Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit TM-H5000/H5000P du fabricant Epson
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Re tu rn to ma in m en u TM-H5000/H5000P Opera tor’s Manual Using th is onl ine operat or’s guid e The words on the l eft side of this screen are b ookm arks for all the topics in thi s g uide. Use th e scroll b ar next to the book marks to find any topic you want .
hy bri d pr in ter TM-H5000/H 5000P Op erator ’s Ma nual MICR Option Included 4006 137 04.
Printe r Pa rts and Labe ls Labels CAUTION : Cau tion l abels for dra wer ki ck-ou t an d displ ay mo du l e conn ectors. ERROR PAPER OUT POWER FEED Paper roll co ntrol p anel Paper roll cove r POWER .
i Quick Refe rence This Quick Referen ce will direct yo u to key areas of this Opera tor’s Manual. For a comple te listin g of topics, s ee the Contents. Printer Parts and Labels inside front cover Ordering Paper and Ribbons page viii Whe re to order pa per a nd ribbon s.
ii All rig h t s r e served . N o p art o f thi s p u b l icati o n may be re p r o d u ced , s t o r ed in a r e t r ieval s ystem, o r tra n smit t e d i n an y f o r m o r b y a n y me a ns , ele c.
iii FCC CLASS A FCC Compliance Statement For Ame rican Us ers This equipment ha s been tested and found to comply with the li mit s for a Class A di git al device, pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
iv Pro duct Name : Pri nter Type N ame: M128 A Thes e print ers co nfor m to the fo llow ing D irec ti ves and Nor ms Dire ct ive 8 9/33 6/ EEC EN 5 50 22 (1 986 an d 19 94) C lass B EN 5 00 82-1 (199.
v EMI an d Safety Standa r d s Applie d The fol low ing stan dar ds are app lied only to the printer s th at are so labe led. (EMC is tes t ed using th e EPSO N PS-170 power s up ply) Euro pe : CE m a.
vi About This Manual Setting Up an d Using ❏ Chapte r 1 contains information on u npacking the printer, setting it u p, sett ing the DI P s w itches, an d adjusting the paper n ear end sensor. ❏ Chapte r 2 contains inf orma ti o n on using the printer.
I ntrod u ct i o n v ii Introd uction Features T h e T M -H 5 00 0 an d T M -H5 0 00 P a r e h igh - qua l i t y P O S p rin t e rs t ha t ca n p rin t on sli p a nd recei p t p a p e r ( p a p er r o ll ) .
viii Introducti on Opt ions and Acc essories ❏ Magnetic Ink Charac t e r Recog nit i on (MICR) reader (f acto ry installed option) ❏ Dir ect c onnectio n display modu les, DM-D102- 012 and DM-D2 0.
Introducti on ix In Southeast Asia: N.A.K . Mf g (M alaysia) SDN BHD Lot 1 9-11, Bersat u Industria l Complexs, Jalan Satu, Kaw Per. Ch eras Jaya ,. Balak on g In dustrial Area, 43200 Ch er as.
x In troduction Orig inal paper: F 380 Kanzaki Special ty Pap ers, Inc. Cummings Street Ware, M A 010 82 U.S.A. Te l: (413)967 -6204 Fax : (413) 734-5101 Ordering Ribbon Cassettes The TM-H5000/ H5000P uses a long- lasting ri bb on cassette i n the slip se c tio n.
xi Conten ts Qui ck Re fe renc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Intr odu ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xii Cha pter 4 Ref ere nce Info rma tio n Pri ntin g S peci ficati on s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Slip P aper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-1 Cha p ter 1 Settin g U p t he P rinte r Un pac kin g Your print er box sh ould include t h ese it em s. If any items are damaged or missing, pleas e contact y our dealer f or assistance. See the n ote on pa ge 1-4 for info rmati on ab out t he he xago nal loc k scr ews.
1-2 S etting Up the Printer Removing the protective material 1. Open the pri nte r by pu lling up o n the ta b o n the f ront co ver. 2. R emove the two dampers from the print er as shown bel ow . 3. Store the da m pers with the oth e r pa cki ng m ate ri als a n d use them wh en tr anspo rtin g yo ur pri nt er.
