Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit E-FLO 4000 du fabricant Graco
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Repa ir - Par ts E-Flo ® 4-Ball Piston Pumps Durable, energy efficient piston pumps for high volume paint circulation a pplications. For professional use only. See page 3 for mod el infor mation, in cluding maximum workin g pressure. S ee page 5 f or appro vals.
Relate d Manual s 2 311594Z Contents Related Manua ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 E-Flo 4-B all Piston Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Maximum Working P ressure a nd Pump O peration al Limits .
Models 311594Z 3 Model s E-Flo 4-Ball Piston Pumps Check your pump’s id entificat ion plate (ID) for the 6-digit par t number of your pump. Use the fo llowing matr ix to defi ne the co nstruction of your p ump, base d on the si x digits. For example, P ump Part No.
Models 4 311594Z.
Approval s 311594Z 5 Approvals The E-F lo Pump m eets requir ements o f the follo wing appr oval agenc ies. Refer to th e individua l compon ents for other spec ific haz ardous loc ation listi ngs.
Warnings 6 311594Z Warnings The foll owing warni ngs are for the setup , use, ground ing, main tenance, a nd repair o f this equ ipment. T he exclama - tion po int symbol alerts yo u to a gener al warning and the haz ard symb ols refe r to proce dure-specif ic risks.
Warn ings 311594Z 7 ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD Imprope r groundin g, setup, o r usage of th e system c an cause el ectric sh ock. • Turn off and disconnec t power at main sw itch before dis connect ing any cables and be fore servic ing equipme nt. • Conne ct only t o grounded po wer source.
Warnings 8 311594Z.
Pressure Relief Procedure 311594Z 9 Pressure Rel ief Procedure 1. Set STA RT/STOP s witch (ST) to STOP. 2. Push in SECURE DISAB LE (SD) switch. 3. Open the bac k pressure r egulator and all fluid dr ain valves in the s ystem, ha ving a wast e contai ner ready to catch draina ge.
Troub leshooti ng 10 311594Z Troubleshoot ing 1. Reli eve the pres sure. 2. Ch eck all po ssible problem s and solu tions befor e disas sembling pu mp. PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION Pump doe s not operate . Insuffic ient p ower sup ply. Verify that powe r supp ly meets requir e- ments.
Troubles hootin g 311594Z 11 Pump w ill not pri me Suction l ine c logged. Clear. Fl ush more frequently . Held o pen or wo rn ball ch eck val ves. Check and repair . Lower piston ass embled w ith wrong nut. Use only the larg e, round, speci al nut. Excess ive throa t leak age.
Electric al Diagrams 12 311594Z Electri cal Diagrams F IG . 1 sh ows compone nts which mu st be ins talled in a non-haz ardous loc ation. F IG . 2 show s compo nents appr oved for i nstallation in a hazar dous locati on, and F IG . 3 sh ows detail v iews of hazar dous loc ation co mponents.
Electr ical Di agrams 311594Z 13 F IG . 2: System Wiring Schematic, Hazardous Loc ation ,66(1625 &,5&8,7 %2$5' - 7'& 1$085 6(1625 - .
Electric al Diagrams 14 311594Z F IG . 3: System Wiring Schematic, Hazardous Location Detail Views 8/(;3/26,213522)02725 -9 $&.
Repair 311594Z 15 Repair Fluid Section NOTE: Complete kits are a vailable to convert fr om one size lower to another. See the table below fo r available kits. U se all the new parts in the kit. The kits include two lowers, inlet/outlet man ifolds, connec ting hardware , and instruc tion manu al 311611 .
Repair 16 311594Z 9. Disconn ect the flu id inlet and outlet li nes from the pump. Plu g the ends to prevent f luid con taminatio n. 10. See F IG . 5. On pum ps with a sen sor circui t: At the pump outlet man ifold (17), loo sen the nut (M) on the sensor conduit (4 4) and unsc rew the ad apter (42) from the m anifold.
Repair 311594Z 17 Reasse mbly 1. See F IG . 5. Inst all the coup ling n ut (14) on th e lower’s pis ton rod (PR). 2. Orient the lower (22) to the gea r reducer ( GR) as shown. Position the lower on the tie r ods (3). Screw the tie r od locknuts (15) onto t he tie rods han dtight.
Repair 18 311594Z Slider Cylinder Rebuild Kit 15H874 NOTE: Slider Cyli nder Rebuil d Kit 15H8 74 includes parts to rebuild one slider cylin der assemb ly. Order tw o kits to re build both slider cylinder as sembli es. Use all the new parts in the kit.
Repair 311594Z 19 Slider C ylinder Collect or Kit 2473 41 NOTE: Slider Cyli nder Collec tor Kit 247 341 incl udes parts to install two slider cylind er collec tors. Use al l the new parts in the k it. The kit inc ludes manu al 311607. 1. Perform th e Disassemb ly procedure on page 15.
Repair 20 311594Z Electrical Section NOTE: Sensor Cir cuit Kit 24 J305 is ava ilable to add the option al sensor circuit to a p ump. Use a ll the new parts in the ki t. See man ual 311603 . Pres sure Transducer Ki t 15H876 NOTE: Pressure T ransduc er Kit 15H87 6 replaces the pressu re transdu cer and the circuit bo ard.
