Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit PD4000243 du fabricant A&D
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ふ Multi Fu nction W eighing Indic ator W M : PD4000243.
This is a hazard alert m ark. This mark inf orms you about the oper ation of th e product. Note This manual is subjec t to ch ange witho ut notic e at an y tim e to impr ove the product. No part of this m anual may be photocop ied, repro duced, or trans lated into another language without the prior written consent of the A&D Com pany .
©A&D Co. ltd., AD-4 402 Instruct ion Manual Internationa l Version 1875 -1A-IE 200105 Contents 1. Compliance ........................................................................................ 4 1.1.1. Compliance w ith FCC rules ............
Page 2 AD-4402 6.3. System Design o f Hopper Sc ale .................................................. 34 6.3.1. Operation a nd I/O Design ........................................................ 34 6.3.2. Design Example ..............................
AD-4 402 Page 3 8.3. Built-in Curr ent Loop Ou tput ........................................................ 82 8.3.1. Connec tion .............................................................................. 82 8.3.2. Communic ation Modes...........
Page 4 AD-4402 1. 1. 1. 1. Compliance Compliance Compliance Compliance 1.1.1. 1.1.1. 1.1.1. 1.1.1. Compliance with FCC rules Compliance with FCC rules Compliance with FCC rules Compliance with FCC rules Please note t hat this eq uipm ent gener ates, use s and c an radi ate radi o freq uency energy .
AD-4 402 Page 5 2. 2. 2. 2. Outline an d Featur e Outline an d Featur e Outline an d Featur e Outline an d Featur e s s s s The AD-4402 is the multi-function w eighing indicator for batch w eighing and filling weighing . This indicator has c ontrol I/O for weighing sequence and options.
Page 6 AD-4402 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. Precaution Precaution Precaution Precaution Befor any use, con firm th e follow ing articles for the s afty operation . Groundi ng the i ndicator Ground th e indic ator cert ainly. The earth terminal is the re ar panel.
AD-4 402 Page 7 2.2. 2.2. 2.2. 2.2. Front Panel Front Panel Front Panel Front Panel 2.2.1. 2.2.1. 2.2.1. 2.2.1. Keys Keys Keys Keys Pressing this key, th e key w orks as the F1 key. Pressing the SHIFT key a nd t hi s key, th e ke y wor ks a s t he F3 key.
Page 8 AD-4402 The key to move t he cursor or scroll th e functio n number . Press and h old the SHIFT key and pr ess the key is used to decrease th e code number. The key to select al phabetical keys, upper key s, low er keys or numeric al keys. A lphanumeric keys.
AD-4 402 Page 9 NET Display ing the net data i n the m ain displ ay, the sig n is lig hted. TARE ENT Tare entered . Storing the net v alue, the sig n is lig hted. HOLD Fixing the m ain display , the sig n is lig hted. CZ Center of zero. W hen the gro ss weigh t is in t h e ce nte r of t he ze ro p oint , the s ign is lig hted.
Page 10 AD-4 402 2.3. 2.3. 2.3. 2.3. Rear Panel Rear Panel Rear Panel Rear Panel Loadcell ter minal. Eight pieces of 350 Ω loadcell can connect i n parall el.
AD-4 402 Page 11 3. 3. 3. 3. Installation Installation Installation Installation Caution Remove the power cord before in stalling the indicator and other.
Page 12 AD-4 402 3.2. 3.2. 3.2. 3.2. Connecting Loadcell Cable Connecting Loadcell Cable Connecting Loadcell Cable Connecting Loadcell Cable Caution Share the loadcell cabl e from noise-generat ing device and th ese po wer lines beacuse loadcel l signal i s sensitiv e.
AD-4 402 Page 13 3.2.1. 3.2.1. 3.2.1. 3.2.1. Verifying Verifying Verifying Verif ying Loadcell Output a nd Input Se nsi tivity Loadcell Output and Inp ut Sensi tivity Loadcell Output and Inp ut Sensi tivity Loadcell Output and Inp ut Sensi tivity The input s ensitiv ity of the indicator is 0.
Page 14 AD-4 402 3.3. 3.3. 3.3. 3.3. Wiring Power Cord Wiring Power Cord Wiring Power Cord Wiring Power Cord Caution Gorund the indicator with terminal E to av oid receiv ing an electric shock and an error due to discha rge a stat ic electri city . Share the ground wire from ele ctrical device that gener ats noise.
AD-4 402 Page 15 3.4. 3.4. 3.4. 3.4. Installing Option s Instal ling Opt ions Instal ling Opt ions Instal ling Opt ions Caution Remove the power cord before oper ation to install the option. Do not touch an inside parts w ithin ten seconds after remov ing the power cord because y ou may receiv e an electric shock.
Page 16 AD-4 402 4. 4. 4. 4. Basi c Operation Basic Ope ration Basic Ope ration Basic Ope ration 4.1. 4.1. 4.1. 4.1. Key Operation Examples Key Operation Examples Key Operation Examples Key Operation Examples This section is describe d the w ay of key oper ation.
AD-4 402 Page 17 4.1.4. 4.1.4. 4.1.4. 4.1.4. The Way of Ca lling a Code The Way of C alling a Code The Way of C alling a Code The Way of C alling a Code In Case of a Mate rial C ode: Step 1 Suppose tha t is set the functi on param eter [ 5qf- 8 ] to [ 0 ] .
