Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit GD-1900C du fabricant Furuno
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The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. Your Local Agent/Dealer Your Local Agent/Dealer 9-52 A shihar a-cho, 9-52 A shihar a-cho, Nishinom i y a 662-8580, JAPAN Nishinom i y a 662-8580, JAPAN Tele p hone : Tele p hone : 0798-65-2111 0798-65-2111 Fax Fax 0798-65-4200 0798-65-4200 : : FIRST E DITION : FIRST E DITION : APR.
i WARNING Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard The radar antenna emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the antenna aperture from a close distance while the radar is in operation or expose yourself to the trans- mitting antenna at a close distance.
ii T A BL E OF CO NT E NTS SA FETY I NST RUCTIONS ........................................................................................ i EQUIPME NT LIS TS ............................................................................................
iii EQUIPMENT LI STS S t anda rd supp ly Name T ype Cod e No. Qty Remarks RDP-138* - Norm al bright LCD, 300 Cd Displ ay unit RDP-139 - 1 High br i ght LCD, 700 Cd RSB- 0094-0075 - MO DEL 1823C RSB- 0.
i v Op ti on al su pp l y Nam e T ype C od e No . Qty Rem ar ks 000- 013- 484 For G D-1900 C, 100 V A C 000- 013- 485 For G D-1900 C, 1 10 V AC 000- 013- 486 For G D-1900 C, 220 V A C PR-62 000- 013- .
v SYSTEM CONFIGU R A TIONS Al l Nav Net pro duct s incorpor at e a “ netw ork ci rcuit board” t o i nt egrate eac h Na vNet pr od uct on board t hrou gh a n opti onal LAN cabl e (Et her n et 10BASE-T ). Each NavNet prod uct i s assi gned a n I P addr es s t o enabl e transfer of i mages b etw een other Na vNet product s.
vi Network Sounder ETR-6/10N ETR-30N GPS receiver GP-310B/320B 12 - 24 VDC Other NavNet Unit (Model 1833C, etc.) Display unit RDP-138/139 Ship's mains 100/110/115/220/230 VAC 1 φ , 50/60 Hz : St.
vii Figure 2 (a) NavNet system, t hree-unit connect ion HUB Network Sounder ETR-6/10N ETR-30N (option) Radar Antenna Unit OR GPS Receiv er GP-310B/320B Radar Antenna Unit OR GPS Receiv er GP-310B/320B.
viii This page is intentionall y left blank..
1-1 1. MOUNTING 1.1 Installation of Displa y Unit The display unit can be installed on a tablet op, on the overhead or f lush m ounted in a console or panel. T abletop, overhead mounting method W hen selecting a m ounting location f or the display unit keep t he f ollowing in mind: • Keep the display unit out of direct sunlight.
1-2 1.1.1 Mounti ng pr ocedure T ab letop, ov erhea d mounting Follow the procedure below to m ount the display unit on a t abletop or the overhead. 1. Fix the hanger by f our t apping screw (5x 20). 2. Screw knob bolts in display unit, set it t o hanger , and tighten knob bolt s.
1-3 Flush mounting Note: Use supplied six pan head screws w hen the thickness of t he bulkhead is fr om 1 1 to 14 m m . For bulkhead which exceeds 14 mm in thickness the lengt h of the pan head screws should be bulkhead thickness (A) plus 7.8± 2 mm .
1-4 1.2 Mounting of Antenna Unit f o r MODEL1833C 1.2.1 Mounti ng considerations W hen selecting a m ounting location f or the ant enna unit keep in m ind the f ollowing points. • Inst all the antenna unit on t he hardtop, radar arch or on a m ast on an appropriat e platf orm .
1-5 1.2.2 Mounti ng antenna unit of MODEL 1833C 1. Open the antenna unit packing box carefully . 2. Unbolt the four bolts at the base of the radom e to rem ove the radom e cover .
1-6 Flat washer Spring washer Platform Antenna base plate M10 x 25 Hex bolt Radome 5 - 10 mm Apply silicone sealant. Effective thread length 25 mm Gasket How to fasten t he radome base to t he mounting platform Wiring and final pr epara tion 4.
