Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit FC4700 du fabricant EMC
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EMC Enterpr ise Storage EMC Corporation 171 South Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103 Cor por ate Headquar ters : (508) 435-1000, (800) 424-EMC2 Fax : (508) 435-5374 Ser vice : (800) SV C-4EMC EMC Fibre .
EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide ii Copyright © 2000, 2001 EMC Corporation. A ll rights reserv ed. Printe d Octobe r 2001 EMC bel ieves the information in this pu blication is accu rate as of its public ation dat e.
EMC Fibre Channel Storage System M odel FC4700 Configuration Planning Guide iii Preface ........................ ........... ........... ................. ........... ................. ............ ................ ....... i x Cha pter 1 About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage Syst ems and Stora ge Netw orks Introducing Fibre Channel Storage Systems .
EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide iv Contents RAID 1/0 Gr oup (Mirrored RAID 0 Group) ................. ........ 2-8 Individual Disk Unit .................. ........... ................. ........... .......
v EMC Fibre Channel Storage System M odel FC4700 Configuration Planning Guide Conte nts Cha pter 6 Storag e-System H ardw a re Hardwa re fo r FC4700 Storage Sys tems ......... ................. ........... .... 6-3 Storage H ardwar e — Rackmount DPE-Based Storage Systems .
EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide vi Contents.
EMC Fibre Channel Storage System M odel FC4700 Configuration Planning Guide vii 1-1 Cutaway View of FC4700 S torage System ............ ................. ........... ........ 1-2 1-2 Nodes - Initiator and Target ............ ........... ..............
viii EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Figures 6-7 Sample Shared Sto rage Installation ................... ............ ................. .......... 6-16 7-1 Sample Shared Sw itched Environment with Manager .
EMC Fibre Channel Storage System M odel FC4700 Configuration Planning Guide ix Preface This planning guide pr ovides an overview of Fibr e Channel disk-array storage-system models and offers us eful background informatio n and worksheets to help yo u plan.
x EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Preface Organizatio n of the Manual Conv entions Used in This Manual A no te pr esent s inf ormat ion th at is im portan t, b ut not haza rd- re lated. Where to Get Help Obtain technica l support by calling your local sales o f fice.
About Fibre Chann el FC4700 Storage Systems and Storage Networks 1-1 1 Invisible Body T ag This chapter introduces Fibre Channel FC4700 disk-array storage systems an d storage ar ea networks (S ANs). Major sections ar e • Introducing Fibr e Chan n el Storage Systems .
1 1-2 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage S ystems and Storage Networks Intr oducing Fibre Channe l Storage Systems EMC Fi.
1 Fibre Cha nnel Background 1-3 About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage Systems and Storage Netw or ks Fibre Channel Ba ckgr ound Fibre Channel is a high-performance serial protocol that allows transmission of both network and I/O cha nnel data. It is a low level protocol, in dependent of data types, and supports such formats as SCSI and IP .
1 1-4 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage S ystems and Storage Networks Fibre Channel Stor age Components A Fibr e Channel.
1 Fibre Channel Storage Components 1-5 About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage Systems and Storage Netw or ks W ith extenders, optical cable can span up to 40 kilometers (25 miles) or more. This ability to span great distances is a m ajor advantage of optical cable.
1 1-6 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage S ystems and Storage Networks Switch Zoning Switch zo ning lets an admini strator defi ne paths betwe en connected nodes based on the no de ’ s unique W orld W ide Name.
1 Fibre Channel Storage Components 1-7 About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage Systems and Storage Netw or ks inches) for the 8 port. They ar e available to fit into a rackmount cabinet o r as small d eskside enclosures.
1 1-8 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage S ystems and Storage Networks Types o f Storage-System Installations Y ou can us e a storage system in any of several types of in stallation: • Unshared di rect with one server is the simplest and least costly .
1 About Switched Shared Storage and SANs (Storage Area Networks) 1-9 About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage Systems and Storage Netw or ks About Switched Shar ed Storage and SANs (Storage Area Netw o rks) This section explains the features that let multiple servers share disk-array storage systems on a SAN ( storage ar ea networ k).
