Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 31KX39K, 31GX31B, 31DX21B, 31DX11B du fabricant Hitachi
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IMPORT ANT SAFEG UARDS 31KX39K 31GX31B 31DX21B 31DX11B 1 HITACHI 39KX39K SOLI D STATE COLO R TV OPER ATI NG GUI DE Your new HITACHI COLOR TV incorporates a host of features desig ned to giv e you excell ent perf ormance if you follow the instructions in this manual.
IMPORT ANT SAFEG UARDS TA BLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS .................................................................................................................. 3 POW ER SOURCE: ........................................................
IMPORT ANT SAFEG UARDS POWE R SOURCE: This Hitachi col or TV is desig ned to operate on 120 vol ts 60 Hz, AC household curr ent. Insert the pow er cord plug into a 120 volt 60 Hz outlet. NEVER CONNECT THE T V TO 50 Hz, DIRECT CURRENT , OR ANYT HING OT HER THAN THE SPECIFIED VOLTAGE.
IMPORT ANT SAFEG UARDS Our reputation has been bui lt on the quality , performance, and ease of service of HITACHI tele vision re ce ivers. Safety is also foremost in our minds in the design of these units. To help you operate these products properly, this folder illustrates safety tips which w ill be of benefit to you.
IMPORT ANT SAFEG UARDS 6 Never push objects of any kind into thi s televi sion set through cabinet slots as they may touch dang erous vol tage points or short out parts that could r esult in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liqu id o f an y kind on the te levision set.
IMPORT ANT SAFEG UARDS • Never expose the set to rai n or water. If the set has been exposed to rai n or water , unplug the set from the w all outlet and refer to servi cing personnel. 13 Choose a place w here light (arti f icial or sunl ight) does not shine directl y on the screen.
IMPORT ANT SAFEG UARDS 16-2 Note to CATV system i nstaller: (Only for the telev ision set with C ATV reception) This reminder i s prov ided to call the CATV sy stem installer's attention to Arti .
IMPORT ANT SAFEG UARDS 17 An outside antenna system shoul d not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electrical lights or power circuits, or wher e it can f all into such power li nes or circuits.
IMPORT ANT SAFEG UARDS IF THIS SET DOES NOT OPERATE PROPERLY 22 If you are unable to r estore normal operation by f ollowi ng the detailed procedure in your oper ating instructions, do not attempt any f urther adjustment. Unplug the set and call y our dealer or serv ice technician.
BEFORE O PERATING YOUR TV SET BEFORE OPERATING YOUR TV SET INSTA LLATION A NTENNA Unless your T V set is connected to a cable TV system or to a centraliz ed antenna system, a g ood outdoor color TV antenna is r ecommended f or the best performance.
BEFORE O PERATING YOUR TV SET A NTENNA CONNECTIONS These sets are equipped w ith one VHF/UHF terminal can be used f or normal TV, cable TV (CATV), a TV game, etc.
HOOK-UP CABLES AND CONNECTORS HOOK-UP CA BLE S A ND CONNE CTORS Most vi deo/audio connections between components can be made w ith shielded v ideo and audio cables that hav e phono connectors. For best performance, video cables should use 75-Ohm coax ial shielded wi re.
HOOK-UP CABLES AND CONNECTORS information on connecting y our hook-up cables..
LOCATION OF CONT ROLS LOCA TION OF CONTROLS Details ar e described on the page shown by the number attached to the part name (example: ). Front view illustration Rear view illustration FRONT PA NE .
PICTURE CAUT IONS CHA NNEL BUTTON CHA NNEL S E L E CTION Channel selecti on may be performed by pressing either the CH ANNEL BUTTON UP ( ) or DOW N ( ). W hen pressing the right side ( : UP ) of the CHANNEL BUTT ON, the next hig her channel is selected.
THE GENIUS REMO TE CONT ROL (C LU-851GR) THE GENIUS REMOTE CON TROL (CLU- 851GR) In addition to controlling all the functions on your Hitachi Color TV, the new Genius Remote control is designed to operate different types of VCR's (al so abbrev iated VTR) and different types of CATV (Cable TV) w ith one touch.
THE G ENIUS REMOTE CONT ROL ( CLU-692GR with P-in-P) Click to see Mul ti-Page W indow s of CLU-851GR THE GENIUS REMOTE CON TROL (CLU- 692GR w ith P-in-P) In addition to controlling all the functions o.
THE G ENIUS REMOTE CO NTROL ( CLU-681GJ without P-in-P) THE GENIUS REMOTE CONTROL (CLU-681GJ w i thout P-in-P) In addition to controlling all the functions on your Hitachi Color TV, the new Genius Rem.
HOW TO USE T HE GENIUS REMOTE T O CONT ROL YOUR T.V. HOW TO USE THE GENIUS REMOTE TO CONTROL YOUR T.V. Remote co ntrols illustra tion Detailed ex planation of the circled numbers on the follow ing pages. POWER button Press this button to turn the TV set on or off.
