Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit C120A du fabricant Epson
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Us er ’ s Gu i d e.
pa per feed er pa pe r ed ge guid e output tra y ex te ns io ns output tray to p co ve r pa pe r s up po rt docu me nt edge gu id e ink c artridges fro nt co ver th ic kn ess le ver cont r ol pa nel d.
ii Copy r ig ht No t ice All rig hts reserve d. No part of this pu blication m ay be rep r odu ce d, st or ed in a ret r ieval sy stem, or t ransmitted i n any form or by any means, electro nic, mechanical, phot ocopying, reco r ding, or othe r wise, withou t the prio r writ te n per missi on of SEIKO EP SON CORPO RATI ON.
Contents iii C Conten ts Conten ts Conten ts Conten ts Welcome P rin t, C opy , a nd S ca n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Spe ci al Fe atu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Abo ut Y our So ftwa re .
iv Contents 2 Pr intin g H and lin g P aper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Pr int ing on P hot o Pape r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Pri nti ng on E nv elop es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents v 4 Scan ning on a Macintosh St artin g Y our Sc an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Sc anning a P hoto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Sca nni ng Tex t . . . . . . . . . .
vi Contents 7 Solvin g Pr oblem s Di agn osing Pr inter Pr oblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Che ck i n g th e Co nt rol Pan el L ight s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 9 Ru nni ng a Pr int er Ch eck . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Welcome 1 W Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Yo ur EPSO N Styl us ® Scan 2000 is a color ink jet p rinter t hat scans and copie s too. I t’s the perfect ch oice for hom e, office, or sc hoo l. Wi th EPSON ’s aw ard -winni ng ink j et te chnolo gy, you can prin t anything fro m rep orts and le tters to glo s sy p hotos and greetin g cards.
2 Welcom e Print, Copy, and Scan If you’ve used a printer befor e, you know how to print with your EPSON Stylus Sc an 2000. It works l ike any other comp uter printer. Usin g yo ur EP SON Stylus S can 2000 for q uick cop i es i s the same as usin g a photocopy machine: you insert a page, press a few butto ns , a nd out comes your co py.
Welcome 3 Make s u re you follow all the instructi ons on your St art Here sheet to s e t up your EPSON Stylus S can 2000 a nd install its software. Befor e you u se it, tur n to C hapter 8 i n this gu ide for informa tion abou t system a nd location requireme nts, year 2000 readin ess , a nd safety.
4 Welcom e Abou t Your Softwa re Your software is what allows your EPSON Stylus S c an 2000 to print a nd scan. M ake sur e you follo w the instru ctions on the Sta rt Her e sheet to install th e softwa re.
Welcome 5 ■ eFax Internet f ax service provided b y m, which l ets you rec eive fa xes through yo ur e -mail . For inst ructions o n inst a l ling and using eFax, see page 104.
6 Welcom e ■ Elec tronic Docu ments Severa l of the software prog rams that came with you r EPSON St ylus Sca n 2000 incl u de ele ctronic ma nu a ls in the Adobe Acr obat PDF forma t. You’ll find manuals for th e EP SON Smar t P anel an d WinFa x (Windo w s ) or Presto! PageMana ger for E PSON (Macintos h).
Welcome 7 Using the EPSON Smart Panel W You ca n use the Sma rt Panel for all types o f scanning, as well as high-q uality copying and ph oto printing (Window s only). Make s u re you’ve installed you r EPSON S mart Panel s o ftware, follow ing the instructions on the Star t Her e sheet.
8 Welcom e Copy Utility You use the control panel on your comp uter screen to make copies of prin ted pages o r photos, with c u stomized settings f or the highest quality. When you m a ke copie s witho ut your comp uter, you can only use plain paper.
Welcome 9 Scan to Fax You ca n use a vi rtual “fax ma chine” o n your comp uter sc reen to send p hotos or text w i th your mode m. First yo u feed in a page or pho to, then enter the f ax number b y clic ki ng the k eypad on your scr een. You can also rec eive faxes a n d have them print out automa ti c al ly.
10 Welcom e Scan to OCR Optic a l ch ar acter recognition, or OCR , converts a scanned image into tex t that y ou ca n edit in a word p rocessing program . The Smart Panel Scan to OCR uti l ity make s i t ea s y for you to do all the s teps in this process: ■ Scan the do cument.
Welcome 11 Photo Print The Photo Print utility gives you an easy way to reprint your favo rite pi ctures in any size you want. You can scan in your photos and then print them on EPS ON “snapshot-s i z e” ph oto paper or c ar ds.
12 Welcom e Scan to Application After you scan, th i s utility au tomatically opens the scanned image in any supp orted appl i cation progra m on your computer . You ca n select the prog ram you want t o use a nd the file forma t for th e scanned i m age, u si n g this window: Click h e re to add more ap plic atio ns.
Welcome 13 Scan for Creativity This uti lity lets you sca n an ima ge and th en use it with any o f 25 different proj ects—inclu ding calendars, car ds, l abels , and web pages. Then it automatic a l ly sends your image or images to PhotoD eluxe Business Edition, which guide s you th rough the steps to create your pro ject.
14 Welcom e Using the Palette Mode In the palette mode, your Sma rt Pa nel icons a re ar rang ed in a comp act toolb ar, rather th an a panel: You ca n click th e i cons to d o all of the available activities. To switch fro m the pa nel mode to palette mode: 1.
Welcome 15 ■ To open PageMana g er, click the icon i n th e Presto! Pa geMa nag er fo r E P S ON fo ld er. Yo u s ee the Pag eMa nag er for E PSO N desktop : Here are some of the things you ca n do : ■ Scan in a pag e or photo , then pri nt out as many c opies as you wa nt.
