Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit ENB 43691 S du fabricant Electrolux
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Us er m anu al Kulla nma Ký la vuzu ENB 43691 S F ridge- F r eez er Soðutucu-D ondurucu.
electrolux 3 Welcome to the world of Electrolux Y ou’ve chosen a first class product fr om Electrolux, which hopefully will pr ovide you with lots of pleasure in the futur e. Electrolux ambition is to of fer a wide variety of quality products that would make your life even mor e comfortable.
4 electrolux The following symbols are used in this manual: Important information concerning your personal safety and information on how to avoid damaging the appliance. General information and tips Environmental information The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this pr oduct may not be treated as household waste.
electrolux 5 CONTENTS Safety I I mformation 6 Use 9 9 Cleaning the interior 9 Control panel 9 Display 10 First switch on 10 Switching off 11 Functions Menu 11 Clock Function 11 Select 12 T emperatur e.
6 electrolux SAFETY INFORMATION It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for future r eference. Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owne.
electrolux 7 malfunctioning. Refer to your local Service Centre, and always insist on genuine spare parts. • This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling unit; maintenance and recharging must therefor e only be carried out by authorized technicians.
8 electrolux • There ar e working parts in this product which heat up. Always ensure that ther e is adequate ventilation as a failure to do this will result in component failur e and possible food loss. See installation instructions. • Parts which heat up should not be exposed.
electrolux 9 USE Cleaning the interior Before using the appliance for the first time, wash the interior and all internal accessories with luke-warm water and some neutral soap so as to remove the typical smell of a brand-new product, then dry thor oughly .
10 electrolux Display First switch on Insert the plug into the plug socket, the appliance is turned on, it is in alarm condition, the temperature flashes and you will hear a buzzer .
electrolux 11 Clock Function The Clock function is activated by pressing key B (several times if necessary) until the corresponding symbol flashes . Y ou must confirm the choice by pressing key E within few seconds. Y ou will hear the buzzer and the icon remains lighted.
12 electrolux Select T emperature selection The temperature may be r egulated by pressing the key (B) to select the compartment and than the button C/C to set the desired temperatur e. The current temperatur e setting flashes on the indicator . T o confirm the choice of the temperature pr ess the ke y (E).
electrolux 13 Shopping Function I f you need to insert a large amount of warm food, for example after doing the grocery shopping, we suggest activating the Shopping function to chill the products mor e rapidly and to avoid warming the other food which is already in the refrigerator .
14 electrolux Use of the freezer compartment The f f reezer i i s p p rovided w w ith t t he symbol w w hich m m eans t t hat it i i s s s uitable f f or f f reezing f f resh f f ood and f f or l l ong t t erm s s torage o o f f f rozen and d d eep -f f rozen f f ood.
electrolux 15 Action Freeze function The freezer compartment is suitable for long term storage of commercially frozen and deep-fr ezen food, and for freezing fr esh food. The maximum quantity of foods to freeze in 24 hours is shown on the serial number plate.
16 electrolux Ice-cube pr oduction This appliance is equipped with one or more trays for the pr oduction of ice- cubes. These are insert on the sides of the upper freezer drawer . Pull out the upper freezer drawer . Extract the ice-tray . Pull out the tap.
electrolux 17 Movable shelves The walls of the refrigerator ar e equipped with a series of runners so that the shelves can be positioned as desired. Bottle rack Place bottles in the rack with the bottleneck to the front. Important: Only store unopened bottles horizontally .
18 electrolux PR271 Humidity Control The drawer incorporates a device with slits (adjustable by means of a sliding lever),which makes it possible to regulate the temperature in the vegetable drawer(s). The opening in the ventilation slots can be adjusted with the slider .
electrolux 19 Hints for freezing T o help you make the most of the freezing pr ocess, here ar e some important hints: • Place the food to be frozen on the upper drawer as this is the coldest place. • the maximum quantity of food which can be frozen in 24 hrs.