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-3 Con nectin g t h e Cables an d Groun ding the P rinter You can conn ect up to five cables to the printe r. Th ey al l con nect t o the c o nnec to r pan e l on th e bot to .
1-4 S etting Up the Printer 2. Tig hte n the s cr ews on both s i des of t he ca ble con nec to r. Note: Your print er h as inch-ty pe hexagon al lock screws in stalled. If your interfa c e c able requires m illimet er- typ e screw s, replace t h e inch-typ e sc rew s with the enclosed mil limeter-type screws using a hex screwdriver ( 5 mm).
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-5 Connecting the Drawer WA RNI NG: Use a draw er that m atch es the p rinte r sp ec ificati on. Usin g an i mproper drawe r may damage th e drawer as w e ll as the pri nter.
1-6 S etting Up the Printer Anschließen der Lade WA RNU NG: Ein e für d en Dr uck er gee ignet e Lade verwen de n. Bei Verwe ndu ng e iner f alsche n La de ka nn diese od er de r Druck er b eschä digt w erde n.
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-7 Connecting the Display Module Plug t he c able c o nnec to r (prov ided wi th th e direc t con nect ion display module) s ec ur ely into the pri n ter ’s d isplay modul e connecto r unti l it clicks.
1-8 S etting Up the Printer 2. Conn ect th e gro und wire to th e prin ter us i ng the FG sc re w o n the bo t tom of the prin ter, as shown. Connecting the Power Supply Use t h e opt ional EPSON PS-1 70 or equivalent pow er s upply fo r your pri nter.
Setting Up the Prin ter 1-9 CAUTION S: Whe n conn ect i n g or di scon necting the p ower supp ly from the printer , m ake su re th at the pow er s u pp ly is n ot pl ugge d i n to an e le ctric al outlet . Othe r wis e you may damage the power supply o r the prin ter.
1-1 0 Set ting Up t he Pr inter Installing or Repla c ing th e Paper Roll Note: Be sure to use paper rol ls that meet the specific ations. D o not use paper rolls tha t have the paper glued t o the core because the printer canno t detect the paper end correctly.
Setting Up the Printer 1-11 4. Inser t th e p ape r ro ll a s s hown . 5. Be sure to not e the correc t dire ction that the p aper c omes off th e roll.
1-1 2 Set ting Up t he Pr inter 6. P u l l out a small amount of p a per, as sh own. Then clos e the cov er. 7. Te ar off t he paper as sh own..
Setting Up the Printer 1-13 Installing the Ribb on Cassette Use th e E PS ON ER C-31 (P) r ib bon cas set te for yo ur pri nter. Note the labe l insid e this se ction that ca n assi st you in replaci ng the ribbon.
1-1 4 Set ting Up t he Pr inter 4. I f you are r eplacing a used rib b on, g rasp the en d of the t ab and remove it from the printer. See t h e illustration in s tep 5 for the loca ti on o f the tab. 5. Turn the ribb on kn ob two or t hre e tim es in t he dir ectio n o f the arrow to ta ke up any s lack in th e ribbo n.
Setting Up the Printer 1-15 Using t he Powe r Switch Co ver WA RNING : If an acc i d ent o cc urs wh en the pow er sw itch c over is at tached, unplug the power supply cord from th e outlet i mm ediat ely. Co ntinued usag e may lead to fir e or shock.
1-1 6 Set ting Up t he Pr inter 2. W hil e holdin g down the FEED bu tton, tu rn on the pri nter us ing the s wi tch o n the f ro nt of th e pri nte r to be gi n the se lf te st . Th e self test p rints th e pri nt er se tt ings and the n pri n ts t he follo wi ng, cuts the pa pe r, a nd pau ses.
Setting Up the Printer 1-17 4. R em o ve the paper from th e printer and feed another shee t of slip pa per into th e printe r to print charac ters from the charac ter table .
1-1 8 Set ting Up t he Pr inter.
