Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit S01-00 du fabricant Epson
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Co l or D ig i tal Cam era Co lor Dig ital Cam era Printed in Japan 99.06-.1 4010706 S01-00 Dig ital Cam era Utility P ro gr ams Phot o! 3 Phot o Fi l e Upl oader3 U s e r's G u i d e Phot o!3 Phot o Fi l e Upl oader3 U s e r's G u i d e 4010706 BK cover -F Rev .
R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e FR ONT.FM 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 Use r’s Gu ide Photo!3 Photo File Uploader3 Digital Camera Utility P rograms All rights reser ved.
ii L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C A5 s ize Fr o nt.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0.
iii EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 si ze PHO T O.TOC 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. P ip a Contents Introduction Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Abo u t This Guide .
iv L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C A5 s ize Fr o nt.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Cha pter 3 Us ing the Upl oader Utilities Using EPSON Photo File Uploader3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1 Uploading images from your PC.
In tr od uc t io n 1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize IN TRO.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ Introduc tio n Features The EPSON digital camera sof tware suite, includi ng EPSON Photo ! 3 and EP S ON Photo Fil e Uploader 3, i s the perfect companion fo r your EPSON digital camera.
2 In tr od uc ti on L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize I nt ro.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Not es co ntain importa nt information and useful t ips on op e rating your digi tal camera a nd soft ware.
In tr od uc t io n 3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize IN TRO.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ Req uiremen ts for USB con nection PC s.
4 In tr od uc ti on L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize I nt ro.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 Ch apte r 1 Installing the Software The CD-ROM that c omes with yo ur Photo PC 800 conta ins E PSON P hoto! 3, E PSON P hoto F ile Uploader3 and other optio nal soft ware.
1-2 Insta lling the Softwa re L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Using t he U SB cable To connect the c am er a to your computer wi th U SB cable, use the USB ca ble included with the Pho toPC 800.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 ❏ Y ou ca n u se a U SB h ub to co nnect s evera l pe riph erals to your com pute r .
1-4 Insta lling the Softwa re L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 3. Open the connector co v er on t he side of the camera. Insert the o ther end o f the seri al cable to the interfac e c onnector.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-5 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 3. O pen the connector cover o n the side of the camera. Insert the ot h e r end o f the cable to the interface connector.
1-6 Insta lling the Softwa re L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Installing Software for Windows U.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-7 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 6. Aft er instal lat ion is c omplete , cli ck Finish . To install EPSON Pho to !3 , go to the next sectio n.
1-8 Insta lling the Softwa re L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 3. A dial og box wi th a list of sof tware appear s. Any soft war e with a check mark next to it will be inst al led on your computer.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-9 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 1. Turn on the computer, and insert the incl uded CD for Macintosh in the CD-ROM drive.
1-10 Insta llin g the Software L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 Ch apte r 2 Usi ng EPSON Ph oto!3 Now tha t EPSON Phot o!3 is i nstalled i n your computer, you a re r e ady transfer the i mages you shot with your camera to your computer.
2-2 Usi ng EPS ON Ph oto !3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Ope ni ng EPS ON P hot o!3 di rect ly Fo r Windows user s Click Start , p oi nt to Pro gram s , point to EPSON Ph oto!3 V er.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 EPSON P hoto!3 me nus There are f o ur menus in the EPSON Photo!3 dialog box; Camera, Folder, Co ntr ols, and Setup.
2-4 Usi ng EPS ON Ph oto !3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 If you still cannot open the Camera menu, see “Using the Setup Menu” o n page 2-17 to establ ish a proper connection.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-5 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 Using the Camera Menu When you open EPSON Phot o !3, t he Camera menu appears and s tarts d ownloading thu mbnail images o f the photos stored in the memory card in the c am e r a.
2-6 Usi ng EPS ON Ph oto !3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Using the Save T o Folder button Files sav ed with the Save T o Fol der butto n are named automat i cal ly.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-7 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 Note : If you want to im prove the ima ge quality of your phot o s, se l ec t the PhotoEnhanc e ch e c k bo x be fo r e clicking Export P hotos .
2-8 Usi n g EPS ON Pho to !3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 2.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-9 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 6. Drag the photo from the Cam era m enu to your document. After a f ew seconds you will see the drop cursor.
2-10 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 1. Click t he thum bnails of the i mages you want to erase, or click the Se lect A ll butto n to eras e all the pho tos in th e memory c ard.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-11 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 ❏ File format (the photo ba sed o n Design rule for camer a file system) o r ( when you rotate the photo b a sed o n Design rule for camera file sys tem, this icon appears.
