Y ou ma y wish to f orce the scanner to b eep upon a c ommand sent from the h ost.
4 - 2 Beeper V olume – Good Read The b eeper v olume codes m odify the v olume of the beep th e scanne r emits o n a good re ad. Def ault = High . Beeper Pitch – Good Read The b eeper pitch c odes mo dify the p itch (frequ ency) of the beep th e scann er emits o n a good re ad.
4 - 3 Beeper Pitch – E rro r The b eeper pitch c odes mo dify the p itch (frequ ency) of the sound the scan ner emits when there is a bad r ead or error . Def ault = Razz. Beeper Duration – Good Read The b eeper dur ation co des modi fy the length of the beep t he scanner e mits on a good read .
4 - 4 T o change the number of error b eeps , scan the fo llowin g bar code and th en scan a digit (1-9 ) bar code and the Save bar code on the Programm ing Chart in side the back c over of this ma nual.
4 - 5 LED Brightness Def ault = Red High, Green High. Green LED On when CodeGate Disabled Red LED On when In-Stand Green LED On when In -Stand Red LED On with CTS Green LED On with CTS Red LED On when.
4 - 6 In-Stan d and Out- Of-Stan d Settings The f ollowing settings prog ram the scanner’ s be havior when it i s either in th e stand, or out of the stand (ha nd-held). Caution: When work ing with In-Stand and Out-of-Stand se ttings, enable the settings you want before disabl ing those you do no t want to us e.
4 - 7 Presentation Mode with Code Gate Out-of-Stand : When the scann er is not in the sta nd, it auto matical ly detect s bar codes and deco des them. Howe ver , the dat a is not trans mitted un til y ou press the b utton. The laser remains o n briefly after the transm ission.
4 - 8 Manual Activation Laser Timeout - Button Settings Y ou ca n set a ti meout f or the length of time th e laser rema ins on an d attempti ng to dec ode bar co des when t he bu tton is held do wn, and after it is rel eased.
4 - 9 CodeGate When CodeGate is On , th e but ton is used to a llow decoded data to be tran smitted to the host system. The sca nner remains on, sca nning and decodin g bar code s, b ut the bar code d ata is not transm itted until the b utton is pressed.
4 - 10 End Object Detect ion After Good Read After a bar c ode is su ccessfu lly detected and read fro m the sca nner , the laser c an be prog ramm ed either to r emain on a nd scanni ng, or to tu r n off . When End Object De tection After Good Rea d is enabl ed, the las er turns off and s tops scanni ng after a g ood read.
4 - 11 Object Detection Laser Timeou t Y ou ca n set a ti meout f or the length of time th e laser rema ins on an d attempti ng to dec ode bar co des after a n object is detecte d.
4 - 12 Activation Character This s ets the ch aracter used to trigge r scanning w hen usi ng Char acter Act ivatio n Mode . On the ASCII Convers ion Chart (Code Page 1252) , page A-2 , find the hex valu e that repre sents the ch aracter yo u want t o use to trigg er scanni ng.
4 - 13 Deact iv ation Ch aracte r This s ets the ch aracter used to te rminate scanni ng when us ing Cha racter D eactiv ation M ode. On the ASCII Convers ion Char t (C ode P age 1252 ) , page A-2, fin d the hex value th at represents the cha racter you w ant to us e to termina te scann ing.
4 - 14 Output Sequen ce Overvie w Output Sequence Editor This pro gr amming sel e ction a llows yo u to pro gram the scanner to output data (w hen sca nning mor e than one symbol ) in whate ve r order y our appli cation req uires, regardless of the orde r in which th e bar codes ar e scanned.
4 - 15 SEQBLK sequenc e editor s tar t command 62 code identi fier for Code 39 9999 code len gth that must match f or Code 39 , 9999 = al l lengths 41 star t chara cter match f or Code 39, 41h = “A�.
4 - 16 Output Sequence Editor Sequence Timeout Y ou ma y wish to set the max imum time betw een bar code sc ans in a n output s equence . If that maxim um time is not met, the outp ut sequence ope ration i s terminated.
4 - 17 Require Output Seque nce When an outpu t sequen ce is Re quired , all output data must con fo r m to an edited sequ ence or the scan ner will not trans mit the outp ut data to t he host d ev ice.
4 - 18.
5 - 1 5 Data Editin g Prefix /Suffi x Overvie w When a bar code is s canned, additiona l inf or mation is sent to the host compute r along w ith the bar code data. T his gro up of ba r code d ata and addit ion al, user- de fined dat a is c all ed a “m es sage st r ing.
5 - 2 Example: Add a Suffix to a specific symbology T o send a CR ( carr iage ret ur n) Suffix f or U.P .C. only: Step 1. Scan Add Su ffix . Step 2. Determ ine the 2 digit hex value fro m the Sym bology Ch art (includ ed in the Sym bology C harts, beginni ng on page A-1) for U.
5 - 3 Suffix Selec tions T ransmit Alternat e Extende d ASCII Charac ter s Y ou m ay need to emulat e special ke yboard function s, su ch as u p or do wn arrow s, Alt/Make or Alt/Break com mands, that are n ot supported in the Extended ASCII Cha racter tab l e.
