Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit L565 du fabricant Epson
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Us e r ' s G u i d e NPD5193-01 EN.
Co py r i g h t No part of this pu blication m ay be rep rod uced, sto red in a retrieval syst em, or transmi tt ed in any fo rm or b y an y me ans , el ec t roni c, me chan ic a l, pho to copy ing , re cord in g, or ot her wi s e, w ith out t he pr i or wr itten p er mi ssi on of Seiko Epso n Corporation.
T r ademarks ❏ EPSON ® is a regist ered trademark, and EPSON EX CEED Y OUR VIS ION o r EXCEED Y OUR VIS ION is a trademark o f S eiko Ep s on Corporation. ❏ PRINT Im age Mat ching™ and the PRINT I mage Matchin g logo are trademarks o f Seiko Epson Corporation.
Contents Copyright T rademarks About This M anu al I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e M a n u a l s ......... .......... 7 M a r k s a n d S y m b o l s ............... ..........7 D e s c r i p t i o n s U s e d i n t h i s M a n u a l .......... ....
B a s i c F a x S e n d i n g O p e r a t i o n s .... ........... 6 7 V a r i o u s W a y s o f S e n d i n g F a x e s ........... ... 6 9 R e c e i v i n g F a x e s .... ........... ........ ....7 0 S e t t i n g R e c e i v i n g M o d e ........
Cannot S tart Scanning when U sing the C o n t r o l P a n e l .......... ........ ........ 1 1 1 S c a n n e d I m a g e P r o b l e m s ................ ... 1 1 1 S c a n Q u a l i t y I s P o o r ...... .......... ..... 1 1 1 C h a r a c t e r s A r e B l u r r e d .
Abou t This Ma nual Intr oduc tion to the Manuals e latest v e rsio ns of the f ollowin g manuals are available fr om the Epso n sup p ort websi te.
Operating S yst em Referenc es Wi nd o ws In this man ual, terms suc h as "W indows 8.1", "W indo ws 8", "W indows 7", "W indows V ista", "W indows XP".
Impor tant Instructions Safety Instruc tions Read and follow these instr uct ions to ensure safe use of this printer . Make sure y ou keep this manual for fut ure referen ce. Als o, be su re to follow a ll w ar ni ngs and instr uct ions mar ked on the pr inter .
Advisories and W arnings for Setting Up/Using the P rinter ❏ Do not block or co ver t he vents and o p enings in the printer . ❏ U s e only the type of power source indicated on the printer's label. ❏ A void using outlets on the same circuit as photo copiers or air control systems tha t regul arly sw itch on and o.
Advisories and W arnings for Us ing the P rinter with a W ireless Co n n e c t i o n ❏ Radio waves from this printer may negatively aect the operation of medical elect ronic equipmen t, ca using them to malfunction.
Pri nte r B a si c s P ar t Names and F unc tions A ADF (Automatic Document F eeder ) cover Open when removing jammed originals i n the ADF. B ADF input tray Feeds originals aut o matically . C ADF edge guide Feeds originals str aight into the printer .
B Rear paper feed Load s paper . C P aper su pport Supports loaded p aper . D F ee der guard Preven ts foreign substance from entering the printer . Usually keep this guard closed. E Output tray Holds the ejected pap er . A Document cover Blocks externa l light while s canning.
C Ink tank unit Contains the ink tanks. D Ink res er voir tanks ( Ink tank s) Suppl ies ink to the ink tube s. E Print head Fir es ink. A AC inlet Connects the po wer cord. B USB por t Connects a USB cable. C LINE por t Connects a phone lin e. D EXT .
C Enter the last dialed number or enter a pause when entering a fax number. D Stops the curr ent operation. E - Displays menus and message s. F l , u , r , d , OK Press l , u , r , and d to select menus. P ress OK to con rm you r selection or run t he selected feat ure.
Menu Options Co py M o d e Not e: ❏ Ava ilable menus vary depending o n the layout you se lected. ❏ P ress th e OK butt on to d i spla y hid den setti ng men us. Menu Settings and Explanations Number of copies Enter the number of copies. Layout With Border Copies with a border around the edges.
Scan Mode Cloud Menu Settings and Explanations Destination Select a destination that has been registered in the Epson Connect Ser ver . Settings Format Select the format in which to sav e the scanned image. Scan Area Select the sca n area. Auto Cropping: Crops the white space around the text or image when scanning.
Menu Settings and Explanations F ax Repor t F ax Sett ings List Prints the cur rent fax settings. F ax Log Displ ays or p rints a hist or y of sent and r eceived fax jo bs.