20 electrolux Interior light If it becomes necessary to replace the lamp, pressing as shown in the figure . Attenti on Replace the lamp with one of the same power (the maximum power is shown on the light diffuser).
electrolux 21 Installation of the charcoal filter On delivery the charcoal filter is placed in a plastic bag to secure the length of life of the charcoal filter .
22 electrolux MAINTENANCE Un p lu g t t he a a p p li an c e b b e f or e carrying o o ut a a ny m m aintenance operatio n. Warni ng This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling unit; maintenance and recharging must ther efore only be carried out by authorized technicians.
electrolux 23 CUSTOSERVICE AND SPARE PARTS I f the appliance is not functioning properly , check that: • the plug is firmly in the wall socket and the mains power switch is on; • there is an electricity supply (find out by plugging in another appliance); • the temperature is set corr ectly .
24 electrolux INSTALLATION Location The appliance should be installed well away from sour ces of heat such as radiators, boilers, direct sunlight etc. Ensure that air can cir culate freely around the back of the cabinet.
electrolux 25 Electrical connection Before plugging in, ensur e that the voltage and frequency shown on the serial number plate correspond to your domestic power supply . V oltage can vary by ±6% of the rated voltage. For operation with differ ent voltages, a suitably sized auto-transformer must be used.
26 electrolux EUROPEAN GUARANTEE This appliance is guaranteed by Electrolux in each of the countries listed at the back of this user manual, for the period specified in the appliance guarantee or otherwise by law .
el ectrolu x 27 Suom i Sve rige +46 ( 0)7 71 76 76 76 Electro lux Ser vice, S:t G öransgatan 143, S -105 45 St ockholm Tür kiy e +90 21 22 93 10 25 Tarlabaþý caddesi no : 35 Taksim Ýstanbul +7 095 937 78 37 Alba nia +35 5 4 261 450 Rr. P jete r B o gda ni N r.
28 el e ct r ol ux Elec trolux düny a sýna h oþ geldini z Size kul lanýmý boy unca memnun iye t v erec eðin i umduðum uz b i rinc i sýný f bir E lect ro lux ür ün ü seçt iðini z için teþe kkür e deri z.
el ectrolu x 29 Aþa ðýd ak i semb oll er bu kýl a vuz da k ul lan ýl ma ktad ýr: K iþi se l g üven l iði niz le v e cih az ýn zar a r g örme s inin n asýl önle ne c eði i le il gili öne mli bil gile r.
30 el e ct r ol ux ÝÇÝNDEKÝLER Güvenlik Bilgileri 31 Kullaný m 34 Ýç k ýsmý n temizli ði 34 Kont r ol pa ne li 3 4 Gö ster ge 3 5 Ýlk çal ýþtý rma 35 Kapa tma 36 Fo nksi y o nlar men .
electrolux 31 Güvenlik bilgileri İ leride kullanmak üzere bu kullanma k ı lavuzunu cihazla birlikte muhafaza etmeniz çok önemlidir . E ğ er bu cihaz ı ba ş ka birisine satar veya verirseniz y.
32 electrolux Servis / T amir • Bu cihaz ı n montaj ı için gerekli herhangi bir elektrik ba ğ lant ı s ı , kalifiye bir elektrik teknisyeni veya uzman bir ki ş i taraf ı ndan yap ı lmal ı .
electrolux 33 Montaj • Normal çal ı ş ma esnas ı nda, cihaz ı n arka taraf ı ndaki yo ğ u ş turucu ve kompresör önemli derecede ı s ı n ı r . Güvenlik nedenlerinden ötürü, talimatlarda belirtilen minimum havaland ı rma sa ğ lanmal ı d ı r.
34 el e ct r ol ux KULLANIM Ýç k ýsmýn temiz lið i Cihazý ilk kez kullanmadan önce, yeni bir ürünün sah ip olduðu tipik kokuyu gi dermek için ciha zýn i ç kýsmýný ve dahili aksesuarlar ýný ýlýk s u ve biraz nötr sab un kullanarak yý kayýnýz ve d aha sonra iyic e kurulayýnýz.
el ectrolu x 35 Gös terge Ýl k ça lýþt ýrma Fiþ i p ri z e tak ýn ýz; ciha z çal ýþý r , a la rm duru mun a geç er, sýc akl ýk deðe r i yan ýp sö ner v e b ir ik az se si du ya rsý ný z.