Using t h e Prin ter 2-1 Chapter 2 Using t he Printe r Operating th e Control Pan els You can control th e bas i c paper feeding operations of the print er with the butto ns on t he con trol pa nels . Th e ind ic a tor light s help you m onito r the pri nte r’s stat us.
2-2 U sing the P rinter Bu ttons The pri n ter a nd these bu tton s will no t oper ate wh en the cove r is open. Also these butt ons can be di sabled with the ESC c 5 com ma nd. FORW ARD When the printer is in the slip mode (t h e SL IP light is on or blinking), press the FORW ARD b ut t on o nc e t o ad v an c e s l ip pa pe r on e li ne.
Using t h e Prin ter 2-3 Slip pane l li g hts POWER The POWER light i s o n wh e n th e print er is on. ERRO R Thi s indi cates an error i n the slip sectio n of th e pri nter.
2-4 U sing the P rinter 2. W h en the SLIP light bl i nks, ins ert th e sl ip pape r into the slip paper i n let usi n g the r ight ed ge o f the s lip pa per inle t a s a gu ide. ( F oll ow st eps ➀ an d ➁ in th e illustration.) Note: There is a label on the doc ument table to assist yo u how to insert slip paper.
Using t h e Prin ter 2-5 Usi ng t he MI CR Read er (Op tio n) If y ou r p rinter has th e factory instal led option al Magnetic Ink Chara cte r R e c ogni ti on (M I CR) re a der tha t ena bles th e prin ter to read and process MI CR characte rs on p ersonal ch ecks, r ead this sec tio n.
2-6 U sing the P rinter 2. Turn the c heck o ver so th at it is face do w n with t h e MICR char acter s on t he righ t-hand side . The M ICR char acters must be nex t to the ri ght edg e of th e pape r inlet. 3. Inser t th e c hec k strai ght in to the pa per inle t, u sing the righ t edge of th e pape r i nlet as a guid e .
Troubl esh o oting 3-1 Chapter 3 Troub leshooting Tr oub les hoo ting This c hap ter giv es soluti on s t o s ome p rinter problems you may hav e. General problems The lights o n the co ntrol panel do no t come o n.
3-2 T roublesho oting If th ere is no paper ja m and the printer h as been print ing for q uite a while, the prin t head may be overheated. If the pri nt head is overheated, th e p rint er w i ll resume printing when the head has cooled (usually withi n two or t hree minutes).
Troubl esh o oting 3-3 Pa per ro ll prin ting is poor. Paper dust on the heati n g element of t he t hermal print head can lowe r the pri nt qual ity. Try clea ning the pr int hea d as d escribe d below: Cleaning the paper roll print head CAUTIONS: After pr inting, the print head can be very hot.
3-4 T roublesho oting A li ne o f do ts is miss ing in the pri nto ut. The pr in t head may be d am aged. Stop printin g and contact y our dealer or a qualified ser v ice person.
Troubl esh o oting 3-5 3. If pape r is caug ht i n the a uto matic c utte r i n the re ce ipt se ct ion and the paper roll cov er cannot be opened, open the cutter cover as shown b elow. 4. Then tu rn the knob un til you see i n the open ing, as s hown in the illu stration below.
3-6 T roublesho oting Auto cutter problems The auto cutt er is j ammed. If a f or eig n objec t s uch as a push pin or paper cl ip dr op s in t he auto cu tte r a nd c auses th e au to cutte r t o lock up, th e prin te r e nters a n error s tate a nd beg ins t he rec ov e ry o p e ra tion a u t oma ti call y.
Troubl esh o oting 3-7 2. Fol l o win g the inst ructi ons o n the label , ro tate t he k nob u ntil t he appears in th e hole. 3. Cl ose the cutter c over. Cl ean ing the O p tion al MI CR M ech ani sm MICA cleaning method (Recommended) * Combi ne these 2 procedures, if you enc ounter fre q uen t MICR readi ng errors.
3-8 T roublesho oting 2) Tur n off th e po wer swi tc h. 3) O pen a front c ov er ( rid). 4) Turn on the power switch while turning on “JOURNAL / SLIP FEED bu tton . 5) Pus h “JOURNAL/SLIP FE ED” button 3 t imes. 6) Clos e a SLIP fro n t cover (r id).