Page 18 AD-4 402 4.1.6. 4.1.6. 4.1.6. 4.1.6. The Way of Entering Menu The Way of Entering Menu The Way of E ntering Menu The Way of Entering Menu St e p 1 Press and ho ld the ENTER key and press the key i n w eighing mode. Then the first layer of menu is display.
AD-4 402 Page 19 4.2. 4.2. 4.2. 4.2. Status Chart (Mode map Status Chart (Mode map Status Chart (Mode map Status Chart (Mode map ) ) ) ).
Page 20 AD-4 402 5. 5. 5. 5. Calibration Calibration Calibration Calibration The indic ator, w hich is conn ected loadcel l unit, can w eigh the "w eig ht" value on the loadcell pan and dis play its "mass" v alue.
AD-4 402 Page 21 5.1. 5.1. 5.1. 5.1. Actual Load C alibratio n (using Mass) Actual Load C alibratio n (using Mass) Actual Load C alibratio n (using Mass) Actual Load C alibratio n (using Mass) ESC key If you w ant to return to t he weig hing mode d uring the calibration mode, pr ess the ESC k ey any time.
Page 22 AD-4 402 5.2. 5.2. 5.2. 5.2. Digital Span ( Calibration without Ma ss) Digi tal Span ( Calibration without Ma ss) Digi tal Span ( Calibration without Ma ss) Digi tal Span ( Calibration without Ma ss) ESC key If you w ant to return to t he weig hing mode d uring the calibration mode, pr ess the ESC k ey any time.
AD-4 402 Page 23 5.3. 5.3. 5.3. 5.3. Gravity Acceleration Correction Gravity Acceleration Correction Gravity Acceleration Correction Gravity Acceleration Correction The function compensate s the weighing e rror due to the difference of gravity acc eleration.
Page 24 AD-4 402 5.4. 5.4. 5.4. 5.4. Calibration Error Calibration Error Calibration Error Calibration Error Error C ode T reatment an d Situation CERR1 Resolutio n ( Weighing ca paci ty / mini mu m div ision) i s ex ceeds the l i mita ti on. Increase mi nimu m div ision or decr ease w eighing capacity .
AD-4 402 Page 25 6. 6. 6. 6. Applicatio ns Applicatio ns Applicatio ns Applicatio ns 6.1. 6.1. 6.1. 6.1. Hopper Scal e with Material Cod e Hopper Scal e with Material Cod e Hopper Scal e with Material.
Page 26 AD-4 402 6.1.3. 6.1.3. 6.1.3. 6.1.3. Editing Prin ciple Par ameters of Materi al Code Editing Prin ciple Par ameters of Materi al Code Editing Prin ciple Par ameters of Materi al Code Editing Prin ciple Par ameters of Materi al Code You can edit t he parame ters of target w eight, free fal l and etc.
AD-4 402 Page 27 6.1.5. 6.1.5. 6.1.5. 6.1.5. Editing Full Par ameters of Material Cod e Editing Full Par ameters of Material Cod e Editing Full Par ameters of Material Cod e Editing Full Par ameters of Material Cod e A material co de consi sts of the follow ing par ameters.
Page 28 AD-4 402 Search Mate rial Co de Use this menu to se arch bl ank mater ial code. Step 1 Press and h old the EN TER key and press the key . Then menu MatEdit blinks. Step 2 Press the key to select menu Search . And pr ess the ENTER key. Step 3 Then the message is display ed.
AD-4 402 Page 29 Tare of Mate rial Co de Use to c opy current t are to th e preset t are. Set a pres et tare function [ gebf-12 ] of the function list. [ gebf-12 ] [ 0 ] If the pres et tare o f the code is z ero, the l ast tare v alue effects . (fa c to ry settings) [ gebf-12 ] [ 1 ] If the pres et tare o f the code is z ero, tare v alue is reset.
Page 30 AD-4 402 6.2. 6.2. 6.2. 6.2. Simple Hopp er Scale with Re cipe Cod e Simple Hopper Scale with Re cipe Cod e Simple Hopper Scale with Re cipe Cod e Simple Hopper Scale with Re cipe Cod e The section explai ns for recip e code (anot her na me: form al functio n).
AD-4 402 Page 31 6.2.2. 6.2.2. 6.2.2. 6.2.2. Usin g a Reci pe Cod e Usin g a Reci pe Cod e Usin g a Reci pe Cod e Usin g a Reci pe Cod e Set the menu [Func tion] - [Function setting] - [Sequence] - [Basic] - [Rec ipe mode] to sequential mo de ( [ 5q f- 8 ] to [ 1 ] or [ 2 ] ), when th e recipe co de is use d.
Page 32 AD-4 402 6.2.5. 6.2.5. 6.2.5. 6.2.5. Arranging Mate rial Code in Recipe Code Arranging Ma terial Code in Re cipe Code Arranging Ma terial Code in Re cipe Code Arranging Ma terial Code in Re cipe Code The way of arrang ing mat erial cod e described i n a r ecipe cod e.