16 Welcom e For instructio ns on using all the Pa g eManage r features, see Chapter 4 in th is man ua l. If you need m ore infor mation, see the Us er’s Guide. pdf file i n your Pr esto! Page Manager f or EPS ON fo lde r. Reading Your Electronic Manu als Your e lectronic Referenc e G u ide is on your EPSON Stylus Scan 2000 So ftware CD -ROM.
Welcome 17 5. Clic k View Reference Guide . The g uide op ens in your browse r: Click a topic on the left to exp a nd th e ta b le o f contents. After ex panding the table of conte nts, you ca n click on the topic y ou wa nt to view. This symbol i n th e contents list indica tes there are subtopi cs to v iew.
18 Welcom e When you op en an electro nic manua l, you’ll see this toolba r: With Acrobat Reader, yo u have several ways to navigate throug h text: ■ Use th e navigat i o n pane o n the l eft side of the scree n to move q uickly to the topi c of y our ch oice.
Co pyi ng 19 1 Co pying Co pying Co pying Co pying You ca n us e your EPSON Stylu s Sc an 2000 lik e a sta ndalone copier —load pa per in the feeder , insert a docum ent into th e scanner, then press the Co py button. You don ’ t even have to turn on your comp uter.
20 Copy ing Co pyi ng withou t Your Co mput er First make sure you have p aper lo a ded, following the inst ructions on the Sta rt Her e sh eet. Then feed in your pa ge or photo, following th ese steps: 1. Ad j u st the edge guide s to fi t th e w idth of your orig i n al.
Co pyi ng 21 6. Press th e Copy Mode b utton to s el ect o ne of th e followi ng: Black a nd white text Black a nd white photo or image (gra ys c ale) Colo r The lig hts indicate the current mode setting. 7. Press th e green Copy button. You r original goes into the scanner and then comes back out.
22 Copy ing W Using the Copy U tility ( Windows) The Copy Utility on the EPS ON Sm a rt Pa nel lets you m ake mult i p le copies an d copy on special ink jet o r p hoto pap er. You can a lso enha nce photos , a djust colors, or add a waterma rk or time sta mp to you r copies.
Co pyi ng 23 You see the cont rol pane l of a c opier on yo ur screen: . 5. Choo se the typ e of paper you’r e using fro m the Med ia Typ e list. If you’re not sure which one to choose, see page 49. Then choose yo ur paper s ize. 6. Choo se one of the fo llowing d ocument typ es: ■ Cho ose Text if your document contains text only.
24 Copy ing 8. When you’r e finis h e d sele cting copy settings, click the gre en Co p y button on the sc reen. Your o riginal goes in and out of the sca nner twice. Then the co py is pr i n ted. Adjusting the Image Size You ca n use th e Copy Uti lity to fine-tune th e s i z e of th e image you co py.
Co pyi ng 25 If you want to m ake mo re precise a djustments, follow th es e steps: 1. Click the scale button on th e Copy Utility control panel. You see this window: You c an use the s lider to reduce or enlarge you r image by an exact percenta ge. Th en click OK to return to the con trol panel.
26 Copy ing 3. Choos e from o ne of th e following resizing opti ons: ■ Clic k St an dar d Size an d choose th e size of your orig ina l from the Standa rd Size li st. ■ Clic k Automatic , th en click Recognize Test . Y our origina l goes i nto th e scanner, a nd previews appear in the Source Ima ge and Ou tput Im age boxes.
Co pyi ng 27 3. To optimize the qual ity of you r c opy automat i c al ly, select Auto mati c Docu ment E nhance ment and click the arrow. Yo u see this box: 4.
28 Copy ing 7. If y ou wa nt to pr oduce a monoch rome copy, s elect Mo notone C onve rsion and c lick t h e arrow. You see this box: 8. Choos e the tint you want to add to your c opy and click OK . 9. To adjust the colors in your image, click the Col or Set tin g tab: 10.
Co pyi ng 29 Adding Time Stamps and Water marks You ca n add wa termarks a nd time stamps to help ma nage your copies. 1. Click the Advan ced ta b. (If you’ve closed the custo m ta bs, click More sett ings on the Copy Utility contr ol panel to open the tabs.
30 Copy ing 5. Click the Layout tab. You see the Layout window : 6. Select the text you want from th e Wat er mar k lis t. If yo u want to chang e the color , pos iti on, s ize , or d ensity of the watermark, cl ick Sett ings . You see the Waterm a rk window: 7.
Co pyi ng 31 Saving Custom Settings You ca n save you r custom settings as a cust om docu ment type. When you want to use th e same settings a gain, select your custo m docum ent type from th e D ocume nt Typ e lis t. 1. After yo u’re fini s h ed m a king cu stom setting s, click Save Sett ings on the Cop y Utility contr ol panel.
32 Copy ing M Using EPSO N Personal C op y (M aci nto sh) I f yo u’re worki ng on a Macin to sh, y ou can u se EPSO N Personal Copy to make mu ltiple copie s and g et better q uality on sp ecial ink jet p aper. Make sure the softwa re i s i n stalled and your pri nter is set u p, connected to your com puter , a nd turned on.
Co pyi ng 33 4. Select the siz e of your o riginal do cume nt from th e ORIGIN AL SIZE list. If your origi nal is not a standar d size, type new values for the wid th and he i ght . 5. Click the OPTIONS tab. 6. In the Paper S ize list, select the size paper you’ve loaded.
