Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Treo 270 du fabricant Handspring
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Treo™ 270 Communicator User Guide Macintosh Edition.
Page 2 Macintosh Edition Copyrigh t Copyright © 2002 Hands pring, Inc. All Rights Reserv ed. Handspring, Treo , and the Treo logo are trademar ks of Handspr ing, In c. and may be regis tered in some juri sdiction s. Blazer a nd the Handsp ring logo are t rademarks of Handspr ing Inc.
Introduction to Your Treo™ 270 Communicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Getting to k now your commun icator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 What is a Treo commun icator? .
Page 4 Content s Managing Your Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Using the Applications Launcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Page 5 Finding records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Looking up Contacts records in PhoneBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 6 Content s Blazer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Viewing web pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Page 7 Expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Changing the date of an Expe nse item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 8 Content s Ringer Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 ShortCuts Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Page 9 Advanced Call Forwarding Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Forwarding calls when y our communicator i s busy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Forwarding calls that y ou do not answ er .
Page 10 Content s.
Chapter 1 Page 11 Chapter 1 Introduction to Your Treo™ 270 Communicator This chap ter explains the physical but tons and control s on your Treo™ 270 commun icator, how to use your communi cator fo.
Page 12 Introduct ion to Your Tre o™ 270 Communicator System requ iremen ts To install a nd operate Pal m Desktop softwa re and the HotSync Manager synchroniz ation software, your computer sy stem must meet the followin g requirements: Minimum requirements ■ Mac OS 8.
Chapter 1 Page 13 8. If you created a password on your old handheld, enter it on your new commu nicator. Note: Records yo u previously mark ed Private remain marked Private, b ut you need to reente r a password on your new communicator.
Page 14 Introduct ion to Your Tre o™ 270 Communicator Speaker Functions as th e earpiece on your Treo. Headset jac k Enables you to connect a hands-free headset for use with the wireless features. U se only head sets that a re compatible wi th your communicator.
Chapter 1 Page 15 Locating top panel controls Antenn a Receives and sends wirel ess communication signal s. The antenna does not telescope out of your communicator. Stylus Serves as the instrument use d to tap options on you r communicator screen. To use the stylus, sl ide the sty lus out of t he slot, a nd hold it as you would a pen or pencil .
Page 16 Introduct ion to Your Tre o™ 270 Communicator Locating back panel components Inserting the SIM card The SIM card is a small rectangul ar plastic piece that contains your phone number and account informatio n. It is i ncluded with your wireless service provider’s d ocumentation and is often referred to as a “smartcard.
Chapter 1 Page 17 Charging the battery To use your communicator, you mus t connect the travel charger or the HotSync cable an d charge the battery. When you’re near you r computer, connect your communicator to the HotSync cable with the travel charger connected to a wall outlet a s shown in the section that begins on page 23.
Page 18 Introduct ion to Your Tre o™ 270 Communicator Turning your Treo on and off Your Treo co mmunicator has two operating mode s: a ha ndheld mode and a wirele ss mode. You can turn the ha ndheld mode and the wireless mod e on and off indep endent of each other.
Chapter 1 Page 19 Adju stin g th e displ ay Depending on the lighting conditions or temperature of the envi ronment where you use your communicator, you may need to adj ust the brightness and color saturation of the displ ay. The Adjust Display dialo g box contains two sliders.
Page 20 Introduct ion to Your Tre o™ 270 Communicator Elements of the communicator interface Menu bar A set of co mmands that are s pecific to the applicatio n. Not all a pplications ha ve a menu bar. Command buttons Tap a button to perform a command.
Chapter 1 Page 21 M ov ing arou nd the screen You can move betw een entry fields , pick lists, check boxes, and othe r options by usi ng the stylus, the scroll buttons, or the rocker switch. To move around the screen do one of the f ollowing: ■ Tap an item with the styl us.
Page 22 Introduct ion to Your Tre o™ 270 Communicator The following procedures for setting the ti me and date give you a n example of how to cus tomize your communicat or. You make changes to the time and date in General preferences. To set the cur rent time: 1.
Chapter 1 Page 23 Using the headset You can conne ct a headse t for hands-free op eration. Your Treo is compati ble with the included headset and other headse ts listed at www.handsp If you need to use your phone while driving and this is permit ted in your area, we recommend usi ng a headset.
Page 24 Introduct ion to Your Tre o™ 270 Communicator To connect th e HotSync cab le: 1. Connect the trav el charger cable to the short end of the Hotsync ca ble. Be sure to match the sides of the connectors lab eled “UP.” 2. Connect the USB HotSy nc cable to a USB port on your computer.
Chapter 1 Page 25 Palm Desktop software Your communicator come s with Pa lm Desktop softwa re. Palm Deskt op software in cludes many of the same a pplications a s your communicator: Daily Cal endar (Date Boo k Plus), Cont act List (the Contacts view in Phone Book), Task (To Do List), and Note (Memo Pad).
Page 26 Introduct ion to Your Tre o™ 270 Communicator One-Touch Mail One-Touch M ail is a wireless e-ma il application that enab les you to access your ISP (POP3 account) e-mail directly from your communicator. You ma y also b e able to use One-Touch Mai l to access your corporate e-mail; contact your System Adminis trator for assistance.
Chapter 2 Page 27 Chapter 2 Entering Data in Your Communicator This chap ter explains how to enter da ta into your Treo™ 270 communicato r using each of the followi ng methods: ■ Using the communi.
Page 28 Entering Dat a in Your Communicat or To type a si ngle capit al letter (Cap s Shift): 1. Press Shi ft : When Caps Shift is active, an “up a rrow” symbol ap pears in the lo wer-right corner of the Treo screen.
Chapter 2 Page 29 Typing accented characters The ListType feature enables you to enter accented characters. You can enter th e following accented letters: à á ä â ã å ç è é ë ê ì í ï î ñ ò ó ö ô õ ù ú ü û ý ÿ To enter accented ch aracters: 1.
Page 30 Entering Dat a in Your Communicat or 3. Press ListType . 4. Use th e scroll button s to select the extended s ymbol you wa nt to insert. 5. Press Space to insert th e extended cha racter. Tip: To enter a tab, press Shift and then press Space .
Chapter 2 Page 31 Using me nus Menus on your communicator are eas y to use. Once you have mastered them in one app lication, you can use them the same way in a ll other appl ications. The menus and menu comma nds that are a vailable depe nd on th e application .
Page 32 Entering Dat a in Your Communicat or To use keyboard shortcuts for men u commands: 1. Press Menu to open the menu bar. 2. Type the men u command shortcut letter. For example , to choose Copy in the Edit menu, press Menu followed by the letter “c.
Chapter 2 Page 33 Using the onscreen keyboard You can ope n the onscre en keyboard anyt ime you need to en ter text or numbers on your communicator. When used in conjunction w ith the backl ight, the o nscreen keybo ard is esp ecially useful for typing i n the dark.