AD-4 402 Page 33 Total valu e Recipe total value All total value All Recipe s Example of Dele ting T otal Value Step 1 Press and h old the EN TER key and press the key . Then menu RecipeEDIT blinks. Step 2 Press the key to select menu Delete . And pr ess the ENTER key.
Page 34 AD-4 402 6.3. 6.3. 6.3. 6.3. System Desig n of H opper S cale System Desig n of H opper S cale System Desig n of H opper S cale System Desig n of H opper S cale 6.
AD-4 402 Page 35 7. 7. 7. 7. Weighing Mode Weighing Mode Weighing Mode Weighing Mode 7.1.1. 7.1.1. 7.1.1. 7.1.1. Contents of Contents of Contents of Contents of Batch Batch Batch Batch Weig hing Mo de Weighing Mode Weighing Mode Weighing Mode Batch Wei ghing Normal B atching Section 7.
Page 36 AD-4 402 7.2. 7.2. 7.2. 7.2. Batch Batch Batch Batc h Weighi ng M ode Wei ghing Mod e Wei ghing Mod e Wei ghing Mod e The mod e is used to get a (constan t) targ et weig ht from a su pplyi ng Mat for th e hopper sca le a nd filling machine . And the mo de can be classified to normal batch weig hing and loss- in w eight.
AD-4 402 Page 37 7.2.1. 7.2.1. 7.2.1. 7.2.1. Selection of Ba tch Weigh ing Select ion of B atch Weigh ing Select ion of B atch Weigh ing Select ion of B atch Weigh ing Selection of Norma l Batchi ng or Lo ss-in-weight The mode ca n be selecte d at Loss-in weight at the Functi on list.
Page 38 AD-4 402 7.3. 7.3. 7.3. 7.3. Sequential Sequential Sequentia l Sequential Weighing Mode Weighing Mode Weighing Mode Weighing Mode The seque ntial w eighi ng mode ( built-i n aut omatic pr ogra m mode) directly outputs control sig nals (ex ample: me dium flow valv e, batch finish) w ithout th e PLC.
AD-4 402 Page 39 Making alarm w hen the s equenc e is ti me ov er. [ 5q f- 31 ] Maximum w eighing time betw een star t and batch finish c an be s et. Error code [ SQ.
Page 40 AD-4 402 Drawing: N ormal Ba tching o f Sequenti al Weigh ing 0 Weighing value Start command, Input Dribble flow, Output Batch finish, Output Over weight, Output Discharge gate close tim er Un.
AD-4 402 Page 41 7.3.2. 7.3.2. 7.3.2. 7.3.2. L L L Los s -i n oss-i n oss -in oss-in W W W We ight of Sequent ial eight o f Sequen tial eight o f Sequen tial eight o f Sequ ential Mod e Mode Mode Mode Loss-in w eight w eighs the material dischar ged for m the hop per.
Page 42 AD-4 402 Drawing: L oss-in W eight of Sequenti al Weighin g 0 Weighing value Start command, Input Dribble flow, Output Batch finish, Output Over weight, Output Under weight, Output Medium fl o.
AD-4 402 Page 43 7.3.3. 7.3.3. 7.3.3. 7.3.3. C C C Co mp e ns a t i on ompensati on ompensati on ompensati on S S S Se q u en c e equence equence equence The comp ensation sequence i s used to make up (ad d) the materi al automatical ly, when the r esult o f current batch wei ghing is under weig ht.
Page 44 AD-4 402 Drawing: Com pensati on Sequen tial 0 Final value ( Tar g et wei g ht ) Start command, Input Dribble flow, Output Batch finish, Output Over weight, Output Under weight, Output Medium .
AD-4 402 Page 45 7.3.4. 7.3.4. 7.3.4. 7.3.4. Entrance S Entrance S Entrance S Entrance Se quence equence equence equence The e ntrance seq uence is use d to prev ent the materi al form scatt ering be fore the batch w eighing when a l iquid or pow der is w eig hed.
Page 46 AD-4 402 Drawing : Entranc e Sequence 0 We i g hin g value Start command, Input Dribble flow, Output Batch finish, Output Over weight, Output Under weight, Output Medium fl ow, Output Full flo.
AD-4 402 Page 47 7.3.5. 7.3.5. 7.3.5. 7.3.5. Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge S S S Seq u e n ce equence equence equence The discharg e seq ue nce i s used to di schar g e t he mater ial for m t he hop per a nd cl ear the hopper after fini shi ng a batch w ei g hi ng .
Page 48 AD-4 402 Drawing: D ischarge Se quence 0 Start command, Input Dribble flow, Output Batch finish, Output Discharge gate close del ay time r Medium fl ow, Output Full flow, Out put Nearly zero, .
AD-4 402 Page 49 7.3.6. 7.3.6. 7.3.6. 7.3.6. P P P Pl a i n lain lain lain R R R Rec i p e ecipe ecipe ecipe S S S Se q u en c e equence equence equence The plai n recipe seq uence mi xes preset target w eig hts of plural mater ials that ar e stored in a r ecipe c ode.
Page 50 AD-4 402 Drawing: P lain Reci pe Seque nce 0 Weighing value Material start si gnal (autom atic) Dribble flow, Output Batch finish, Output Over , Acceptable, Under, Output Medium fl ow, Output .
