Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit 396PVP du fabricant Emerson
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TUpH Combination pH/ORP Sensors 396P and 396PVP 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013.
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Eme rs o n Pr oc e s s M an a ge m e nt de si gn s, ma nu f actu re s and te st s it s pr od ucts to mee t ma n y n a ti on a l a n d int e rn a t io n al sta nd ar d s.
This manu al contains instructions for installa tion and operation o f the 396P and 396PVP Sensors. The follo wing list pro vides s c oncerning all re visions o f this docume nt. Re v . Level Date Notes A 2/2013 Manu al upda ted with S MART s enso r inf orma tion.
C on te n ts Section 1: Description and Specifications 1 .1 F e atures and Applicati ons ......................................................................................1 1.2 Specifi cations-Ge neral .............................................
This page l eft blank intentionally T able of Contents 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP ii T able of Co nte nts.
Sec tion 1: Des crip tion and Spec ifica tions 1.1 Fe atures and Applications TUpH ™ pH/ORP-se nsors are now o ffe red with SMART cap abilitie s. SMAR T opti on become s en abled whe n used wi th the 1056, 1057, 1066, and 56 An alyzers and on 6081P wire less trans- mitte r .
allows the proc ess to flow b y the glass e lectrode for accu rate an d reli able pH measure ment. Both pH gla ss bulb s — the standar d hemi or op tional flat pH gla ss — are ex ce ptional f or incre as ed resist - ance t o high te mperature and o ther e ffects of aging for lon ger lif e.
Descripti on and Spec ifica tions 3 The 396P and 396PVP se nsors are avai lable in two con figura tions : the standard s hrouded tip , in which the pH gl ass is com plete ly recessed within the r ef e.
4 Description an d Spec ificatio ns Integral Cable 396P: C ode 01 - 25 ft; Code 02 - 15 f t coaxi al / 396PVP: none - must u se ma ting VP cable Preamplifier Options : Re mote or Int egral SMAR T preamplifie r W eight/Shipping W eight: 0.45 k g/0.9 k g (1 lb/2 lb) W eight/Shipping W eight: 0.
Descripti on and Spec ifica tions 5 The 396PVP Sens or ha s simila r fe atures to the 396P . Howev er , t he 396PVP is off ered with the V ariopol (VP) connector and use s a ma ting VP cable (pu rcha sed separa te ly). A V ariopol cable is required f or all new install ations.
6 Description an d Spec ificatio ns Connector cable, VP8 (required for all first time installations of VP sens ors) 24281-00 15 ft. (4.6m) VP8 cable 24281-01 25 ft. (7.6m) VP8 cable 24281-03 50ft (15.2m) VP8 Cable 24281-04 100ft (30.5m) VP8 Cable 24281-06 10ft (3.
Installation 7 Sec tion 2: Installa tion 2.1 Un packing and Inspection Inspect the outside of the carton for any d amage . If damage i s detected, c ontact the carrier immedia te ly . Inspect the hardware . Make s ure all the ite ms in the pack ing list are pres en t and in good con dition.
8 Installation 2.2.1 Flow Thro ugh and Ins e r tion Moun ting 396P and 396PVP Sen sors hav e a 1-inch MNPT proces s c onnection at the front o f the se nsor f or mounting in to a 1-1/2 inch tee or the proc ess pipes. See Figure 2-2 thr ough Figure 2-7 f or instal- lati on con figurations.
Installation 9 F igure 2-2. Flow- Through T ee with Adapter (P N 915240-xx*) ++ '&((&%%)"&% !'( $%# $%# $%# Figure 2-3.
10 Installation Figure 2-4. 396P with Insertion Mounting Adapter (PN 23242-02). Not f or u se with 396PVP . Mounting adap ter allows f or sensor rem oval with out t wisting or disc onnec ting inte rconnecting cable f or ease o f main tenanc e . 40396P02 A Figure 2-5.
Installation 11 Figure 2-6. Submersion Installations .
12 Installation Figure 2-7. Spra y W ash A ssembly PN 4091-00 Section 2: Installation 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP.
Wiring 13 Sec tion 3: Wiring 3.1 General Figures in this section pro vide the guide lines f or wiring the 396P-01 sensor to variou s Analyze r/T ransmitter instrume nts. T o det ermine whi ch wirin g gu ide line t o u se, loc at e th e mo de l n umbe r of the s e nso r t o be ins talled .