5 - 4 Functi on Code T ransmit When this selec tion is e nabl ed and fun ction cod es are co ntained wi thin the s canned d ata, the sc anner tr ansmits the fun ction code to th e terminal. Charts of these functio n codes are provid ed in Supporte d Interface Keys st ar t ing on page 8-2 .
5 - 5 Inter char a cter , Interfunct ion, and Inte rmessa ge Dela ys Some terminals drop inf or mation (char acters) i f data comes thro ugh too quic kly . Intercharac ter , interfuncti on, and intermessag e dela ys slo w the tr ansmis sion of d ata, increa sing data integ r ity .
5 - 6 Interfunct ion Dela y An interfu nction dela y of up to 50 00 milli seconds (in 5ms increment s) ma y be placed betw een the tr ansmis sion of e ach segmen t of the me ssa ge str i ng.
6 - 1 6 Data Formatting Data Forma t Editor Intr oduction Y ou ma y use th e Data F ormat Editor to change t he scan ner’ s output. F or e x ample , you c an use t he Data F orm at Edito r to insert charac ters at cer tain poin ts in ba r code d ata as it i s scanned.
6 - 2 univers al numb er, indica ting all l engths.) Step 6. Edit or Co mma nds Refer t o (page 6-3 ). Scan the symbols t hat represe nt the com mand yo u want to en ter. 94 alp h anumeri c charac ters may be entered fo r each sy mbology data form at.
6 - 3 Data Forma t Ed itor C ommand s Send Commands Send all charact ers F1 Include in the ou tput message a ll of the c haracters from the i nput messa ge, star ting from cu rrent cursor po sition, follow ed by a n insert cha racter. Syntax = F1xx where xx stands for the ins ert charac ter’s hex value for its ASCII code.
6 - 4 The data is output as: 1234567 890 ABCDEFGHIJ <CR > Send all character s up to a particular c haracter F3 Include in the ou tput mess age all characters from the input messa ge, starti ng .
6 - 5 Insert bar code length B4 Insert th e bar code ’s lengt h in the ou tput mes sage, witho ut moving th e cursor. The length is express ed as a n umeric string a nd does n ot include lead ing zeros .
6 - 6 Move the cur sor to the beginning F7 Move t he cursor to the first characte r in the in put mess age. Synta x = F7. FE and F7 Example : Manipulate bar codes that begin wit h a 1 Search f or bar cod es that be gin with a 1.
6 - 7 Sear ch f orward f or a string B0 Search fo rward for “s” st ring from the current cu rsor posi tion, leav ing cursor p ointing to “s” string . Syntax = B0nnnnS where nn nn is the string len gth (up to 9999), an d S consists of the ASCII hex value of ea ch characte r in the match strin g.
6 - 8 Sear ch bac kward f or a non- matching c haracter E7 Search the input mess age backwa rd for the first non-“xx ” character from the current cursor posi tion, leaving th e cursor pointin g to the no n-“xx” cha racter. Syntax = E7xx wh ere xx st ands for th e search character’ s hex v alue for it s ASCII code.
6 - 9 0D is t he h ex value for a CR The data is output as: 1234 5678 ABC <CR > Stop repl acing chara cters E5 Termina tes chara cter replacem ent. Syntax = E5. Compare char acters FE Co mpare the character in the cur rent cursor posit ion to the character “xx .
6 - 10 If this b ar code i s read, the ne xt data f or mat, if t here is one , will be us ed on this da ta. If there is no o ther f ormat, the f or mat f ails and th e ra w data is output a s 1234AB .
6 - 11 Data Format Non-Match Error T one When a b ar code is encoun tered that d oesn’t m atch yo ur required data f or mat, the scanner normally generat es an error tone . Howe ver , you ma y wa nt to con tinue scanning bar code s without hearing the error tone .
6 - 12 Sin gle Scan Dat a Form at Change Y ou can al so s witch betw een data f or mats f or a single sc an. The ne xt bar code is scan ned using an alt ernate data f ormat, then re verts to the f or mat y ou hav e selected abov e (either Primary , 1, 2, or 3 ).
7 - 1 7 Symbologies This prog ramming s ection c ontains t he f ollowi ng men u select ions. Ref er to Chapter 10 for se ttings and def aults. All Symbolog ies If yo u wan t to decode all the symbo logies al low able f or your sca nner , scan the All Sy mbologies On co de.
7 - 2 Codaba r <Default All Codabar Settings> Codabar On/Off Codabar Star t / Stop Charac ters Start/Stop char acters identi fy the lea ding and trailing ends of the bar cod e. Y o u ma y eithe r transm it, or not tr ansmi t Star t/ Stop cha racters .
7 - 3 Codabar Concat enation Codab ar supports symbol co ncatenati on. When y ou enab le conc atenation, the scann er looks f or a Coda bar symb ol ha ving a “D” s tar t char acter , adjace nt to a sy mbol ha ving a “D” stop char acter . In this case th e two me ssages a re conca tenated into one with the “D” c haracters omitted.
7 - 4 Concatenation Timeout When searchin g f or bar cod es during con catenati on, y ou ma y wish to se t a delay used to f ind the ne xt bar co de. Set the leng th (in millisecon ds) f or this dela .
7 - 5 Code 39 < Default All Code 39 Settin gs > Code 39 On/Off Code 39 Star t / Stop Characters Start/Stop char acters identi fy the lea ding and trailing ends of the bar cod e. Y o u ma y eithe r transm it, or not tr ansmi t Star t/ Stop cha racters .
