Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit Dual Drive Network Center du fabricant Freecom Technologies
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2 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Dear u se r! Thank you very much for decidi ng on the Freecom Dual Drive N etwork Center . The F reecom Dual D rive Ne t work Center of fers you easy -to - use net wo rk sto rage p ossibilit ies and the facilit y of using the device as a D LNA /UPnP media ser ver and as a to rrent download client.
3 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER © 201 0 Free com Techno lo gi es T able of Cont e nts General Information System requirem ents ............................................................................................................ Page 4 Precauti onar y me asures .
4 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER General Information Y o ur sy stem ne eds to m eet the foll owing hard ware and sof t ware re quirem ents f or the device to func ti on prop erly.
5 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Prec aut ion ar y me asu res T o ensure that your Free com Dual Dr ive Net work Center f unc tions pro per ly , ple ase take note of the followin g pre cautions . If th ese are not foll owed, you may void your warr ant y and damag e the Freecom Du al Drive N et work Center.
7 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Chapter: Hardware Installation 1 . Connec t the inter face cabl e* to the Freecom Dual D rive Net wo rk Center . 2. Optional: Conn ec t the cable of the power supply to the Fr eecom Dual Drive Network Cen ter a nd the power supply itself t o the socket.
8 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER EN LED De sc ript ion On Flas hin g Re d Of f 1 . LED: HDD 1 Form at ted H DD x Unfo rmat te d HDD x 2. L ED: H DD 2 Form at ted H DD x Unfo rmat te d HDD x 3. LED :N et wor k Net wo rk con ne c tion x x No ne t wor k conne c tio n 4.
9 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Chapter: C ompute r Configura tion Chec k TCP /I P Set t ing s in Wi ndows XP 1 . Ope n "Star t " - > "Set ti ngs" - > "Control Panel " . 2. Doub le - click on " Net wor k Connec tio ns" .
1 0 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER 4. The f ollowin g scre en wi ll app ear . S ele c t "Inter net Proto col ( TCP /I P) " an d click on the "Prop er ties" but ton . 5. In the "G ener al" tab, s elec t "Obt ain an IP a ddress autom atically " and " Obt ain DNS se r ver address auto matically " .
1 1 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Chec k TCP /I P Set t ing s in Wi ndows Vi sta / 7 1 . Ope n "Control Panel" - > "Ne t work and Sha ring Center".
1 2 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER 3. Right-click o n "Loc al Area Conne c tion" and sel ec t "Prop er ti es" . 4. In the "N et work ing" tab, se lec t " Internet Proto col V er sion 4 ( TCP / IPv4)" and click o n "Prop er ties" .
1 3 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER 5. In the "G ener al" tab, s elec t "Obt ain an IP a ddress autom atically " and " Obt ain DNS se r ver address auto matically " . Chec k TCP /I P Set t ing s in M ac OS X 1 . Ope n "System Prefe rences" - > "N et work " .
1 4 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER 2. In the " TCP /IP " tab, se lec t " Using DHCP " in the "Conf i gure IP v4" set tings .
1 5 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Chapter: Installation of t he application sof tware Ins tal lat ion o f th e Freeco m Ne twork St orage A ssi st ant Sof t war e (PC) The Free com Net wor k Storage A ssista nt quickl y dete c ts and per f orms the basic set up of your Du al Dr ive Ne two rk Center.
1 6 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER 7 . For a det aile d func ti onal de scripti on on th e Freecom N et work Storag e Assis tant, please refer to chapte r "T he Freecom Ne t work Storage A ssist ant".
1 7 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Ins tal lat ion o f th e Freeco m Ne twork St orage A ssi st ant Sof t war e (Mac) The Free com Net wor k Storage A ssista nt quickl y dete c ts and per f orms the basic set up of your Du al Dr ive Ne two rk Center.
1 8 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Chapter: Accessing the Dual Drive Network C enter Access ing d ata v ia SM B Ser ver M essag e Block ( SMB) op erates as a net work protocol ma inly use d to p rovide share d access to fil es be twe en no des on a n et work .