1 1-10 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage S ystems and Storage Networks host-bus adapters, specified by w orldwide name), and SPs between which the swi tch fabric will allow commun ication.
1 About Switched Shared Storage and SANs (Storage Area Networks) 1-11 About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage Systems and Storage Netw or ks Figure 1-9 Sample Shared Storage Conf ig uration Access Control with Shar ed Storage Access control permits or restricts a server ’ s access to shared storage.
1 1-12 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage S ystems and Storage Networks Each server sees its Storage Gr o up a s if it were an entire st orage system, and never s ees the other LUNs on the storage system.
1 About Switched Shared Storage and SANs (Storage Area Networks) 1-13 About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage Systems and Storage Netw or ks Storag e-System Hardware A Fibr e Channel storage system is based on a disk-array pr ocessor enclosure (DPE).
1 1-14 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About Fibre Channel FC4700 Storage S ystems and Storage Networks.
RAID Types and T r adeof fs 2-1 2 Invisible Body T ag This chapter explains RAID types you can choose for your storage- system LUNs. If you alr eady know about RAID types and know which ones y ou want, you can skip this background informa tion and go to the planning chapter (Chapter 5).
2 2-2 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s Intro ducing RAID The storage system uses RAID (r edundant array of independent disks) techno logy . RAID technolo gy groups separate disks into o n e logical unit (LU N) to improve r e liability and/or performan ce.
2 Introducing RAID 2-3 RAID Types an d T radeoffs remote mirr oring, primarily useful for disa ster r e covery , is explained in Chapter 3 . RAID Groups and LUN s Some RAID typ e s let you create multiple LUNs on one RAID Group. Y ou can then allot each LUN to a dif ferent user , server , or application.
2 2-4 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s RAID T ype s Y ou can choose from the following RAID types: RAID 5, RAID 3, RAID 1, RAID 0, RAID 1/0, individual disk unit, and hot spare.
2 RAID T ypes 2-5 RAID Types an d T radeoffs Figure 2-2 RAID 5 Group RAID 5 Groups o ffer excellent r ead perfo rmance and good write performance. W rite perform a nce benefits greatly fr om storage-system caching. RAID 3 Group (P arallel Access Array) A R AID 3 Group c onsis ts of five or mo re disk s.
2 2-6 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s proceed from the fir st disk to the second, third, and fourth, then the first, a nd so on. Figure 2-3 RAID 3 Group RAID 3 differs from RAID 5 in several imp o rtant ways.
2 RAID T ypes 2-7 RAID Types an d T radeoffs RAID 1 Mirr ored P a i r A RAID 1 Gr oup consists of two disks that ar e mirr ored automa tically by the storage-system hardware. RAID 1 hardware mirroring within the stor a ge system is not the same as softw are mirroring, remote mir r oring, or h ardwar e mirrorin g for other kinds of disks.
2 2-8 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s inherent da ta r edundancy . RAID 0 o ffers enhanced performance through simulta neous I/O to differ ent disks.
2 RAID T ypes 2-9 RAID Types an d T radeoffs Figure 2-5 RAID 1/0 Group A RAID 1/0 Group can s urvive the failure of multiple d isks, providing that one disk in each ima ge pair survives. Indi vid ual D isk Uni t An individual di sk unit is a di sk bound to be indepe ndent of any other disk in the cabinet.
2 2-10 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s as usual, using the hot spare in stead of the failed disk. When you replace th e failed disk, the SP copies the data fro m the former hot spar e onto the replacem ent disk.
2 RAID T ypes 2-11 RAID Types an d T radeoffs Figure 2-6 How a Hot Spar e W ork s EMC1819 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hot spare 1. RAID 5 Group consists of disk modules 0-4; RAID 1 mirrored pair is modules 5 and 6; hot spare is module 9. 2. Disk module 3 f ails.
2 2-12 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s RAID Benef its and T radeoffs This section r eviews RAID types and explains their benefits and tradeoffs.
2 RAID Benefits and T radeof fs 2-13 RAID Types an d T radeoffs Ta b l e 2 - 1 P erformance, A vailability , and Cost of RAID Types (Individual Unit = 1.0) Pe rfo r ma n ce RAID 5, with individual access, provides h igh read thro ughput by a allowing simultaneous reads fr o m each disk in the group.