1-7 9. Attach three connectors of t he signal cable t o respective ports as shown below . to one of the screws of the cable clamping plate 9-pin connector : to J801 on MD-9208 4-pin connector : to J80.
1-8 10. Att ach t he EMI cores supplied as shown below . J806 J805 J803 J804 J802 J801 Motor J613 J611 J1 EMI core E04SS251512 (Abov e cable clamping plate) Cable entrance IF9214 IF9214A PTU-9335 MD-9208 Cable clamping plate How to a ttach EM I core 1 1.
1-9 1.2.3 Mounti ng the optional mounti ng bracket A m ount ing bracket f or fast ening t he antenna unit f or MODEL1833C to a m ast on a sailboat is optionally available. Mounting brac ket 1 T ype: OP03-92 Code No.: 008-445-070 T able 1-1 Mounting bracket contents Ty pe Code No.
1-10 Mounting plate Suppor t plate (1) Suppor t plate (2) Brac ket (1) Brac ket (2) Fixing plate M8 x 20 M8 x 20 M4 x 12 M10 x 25 (supplied with antenna unit) M8 x 20 (A) Assembling the mounting brac .
1-11 1.3 Mounting of Antenna Unit f o r MODEL1933C/1943C/1953C 1.3.1 Mounti ng considerations • The ant enna unit is generally installed either on t op of the wheelhouse or on the radar m ast on a suitable platf orm . Locat e t he antenna unit where there is a good all-round view .
1-12 1.3.2 Mounti ng antenna unit of MODEL 1933C/1943C/ 1953C Referring t o t he outline drawing at the back of t his m anual, drill five holes in the m ount ing platf orm : f our holes of 15 m m diam eter f or fixing the ant enna unit and one hole of 25-30 m m diam et er for t he signal cable.
1-13 Mounting of antenna unit The antenna unit can be m ount ed using the f ixing holes on the outside (200 x 200 m m ) or inside (140 x 150 mm ) t he antenna unit. Outsid e fi xing h oles Use the hex head bolt (supplied) to m ount t he antenna unit as below .
1-14 He x bolt Seal washer Flat washer Spring washer Nut Fixing the antenna unit chassis 4. Pass f lat washers (M12, supplied), spring w ashers (M12, supplied) and nuts (M12, supplied) onto hex bolts. F ast en by tightening nuts. Do not fast en by tightening the hex bolts; seal washers may be dam aged.
1-15 Ground wire Hex bolt Flat washer Spring washer Flat washer Hex nut Silicone sealant Hex nut Weld here. Silicone sealant Ground wire antenna unit OR Flat washer Spring washer Ground wire GROUND TE.
1-16 Fixing holes ins ide antenna unit This m ethod requires rem oval of t he RF unit in the ant enna unit to access inside f ixing holes. Use hex head bolts, f lat washers, spring w ashers and nuts (local supply) to m ount the antenna unit, confirm ing length of bolt s.
1-17 Connect ing the Signal Ca ble Only the signal cable runs f r om t he display unit (1953C: power supply unit) to the antenna unit. In order t o m inim ize the chance of picking up electrical int erference, avoid w here possible routing the signal cable near other onboard elect rical equipm ent.
1-18 Sheath CABLE GLAND Plate Gasket Flat washer Bolt Within 4 cm T ubing Shield How to fix signal cable in cable gland 6. Unf asten f our screws show n in the figure below . Antenna unit chassis, cover opened 7. Pass t he signal cable through the cable protect or .
1-19 Antenna unit chassis, cover opened 10. Fix the signal cable with the cable clam p. 1 1. Release the stay and close the cover . Loosely f ast en t he cover fixing screws; you w ill have to m ake som e adj ustm ents inside af ter com pletion of wiring.
1-20 1.4 Mounting of P ower Suppl y Unit f or MODEL 1953C MODEL 1953C has its own pow er supply because of high power consumption. The power supply unit can be installed almost anywhere provided the location is dry , well-v entilated, suff icient m aint enance space is provided (w ithin 5 m f rom the display unit).