Repair 311594Z 21 11. See F IG . 10. Loo sen the nut (M) on the sensor co n- duit (44 ) and unscrew the ada pter (42) fro m the transdu cer port (P) . Remove the transduc er (25a) from the port. 12. See F IG . 9. Loosen the nut (N) on the s train reli ef (35).
Repair 22 311594Z Pressure Sensor Calibration Informa tion (non-ACS systems) NOTE: To calibrate the transd ucer in sy stems using the Graco ACS Module, see the AC S manu al 3A0006 . Pressure sensor inf ormation ( Pr 20.34, 20.35, and 20.36) fo r your syst em must be keye d into the Va ri- able Frequ ency Drive b efore syst em start-up.
Repair 311594Z 23 TDC Sensor Kit 15H877 NOTE: TDC Sensor K it 15H877 replaces t he TDC se n- sor. Us e all the n ew parts in the kit. T he kit inc ludes manual 31 1601. 1. Jog the m otor to br ing the lower on the s ide oppo- site fro m the motor to the bot tom of its stroke.
Repair 24 311594Z Position Sensor NOTE: The Posi tion Sens or (80) m easures m otor posi- tion by d etecting h oles in the motor co upler (28). T he sensor is availa ble sepa rately (see Parts on pag e 45), or as pa rt of the Sensor Circuit Kit 24J305 (s ee manual 311603).
Repair 311594Z 25 F IG . 13. Position Sensor ,66(1625 &,5&8,7 %2$5' - 7'& 1$085 6(1625 - %51 %/8 5(' *51 :+7 %/.
Repair 26 311594Z Drive Section Slider B earing Kit 15H882 NOTE: Slider Bear ing Kit 15H882 inclu des parts t o rebuild both slider b earing as semblies . Use all the new parts in the kit. The k it include s manual 311616. 1. Jog the mo tor to br ing the pu mp on the s ide being repaired t o the bottom of its st roke.
Repair 311594Z 27 10. See F IG . 16. Rotate th e crank ar m (4) to al low it to be removed from the o utput shaft (OS). 11. Pull the crank arm/conn ecting rod/ slider piston assembl y (CR) up a nd out of the cylinder. 12. Remove the old bearin gs (8).
Repair 28 311594Z Drive Li nkage Rebuil d Kit 15H873 NOTE: Drive Link age Rebui ld Kit 15H873 in cludes parts to rebui ld one driv e linkage a ssembly. O rder two k its to rebuild both drive linkage as semblie s. Use all th e new parts in the kit. The k it include s manual 311598.
Repair 311594Z 29 Crank Arm Kit 15H88 3 NOTE: Crank Ar m Kit 15H883 i s availab le. Order two kits to re build both crank arm assem blies. Us e all the new parts in the k it. The kit inc ludes manu al 311604. NOTE: Crank Ar m Cover Ki t 15H378 is available to replace b oth crank arm cov ers (21, 32 ).
Repair 30 311594Z Motor/Gear Reducer Motor Removal 1. Relieve pr essure, pa ge 9. 2. Shut o ff electrical power to th e unit. NOTE: See F IG . 20 for al l NEMA 1 82/184 TC F rame electric motors. See F IG . 21 for IEC 112M/B 5 and 100L/B5 F rame elec tric motors.
Repair 311594Z 31 Motor/Coupler is Difficult to Remove NOTE: Use this proced ure only if, after performing steps 1-3 on pa ge 30, the m otor does no t come off the gear reducer e asily.
Repair 32 311594Z.
Repair 311594Z 33 Motor Installation NOTE: A NEMA 182/184 TC F rame is r equired to m ate with gear reducer. If the pump i s purchased without a motor yo u must orde r a kit to ma te with the g ear reducer. S ee T ABLE 1. 1. After re moving the old coupler , thorough ly clean the input sha ft and m otor shaft, r emoving any debris .
Repair 34 311594Z Gear Reduce r Seal Kit 15H8 71 NOTE: Gear Reducer Seal Kit 1 5H871 and Out put Shaft Sea l Tool Kit 15J926 are available. Use all th e new parts in the k it. The kits inc lude manu al 311597. NOTE: Do not open the gear re ducer. Opening the gear re ducer void s the war ranty.
Repair 311594Z 35 11. Install t he two outpu t seals ( 116) as fo llows: a. Place ta pe over the ou tput shaft key way, to pre- vent dama ge to th e new seals. Pack the out put shaft sea l cavi ty with Pa rt No. 1074 11 Grease . b. See F IG . 26 . Push one output sea l (116) on to the output s haft (OS) , with the lip s facing in .
Repair 36 311594Z Gear Redu cer Repl acement Ki t Disassemb ly NOTE: The Ge ar Reduc er Kit i s availa ble to r eplace the entire g ear reduce r. Use al l the new p arts in the kit. Order Ki t 15H886 for E -Flo 2000 /3000/4000 Pumps or Kit 2895 50 for E -Flo 150 0 Pumps.