34 Copy ing 9. Click the ST ART button to begin copying. Your o riginal goes in and out of the sca nner twice. Then the co py is pr i n ted. Previewing Your Image and Adjusting Copy Settings 1. Click th e l eft ar row bes i d e the RES ET b u tton. The screen expands to show a preview area: 2.
Co pyi ng 35 4. Click the SETT I N GS t ab t o display color adjust ment options: 5. Drag th e s l iders to increase or dec rease any of the followin g: ■ the amount of red, g reen, or blue in yo ur.
36 Copy ing.
Printing 37 2 Printin g Printin g Printin g Printin g Printing with your EPSON Stylus Scan 2000 is a lot l ike using any other printer. You c an cl i ck th e Pr i nt button (or select Pri nt from the menu ) in a ny Window s or Macintos h progr am. W To reprint ph otog raph s, you can u se Photo Print in t he EPSON Sma rt Pa nel (Wind ows on ly).
38 Printing Hand ling Paper How can you g et th e best-loo ki ng photo s , most vivid col ors, and sharpest text? Always use EPS ON’s special ink jet papers. To load paper, slide out the edge guide and place the stack of paper a gainst the ri ght side of the fe eder.
Printing 39 Printing on Photo Paper You ca n use E PSON Ph oto Pa per to pr i nt photog raphs tha t look almost a s g ood as the ones yo u get from film proc essing.
40 Printing Set the paper thi ckness lever to th e + positi on. (Return th e lever to the 0 position before you print on regular p aper.) Be sure to selec t Plai n pape r a s the Media Ty pe a nd s elect the correct envelop e size bef ore you pri nt.
Printing 41 You see windows like these: After yo u click the Pr ope rties b utton, yo u see the EPSO N Stylus Scan 2000 Properties window: Clic k Setup... t hen c lick Prop ert ies. mak e sure you r pr int er is se lected ... Choose between fa ste r pri nting or bett er qu alit y.
42 Printing 3. Choose th e settings sh ow n on page 41 . If you’re not sure which Media Type to c hoose, see page 49. 4. Click the Paper tab a t t he top of the box i f you need to chang e the paper size, numb er of co pies, p a ge or i entation, or printabl e a rea.
Printing 43 6. Click OK u nti l you s ee the Pri nt window again. 7. Click OK to start printing. After a mom ent, the Progress M eter windo w appea rs. You can ca ncel, pau s e, or resta rt your print job . You can a lso see how mu ch ink yo u ha v e left a nd view printing tips .
44 Printing 2. Open th e File m enu and click Page S etup . You see a Page Setup w indow like th is: 3. Choos e your paper size, pa ge orientatio n, and other settings. Then click OK . 4. Click the Print button or open the F i l e m enu and choose Print .
Printing 45 ■ Click the Prev iew icon to chang e the Pri nt button to Preview . You can then click it to prev iew your printou t. ■ Click the Ink i con to check y our ink le v els. 7. Click Print to start p ri n ting. If you turned on backg round printing, you see the EPSON M onitor3 window as shown below .
46 Printing Enhancing Photographs Speci al print settings ca n impro ve the a ppearance o f photo s or add spec i al effects. Alth ough you can also e dit your p hotos with PhotoD eluxe, when you use your pr i n t settings, it only a ffects the printout, not the photo itself.
Printing 47 3. Click the Cu stom button, then click the Custo m Sett ings list. Yo u see a lis t of cu stom proj ect types, as shown a t the l eft. Select one of the types listed bel ow: ■ Tex t /Gr aph : F or printing graphics-intensi ve documents like pr esentations with charts and graphs .
48 Printing 3. Click the Cu stom button, then click the Advanced button . Y ou see the A dvanced window : 4. Choose a Print Qual ity ( resolutio n) setting. 5. Select a color ma na gem ent system (the avail abi lity depends on your operating sy stem).
Printing 49 Choosing the Right Settings for EPSON Papers You need to ch oose the right Med ia Type s etting so y our EPSON Stylus S can can adjus t th e i nk covera ge accord ingly. This ensures that yo u’ll get the best pr ints on any kind of paper.
50 Printing First, m ake sur e your printer is set up, connected to your comp uter, turned on , and the software is insta ll ed. Then foll ow the instru c ti o ns u nd er “ Scanning in Your Photos” below, o r “Openin g Images on Your C omputer” on page 52.
Printing 51 4. Insert you r photo into the sca nner as shown. Make sure the edge g uides t ouch the sides of your p hoto, then feed it i n until you feel a tug. See page 20 for more i nform a tion abou t i ns erting pho tos in the scanner (including fragil e or val uable photos).
52 Printing 6. If you wa nt to scan more photos, c lick Yes a nd repeat s teps 4 and 5 a bove. If yo u ’re finished scanning, click No . You see your photo( s ) i n a window like this : 7. If you’r e not happ y with a n image, you can c lick the B ack ar row a nd sc an it ag ai n.
Printing 53 Printing Your Photos You can choose to print one copy of all the scanned or opened images, o r you c an set the nu mber o f prints for each image. ■ If you cl ick Select All , yo u see th e layout w i ndow. Continue with step 1 on page 54.
54 Printing When you’ve set the number of pri nts you want for each imag e, cl ick Finish . You see the Layout window : 1. Click the button for the paper you’re pr i nti ng on.
Printing 55 You s ee several layout ch oices, dep ending on which paper you’re using. If you click Letter , f or example, you s ee th e followi ng: 2. Click the layout that you want to use for printing. On a letter-size s heet, for exam ple, you can hav e 1, 2, 3 , 6 , or 8 prints per page, dependi ng o n th e si ze print you want.