7 - 6 Code 39 Redunda ncy If y ou are encounte ring errors wh en reading Code 3 9 bar code s, y ou may want to adju st the red undancy count. R edun- dancy adjusts the num ber of tim es a bar c ode is de coded be fore tran smission, which m a y reduce the num ber of errors .
7 - 7 Full ASCII If Ful l ASCII Code 39 decod ing is en able d, cer tain ch aracter p airs within the bar code symbol will be i nter preted as a single chara cter . Fo r ex ample: $V will be dec oded as the ASC II charact er SYN, and /C wi ll be dec oded as the ASC II chara cter #.
7 - 8 Interl eaved 2 of 5 < Default Al l Interleaved 2 of 5 Settings > Interl eaved 2 of 5 On/ Off NULL Characte rs Interlea ved 2 of 5 requires an e ven num ber of ch aracters. When an o dd num ber of cha racters is present, it is due to NULL chara cters em bedded in the bar co de.
7 - 9 Interleaved 2 of 5 Redund ancy If y ou are enc ountering erro rs when reading In terleav ed 2 of 5 bar codes , you m ay wa nt to adjus t the redu ndancy cou nt. Redun dancy ad justs the n umber of times a bar cod e is decode d bef ore transmi ssion, whi ch ma y reduce th e number of errors .
7 - 10 When Che ck Digit is set to V alidate, but Don’t T ransmit , the uni t only reads NEC 2 o f 5 bar co des printed wit h a check digit, b ut will not tr ansmit the chec k digit with the scanned data.
7 - 11 Code 93 < Default All Code 93 Settin gs > Code 93 On/Off Code 93 Redunda ncy If y ou are encounte ring errors wh en reading Code 9 3 bar code s, y ou may want to adju st the red undancy count. R edun- dancy adjusts the num ber of tim es a bar c ode is de coded be fore tran smission, which m a y reduce the num ber of errors .
7 - 12 Straigh t 2 of 5 Indust rial (t hree-b ar sta r t/st op) <Default All Straigh t 2 of 5 I ndustrial Setti ngs> Straight 2 of 5 Industrial On/Off Straight 2 of 5 I ndustrial Redun dancy If y o u are encountering errors when reading Str aight 2 of 5 Industrial ba r codes , yo u ma y want to ad just the redundanc y count.
7 - 13 Stra ight 2 of 5 IA T A ( two-b ar st art/stop) <Default All Str aight 2 of 5 IATA Settings> Straight 2 of 5 IA T A On/Off Straight 2 of 5 IA T A Redundancy If y ou are encountering errors when read ing Straig ht 2 of 5 IA T A bar codes , yo u ma y want to adjust the re dundancy count .
7 - 14 Matrix 2 of 5 <Default All Matrix 2 of 5 Sett ings> Matrix 2 of 5 On/Off Matrix 2 of 5 Check Chara cter No Chec k C harac ter indicat es that th e scanne r reads and transm its bar code data with or with out a che ck c haracte r .
7 - 15 Matrix 2 of 5 Mess age Length Scan the bar codes belo w to change th e message l ength. Ref er to Messag e Length D escrip tion (page 7-1) fo r additional inf or mation. Minimum and Max imum lengths = 1-80. Minim um Def ault = 3, M aximu m Def ault = 80.
7 - 16 Check Digit V alidation When Chec k Char acter is set to V alidate and T ransmi t , the scanner w ill only read Code 1 1 bar code s printed w ith the speci fied type chec k char acter(s), a nd will tr ansmit th e chara cter(s) at t he end of the scann ed data.
7 - 17 Code 128 <Default All Code 128 Settings> Code 12 8 On/Off 128 Group Separator Output If yo u wish to tran smit embe dded FNC1 cha racters as group sepa rators (1B he x) with you r Code 128 bar cod e output, scan the On bar code. W hen Off is scanned, not hing is transmi tted f or FNC1 char acters .
7 - 18 Code 128 M essa g e Leng th Scan the bar codes belo w to change th e message l ength. Ref er to Messag e Length D escrip tion (page 7-1) fo r additional inf or mation. Minimum and Max imum lengths = 1-80. Mi nimum Def ault = 3, Max imum De fa ult = 80.
7 - 19 ISBT 128 Predef ined Concat enation Sequences Note: You mus t enable C ode 128 and ISBT 12 8 to use th is feature. The f ollowing bar codes are us ed to select the pre-defined ISBT 128 Concat enation Sequ ence you w ish to use.
7 - 20 De fa ul t = Of f. ISBT 128 Us er- Defined Conc atenati on Sequ ences Note: You mus t enable C ode 128 and ISBT 12 8 to use th is feature. The f ollowi ng bar cod es are used to create a custom ISBT 128 Co ncatenati on Sequence . Select the id entifiers you want to tra nsmit in the 1st and 2 nd positions , both left an d right.
7 - 21 ISBT 128 Us er- Defined Conc atenati on Sequ ences On/Off The f ollowi ng select ions allo w y ou to enab le or requ ire the Use r-Defined ISBT 1 28 Conc atenation Sequence s. If you s can Of f , th e User-De fined con catenatio n sequen ces are di sab led.