Menu Settings and Explanations Com mon Se tt ing s So un d Adj ust the v olume and select the type of audio . Sleep T imer Select the time period before the printer enters sleep mode (energy saving mode) when no operations are performed. The L CD screen turns bl ack when the set tim e passes.
Menu Settings and Explanations Universal Print Settings These print settings are applied when you print using an extern al device without using the printer driver . T op Oset Adjust the t op or left margin of the paper . Lef t O se t Skip Blank Page Skips blank pages in the print data automaticall y .
Menu Settings and Explanations Output Settin gs F ax Output Saves r e ceived documents on a computer . Y ou need to make settings on F AX Utilit y on a computer . Auto Reduction Reduces large received documents t o t on the paper in the pa per source.
Menu Settings and Explanations Basic Settings F ax Speed Select the fax transmission speed. W e recommend selecting Slow(9,600bps) when a communication er ror occurs frequently , when sending/receiv ing a fax to/from abroad, or when you are using an IP ( VoIP) phone ser vice.
Loa d in g Pap e r P aper Handling Precautions ❏ Read the inst ru ction she ets suppl ied w ith th e pap er . ❏ Fan and align the edg es of the paper b efo re loading. Do not fan o r curl photo paper . Doing so may damage the pr int ab l e si de .
A vailable P aper and Capacities Epso n recomm ends using genuine Epson paper to ensure high-quality prin touts. Genuine Epson Paper Media Name Size Load ing Capa cit y (Sheets) Manual 2-Sided Printi ng Epson Bright White Ink Je t Paper A4 80 *1 ✓ Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper *2 A4, 13 × 18 cm (5 × 7 in.
Media Name Media T ype Cont rol Pa ne l Printer Driver , Smar t device * Epson Bright White Ink Jet P aper plain papers plain papers Epson P remium Glossy P hoto Pape r Pr em.
3. Load paper vertically along the right side o f the rear paper feed wi th the p rintable side facing up . c Impor t ant: Do not loa d mor e than th e maxim um num ber of she ets specied for the paper . For pla in paper , do not load above the l ine just under the d symbol inside the edge guide.
Not e: Y ou ca n use pre-p unche d paper und e r the f ollowing c ondi tions. ❏ Load ing capaci ty : One sheet ❏ Ava ilable size: A4 , B5, A5, A6, Letter , Legal ❏ B inding ho les : Do not load paper w ith the bind ing holes at the top or the bottom.
& “A vailable Paper and Capac itie s” on pag e 24 User 's Gui de Load ing Paper 28.
Placing Originals Place originals on the scanner g lass or the ADF . U s e the scanner g lass for o riginals that the ADF does not sup p ort. Y ou can scan multip le originals at the same time with the ADF .
3. Place the originals face up in the ADF . c Impor t ant: ❏ Do not load or iginals above the line just under the d symbol inside the A DF edge guide . ❏ Do no t a dd ori gi nal s w hil e s canning . 4. Slide the ADF edge guide to the edge of the originals.
1. Open t he docu ment co ver . 2. Remov e any dus t or s t ains on the scanner glass. 3. Place the o r iginal face-do wn and slide i t to the corner mar k.
Managing C ontac ts Registering a contacts list allows you to easily enter destinations. Y ou can register up to 60 entries in the con t acts list and use i t for faxin g. Registering C ontac ts 1. Press the button in Fa x mode. 2. Press the button, a nd th en s el ec t Ad d E n t r y .
Registration and Backup of C ontac ts Us ing a Co m p u t e r Y ou can register and back up con tac ts on the prin ter using EpsonN et Cong. Se e the EpsonN et Cong help for details. Contacts data may be los t due to a prin ter malfunctio n. W e reco mmend that yo u make a backu p of the data whenever you update t he data .
Pri n ti n g Prin ting from a C omputer Printing Basics - W indow s Not e: ❏ Se e the onl ine hel p for expla nat ions of t he settin g items. Ri ght-c lick an i tem, and t hen click Help . ❏ Op er at ions ma y dier depend ing on t he ap plica tion.
❏ Orientatio n: Select the orientatio n you set i n the applicatio n. ❏ P aper T ype: Select the type o f paper you loaded. ❏ Color: Select Grayscale when you wan t to print in b l ack o r shades of gray . Not e: When p r in ting o n enve lope s, select Lan d scap e as the Orient atio n setti ng.
❏ Preset: Selec t when you wan t to us e the registered settings. ❏ P aper Size: Select the paper size you load ed in the p rinte r . ❏ Orientatio n: Select the orientatio n you set i n the applicatio n. Not e: When pr inti ng on envelopes, s elect landscape orientation 5.