36 el e ct r ol ux Sa at Fonk si yonu Sa at fon ksiy onu , kar þýl ýk g ele n sim ge ya nana ka dar B tuþ un a ba sý lara k (ger ek irs e b irk aç d ef a) akti ve e dil ir . Be þ sani y e için de E tuþuna basa rak se çimi on ayl aman ý z ger ekm ekte d ir.
el ectrolu x 37 Seçi m Sýc aklýk seçim i Sýcaklý k , ilgili bölmeyi seçm ek için önce ( B) tuþuna daha son ra istenile n sýcakl ýðý seçmek içi n C/C tuþuna b asýlarak seçilebil ir. Mevcut sýcaklý k ayarý göstergede yanýp söner.
38 el e ct r ol ux Alýþ veri þ Fonks iyonu Eð er çok mikta rda ýlýk yiyece ði koy manýz gere kirse (ö rne ðin b ir mark et al ýþveriþinden gelince), y iyecekler i dah a hý zlý soðu tmak ve buz dolab ýnda bulunan diðer y iyecekl erin ý lýmas ýný ön lemek iç in Alýþv eriþ fon ksiy onunu ak tive e tmenizi öner iriz.
el ectrolu x 39 Donduruc u bölm esinin ku llaný mý Don dur ucu, taze y iye cekl er in dondu rulmasý , dondur ulmuþ ve der in-do ndu rul mu þ y iye ce kler in uzun sü r eli muh afa zas ý iç in uy gu n old uð u anla mý na ge len sembolü ile iþaretlenmiþtir.
40 el e ct r ol ux Süper Dondurma fonksiyo nu Soðu tucu bö lme si , p iyas a da s atýl an donm uþ v e d eri n-d ond uru lmu þ yiye ce kler in uzu n sürel i muha faza sý ve ta ze yiy ecek l eri n do ndu rul mas ý içi n uyg u ndur .
el ectrolu x 41 Buz-küpü ya pma Bu cihaz, b uz küpleri yap mada kullanýlan bir veya daha fazla sayýda k ap içermek tedir. Bunlar, d ondurucunun ü st çekmecesi nin yan kýsýml arýna takýlýdýr. Donduruc unun üst çekmec esini dýþarý çekin.
42 el e ct r ol ux Po rta tif ra fla r Buzd ola b ýnýn y an p anel l eri nde bi r d izi ra f ký lavu zlarý bu lu nma ktad ý r, bun lar ý kull ana r ak r afla rý ist edið ini z gibi yerleþtirebilirsiniz. Þiþe rafý Þiþ el eri ra fa , þi þel eri n b oðaz ý ö ne bak aca k þe kild e y erl eþti ri ni z.
el ectrolu x 43 Ne m Kontrolü Çekm ec e de, seb ze çekmecesindeki/çekm ecelerindeki sýcaklýðýn ayarlanabilmesini saðlayan yarýklý (sürgülü bir kolla ayarlanabilen) bir aparat bulunmaktadýr. Havalandýrma yarýklarýnd aki menfezler, sürgü mekanizmasýyla ayarlanabilir.
44 el e ct r ol ux Dondurma tavsiyeler i Birç ok d ondu rma iþl emin de s ize yar dýmc ý ola ca k baz ý önem li tav siy ele r aþ aðý da verilm ekted ir: • Dond ur ulac ak o la n yi ye ceð i üs t çek m ecey e ye rle þt irin , çü nk ü e n soðu k k ýsým bu rasýd ýr.
el ectrolu x 45 Dahili ý þýk Eðer lamb anýn deðiþtiril mesi ger ekirse , þekilde gös terildiði gib i bastýr ýn. Di kk at Lambayý, ayný güçteki bir yeni si ile deðiþtirini z (maksim um güç ý þýk di füzörü üzerinde göst erilmektedir).