AD-4 402 Page 51 7.3.7. 7.3.7. 7.3.7. 7.3.7. Automatic Selection of Sup plying Mat Automatic Selection of Sup plying Mat Automatic Selection of Sup plying Mat Automatic Selection of Sup plying Mat W hen ther e are plur a l supp lying ma ts of ma terial s, the in d icato r ha s to con t rol the s e gates.
Page 52 AD-4 402 7.3.8. 7.3.8. 7.3.8. 7.3.8. Nozzle Co ntrol Seque nce ( Nozzle Co ntrol Seque nce ( Nozzle Co ntrol Seque nce ( Nozzle Cont rol Sequence ( v acuum cleaner vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaner ) ) ) ) The nozzle is use d for filling liquid or powder to bottle.
AD-4 402 Page 53 7.3.9. 7.3.9. 7.3.9. 7.3.9. Mixture Sequenc e Mixture Sequenc e Mixture Sequenc e Mixture Sequenc e The mix ture seq uence is used to mix or stir i t. The signal i s out put from th e I/O terminal set to mixing . The timing o f w eig hing fini sh, dischar g e finis h and mi x ture finish can b e selected .
Page 54 AD-4 402 Recipe st art command, I nput Dribble flow, Output Batch finish, Output Recipe finis h, Output Mixing timer Mixing, Output Medium fl ow, Output Full flow, Out put Discharge, Out put 0.
AD-4 402 Page 55 7.3.10. 7.3.10. 7.3.10. 7.3.10. Safety Safety Safety Safety C heck Che ck Che ck Check Function Function Function Function The functio n is us ed to st op the s equence w hen an error or an e mergency happens.
Page 56 AD-4 402 7.3.12. 7.3.12. 7.3.12. 7.3.12. Restart Sequences from Pa use Restart Sequences from Pause Restart Sequences from Pause Restart Sequences from Pause The restar t input is us ed to st art fro m the point that is st opped th e last s equence.
AD-4 402 Page 57 7.3.13. 7.3.13. 7.3.13. 7.3.13. Automatic Free Fall Compensation Automatic Free Fall Compensation Automatic Free Fall Compensation Automatic Free Fall Compensation The functio n arrang es the free fall par ameter u sing value av eraged t he las t four weig hing v alues so as to g et more precisi on weig hing.
Page 58 AD-4 402 7.3.14. 7.3.14. 7.3.14. 7.3.14. Real Time Free Fall Compens ation Real Time Free Fall Compens ation Real Time Free Fall Compens ation Real Time Free Fall Compens ation The function arr anges t he free fall par ameter to get more preci sion w eig hing duri ng the seq uence (i n real-ti me c alculatio n).
AD-4 402 Page 59 7.4. 7.4. 7.4. 7.4. C C C Cus t o m er ust omer us tome r ust omer P P P Pr og r a m rogram rogram rogram med med med med C C C Co n tr o l ont rol ontrol ont rol (C (C (C ( Compari s.
Page 60 AD-4 402 7.4.1. 7.4.1. 7.4.1. 7.4.1. Normal Batching o f Compar ison Normal Ba tching of Compa rison Normal Ba tching of Compa rison Normal Ba tching of Compa rison Funct ion Function Function Function The function outputs the gate control si g nals that are compared setpoint and weighing data that is accumulated materials to hopper.
AD-4 402 Page 61 Drawing: N ormal B atchi ng of Com parison F unctio n 0 We i g hin g value Dribble flow, Output Batch finish, Output Over weight, Output Under weight, Output Medium fl ow, Output Full flow , Outp ut Material code, Input Stable, Output Acceptable, Output The active recipe c ode is only read at each start.
Page 62 AD-4 402 7.4.2. 7.4.2. 7.4.2. 7.4.2. Loss-in Weight of Comparison Loss-in Weight of Comparison Loss-in We ight of Comparison Loss-in We ight of Comparison Function Function Function Function The function outputs the gate control si g nals that are compared setpoint and weighing data that is discharged materials from hopper .
AD-4 402 Page 63 Advise Using the au tom atic switch of normal batch and loss-in weight. Specify the output terminal for the h opper n umber in the material c ode on the I/O. Specify the i nput ter minal to chang e the m ode on th e I/O. [ 1n f- nn] [ 9 ] Connect th e output t erminal to the i nput ter minal.
Page 64 AD-4 402 7.5. 7.5. 7.5. 7.5. Other Functions Other Functions Other Functions Other Functions 7.5.1. 7.5.1. 7.5.1. 7.5.1. Re-Zero Re-Zero Re-Zero Re-Zero Operation Ope ra ti o n Op er at i on Ope ra ti o n Performi ng the function, a gross di splay is z eroed and an current weig hing val ue is used as a sta ndard poi nt.
AD-4 402 Page 65 7.5.3. 7.5.3. 7.5.3. 7.5.3. Tare Tare Tare Tare The relati on o f display is as follow s: Net = Gross - Tare Concern ing Parame ters of the Functio n Prohibiti ng tare during u nstabl.
Page 66 AD-4 402 7.5.6. 7.5.6. 7.5.6. 7.5.6. Customiz ing Sub Displa y Custo mizing Sub Dis play Custo mizing Sub Dis play Custo mizing Sub Dis play Use defaul t sub-di splay pattern, i f you w ant to reset i t. Refer to 10. 4. Para meter List of Function list reg arding items.