Printing on 2-Sides (f or W indow s only) e printer d river prints automatic ally s epar ating ev en pages and odd pages. When the prin ter has nished printing the o dd pages, ip the paper over following the in structions to print the even pages.
Printing Sev eral Pages on One Sheet Y ou ca n pr int t wo or four pa ges of d at a on a s ing l e she et of pa pe r . Printing Sev eral P ages on One Sheet - W indows 1. Load pape r in the prin ter . 2. Open the le you wan t to print. 3. A ccess t he printer driver window .
6. Set the other items as necessary . 7. Click Prin t . Related Information & “Loading P aper in the Rear Paper F eed” o n page 25 & “Printing Basics - Mac OS X” on pag e 35 Printing t o Fit the P aper Size Y ou can print to t the paper size you loaded in the printer .
Printing to F it the Paper Size - Mac OS X 1. Load pape r in the prin ter . 2. Open the le you wan t to print. 3. A c cess the print dialog. 4. Select the size of the pap er you set in the ap plication as the Pa p er S iz e settin g. 5. Se le ct Pa p e r Ha n d l i ng fro m the po p-u p men u.
6. Click Prin t . e Jo b Ar r a n g e r L it e wind ow is displayed and the print job is added to the Pri nt Proj e c t . 7. W ith the Jo b A r r a n g e r L i te window opened, open the le that you want t o combine with the cur rent le, and the n re peat ste ps 3 t o 6.
Making Posters U sing O ver lapping Alignment Marks He re is an example o f how to make a poster when 2x2 P o ster is selec ted, and O verlapping Alignment Marks is sele cted i n Print Cut ting Guides .
2. Place the edg e of Sheet 1 o n top o f Sheet 2 and align the cross mar ks, then tempo rarily tape the two sheets tog ether fro m the back. 3. Cu t the taped sheets in two alo ng the vertical r ed line thr ough the alignmen t markers (this time , the line to th e le of the cros s marks).
4. T ape the sheet s tog ether fr om the back. 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to tape Sheet 3 and Sheet 4 to gether . 6. Cu t o the margins of Sh eet 1 and Sheet 2 al ong the ho rizontal bl ue line thro ugh the cen ter o f the le and righ t side cross m arks.
7. Place the edge of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 on top o f Sh eet 3 and Sheet 4 and align the cross marks, and then tem porarily tape them tog ether fro m the bac k.
8. Cu t the taped sheets in two alo ng the ho rizontal r ed line thro ugh the alignm ent marke rs (this ti me, the lin e above the cross marks). 9. T ape the sheet s tog ether fr om the back.
10. Cu t o the remaining margins along the o uter guide. Printing U sing Adv anced F eatures is section in t roduces a variety of additio nal layou t and printin g features availab le o n the printer driver .
Wi nd o ws T o add your own pr es et, set items such as the Doc ument Size and Pa per T ype on th e Main or Mor e O p ti o n s tab , and then click A dd/Remove Pr esets in Printin g Presets . Not e: T o delete an added pr es et, click Add/Remove Presets , select the preset na me you want to de lete f rom the list, and then delet e it.
Printing a W atermark (for W indows Only) Y ou can prin t a watermark such as "Condential" o n your prin tou ts. Y ou can also add your o wn watermark. Click W atermark F eatures on th e Mo re O pt i on s tab , and t hen select a watermark.
ht tp://ipr .to/c Using Epson iPri nt Start Epso n iPrint fr om yo ur smart device and s elect the item you wan t to use from the home screen. e follo wing s creens ar e subject to chan ge without no tice. A Home screen displayed when the application is star ted.
Using AirPrint AirPrin t allows y ou to wireless ly print to y our AirPrint-enab l ed prin ter fro m your iOS device using the latest versio n of iOS and from yo ur Mac OS X v10.7.x or lat er . Not e: See th e AirPrin t page of t he Apple we bsi te for mo re det ails.
3. Click Prin t Q u e u e . 4. Right-click o n the job you wan t to cancel and then select Cance l . Related Information & “W indows Print er Driver” o n p age 90 Canc eling Printing - Mac OS X 1. Click the p r inter i con in the Dock . 2. Select the job yo u want t o cancel.
Co p y i n g 1. Load pape r in the prin ter . 2. Place the originals. 3. Enter Co py from the ho me s creen. 4. Press the u and d but tons to enter the number of cop ies. 5. Press the OK button. 6. Select Lay ou t , and then select the appr opriate layou t .