Page 34 Entering Dat a in Your Communicat or Importing d ata If you have data stored in computer appl ications such as spreads heets and d atabases, yo u can transfer the da ta to your Treo communicator wi thout having to key it in ma nually.
Chapter 2 Page 35 6. In the Import di alog box, check each fiel d name to be sure the correct d ata moves into the correct fields. ■ To change the orde r of a field i n the file you' re importing into, move the pointer over a fi eld name in the Fields I n list.
Page 36 Entering Dat a in Your Communicat or.
Chapter 3 Page 37 Chapter 3 Managing Your Applications This chapt er explains how to switch betw een appli cations on y our Treo™ 270 communicator, how to change app lication settin gs so the y are personalized to you r work methods, and how to categorize app lications s o you view th em in related groups .
Page 38 Managing Your Appli cations Switching between applicati ons When worki ng in any a pplication, press Option and then press M enu , or press an applicati on button on t he front panel o f your communi cator to switch t o another applicatio n.
Chapter 3 Page 39 Changing the App licatio ns Launcher display By default, th e Applications La uncher displays each a pplication as an icon. As an alternati ve, you can choose to show a list of application s. You can also choose to view the sa me category of applicatio ns each time you open the Applications Launcher.
Page 40 Managing Your Appli cations Choosing preferences You can s et options th at affect an entire appli cation in the applicati on’s Preferences dial og box. To chan ge pre ferences for a n appli cation: 1. Open an a pplication. 2. Press Menu . 3.
Chapter 3 Page 41 Note: If the softw are you download is compressed, you need to decompress it into this folder. If yo u prefer to place th e application into another fol der, you need to navigate to that folder before you complete step 5. 2. Double-click the Palm Des ktop icon on your deskt op.
Page 42 Managing Your Appli cations Note: R eview the list of ap plications you selected in the Ins tall Ha ndheld Fi les dialog bo x. If you do not want to i nstall an applicati on, select it, an d then click Remove From List.
Chapter 3 Page 43 Removing Palm Des ktop software Removing Palm Desktop so ftware also removes HotSync Manager. If y ou remove this software from your computer, you canno t synchronize your data. So, we highly recommend le aving Palm Desktop software on your computer.
Page 44 Managing Your Appli cations Assigning a password You can assi gn a password t o protect your priv ate records and to lock your communicator. To assign a password: 1. Press Option and th en press Men u to a ccess the Appli cations La uncher. 2.
Chapter 3 Page 45 4. Do one of the following: ■ To change t he password, ente r the new pa ssword, and hol d Option and press Return . ■ To delete the password , tap Delete. Locking your communicator You can al so lock your co mmunicator so th at you nee d to enter y our password to ope rate it.
Page 46 Managing Your Appli cations Recovering from a forg otten password If you did not activat e the Off & Lock feature a nd you forget your password, y ou can delete t he password from your communicator. Deletin g a forgotten password also deletes all entries and files marke d as Private.
Chapter 4 Page 47 Chapter 4 Applications Overview This chapte r briefly describes each appli cation and how to open i t. Your Treo™ 270 communicat or comes with these applica tions already installed.
Page 48 Applications Overv iew PhoneBook PhoneBoo k enables you to make and receive te lephone cal ls, and to k eep names, addresses, phone numbers, a nd other informa tion about yo ur personal or business contacts.
Chapter 4 Page 49 Date Bo ok Plus Date Book Pl us lets you qui ckly and ea sily schedule appo intments or any ki nd of activity associated with a da te and/or a time. In Date Book Plus, you can do the following: ■ Enter a description of your appoi ntment and assign it to a specific time and date.
Page 50 Applications Overv iew Blazer Web Browser Blazer is a wireless Interne t browser that lets you bro wse your favorite web sites w hile you’re on th e go. Note: To use B lazer, you mu st subscribe to data services from y our wireless service provider, and you mu st have an account establ ished with a n ISP (Internet Service P rovider).
Chapter 4 Page 51 SMS Messaging SMS Messaging provides a wa y for you to exchange short text messages with other people who use GSM mobi le phones and subscribe to an SMS servic e. Some wireless service providers a lso provide a gateway to communicate with e-mail addresses .
Page 52 Applications Overv iew To Do List To Do List is a convenient pla ce to create reminders and prioritize the things that you have to do. In To Do List, you can do the f ollowing: ■ Make a q uick and conven ient list of thi ngs to do. ■ Assign a pr iori ty lev el to each task.
Chapter 4 Page 53 Memo Pad Memo Pad provides a p lace to take notes that are n ot associat ed with records in other applicati ons such as Date Book Plus, PhoneB ook, or To Do List. In Memo Pad, you can do t he following: ■ Take notes or any kind of message on your communicator.
Page 54 Applications Overv iew CityTime CityTime help s you kee p track of the time anywhere around the gl obe. In CityTime, you can do the following: ■ Select a home city as a point of reference. ■ Display th e day and ti me in fo ur other cities simultaneously .
Chapter 4 Page 55 Calculato r Calculato r enables you to perform additi on, subtraction, multipli cation, division and a variety o f advanced ma th and scient ific calculatio ns.
Page 56 Applications Overv iew Expense Expense lets you keep track of you r expenses . In Expense, you can do the following: ■ Record dates, types of expe nses, amount spent, payment method , and other details associated wi th any mo ney that you spend.
Chapter 4 Page 57 SIM Book SIM Book enables y ou to view a nd manage the ph one list on your SIM card . In SIM Book, you can do the following: ■ Copy entries from your speed dial list to you r SIM card so you can access your phone numbers if you move your SIM card to another phone.
Page 58 Applications Overv iew SIM Services SIM Services enables you to access a pplications on your SIM card that are provi ded by your wireless servi ce provider.
Chapter 5 Page 59 Chapter 5 Common Tasks In addition to the wire less communication applicati ons, your Treo™ 270 communicato r also includes a full suite of persona l information manager (PIM) application s: Date Book Plus, the Contacts vie w in Phon eBook, To Do List, Memo P ad, and Exp ense.
Page 60 Common Ta sks Editing records After you create a record, you can change, dele te, or enter new text at any time. Two screen features te ll you when your communicator is in editi ng mode: ■ A.
Chapter 5 Page 61 Deleting records To delete a rec ord in any of th e PIM applicati ons: 1. Select the record you w ant to delete. 2. Press Menu . 3. Under Record, select the Dele te command (/D): Dat.
Page 62 Common Ta sks Other ways to delete records You can a lso delete records in the fo llowing ways: ■ In the Details dialog box of the appl ication, tap Delete, and then hold Option and press Return to fin ish. ■ Delete the text of th e record.
Chapter 5 Page 63 Categorizing records Categorize records i n the Contac ts view in P honeBook, To D o List, Memo Pad, and Expense applicatio ns so that they are groupe d logically and are ea sy to review . (You can also ca tegorize applicatio ns. See p age 37 for details .
Page 64 Common Ta sks To display a category of records: 1. Tap the cat egory pick list in the uppe r-right corner of the li st screen. 2. Select the category you wa nt to view. The list screen now disp lays only the records assigned to that cate gory.
