Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DDS Function Generator 271 du fabricant Fluke
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® 271 Programmable 10 MHz DDS Function Generator Getting Started Manual PN 2423297 January 2005 © 2005 Fluke Corporation , All rights reserv ed. Printed in USA All product names are trademarks of their respe ctive companies.
LIMITED WARRA NTY AND LIMITATION OF LIA BILITY Each Fluke product is w arranted to be free from defects i n materi al and workmanship under normal use and serv ice. The warranty period is one y ear and begins on the date of ship ment. Parts, product re pairs, and services ar e w arranted for 90 days.
Safety This function generator is a Safety Class I instrument accor d ing to IEC classification and has been designed to meet th e re- quirements of EN61010-1 (Safet y Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurem e nt, Control and Laboratory Use).
271 Getting Started Manual • The apparatus shall be disconnected fro m all voltage sources before it is opened for any adjustment, replacement, maintenance or repair.
Safety (continued) The following symbols are used on the instru ment and in this manual: Caution - refer to the accompanying docume ntation, incorre ct operation may damage the instrument. Terminal connected to chassis ground. Mains supply OFF. Mains supply ON.
EMC Compliance This instrument meets the requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. Compliance was demonstrated by meeting t he test limits of the following standards: Emissions EN61326 (1998) EMC produc t standard for Electrical Eq uipment for Measurement, Con t rol and Laborator y Use.
271 Getting Started Manual e) EN61000-4-5 (199 5) Surge: 0 .5 kV (line to line), 1 kV (line to ground) Performance A. f) EN61000-4-6 (199 6) Con ducted RF: 3 V, 80 % AM at 1kHz (ac line only; signal conn ections <3 m not tested) Performance A.
Table of Contents Title Page Introduc tion ................................................................................................................... . 1 Before You Start .......................................................................
271 Getting Started Manual AUX OUT ............................................................................................................. 8 EXT TRIG ...............................................................................................
Getting Started Introduction This Getting Started Manual for the model 271 Programmable 10 MHz DDS Function Generator is designed to provide an initia l und erstanding of the way the instrument is operated.
271 Getting Started Manual Externally Applied Voltages Caution - Front Panel Sockets To avoid ris k of damage to the instrume nt: Do not apply external voltages to the M AIN OUT or AUX OUT sockets. Do not apply external voltages exceeding ±10 V to the TRIG IN socket.
Getting Started Controls and Connections Controls and Connections shx0001f.gif Figure 1. Model 271 Fron t Pan el 3.
271 Getting Started Manual The Liquid Crystal Display The 4-line x 20-character LC D panel is used to displ ay and edit all the parameter values. T he paradigm used for selecting fields and editing v alues is described belo w. If necessary (because of temperature variati ons etc.
Getting Started Controls and Connections FIELD and DIGIT Keys and the Rotary Control The FIELD keys move the display cursor bet ween fields. The fields in the display shown in figure 1 above are " FREQ= ", " 10.00000 ", " kHz ", " VhiZ =" and so on.
271 Getting Started Manual Numeric, Units and SET Keys You can use these keys to enter parameter values directly. For example, to set the period to 125 µ s, select the first field ( FREQ ), change it to period ( PER ) by pressing a DIGIT key, then enter 1, 2, 5, us on the keypad.
Getting Started Controls and Connections MODE Keys Alternate presses of a MODE key will turn the mode ( TRIG , GA T E , AM , etc.) on or off, and when the function is on the associated lamp is lit. If you press the EDIT key then press a MODE key you will see the edit menu for that mode.
271 Getting Started Manual Front Panel Inputs and Outputs MAIN OUT MAIN OUT is the 50 or 600 output from the main generator. It will provide up to 20 V p-p into a high- impedance load or 10 V p-p into a matched 50 or 600 load. It can tolerate a short circuit for 60 seconds.
Getting Started Controls and Connections Rear Panel Connectors CLOCK IN/OUT This socket operates both as an input and as an output, depending on the mode in which the instrument is being used.