Sc anning Scanning Using the C o ntr ol Panel Scann ing t o the C lou d Y ou can send scanned imag es to cloud services using Epso n C onnect. See t he Epson Connect portal website fo r details. ht tps://www .eps ht tp://ww w .epsonco nnect.
& “ Sc an M ode” on pag e 17 Scanning to a Computer (WSD ) Not e: ❏ Befor e u sing th is feat ure, you need to setup your com puter . S ee the Networ k Guide for mo re deta ils. ❏ i s f u n c t i o n i s o n l y a v a i l a b l e f o r c o m p u t e r s r u n n i n g Wi n d o w s 8 .
3. Select Hom e Mo d e from th e Mo d e list. 4. Mak e the following set tings. ❏ Document T ype : Select the type of the original yo u want to scan. ❏ Imag e T yp e: Select the color type of the imag e you want to scan. Altho ugh this is au tomatically se lected b y the Document T y pe set ting, yo u can c hang e the se ttin g.
5. Click Pre v i e w . Not e: ❏ Depe ndin g on the phot os an d t he s canni ng c onditi ons , the scan res ults m ay not be as int ended. Clear umbnai l , and o nly place o ne photo . ❏ W hen placi ng mul tiple ph otos, pla ce them a t least 20 m m (0.
Not e: ❏ I f you want to scan man y documents to one le, save in PDF forma t. ❏ I f you are usin g the ADF and wan t to clic k Prev ie w , only l oad the rst page o f the origin al you want to p review . Aer pr ev iew in g, load t he enti re o riginal inc lud ing the rst pa ge you have p revie wed, a nd then clic k Scan .
Not e: ❏ I f you wa nt t o scan us ing t he ADF, select AD F as the Documen t Source . ❏ I f you are usin g the ADF and wan t to clic k Prev ie w , only loa d the rst page of t he origina l you wan t to preview . Aer pr ev iew in g, load t he enti re o riginal inc lud ing the rst pa ge you have p revie wed, a nd then clic k Scan .
Scanning from Smar t Device s Ep son iPrin t is an application that allo ws you to scan pho tos and documents from a sm ar t device, such as a smartpho ne or tablet, that is connected t o the same wireles s network as your printer . Y ou can save the scanned data on a smart dev ice or to Cloud ser vices, se nd it b y email, or prin t it.
H Displays the screen where you can save scanned data to a smart device or Cloud ser vices. I Displays the screen where you ca n send scanned data by email.
Fa x i n g Setting Up a F ax C onnec ting to a Phone Line Co m p a t i b l e T e l e p h o ne L i n e s Y ou ca n us e the pri nter ove r st a nd ard a na lo gue tele phon e li ne s ( PST N = P ubl ic Sw itch ed T el eph one Net work ) a nd PBX (Private Branch Exchange) telephone systems.
Connecting to a Standard Phone Line (PSTN) or PBX Connect a phone cable from the telephone wall jack or PBX port to the LINE port on the b ack of the prin ter .
C o nnec ting Y our Phone Device to the Printer When using the p rinter and yo ur telephone on a single phone line, co nne ct the telephone to the printer . Not e: ❏ I f your phone dev ice has a fax function, dis able the fax function before conn ecting.
c Impor t ant: When s harin g a single pho ne line, m ake su re yo u conne ct the pho ne device to th e EXT . port of th e prin ter . If you s plit th e line t o con nect the p hone device a nd the prin ter sepa ra te ly , the p hon e and the p r in ter do not wo rk correctly .
Not e: ❏ Disti nctive ring ser vices, o ered by man y telepho ne comp an ies (the ser vice name die rs by com pany), allo ws you to ha ve severa l pho ne num bers on on e ph one l ine. Eac h nu mber is as sign ed a dierent rin g pattern. Y ou can use one num b er for voice calls and another for fax calls.
Making Settings for a PBX Phone System Mak e the followin g settings when using the prin ter in o ces that use extensions and r equire external access codes, such as 0 and 9, to g et an outside line. 1. Enter Se tu p from the home screen. 2. Select Fax S e ttin gs > Basi c Settings > Line T ype .
Not e: ❏ Y ou ca n send the sam e monoc hr ome fax to up to 30 rec ipi ents. A col or fax c an onl y be sent to one r ecipien t at a t ime. ❏ T o add a pa use (pa use for t hree se conds) du r in g dia lin g, en ter a hyph en by pr essin g .