2 2-14 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s A RAID 1 mirrored pair has its disks locked in synchronization , but the SP can read data from the disk whose read/write heads a r e clo ser to it.
2 RAID Benefits and T radeof fs 2-15 RAID Types an d T radeoffs A R AID 1 mirrored pair or RA ID 1 /0 Grou p provi des ve ry hi gh da ta a v ai l ab i li t y . T h ey a re m or e ex p en s i ve t h an R AI D 5 o r R A ID 3 G ro u p s, since only 50 per cent of the total disk capacity is available for us er data, as sh own on page 2-13.
2 2-16 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s Figure 2-7 Disk Space Usage in the RAID Conf iguration A RAID 0 Group (nonredunda nt individual access array) provides a ll its disk space for user files, but does n o t provide any high availabili ty features.
2 Guid elines f or RAID G r oups 2-17 RAID Types an d T radeoffs Guidelines f or RAID Groups T o decide when to use a RAID 5 Group, RA ID 3 Group, m irror (th at is, a RAID 1 mir ror ed pai r or RAID .
2 2-18 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s Use a RAID 0 G roup (nonredunda nt individua l access array) fo r applicatio ns wher e • High avai lability is not importa nt.
2 Samp le Applications for RAID T ypes 2-19 RAID Types an d T radeoffs Sample Applica tions f or RAID Types This section d e scribes some types of applications in which you wo uld want to use a RAID 5 Group, RAID 3 Gr oup, RAID 1 mirr ored pa ir , RAID 0 Grou p (nonr edun dant arr ay), RA ID 1/0 Gr oup, or individu al unit.
2 2-20 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide RAID Types and Tradeof f s RAID 0 Group (nonredundant individual access ar ray) — Use a RAID 0 Group wher e the best overall perfor mance is important. In terms of high av ailability , a RAID 0 Group is less a vailable than an individual uni t.
Abou t MirrorView Remote M irr orin g Softw are 3-1 3 Invisible Body T ag This chapter introduces EMC MirrorV iew software — mirr oring softwa re that w orks on F C4700 Fi bre Channe l disk -array st orage systems to cr eate a byte-for -byte copy of one or more lo cal LUNs connected to a distan t computer system.
3 3-2 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About MirrorVie w Rem ot e Mirroring Software What Is EMC Mirr orVie w Sof tw are? EMC MirrorV iew is a softwa r e applicatio n that maintains a co py image of a logical unit (LUN ) at separate locations .
3 What Is EMC Mirr orVi e w Softw are? 3-3 About MirrorVie w Remote Mirroring Soft ware The follow ing figure shows tw o sites and a primary and s e conda ry image that includes one LUN.
3 3-4 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About MirrorVie w Rem ot e Mirroring Software MirrorV iew F e atures and Benef its MirrorV iew mirroring adds value.
3 How MirrorView Ha ndles Failures 3-5 About MirrorVie w Remote Mirroring Soft ware resource s at both si tes while maintaining dupl icate copies of all data at both s ites. Inte grati on wit h EMC Sn apVie w LUN Cop y Softw are EM C Sna pVie w s of tw are al lo ws us ers t o c rea te a s nap s ho t co p y o f an active LUN at any point in time.
3 3-6 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About MirrorVie w Rem ot e Mirroring Software Seco ndar y I mage Fa ilur e A secondary im age failure may bring the mirror below the minimum number of imag es r equired; if so, this triggers a mirror failure.
3 Mirr orVie w Example 3-7 About MirrorVie w Remote Mirroring Soft ware MirrorV iew Example Figure 3-2 Sample MirrorV iew Configuration In the figur e above, Database Server 1 , the production host, exe cutes customer applicatio ns. These applications a ccess data on Storage system 1, in the database server Stora ge Gr oup.
3 3-8 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About MirrorVie w Rem ot e Mirroring Software may switch to th e path through the other S P (tra nsparent to any applicat ions). The server sends a write r equest to an SP in Storage-system 1, which then writes data to its LUN.