AD-4 402 Page 67 Number Name and Number to Display the Item Row size Columsize Figures 14 Automatic Free Fall Compensation 15 Internal reserved 16 Internal reserved 17 Dribble supp ly at entrance 18 M.
Page 68 AD-4 402 7.5.8. 7.5.8. 7.5.8. 7.5.8. Accumulation Accumulation Accumulation Accumulation Operation Operati on Operati on Operati on Accumulate w eig ht data and w eighi ng count of e ach mater ial code or recipe c ode.
AD-4 402 Page 69 7.5.11. 7.5.11. 7.5.11. 7.5.11. Error M essage Error M essage Error M essage Error Message and Alarm and Alarm and Alarm and Alarm W hen the ind icato r d etect s an error in t he weighin g s ystem , an error m essage is display ed. W hen the ind icato r bec omes to p reset condi t ion, it is anno un ced with the prese t alarm.
Page 70 AD-4 402 Kind No. Description W hen weighin g value can not s et to zero with re -ze ro o r ta re , message is displayed. 0 Dispal y can not be zer oed by z ero compensati on. Zero erro r ZR.ERR 1 Dispal y can not be zer oed by tare oper ation.
AD-4 402 Page 71 7.5.12. 7.5.12. 7.5.12. 7.5.12. Graphic Status Indicator Graphic Status Indicator Graphic Status Indicator Graphic Status Indicator The indic ator can display weig hing status, r esult on t he graphic i ndicat or.
Page 72 AD-4 402 8. 8. 8. 8. Interface Interface Interface Interface 8.1. 8.1. 8.1. 8.1. Control I/O Function Control I/O Function Control I/O Function Control I/O Function Input ter minals 11 lines th at can sel ect the functi on Output ter minals 11 lines that can sel ect the function Open corrc tor transister Input term inal Maxi mu m typ .
AD-4 402 Page 73 The functio n assigned to termi nals The functio n o f th e termi nal c an assi g n arbi tr ar il y . R efer to 10 . 4. P ar am et er li st o f t he Function li st 8.1.2. 8.1.2. 8.1.2. 8.1.2. Timing Chart Timing Chart Timing Chart Timing Chart Caution Keep the delay time to avoid mis-operation and noise.
Page 74 AD-4 402 8.2. 8.2. 8.2. 8.2. Built-in RS-485 Interface Built-in RS-485 Interface Built-in RS-485 Interface Built-in RS-485 Interface The RS-48 5 inter face can us e command to control the indi cator. The i nter face can read w eighing data or par ameters or store para meter to the indica tor.
AD-4 402 Page 75 System Connections 8.2.2. 8.2.2. 8.2.2. 8.2.2. Settings of Pa rameters Settings of Pa rameters Settings of Pa rameters Settings of Pa rameters Refer to the 10.
Page 76 AD-4 402 8.2.3. 8.2.3. 8.2.3. 8.2.3. Timing Chart Timing Chart Timing Chart Timing Chart Keep del ay time above 0 .5 ms b etween las t resp onse and n ext comm and. Set respons e ti me (tr). [ r5 f- 9 ] < tr < [ r5 f- 9 ] + 50 ms Make long d elay time, w hen there i s nois e.
AD-4 402 Page 77 8.2.4. 8.2.4. 8.2.4. 8.2.4. General Data Format Gene ral Data Format Gene ral Data Format Gene ral Data Format This form at is us ed at c ommand m ode an d jet str eam mo de.
Page 78 AD-4 402 8.2.5. 8.2.5. 8.2.5. 8.2.5. A&D Data Format A&D Data Format A&D Data Format A&D Data Format The format is used for strea m mode, auto pri nt mod e and accu mulatio n print. The format is co mpatible to the i ndicator AD-4325.
AD-4 402 Page 79 8.2.7. 8.2.7. 8.2.7. 8.2.7. Command List Command List Command List Command List Monitor Commands Name Code Description RDSP Read w eighing val ue RW Read gross d ata RGRS Read net val.
Page 80 AD-4 402 Control Comm ands Name Code Description CZER Make zero display MZ # 1 Make zero clear CCZR CTAR Tare MT #1 CCTR Tare clear CT #1 CGRS Change t o gross displ ay MG #1 CENT Change t o n.
AD-4 402 Page 81 Response Er ror Code Response Descr iption Note ?E The format of co mmand i s not corr ect. VE The data o f command i s not cor rect. IE Indi cator is busy.
Page 82 AD-4 402 8.3. 8.3. 8.3. 8.3. Built-in Current Loop Built-in Current Loop Built-in Current Loop Built-in Current Loop Output Output Output Output Transmissi on system EIA RS-232C , Asynchro nou.
AD-4 402 Page 83 8.3.3. 8.3.3. 8.3.3. 8.3.3. Data Fo rmat Data Fo rmat Data Fo rmat Data Fo rmat The format is the sa me as A &D format of the bui lt-in RS- 485.
Page 84 AD-4 402 Terminals W hen weighing display, gross display , net display and tare display [ 01f- 1 ] [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] is used, the function of terminals ar e as fol lows: A1 1 B1 2 Unit Unit 1 .