V arious W ays of Sending F axes Sending F axes at a Speci ed T ime (Send F ax Later) Y ou can set to send a fax at a specied time. Only mo no chrome faxes can b e sent when the t ime to send is specied. 1. Place the originals. 2. Enter Fax from the ho me screen.
Rec eiving F ax es Setting Rece iving Mode Yo u c a n s e t Receive Mode using the Fa x S ett ing W iz ard . When yo u s et up the fax feature f or the rst time, we recommend using the Fax S e tting W iz ard . If yo u want t o change the Recei ve Mod e s etting s indiv idual ly , foll ow the steps below .
V arious W ays of Receiving F axes Receiving F axes Manually When you co nne ct a telephone and set the Re ce ive Mo de s etting of the printer to Manual , follow the steps below to receive faxes. 1. When the telepho ne rings, pick up the handset. 2. When y ou hear a fax tone, select Recei ve on the printe r's con t rol panel.
Receiving F axes b y P olling (Polling Rec eive) Y ou can receiv e a fax stor ed on ano ther fax machine b y dialing the fax number . U s e this featur e to receive a document fr om a fax informatio n s er vice.
U sing O ther F axing F eatures Printing F ax Repor t and List Printing F ax Repor t Manually 1. Enter Fax from the ho me screen. 2. Press the OK but ton, and t hen sele ct Fa x R eport . 3. Selec t the report to prin t, and then follow the o n-screen instr uction.
2. Press the OK but ton, and t hen selec t Repr int Faxes . 3. Press the x button. Not e: Aer rep r int ing your docu ments, pr ess the y button to stop printing.
Relling Ink Checking the Ink Lev els T o conrm the actual ink remaining, visually c heck the ink le vels in all o f the printer's tanks. c Impor t ant: If an y of the in k tanks a re not lled up to the lower line, ll them to the upper line on the ink ta nk.
Ink Bottle C odes Epson r ec ommends the use of gen uine Epson ink bottles. Epson cannot guaran tee the quality or reliab ility of no n- gen uine in k. e use of no n-genuine ink may cause damage that is no t covered b y Epson's warran t ies, and under certain circumstances, may cause erratic prin ter behavior .
❏ T o ensur e you receiv e premium print quality and to hel p pr otect your p rint head , a variable ink safety r es er ve remains in the ink tank when your prin ter indicates to rell ink. e yields quoted fo r you do no t include this res er v e.
5. Open the ink ta nk unit co ver , and then remove the cap of the ink tank. c Impor t ant: ❏ Be c ar e ful not t o spil l an y ink. ❏ M ake sure tha t the color of the ink tank matc hes the ink color that you wan t to re ll.
Not e: Do not dispos e of the top of the cap . If a ny ink rema in s in the ink bottle a er re llin g the tank, use the top of the cap to sea l th e in k bo ttle cap . 7. Rell the ink tank with the corr ect color ed ink up to the up per lin e on the ink tank.
9. Close the ink tank unit cover . 10. H o ok the ink tank unit o nto the prin ter . 11. Press the OK button. 12. Fo l low the instructio ns on the L CD screen to r eset the ink level s. Not e: Y ou ca n reset t he ink levels even i f you d id no t ll the in k to th e upper lin e.
Impro ving P rint and Scan Quality Checking and Cleaning the Print Head If the nozzles are clogged, the print outs become faint, there is visible banding, or unexpected colors appear . When print q uality has declined, use t he nozzle check featur e an d check if the nozzles are clogged.
❏ ere are br oken lines or missing segmen ts: e print head nozzles may be clogged. Go to the next step . 6. Foll ow t he on -s c ree n in str u ct ion s to cle an t he pr int hea d. 7. When c le aning is nished, p r int the nozzle check pat tern again.
Replacing Ink inside the Ink T ubes If yo u have not used the printer for a lo ng time and notice band ing or missin g colors in the printou ts , you may need to r eplace the ink inside the ink tubes t o solv e the pro blem. e P ower Ink Flushing utility allows you t o replace all of the ink inside the ink tubes.
Aligning the Print Head - C ontrol P anel 1. Load A4-size plain paper in the printer . 2. Enter Se tu p from the home screen. 3. Se le ct Maintenance > P rint Head Alignme nt . 4. Fo llow the on-screen ins t ructions to print the alignmen t p attern.
2. Select System Preferen ce s fro m the menu > P rinters & Scanners (or Pri nt & S c a n , Pr int & Fax ), and the n sel ect the p rint er . 3. Click Options & Su pplies > Ut i li t y > Open Prin ter U tility . 4. Click P rint Head Alignment .