1 9 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Click 'Connec t'. Enter the w or kgroup, your us ername and passwor d for acc essing the Dual Drive Net work Center . I f you are l oggin g on as the adminis trator, you will have a ccess to all fold ers on th e Dual D rive Net wo rk Center .
2 0 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Access ing d ata v ia FTP The File T ransf er Protocol (F TP) i s a standard net work protocol used to exchang e files over an Internet Protocol (TCP /IP) com puter net wor k . The F TP proto col is b uilt on a client-ser ver architec ture.
2 1 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER 2. D yn ami c DNS Dy namic Do main Name System gives th e abilit y to provi de an of f icia l DNS name such as w w w. you to the d ynamic I P address you have got ten f rom your ISP . T o do s o, yo u f irst n eed to re gister with a D ynD NS ser vi ce.
2 2 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Chapter: C onfiguration of t he F ree com Dual Drive Network Center The Free com Ne t work Storag e Ass ist ant Y o u can use the "Freecom N et work Storage A ssistant " to conf igure the Freecom Dual Drive Net work Center.
2 3 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Rep eat se arc h for avail abl e Freeco m Du al Dri ve Net work Cent er Click here to rep eat the sea rch for your Free com D ual D rive N et work Center if it was not detec te d durin g the f irs t search .
2 4 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Chapter: F reecom D ual Driv e Net work C enter func tions This se c tion des crib es the fun c tions of your Freecom D ual Dr ive Net wor k Center .
2 5 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Set up The sec tio n " Setup" en ables the conf iguration of the basic set tin gs of yo ur Freecom Dual Drive Ne t work Center.
2 6 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER System The fo llowing s et tings c an be conf ig ured in the sub -menu " System": - Dev ice name - Gro up name - Administrator passwo rd Upd at in g th.
2 7 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER New gr oup Here you c an change the n ame of the gro up in which your d evice is loc ated. The max imum length of the group name is 1 5 charac ter s. The onl y charac ters allowed are A-Z, a-z and 0 -9. Click on " Appl y" af ter you have changed the set ting s.
2 8 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Power Mana gem ent Here you c an shut down or restar t the device v ia the web inter face. This is don e by clicking with the mo use po inter on the Shutd own but ton or cli cking t he Reb oot b ut ton.
2 9 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Net work I nter f ace Under Net work lnterfa ce, you can sele c t the si ze of the Jumb o data packet s. Y ou can make the net wor k set tings e ither manu ally or automati cally.
3 0 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Manu al co nfi gurat io n The manual conf iguratio n e nables you to conf igure your Freecom D ual D rive Net work Center with a st atic IP addr ess. In the f irs t step, please se lec t " Static IP" an d then click on " Apply " in order to accept the changes .
3 1 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Conf igu rat io n of t he D HCP s er ve r Go to Set up - > DH CP The fo llowing s et tings c an be ma de unde r the sub -m enu item DH CP: - Conf igur ation of th e DHCP ser ver - Adminis tration o f clients DHCP S er ver Y o u must sele c t "Enab le" in ord er to sw itch on th e DHCP s er ver.
3 2 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER DHCP Cli ent Li st DHCP Client List shows you all the clie nts who a ccess the DHCP s er ver when you click on "R efr esh" . T his fun ct ion also displays the M AC and I P addre sses of the client s, and the remaining l ease time p er clie nt.
3 3 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Manu al se tt ing Sele c t "Ma nually" in ord er to enter the date and time manua lly . Click on "Apply" in order to accept the changes . Autom atic s et tin g Sele c t " Auto" , "Enable" and your time zone und er Tim e Zone for the device to set the time itse lf.
3 4 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Conf igu rat io n of t he h ar d dis k s Go to Set up - > Disk Current D isk Volume Con fi gurat ion/Curre nt USB Volume Conf igu rati on Here you are shown an overview of the logical and phys ical drives and the current organ isation of your log ical dri ves.
3 5 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Dis k Uti lit y Here yo u can sele c t the organisatio n of yo ur lo gical drives, f or e xample by sel ec ting "R AID 1" . Sele c t an organis ation schematic and eith er "Enab le" or " Disab le" S.