AD-4 402 Page 85 W hen recipe code and mater ial code [ 01f- 1 ] [ 9 ] is used, the function of termin als are as fol lows:. A1 1 B1 2 A2 4 B2 8 A3 10 B3 20 A4 Mate rial code at weig hing sequence 40 .
Page 86 AD-4 402 Communication Modes There are the followi ng modes. Stream Mode The data is out put at ev ery update o f display. If the dat a can not output due to slow baud rate comple tely, dat a is outp ut at nex t update. A uto Print Mode The data is printe d at batch finish and recipe finish automatic ally .
AD-4 402 Page 87 8.5. 8.5. 8.5. 8.5. Relay Output Relay Output Relay Output Relay Output of Option, OP-02 of Option, OP-02 of Option, OP-02 of Option, OP-02 Rated load 250 V AC, 3 A 30 V DC, 3 A Current at common termi nal Max.
Page 88 AD-4 402 8.6. 8.6. 8.6. 8.6. RS-422/485 Interface of O ption, OP-03 RS-422/485 Interface of O ption, OP-03 RS-422/485 Interface of O ption, OP-03 RS-422/485 Interface of O ption, OP-03 The RS-42 2/485 inter face c an use c ommand to co ntrol t he indicat or.
AD-4 402 Page 89 RS-422 Co nnectio ns Settings RS- 422 [ 03 f- 11 ] [ 1 ] Address Num ber 0 [ 03 f- 8 ] [ 0 ]. RS-485 4 Wire C onnections Settings RS- 422 [ 03 f- 11 ] [ 1 ] Address Num ber [ 03 f- 8 ] [wi thout 0 ].
Page 90 AD-4 402 RS-485 2 Wire C onnections Settings RS- 485 [ 03 f- 11 ] [ 2 ] Settings of Paramete rs Refer to 10.4. Parameter list of the function list. Timing C hart Keep del ay time above 0 .5 ms b etween last response and nex t comma nd. Set respons e ti me (tr).
AD-4 402 Page 91 8.7. 8.7. 8.7. 8.7. RS-232C Interface of Option, OP- 04 RS-232C Inte rface of Option, OP-04 RS-232C Inte rface of Option, OP-04 RS-232C Inte rface of Option, OP-04 The RS-23 2C is us ed to conn ect to th e DEC (mod em). The comman d and par ameters o f RS-23 2C is th e same as t he buil t-in RS- 485.
Page 92 AD-4 402 8.8. 8.8. 8.8. 8.8. Parall el I/O of Option, OP-05 Parall el I/O of Option, OP-05 Parall el I/O of Option, OP-05 Parall el I/O of Option, OP-05 Use the op tion to extend I /O termi nals The functio n, setting s, inter face circ uit and tim ing chart of the op tion is the same as buit-in I/O ter minal.
AD-4 402 Page 93 8.9. 8.9. 8.9. 8.9. Analog Output of Option, OP -07 Analog Output of Option, OP -07 Analog Output of Option, OP -07 Analog Output of Option, OP -07 The option outputs D C current that is pr oportio n to th e display val ue. It is adj usted by 4 mA out put at z ero displ ay and 20 mA out put at full scale .
Page 94 AD-4 402 9. 9. 9. 9. Maintena nce Mainte nance Mainte nance Mainte nance 9.1.1. 9.1.1. 9.1.1. 9.1.1. Basic Opera tion Basic Opera tion Ba sic Operati on Basic Opera tion T o e nt er th e m ai n te na n ce Press and hold the ENTER key and press the key in weighing mode.
AD-4 402 Page 95 9.2.3. 9.2.3. 9.2.3. 9.2.3. Monitoring B uilt-in Cu rrent Loop Output Monitoring Built-in Cu rrent Loop Output Monitoring Built-in Cu rrent Loop Output Monitoring Built-in Cu rrent Loop Output The curren t communica tion da ta are displ ayed.
Page 96 AD-4 402 9.2.7. 9.2.7. 9.2.7. 9.2.7. Monitoring RS- 422/485 Interface of OP-03 Monitoring RS- 422/485 Interface of OP-03 Monitoring RS- 422/485 Interface of OP-03 Monitoring RS- 422/485 Interface of OP-03 The curren t communica tion da ta are displ ayed.
AD-4 402 Page 97 9.3. 9.3. 9.3. 9.3. Test Mode Test Mode Test Mode Test Mode The test mode is us ed to c heck the in dicator and w eighing system w ith test sig nal output. W hen the test mode is used, the weighing sequence is stopped. Caution The test mode out puts the te st signal .
Page 98 AD-4 402 9.3.4. 9.3.4. 9.3.4. 9.3.4. Testing A/D Converter Testing A/D Converter Testing A/D Converter Testing A/D Converter The A/D c onverter data is display ed. W hen pre ssing t he ENTER key, a t est voltag e can be inp ut to t he A/D conv erter.
AD-4 402 Page 99 9.3.8. 9.3.8. 9.3.8. 9.3.8. Testing RS-232C Interface of OP- 04 Testing RS-2 32C Interface of OP-04 Testing RS-232C Interface of OP- 04 Testing RS-2 32C Interface of OP-04 W hen pre ssing th e ENTER key each time, a tes t data "ST,GS,+00000 00kg CR LF" is output.