56 Printing 3. Click P lai n pap er , then cl ic k the sma l l arr ows at the r i ght to sc roll throu gh the M edia Typ e list. C h oos e the ri g ht Media Type for th e pa per you’re printing on, For example: ■ Cho ose Ph ot o Pap er if yo u’ re p ri nt ing on E PSON Photo P aper.
Printing 57 Choo se from th e following settings: ■ Sta ndard tr immi ng , wh ic h aut o ma tical ly cr o p s and enlarges yo ur photo slightly to fit the layout, or Do not apply trimming . ■ If y ou choo se Sta ndard trimm i n g, y ou ca n sele ct Prin t with cu tting gui de , and then sele ct P rint wi th w h i te borde r .
58 Printing.
Scanning with Win do ws 59 3 Sc anni ng wit h Wi ndo ws Sc anni ng wit h Wi ndo ws Sc anni ng wit h Wi ndo ws Sc anni ng wit h Wi ndo ws Scanning with EP SON Stylus Scan 2000 lets you turn pictu res and tex t into di gital fi l es o n your c omputer.
60 Scanning with Wi ndows The first time you scan w i th yo ur EPSON Stylus Scan 2000, yo u’ll al so ne ed to sele ct it as y ou r TWAI N so urce . Starting Your Scan Before you sc an, make sure your scanning software is installed and you r EPSON Stylus Scan i s set up , connected to your comp uter, and turned on.
Scanning with Win do ws 61 5. From th e File menu, ch oose Im por t , then TW AI N 32. The EPS ON T WAIN wind o w opens : 6. If you’re sca nning a ph o tograph, click the Ph oto tab. If you’re scanni n g text or a line d ra w ing, cl ick the O CR/Li n e Art tab.
62 Scanning with Wi ndows 8. Choose th e Resoluti on setting: ■ Cho ose 30 0 dpi for most photo s that you plan to print at their orig i n al size or smaller (or 72 d p i if yo u on ly want to view .
Scanning with Win do ws 63 5. If you wa nt to cr op the i mag e, o r scan on l y one s ection, click a n d drag on the pre view im age to s elect the p art you want. Y ou see a n outline around you r selection, as shown on the left. You can click and dra g the outl ine to move it around or c h a nge it s size.
64 Scanning with Wi ndows 3. Select one of th ese Options: ■ AAS (Auto A rea Segmenta tion) if you’re scan ni ng a page t hat has b oth pi ctures and text. ■ TET (Te xt Enhancement Technol ogy) for b etter tex t recognitio n. ■ Thr esh old to a dj ust th e brightness.
Scanning with Win do ws 65 4. Sel ect ICM /s RG B if you wa nt to matc h the colors o n your scre en as closel y as possible (recommend ed for Windows 98 only).
66 Scanning with Wi ndows 3. Click Star t . The Scan to OC R w i nd ow opens: 4. Click the Paper Si ze but ton that co rrespond s to th e page(s ) you’re scanning.
Scanning with Win do ws 67 9. Press th e red S top/C lear b utton on the EPSO N Styl us Scan control pan el and rem ove your orig i na l docum ent. If you’re scanning more tha n one page, a bo x will a ppear on your scre en after the first page c omes ou t.
68 Scanning with Wi ndows 3. Choo se one of th e fo llowin g D ocument Layout opti ons: ■ Auto Detect : reta ins the origi nal page format, which is especia lly useful for doc uments with colum ns, tables, and lists ■ Fo rce Singl e Colu mn : Aligns a ll text into one c ol um n 4.
Scanning with Win do ws 69 7. Click on the t ext in the large window and cor rect or edit it as neces sary. The s ma l l windo w at th e bottom shows a n enlarged v iew of the origina l scanned image at th e curr ent curs or position . 8. When yo u’re done editing the te xt, click the Finish butto n.
70 Scanning with Wi ndows 2. Type a name and choo s e one of the follow i n g file types: ■ Tex t Do cumen t : For files that yo u can open and edit with any text editor (unforma tted).
Scanning with Win do ws 71 Opening a Word Processing Pro gram 1. Click Open in the Export wi ndow. Yo u see a windo w l i ke this: The software automa tically detects the progra ms that can open the scanned file(s). 2. Select the prog ram you want to u s e, th en click th e Op en button .
72 Scanning with Wi ndows ■ Select a prog ram on t he lis t. The default f i le fo rmat appear s i n the Form at box. You can select any of the other f ormat s. ■ If you want to add a prog ra m to the list, you need to use Scan to Applica tion. See page 79 for instruc ti o ns.
Scanning with Win do ws 73 3. Click Star t . The Scan to E-mail w i n dow opens: 4. Select the type of scan you wa nt to do fro m the S can Mater ial icons. Each icon cont rols b asic sc an set tings . Y ou ca n cha nge some of thes e settings by clicking the buttons on the screen .
74 Scanning with Wi ndows 7. If you’re scanning more than one image, clic k Scan Mult iple Images. 8. Click the Preview b utton. Yo ur document goe s into the sca nner, and then comes out as it is scanned. You see it in th e preview wind ow on you r screen: 9.
Scanning with Win do ws 75 If you’re s canning more than one image, a box will a ppear on your screen after the first image is scanned. Click Cont inue t o s can mor e pa ge s or No to g o on to the next step. When scanni ng is completed, you see a w i nd ow l ike this: 3.
76 Scanning with Wi ndows 6. Under File T ype, choos e a fi le forma t for yo ur scanned imag e s . ■ The JPEG standard form at i s a good c ho i c e f or mo st imag e s . ■ If you wa nt to e-m a il a document that’s mainly tex t, choos e Text, Rich Text Format, or HTML .