7 - 22 T ran smit Iden tifier s Y ou ma y disab le the tra nsmission of the ISBT C ode 128 data iden tifiers b y scanning Off . When this sel ection i s Off , the first 2 d ata (ID) chara cters are r emov ed from the data strea m unless th e ISBT code conta i ns the D onation I dentifica tion Number i dentifiers .
7 - 23 GS1- 128 <Default All GS1-128 Sett ings> GS1-12 8 On/Off GS1-12 8 Application Id entifier P arsi ng This al low s a singl e GS1-128 bar co de to be br oken into m ultiple tr ansmission s based o n the pr esence of a pplicati on iden- tifier s (AI) em bedded i n the bar code .
7 - 24 GS1- 128 Mess age Lengt h Scan the bar codes belo w to change th e message l ength. Ref er to Messag e Length D escrip tion (page 7-1) fo r additional inf or mation. Minimum and Max imum lengths = 1-80. Mi nimum Def ault = 3, Max imum De fa ult = 80.
7 - 25 inside the bac k cov er of this ma nual. Then s can the Save bar code. Default = 0. T ele pen Messag e Length Scan the bar codes belo w to change th e message l ength. Ref er to Messag e Length D escrip tion (page 7-1) fo r additional inf or mation.
7 - 26 UPC-A Number System and Check Digit UPC-A Check Digit This s election allow s you to speci fy wheth er the che ck digit should be transmitte d at the en d of the s canned da ta or not. Def ault = On . UPC-A Number Syste m The n umeric system digit of a U .
7 - 27 UPC-A Addenda Required When Required is sc anned, the scanner w ill onl y read UPC -A bar codes that ha v e addend a. Y ou m ust then tur n on a 2 or 5 digit addenda l isted on pag e 7-26 . Def ault = Not Requir ed. Addenda Timeout Y ou ca n set a ti me during w hich the sc anner look s f or an add enda.
7 - 28 cov er of this manua l. Then sc an the Save b ar code . Def ault = 0. UPC-A/EAN-13 w ith Extende d Coupon Code Use th e fo llow ing codes to enab le or disab le UPC-A and EAN -13 with Exte nded Coupo n Code . When left on the def ault setti ng ( Off ), the scan ner treat s Coupo n Codes an d Extended Coupon C odes as single b ar codes .
7 - 29 UPC-A Number Syste m 5 Addenda Required This s etting prog rams the s canner to req uire any com bination of a cou pon code , a 2 digit ad denda, or a 5 digit addenda o n UPC- A bar codes t hat begi n wit h a “5 .
7 - 30 Addenda Timeout Y ou can se t a time during which the scanner look s fo r a coupon code . If a coupon cod e is not f ound with in this time period, the d ata can b e either tr ansmitt ed or disc arded, bas ed on the setting yo u are usi ng f or UPC-A/ EAN-13 with Extende d Coupo n Code or UPC -A Number System 4 Addenda Requi red .
7 - 31 UPC-E0 Number Syste m The n umeric system digit of a UPC-A symbo l is normally transmi tted at the beginnin g of scan ned data. When usi ng UPC- E Expand , the unit can be progra mmed so it will not tran smit it.
7 - 32 UPC-E0 Addenda This s election adds 2 or 5 digits t o the end of all scanned UPC-E dat a. Def ault = Off f or both 2 Digit and 5 Di git Addenda. UPC-E0 Addenda Required When Required is scann ed, the scanner will only read UPC- E bar code s that ha ve ad denda.
7 - 33 UPC-E0 Addenda Separator When this f eature is On , there is a spac e betw een the dat a from the bar code and th e data from th e addenda. When turned Off , there is no spac e. Def ault = Off. UPC-E0 Redundancy If y ou are enc ountering erro rs when reading UP C-E0 bar cod es, y ou may wan t to adjust the redun dancy coun t.
7 - 34 EAN/JAN-13 Check Digit This s election allow s you to speci fy wheth er the che ck digit should be transmitte d at the en d of the s canned da ta or not. Def ault = On. EAN/JAN-13 Adden da This s election adds 2 or 5 digits t o the end of all sc anned EAN /JAN-13 data.
7 - 35 EAN-13 Be ginning with 2 Addenda Req uired This s etting p rogram s the s canner to re quire a 2 digit a ddenda o nly on EAN-13 bar c odes tha t begin with a “2. ” The f ollow- ing set tings can be prog ramme d: Require 2 Digit Ad denda: All EAN-13 bar codes that begi n with a “2” m ust hav e a 2 digit ad dendum.
7 - 36 EAN-13 Beginning with 378/379 Addenda Required This s etting prog rams the scanne r to require any combin ation of a 2 digit ad denda or a 5 digit adde nda on EAN -13 bar codes that begin with a “ 378” or “379 .
7 - 37 EAN-13 Beginning with 434 /439 Addenda Required This s etting prog rams the scanne r to require any combin ation of a 2 digit ad denda or a 5 digit adde nda on EAN -13 bar codes that begin with a “ 434” or “439 .
7 - 38 Def ault = Don’t Re quire 2 Digi t Addenda. EAN-13 Beginning with 978 Addenda Required These s ettings p rogram the sca nner to req uire a 5 digit addenda only o n EAN-13 bar c odes that begin w ith “978.
7 - 39 Addenda Timeout Y ou ca n set a ti me during w hich the sc anner look s f or an add enda. If an ad denda is not f ound with in this ti me period, the data ca n be either tr ansmitt ed or disc arded, bas ed on the setting y ou are usi ng f or EAN/JAN-1 3 Addenda Re quired .
