Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit LC-WS250 du fabricant Eiki
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Multimedia Projector Owner's Manual LC-WS250 MODEL Network Supported □ WiredLAN * Refertotheowner ’smanual belowfordetailsaboutnetwork function.
2 Features and Design ThisMultimediaProjectorisdesignedwiththemostadvancedtechnologyforportability ,durability ,andeaseofuse. Thisprojectorutilizesbuilt-inmultimediafeatures,apaletteof16.
3 T able of Contents T rademarks Eachnameofcorporationsorproductsinthisbookiseitheraregisteredtrademarkoratrademarkofitsrespective corporation. Features and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Safety Instructions Allthesafetyandoperatinginstructionsshouldberead beforetheproductisoperated. Readalloftheinstructionsgivenhereandretainthem forlateruse.Unplugthisprojectorfrom ACpowersupply beforecleaning.
6 Safety Instructions Openingsinthecabinetareprovidedforventilation.T o ensurereliableoperationoftheproductandtoprotectit fromoverheating,theseopeningsmustnotbeblocked orcovered.
7 Compliance Federal Communications Commission Notice Note:ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuant toPart15oftheFCCRules.
8 Part Names and Functions ① Lamp Cover ② T op controls ③ Adjustable feet ④ Infrared Remote Receiver ⑤ Projection Lens ⑥ Speaker ⑦ Lens Cover ⑧ Exhaust vent ⑨ LAN Connection T ermina.
9 ⑤ S-VIDEO IN ConnecttheS-VIDEOoutputsignalfromvideo equipmenttothisjack(p.15). ⑨ AUDIO IN (L/R) Connecttheaudiooutputsignalfromvideo equipmentconnectedto ⑤ or ⑩ tothisjack.
10 Part Names and Functions T op Panel ① ② ③ ③ LAMP REPLACE indicator T urnyellowwhenthelifeoftheprojectionlamp drawstoanend.(pp.63,70) ② W ARNING indicator Emitaredlightwhentheprojectordetects abnormalcondition.
1 1 HDMI ASPECT Part Names and Functions Note: T oensuresafeoperation,pleaseobserve thefollowingprecautions: –Donotbend,drop,orexposethe remotecontroltomoistureorheat. –Forcleaning,useasoftdrycloth.
12 Part Names and Functions T oensuresafeoperation,pleaseobservethefollowingprecautions: ● Usetwo(2) AAA orLR03typealkalinebatteries. ● Alwaysreplacebatteriesinsets. ● Donotuseanewbatterywithausedbattery .
13 Positioning the Projector For projector positioning, see the figures below . The projector should be set perpendicularly to the plane of the screen.Theprojectorwillfocusatdistancefrom2.
14 Installation Connecting to a Computer Cables used for connection •VGA cables(MiniD-sub15pin)* • Audiocables •HDMI-DVIcable ( *Onecableissupplied;othercablesarenotsuppliedwiththeprojector .
15 Installation Connecting to V ideo Equipment Cables used for connection •Videoand Audiocable(RCA x3) •S-videocable • Audiocable (Cablesarenotsuppliedwiththeprojector .
16 Installation Connecting to Component V ideo Equipment Unplugthepowercordsof boththeprojectorandexternal equipmentfromthe ACoutlet beforeconnectingcables.
17 Installation Connecting the AC Power Cord Thisprojectorusesnominalinputvoltagesof100-240V AC anditautomaticallyselectsthecorrectinputvoltage.Itis designedtoworkwithsingle-phasepowersystemshavinga groundedneutralconductor .
18 Thepreparationdisplaywilldisappearafter15 seconds. (Seepage54forLampcontrolstatus.) T urning On the Projector Connecttheprojector ’s ACpowercordintoan AC outlet.ThePOWERindicatorlightsred.
19 What is PIN code? PIN(PersonalIdentificationNumber)codeisasecurity codethatallowsthepersonwhoknowsittooperatethe projector .SettingaPINcodepreventsunauthorizeduseof theprojector .
21 How to Operate the On-Screen Menu TheprojectorcanbeadjustedorsetviatheOn-Screen Menu.Themenuhasahierarchicalstructure,withamain menuthatisdividedintosubmenus,whicharefurther dividedintoothersubmenus.
22 Menu Bar Fordetailedfunctionsofeachmenu,see“MenuT ree”onpages68-69. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ MainMenu Sub-Menu ⑨ ⑩ ③ Image select Forcomputer.
23 Focus Adjustment Autosetupfunctionisprovidedtoautomaticallyexecute thesettingof Autosetup(includesInputsearchand Auto PCadj.functions)intheSettingMenubyjustpressingthe AUTOSET buttonontheremotecontrol.