3 MirrorView Planning W or ksheet 3-9 About MirrorVie w Remote Mirroring Soft ware MirrorV iew Planning W orksheet T o plan , you must decide whether you wan t to use a write intent log and, if so, the LUNs you will bind for this. Y ou will also need to complete a Mirro rV iew mirroring worksheet.
3 3-10 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide About MirrorVie w Rem ot e Mirroring Software.
About Sna pView Snap shot Copy Softw are 4-1 4 nvisible Body T ag This chapter intro duces EMC SnapV iew software that cr eates LUN snapshots to be used for indepe ndent data analysis or backup with EMC FC 4700 Fibr e Channel disk-array storage systems.
4 4-2 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Abou t Sna pView Sna pshot Copy So ftw are What Is EMC SnapVie w Softw are? EMC SnapV iew is a software application that captur es a snapshot image of a L UN and retains the image ind ependently of subsequ e nt changes to the LUN.
4 What Is EMC Sna pView Software? 4-3 About SnapV ie w Snapshot Cop y S oftw ar e Figure 4-1 SnapView Operations M odel SnapV iew offers several importan t benefits: • It allows full a ccess to pr o.
4 4-4 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Abou t Sna pView Sna pshot Copy So ftw are Sample Snapsho t Session The follow ing figure shows h ow a sample snapsh ot session starts, runs, an d stops.
4 Snaps hot Planning Worksheet 4-5 About SnapV ie w Snapshot Cop y S oftw ar e Sna pshot Planning W orksheet The followin g information i s needed for system setup to let you bin d one or mor e LUNs for the s napshot cache. For each session, you must complete a snapshot session worksheet.
4 4-6 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Abou t Sna pView Sna pshot Copy So ftw are What Nex t? This chapter explained the Sn apV iew snapshot copy software . T o plan LUNs and file systems, continue to the next chapter .
Planning File Sys tems and LUNs 5-1 5 Invisible Body T ag This c hapte r show s a sam ple RAID, LUN, and St orage Gr oup installation with sample shared switched and un share d direct storage, and th en provides worksheets for plan ning your own storage insta llation.
5 5-2 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs Multiple P aths to LUNs A shar ed storage system includes o ne or more servers , two Fibre Channel switches, one or mor e storage systems, each with two SPs and the Access Logix o ption.
5 Sample Sha red Switched Instal lation 5-3 Planning File S ystems and LUNs Sample Shared Switche d I nstallatio n The follow ing figure shows a sample shared stora ge system connected to three servers: two servers in a cluster and one server running a database ma nagement program.
5 5-4 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs Figure 5-1 Sample Shared Switched Storage C onfiguration EMC1824 Highly av ailab le.
5 Sample Sha red Switched Instal lation 5-5 Planning File S ystems and LUNs The stora ge-system disk IDs a nd Storage Group LUNs are as follow s. W ith 36-Mbyte disk s, the LUN storage capacities and drive names ar e as follo ws.
5 5-6 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs File Ser ver — 576 Gbytes on f our LUNs. Mail Server — 576 Gbytes on four LUNs Unit S on five disks bo und as a RAID 5 G r oup for 144 Gby tes of storag e; for appli cations.
5 Sample Unshared D irect Installatio n 5-7 Planning File S ystems and LUNs Sample Unshar ed Direct Ins tallation This sectio n shows the disks a nd LUNs in an uns har ed direct storage-system installation.
5 5-8 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs Planning Applications, LUNs , a nd Storage Gr oups This section helps you plan your.
5 Planning Ap plications, LUNs , and Storage Groups 5-9 Planning File S ystems and LUNs Application and LUN Planning W orksheet A sample worksh eet begins as follows: Completing the Application and LU N Planning W o rksheet Applicatio n . Enter the application name or type.
5 5-10 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs the operating syst em to cr ea te a partition on a LUN, you use the disk administrator s o ftware to assign a volume label that describes th e RAID configuration.
5 Planning Ap plications, LUNs , and Storage Groups 5-11 Planning File S ystems and LUNs LUN and Storage Gr oup Planning W orksheet Storage Group ID or name:______ Server hostname:_________________ Dedicated Shared LUN ID or name_______RAID type ___ Cap .