46 el e ct r ol ux Kömür fil trenin takýlm asý Ürün ün t esl imi nde , k ömür filt ren in uz un kull an ým ö mrün ün ko r unmas ý içi n kö m ü r filtr e bi r p lasti k to rba i çinde ver ili r. Fil t re, ci haz çal ýþt ýrý l madan ö nce kapa ðýn ýn a rkas ý na ye rl eþti ril meli dir.
el ectrolu x 47 BAKIM Herhangi bir bakým iþlemi yapmad an önce, cihaz ýn fiþini prizde n çe kiniz. Uyar ý Bu ci haz , soð utm a dev rel eri nde hidrokarbo nlar içerm ektedir; dol ayýsýyla bak ým ve dold urm a iþle mleri sade ce yetk il i t ekn is yenl e r t araf ýnd an yap ýlm alý dýr .
48 el e ct r ol ux MÜÞTERÝ HÝZMETÝ VE YEDEK PARÇALAR Eðe r cih az düzg ün çalýþm ýy or sa, aþa ðýdak i hu susla rý kont rol e din iz: • fiþin prize tam oturup oturmadýðýn ý ve .
el ectrolu x 49 MO NT AJ Yer C ihaz , kalo rif er, ý sýt ýc ý ka zan , dire k gü ne þ ýþ ýðý gib i ýsý k ayna k lar ýnd an yet e r ince uz að a mo nt e ed ilmelid i r. Havanýn, kabinin arka tarafýnda rahatça dev ir- da im ya pab ild iði nde n emi n ol un uz.
50 el e ct r ol ux Elektrik baðl antýsý Cih azý n fiþi ni pr iz e tak ma dan ön ce , se r i num ara sý e ti keti nde ya zýl ý v olt aj v e frek an s d eðer le rin in evi niz in el ek tri k be sl eme si nin ki ile a yný olduð und an e min olun uz.
electrolux 5 5 1 1 Garanti/Müþteri hizmetleri GARANTÝ ÞARTLARI 1. Garanti süres i, malýn teslim ta rihinden itibaren baþlar ve • Fýrýn-Çamaþýr-Bulaþ ýk Makineleri-Soðutucu & Dondurucular-Spl it klimalar ve Mikrodalgalar 3 (ÜÇ ) yýl.
5 5 2 2 electrolux Buna göre Electrolux'ün Electro lux, AEG-Electrolux, Pro gress markalý mamulleri için verdiði garanti, aþaðýdaki durumlarda geçerli olmaz.
electrolux 5 5 3 3 MARKA ONAY TARÝHÝ BELGE NO. Ürün Grubu Electrolux AEG-Ele ctrolux G. SÜRE Split K lima 07.05.2003/ 14212 09.06.2004/ 19757 3 YIL Mikrda lga Fýrý n 14.11.2002/ 2082 27. 03.2002/2639 3 YIL Solo Fýr ýnlar 14.11.2002/ 2083 12. 02.
54 el e ct r ol ux AVRUPA GARANTÝSÝ Bu c ihaz , cihaz gara n ti belges inde yazýl ý vey a kan un lar ca belir le ne n sü re boy un ca , kýl a v uzu n ar kasý nda liste hali nde verile n ülke leri n her birin de Elektrolux tarafýndan garantilidir.
el ectrolu x 55 Suom i Sve rige +46 ( 0)7 71 76 76 76 Electro lux Ser vice, S:t G öransgatan 143, S -105 45 St ockholm Tür kiy e +90 21 22 93 10 25 Tarlabaþý caddesi no : 35 Taksim Ýstanbul +7 095 937 78 37 Alba nia +35 5 4 261 450 Rr. P jete r B o gda ni N r.
www www 2223 450-21-00 2 20 2 200 8.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Electrolux ENB 43691 S c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Electrolux ENB 43691 S - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Electrolux ENB 43691 S, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Electrolux ENB 43691 S va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Electrolux ENB 43691 S, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Electrolux ENB 43691 S.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Electrolux ENB 43691 S. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Electrolux ENB 43691 S ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.