Chapter 5 Page 65 5. Hold Option and press Return twice to finish . You can assign any of your records to the new catego ry. To rename a category: 1. Tap the category pick list in the upper-right corner of the screen. 2. Tap Edit Categories. 3. Select the category that you want to ren ame, and then t ap Rename.
Page 66 Common Ta sks ■ PhoneBook : The Instant Lookup feature lets you scroll immediately to a Contacts record in PhoneBook by entering the first few letters of a first or last name , or the first name initi al and the first few letters of a last name.
Chapter 5 Page 67 Using Find You can use Find to l ocate any tex t that you specify, in any application. To use Find: 1. Press Option and then press Shift to open the Find dialog box. Tip: If you select text in an application before you openin g the Find dialog box, the selected text automatical ly appears i n the Find di alog box.
Page 68 Common Ta sks Note: T he first initial a nd last name sea rch in the Phone Book Instant Lo okup feature is n ot availa ble in the Phone Number Look up feature. Phone Number L ookup dis plays records tha t begin with the letters you enter ba sed on the sort method in your Conta cts view in PhoneBook.
Chapter 5 Page 69 Looking up names to add to expe nse records In Expense, Lookup displays the names of Contacts ent ries in Pho nebook that have data in the Company field . You can add these n ames to a li st of attendee s associate d with an E xpense reco rd.
Page 70 Common Ta sks Sorting lists of records You can s ort lists of records in various wa ys, depend ing on the a pplication. S orting is avai lable in applicati ons that ha ve list scree ns: Contac ts view in Ph oneBook, To Do List, Memo Pad , and Expense.
Chapter 5 Page 71 Making records private In all PIM ap plications, except E xpense, you can make i ndividual records private. Private records remain visibl e and a ccessible, how ever, until you select the Securi ty setting to hi de or mas k all private records.
Page 72 Common Ta sks To display al l private record s: 1. Press Option and th en press Men u to a ccess the Appli cations La uncher. 2. Tap the Security icon . 3. T ap th e Curr ent Priv acy pi ck li st. 4. Tap Show Records. If you do not have a password, private records become visible.
Chapter 5 Page 73 5. Tap Show Records. 6. Hold Option and press Return to finish. Attaching no tes In all PI M applicatio ns except Memo Pad, yo u can attach a note to a record. A note can b e up to several thousa nd characters long. For example, for an appo intment in Date Book Plus, you can attach a n ote with direction s to the location.
Page 74 Common Ta sks Choosing fonts In all PIM a pplications except E xpense, you can change the fo nt style to make text easier to read. You can choose a different font style for each appli cation. To chan ge t he font style: 1. Open an a pplication.
Chapter 5 Page 75 Performi ng a HotSync oper ation for the first time The first ti me you synch ronize your d ata, you nee d to enter user information on both the communicator and Palm Desktop softwa re.
Page 76 Common Ta sks Beaming information Your communicato r is equip ped with a n IR (infrared) port that you ca n use to b eam information to another P alm OS device that’s close by and al so has an IR port.
Chapter 5 Page 77 3. Under Record, select one of the following: The Beam comma nd for an individual record (/B) In the Cont acts view i n PhoneBook only: Beam Business Card (/M) Beam Categ ory ( /Y) 4. When the Beam Status dial og box appears, point the IR port directly at the IR port of the receiving communicator.
Page 78 Common Ta sks To receive bea med information: 1. Turn on your co mmunicator. 2. Point the IR port directly a t the IR port of the transmitti ng communicator to ope n the Beam Status d ialog box. 3. When the B eam dialog bo x appears, sel ect a category for the entry.
Chapter 6 Page 79 Chapter 6 Application-Specific Tasks This chapter is organized by application and gives instructions on how to do tasks that are specific to each of the foll owing applic ations: ■.
Page 80 Application-S pecific Task s PhoneBook PhoneBook is the appl ication where y ou store name and address i nformation abo ut people or businesses, and where you place an d receive teleph one calls.
Chapter 6 Page 81 Using the Speed Dial vi ew You can store up to 50 phone numbers in the Speed Dial list. There are five pages of numbers that hold t en numbers per pa ge. Tip: You can ke ep your Spe ed Dial li st organized by storing differen t types of nu mbers on different p ages.
Page 82 Application-S pecific Task s Adding Contacts list entries to your Speed Dial list To save time while creating you r Speed Dial list, you can add entries from you r Contacts list. To add an entry from your Contacts list to your Speed Dial list: 1.
Chapter 6 Page 83 4. Press Space to dial. Tip: You can also tap the Speed Dial button for the number y ou want to cal l, or roll the rocker switch to select the but ton and then press the rocker swit ch or Return to dial the number.
Page 84 Application-S pecific Task s Deleting Speed Dial entries If your Spe ed Dial list b ecomes full, o r you no lo nger need an entry, you can delete it. Note: You can not delete th e Speed Dial button for your w ireless service provi der’s voicemail service.
Chapter 6 Page 85 Using the Dial Pad vi ew The Dial Pad view provid es access to a more traditiona l phone i nterface. You can us e this view to dial n umbers that are not in your S peed Dial or Contacts lis t. To dial a nu mber with the Dial Pad: 1. Make sure wireless mod e is on.
Page 86 Application-S pecific Task s To create a ne w Contact s entry: 1. Press Phone Book repeatedly to access the Contacts view . 2. Press Menu . 3. Under Record , select New Contact (/N). 4. Enter the l ast name of the person you want to add to your Cont acts list.
Chapter 6 Page 87 Duplicating a Contacts entry You can duplicate exi sting entries, which can be helpful when you wa nt to enter multiple people from a single o rganization. When you duplica te an entry, the word Copy appears next to the name in the Fi rst Name field.
Page 88 Application-S pecific Task s Selecting types of phone numbers You can s elect the typ es of phone n umbers or e-mail addresses that you associ ate with a Contacts e ntry. Any changes you make apply only to the curre nt entry. To select other types of phone numbers in an entry : 1.
Chapter 6 Page 89 7. Select any of the followi ng settings: 8. Hold Option and press Return to finish. Using the Ca ll History view The Call History view provid es quick access to the previous 1,000 incoming and outgoi ng calls.
Page 90 Application-S pecific Task s Calling a number in your Call History list In additi on to viewing a list of your incoming, outgoin g, and misse d calls, you can use the Call History view to dial any number that appears on this view. To dial a numb er from the Call History vie w: 1.
Chapter 6 Page 91 Using the Active Call view After you dial and establ ish a connection, or receive an incoming call , the Active Call view icon appears in the lower left corner of the PhoneBook sc re.
Page 92 Application-S pecific Task s To end a cal l, do any of the follo wing: ■ Close the l id (if the he adset is not atta ched). ■ Pres s Backspace . ■ Press the bu tton on the h eadset (i f it is attache d). ■ Tap Hang U p. Adjusting call volume You can a djust the vo lume level from the Active C all view wh en a call i s in progres s.