Troubl esh o oting 3-9 9) As a check paper , in sert a cleaning sheet into a printer, * Set y ellow non-stick side to be upside wh en cleanin g us i ng adh esi ve sh e e t. 10) Remove and do a s h eet af ter cleaning sheet disc harge. 11) T urn off the p owe r s witc h.
3-1 0 T roubleshoo ting Hex adecimal Dump This featu r e allow s exper ienced users to see exactly w h at data i s com ing to th e prin ter. T his ca n be u se f ul in fin ding softwa re probl e ms.
R eference Informa tion 4-1 Chapter 4 Reference In f o rmation Printing Spe c ifications Slip Paper Pri nti n g me tho d: Seri a l impact d ot m atrix Head wir e co nfigurat ion: 9- pin vertical line, 0.353 m m (1/72-in c h) wire pi tc h Head wir e diameter : 0.
4-2 Ref erence Informa tion Receipt Paper Note: Printing sp eed may be slower, dep ending on the da t a transm ission speed and t h e c ombina tion of control c ommands. Pri nti n g me tho d: Thermal line printing Dot d ensity: 18 0 dpi × 180 d p i [the nu m ber of dots per 25 .
R eference Informa tion 4-3 * CPL = Ch a racters Per L ine * Spac e be tween chara cte rs is not inc luded * Ch aracte rs can be sc aled up to 6 4 tim es as la rge a s the standar d size s. Paper feeding s peed: Approxim at ely 70 mm/second (ap p rox im ately 2.
4-4 Ref erence Informa tion Ribbon Specific a t ions M ICR Re ader (Opt ion) The MICR r eader is a fac tory- in s talled opt ion. Type: Exclu siv e cass e tte ribb on Rib bon c asse tte spec ificat io.
R eference Informa tion 4-5 Pap er Sp ecific ation s Paper feed me thod: Fric t i on feed Paper feed pi tch: Default 4.23 mm (1/6”) Paper feed speed: Slip: Approximately 60.3 msec/line (4. 23 mm (1/6”) feeding) Approxim at el y 86.4 m m/second (3.
4-6 Ref erence Informa tion Slip paper Paper type: No rm al paper Ca rb on c op y pa per Pr e s s u r e s e n sit iv e p ap er To tal thic kne s s: 0. 09 to 0.36 mm (.0035 t o .01 41”) See “ Co py ca pab ility an d pape r thickn ess” on th e nex t pa ge for mo r e info rm atio n.
R eference Informa tion 4-7 Note: When usin g m ulti-ply p a per that consists o f an original and three or four copies, be sure t o print with a 9 × 9 f o n t. If a 7 × 9 font is used, some chara c t ers on some of the copies ma y not be reada ble.
4-8 Ref erence Informa tion Notes on s lip paper ❏ The sl ip pap er mu st be flat, wi th out c urls or wrin kl es, especially at the top edges. Otherwise, the paper may rub again st th e r ibbon and b ecome dirty . ❏ There must be no glue on th e bottom ed ge.
R eference Informa tion 4-9 ❏ Sinc e the TOF sensor uses a reflecti ve phot o s ensor and it detects from th e ba ck of slip paper , do not use paper th a t has hol e s o r da rk po rti ons wi th low refle cti on (les s tha n 4 0% ref lec tion) a t the s ens o r positi o n.
4-1 0 Ref erence Informa tion El ectr i cal Ch arac te ris tic s Reliability Suppl y v o ltag e: + 24 VD C ± 10% (opt ional power sup p l y: EPSON PS-1 70) Ripple vol tag e: 300mVpp or les s (only when the print e r is used with the MICR read er).
R eference Informa tion 4-11 MICR reader me chani sm ( onl y whe n th e prin ter is use d with the MICR reader ): 240,00 0 passes The MICR reader is defi ned to h ave reached the end of it s life when it r ea c hes th e b e gi nn ing of t he Wearout Per iod.