Scanning with Win do ws 77 Your e -mail progra m opens . You ca n write a message a nd then s end it with your ima ge(s) or text file(s) a ttached. 9. Click Exi t if you’re finished e-mailing, or on e of th e other button s to contin ue.
78 Scanning with Wi ndows When scanni ng is completed, you see a w i nd ow l ike this: 5. Click th e project you want to create, f or example , Letterhead . Then cl ick the F inish Se lection button. You see a wind ow confirming your choic e. 6. Click the Launc h PhotoD elu xe button to begi n the project .
Scanning with Win do ws 79 Mak e s ure y ou have yo ur PhotoD eluxe CD- ROM hand y so yo u can in s er t it w h en requested. 8. When you’re finishe d working and you exit Photo Deluxe, click Ex it to c lose Scan fo r Crea tivity, or c lick one o f the other b uttons to continue.
80 Scanning with Wi ndows When scanni ng is completed, you see a w i nd ow l ike this: 5. For a cl oser look, doub l e-cl i c k any imag e to display it in the Image Viewer window. See p age 75 for mo re informa ti on. 6. Click Fini sh Ver ifica tion .
Scanning with Win do ws 81 The image( s ) a re automa ti c ally conv erted to th e default form at for that appl i c ation. I f you w ant to cha nge the defaul t, you can u se the A pplication Proper ti e s window.
82 Scanning with Wi ndows 3. Select the .exe file that launches the applica tion, th en click Open . You return to the Re gister Appl i cation window , with the program ico ns displayed: 4. Select the icon you want to display in the Scan To Applicati on windo w.
Scanning with Win do ws 83 Removing Applications or Chan ging Properties You ca n remov e programs that you d on’t want to a ppear i n th e Scan to Applic ation window, or change the defa ult form at for each prog ram’s files. 1. In the Launch wi ndow, click the Pr opert y button.
84 Scanning with Wi ndows.
Scanning on a Macint o sh 85 4 Scan ning on a Macint osh Scan ning on a Macint osh Scan ning on a Macint osh Scan ning on a Macint osh When you sca n, you turn pictu res and text into digital fi l e s on you r co mput er. The n yo u c an fax, p rint , or e- mail the files , or continue working with them in another application, such as PhotoD eluxe.
86 Scanning on a Macinto sh See p a g e 2 0 for more informatio n about inserting documents into th e scanner ( i ncluding fr agile or th in docum ents). 2. Do uble -click Pres to ! Pa ge Mana ger in th e Pr es to! Pag eMana ger for EP SON fol der on your hard dr ive.
Scanning on a Macint o sh 87 The EPSON TW AIN window opens: 6. If you’re sca nning a ph o tograph, click the Ph oto tab. If you’re scanning text or a line dra wing, click the OCR/ Line Ar t tab. 7. Choos e one of the Qual ity settings: ■ Draft & f a s t for a q uick sc an ■ Bes t & de - s cree ning for a better quality sca n 8.
88 Scanning on a Macinto sh 9. Choose your Doc ume nt S iz e . Continue with the step s in the next section if you ’ r e scanning a photo, or the s teps on pa ge 89 if you’re s ca n ning text. Scanning a Ph oto Follow th ese steps if you ’re scanning a photogr a ph o r a photo on a p rinted page: 1.
Scanning on a Macint o sh 89 7. Click the Sc an bu tton. Yo ur photo o r page g oes into the scanner a g a i n and comes out slowly a s it i s scanne d. Your f i l e is sa v ed in t he PageM anager Inbox. Close th e EPSON TWAI N windo w so you can continue working with you r fil e in P age Manag er.
90 Scanning on a Macinto sh 3. Select one of th ese Options: ■ AAS (Auto A rea Segmenta tion) if you’re scan ni ng a page t hat has b oth pi ctures and text ■ TET (Te xt Enhancement Technol ogy) for b etter tex t rec ognition ■ Thr esh old to a dj ust th e brightness.
Scanning on a Macint o sh 91 4. Sel ect Co lo rS ync if you want to u se the ColorSync system for match ing the colors on your screen as close l y as possible.
92 Scanning on a Macinto sh 2. Perform any of th ese tasks: ■ To e-ma il an im age, d rag its th umbna i l to th e E- Mai l button on the Ap plication Bar . PageManag er s tarts your e-mail applic ation. (You mu st hav e a modem, a n Internet c onnection, a nd a s u pported e-mail prog ram inst a l led.
Scanning on a Macint o sh 93 ■ To open an i m ag e on the PageManager deskto p, double-c lick its thumbnail. Once it’ s open, you c a n make a number of chang es: rotate o r flip it, add a text stamp, or OCR a text document. ( See you r Presto! PageM a nager electroni c manual for details.
94 Scanning on a Macinto sh 2. Click the Appl ications tab . 3. Click the Add bu tton. The A dd Application windo w app ear s. 4. Type the nam e and location of t he application you wan t to ad d, or click t he Bro w se button to s e arch for the app lica tion .
Scanning on a Macint o sh 95 You ca n even co nvert you r scanned im age into editable te x t without u sing P ageM anager’s OC R button—just c lick the Simple Text button o r anoth er word processing a pplication on the S ca n Buttons Pa l ette to begi n scanning and proce s s ing your text docum ent.
96 Scanning on a Macinto sh 3. Select an appli ca ti on in th e Scan to Ap p b o x, and then type a name in the Na me box. M ake your other setti ngs and clic k OK . These a re the default setti ng s tha t will be used whe n you click the button to scan .