14 Wiring Figure 3-1. Wiring for 396P -01 (Gray Cable) and 54e pH/ORP Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Figure 3-2. Wiring for 396P -01 (Blue Cable) and 54e pH/ORP Figure 3-3. Wiring for 396P -02 (Gray Cable) and 54e pH/ORP Figure 3-4.
Wiring 15 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Sec tion 3: Wiring LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013 Figure 3-5. Wiring for 396PVP (Gra y Cable) and 54e pH/ORP Figure 3-6.
16 Wiring Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Figure 3-8. Wiring for 396P -02 and 1055 Figure 3-9.
Wiring 17 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Sec tion 3: Wiring LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013 Figure 3-11. Wiring for Dual 396P-02 and 1055 Figure 3-12.
18 Wiring Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Figure 3-13. Wiring for 396P -01 (Gray Cable) and 1056/56 Figure 3-14. Wiring for 396P -01 (Blue Cable) and 1056/56 Figure 3-15. Wiring for 396P -02 (Gray Cable) and 1056/56 Figure 3-16.
Wiring 19 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Sec tion 3: Wiring LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013 Figure 3-17. Wiring for 396PVP (Gra y Cable) and 1056/56 Figure 3-18.
20 Wiring Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Figure 3-20. Wiring for 396P -01 (Gray Cable) and 1057 Figure 3-21. Wiring for 396P -01 (Blue Cable) and 1057 Figure 3-22. Wiring for 396P -02 (Gray Cable) and 1057 Figure 3-23.
Wiring 21 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Section 3: 3Wiring LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013 Figure 3-24. Wiring for 396PVP (Gra y Cable) and 1057 Figure 3-25.
22 Wiring Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Figure 3-27. Wiring for 396P -01 (Blue Cable) and 1066 Figure 3-28.
Wiring 23 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Sec tion 3: Wiring LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013 Figure 3-29. Wiring for 396P -02 (Blue Cable) and 1066 Figure 3-30.
24 Wiring Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Figure 3-31. Wiring for 396PVP (Blue Cable) and 1066 Figure 3-32.
Wiring 25 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Sec tion 3: Wiring LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013 Figure 3-33. Wiring for 396P -01 (Gray Cable) and 5081-P-HT Figure 3-34. Wiring for 396P -01 (Blue Cable) and 5081-P-HT Figure 3-35. Wiring for 396P -02 (Gray Cable) and 5081-P-HT Figure 3-36.
26 Wiring Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Figure 3-37. Wiring for 396PVP (Gra y Cable) and 5081-P-HT Figure 3-38. Wiring for 396PVP (Blue Cable) and 5081-P-HT Figure 3-39. Wiring for 396PVP -70 (Gray Cable) and 5081 Figure 3-40.
Wiring 27 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Sec tion 3: Wiring LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013 Figure 3-41. Wiring for 396P -01 (Gray Cable) and 6081 Figure 3-42.
28 Wiring Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Figure 3-43. Wiring for 396P -02 (Gray Cable) and 6081 Figure 3-44.
Wiring 29 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Sec tion 3: Wiring LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013 Figure 3-45. Wiring for 396PVP (Gra y Cable) and 6081 Figure 3-46.
30 Wiring Figure 3-47. Wiring for 396P -01 (Gray Cable) and Xmt Figure 3-48. Wiring for 396P -01 (Blue Cable) and Xmt Figure 3-49. Wiring for 396P -02 (Gray Cable) and Xmt Figure 3-50.
Wiring 31 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Sec tion 3: Wiring LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Augu st 2013 Figure 3-51. Wiring for 396PVP (Gra y Cable) and Xmt Figure 3-52. Wiring for 396PVP (Blue Cable) and Xmt Fi g ur e 3-5 3. Wi rin g Det ai ls f or 39 6P VP or 39 6P- 02- 55 wi th Ma tin g V ari op ol Cabl e f or us e w ith 8 1 Fi g ur e 3-5 4.
32 Wiring Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Fi g ur e 3-5 5. Wi rin g Det ai ls f or 39 6P VP or 39 6P- 02- 54 wi th Ma tin g V ari op ol Cabl e f or us e w ith 2 081 Fi g ur e 3 -57 .