3 6 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER HDD Power M anag eme nt The hard disk s can b e conf igured s o that th ey are shut down af ter a cer tain tim e if they are not b eing us ed. T his saves ene rgy an d increase s the work ing li fe of the hard disk .
3 7 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Set t ing s The sec tion "Set ti ngs" enab les the lo ading , saving and reset ting of c onf i guration set tings . Save conf ig ura ti on In this menu, you c an save the current conf iguration f i le on your compu ter .
3 8 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Res tor ing t h e con fi gur ati on Click on "B rowse" , se lec t the previo usly s aved Bi n f il e and then click on " Loa d" in orde r to restore your s aved set tin gs.
3 9 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Log The se c tion " Log" shows you an over v iew of the s ystem o per ations. System L og - O ver vi ew of t h e Kerne l L og Go to Log - > System All events relatin g to the Kernels are d isplayed in the Kern el Log .
4 0 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Conn ec t ion L og Go to Log - > Conn ec tion All FT P connec ti on events are disp layed in the Conne ct ion Log . Event L og - Ove r vie w of t he Eve nt Lo g Go to Log - > Event All ser v ice events (e.g.
4 1 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER User s (User ad min ist rati on) The sec tion "Users" shows you an over v iew of all user accounts, the sto rage capacit y used, and provid es the fa cilit y of ad ding new use rs. Crea ti ng u se rs T o cre ate a new user, click on "Create ".
4 2 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER A p op -up menu appears, in which you can assign the user name, password and s torage space. Folde r Rel eas e The sec ti on " Folde r re lease" p rovi.
4 3 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER The fo llowing s er vices are availa ble: Ser v ice Stat us This ac tiv ates or deac tiv ates the SMB fun ct ion. Mas ter B rowser The Mas ter Browser ma nages all compu ter names on the n et work . In Win dows net wor k s, Windows prov ides the Mas ter B rowser.
4 4 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER In the Folde r Manag er you can ad d new fol der s, edit f olde rs or d elete the m. EN.
4 5 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Click o n "A dd " in ord er to create a new folde r . The n s ele c t th e a ccess autho risatio n and click on " Appl y" in ord er to accept the chang e. If you click on " Edit " or "D ele te" , you c an then e dit or de lete the cre ated fold ers .
4 6 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER FTP Se rver The se c tion " F TP " gives you the f acilit y of s et ting up and m anaging an F T P ser ver.
4 7 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Ano nymo us Con fi gur ati on Under " Anonymous Conf igurati on" you can enabl e or disab le the F TP a ccess of ano nymous users . Y ou can also spe cif y wh ether ano nymous use rs will have rea d-an d- write right s or only rea d rights to your F T P ser ver.
4 8 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Me dia S er ver The se c tion "Me dia Ser ver " of fer s you the facilit y , af ter enterin g the license key , to use the device as a me dia ser ver o r use the bi t torrent clie nt of the device. DLNA /uPn P Af ter entering the key , you can use and conf igur e th e DLNA /uPnP se r vice.
4 9 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER iT u nes Activ ate th e s er vice by clicking on "Enab le" . S ele c t o ne or more folde rs with multime dia contents and click on " Appl y" in ord er to accept the change s. Y our media releases must be in subsidiar y fo lder s of the rel ease d fold ers.
5 0 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER List Under "Lis t " , you can add torrent files by clickin g on "Uploa d torrents" and "Browse" .
5 1 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Chapter: The F reecom N etwork Stor age Assistant Featu res o f th e Freeco m Ne twor k Storage A ssi st ant (PC) The Free com Ne t work Storag e Assis tant h elps you to loc ate each D ual D rive N et work Center in your net wo rk .
5 2 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Addi ng a nd r em ovin g map pe d ne t work s ha re s Y o u c an assign a dr ive let ter to sh ared fol ders on your Du al D rive Net wor k Center .
5 3 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Rep ea t sea rc h fo r avail ab le Fre ec om N et wor k Stora ge dev ice s Click here to re peat t he search for your D ual Dr ive Net wo rk Center if i t was not detec te d during the f irst search .