Fax i n g 97 5 Faxing Faxing Faxing Faxing If you h ave a modem, you can send and receive f axes with your EPSON Stylus Scan 2000. Y o u can fax anything that y o u can scan in or cre ate on y our computer.
98 Fax i n g Sending a Fax 1. Adju s t th e ed ge guides to fit the width of your page or photo. F eed i t i nto t he s c anner until you feel a tug. See p a g e 2 0 for more informatio n about inserting documents into th e scanner ( i ncluding fr agile or th in docum ents).
Fax i n g 99 3. Click the Quality bu tton to sele ct one o f these setting s: ■ Normal fo r ev ery day f ax q ual ity ■ Fine for high er resoluti on q uality ■ Phot o for fa xi ng s mooth-loo ki n g photogra phs 4. Click the Pages button to indica te whether you a re fa xing a sing le pag e or mu ltiple page s.
100 Fax i n g Receiving Faxes When you install yo ur E P SON Stylus Scan software, your f ax syst e m is set to receive f a xes a u to matica lly. You can c ontinue work i n g on you r com puter w hile your fa xes are r eceived in the bac kground.
Fax i n g 101 ■ Clic k the OCR bu tton to op en the Scan to OCR window a nd turn the fa x i nto a tex t file. See pag e 65 for more in formation . ■ Click the Delete button to delete the fax file. 3. Click Cl ose to close the Receiv e L og window.
102 Fax i n g 6. Enter f ax numbers for up to 10 speed-dial buttons. T hese numbers will the n be di a led a utomatically when you click the co rresponding s peed d i a l button on the Sca n to F ax window.
Fax i n g 103 2. Do uble -click Pre sto! Pag eMan age r in th e Pr est o! Pag eMana ger for EP SON fol der on your hard dr ive. Y ou see the P ageManage r for EPSON desktop: . 3. If you h aven’ t sel ected Sty lus S can S F as your TW AIN source ye t, follow the instr uction on page 86 t o select it.
104 Fax i n g Using eFax Becau se it lets you recei ve faxes th rough you r e-ma il, eFax d oes away wit h the need for a dedicated ph one l ine for your fa xes. You do n’t have t o worry about mis s i ng fax es when yo ur comp uter is off or w hen you’re c onnected to th e Internet.
Fax i n g 105 6 . I f y o u w an t t o si g n u p f o r e F a x Pl us o r e F a x To l l -F r e e , cl i c k their h ot links and follow th e instruc tions on the screen. 7. Close the sign-up docu ment w h en you’re finished . Share yo ur fax number w ith others a nd print it on your business cards.
106 Fax i n g.
Mai ntai ning Yo ur E PSO N Stylu s Sc an 107 6 Main tain ing Your Main tain ing Your Main tain ing Your Main tain ing Your EPSON Stylus Scan EPSON Stylus Scan EPSON Stylus Scan EPSON Stylus Scan This chapter desc ribes the most com mon maintenance procedu res you’ll need to perform to keep you r EPSON Stylus Scan w or king a t its best.
108 Maintaining Your EP SON Sty l u s Scan Using the Head Cleaning Utili ty 1. Make sure the EP SON Stylus Scan is tur ned on b ut not printing, a nd the B black and A color ink out lights a re off. 2. Do one of th e follo wing: W ■ Clic k St ar t , p oint to Sett ings , then sel ect Prin ters .
Mai ntai ning Yo ur E PSO N Stylu s Sc an 109 Using the Control Panel 1. Make sure the printer is turn ed o n a nd n ot printing, and that the B black and A colo r ink out lights are off. 2. Press th e R cleaning button and h ol d it down for three second s.
110 Maintaining Your EP SON Sty l u s Scan 5. Exami ne the nozzle check pattern. It should lo ok someth i ng like this ( the u pper pattern should b e black; the lower sec tion is divided into blue, re d, and yell ow sections) : Eac h stag gere d hor iz on tal and st r a ight verti cal line s hould be complet e, with no gaps in the dot pattern.
Mai ntai ning Yo ur E PSO N Stylu s Sc an 111 Rep laci ng Ink C artri dge s When the B bl ac k or A color ink out light flashes , that cartridge is low o n ink. Th i s is a good time to ma ke sure you have a new ca rtridge. When the light s ta ys on , the car tridge is empty and you need to repl ace it.
112 Maintaining Your EP SON Sty l u s Scan Replacing the Color Ink Cartr idge You ca n replace a cartri dg e wh en the A color ink out light is flashing, o r when i t stays o n. Follow these steps: 1. Remo v e the new ink c a rtrid g e from its package.
Mai ntai ning Yo ur E PSO N Stylu s Sc an 113 4. Press th e R cleaning button and h ol d it for about three second s unti l the print head moves le ft a nd the P power light beg ins f las h i ng . 5. Pull up the ink cartr i d ge clamp. The cartri dge rises up fr om its ho l der.
114 Maintaining Your EP SON Sty l u s Scan 8. Press d own the i n k cartridg e clamp until it l ocks in pl ace. Then pr ess the R cleaning button a nd releas e it q uickly. The pr i nte r moves the print h ead and begins cha rging the ink de liv ery s ystem.
Mai ntai ning Yo ur E PSO N Stylu s Sc an 115 4. Lower the new ink cartridge i nto i ts ho lder with the lab el facing up and toward the back o f the p rinter. D on’t press dow n on the cartri dge. 5. Press d own the i n k cartridg e clamp until it l ocks in pl ace.