Chapter 6 Page 93 Placing calls on hold You can pl ace an acti ve call on ho ld while yo u use ot her applications on your commun icator or complete anoth er task. To plac e a ca ll on h old: 1. Place or answer a call. 2. Tap Hold to place the call on hold.
Page 94 Application-S pecific Task s To di al ano ther num ber wh ile a call is in p rog ress: 1. From the Act ive Call vie w, repeatedly pres s PhoneBook to access the view you want t o use. Tip: Yo u can also tap t he Speed D ial, Dial P ad, Contacts, or Call History view icons .
Chapter 6 Page 95 Forward ing calls If you ne ed to turn off the wireless mo de or know you will be traveli ng outside a cove rage area, you can forwa rd your call s to another number. Keep in mind that your wireless service provider will still charge yo u for your forwarded calls.
Page 96 Application-S pecific Task s Returning a missed call When your Treo is on an d you remai n in a coverage a rea, any calls you mi ss appear in the Call History l ist and you receive a missed call alert message.
Chapter 6 Page 97 PhoneBook m enus PhoneBook menus are sh own here for yo ur reference, and P honeBook features that are not explained els ewhere in this guide are described here. See page 31 for i nformation about cho osing menu comma nds. The Record and Options me nus differ dependi ng on which view is active .
Page 98 Application-S pecific Task s Pref ere nces ■ Remember last category. Determin es how the Contacts list appea rs when you return to i t from another appl ication. If you select this check box, the Contacts l ist shows the last category yo u selected.
Chapter 6 Page 99 ■ Default cou ntry. Determines if North American hyphenation conventions a re automaticall y applied to p hone numbers, an d whether the following two options are ava ilable: ■ When diali ng, add this area code to 7 digit numbers.
Page 100 Application-S pecific Task s Phone Info ■ Number: Displays your SIM card’s phon e number. Note: Not a ll wireless s ervice providers incl ude the phone number on the SIM. If the phone number is not on the SIM, this field displays “No number on SIM” instead of the n umber.
Chapter 6 Page 101 Date Bo ok Plus When you open Date Book Plus, th e screen s hows the cu rrent date and a lis t of time s for a norma l business da y. Workin g in D ay View Day View shows an hourl y calendar for a particular date. If there are events scheduled on that date, they ap pear in the appropriate time slot .
Page 102 Application-S pecific Task s You can a lso schedule eve nts that occur o n a particular date but ha ve no specific start or end times, such as birthday s, holidays , and anniversa ries. These a re referred to as “u ntimed events.” Untimed events appear at the to p of the list of time s, marked with a diamond.
Chapter 6 Page 103 4. Hold Option and press Return so that no st art or end time s are defi ned for the new event. Tip: You can also cre ate a new un timed event by making sure no event is s elected and then entering a de scription. 5. Enter a description of the event.
Page 104 Application-S pecific Task s Setting an alarm for an eve nt The Alarm setti ng enables you to set an audi ble alarm for events i n Date Book Plus.
Chapter 6 Page 105 Schedul ing repeati ng or contin uous events The Repeat functi on lets y ou schedule e vents that recur at regu lar inte rvals or extend over a period of consecutive days. A birthday is a good exa mple of an event that repeats annually.
Page 106 Application-S pecific Task s Changing and deleting repeating or c ontinuous events If you chan ge or dele te a repeating or continuous even t you can app ly the action to only th e current event, to all instances of the ev ent, or to the curre nt event and instances th at follow.
Chapter 6 Page 107 Changing the D ate Book Plu s view In addition to displa ying the calendar for a speci fic day, you can also displa y a whole week in graph or tex t format, a mont h, a year, or a l ist of your appointments, as well a s the current time .
Page 108 Application-S pecific Task s ■ The Week View shows the time span defined by the Start Time and End Time in the Date Book Plus Preferences settings . If you have a n event before o r after this time span, a bar appears at th e top or bottom of that d ay's column.
Chapter 6 Page 109 Work ing in Mon th View The Month V iew screen s hows which days have even ts scheduled. Dots and lines in the Month View indicate ev ents, repeating events, and untimed events . You can control the dots a nd lines tha t appear in the Month View .
Page 110 Application-S pecific Task s Tips for using Year View Keep the following po ints in mind: ■ Tap a da y to disp lay the date and events for that day i n the title bar. A minus sign indicates only one even t is scheduled o n that day. A plus sign indicates multi ple events are sch eduled on that d ay.
Chapter 6 Page 111 Spotting event confl icts With the a bility to define specifi c start and end times for any event, it’s possible to sche dule events that overlap (an event that starts before a p revious even t finishes). An event conflict (time overlap) appea rs in the Week View as overla pping bars.
Page 112 Application-S pecific Task s ■ Avoid scheduling a floa ting event that repeats daily. These events can accumulate quickly unless yo u complete the m each day.
Chapter 6 Page 113 Using temp lates You can use templates to create a l ist of standard e vents. You ca n then select an event from th is list and add it to your cal endar.
Page 114 Application-S pecific Task s Date Book Plus menus Date Book Plus menus a re shown here for your reference, and Date Book Plu s features that are not expla ined elsew here in this guid e are described here. See page 31 for information about choosing menu commands .
Chapter 6 Page 115 Prefere nces (Day View) ■ Start/End Time . Defines the start and end times for Date B ook Plus screens. If the time sl ots you se lect do not fit on one screen, y ou can tap the scroll arrows t o scroll up and down. ■ Event Du ration.
Page 116 Application-S pecific Task s Display Options ■ Show Time Bars. Activates the time bars that appear in the Day View. The time bars show the du ration of an event and ill ustrate event conflicts ■ Compress Day View. C ontrols how times appear in the Da y View.
Chapter 6 Page 117 Alarm Prefere nces ■ Alarm Sound. S ets the tone of the alarm. ■ Snooze Sound. Sets the tone of the snooze alarm. ■ Remind Sound. Sets the tone of the remi nder alarm. The remi nder alarm sou nds when the snooze al arm is not acknowledged.
Page 118 Application-S pecific Task s To Do Pref ere nces ■ Show Categories. Di splays the To Do items i n the categories y ou select. ■ Prio rities Displ ayed. Displ ays To D o items wit h the se lected priority level. Th e choices are 1 only, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, and 1 -5.
Chapter 6 Page 119 Week Prefere nces ■ Time Format. Defines the format of the time display. The choices are No Time, 11p, 11:30p, 23, 23:30. ■ Displa y To Do. Defines w here To Do items w ill app ear on the Date Book Plu s screen. The choi ces are Top, Bott om, and Hi de.
Page 120 Application-S pecific Task s Year Pref ere nces ■ Hide Floati ng and Done Items. Removes floating events and comple ted To Do items from the Yea r View d isplay. ■ Hide Untimed Eve nts. Removes untimed events from the Year View displa y. ■ Hide Zero Duration Events.