7 - 40 Con ver t ISBN to 13-Digit When tr anslating EAN-13 cod e s to the ISBN format, y ou can conv er t the bar code to a 1 3 digit f or mat by scanning the Con vert to 13-Digit On b ar code be low .
7 - 41 ISSN Ref ormat When Reformat On is sca nned, EAN-13 9 77 Bookla nd symbols are tran slated in to their eq uiv alent 8-di git ISSN nu m - ber f or mat, with hy phens added to the output. F or e xample , 9770123456787 will be tran smitted a s 0123-456-0.
7 - 42 EAN/JAN-8 Addenda This s election adds 2 or 5 digits t o the end of all sc anned EAN /JAN-8 d ata. Def ault = Off f or both 2 Digit and 5 Digit Addenda . EAN/JAN-8 Addenda Required When Required is scann ed, the sc anner w ill only read EAN/J AN-8 bar codes th at ha ve a ddenda.
7 - 43 EAN/JAN-8 Addenda Separa tor When this f eature is On , there is a spac e betw een the dat a from the bar code and th e data from th e addenda. When turned Off , there is no spac e. Def ault = Off. EAN/JAN-8 Redundancy If yo u are encounte ring errors when rea ding EAN/J AN-8 bar codes , yo u ma y wan t to adjust the redu ndancy co unt.
7 - 44 When Chec k Char acter is set to V alidate T ype 10/11, but Don’t T ransmit , the unit will only read MSI bar codes printe d with t he specifie d type chec k char acter(s), b ut will not tr ansmit the chec k character(s ) with th e scanned d ata.
7 - 45 MSI Mes sage Le ngth Scan the bar codes belo w to change th e message l ength. Ref er to Messag e Length D escrip tion (page 7-1) fo r additional inf or mation. Minimum and Max imum lengths = 1-80. Mi nimum Def ault = 3, Max imum De fa ult = 80.
7 - 46 Plessey Redundancy If y ou are enc ountering erro rs when reading Ple ssey b ar codes , you ma y want to adjust th e redundan cy coun t. Redun- dancy adjusts the num ber of tim es a bar c ode is de coded be fore tran smission, which m a y reduce the num ber of errors .
7 - 47 = 0. GS1 DataB ar Limited < Default All GS1 DataBar Limite d Settings > GS1 DataBar L imited On/Off GS1 DataBar L imited Redu ndancy If y ou are enc ountering erro rs when reading GS 1 DataBar Lim ited bar c odes, y ou ma y wan t to adjus t the redun dancy count.
7 - 48 GS1 Da taBar Expa nded < Default All GS1 DataBar Expanded Sett ings > GS1 DataBar Expanded On/Off GS1 DataBar Ex panded Re dundancy If y ou are enc ountering erro rs when reading GS 1 DataBar Exp anded bar codes, y ou ma y want to adjust t he redunda ncy count.
7 - 49 GS1 Em ulatio n The scan ner can aut omatically format the outpu t from an y GS1 data carrier to em ulate what w ould be encoded in an equi va lent GS1-128 or GS1 D ataBar symbo l. GS1 da ta carriers inclu de UPC-A an d UPC-E, EA N-13 and EAN -8, ITF-14, GS1-1 28, and GS1- 128 DataBar an d GS1 Com posites .
7 - 50 China P ost (Hong K ong 2 of 5) <Default All China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5) Settings> China P ost (Hong K ong 2 of 5) On/Off China P ost (Hong K ong 2 of 5) Redundanc y If y ou are enc ountering erro rs when reading China P ost (H ong K ong 2 of 5) ba r codes , y ou ma y want to a djust the redunda ncy count.
8 - 1 8 Interface K e ys K eyb oar d Functi on Relati onships The f ollowin g K ey board Func tion Code , Hex/ASC II V alue, and Fu ll ASCII “CTR L ”+ relati onships apply to all terminals that can be used with the sc anner . Ref er to page 2 -19 enab le Control + ASCII m ode.
8 - 2 Suppo r ted Interf ace K eys Unit ed Ki ngdo m [ ¢ ] 6 - Denm ark 8 9 6 - N o r w a y 8 96- Spain [ ] 6 - ASCII HEX IBM A T/XT and PS/2 Compati bles, WYSE PC/A T Supported Ke ys App le M ac/i.
9 - 1 9 Util ities T o Ad d a T est Code I.D . Pre fix to All Symbol ogies This se lection a llow s you to tur n on tra nsmission of a Co de I.D . befo re the dec oded symbo logy . (See the Symbol ogy Charts, beginni ng on page A-1) f or the sing le char acter code that iden tifies each symbol ogy .
9 - 2 ming p aramete rs f or a scanner . This s av ed file can be e-mailed or , if requir ed, y ou can cr eate a single ba r code tha t contains all the cus tomiz ed prog rammi ng par ameters and mail or f ax that bar code to any locatio n. Users i n other loc ations c an scan the bar cod e to load i n the cus tomiz ed prog rammi ng.
9 - 3 Rese tting t he F actory Def aults If y ou aren’t sure what prog ramming opti ons are in yo ur scanne r , or you’ ve changed some op tions and wa nt to resto re the sc an- ner to f actory defau lt settings , first scan the Remove Custom Defaul ts bar code, the n scan Activ ate Defaults .