Wiring 33 Fi g ur e 3 -58 . W iri ng Deta ils f or 39 6P VP o r 39 6P -0 2- 54 wi th M at ing V ar i op ol Cabl e fo r us e wi th 10 54A /B & 2 0 54 Fi g ur e 3 -59 .
34 Wiring Section 3: Wiring 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruc tion Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP This page l eft blank intentionally.
Sec tion 4: S t ar t -Up and Calibrati on 4.1 396P and 396PVP pH Sensors 4.1.1 Se nsor pre paration Shak e down the sensor to re mov e any air bubbles th at may be pre se nt at the tip of the pH gl as s bulb . In most ca ses, the pH sensor c an simply be installed as shipped and re ading s with an acc u- racy of ± 0.
2. Mea sure and rec ord the pH of the proc ess sol ution sample with ano ther tempe rature compe n - sated, calibrat ed pH instrumen t. For be st results, stand ardi zation sho uld be performed at the proce ss te mperature . 3. Adjust the an alyzer/transmitt er v alue to the stand ardi zed v alue .
Mainte nance 37 Sec tion 5: Ma in te n ance 5.1 General Inf ormation The 396P and 396PVP Se nsors require minimum m aint en ance . The sensor shoul d be k ep t cle an and free of de bris and sediment a t all times.
38 Mainte nance NOTE: Erroneo us pH re sults ma y result immedi at ely a fter acid s oak, due to r ef ere nce junction pote ntial build-up . R epl ace the sens or if cle aning does not re store se nsor operation.
Mainte nance 39 a mmonium sulfa te) will pro duce a nomin al ORP of 476 +20 mV at 25°C whe n us ed with a satu- rated KC l/AgCl re fere nce e lec trode and platinum mea sur ing electrode .
40 Mainte nance This page l eft blank intentionally Section 5: Maintenance 396P + 396P VP Sensors Instruction Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP.
Diagnosti cs and T roubleshooting 41 Sec tion 6: Di agnostics an d T roubl esho o ting 6.1 54e/56/1056/1057/1066/3081/4081/5081/XMT Diagnosti cs and T roubl eshooting Man y R ose mount Analytical Instruments and T ransmitte rs autom atically se arch for fa ult con di- tions tha t would ca use an error in the me asured pH value .
42 Diagnostics and T roubleshootin g 6.2 T roubleshooting without Adv anced Di agnostics T able 7-2, belo w , lists common proble ms, causes an d remedi es typically encoun tered in proc ess m ea suremen t. Problem Probable Cause Remedy Mete r re ads off s cale .
Diagnosti cs and T roubleshooting 43 T AB LE 6-3. Model 396P and 396PVP pH/ORP R eplacement P arts and Accessories PN DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 11275-01 Sensor H andrail Mountin g Assembly 2002011 Flow Cell, CPV C, 1 inch FNPT 23242-02 Mounting Ad apt er , Insertion, 1-inch MNPT (304 S.
44 Diagnostics and T roubleshootin g Section 6: Diagnostics & T roubleshooting 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP.
Diagnosti cs and T roubleshooting 45 W ARRANT Y Se ller warra nt s tha t t he firm ware wi ll exe cu te the progr amm in g instr uctio ns pr ov ided by Se lle r , and tha t t he Good s man ufactu red .
46 This page l eft blank intentionally Section 6: Diagnostics & T roubleshooting 396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Augu st 2013 LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP.
Return o f Mate rial 47 Sec tion 7: R etu rn of M a te ri al 7.1 General T o expedite the repair an d return o f instrumen ts, prope r comm unication be t ween the cu stome r and the factor y is impor tant. Bef ore returning a product for re pair , call 1-949-757- 8500 for a R eturn Mat eri als Authoriz ation (RMA) num ber .
LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP Re v . B August 2013 Credit Cards f or U.S. Purcha ses Only. 8 Emerson Process Management 2400 Barranca Parkway Ir vine, CA 92606 USA T el: (949) 757-8500 F ax: (949) 474-7250 rosem © Ro semoun t Analytical Inc.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Emerson 396PVP c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Emerson 396PVP - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Emerson 396PVP, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Emerson 396PVP va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Emerson 396PVP, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Emerson 396PVP.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Emerson 396PVP. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Emerson 396PVP ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.