Chapter 6 Page 121 Blazer If you can’t hold the world in the palm of your hand, at lea st you can hold the World Wide Web when you u se Blazer to browse the Int ernet on your communicator’s screen.
Page 122 Application-S pecific Task s 5. Enter the U RL you w ant to view. 6. Hold Opti on and press Return to finish . While a page is load ing, a Progress icon appears i n the lower right corner of the screen. You can ta p links to o ther pages as soon as they appear.
Chapter 6 Page 123 Working with bookmarks The Bookma rk view makes it easy fo r you to get to web site s you visit o ften. Viewing bookmarked pages Your communicator ma y come with a few bookmarks already in place. You can ju mp directly to any of the predefined bookmark s, or to any pages for which you’ve created a bookmark.
Page 124 Application-S pecific Task s Tip: You can als o add a bo okmark by ta pping an empty bookmark slot in the Book mark view and entering a Name, Descripti on, and URL for the page you want to bookmark. To define a bookma rk: 1. From the Bookmark view, pre ss Menu .
Chapter 6 Page 125 Deleting bookmarks If your boo kmark list be comes full, or you no lon ger need a n entry, yo u can delete i t. To delete a bookmark: 1. From the Boo kmark view, press Menu . 2. Under Book mark, select Edit Boo kmark (/E). 3. Tap the entry you want to delete.
Page 126 Application-S pecific Task s To rearrange bookmark pages: 1. From the Bookmark view, pre ss Menu . 2. Under Bookmark , select Edit Bookmark (/E). 3. Drag the pa ge to the sl ot where you want it to a ppear. A grey line app ears next to the page w hen it is in drag mode.
Chapter 6 Page 127 Bookmarks menu Go menus Options menu Properties Displ ays the Page Properti es dialog box whe re you can view the Page Name, URL, Size (Bytes) and whether the page was load ed from the cache.
Page 128 Application-S pecific Task s Pref ere nces Browser tab: ■ Home page. Displays the URL of the current ho me page selectio n. Tap this option to open th e Set Home P age dialog bo x and select a different home page. To restore the factory de fault Home Page setting, tap Restore in the Set Home Page dialo g box.
Chapter 6 Page 129 Prefere nces (continued) Advanced tab: ■ Cache Size (K). Displ ays the am ount of memory that Blazer res erves to store recently viewed pages . The amount of free memory available on your communicator appears bel ow this option. ■ Clear.
Page 130 Application-S pecific Task s SMS Messaging In addition to dialin g and receiving voice calls, you can use you r Treo to send and receive short text messages .
Chapter 6 Page 131 Receivi ng SMS me ssages When you recei ve SMS mess ages, the New SMS Messa ges alert ap pears. Note: You can receive SMS messa ges even if y ou don’t subscribe to your wireless service provider’s SMS service.
Page 132 Application-S pecific Task s 2. Hold Shift and use the scroll buttons to page through the messages. Tips: ■ If a message is too long to fit on one screen, press the scroll buttons to view addit ional screens in th e current message.
Chapter 6 Page 133 5. Make sure wireless mod e is on. See page 18 for de tails. 6. Hold Option and press Return to send the message. To call the send er: 1. From the SM S Messages Inbox , select the message from the p erson you wa nt to call. 2. Press Menu .
Page 134 Application-S pecific Task s Tip: If yo u’re sending a message to a n e-mail address a nd your wireless service provider supports messa ge titles, you can add a title by en tering <subj ect>#<message>. Simply replace the word subject with the titl e, and the word message with the message body.
Chapter 6 Page 135 Creating a me ssage signatur e You can create a signatu re of up to 80 characters. Then, when you crea te a message, SMS Messaging automatica lly inserts your signature at the end of each message you create. If necessary, you can edit the default sign ature text when you create a message.
Page 136 Application-S pecific Task s Copying an d forwarding messag es You can s ave time by copyin g text from your S MS messages, or forw arding messages. To copy text from an SMS message: 1. From any SMS Messagin g list view, tap the text of the message you want to copy.
Chapter 6 Page 137 Resendi ng messages You can resend any messages in the Sent category. 1. In the Sent category, sel ect the message you want to resend. 2. Press Menu . 3. Under Me ssage, select Rese nd (/R). 4. If necessary, edit the message. 5. Make sure wireless mod e is on.
Page 138 Application-S pecific Task s Dele ting message s You can d elete a single message or a group of messages from a pa rticular category. To delete a sin gle message: 1. From any SMS Messagin g list view, select the message you want to delete . 2.
Chapter 6 Page 139 Message menus Options menus Open Disp lays the sel ected message in s ingle message view. Prefere nces ■ SMS Messa ge Center number. Enables you to enter the nu mber for your wirele ss service provider’s SMS message center. This number is stored on y our SIM card.
Page 140 Application-S pecific Task s To Do List To Do reminds you of tas ks you h ave to complete . A record in To Do List is called an “item.” To create a To Do item: 1. Press Option and th en press Da te Book Plu s . Tip: Yo u can also access To D o List by tappi ng the To Do List icon in th e Applications Launcher.
Chapter 6 Page 141 Setting a d ue da te You can ass ociate a du e date wit h any To Do it em. You can a lso sort the items that appea r in the list based on their due date. To set a due date for a To D o item: 1. Tap the text of the item whose details you want to change.
Page 142 Application-S pecific Task s 4. Tap the category that you want to assign the item. 5. Hold Opti on and press Return to finish . Tip: If you turn on the Show Cat egories option in the To D o Show options dialog, y ou can tap directly on the category in the To Do list to assign cat egories.
Chapter 6 Page 143 2. Select any of the followi ng settings: 3. Hold Option and press Return to finish. To Do List menus To Do List menus are shown here for your reference, and To Do List features that are not explained els ewhere in this guide are described here.
Page 144 Application-S pecific Task s Memo Pad A memo can contai n up to 4,000 chara cters. The number of memos you ca n store is dependent only on the memory availabl e on your communicator. A record in Memo Pad is called a “memo.” To create a new memo: 1.
Chapter 6 Page 145 Memo Pad men us Memo Pad menus are shown here for your refe rence, and Memo Pad features that are not explained els ewhere in this guide are described here.
Page 146 Application-S pecific Task s CityTime CityTime enabl es you to display the day and time in your home city and in four other citie s around the globe. W hether yo u’re travellin g or at home, now it’s easy to keep track of the be st time to reach your bu siness ass ociates, friends , and family in far away places.
Chapter 6 Page 147 2. Tap the remaining pick lists and select the other three cities you want to display . Tip: You can tempora rily display th e day and t ime for an y other city by tapping the city’s location on the map dis play.
Page 148 Application-S pecific Task s Calculator Calculator includes two opera ting modes: Basic and Advanced. In Basic mode you can perform simple mathemat ical calculations . In Advanced mode you can access scientific functio ns and perform sophistica ted math calculati ons.
Chapter 6 Page 149 Displ aying Recent Calcu lations The Basic Calculator’s Re cent Calculati ons command enab les you to review the l ast series of calculation s and is parti cularly use ful for confirmin g a series o f “chain” cal culations. To displ ay recent calculati ons: 1.