1-21 1.5 Mounting of Antenna Unit for MODEL 1823C 1.5.1 Mounting consi deration See the m ount ing consideration f or MODEL1833C on page 1-4. The compass safe distance of 1.25 meters (standard compass) and 0.85 met ers (steering compass) should be observed to prevent deviat ion of t he m agnet ic compass.
1-22 Flat washer Antenna base assy. Spring washer Platform Hex bolt Apply silicone sealant. (M10 x 25 or M10 x 20) Transceiver module 5 mm or under : M10x20 5-10mm: M10x25 over 10 mm: local supplied bolts Efeective thread length: 12 mm How to fasten t he base t o plat form Remov e and discard the pac king mater ial.
1-23 5. Unf asten t he rotation detect or cable from t he cable clam ps. 6. Unf asten 16 screws ( ! 1 , ! 2 and ! 3 in the following figure) to dism ount the shield plat e, core case assy and core case cover . GND IF +V OP GND -V OP Vt GND Pan head screws M3x10 2 pcs.
1-24 7. Pass t he antenna cable with connector t hrough the cable gla nd, gasket and cabl e entrance of t he antenna unit, and then tight en cable gl and. Note 1: Be sure the shrink t ube on the antenna cable does not contact to the gasket. Note 2: Close the gask et t ightly to insert int o t he cable entranc e.
1-2 5 9. Att ach connectors of t he ante nn a cabl e as ap pr opri at e, and t hen fas t e n a pan head screw M 4x 10 t o fix shi eld cabl e and c or e c ase ( r emoved at st ep 6. ) Antenn a unit, c onnec t or loc ation and f i x ing the shield c ab le w /cor e c as e 10.
1-26 12. Pass the cable from the rotat ion det ector through t wo cable clam ps. Rotate detector Cable clamps Cable tie (Another should be inside.) Antenna unit, cla mping t he rotation detect or cable 13. Follow the instructions on t he label i nside the m ounting base to secure t he snap assy .
2-1 2. WIRING 2.1 S t andard W iring Al l wi ri ng are t er m i nat ed at the r ear of the di spl ay uni t. NavNet equipment, CU-200 (6P) CAUTION The display unit is shipped with 15 A fuse.
2-2 12-24 VDC Connect t he pow er cable t o the P OW ER connector at the bac k of t he di spl ay uni t. DJ-1 For M ODEL1823C/1833C/ 1933C/1943C/ 1953C, r emove the w aterproofi ng cap f rom DJ -1 port and di sc ard i t. M ODEL1823C/ 1833C: Connect t he M J-B 24LPF0002 cabl e from the antenna uni t t o thi s port .
2-3 Con n ecti n g G P-310B/ 320B t o DA T A 2 port W hen an equipm ent i s c onnec t ed t o DA T A 1 port, G PS r ec ei ver GP- 310B / 320B can be connect ed t o DA T A 2 port as show n below . Y ou need a junct i on box and opt i onal cabl e M J-A 6S P F 0003- 050 or M J-A6SPF 0009-100.
2-4 2.2 External Buzzer (OP03-136, option) Connection The optional external buzzer provides a louder alert w hen the alarm is viorated. External buzz er T ype: OP03-136 Code no.: 000-086-443 Further , you need the optional cable assy MJ-A7SPF0007-050 (w /7P connector , 5 m, code no.
2-5 2.3 Ho w to Connect with PC W hen connecting with the personal comput er , prepare t he optional cable assy MJ-A7SPF0007-050 and D-sub 9 pins plug (local supply), and connect them as f ollows.
2-6 2.4 Wiring of Power Supply Unit (MODEL1953C only) 1. Loosen t hree M4 screws to remove the cable clam p. 2. Loosen si x M4 screws to remove the unit cover . 3. A t tach t he VL connec t o r of p o w e r su p p l y cable VL3P-VV-S2X2C-AA050 (suppli e d as installation m aterial) to J1 on the POW ER Board.
2-7 Note: The power for the power supply unit and display unit m ust be drawn from t he same power switch on the power term inal board. Other Equipment (ex. GPS, E/S etc.) Power terminal board Display unit Power supply unit Other Equipment (ex. GPS, E/S etc.