9 - 4.
10 - 1 10 Serial Pr ogramming Commands The serial p rogr amming co mmands can be us ed in pla ce of the progra mming b ar codes. Both the serial com mands and the progr amming bar cod es will pro gr am the scan ner .
10 - 2 SubT ag Field Usa ge When a query is u sed in place o f a SubT ag f ield, the query applies only t o the subset of comm ands a vailab le that mat c h the T ag field. In this case , the Data f ield shou ld not be used becaus e it is i gnored b y the de vice.
10 - 3 This res ponse indi cates tha t the de vice’ s Codabar C oding Enab le (CBRENA) is set to 1, or on; the Start/Stop Char acter (SSX) is s et to 0, or Do n’t T ransmit; the Ch eck C haracte r.
10 - 4 Men u Commands Selection Se tting * Indica tes defau lt Serial C ommand # Ind ica tes a nume ri c en tr y Pag e Pr oduct Default Settings Setting Custom Def aults Set Custom Defaults MNUCDF 1-5.
10 - 5 Plug and Pla y Codes V erifone Ruby T er minal P APRBY 2-7 Gilbar co T er mina l P APGLB 2-7 Hone ywell Biopt ic A ux P or t P APBIO 2-7 Datal ogic Mag ellan Biop tic A ux P ort P APMA G 2-8 NC.
10 - 6 Greek (Lati n) KBDCT Y63 2-13 Greek (MS) KBDCT Y66 2-13 Greek (P olyton ic) KBDCT Y60 2-13 Hebre w KB DCTY12 2-13 Hunga rian (101 k ey ) KBDCT Y50 2-13 Hunga r y KBDCT Y19 2-13 Iceland KBDCT Y7.
10 - 7 T atar KBDCTY85 2-16 Thailan d KBDCT Y94 2-17 T ur ke y F KBDCTY27 2-17 T ur ke y Q KBDCTY24 2-17 Ukr ainian KBDCT Y76 2-17 Unit ed Ki ngdo m KBDC TY7 2-17 United Stated (Dvora k right) KBDCTY8.
10 - 8 RS-232 Mo difiers RS232 Baud Rate 300 BPS 232BAD0 2-22 600 BPS 232BAD1 2-22 1200 BPS 232BAD2 2-22 2400 BPS 232BAD3 2-22 4800 BPS 232BAD4 2-22 *9600 BPS 232BAD5 2-22 19200 BPS 232BAD6 2-22 38400.
10 - 9 RS232 Hand shaking *R TS/CTS Off 232CT S0 2-24 Flow C ont rol, No T imeo ut 232C TS1 2-2 5 Chara cte r-B ased Flow Con tr ol, N o Timeou t 232C TS7 2-25 T wo-Directio n Flow C ontrol 232CTS2 2-.
10 - 10 Scannin g While i n Base Cra dle Scannin g in Cr adle Off BT_SIC 0 3-6 *Scann ing in C radle On BT_SIC1 3-6 P aging Mode *On BEPPGE1 3-6 Off BEPPGE0 3-6 P aging Pitch Low (*1 000) (min 100Hz ).
10 - 1 1 Record Counter *Record Counter Off BA TENT0 3-13 Record Counter On BA TENT1 3-1 3 T otal Reco rds T ota l Records BA TNRC 3-13 Batch M ode Outpu t Order *FIFO BA TLIF0 3-13 LIFO BA TLIF1 3-14.
10 - 12 Beeper - T ra nsmit Order *Bef ore T ransmis sion BEPWHN 1 4-2 After T ransmission BEPWHN2 4-2 Beeper Pit ch - Error (F requency) *Razz (100 Hz ) BEPFQ2100 4-3 Medium (2 000 Hz) BEPFQ220 00 4-.
10 - 1 3 In-Stand a nd Out-of -Stand Settin gs In -Stand Def aults A ISDFT 4-6 Out-of-Sta nd Def aults A O SDFT 4-6 Presenta tion Mode O ut-of-Stand P APPM1 4-7 Presenta tion Mode with CodeGate Out-of.
10 - 14 Objec t Detection Laser Tim eout Out -of- Stand (Range 1 - 65525) *5000 ms A OSODT##### 4-1 1 *Objec t Detection Distance - Short In- Stand AISRNG2 4-11 Objec t Detection Distance - Long In-St.
10 - 1 5 Suffix Add Suffix S UFBK2## 5-3 Clear On e Suffix SUFC L2 5-3 Clear All Suffixes SUFCA2 5-3 T ransmit Alt er nate Exte nded ASCII Char acters *T ransmit Alternate Extended ASCIi KBDEXT0 5-3 T.
10 - 16 Symbol ogie s All Sym bologies All Symb ologies Off ALLENA0 7-1 All Symb ologies On ALLENA1 7-1 Codab ar Def ault All Co dabar Settings CBRDFT 7-2 Off CBRENA0 7-2 * On CBRENA1 7-2 Codab ar Star t/Stop Char . * Don’t T ransmit CBRSSX0 7-2 T ransmit CBRSSX1 7-2 Codab ar Chec k Char .