Page 150 Application-S pecific Task s Primary buttons Math buttons Clears the entire calcul ation and enables you to begin a fre sh calculation. Clears the last digi t you entered. Us e this butto n if yo u make a mis take while entering a number in the middle of a calculati on.
Chapter 6 Page 151 Trigonometry buttons Finance buttons Finance butt ons enable you to fin d an unkn own variable va lue based on a group of k nown variab le values.
Page 152 Application-S pecific Task s ■ PV = 100,000 ■ FV = 0 2. Enter 12 and tap the P/Yr button to enter the number of payme nts per year. 3. Tap Edit . 4. Tap the Pmt line and erase all va lues on th e line includi ng zero. 5. T ap S olv e. 6. Hold Opti on and press Return to finish .
Chapter 6 Page 153 Logic buttons Statistics buttons Shifts the value to the left and fills the new plac es with zeros. Enters D in a hexadecimal calculation. Enters E in a hexadecim al calcul ation. Enters F in a hexadecimal calculation. Calculates bit-by-bit commonalities betw een two a rguments.
Page 154 Application-S pecific Task s Weight/Temp buttons Length button s Generates a random number between 0 and 32767 and then divides this number by 32768 to generate a rand om fraction betw een 0 and .99997. Returns the number of combination s of n items taken m at a time.
Chapter 6 Page 155 Area buttons Indicates th e current value is entered in nauti cal miles. When you tap thi s button after ta pping another unit of measu re, it converts the value to nautical mi les. Indicates t he current va lue is ent ered in millime ters.
Page 156 Application-S pecific Task s Volume buttons Creating a cus tom view You can mo dify any existing Adva nced Calculat or view to create y our own view . While customizing a view, you ca n change the button names as well a s the button definitions.
Chapter 6 Page 157 8. From the Ad vanced Calculat or screen, press Menu . 9. Under Program, sel ect Import (/I). 10. Tap the pick list and select the view you modifi ed. 11. Tap Import. 12. Tap Replace to change an existing de finition, or t ap Add to create an additiona l definitio n.
Page 158 Application-S pecific Task s Expense Expense en ables you to record th e date, expen se type, and the amount tha t you spent. A record in Expense is cal led an “item.” You can sort your Expense items int o categories or add other informa tion that you want to associa te with the item.
Chapter 6 Page 159 To chang e the date of an Ex pense it em: 1. Tap the Ex pense item you want to change. 2. Tap the date of the sele cted item. 3. Select the new date. 4. Hold Option and press Return to finish. Entering re ceipt details Expense provides a variety of options that you can associate wi th an item.
Page 160 Application-S pecific Task s 4. Hold Opti on and press Return to finish . Customizing the Curre ncy pi ck list You can s elect the currencies and symbo ls that appear in the Currency pick list. To cus tomize t he Curren cy pic k list: 1. In the Receipt Details dialog box, tap the Currency pick list and select Ed it currencies.
Chapter 6 Page 161 4. Enter the na me of the country and the symbo l that yo u want to ap pear in E xpense. 5. Hold Option and press Return twice to finish . Note: If you want to use your custom currency symbol as the defa ult for all Expense items, select the sy mbol in the Preferences dia log box.
Page 162 Application-S pecific Task s Expens e menus Expense menus are s hown here for your reference, a nd Expe nse features that are n ot explai ned elsewhere i n this guid e are described here. See page 31 for information about choosing menu commands .
Chapter 6 Page 163 SIM Book In addition to storing your p hone number and billing information, your S IM card also contains a phone list where you ca n store names and numbers that are separat e from your Con tacts and Speed Dial lists.
Page 164 Application-S pecific Task s Copying entries from you r SIM card to your Speed Dial list Just as you can copy entri es from your PhoneBoo k Speed Dial list to you r SIM Book, you can also copy entries from your SIM card to you r PhoneBook S peed Dial list.
Chapter 6 Page 165 Dialing entries on your SIM car d In addition to storing phone nu mbers on your SIM ca rd, you can also dial numb ers using SIM Book. To dial entri es from your SIM card: 1. Tap SIM in the pick list in the upper-right corne r. Tip: You can also dial entries from your Speed Dial list by tappi ng Speed Dial instead.
Page 166 Application-S pecific Task s SIM Services The SIM Services app lication provides an interface between your SIM card and your phone. It enables your SIM card t o store appl ications from your w ireless service provid er that can control functions on your phone.
Chapter 7 Page 167 Chapter 7 Setting Preferences for Your Communicator The Prefe rences screens enable you to customize the configuratio n options on your Treo™ 270 communicator. In the Preferences screens, you can do the following: Viewing Preferences To open the Pref erences scre ens: 1.
Page 168 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator Buttons Preferences The Buttons Preferences screen enabl es you to associate different app lications with the application b uttons on the fro nt of your communicator and the HotSync button on th e cable.
Chapter 7 Page 169 Connection Preference s The Connection Preferences screen lets you create configurations for communicating with other hardware devices: PC, Modem, or Infrared. Co nfigurations, or profiles , once activated are ava ilable to application s on your commu nicator.
Page 170 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator Setting wirel ess modem configurati ons Wireless modem configura tions enable you to use yo ur communicator to communicate with your ISP or dial-in server.
Chapter 7 Page 171 7. Tap the Speed pick list and select 57,600. 8. Tap the Country pick list and select the country in which yo u are using your communicator. 9. Tap the Flow Control ( Flow Ctl) pic k list, and select Automatic, On (Xon), or Off (Xoff) flow control for the modem connection.
Page 172 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator 7. Enter the i nitializati on string ap propriate for you r communicator. 8. Hold Opti on and press Return twice to return to the Connection Preferen ces screen. Digitizer Preferences The Digitiz er Preferences scre en opens the digitizer calibratio n screen.
Chapter 7 Page 173 Time, date, week star t, and numbe rs formats The Time setting d efines the format for the time of d ay. The time format that you select a ppears in all applica tions on y our com municator. To select the time, date, week start, a nd numbers forma t: 1.
Page 174 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator System, alarm, and game sounds Your communicator use s a variety of sounds. The System, Alarm, and Game Sound settings enable you to turn the sounds on or off, and to adjust the volume level.
Chapter 7 Page 175 To selec t a serv ice: 1. Tap the Service pick list. 2. Tap the predefined service template. Note: If you want to enter a name for a new service template, see page 179 for details. Entering a user name The User Name setting identifi es the name y ou use when you log into your Intern et Service Provider or your di al-in server.
Page 176 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator To enter a password: 1. Tap the Pa ssword field . 2. Enter the p assword you use to lo g into your s erver. 3. Hold Opti on and press Return to finish . Note: The P assword field u pdates to displ ay the w ord “Assigned.