1. Open the ADF cover . 2. U se a so, dr y , clean c loth t o clean the roll er and the i nterio r of the ADF . 3. Open t he doc ument co ver . User 's Gui de Improving P rint and S can Qualit.
4. Clean the part that is sho wn in the illus t ration. Not e: ❏ I f the glass sur face is stain ed w ith grease or some other har d- to-remove ma ter ial, us e a small amoun t of glass cleaner an d a so cloth to remove it. W ipe o all remaining liquid.
1. Open t he docu ment co ver . 2. U s e a so, dry , clean cloth to cl ean the surface of the scanner glass. Not e: ❏ I f the glass sur face is stain ed w ith grease or some other har d- to-remove ma ter ial, us e a small amoun t of glass cleaner and a so cloth to remove it.
Applications and Netw ork Ser vice Inf ormation Epson C onnec t Ser vice By us ing Eps on C on ne ct se r v ic e a va i lab le on th e Inter ne t, you c an pr int f rom you r s ma rtp hone, ta bl et P C, or lapto p , anytime and practically an y where.
2. Launch a W eb browser from a co mputer or smart device, and then enter the print er's IP add ress. For ma t: IPv4: htt p://the printer's IP addr ess/ IPv6: htt p://[t he print e r's IP addres s]/ Examp les: IPv4: htt p://192.168.100.
Not e: Y ou ca n chan ge the lan guage of th e print er dri ver . Select the la nguage yo u want to use fr om the Lan g uage settin g on the Ma inte nance ta b . Acc essing the printer driver from applications T o make settings that ap ply o nly to the applicat io n you ar e using, access from that ap plication.
❏ W indows XP/W indows Ser ver 2003 R2/W indows Ser ver 2003 Click the start bu tto n, and select Con t ro l P an el > Printer s a nd O t her Hard wa re > Pr i nter s a nd Faxe s . Right-clic k on yo ur printer , and then select Prop er tie s .
2. Make the app ropriate settings, and then click OK . ❏ ick paper an d en velopes: P reven ts the ink fro m smearing when prin ting on thic k paper . Ho wever , the print spee d may b e slower . ❏ Skip Blan k Page: A voids printing blank pages .
Starting on Windo ws ❏ W indows 8.1/W indows 8 Ente r the application name in the search c har m, and then selec t the displayed icon. ❏ Wi n d o w s 7 / Wi n d o w s Vi s t a / Wi n d o w s X P Click the start bu tto n, and select Al l Progra ms or Pro gr am s > Ep son S ow are > Event Manager .
Epson Easy Photo Print Ep son Easy Photo P r int i s an application that allo ws you to easily prin t photos with various layouts. Y ou can preview the ph oto imag e and adj ust the images or positi o n. Y ou can also prin t photos with a frame. See the application's hel p for details.
EpsonNet Cong Ep sonN et Cong is an application that allows y ou to se t the netwo rk interface addres s es and pr otocols. See the operations guide fo r E psonN et Cong or the application's help fo r more details. Starting on Windo ws ❏ W indows 8.
❏ W indows XP/W indows Ser ver 2003 R2/W indows Ser ver 2003 Click Change/Re m ove or Remove . Not e: If t h e Us e r A c c o u n t C o nt ro l w indow is di splayed , click Contin ue . 7. Foll ow t he on- s cre en ins tr u ct i ons. Uninstalling Applications - Mac OS X 1.
2. When installing the printer driver or EPSO N Scan, disconnec t the printer and the com puter tem porarily . Not e: Do not connect the prin ter and the compu ter un til you are ins tructed to do so. 3. In stall the applications b y following the in str uctions on the w ebsite belo w .
Solving Problems Checking the Printer Status Checking Messages on the L CD Screen If an error message is displayed on the LCD screen, follow the on-screen instr uct ions or the solutio ns below to solve the problem. Error Messages Solutio ns Printer Error 0xX X T urn the power o and on again.
prin ter has ceased to operate in acco rdance with its sp ecications. e p r inter will advise yo u w hen the pad requir es replacing and this can o nly be p erformed b y an autho rised Epso n S er vice pro vider . e E pson warran ty does not cover the cost of this replacement.
Removing Jammed P aper from the Rear P aper Feed Remo ve the jamm ed paper . Removing Jammed P aper fr om Inside the Printer ! Caution: ❏ Be ca reful not to t ra p your ha nd or ngers when open in g or clo sin g the sca nner un it. Oth erw ise you may be injured.
2. Rem ove the jam med paper . c Impor t ant: Do not touch the white at cable, transl ucent par t, and ink tubes inside the printer . Doing so may cause a malfunction.