116 Maintaining Your EP SON Sty l u s Scan 3. Press th e E load/eject button and h ol d it down for about three sec onds unti l the print hea d moves to the color cartridg e rep lacement posi ti o n. The P pow er light begins flas hing. 4. If you need to replace the c olor ink c artridge, g o on to step 5 below.
Mai ntai ning Yo ur E PSO N Stylu s Sc an 117 Aligni ng the Pr i n t Head If your printou ts contain vertic a l ba nds or croo ked vertic al lines, you may need to use the Print Head Alignm ent u tility. Your E PSO N Stylus Sca n must b e conn ected d irectly to a loc al port, no t over a network, to u se this utility.
118 Maintaining Your EP SON Sty l u s Scan 5. Open the top co ver and clean the s canner gl ass with a soft, dry clo th, or with a b lower br ush. 6. If ink l eaks inside the printer , wipe it a way with a dam p clo th. Transp orti ng the EPS ON Styl us Scan For sh ort m oves, you can j ust pick up the E PSON S tylus Sca n and set it down.
So lvi ng Prob lems 119 7 Solvin g Problems Solvin g Problems Solvin g Problems Solvin g Problems This ch apter gives yo u the b asics for d i agno s i ng and s olving problem s with you r EPSON Stylus Scan. ■ First see “Diagnosi ng Printer Problems ” to help deter mi ne what the caus e of the problem may b e.
120 Solv ing Pro blem s Fol low these gui d el ines when the contro l p anel li ghts come on or f lash: P is on The EPSO N Stylus Scan is on and ready. It f lashes when the printer is receiving a file, warming up, printing, s canning, copying, or in c artridge change mode.
So lvi ng Prob lems 121 Running a Printer Check You ca n run a printer che ck to de termine wheth er the problem comes from the EPSO N Stylus Sca n or your co mputer . 1. Make sure both th e E PSON Sty lus Sca n and your comp uter are turned off. 2. Disco nnect the interface cabl e fr om the EPS ON Styl us Scan.
122 Solv ing Pro blem s Probl ems and S ol utions Here are som e basic tro ubleshootin g tips i f you have any probl ems setting up you r EPSO N Stylus Sca n, i ns talling software , or getting good quality printouts or scanned images.
So lvi ng Prob lems 123 You ’re having problems ins talling the software. ■ Make sure your E PSON Styl us Scan is turned on and the cable i s securel y connected to th e printer a nd com puter. ■ Make s ure you’ve clo sed all other appl ic at ions, inc luding any screen savers.
124 Solv ing Pro blem s Conn ect the EPSO N Stylus Sca n di rectly to y our computer’ s built-in parallel por t. Do not use a sw i tc h box . Y ou can a lso conne ct th e EPSON S tylus Scan to yo ur USB port (Windows 98 only).
So lvi ng Prob lems 125 ■ Run a printer check as described on page 121. If you r an a printer ch eck s u ccessfu lly, m ake sure your printer a nd applicati o n softw a re are installe d correct ly.
126 Solv ing Pro blem s Solving Print Quality Problems You see h o rizontal banding. ■ Make su re the print head nozzles a re not clogg ed. To run a cleaning cycle, se e pa g e 107. ■ Make sure the Medi a Type setting matches th e pa per you loaded .
So lvi ng Prob lems 127 You see vertic al band ing or mi salignm ent. ■ Make su re the print head nozzles a re not clogg ed. To run a cleaning cycle, se e pa g e 107. ■ Run the Print Head Alignment uti l i ty. S ee page 117 for inst ructions. ■ Make sure the printa ble s ide of the paper is face up.
128 Solv ing Pro blem s Your printout is b lu rry or sm ear ed. ■ Make s ure your pa per isn’t damp, c urled, or loaded fa ce dow n ( the printable side should be load ed fa ce up) . ■ Try using Au tomatic mod e. See pa ge 41 for instr uctions. ■ Use a support sheet with special p a per or film, o r try lo ading it o ne she et at a t ime.
So lvi ng Prob lems 129 ■ If ink has leaked inside, wipe it with a soft, clean cloth: Your pr intout is faint or has gaps i n the imag e. ■ Make su re the print head nozzles a re not clogg ed. To run a cleaning cycle, se e pa g e 107. ■ Check the ink out lights.
130 Solv ing Pro blem s You r printout has i ncorrect or missing co lor s. ■ Make sure the Ink setting i s set to Col or for color ima ges. ■ Make su re the print head nozzles a re not clogg ed. To run a cleaning cycle, se e pa g e 107. ■ If you are printing a high-re s o lution i mage, try tu rning off PhotoE nhance.
So lvi ng Prob lems 131 Your pr intou t is gra iny. ■ Try using a higher quality paper. ■ Make sure you set the Qua l ity/Sp eed s lider to the Qua lit y setting in your pri nter softw are; see page 41 or 44 for inst ructions. ■ Run the Print Head Alignment uti l i ty.
132 Solv ing Pro blem s Solving Miscellaneous Printout Problems The mar gi n s are in correct. ■ Make sure the paper set ti ngs a re c orrect for your pape r size. ■ Check your software documentat ion for instructions on selecting the c orrect m argins f or your paper size.
So lvi ng Prob lems 133 Someth ing i s m issin g or in c o rrect i n the scan ned image. ■ If the scanned image is bl ank, make sure you feed you r page or pho to face do wn. ■ If text is missing o r inc orrect, try adju sting the scan threshol d in the TW AIN window.
134 Solv ing Pro blem s Your scanning software doesn’t work corr ectly. ■ Your c omputer m ay not h ave enou gh memor y to proc ess a large or high -resolution ima ge. Try cl osing other pro g ram s or scanning at a l ow er resolution . You m ay need to i nc rease your syst em’s memory (RAM).