2-8 2.5 Connection of CU-20 0 (opti on) 1) C onne ction be tw een one displa y un it and on e m e mory c ar d IF unit Connec t as s how n i n the f ig ur e b el o w .
3-1 3. A DJ USTM ENT 3.1 Ho w to Access to Inst all ation Men u Y ou should do t he s et up for t he equi pm e nt t hrough the i nstal l ation menu w hen ins t allat i on has be en f i ni shed. T o acces s t o the i nst all at i on menu, fol lo w the step s i n bel ow .
3-2 3.2 NETWORK SETUP Menu T o communi cat e w ith ot her Na vNet equi pme nt, this s et ti ng shoul d be done. 1. Open the I NS T ALL SET UP menu. 2. Press the NET W ORK SET UP sof t key .
3-3 Conte nt s of Netw ork s et up m enu Item Descri pt io n Def aul t Sett in g IP ADD RESS This ad dres s i s ass ig ned at t he f act ory . Ch ang e th e addres s ( l ast thr ee di g its; 001 t o 2 54) w hen l i ke m odel s ar e connec ted di rec tl y or thr oug h th e hub .
3-4 3.3 RAD AR SETUP Menu Aft er t he network setup, do the following in order to adjust t he radar . Open the INST ALL SETUP m enu, and t hen press the RADAR SETUP sof t key to display the RADAR SETUP m enu. W hen the m essage of “RADAR DOES NO T TRANSMIT .
3-5 3.3.1 A NTENN A TYPE Select the antenna t y pe connecting with your display unit. Def ault set t ing is “F”. Select the antenna t ype ref erring t o the table shown belo w . After selection, press the [ENT ER] knob or ENTER soft key . Y our unit Setting MODEL1 823C A MODEL1 833C B MODEL1 933C F MODEL1 943C G MODE L1953C H 3.
3-6 Antenna tuning Initialize the tuning as f ollows. 1. T ransm it the radar . 2. O pen the RADAR SETUP m enu, and t hen select TUNING by the trackball or [ENT ER] knob. 3. Press t he EDIT sof t key or [ENTER] knob to show the setting window . TUNING ON OFF T uning setup menu 4.
3-7 ON OFF TIMING ADJUST Timing adjust setting menu 5. Select ON and press the [E NT ER] knob or ENTER sof t key to show the radar display . PUSH ENTER KNOB AFTER ADJUSTING SWEEP TIMING.
3-8 3.3.5 HEADI NG ADJUST Y ou have mounted the ant enna unit f acing straight ahead in the direct ion of t he bow . Theref ore, a sm all but conspicuous target dead ahead visually should appear on the heading line (zero degrees).
3-9 3.3.6 M. B. (Main Bang) SUPPRESSION Main bang (black hole), w hich appears at the display center on short ranges, can suppressed as follows. 1. O pen the RADAR SETUP m enu and select M.B. SUPPRESSI ON by trackball or [ENTER] knob. 2. Press t he EDIT sof t key or [ENTER] knob to show the setting window .
3-10 3.3.8 STC CUR VE The def ault ST C curve can be maint ained in m ost cases. If necessary the ST C curve can be changed as follows: 1. O pen the RADAR SETUP m enu and select ST C CURVE. 2. Press t he EDIT sof t key or [ENTER] knob to show the setting window .
3-1 1 3.4 C hecking Magnetr on H eater V olt age Note : T his confi r m at i on/ adjus t ment s houl d onl y be perfor m ed by a qual i f ied s er vi c e techni ci an. M agnet ron he ater volt age is f or m ed on t he PT U (1833C)/ M D (1823C/1 93 3C/ 19 43 C/195 3C) Board of t he ante nn a uni t , and prea djusted at the f act ory .
3-12 2. Select POSITI ON SOURCE and press the [ E DI T ] key or [ENTER] knob t o show the position source window . POSITION SOURCE ▲ ▼ FUR UNO BB GPS GP LC ALL 3. Select FURUNO BB GPS, GP , LC or ALL as appropriate and press t he [ ENTER] knob or ENTER soft key .