Removing Jammed P aper from the ADF 1. Open the ADF cover . 2. Rem ove th e jammed paper 3. Open the ADF . User 's Gui de Solving Problems 103.
4. Rem ove th e jammed paper 5. Rais e the ADF inpu t tray , and then remov e the jammed p aper . 6. Close t he ADF co ver . P aper Does Not F eed Corr ec tly Check the f ollowing i f the paper jam s, paper is fed at a slan t, s everal sheets o f paper are fed at a time, no paper is fed, or pap er is ej ec ted.
❏ Ma ke sur e the pape r size an d paper type se tting s ar e corr ect. Related Information & “ E nv i ron m e nt al S p e c i c a t io n s ” on p a ge 1 2 3 & “A vailable Paper and.
❏ Connect the USB cord securely to the print er and the comp uter . ❏ If y ou are using a US B hub , tr y to connect the printer dir ectly to the compu ter . ❏ If y ou are usin g the printer over a netw ork, m ake sure the p rinter is co nnected to the netw ork.
❏ When p r inting images or pho tos, p rint usin g high-reso lu tion data. Im ages on websit es are oen low resolutio n although they look good enough on the display , and so print quality may decline.
❏ Clean the roller in the ADF . ❏ Do not pre ss too ha rd on t he ori gi na l or th e do c um ent cover w hen you a re pl ac ing th e or ig in al s on the sc a nne r glass. U neven colo rs, smears, o r dots may appear when the original or the document co ver are p ressed too hard .
❏ When performing man ual 2-sided printing, make sur e t hat the ink is com pletely dr y before r eloading the paper . ❏ When the paper is smeared during copying, low er the copy density setting on the co ntrol panel.
❏ Lower the quality setting on the con t rol panel o r the printer driver . High quality prin t ing slows down the pr int in g sp e e d. ❏ Enable the b idirectional (or high speed) setting. When thi s setting is enabled, the p r int head p r ints while moving in both direct ions, and the printing spe ed increas es.
❏ In W i ndows, make sur e t he printer (scanner) is displayed in S canner an d Camer a . e printer (scanner) should be displayed as "EPSON XX XX X (printer name)". If the prin ter (scanner) is not displayed, uninstal l and then re-i nstall EPSO N S can.
❏ Scan at a higher resol utio n. ❏ A djust the image in EPSO N Scan, and then s can. S ee the EPSON Scan help for details. Related Information & “Cle aning the Scanner Glass” on page 87 &a.
❏ When y ou place m u ltiple o r iginals on the scanner glass to scan the m separatel y , but they ar e scanned on to a single le, place the originals at least 20 mm (0.8 inch) apart. If the pr oblem contin ues, place one o r iginal at a time. ❏ When scanning fr om the con t rol panel, set the sc an area correctly .
Scanning Stops when Scanning to PDF/Multi- TIFF ❏ When scanning using EPSON Scan, you can scan up to 999 pages in P DF format and up to 200 pages in M ulti- TIFF format. W hen scanning using the con trol panel, you can s can up to 50 pages in PDF f ormat and in Mul t i- TIFF format.
❏ In W i ndows, make sur e the printer (fax) is displayed in De vi ces and Print ers , Pr in ter , or Prin ters and Othe r Ha rd w a re . e printer (fax) is displayed as "EPS ON XX X X X (F AX )". If the printer (fax) is not displayed, uninstall and then re-instal l the F A X U t ility.
❏ If th e recipien t machine does n ot pick u p your call wi thin 50 seconds aer the p rinter has ni s hed dialin g, the call ends with an error . Dial using a connected telephone to ch eck ho w long i t takes befor e you hear a fax to ne. If it takes mo re than 50 seconds, add pauses aer the fax number to send the fax.
Sen t F ax Qual ity Is P oor ❏ Clean the scanner g lass and the document co ver . ❏ Clean the roller in the ADF . ❏ Chang e the Resolu tion s etting o n the con t rol panel . If y our originals con tain b oth text and pho tos, select Photo . ❏ Chang e the Density setting o n t he con t rol panel.
O ther F a xing Pr oblems Cannot Mak e Calls on the C onnec ted T elephone Connect the telephone to the EXT . port on the printer , and pick up the receiver .
The A DF D o es No t W o rk ere may be dust in the hole at the front -le of the scanner glass. Clean ou t any du st. The Date and T ime Are I ncorrect Set the date and the time co rrectly on the co ntrol panel.