5 4 FREEC OM DUAL DRIVE NETWORK CENTER Conf igu re b as ic se t ti ng s of you r Free co m Du al D rive Ne t work Ce nte r In this scree n, you can se t an IP addre ss, subne t mask , device name a nd workgroup nam e for your Dual Drive N et work Center .
W ARRANTY (V AL I D IN EUROPE/ TURKE Y ONL Y) W e thank you for pur chasing this Freec om product and hope you will enjoy using it. In order to avoid unnecessar y inconvenience on your par t, we suggest reading the quick install guide, instruc tion manual and any additional electronic and or printed manuals.
Licensing Inf ormation This Freecom product DDNC includes copyrighted third-part y software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Please see The GNU General Public License f or the exact terms and conditions of this license. Specially , the following parts of this product are subject to the GNU GPL: U-Boot: version 1.
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V ersion 2, June 1991 Copyright ( C ) 1989, 1991 Fr ee Sof tware F oundation, Inc. T emple Place, Suite 330, Boston, M A 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute v erbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allow ed.
a) Y ou must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. b) Y ou must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whol.
impose any fur ther restrictions on the r ecipients‘ exer cise of the rights granted her ein. Y ou are not responsible f or enforcing compliance by thir d par ties to this License.
How to Apply These T erms to Y our New Pr ograms If you dev elop a new pr ogram, and y ou want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V ersion 2.1, February 1999 Copyright ( C ) 1991, 1999 Fr ee Sof tware F oundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, F if th Floor , Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribut e verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allow ed.
free software only , so we use the Lesser General P ublic License. In other cases, permission to use a par ticular library in non-free programs enables a great er number of people to use a large body of free soft ware.
T hese requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works.
whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked with the Librar y , with the complete machine -readable „w o.
intended to apply , and the sec tion as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstanc es. It is not the purpose of this section to induce y ou to infringe any patents or other property right claim.
GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V ersion 2, June 1991 Copyright ( C ) 1991 Fr ee Sof tware F oundation, Inc. 59 T emple Place, Suite 330, Boston, M A 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribut e verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allow ed.
GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND C ONDITIONS FOR COP YING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICA TION 0. This License Agreement applies to any soft ware library which contains a notice placed by the c.
3. Y ou may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. T o do this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that they refer to the ordinar y GNU G eneral Public License, version 2, instead of t o this Lic ense.
F or an executable , the required form of the „work that uses the Library “ must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number . If the Libr ar y specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and „any later version“ , you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Sof tware Foundation.
The MIT Lic ense Copyright (c) P ermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a cop y of this software and associat ed documen tation files (the „Sof tware“), to deal in th.
Original SSLeay Lic ense Copyright ( C ) 1995-1998 Eric Y oung (eay@cryptsof All rights reserved. This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Y oung (eay@cr The implementation was written so as t o conform with Netscapes SSL.
Cop yright (c) 2003, 2004 P orchdog Sof tware All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binar y forms, with or without modification, are per mitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the abov e copyright notice, this list of conditions and the f ollowing disclaimer .
1.9 „ Y ou“ or „ Y our “ means an individual or a legal entit y exercising rights under this License. For legal entities, „ Y ou“ or „ Y our “ includes any entity which controls , is c.
6. Additional T er ms. Y ou may choose to offer , and to charge a fee for , warranty, suppor t, indemnity or liabilit y obligations and/or other rights consistent with the scope of the license granted herein („Additional T erms“) to one or more r ecipients of Cov ered Code.
12.2 Effect of T er mination. Upon termination, Y ou agree to immediately st op an y further use, reproduction, modifica tion, sublicensing and distribution of the Cov ered C ode. All sublicenses to the C overed Code which have been properly granted prior to termination shall survive any termination of this License.
Cop yright (c) 2000-2003 Intel C orporation All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binar y forms, with or without modification, are per mitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the abo ve copyright notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Freecom Technologies Dual Drive Network Center c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Freecom Technologies Dual Drive Network Center - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Freecom Technologies Dual Drive Network Center, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Freecom Technologies Dual Drive Network Center va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Freecom Technologies Dual Drive Network Center, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Freecom Technologies Dual Drive Network Center.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Freecom Technologies Dual Drive Network Center. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Freecom Technologies Dual Drive Network Center ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.