4-1 2 Ref erence Informa tion Environmenta l Conditions Temperatu re: Operati n g: 5° t o 45°C (41° to 113° F) Storag e: -10° t o 50° C ( 14° to 122° F) (excep t for p aper) Hum idity: Operati.
Command s 5-1 Chapter 5 Commands Command Notation [Nam e] The name of the comm and. [Forma t] The code s equence. ASCII indi c ates th e ASCII equiv alent s. Hex ind icat es the hexadeci ma l equ iva lents. De cim al indicate s the deci m a l equivalents .
5-2 Co mmand s [Forma t] ASCII FF Hex 0C De cimal 12 [Descripti on] ➀ Prints the data in the print buf f er and ejects the sli p paper (when the slip paper is selected a s the print sh eet). ➁ In page mode, prints the data in the pr int buf fer collecti vely and r etur ns to standar d mode.
Command s 5-3 [Descripti on] T ransm its the sel ected printe r status specif ied by n in re al time, according to the following parameters: n = 1 : T ra nsm it printer status n = 2 : T ransmit of f -.
5-4 Co mmand s [Descripti on] S ets the c haracter spa cing for the rig ht side of the c haracter to [n × hori zontal or v ertical m otion units]. ESC ! n [Name ] Sele ct print mode(s) [Forma t] ASCI.
Command s 5-5 [Rang e] 0 ≤ n L ≤ 25 5 0 ≤ n H ≤ 255 [Descripti on] Sets the pri nt starting position fr om the beginning of the li ne. • The d istance from t he beginning of the l ine to th e print position is [( n L + n H × 256) × (ver tica l o r h ori zon ta l m oti o n unit) ] in ch es .
5-6 Co mmand s • y specifies the number of bytes in the vertica l direction. • c1 spe cifies th e beginning character c ode for the de finition, and c2 spe cifies the final code . • x speci fies the nu mber of dots in th e horizonta l dir ection.
Command s 5-7 (For slip pa per) •T h e n L and n H in di cate th e number of dots of the bit imag e in the horizonta l dir ecti o n. The number of dots is calculated by n L + n H × 256 . • If the bit-image data input exceeds the number of d ots to be prin ted o n a line, the excess d a ta i s ignor ed .
5-8 Co mmand s [Forma t] ASCII ESC 3 n Hex 1B 33 n De cimal 27 51 n [Rang e] 0 ≤ n ≤ 25 5 [Description] Sets t he line spa cing to [ n × ver tica l or h ori zo ntal motion unit] inches. ESC < [Nam e] Ret urn hom e [Forma t] ASCII ESC < Hex 1B 3C De cimal 27 60 [Description] Move s the print head to the standby position.
Command s 5-9 [Forma t] ASCII ESC @ Hex 1B 40 De cimal 27 64 [Desc ri ptio n ] Cle a rs the data in the prin t buffer a n d r es e ts the print er mode to the mode that w a s in ef f ect when the power was turned on.
5-1 0 Co mmands De cimal 27 70 n [Rang e] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 [Desc riptio n ] S ets o r cancel s the slip paper rever s e eject • When the LSB is 0, cancels the slip paper revers e eject a n d sets the slip paper forward eject. • When the LSB is 1, sets th e slip paper re ver se eject.
Command s 5-11 ESC R n [N ame] Select a n in te r na tional char acter set [Forma t] ASCII ESC R n Hex 1B 52 n De cimal 27 82 n [Rang e] 0 ≤ n ≤ 10 [Desc r i ptio n] Select s an inter na t io na l.
5-1 2 Co mmands [Desc ri ptio n ] Selects the print direc tion and starting position in page mode. n specifies th e print d i rection and st arting posi t i on as fol lows: ESC U n [Na m e] T urn un i.
Command s 5-13 [Descripti on] • Th e horizon tal startin g position, ve rtical s t arting posi tion, pri nting area width, an d prin ting are a height are def ined as x 0, y0, dX, dY , r espec tivel y .