HOW TO USE T HE GENIUS REMOTE T O CONT ROL YOUR T.V. The "E NT ER" butto n will set features to your pref erence. CHA NNEL SELECTOR buttons Enter tw o or three numbers to sel ect channels. Enter a "0" first for channels 1 to 9.
HOW TO USE T HE GENIUS REMOTE T O CONT ROL YOUR T.V. The word "MUTE" will remain displayed if the CLOSED CAPTION feature is turned of f. The word "MUT E" will not be displayed if the CLOSE D CAPTION f eatu re is on. LA ST CHANNEL (LST-CH) button Use this button to sel ect between the last tw o channels view ed.
-SET UP- FUNCT IONS -SET UP- FUNCTIONS Press MENU , 1, and ENTER to display 3 of the -SET UP- Functions. There are a total of 8 -SET UP- Functions. Use the CURSOR UP or DOW N to scroll thro u gh the fu n ctions, or use the numbe r buttons to highli ght a function.
-SET UP- FUNCT IONS CHANN EL 1 is used for the primar y lang uage (usually English). CHANN EL 2 is sometimes used for a second lang uage (may var y by reg ion). Use the CURSOR UP or DOW N to highlig ht the f unction to change, press ENTER to change the function, and press MEN U to exi t.
-SET UP- FUNCT IONS Refer to your cabl e or TV guide for channel identification standards. If certain CATV channels are poor or not possible in the CATV mode, set the - AIR/CABLE- select to C A T V2. • AU T O P R O G RAM This f eature will automatically store active TV channels in CHANNEL MEMORY.
-SET UP- FUNCT IONS (ABC, PAY1, C MDY, etc.). To display this function, pr ess MENU, 1, ENTER, 3, EN TER. Press the CURSOR , to select letters. Press the CURSOR , to change position. Press CHANNEL , or the number buttons to select and label additional channels.
-SET UP- FUNCT IONS (one time only) or MODE: DAILY (TV w ill turn on at the same time every day). Press the number buttons to select the CHANNEL the TV will tune to when the TV automatically turns on. Press the CURSOR button s to set the ON T IME. Press ENTER after each selection.
-SET UP- FUNCT IONS Press the CURSOR and ENTER buttons to set the functions shown in the same way as you set the OFF TIMER. Press MENU to start. FIVE beeps will be heard w hen the AUT OMATIC MESSAGE is displayed. Examples: U se this message function to remember to take daily vitamins, or use the 1 SHOT to remember to call a friend.
-SET UP- FUNCT IONS will reset the key num ber back to the f actory preset 000. Use the channel , buttons while still in CHILD LOCK to se t o r cancel the lock o n additional channel s. • VOLUME CORRECTION Use this function to reduce the v olume level of up to four TV channels that sound loud compared to other TV channels.
PICTURE-IN-PICT URE FUNCTIONS (EX CEPT 31DX 11B) PICTURE-IN-PICTURE FUNCTIONS (EXCEP T 31DX1 1 B) P IN P BUTTON The Picture-in- Picture feature is convenient w hen you want to w atch more than one progr am at the same time. You can watch a TV prog ram while v iewing a VCR prog ram (TV or tape) and v ice versa w ith this feature.
PICTURE-IN-PICT URE FUNCTIONS (EX CEPT 31DX 11B) moves one step counter- clockwise ev ery time the "SHIFT" button is pressed. FREEZE BUTTON: If you wi sh to f reeze the sub-pi cture, press the "FREEZE" button.
-PICTURE- FUNCT IONS -PICTURE- FUNCTIONS • PICTURE PROGRAM PICTURE PROGRAM is for your preferred settings - contrast, color, etc. You can hav e two setting s, PREFERENCE or use the factory PR ESET settings. Press MENU, 2, ENTER to display the -PICTURE- PROGRAM functions.
-SOUND- FUNCTIONS Press the CURSOR buttons to select and make adjustments. BALANCE - T his f unction will contro l the lef t, right bala nce of the T V intern a l speakers, the AUDIO TO HI-FI output and the sur round speakers. BASS - This function controls the l ow frequency audio to all speakers.
-SOUND- FUNCTIONS • SURROUND OFF: Use this for normal stereo/mono broadcasts. ON: Listener is sur rounded by many sound sources such as a spor ting event, etc. NOTE: Some TV systems do not transmit optimum audio channel separ ation which can reduce the eff e ctiveness of the SURROUND f unction.
USING THE GENIUS REMOT E TO CONT ROL VCR FUNCT IONS USING THE GENIUS REMOTE TO CONTROL V CR FUNCTIONS • To operate your VC R, point the Genius remote at the remote sensor of the VCR. The Genius remote is desig ned to operate diff e rent types of VCR's.
USING THE GENIUS REMOT E TO CONT ROL CABLE BOX FUNCT IONS USING THE GENIUS REMOTE TO CONTROL CABLE BOX FUNCTIONS • To operate your cabl e box, point the Genius remote at the remote sensor of the cable box. The Genius remote is desig ned to operate diff e rent types of cable boxes.