271 Getting Started Manual TRIG/SWEEP OUT The TRIG/SWEEP output socket provides both trigger and marker signals, depending on the instrument's mode of operation. shx0016f.gif Its primary use is for triggering an oscilloscope or other recording device, but it can also provide z-a xis bright-up markers during sweep and frequenc y-hopping modes.
Getting Started Using the Instrument Using the Instrument While familiarizing yourself with the instrument you will find it useful to observe the outputs on an osci lloscope.
271 Getting Started Manual Generating Continuous Signals Select SINE on the function keys, if it is not already selected. If there is no signal at the oscilloscope input i t will almost certainly be because the genera tor's output is switched off.
Getting Started Using the Instrument Set the amplitude to +10 dBm You can do this by keying AMP L , 1 , 0 , dBm . The display will now look like this: PER =80.00000us O UT =+10.0dBm 50 Ω DC=+0.00mV (+0.00mV) SYM=50.0% (50.0%) If you switch the amplitude display b ack to VhiZ you should see: PER =80.
271 Getting Started Manual Effect of the output attenuator The instrument has an output attenuator with fixed steps of 20 dB. The attenuator foll ows the output stages so any dc offset added to the waveform is subject to the attenuator.
Getting Started Using the Instrument Asymmetric waveforms Symmetry adjustments work in much the same way as dc offset adjustments. However, because of the lengthy calculations which the instrument makes foll owing a change to the symmetry setting, you may find it easier to use direct numeric entry rath er than the rotary control.
271 Getting Started Manual instrument's AUX OUT socket in order to see the phase effects more clearly. There are some limitations on using the phas e control at frequencies above 30 kHz - chapter 5 of the Users Manual explains these in detail.
Getting Started Using the Instrument At this point the lamp next to the SWEEP key should be flashing and the display sho uld look like this: MODE=BEG-END LAW=L OG RAMP TIME=0.05 s TRIG SRC=CONTINUOUS MORE->>> All these settings are fine except for the sweep time, which is too short if you are listening to the signal.
271 Getting Started Manual Generating a Triggered Burst In this exercise you will use the internal trigger gen erator to initiate a burst of 500 cycles of a 2 kHz tone t wice every second. The period of the inter nal trigger generator is thus 500 ms. Press RECALL , 0 , ENTER to reset to the factory defaults.
Getting Started Using the Instrument FSK Mode The FSK (frequency sh ift keying) mode can also be driven from the internal trigger generator. Setting up is ver y straightforward; the follo wing settings give a continuous waveform which switches between 800 Hz and 1.
271 Getting Started Manual set the levels to produce five monoc hrome stripes from left to right: grey, white, grey, black and grey again. Our line signal thus looks like the dra wing below: shx0019f.
Getting Started Using the Instrument step name start (µs) amplitude start scaled to 0-1024 step length amplitude scaled to 0-511 0 0 30% 0 29 153 1 sync pulse 1.8 0% 29 75 0 2 back porch 6.5 30% 104 90 153 3 50% grey 12.1 65% 194 165 332 4 white 22.4 100% 358 165 511 5 50% grey 32.
271 Getting Started Manual The second screen appears: VALS=A BS AUTO=YES STEP=01 ACTIVE LENGTH=0256 LEVEL=+000 Continue entering the pairs of lengt h and level values in the table until the last step (08).
Getting Started Using the Instrument Saving and Recalling Settings Having done all this work it would be wise to save the settings for future use. You can do this simply by pressing the STORE key, followed by a number in the range 1 to 9 and the ENTER key.
271 Getting Started Manual arbitrary waveforms 01 to 05. These first five store locations are available for waveforms downloaded from a PC. When you pres s the ENTER key the output switches to the sel.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Fluke DDS Function Generator 271 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Fluke DDS Function Generator 271 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Fluke DDS Function Generator 271, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Fluke DDS Function Generator 271 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Fluke DDS Function Generator 271, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Fluke DDS Function Generator 271.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Fluke DDS Function Generator 271. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Fluke DDS Function Generator 271 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.