5-1 4 Co mmands [Desc riptio n ] Selects the type of paper for printin g, using n as follows: ESC c 1 n [Name ] Selec t paper type(s) for comman d settings [Forma t] ASCII ESC c 1 n Hex 1B 63 31 n D e c i m a l 2 79 94 9 n [Rang e] 1 ≤ n ≤ 4 [Description] Sele cts paper type( s) for use w ith vari ous command settings.
Command s 5-15 • Eac h bit of n is used as f o llo ws: ESC c 4 n [Name] Sel ect paper se nsor(s) t o stop pr i nting [Forma t] ASCII ESC c 4 n Hex 1B 63 34 n D e c i m a l 2 79 95 2 n [Rang e] 0 ≤.
5-1 6 Co mmands ESC c 5 n [Na m e ] Ena b le / d is ab le p an e l bu t t o n s [Forma t] ASCII ESC c 5 n Hex 1B 63 35 n D e c i m a l 2 79 95 3 n [Rang e] 0 ≤ n ≤ 25 5 [Descrip tion] Enables or d isables the panel buttons. • When the LSB is 0, the panel buttons are en abled .
Command s 5-17 • t1 sets the sli p paper wait time to [ t1 × 1] mi n u t e s. • t2 sets the time from inserti on of the slip paper to the start of printin g to [ t2 × 0.
5-1 8 Co mmands ESC { n [Name ] T urns upside-dow n printing mod e on/off [Forma t] ASCII ESC { n Hex 1B 7B n De cimal 27 123 n [Rang e] 0 ≤ n ≤ 25 5 [Descripti on] T urn s upside-dow n printin g mode on or of f. • When the LSB is 0, upside-do wn printi ng mode is tur ned off.
Command s 5-19 GS $ n L n H [Name ] Set absolu te vertical print position in page mode [Forma t] ASCII GS $ n L n H Hex 1D 24 n L n H De cimal 29 36 n L n H [Rang e] 0 ≤ n L ≤ 25 5, 0 ≤ n H ≤ 255 [Description] • Sets th e absolute vertical pr int starting po sition for buffer chara cter data in page mod e .
5-2 0 Co mmands • The number of dots in th e ver t ic al direc tion is y × 8. •I f x × y is out of th e speci fied range, this comm an d is ig n or ed . •T h e d indicates bit-i mage data. Data ( d ) specifies a bit print ed to 1 and not printed to 0.
Command s 5-21 • When th e LSB is 0, whit e/black re verse mode is tur ned of f. • When th e LSB is 1, whit e/black re verse mode is tur ned on. GS H n [Name] Select printing positi o n of HRI cha.
5-2 2 Co mmands GS L n L n H [Name ] Set l eft margin [Forma t] ASCII GS L n L n H Hex 1D 4C n L n H De cimal 29 76 n L n H [Rang e] 0 ≤ n L ≤ 255 0 ≤ n H ≤ 255 [Descr i ption] Sets th e left ma rgin using n L an d n H in stan da r d mo de .
Command s 5-23 [Descrip tion ] Selects a mode for cuttin g paper and executes paper cutting. The value of m select s the mo de as fo llows: GS W n L n H [N am e] Se t p ri nting ar ea wid th [Forma t].
5-2 4 Co mmands • m specifies macro executing mode. • Wh en m = 0: The macro executes r t im es continuously with interval sp ec ified by t . • Wh en m = 1: After wa it ing for the period sp ecifi ed by t , t he P APE R OUT an d SL I P LED indicat ors bl ink an d the printer wai ts for the FEED, FOR W ARD or REVERSE b utton t o be pr essed.
Command s 5-25 • When th e LSB is 0, smo o t h ing mode is tu r n ed of f. • When th e LSB is 1, smo o t h ing mode is tu r n ed on. GS f n [Name ] Sele ct font for Human Readable I nterpretation .
5-2 6 Co mmands m selec t s a bar c ode sy stem as f ollows: [Descripti on for ➀ ] • d ind icates the char acter co de to be pri nted and k in dic at es th e num ber o f charac ters t o be pr inte d.