Appen dix T echnical Specications Printe r Specications Print Head Nozzle Placement Black ink nozzles: 180 Color ink nozzles: 59 for each color W eight of Paper Plain P aper 64 to 90 g/m(17 t.
Resolution 1200 dpi (main scan) 2400 dpi (sub scan) Color Depth Color ❏ 48 bits per pixel internal (16 bits per pixel per color inter nal) ❏ 24 bits per pixe l external (8 bits per pix el per colo.
Fr equenc y R ange 2.4 GHz Coor dination M odes Inf ra stru ctur e , A d hoc *1 , Wi-F i Direct *2 *3 Wireless Securities WEP (64/128bit), WP A2-PSK (AES) *4 *1 Not supported for IEEE 802.11n. *2 Not supported for IEEE 802.11b . *3 Simple AP mode is compatible with a W i-Fi c onn ec tion (infrastructure) or an Ether net connection.
Dimen sions Dimensions Storage ❏ W idth: 484 mm (19.1 in.) ❏ Depth: 377 mm (14.8 in.) ❏ Height: 226 mm (8.9 in.) Prin tin g ❏ W idth: 484 mm (19.1 in.) ❏ Depth: 540 mm (21.3 in.) ❏ Height: 291 mm (11.5 in.) We i g h t * Approx. 6.2 kg (13.
Storage T emperature: -20 to 40°C (-4 t o 104°F) * Humidity : 5 to 85% RH (without condensation) * Y ou can store for one month at 40°C (104°F). En vironmental Specications for Ink Bottles Stor.
For Euro pe a n us e rs W e, Seiko E p son Corporation, he reb y declare that the fo l lowing eq uipment Model is in com pliance with the essential requiremen ts and other relevant pr ovisions of Dire.
Checking the T o tal Number of P a ges F e d T hrough the Printe r Y ou can chec k the total n umber of pag es fed thr ough the prin ter . Checking the T otal Number of P ages F ed Through the P rinter - Co nt ro l Pa n e l e in forma tion is pri nted toge the r with th e nozz le che ck pa tter n.
c Impor t ant: ❏ W hen storing or transpor ting the printer , avoid tilting it, placing it ver tically , or tur ning it upside down; otherw is e ink may leak. ❏ W hen storin g or tra nsportin g an in k bott le aer remo v ing i t s seal, do no t til t the bo ttle and do n ot subject it t o impa cts or tempera tur e changes.
7. Close t he scanner unit. 8. Prepare t o pack the printer as sho wn below . 9. U nhook t he ink tank unit from the prin ter and l ay it do wn, and t hen make s u re to in stall the cap on to the ink tank secur ely . 10. H o ok the ink tank unit o nto the prin ter .
When yo u us e the printer again, make sur e you r emove the tap e sec uring the print head. If p r int quali ty has declined the next tim e yo u prin t, clean and ali gn the prin t head.
Help for Users in Europe Check yo ur Pan-E uro pean W arranty Document f or informatio n on how to contact E pson suppo r t. Help for U sers i n T aiwan Contacts f or informatio n, support, and services are: Wo r l d Wi d e We b ht tp://ww w
Help for U sers in New Zealand Ep son N e w Zealand wishes to pro vide you wi th a high le vel o f customer service. In additio n to your p roduct documentation, w e pr ovide the fo llowing sources f or obtaining i n fo rmation: Inte rnet UR L ht tp://ww w .
Wo r l d Wi d e We b ht tp://ww w .t h Info rmation on pr o duct specications, drivers for do wnlo ad, Fr equently A sked Questions (F A Q), and e-mail are available.
Surabaya H itech Mall lt IIB No . 12 Jl. Kusuma Bangsa 116-118 Surabaya Phone: (62) 31-5355035 F ax: (62)31-5477837 Y ogyak ar ta Hotel Natour G aruda Jl. Malioboro No. 60 Yo g y a k a r t a Phone: (62) 274-565478 Medan Wisma HSBC 4th oor Jl. Diponegoro No.
Epson T rading (M) Sdn. Bhd. He a d Oce: Phone: 603-56288288 Fax: 603-56288388/399 Eps o n He lp d es k : ❏ Sales enquiries and prod uc t info rmation (I nfoline) Phon e: 603-56288222 ❏ Enquiri.
Help for U sers in the Philippines T o obtain tec hnical sup p ort as well as o t her aer sales services, users are welco me to contact the Epso n Philipp ines Corporation at the telep hone and fax.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Epson L565 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Epson L565 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Epson L565, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Epson L565 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Epson L565, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Epson L565.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Epson L565. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Epson L565 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.