So lvi ng Prob lems 135 ■ If you ’ r e using th e Smart Panel to s can any typ e of pr i n ted pictu re (oth er than a film -processed ph otograph), make sure you choose Mag azine , News pap er , or B r ochure as yo ur Sca n Mat eri al . Vertical lines ar e missing from the scanned im age.
136 Solv ing Pro blem s To reinsta ll your software, follow the inst ructions on your Sta rt Here sheet. Uninstalling in Windows (Paral lel Connection) 1. Click Star t , Program s, EP S O N Smart Pan el, Unins tall EP SO N Sm art P ane l . Then f oll o w the ins tructions on th e screen.
So lvi ng Prob lems 137 Where To Get Help If you need help with you r EPSON Stylus Scan o r its driver s , see the conta ct info rmatio n belo w. F o r help with the EPSO N Sm art P a nel , P a geM ana ger, Wi nF ax, eF ax, or Adobe PhotoD eluxe, s ee page 138 for contact informa tion.
138 Solv ing Pro blem s Tol l or lo ng di stance char ges ma y appl y. Before you ca ll, please have the following informa tion ready : ■ Product name (EPSON Styl us Scan 2000) ■ Product serial nu.
Notic es 139 8 Not ices Not ices Not ices Not ices This ch apter includes sy stem and environmenta l requiremen ts, safe t y i nstructio ns, and other impor tant information about you r EPSON St ylus Sca n 2000.
140 Not ices Macintosh S yst em Requireme nts ■ iMac ™ series or Pow er M acintosh ® G3 with bu i l t-in USB port ■ Ma c ® OS 8.1 or l ater (8.
Notic es 141 E NERGY S TAR Co mplianc e As an ENE RGY S TAR Partner , EPS ON has determ i ned that this p roduct m eets the EN ERGY S TAR g uidelines for energy effic i enc y.
142 Not ices ■ If you use an extension cord with th e EPSO N Sty l us S can, make sure the total ampere rating of the devi ces plugged into th e extension cord does not excee d the cord’s amper e rating.
Notic es 143 ■ Do no t use a n ink ca rtridge beyond the date printed o n the cartri dge packa ge. For b est res ul ts, use up the ink cartridg es within six mo nths of i ns tall ing them. ■ D o no t sh ake an in k car tr idg e; th is can caus e le aka ge.
144 Not ices DECL ARA TION o f CO NFORMI TY Accor d i ng t o 47CFR, Part 2 and 15 fo r Class B Perso nal Comp ute rs and Perip hera ls; and /or CPU Bo ards an d Power Supplies u sed with Class B P ersonal Comp uters: We: EPSON AME RICA, INC.
Notic es 145 FC C Comp lia nce St ateme nt For Un ited States Users This e q uipm e nt has been t ested and f o und to comply w ith t he limit s for a Cl ass B digital device, purs uant to Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. These lim its are des igned to prov ide reas onable prot ect i on against harmful in terference in a residential installat ion.
146 Not ices EPS ON AMER ICA , INC. LI MITE D W ARR ANTY What Is C overed: E p son Amer ica, Inc. (“E pson”) war r ant s to the fi rst end user customer t hat the EPSO N produ ct covered by this l.
Ind ex 147 Index Index Index Index A AAS (Auto Area S egmentatio n), 64, 90 Acc esso rie s, 1 38 Adobe Acrob at Reader, 17 Adobe Pho toDelux e, 78, 138 Advanc ed print s ettings , 45 to 48 AOL e-mail,.
148 Ind ex Copying (conti nued) with Ma cint osh, 32 to 35 with Wi ndows, 22 to 31 with out Co mputer , 20 to 21 D Declar ation o f Confo rm it y , 144 De-sc reening, 61, 87, 13 3 Destina tion settin .
Ind ex 149 L Layou t set tings for copying, 27 to 28 for Photo Print , 54 for printi ng, 42, 44 Lev er, t hic knes s, 4 0, 128 Light s, c ontrol panel, 119 to 120 Load/e ject button, 11 9 Locat ion r .
150 Ind ex Pr esto! Pag e Man ager Add sca n button windo w, 95 adding applicatio ns, 93 to 94 Appl icatio n B a r, 86 e-mail ing, 92 faxing, 103 help , 13 8 Inbox, 91 intro du c tion, 14 to 16 OCR, 9.
Ind ex 151 S Safet y ins tructio ns , 141 to 14 3 Scalin g copies, 24 to 26, 32 to 34 Scan for Creativity, 77 to 79 Sca n Ma teria l se ttin g, 73 Scan Mode se tting, 66, 73 Scan to Appli cation, 79 t.
152 Ind ex T Tec hnical support , 137 to 138 TET (Text E nh a ncement Tec hnolo gy), 64, 90 Text scanni ng editing , 69 fil e ty pe, 70, 7 6 Macinto sh, 8 9 t o 90 Wi ndows, 6 3 to 72 Text/Graph setti.
How to Order EPS ON Ink and Paper To order EP SON ink cartridges, paper , and ot her printing media, con t act your dealer or call EPSON Accesso rie s at (8 00) 873-7766 or vi sit ou r web site a t www.eps onsuppl ies.c om (U. S . sa l es o nly). In Ca nada, plea se call (8 00) 873 -7766 fo r de a l er refe rra l .
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Epson C120A c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Epson C120A - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Epson C120A, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Epson C120A va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Epson C120A, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Epson C120A.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Epson C120A. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Epson C120A ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.