10 - 1 7 Interlea ved 2 of 5 Def ault All I nterleav ed 2 of 5 Set tings I25DF T 7-8 Off I25ENA 0 7-8 *On I25ENA1 7-8 NULL Characters *Off I25NUL0 7-8 On I25NUL1 7-8 Interlea ved 2 of 5 Chec k Digit * No Check Char .
10 - 18 Straigh t 2 of 5 IA T A Mess age Leng th Minim um (1 - 8 0) *13 A25MIN## 7-13 Maxim um (1 - 80) *15 A25MAX## 7-13 Matrix 2 of 5 Def ault All Mat rix 2 of 5 Settings X25DFT 7-1 4 *Off X25ENA0 7.
10 - 1 9 ISBT128 Pre defined Con catenatio n Sequenc es * Dona tio n ID Nu mber (001 ) and ABO/Rh D Blood Groups (002) ISBPCS0 7-19 Dona tion I D Nu mber ( 001 ) and Donor ID Number (019 ) ISBPCS1 7-1.
10 - 20 T elepen Red undancy Range (0 - 10) *0 TE L V OT# # 7-25 T elepen M essage Leng th Minimu m (1 - 80) *3 TELM IN## 7-25 Maximum (1 - 80) *80 TELMAX# # 7-25 UPC-A Def ault A ll UPC-A Settings UP.
10 - 2 1 UPC-E0 Number System *On UPEEXN1 7-31 Off UPEEXN0 7-31 UPC-E0 Chec k Digit *Off UPECKX0 7-31 On UPECKX1 7-31 UPC-E0 Le ading Zero *Off UPENSX0 7-31 On UPENSX1 7-31 UPC-E0 Add enda 2 Digit Add.
10 - 22 EAN-13 Be ginning wi th 434/439 Addenda Required * Don’t Require Addenda ARQ4340 7-37 Requi re 2 Digit Ad denda ARQ4341 7-37 Requi re 5 Digit Ad denda ARQ4342 7-37 Requi re 2 or 5 Dig it Add.
10 - 2 3 MSI Ch eck Characte r *V alidate T ype 10, b ut Don’t T rans mit MSICHK0 7-44 V alidate T ype 10 and Tr a n s m i t MSICHK1 7-44 V alidate 2 T ype 10 Ch ars, but Don’t Tr a n s m i t MSIC.
10 - 24 GS1 Emul ation GS1-128 Emulation EANEMU1 7-49 GS1 DataBar Emulation EANEMU2 7-49 GS1 C ode Expans ion Off E ANEMU3 7-49 EAN8 to EAN13 Co nv ersion EANE MU4 7-49 *GS1 E mulation O ff EANEMU0 7-.
11 - 1 11 Pr oduct Specifications V o y ager 1200g Pr oduct Specif ication s P arameter Spe cification Mechanical Height 3.8 in. (97mm) Length 7. 1 in.
11 - 2 V o y ager 1202g Pr oduct Speci ficatio ns Maximum P ower Output < 1 mw Embedded Laser Wa ve l e n g t h 645 - 660 nm Div ergence < 1.5 mr ad. per IEC 608 25-1 w orst case Maximum P ower Output 10 mw P arameter Specificati on Mechanical Height 3.
11 - 3 CCB00-01 0BT Product Specifications Scan Patter n Single scan line Scan Angl e Horiz ontal: 30° Scan Spee d 100 scan lines per second Pri nt Co ntra st 10% min imum re flecta nc e dif ference Decode Capabilit ies Reads stand ard 1D and GS1 Dat aBar symb ologies DOF with 3.
11 - 4 CCB00-010BT Mounti ng T empera ture Ranges : Ope rati ng - Ch argi ng 41° F to + 104 ° F (5° C t o 40° C) O perating - Non -Charging 32° F to +122° F (0° C t o 50° C) Storage* 23°F to +95°F (-5°C to 35°C) Hu midity 0 to 95% r elative humidi ty , non-conden sing En vironmental Mechanical Drop Operation al after 30 drops from 3.
11 - 5 Standa rd Cab le Pinouts K eyboard W edge Serial Output 10 Pin RJ41 Modul ar Plug connects to the scanner or the ba se 1 Ca ble shie ld 2 Ca ble se lect 3 Su pply ground 4 Term inal data 5 Term.
11 - 6 Standa rd Cab le Pinouts RS485 Ou tput USB 10 Pin RJ41 Mo dular Plug connects to the sca nner or th e base 1 Ca ble sh ield 2 Ca ble se lect 3 Su pply ground 4 Trans mit data 5 Re ceive da ta - serial data to sca nner 6 7+ 5 V p o w e r 8 Trans mit Enable 9 10 Note: RS485 s ignal conv ersion is performe d in the c able.
12 - 1 12 Maintenan ce Repairs Repairs and/or up grade s are n ot to be pe rfo rmed on this pro duct. The se services are to be perf or med onl y by an autho rized ser v ice c ent er (s ee Cus tom er Su ppo rt on pag e 13-1). Maint enance Y our de vice provi des reliab le and eff icient ope ration w ith a minim um of care .
12 - 2 Repl acing an I nterface Cable in a Cor ded Scanner 1. Turn the power to the host s ystem OFF. 2. Discon nect the scanne r’s cable fro m the term inal or computer . 3. Locate the smal l hole on the unders ide of the scanner ’s handle. T his is the c able relea se.