2-12 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Using the Folder Menu Click the Folder tab to open the Fo l der menu. Thumbnails of the im ages in the selected f o l d e r a ppear in the image sel ection window.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-13 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
2-14 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-15 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 Se l e c ting th e im ag e qua lit y se ttin g Click anywhere inside the Control menu’s Mo de bo x to select an i mage quality s etti ng.
2-16 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 1. Make sure to op en the lens cover and turn the camera’s dial switch to or . 2.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-17 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
2-18 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Ch angi ng th e se ria l c ommuni cati on spee d You can cha nge the speed at which EPSON Photo !3 communicates with the c a mera.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-19 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
2-20 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
3-2 Using the U plo ader U tilit ies L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 To use EPSON Pho to File Uploader3, you ne ed to instal l the program in your co mp u ter along with the EPSON Photo!3 software.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 3 The selected files appear in the Sel ected Fi l es L i st box in the order they wi ll be uploaded.
3-4 Using the U plo ader U tilit ies L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 EPSON Photo!3 sta rts with thumbnails of uploading im ages are appe ar ed. Then you are going to upl o ad images to the memory card i n your camera.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-5 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
3-6 Using the U plo ader U tilit ies L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 5. If you wa nt to save copies of the converted fi les on y our comp uter, selec t the S ave file to che ck box before up lo ading the photos.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-7 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 3 3. Click the Scre en C ap t ure tab. T he Screen Capture menu ap pears. 4.
3-8 Using the U plo ader U tilit ies L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 If you wa nt to upload your sc r een captures to the camera right away, click the Upload To Camera tab.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-9 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 3 Using EPSON Program Uploader The EPSON Program Uploader utility allows you to uplo ad opt ional p rograms f rom yo ur PC or Mac intosh to your camera.
3-10 U sing t he Up loa de r U til iti es L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 When the uploading pro c es s i s finished, the upload ed programs appear in the Appl icatio ns in Camera l ist.
Tr oubl eshoo ti ng 4-1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 4.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 4 Ch apte r 4 Trou bleshooti ng Your camera 's softwa re is easy to use, and any problems you may have can be solved quickly and easily.
4-2 T rou blesh ooting L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P4.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Check that the p o r t to which your cam.
Tr oubl eshoo ti ng 4-3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 4.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 4 Reinstall EPSON Photo!3 For Win d ow s Use rs First you need to r emo ve the EPSON Photo!3 currently installed.
4-4 T rou blesh ooting L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P4.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Now you are r eady to remove the EPSON Photo!3 program. Fol low the step in “When co nnected with a serial c a ble” on page 4- 3 to remove the pro gra m.
Gl oss ary 1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 size GLOS SARY.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ Glos s ar y appl icat ion A software prog ram th a t helps yo u carry out a parti c ular task, su c h as word processin g or financi a l plannin g.
2 Glossa ry L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 si ze GLOS SARY.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 port An inter f ace ch annel through which data is tr ansmitted bet w een devices. reso luti on In di ca ti on o f h ow fin e ly an im ag e is re s olv ed in to p ix el s.
Index i EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize PHO TO.IX 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. P ip a Index A Accessin g EPSO N Photo!3, 2 -1 to 2 -2 EPSON Pho to .
ii Index L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C A5 s ize Fr o nt.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Contr olling the cam e r a f rom the computer , 2-14 .
Index iii EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize PHO TO.IX 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. P ip a M Ma cro mode setting s, 2 -14 Making screen copies, 3-6 to.
iv Index L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C A5 s ize Fr o nt.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Upl oad T o C amera men u, 3-2 to 3-6 USB cable, 1-2 .
R Pro of Sign-off : Oht era ____ ___ Fuj imori __ _____ Pip a ____ ___ R4C3 700 Rev. B A5 s iz e MARKE T.FM 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 1998 Fe bru ary EPSON OVER SEAS M ARKET ING LO CATIO NS EPSO N A MERIC A, I NC. 20770 Madrona Ave. P.O. Box 28 42 Torrance, C A 90509-2842 Phone: (8 00) 922-8911 Fax: (310) 782- 5220 EPSO N UK LTD .
Co l or D ig i tal Cam era Co lor Dig ital Cam era Printed in Japan 99.06-.1 4010706 S01-00 Dig ital Cam era Utility P ro gr ams Phot o! 3 Phot o Fi l e Upl oader3 U s e r's G u i d e Phot o!3 Phot o Fi l e Upl oader3 U s e r's G u i d e 4010706 BK cover -F Rev .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Epson S01-00 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Epson S01-00 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Epson S01-00, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Epson S01-00 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Epson S01-00, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Epson S01-00.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Epson S01-00. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Epson S01-00 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.