Repair 311594Z 37 F IG . 28: Gear Reducer Replacement Units with a sensor circuit must use the conductive strain reli ef (74a) to ensure proper grounding of the IS field wire. See page 21. Torque to 50-60 ft-lb (68-80 N•m). Torque to 75-80 ft-lb (102-108 N•m).
Repair 38 311594Z Reassembl y NOTE: Kit 15H886 i ncludes a m otor couple r (28), already i nstalle d in the gear redu cer. The coupler fits all NEMA 182/ 184 TC F rame elect ric motors. NOTE: To install a n IEC 112M /B5 or 10 0L/B5 Fram e electric motor, orde r Motor Ada pter Kit 15J89 3.
Repair 311594Z 39 F IG . 29. Sensor Circ uit Installation ,66(1625 &,5&8,7 %2$5' - 7'& 1$085 6(1625 - %51 %/8 5(' *51 :+7 %/.
Repair 40 311594Z j. T hread the IS field w ire through the condu ctive strain r elief (74a ). Connect the TDC wires to J2, the trans ducer wires to J3, an d the position sen- sor wir es to the two t erminal blocks ( 46). See F IG . 29 and th e Electrical Diagrams , page 12.
Repair 311594Z 41.
Parts 42 311594Z Parts Drive Section ti83 18l 6 12 11 10 2 8 44 9 35 21 28 19a and 19c 5 38 39 4 7 12 32a 12 34 33 31 25c 25b 1 37 20 31 36 32b 19b and 19d 67 68 77 74a or 74 b ti168 90b Detail of Sen.
Parts 311594Z 43 Fluid Section ti8230 d 44 42 41 25a 13 14 22 16 18 17 45 22 15 3 16 18 17 41 58 72.
Parts 44 311594Z Common Parts Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 1 15H88 6 KIT, 75:1 gear reduce r; E-Flo 2000/ 3000/4000 only ; se e 3116 15 1 289550 KIT, 75: 1 gear redu cer; E-Flo 1500 only ; see 3116 15 1 2† n/a C YLINDER, slider 2 3 n/a ROD, tie 6 4‡ n/ a ARM, cran k 2 5*‡ n/a SCREW, cap, soc ket-head; 5/8-11 x 3 in.
Parts 311594Z 45 Parts desi gnated n/a are no t avai lable sep arately . * Parts include d in Dri ve Lin kage Re build Kit 15H8 73 (pur- chase s eparate ly). O rder two k its to reb uild b oth drive link- age asse mblie s. Inc ludes m anual 311598 . † Parts incl uded i n Slider Cyl inder Re build Kit 1 5H874 (p ur- chase s eparate ly).
Parts 46 311594Z Model-Specific Parts NOTE: A chec kmark ( ✓ ) indicate s an item is used on your pum p. Shaded boxes indi cate that an item is not used.
Parts 311594Z 47 EP1010 C ✔ 24F42 8 ✔ EP1011 B ✔ 24F42 8 ✔✔ EP1020 C ✔ 24F43 6 ✔ EP1021 B ✔ 24F43 6 ✔✔ EP1030 C ✔ 24F44 4 ✔ EP1031 B ✔ 24F44 4 ✔✔ EP1040 C ✔ 24F42 9 ✔.
Parts 48 311594Z EP2010 B ✔ 24F42 8 ✔ EP2011 B ✔ 24F42 8 ✔✔ EP2020 B ✔ 24F43 6 ✔ EP2021 B ✔ 24F43 6 ✔✔ EP2030 B ✔ 24F44 4 ✔ EP2031 B ✔ 24F44 4 ✔✔ EP2040 B ✔ 24F42 9 ✔.
Parts 311594Z 49 Gear Reducer * These parts are includ ed in Ge ar Reducer Seal Ki t 15H871. See manua l 311597. NOTE: To replac e the entir e gear re ducer, order one of the fo llowing kits: • 15H88 6 Gear Redu cer Replac ement Kit, for E-Flo 2000/300 0/4000.
Technic al Data 50 311594Z Technical Data NOTE: All brand nam es or mar ks are used fo r identific ation pur poses and are th e trademark s of their respec tive owne rs. Maximu m Working Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-Flo 1 500: 425 psi (2.93 MPa , 29.
Technica l Data 311594Z 51 Pressure a nd Flow C apability of E -Flo Family w ith 50 Hz Moto r (continuous pro duction use) Fluid Pressure psi (MPa, bar) 350 (2.41, 24.1) 300 (2.10, 21.0) 250 (1.72, 17.2) 200 (1.4, 14.0) 150 (1.03, 10.3) 100 (0.70, 7.0) 50 (0.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects t he latest product i nformation available at the time of publica tion. Graco rese rves the right to make changes at any time without notice. This m anual contains English. MM 311594 Graco H eadquarte rs: Min neapol is International O ffices: Bel gium, China, Jap an, Korea GRACO INC.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Graco E-FLO 4000 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Graco E-FLO 4000 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Graco E-FLO 4000, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Graco E-FLO 4000 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Graco E-FLO 4000, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Graco E-FLO 4000.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Graco E-FLO 4000. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Graco E-FLO 4000 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.