3-14 Contents of G PS sensor set tings menu Item Description Settings Default Setting Local T ime Of fset All ows the user to use l ocal time (ins tead of UTC time). Enter time dif ference between local ti me and UTC time. Use the + < - - > - soft key to switch from plus to minus and vi ce versa.
3-15 Contents of G PS sensor set tings menu (con’ t.) Item Description Settings Default Setting Longitude Of fset As above but for longi tude. Use the W < - - > E soft key to sw itch coordinat e.
3-16 3.6 Setting up Dat a Port s Setup t he dat a port s accor di ng t o the equi pm ent connecte d t o them as f ol l ow s . 1. Press t he [M ENU] key t o open t he men u. 2. Press t he SY ST EM CO NFI GURA TI O N, SY STEM SET UP and PO RT SETUP s of t keys .
3-17 NMEA Version 2.0 Range and bearing mode: Rhumb line NMEA Version 1.5 Range and bearing mode: Great circle SELECT SNTNC RETURN ON.
3-18 Conte nt s of DA T A 4 PO RT m enu Item Description Settings Default Setting NMEA Output Format S elects NMEA output forma t. NMEA V er . 1.5, NMEA V er . 2.0 NMEA V er . 2.0 Baud Rate Sets baud rate . 4800, 9600, 19200 (b ps) 4800(bps) Bit Length Sets chara cter length.
3-19 2. Press t he NE X T P A GE s of t key to show Page 2. 3. Selec t I NFRA RE D RE M O T E MO DE, and pr es s t he EDI T so f t k ey . The SELEC T I/R R EM OTE w indow app ears . 4. Point t he remot e cont r ol l er t ow ar d t he di spl ay unit, and press any key on t he r em ot e contr ol l er .
3-20 This page is intentionally lef t blank..
4-1 4. OPTIONS 4.1 A RP Kit A RP-1 1 Necessary parts Name: ARP kit T ype: ARP-1 1 Code no.: 008-523-050 T able 4-1 ARP-1 1 content s Name T ype Code No. Qty ARP Board 18P9013 008-521-830 1 Pan head screw M3x 6 C2700W 000-881-403 4 SQ9 000-801-850 1 Spacer* SQ15 000-801-779 3 Spring washer* M3 C5191W 000-864-204 3 *Not used 1.
4-2 3. Disconnect the PH5P connector f rom J1357 on the PO W ER Board (19P1005). 4. Unf asten seven pan head screws (M3x 8) to dism ount the PO W ER Board and POW ER shield case from t he display unit. To J1357 on POWER Board POWER shield case POWER Board 19P1005 Pan head screws (M3x8) 7 pcs.
4-3 Order of fast ening screws 10. Fast en seven connector nut s..
4-4 4.2 Conne ction of V ideo e quipment / External Monitor/Remote Display The above units can be connect ed to the MODE L1823C/ 1833C/1933 C/1943C/1 953C and GD-1900C by using t he hole at the rear of t he display unit. Rem ove the cover to use t his hole.
4-5 For connection with the CCD cam era/ video recorder , the f ollowing cable is necessary (local supply). • Both side connect or s : RCA connect or (me t al) • Cable leng t h: short er t han 10 m • 2.5C2V or 3C2V (Japan Indust r ial Standard ( JI S), or t he equivalent) coaxial cable (Impedance: 75 Ω ) Conductor S = 0.
4-6 4. Set two cable tie “legs” (supplied w ith option kit) as shown below . Cable ties attachment. 5. Tie the connector assy w ith two cable ties attached at step 4. 6. Rem ount the POW ER Board and power shield case w ith pan head screws (M3x 8, 5 pcs.
4-7 4.2.2 Connecting external monitor Y ou can display the MODEL1823C/1833C/1933C/1943C screen on the external m onit or , wh ich accepts industrial st andard VGA input by using the optional RG B output cable kit OP03-176. Supply m onitor and interconnect ion cable (with HD-15P connectors of m ale, three rows of 15 pins) locally .
4-8 4. 2 .3 Co nn ecting re mot e di sp lay T he FURUNO Di s pl ay unit FM D-81 1, M O DEL18 32 or GD- 28 0/380, et c. c an be c onn ected to t he Na vNet di spl ay as remote di spl ay . T o int er c onne ct them, use a cabl e at t ached w ith or set as opt i on f or the r em ot e di s pl ay .