Page 100 AD-4402 9.4. 9.4. 9.4. 9.4. Initial izing Parame ters Initial izing Pa rameters Initial izing Pa rameters Initial izing Pa rameters The functio n initiali zes the par ameter s stored in the in dicator. The param eters ar e stored i n the fl ash memory and back up RAM.
AD-4 402 Page 10 1 Prucedure Caution Do not intialize them while any operation. Cut off the power supply of other system. When init ializing the indi cator, the output may change. When intializing the indi cator, do not turn off it before it i s resetted.
Page 102 AD-4402 9.5. 9.5. 9.5. 9.5. Remote Operation Remote Operation Remote Operation Remote Operation The mod e can read a nd wr ite the p arameters o f functio n list, dat a of m aterial code and recipe c ode an d calibr ation da ta. The buil d-in RS- 485, RS-4 22/48 5 (OP-03) or RS- 232C (OP- 04) is used for the remote o perati on.
AD-4 402 Page 10 3 10. 10. 10. 10. Function List Function List Function List Function List The functio n list stor es parameters to control the indi cator. The param eter is s tored i n an item w ithout power sup ply. An item is cl assified by a categ ory address, and is cl assified by an item number .
Page 104 AD-4402 10.1.2. 10.1.2. 10.1.2. 10.1.2. Outlin e of the Fu nctio n List Outlin e of the Fu nctio n List Outlin e of the Fu nctio n List Outlin e of the Fu nctio n List Category Address Star t.
AD-4 402 Page 10 5 10.2. 10.2. 10.2. 10.2. Referring Referring Referring Referring Parameters Parameters Parameters Parameters Use the m ode to r efer the paramet er in t he weig hing seq uence. The mod e can chang e the par ameter s concerning the dig ital filter and weig hing sequence ti mers in t he wei ghing seq uence.
Page 106 AD-4402 10.4. 10.4. 10.4. 10.4. Parameter List Parameter List Parameter List Parameter List Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction setting] - [General] - [Weigh ing] Category address s.
AD-4 402 Page 10 7 Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t genf-13 Clear mode a t power ON The action at tu rning on indicator.
Page 108 AD-4402 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction setting] - [General] - [Sub-dis play] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5Ubf- 1 W ei gh ing disp l.
AD-4 402 Page 10 9 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction setting] - [General] - [Sub-dis play] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5Ubf- 2 Recipe display 0: Basic format 1: Custom format 0 to 1 0 W hen arrange d form at is use d (When [ 5Ubf- 2 ] [ 1 ] ), set items to be displayed i n the sub-display .
Page 110 AD-4402 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction setting] - [General] - [Sub-dis play] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5ub f 1 5ub f 2 Re fer to prev io us p ages . 5ub f 3 Bar graph location 0: Hide 1: Upper side.
AD-4 402 Page 11 1 Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t othf- 2 F1 ke y function othf- 3 F2 ke y function othf- 4 F3 ke y function othf- 5 F4 ke y function 0: Not u.
Page 112 AD-4402 Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t othf- 7 T are Header Use for the curren t loop out put o r RS- 485 of serial in terface.
AD-4 402 Page 11 3 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction setting] - [Sequ ence] - [Basic] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5q f- 1 W eighi ng mode 1 : C.
Page 114 AD-4402 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction sett ing] - [Seq uenc e] - [Co ntrol] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5q f-11 Batch start se ttin gs Select a ac tion at start ing the weighing sequence.
AD-4 402 Page 11 5 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction sett ing] - [Seq uenc e] - [Co ntrol] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5q f-14 Batc h fin ish acti ons Select a ac tion at batch f inish.
Page 116 AD-4402 Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5q f-21 Batch finish output off 0: Off at ne xt start (Tu rni ng o ff unt il n ext star t) 1: Off at o ver or unstable. (Turning off when "out of range" o r "unstable condition" ) 2: Off at zero band.
AD-4 402 Page 11 7 Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5q f-39 Disc harge monitoring timer Set the t ime limit to disca rge it W hen time is up and weighing value is not zero band, sequence erro r SQ.ERR 5 is di sp lay e d.
Page 118 AD-4402 Categor y addres s : [Func tio n] - [Fu nctio n set ting ] - [ Seque nce] - [ Setpo int ] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5q f-51 Code reca ll.
AD-4 402 Page 11 9 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction setting] - [Sequ ence] - [Safety] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 5q f-71 to 5q f-75 The maximum eight input s for safty check are assigned to the I/O or OP-05.
Page 120 AD-4402 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction setting] - [Con trol I/O Fu nction] - [Inpu t] The list to assign th e function for the input t erminal of the I/O No.
AD-4 402 Page 12 1 Input terminals of the I/O and default func tions Category address symbol Term i nal n am e D ef aul t c hoi c es Defau lt No. 1n f- 1 Input termina l A1 Zero 1 1n f- 2 Input termin.
Page 122 AD-4402 Category a ddress : [Functio n] - [Function sett ing] - [Con trol I/O Fu nction] - [Outp ut] The list to assign th e function for the outpu t terminal of the I/O No.