5 5-12 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs Part of a sam ple LUN and Storage Group worksheet follo ws.
5 Planning Ap plications, LUNs , and Storage Groups 5-13 Planning File S ystems and LUNs For sh ar ed st orage, if a St orage Gr oup will be de dicate d (not accessible by another server in a cluster).
5 5-14 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs LUN Details W orksheet Storage sy stem (co mplete this sec tion onc e for each sto.
5 Planning Ap plications, LUNs , and Storage Groups 5-15 Planning File S ystems and LUNs LUN Details W o rksheet Storage sys tem (com plete t his sect ion once for eac h storage system) Storage-s yste.
5 5-16 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs Competing the LUN Details W orksheet Complete the header portion of the worksheet for each storage system as described n ext. Copy the blank worksheet as ne eded.
5 Planning Ap plications, LUNs , and Storage Groups 5-17 Planning File S ystems and LUNs RAID 3 . If you want to use the SP memory for RAID 3, check the box. RAID Group/LUN Entr ies Complete a RAID Group/LUN entry for each LUN and hot spare. LUN ID . The LUN ID is a hexadecimal number as signed when you bind th e disks into a LUN.
5 5-18 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs For example, • A five-disk R AID 5 or RAID 3 Gr oup of 18 -Gbyte disks h olds 72.
5 Planning Ap plications, LUNs , and Storage Groups 5-19 Planning File S ystems and LUNs Ta b l e 5 - 1 Cache Recomm endations for Dif ferent RAID T ypes Servers that ca n access this LUN ’ s Storage Group .
5 5-20 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Planning File S ystems and LUNs.
Storage-System Hard w a re 6-1 6 Invisible Body T ag This chapter describes the storage-sy stem hardwar e components. To p i c s a r e • Hardw are fo r FC4700 Storage Systems........... ............ ................ .... 6-3 • Planning Y our Hardwar e Components .
6 6-2 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Hardware The storage systems attach to the server a nd the interconnect components as described in Cha pter 1.
6 Hardware f or FC4 700 Storage Systems 6-3 Storage-System Hardw are Hardw are f or FC4700 Storage Syste ms The primary hardw are component for FC4700 storage is a ten-slot disk-a rray processor e nclosure (DPE) wi th two storag e processor s (SPs).
6 6-4 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Hardware A separate standby power supply (SPS) is req uired to support write caching. All the st orage components — rackmou nt DPE, DAEs, SP Ss, and c abinet — are shown in the followi ng figure.
6 Hardware f or FC4 700 Storage Systems 6-5 Storage-System Hardw are Figure 6-4 Disk Modules and Module IDs Storag e Processor (SP) The SP provides the intelligence of the storage system.
6 6-6 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Hardware For high availa bility , a s torage system comes with two S Ps. The second SP pr ovide s a second route to a storag e system an d also lets the storage system use write caching (below) for enhanced write performance.
6 Hardware f or FC4 700 Storage Systems 6-7 Storage-System Hardw are Data in the cache is pr otected fr om power loss by a standby power supply (SPS). If line power fails, the SPS provides power to let the storage system write cache contents to the vault disks.
6 6-8 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Hardware Planning Y our Hardw are Compo nents This section helps you plan the hardware components — adapters, cables, and storage system s and site r equirements — for ea ch server in your installation.
6 Hardwar e Data Sheets 6-9 Storage-System Hardw are Hardw are Data Shee ts The hard ware data sheets shown in this section pr ovide the plant requir ements, including dimensions (footprint), weight, power requir ements, and cooling needs, for DPE and rackmount DAE disk systems.
6 6-10 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Hardware Current draw At 100 v ac input – Des kside DPE/D AE: 12.
6 Hardwar e Data Sheets 6-11 Storage-System Hardw are D AE Data Sheet The rackmount DAE storage-system dimensions and r equirem ents are shown in the follo wing figure. Rackmount D AE Dime nsions and Requirements EMC1831 Depth 63 cm (24.9 in.) Width 44.