Chapter 7 Page 177 Adding telephone settings When you select the Phone field, you r communicator opens a dialog box in which you define the telephone numb er you use to connect with your ISP or d ial-in server. In addition, you can a lso define a prefix , disable C all Waitin g, and give s pecial instruction s for usin g a calling ca rd.
Page 178 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator Disabling Call Waiting Call Waiting can cause y our session to terminate if you receive a call while you are con nected. If your telephon e has Call Wai ting, you need to di sable this feat ure before logging into your ISP or dial-in server.
Chapter 7 Page 179 Connectin g to your service After you s et your Connectio n and Network P references, establish ing a connection t o your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or you r company’s n etwork (dial-in server) i s easy.
Page 180 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator To sele ct a conn ection t ype: 1. T ap t he s erv ice f iel d. 2. Tap De tails. 3. Tap the C onnection ty pe pick list and select o ne of the follo.
Chapter 7 Page 181 Defining primary and secondary DNS The Domain Naming System (DNS) is a mechanism in the Internet for translating the names of host computers into IP address es. When you e nter a DNS numb er (or IP address), yo u are identifying a s pecific server that handles the tra nslation services .
Page 182 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator To enter a perm anent IP addre ss: 1. Tap the IP Address check bo x to desele ct it an d display a pe rmanent IP address field be low the check box. 2. Tap the spa ce to the left of the first period then enter the first section of the IP address.
Chapter 7 Page 183 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 un til the login script is compl ete. 5. Hold Option and press Return to finish. Deleting a ser vice template There is o nly one way to delete a service templat e: use the Del ete command from th e Service menu.
Page 184 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator Network Preferences menu commands The Network P references screen includes menu commands to make it fast and easy t o create and edit service templat es. TCP/IP applicatio n menus are show here for your reference.
Chapter 7 Page 185 Adding a DNS number If your ISP or dial-in server require s a DNS number and you did no t enter that information in t he Network Preferences screen, it will appear that you s uccessfully lo gged into your netw ork. When you try to use an applic ation or look up information, however, the connecti on fails.
Page 186 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator Ringer Preferences The Ringer Preferences screen controls th e behavior of the ringer on your co mmunicator. You can control the ring volume , select unique ring tones for incomi ng voice calls and SMS messa ges, and turn the vibrate opti on on and off for each of the two ringer switch positions .
Chapter 7 Page 187 To create a Sho rtCut: 1. Tap New. 2. On the ShortCut name line, enter the le tters you want t o use to a ctivate the ShortC ut. 3. Tap the ShortCut Text area and enter the text that you want to appear when you type the ShortCut characters.
Page 188 Setting Prefe rences for Your Communicator.
Chapter 8 Page 189 Chapter 8 Advanced HotSync ® Operations HotSyn c ® Manager ena bles you to s ynchronize da ta between one or more Palm OS ® devices and Palm™ Desktop so ftware.
Page 190 Ad vanced HotSyn c® Operations Tip: If you’re n ot sure whic h options to use, keep the default settin gs: Enabled a nd Enable HotSync software at sys tem startup.
Chapter 8 Page 191 5. Close the HotSync So ftware Setup dialog box. Customizing HotSync app lication settings For each app lication, you can defi ne a set of options that d etermines how records ar e handled during sync hronization. These options a re called a “con duit.
Page 192 Ad vanced HotSyn c® Operations 4. Select an applica tion in the Conduit list. 5. Click Condui t Settings. 6. Click the direction in whi ch you want to write data, or click Do Nothing to skip data transfer for an app licati on. Note: C hanging the HotSync settin g from the default affects only the next HotSync operation.
Chapter 8 Page 193 Configuring HotSync Manager for infr ared commu nication Next you nee d to go to th e HotSync Mana ger and configure it for infrared commun ication. To configur e HotSync Manager for infrared commu nication: 1. Open Palm Desktop software.
Page 194 Ad vanced HotSyn c® Operations 5. Position you r communicator’s IR port within a couple of inch es of your computer’s infrared port. 6. Tap the H otSync icon to sta rt the IR HotSync o peration. Returning to cable HotSync op erations It’s easy to return to using the cable for HotSy nc operations.
Chapter 8 Page 195 Conducting a wireless HotSync operation Your communicator includes a built-i n wireless modem which you can use for wireless synchroniz ation when you are awa y from your compu ter. Note: The first HotSync ope ration must be loca l, using the cable.
Page 196 Ad vanced HotSyn c® Operations 8. Close th e HotSync Software S etup dialog b ox. Preparin g your communi cator There are a few steps you must perform to prepare you r communicator for a wireless HotSync operatio n. To prepare your commu nicator for a wireless HotSync opera tion: 1.
Chapter 8 Page 197 6. Enter the telepho ne number to a ccess the modem co nnected to your compu ter. 7. If needed, enter a dial prefix (such as “9”) to access an outside line, and then tap the Dial Prefix check box . Tip: You can enter a comma in the field to introduce a “pause” in the dialing sequ ence.
Page 198 Ad vanced HotSyn c® Operations Performin g a wireless HotSync operation After you prepare yo ur computer and your communicato r, and select your Co nduit Setup option s, you are ready to perform a wirele ss HotSync operati on. To perform a wireless HotSync operati on: 1.
Chapter 8 Page 199 5. Close the Users dialog bo x. 6. From the User pop-up me nu, choose the profil e name and create the da ta for the profile (e.g., company phone list, etc.). To use a profile for the first-tim e HotSync operati on: 1. Connect the new communicator to the HotSync cable.
Page 200 Ad vanced HotSyn c® Operations.
Appendix A Page 201 Appendix A Maintaining Your Communicator This chap ter provides information on the followi ng: ■ Proper care of your Treo™ 270 c ommunicator ■ Maximizing ba ttery life ■ Re.
Page 202 Maintaining Your Communicator ■ If the battery beco mes low in the course of norma l use, an a lert appears on th e communicator screen describing the low battery condition. If this alert appears, connect your communicato r to the HotSync cable or travel charger to charge the battery.
Appendix A Page 203 Performi ng a warm (or safe) reset A warm (or safe) reset bypasse s system extensions on your communicator, such as HackM aster hacks or system patches. Performing a wa rm reset enables you to uninstal l a third-party applicatio n that may be cau sing a probl em.
Page 204 Maintaining Your Communicator To restore your data after a hard reset: 1. Open Palm Desktop so ftware. 2. From the HotSync menu, choose Cond uit Settings. 3. From the User pop-up menu, sele ct your user name. 4. Select an applica tion in the Conduit list.
Appendix B P age 205 Appendix B Troubleshooting Tips If you encounter a problem with your Treo™ 270 communicator: ■ Review this section to se e if your prob lem is listed ■ Check our w eb site at ww w.
Page 206 Troubles hooting Tip s Operating problems Tapping and keyboard problems Proble m Solution My communicator won’t turn on. Try each of these in turn: ■ Adjust the displa y settings. ■ Make sure the battery is fully charged. ■ Perform a soft reset.