AD-4 402 Page 12 3 O u t put ter minals o f the I/O a nd defaul t functi ons Category address symbol Term i nal n am e D ef aul t c hoi c es Defau lt No.
Page 124 AD-4402 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction sett ing] - [S erial] - [R S-485] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t r5 f- 1 Output data W hen j et stream mode of Comunication mode [ r5 f- 2 ] is used, the 1, 2, 3 can select.
AD-4 402 Page 12 5 Categor y addres s : [Functio n] - [Fun ction sett ing] - [Seria l] - [ Current lo op] Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t Cl f- 1 Output data 1.
Page 126 AD-4402 Categor y addres s : [Func tion] - [ Functio n set tin g] - [Opt ion] - [slot n ] - [O P -01] OP-01 : Option BCD Ou tput slot n : slot numb er Category address symbol Na me Desc rip t.
AD-4 402 Page 12 7 Categor y addres s : [Func tio n] - [Func ti on set ting ] - [Opt ion] - [slot n ] - [O P -02] OP-02 : Option Outpu t Re lay O utput slot n : slot numb er Category address symbol Na.
Page 128 AD-4402 Categor y addres s : [F uncti on] - [Fu nction s etti ng] - [O ption ] - [slo t n ] - [OP-0 3] or [F uncti on] - [Fu nction s etti ng] - [O ption ] - [slo t n ] - [OP -04] OP-03 : Opt.
AD-4 402 Page 12 9 Category address symbol Na me Desc rip tions Rang e and choices Defaul t 03 f- 8 04 f- 8 Address 0: Addre ss is not used 1 to 99: Address is used 0 to 99 0 03 f- 9 Response timer Set th e wait ing timer from r eceiving command to transm itting a response .
Page 130 AD-4402 Categor y addres s : [Func tio n] - [Funct ion sett ing] - [Optio n] - [slo t n ] - [OP-05] OP-05: Option Parallel input / out put slot n : slot numb er Category address symbol Na me .
AD-4 402 Page 13 1 Categor y addres s : [Func tio n] - [Funct ion sett ing] - [Optio n] - [slo t n ] - [O P -07] OP-07 : Option Anal og O utput slot n : slot numb er Category address symbol Na me Desc.
Page 132 AD-4402 11. 11. 11. 11. Specifi cations Specifi cations Specifi cations Specifi cations Gener al Power supply 85 to250 V AC, 5 0 or 60Hz , (Stabl e pow er source) Power consumption Approx imatel y 30 VA Pysical dimensions 192 ( W ) x 96 (H) x 135 (D) m m W eight Approxi mately 1.
AD-4 402 Page 13 3 Weighing W eighi ng mode Batch W eig hing M ode: Norma l ba tch weighing, loss-in weight Sequenti al Weighing Mode: Norma l ba tch weighing, loss-in weight Element of seq uential w .
Page 134 AD-4402 Standard I/O termin al Refer to "8 .1. Control I /O Function". Standard RS -485 interf ace Refer to "8 .2. Built-in RS- 485 Inter face". Current loo p Refer to "8 .3. Built-in Cur rent L oop Output" . BCD Output of Option, OP-01 Refer to "8 .
AD-4 402 Page 13 5 11.1. 11.1. 11.1. 11.1. Dimens ions Dimens ions Dimensio ns Dimens ions Panel cuto ut size 11.2. 11.2. 11.2. 11.2. Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Capacity label ......................................................
Page 136 AD-4402 12. 12. 12. 12. References References References References 12.1. 12.1. 12.1. 12.1. Abbr eviati on Abbr eviati on Abbr eviati on Abbr eviati on # counts TC Tare clear #Tot total count.
AD-4 402 Page 13 7 12.2. 12.2. 12.2. 12.2. ASCII Code ASCII Code ASCII Code ASCII Code for AD-4402 for AD-4402 for AD-4402 for AD-4402 The character s are spe cial co de for th e name of materi al code and r ecipe co de. Therefor, s ome c haracter s are not the same as U.
Page 138 AD-4402 12.3. 12.3. 12.3. 12.3. Ind ex Inde x Inde x Inde x # ..................................................................... 137 #Tot ............................................................ 137 [Control I/O] - [I nput] ...........
AD-4 402 Page 13 9 F.FLOW .............................................................. 9 FFall ......................................................... 137 FFlow ......................................................... 137 FINISH..................
Page 140 AD-4402 water-resistant panel .......................................... 5 weighing s tatus ................................................ 72 weight ............................................................... 20 WGT ....................
ページ 1 [ Blank page ].
4.34.25 E_]Wh^_.Fa[Xjajge- P eh^_cW.aj- P eane 281.1124 G>M >K P [b[f^ed[; U92V +4, 64:2.7243 CWm; U92V +4, 64:2.7259 ^iif;00lll /WWdZZ/Ye/`f0 tqv w}xy}ww + y}x r y}us 2666- JY@WdZb[hh Ag_k[- J_bf_iWh- @>/ :6146 Q/O/>/ P [b[f^ed[; U2V +519, 374.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté A&D PD4000243 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du A&D PD4000243 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation A&D PD4000243, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le A&D PD4000243 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le A&D PD4000243, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du A&D PD4000243.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le A&D PD4000243. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei A&D PD4000243 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.