6 6-12 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Hardware Cabinets f or Rackmount E nclosures Pre-wir ed 19-inch-wide cabinets, rea dy for installation, are ava ilable in the following dimensions to accept rackmount storage systems.
6 Ca ble and Configuration Guide lines 6-13 Storage-System Hardw are Cable and Configuration Guidelines FC4700-series storage sys tems requir e optical cable between servers, switches, and SPs. The cabling between D PE and DAE enclosur es (1 m, 3.3 feet) is co pper .
6 6-14 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Hardware Cable Planning T empla te Figure 6-6 Cable Planning T emplate — FC4700 Shared Storage Sy.
6 Hardware Planning W ork sheets 6-15 Storage-System Hardw are The cable identifiers apply to all storage systems Hardware C omponent W ork sheet Numb er of serve rs:___ _ Adapters in s ervers:____ Switches : 16-port:_ ___8-port:_ ___ Rackmount DPEs:_____SP/L CC pairs:___ __PSs:_____ SPSs:____ Rackmount c abinets:_ __ Rackmo unt DAEs:___ __ .
6 6-16 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Hardware Sample Cable T e mp lates Figure 6-7 Sample Shared Storage Installation EMC1834 Switch 1 S.
6 Hardware Planning W ork sheets 6-17 Storage-System Hardw are What Nex t? This chapter explained har dware components of storage systems. If you have completed the wo rksheets to your satisfaction, you a r e ready to consid er or dering so me of this equipm ent.
6 6-18 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Hardware.
Storage-System Mana g ement 7-1 7 Invisible Body T ag This chapter explains the appli cation s you ca n use t o manage s torage syst ems f r om ser vers. T opics a re • Using Navisphere M anager Software ............. ............ ................ .
7 7-2 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Mana gement Intr oducing Na visphere Management Softw are Navi spher e softwar e lets you bi nd and .
7 Using Navisph ere Manag er Softw are 7-3 Storage-System M anagement Using Navisphere Ma nager Softwa re Navisphere Manager softwa r e (Manager) lets you manage multiple storage systems connected to servers o n a TCP/IP net work. Manager offers extensive management featur es and includes comprehensive on-line he lp.
7 7-4 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Mana gement Storage Ma nagement W orksheet The following worksheet will help you pla n your storage-system management environment. For each server , complete a section.
7 Storage Management W or k sheet 7-5 Storage-System M anagement Manageme nt Uti lity W orksheet – S hared Storage with FC4700 Management station h ostname:_______________ ____Operating system:_______________ Software: ❑ Navisphere Manage r/Agent ❑ Navisphere Analyzer ❑ Navisphere Event Monitor List all the ser vers this host wi ll manage.
7 7-6 EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide Storage-System Mana gement.
EMC Fibre Channel Storage System M odel FC4700 Configuration Planning Guide i-1 A ac power r equir ements DAE 6-10 DPE 6-9 stor age sy stem 6- 12 Access Logix option 1-9 adapt er driver pack age 1-4 A.
EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide i-2 Index stri ping, defined 2-2 unit number o n workshee t 5-1 0, 5-17 disk-ar ray stor age sy stem applica tion and LUN.
i-3 EMC Fibre Channel Storage System M odel FC4700 Configuration Planning Guide Inde x individua l disk un it defined 2-9 perfor mance 2-14 sample applic ations 2-2 0 when to use 2-18 installa tion LU.
EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide i-4 Index R rackmount storage sy s tem hardware components 6-3 RAID 0 Group defined 2-7 sample appl ications 2 -20 when t.
i-5 EMC Fibre Channel Storage System M odel FC4700 Configuration Planning Guide Inde x RAID 3 Group 2-5 with RAID 1/0, R AID 0 2-8 with RAID 5 2-4 switch cascadin g description fabric , introduc ed 1-.
EMC Fibre Channel Sto r age System Model FC 4700 Conf iguration Planning Guide i-6 Index.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté EMC FC4700 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du EMC FC4700 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation EMC FC4700, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le EMC FC4700 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le EMC FC4700, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du EMC FC4700.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le EMC FC4700. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei EMC FC4700 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.