12 - 3 6. Repl ace wi th t he n ew cab le. Insert th e connector in to the op ening and press f i rmly. T he conne ctor is keyed to go i n only o ne way , and will click into place. T rou bles hootin g a V o y ager Sca nner The sc anner autom atically p erf or ms self-tests w hene ver y ou turn it on.
12 - 4 The scan ner won’t re ad y our bar cod e at all. 1. Scan the sample bar codes in the ba ck of this man ual. If the scanner reads the sample b ar codes , check t hat your b ar code i s re adab le. Verify tha t your bar code symbo logy is enabled (s ee Chapter 7 ).
12 - 5 Reprog ram t he base/Ac cess P o int wi th the correct Plug and Pla y bar co de. Se e Prog rammi ng t he In ter fac e beginnin g on page 2-1 . • The b as or Acc ess Pointe m ay not b e programm ed to outp ut your ba r code da ta properly . For examp le, you s can “1234 5” and the h ost displays “A12345B.
12 - 6.
13 - 1 13 Customer Su ppor t T ech nical A ssist ance If y ou need as sistanc e instal ling or trou bles hooting y our de vice, please c ontact us by using on e of the me thods be low: Knowle dge Base: www.hsmknowl Our Kno wledge Ba se provides thousand s of immedi ate solu tions.
A - 1 A Reference Char ts Symbolog y Charts Note: “m” repre sents the AIM m odifier c haracter. Ref er to Internat ional Tec hnical Spe cification, Symbology Id entifiers , for AIM modifie r characte r details. Prefix / Suffix entries for specific symbol ogies overri de the universal (All Symbolo gies, 99) entry.
A - 2 P ostal Sym bologies ASCI I Con vers ion Chart (Co de P age 1252 ) In k eyb oard applic ations , ASCII Contro l Characte rs can be rep resented in 3 diff erent w a ys, a s shown bel ow . The CTR L+X func- tion is O S and applic ation depe ndent.
A - 3 Lower ASCII Reference T able Note: Window s Code pag e 1252 an d lower ASCI I use the s ame charac ters. 1 01 SOH NP Enter CTRL+ A Select all 2 02 STX Caps Lock C TRL+ B Bold 3 03 ETX AL T Make .
A - 4 39 27 ' 71 47 G 103 67 g 40 28 ( 72 48 H 104 68 h 41 29 ) 73 49 I 105 69 i 42 2A * 74 4A J 106 6A j 43 2B + 75 4B K 107 6B k 44 2C , 76 4C L 108 6C l 45 2D - 77 4D M 109 6D m 46 2E .
A - 5 150 96 –û F 7 0x4 1 151 97 —ù F 8 0x4 2 152 98 ˜ÿ F 9 0x43 153 99 ™Ö F 1 0 0x4 4 154 9A šÜ F 1 1 0x57 155 9B ›¢ F 1 2 0x58 156 9C œ £ Nu meric Ke ypad + 0x4 E 157 9D ¥ Numeric.
A - 6 202 CA Ê ╩ 203 CB Ë ╦ 204 CC Ì ╠ 205 CD Í ═ 206 CE Î ╬ 207 CF Ï ╧ 208 D0 Ð ╨ 209 D1 Ñ ╤ 210 D2 Ò ╥ 21 1 D3 Ó ╙ 212 D4 Ô ╘ 213 D5 Õ ╒ 214 D6 Ö ╓ 215 D7 × �.
A - 7 ISO 2022/ISO 646 Char acter Rep lace ments Code pages def ine the ma pping of char acter codes to characters . If the data re ceiv ed does not disp la y with the p roper chara c- ters , it ma y be becaus e the bar code be ing scann ed wa s created using a code pag e that is differe nt from the one the h ost pro- gr am is e xpecting.
A - 8 Dec 35 36 64 91 92 93 94 96 123 124 125 126 Hex 23 24 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E US 0 1 # $ @ [ ] ^ ` { | } ~ CA 54 95 # $ à â ç ê î ô é ù è û CA 18 96 # $ à â ç ê É ô é ù .
A - 9 Unicode Ke y Maps 6E 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7 A 7B 7C 7D 7E 4B 50 55 4C 51 56 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0F 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2C 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2B 39 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 53 4F 54 59 3A 3B 3C 3E 3F 38 40 3D 5A 5F 64 5B 60 65 5C 61 66 5D 62 67 63 68 69 6A 6C 104 Key U.
A - 10.
Sample Symbols UPC-A 0 12345 6 7890 Interlea ved 2 of 5 123456789 0 Code 128 Code 12 8 EAN-13 9 780330 290951 Cod e 39 BC321 Codabar A13579B Code 93 123456-9 $ Straight 2 of 5 Industrial 123456.
6543210 Matrix 2 of 5 GS1 DataBar (01)001 23456789 012.
Pr ogramming Char t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
Pr ogramming Char t Note: If yo u make an error whi le scan ning the letters o r digits (before sc anning Sa ve), sca n Discard , scan t he correc t letters o r digits , and Save a gain.
Honeywell Sca nning & Mobility 9680 Old Bailes Roa d Fort Mill, SC 29707 VG1200 -UG Rev E 9/1 3.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Honeywell 1200g c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Honeywell 1200g - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Honeywell 1200g, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Honeywell 1200g va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Honeywell 1200g, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Honeywell 1200g.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Honeywell 1200g. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Honeywell 1200g ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.