Appendix B P age 207 Wireless communication p roblems Problem Solution I can’t us e the wirele ss features ■ Make sure y our Treo battery i s charged. ■ Make sure wirele ss mode is on. To turn on wireless mode, press and hold the power button for a t least two seconds, until you hear a confirmat ion tone.
Page 208 Troubles hooting Tip s My Treo won't register to the network ■ You a re probably outsi de a netwo rk coverage area . Try using anothe r GSM phone to verify whether co verage is available in you r current location. ■ If coverage is availa ble in your location, try y our SIM card in another GSM phone.
Appendix B P age 209 The B laz er ® application wo n’t connect to the Internet ■ Confirm that you wi reless service plan includes d ata services and not ju st voice minut es. ■ Check with your Intern et Service Prov ider to confirm tha t your Network P references settin gs are properly configured.
Page 210 Troubles hooting Tip s I get an error message when I send an S MS message t o an email addre ss Make sure y ou have subscribed to a nd enabled the SMS Email feature. You n eed to get the SMS Email Cente r number from your wi reless se rvice prov ider and ent er it in the SMS Preferences dialog.
Appendix B P age 211 Applicatio n problems Problem Solution I tapped the Today butto n, but it does not show the correct date. Your communicator is not set to the current date. Make sure the Set Date box in the General Preferences scre en displays the current date.
Page 212 Troubles hooting Tip s HotSync problems Proble m Solution Why can’t I synchronize my communicator with my computer? Try each of these in turn. After each step, try to syn chronize to see if the proble m persists: ■ Make sure y ou instal led the software that came wi th your communicator.
Appendix B P age 213 I tried to do a wire less HotSync o peration, but it did not complete successfully. Check the following on your computer: ■ Make sure your compu ter is turned on and that it do es not shut down automa tically as part of an e nergy-saving feat ure.
Page 214 Troubles hooting Tip s Beaming problems Proble m Solution I cannot be am data to another IR-equipp ed Palm OS device. ■ Confirm that your communi cator and the other device are between ten .
Page 215 Password problems Technical support If you cannot solve your problem after review ing the sources listed at the beginning of this appendix, ch eck our web site www.h for the latest technica l support in formation. Before reque sting support , please experimen t a bit to reprodu ce and i solate the problem.
Page 216 Troubles hooting Tip s.
Appendix C P age 217 Appendix C Non-ASCII Characters for Login Scripts The following information enables you to cre ate custom login scripts that require non-ASCII characters. It is provided for advanced us ers who understa nd the use and requirements o f such characters i n a custom login script.
Page 218 Non-ASCII Characters for Login Scripts.
Appendix D Page 219 Appendix D Advanced Call Forwarding Options Some wireless service providers su pport advanced cal l forwarding options through the us e of GSM feature cod es. These adva nced call forwardin g options are t urned on and off and configured by dialing specific code numbe rs with your communicator.
Page 220 Advanced Ca ll Forwarding Options Forwarding calls that you do not ans wer Forwarding calls when your communi cator is unreachable General Commands Code What it does *61*num ber_to _ forward_to# Forwards a ll calls y ou receive and do not answer.
Page 221 Other Product Information FCC Statement This device m ay cause TV or radio in terference if u sed in close pro ximity to receivin g equipment. T he FCC can re- quire y ou to stop us ing the device if s uch interferen ce cannot be el iminated.
Page 222 Other Product Infor mation Canadian RFI Statement This Class B digital apparatus meets a ll requirements of the Canadian Inte rference-Causing Equipment Regula- tions. Cet appar eil numérique d e la classe B respecte toutes le s exigenc es du Régle ment sur le m atériel br ouilleur d u Cana da.
Page 223 Audio Safety Some hea ring ai ds may be affec ted by some di gital w ireless phones. You m ay want to consu lt y our do ctor in t he event of y ou experience int erference with your heari ng aid while using Treo. When us ing the sp eakerphone fea ture, it is recom mended tha t you place T reo at a safe dis tance from your ear.
Page 224 Other Product Infor mation Acknowledg ments We would like t o thank the following dev elopers whos e contribut ions were an i ntegral part of the Hands pring product: ■ C.E. Steuart Dewar Pimlico Software, Inc. ■ Darren Beck Code Cit y www.
Index Numerics 3-way ca lling 94 A Accented characters entering 29 onscreen key board 33 Active call 91, 93 Add-on appl ications 40–42 Address Boo k. See PhoneBook Adjus ting vo lume 14 Alarm preset 117 reminder 117 setting 104 sound 117, 174, 206 for untimed even ts 1 04 Anniversaries.
Page 226 Index deleting 125 editing 124 Brightness control 14, 19 Business card for beamin g 76 Buttons power 15 ringer 15 scroll 14, 85, 122, 132 Buttons preferen ces 16 8 C Cable connecting to compu.
Index Page 227 Commu nica tor contrast control 14, 19 overview 11 turning on/off 18 Compressing Day view 116 Conduits 1 91 for connecting to PIMs 25 for modem HotSync operations 197 for synchronizing .
Page 228 Index Sunday or Monday to start we ek 173 switching views 107 templates 113 To Do Lis t items 112 untimed events 102 Week view 107, 173, 211 Week View wi th Text 1 08 Year V iew 109 Dates Exp.
Index Page 229 type 159 , 162 vendor 160 F Findin g applica tions 37 information in applicati ons 65– 69 phone numbers 67–68 using the Find app lication 67 Floating eve nts 111 Fonts 74 Formats pr.
Page 230 Index IR port 15 See also Beamin g inform ation IR. See Infr ar ed Items. See To Do List or Expense K Key Pad 83, 91 Keyboard accented characters 29 capital lette rs 27 computer 33 location 1.
Index Page 231 Modes handheld 18 wireless 18 Monday, to start week 1 73 Month (Date Book Plus view) 109 Moving Date Book Plu s events 103 the cursor 30 Multi-day events.
Page 232 Index private Contacts records 71 sorting Contacts records 70 Pick lists 20 PIM (persona l information manager) using with communi cator 25 PIN 207 Ports IR on communicator 192 Ports .
Index Page 233 Screen blank 206 brightness control 14, 19 calibrat ing 19, 172 caring for 201 contrast control 14, 19 touching 14 Scroll bar 20 Scroll buttons 14 , 21, 85, 122, 132 Sear chin g.
Page 234 Index System requireme nts for Desktop software 12 System so unds 174 T Tapping 19, 206 Task. See To Do List TCP/IP 174, 184 Technical Supp ort 215 Templates 135 for Date Book Plus 113 Text copying 61 cutting 60 entry.
Index Page 235 W Warm reset 203 Web pages bookmarking 123 viewing 121 Web sites 25 Week (Date Book Plus view ) 107–10 8, 173, 211 Week with Text (Date Book Pl us view) 108 Wireless mode 18 indicator.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Handspring Treo 270 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Handspring Treo 270 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Handspring Treo 270, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Handspring Treo 270 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Handspring Treo 270, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Handspring Treo 270.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Handspring Treo 270. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Handspring Treo 270 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.