Command s 5-27 [Forma t] ASCII GS r n Hex 1D 72 n De cimal 29 1 14 n [Rang e] 1 ≤ n ≤ 3, 49 ≤ n ≤ 51 [Descrip tion ] T ra ns mit s the status specified by n as follows: GS w n [Nam e] Set bar code wi dth [Forma t] ASCII GS w n Hex 1D 77 n De cimal 29 1 19 n [Rang e] 2 ≤ n ≤ 6 [Descr i ption] Set th e horizon tal siz e of the ba r code .
5-2 8 Co mmands MICR Control Commands (only for printers with MICR) DLE EOT B S n [Name ] Rea l-time MICR status tran smissi on [Fo rmat] A SCII DLE EOT BS n H e x 1 00 40 8 n De cimal 16 4 8 n [Rang .
Command s 5-29 FS a 1 [Name] Load c h eck paper to print s t arting position [Forma t] ASCII FS a 1 Hex 1C 61 31 D e c i m a l 2 89 74 9 [Description] Loa ds check paper to the pri nt starting posit i.
5-3 0 Co mmands.
Dip Sw i t ch and Pa per Near End Sett ings A-1 Append ix A Di p Switch and Pap er Near End Set t in gs Alth ough the f ac tor y settings are b est for almost al l uses, if y ou have sp ecial r equirement s, you ca n change the D IP swit ch or pa per nea r e nd s etting s.
A-2 D ip Switch a nd Paper Ne ar End Setting s Prin t D en sity Se lec tio n Transm ission Spee d Transmission Spe ed (BPS)-bits per second 1-7 1-8 2400 ON O N 4800 OF F O N 9600 ON O FF 1920 0 OF F O.
Dip Sw i t ch and Pa per Near End Sett ings A-3 No tes : • When pin 6 of t he inter face connec tor is used for the rese t sign al, the print er is reset at MA RK o n the RS-23 2 leve l.
A-4 D ip Switch a nd Paper Ne ar End Setting s Paralle l interfa ce spe cification Se t 1 Se t 2 SW Func tio n ON OFF 1-1 Auto lin e feed Alwa ys enable d Alwa ys disab led 1-2 Rece ive buff er capac .
Dip Sw i t ch and Pa per Near End Sett ings A-5 Prin t D en sity Se lec tio n No tes : • When pin 6 of t he inter face connec tor is used for the rese t sign al, the print er is reset at MA RK o n the RS-23 2 leve l.
A-6 D ip Switch a nd Paper Ne ar End Setting s Changing the DIP switch settings If you n eed to ch ange s etting s, follo w the steps below to make yo ur chan ges: CAUTION: Turn off the p rinte r while re mo ving the DIP sw itch c over t o preve nt an elect ric sho rt, whic h can damag e the p rint er.
Dip Sw i t ch and Pa per Near End Sett ings A-7 Ad j u stin g the Pape r Ne ar End Sen sor The paper nea r end sensor det ects when pa per is almost go ne by measuring the diameter of the paper roll.
A-8 D ip Switch a nd Paper Ne ar End Setting s 4. Replace the paper r oll..
E P SON S ales S ubsidi a ries B-1 Appe ndix B EPS ON Sales S ubsidia ries E P S ON AM E RI C A IN C . / OE M D I V . 2 077 0 M a d r o n a A ve. T o r r ance , CA 9 055 9 -2 8 42 U .S. A . T e l : 1- 3 10 - 787 - 6300 F a x : 1 - 310 - 782 - 53 5 0 E P S O N E U R O P E B .
B-2 EPSON Sales Subsid iaries EPSON HONG KONG L IMITED 25/ F ., Harb o r Centr e, 25, Harbor Road, W ancha i, H ong Ko ng T el : 85 2-2-585- 4663 Fax : 852-2- 827-434 6 EPS ON T AI W AN TECHNOLOG Y 10f, N o. 287 , Nank ing E . Road, Sec. 3 & TRA DIN G L TD.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Epson TM-H5000/H5000P c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Epson TM-H5000/H5000P - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Epson TM-H5000/H5000P, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Epson TM-H5000/H5000P va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Epson TM-H5000/H5000P, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Epson TM-H5000/H5000P.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Epson TM-H5000/H5000P. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Epson TM-H5000/H5000P ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.