4-9 4.2.4 Attaching more than tw o units W hen m ore t han t wo cables of PIP kit, VG A m onit or cable and rem ot e signal cable, use the cable tie supplied as the installat ion m aterial with the display unit to tie optional cables. Attach the cable t ie t o the hole on the PO W ER Board.
4-1 0 4.3 Mountin g the Memory Card Inter face Un it T he memor y card int er f ace CU-200 e nabl es t o us e m or e t w o chart cards . T ype: CU-200 -NA V Code: 0 00-0 81- 567 N ame T ype Code N o.
4-1 1 De sktop m ount For des ktop m ount , t he opti onal deskt op mo unt ki t F P03-10201 ( Code N o.: 008-5 39- 530) i s requi red. N ame T ype Code N o. Qty M ountin g brac ke t 19-0 23- 3081-0 10 0- 316- 2 50 1 Sel f-t a ppi ng s cr ew 5x2 0 00 0-80 2-081 4 Scr ew M 4x10 00 0-88 1- 145 4 1.
4-12 T his p age i s intent ional ly lef t bl ank..
A - 2.
A - 4.
A - 5.
A - 7.
PACKING LIST 19AN-X-9851 -1 PSU-005 N A M E O U T L I N E DESCRIPTION/CODE № Q'TY 1/1 ユニット UNIT 空中線電源部 POWER SUPPLY UNIT PSU-005 000-080-190 1 予備.
Y. Hatai D-1.
Y. Hatai D-2.
Y. Hatai D-3.
Y. Hatai D-3A.
Y. Hatai D-4.
Y. Hatai D-5.
Y. Hatai D-6.
Y. Hatai Yoshitosh i Hatai 電子署名者 : Yoshitoshi Hatai DN: cn=Yoshitoshi Hatai, o=Furuno, c=JP 日付 : 2003.09.10 09:55:47 +09'00' 署名 は無 効で す D-7.
Y. Hatai Yoshitosh i Hatai 電子署名者 : Yoshitoshi Hatai DN: cn=Yoshitoshi Hatai, o=Furuno, c=JP 日付 : 2003.09.10 09:55:47 +09'00' 署名 は無 効で す D-8.
Y. Hatai Yoshitosh i Hatai 電子署名者 : Yoshitoshi Hatai DN: cn=Yoshitoshi Hatai, o=Furuno, c=JP 日付 : 2003.09.10 09:55:47 +09'00' 署名 は無 効で す D-9.
FURUNO EL ECTRIC CO., LT D. 12 45 6 3 B A D C 相互結線図 INTE RCO NNE CTION DI AG RAM 船舶用レーダー MARI NE RAD AR MODE L 1 933 C/194 3C NAME TYPE 名称 kg DRAWN CHECKED APPROVE D DWG.No. SCALE MASS 19-022-0007- 3 2 1 (+) (-) クロ BLK シロ WHT 3 GND J1351 19S1004,0 .
FURUNO EL ECTRIC CO., LT D. 12 45 6 3 B A D C 19S1004,0 .5m 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 +12V SHIELD GND *2 DATA1 J1356 5 4 3 2 1 6 *2 J1355 DATA2 TD2-A TD2-B RD2-A RD2-B NC SHIELD 19S1021, 0.
名称 TITLE NAME D A B C 23 1 MASS DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED SCALE DWG.No. kg ±10% 相互結線図 INTERCONNE CTION DIAG RAM GD-1900C カラービデオプロッタ COLOR VIDEO PL OTTER 19-022-0008- 1 C4411-C01- G TAKAHASHI.T K.MIYAZAWA 2 1 (+) (-) クロ BLK シロ WHT 3 *2 MJ-A3SRMD GND J1351 19S1004,0.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Furuno GD-1900C c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Furuno GD-1900C - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Furuno GD-1900C, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Furuno GD-1900C va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Furuno GD-1900C, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Furuno GD-1900C.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Furuno GD-1900C. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Furuno GD-1900C ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.