USING THE GENIUS REMOT E TO CONT ROL CABLE BOX FUNCT IONS TA BLE 1. VCR Precoded remote controls for H itachi GR III Remote CLU -851GR Press SELECT and this VCR BRA ND button Audio Dy namics VOLUME Ca.
USING THE GENIUS REMOT E TO CONT ROL CABLE BOX FUNCT IONS Mitsubishi 7 Montgo mery W ards CHANNE L NEC 9 Panasonic 6 Pentex 1 Philco 4 / 6 Philips 4 / 6 Pioneer 1 ProScan 2 Quasar 6 RCA 1 / 2 Realisti.
USING THE GENIUS REMOT E TO LEARN ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS (31GX31B ONLY) TA BLE 4. Cable Box Precoded remote controls for Hitachi GJ III and GJ II Remote CLU-692GR and CLU-681GJ Press SELECT and this CA .
USING THE GENIUS REMOT E TO LEARN ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS (31GX31B ONLY) EXCLUSIVE BUTTONS These buttons are for operating the TV. Storing Operation Set the remote transmitter as shown below. Put the remote transmitter whi ch contains the codes to be stored and the GENIU S REMOTE transmitter to f ace each other.
USING THE GENIUS REMOT E TO LEARN ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS (31GX31B ONLY) If the storing w as not done correctly, or the codes ar e too long to lear n, or no more codes can be stored in memory due to memory over f low, the LEAR N indicator and READY indicator w ill flash on and off .
EXTERNAL CONNECT IONS EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS CONNECTING EXTERNAL A UDIO A MPLIFIER To control the audio lev el of an external audio ampli f ier w ith the remote transmi tter, connect the system as show n below.
CONNECTING EXT ERNAL VIDEO SOURCES CONNECTING EXTERNAL VIDEO SOURCES The exact arrang ement you use to connect the Video Cassette Recorder , Video Disc Player and Video Camera to your TV set is dependent on the model and features of each component.
CONNECTING EXT ERNAL VIDEO SOURCES CONNECTIN G STEREO VCR or STEREO VIDEO DISC PLA YER Connect the cable from the VIDEO OUT of the VCR or the Vi deo Disc Player to the "INPUT (VIDEO)" jack on the TV set.
REMOTE CO NTRO L BATT ERY INSTALLAT ION AND REPLACEMENT NOTE: • Completely insert the connection cord plugs w hen connecting to REAR panel jacks. If you do not, the played back pi cture may be abnormal. • If you have an S- VHS VCR, use the S INPUT cable in place of the standard v ideo cable.
REMOTE CO NTRO L BATT ERY INSTALLAT ION AND REPLACEMENT CA UTIONS 1. If your telev ision set is to remain unused for a long period of time, f or instance, when you go on a v acation, unplug the tel e vision set from the wal l outlet. 2. Do not subject the Remote transmitter to shocks such as dropping it on the floor, etc.
ACCESSORIES PART NUMBERS A CCESSORIES PAR T NUMBERS For information regar ding how to obtain these accessori es, please call TOLL FREE 1- 800-448-2244 fro y our nearest Hi tachi Authorized Parts D istributor in the continental United States. For Alaska and H awaii, please contact the nearest Hi tachi Regional Offi ce.
TROUBLES HOOTING TROUBLESHOOTING RECEPTION PROBLEM S (EXTERNA L TO THE TV) • IGNITION NOISE: Black spots or hori zontal str eaks may appear, picture may f lutter or drift. Usual ly caused by interference from automobile ignition systems, neon lamps, electrical drills and other electri cal appliances.
TROUBLES HOOTING Troubleshooting char t.
SPECIFICATIO NS SPECIFICA TIONS Features: • Super Fine Quality 650 Lines Horiz ontal Resolution • Dark Tint CPT for 31GX31B • Genius Remote (C ontrols many VCR brands and cable box br ands) • Full Function Menu On- Screen Display • Full Set of Input Jacks, including S-Video • Closed Caption D ecoder Inputs: • Power i nput.
HITACHI SERVICE HOT LINE HITA CHI SERVI CE HOTLINE To locate an authorized HITACHI service facility in the continental U.S.A. DIA L TOLL FREE 7 days a w eek, 24 hours a day 800 HITA CHI 1-800-448-2244 Hitachi Home Elect ronics (America) , Inc. Hitachi has made ev ery effort to assure you hour s of trouble free operation from y our unit.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Hitachi 31KX39K, 31GX31B, 31DX21B, 31DX11B c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Hitachi 31KX39K, 31GX31B, 31DX21B, 31DX11B - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Hitachi 31KX39K, 31GX31B, 31DX21B, 31DX11B, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Hitachi 31KX39K, 31GX31B, 31DX21B, 31DX11B va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Hitachi 31KX39K, 31GX31B, 31DX21B, 31DX11B, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Hitachi 31KX39K, 31GX31B, 31DX21B, 31DX11B.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Hitachi 31KX39K, 31GX31B, 31DX21B, 31DX11B. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Hitachi 31KX39K, 31GX31B, 31DX21B, 31DX11B ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.