24 Sound Adjustment 1 2 PresstheMENUbuttontodisplaytheOn-ScreenMenu. UsethePoint ▲▼ buttonstoselect Sound .Pressthe Point ► ortheSELECTbuttontoaccessthesubmenu items.
25 Remote Control Operation Usingtheremotecontrolforsomefrequentlyusedoperationsisadvisable.Justpressingoneofthebuttons enablesyoutomakethedesiredoperationquicklywithoutcallinguptheOn-ScreenMenu.
26 PresstheNOSHOWbuttonontheremotecontroltoblack outtheimage.T orestoretonormal,presstheNOSHOW buttonagainorpressanyotherbutton.Whentheprojected imageiscapturedandissetas User intheLogoselection (p.
27 HDMI ASPECT Choose Computer 1(RGB) bypressingtheCOMPUTER1 buttonontheremotecontrolorpresstheINPUTbuttonon thetopcontrol. Beforeusingthesebuttons,correctinputsourceshouldbe selectedthroughMenuoperationasdescribedbelow .
28 Choose Computer 2 (RGB) bypresstheCOMPUTER2 buttonontheremotecontrolorpresstheINPUTbuttonon thetopcontrol. Beforeusingthesebuttons,correctinputsourceshouldbe selectedthroughMenuoperationasdescribedbelow .
29 PC System Menu PC System Menu Computer System Selection ThisprojectorautomaticallytunestovarioustypesofcomputerswithitsMulti-scansystemand AutoPC adjustment.
30 AutoPCadjustmentfunctionisprovidedtoautomaticallyadjust Fine sync , T otal dots , Horizontal and V ertical positionstoconformtoyourcomputer .
31 PC adjust Menu Manual PC adjustment SomecomputersemployspecialsignalformatswhichmaynotbetunedbyMulti-scansystemofthisprojector . ManualPCadjustmentenablesyoutopreciselyadjustseveralparameterstomatchthosesignalformats.
32 Store T ostoretheadjusteddata,select Store andthenpressthe Point ► ortheSELECTbutton.Movethehighlighttoone oftheModes1to10inwhichyouwanttostore,andthen presstheSELECTbutton.
33 HDMI ASPECT Image Select Menu IMAGE button Dynamic Real Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image Mode Selection Image 4 Blackboard (Green) Standard Remote Control IMAGE button Selectthedesiredimage.
34 Image adjust Menu Image Adjustment Reset PresstheMENUbuttontodisplaytheOn-Screen Menu.UsethePoint ▲▼ buttonstoselect Image adjust andthenpressthePoint ► ortheSELECT button.
35 Store Thisprojectorhasthepicturescreenresizefunction,which enablesyoutocustomizetheimagesize. Screen Menu Providetheimagetofitthescreensizewhilemaintaining theaspectratioofinputsignal.
36 Select Digital zoom + .TheOn-ScreenMenudisappears and D. zoom + appears.PresstheSELECTbuttonto expandtheimagesize.
37 Choose Video or S-video bypressingtheVIDEObutton ortheS-VIDEObuttonontheremotecontrolorpressthe INPUTbuttononthetopcontrol. Beforeusingthesebuttons,correctinputsourceshouldbe selectedthroughMenuoperationasdescribedbelow .
38 Choose Computer 1(Component) or Computer 1(Scart) bypressingthetheCOMPONENTorCOMPUTER1button ontheremotecontrolorpresstheINPUTbuttonon.
39 V ideo System Selection 1 A V System Menu (V ideo or S-video) A V System Menu (Component) 2 I f t h e p r o j e c t o r c a n n o t r e p r o d u c e p r o p e r v i d e o i m a g e , select a specific broadcast signal format from among P AL , SECAM , NTSC , NTSC 4.
40 HDMI ASPECT Image select Menu Selectthedesiredimagemodefromamong Dynamic , Standard , Cinema , Blackboard (Green) , Colorboard , Image 1 , Image 2 , Image 3 ,and Image 4 bypressingthe IMAGEbuttonontheremotecontrol.
41 Image Adjustment 1 2 PressthePoint ◄ buttontodecreasethecontrast;pressthe Point ► buttontoincreasethecontrast(from0to63).
42 Use the Point ◄► buttons to adjust the gamma value to obtainabetterbalanceofcontrast(from0to15).
43 Thisprojectorhasthepicturescreenresizefunction,whichenablesyoutocustomizetheimagesize. Normal Screen Size Adjustment Screen Menu 1 2 Custom adj. Adjustthescreenscaleandpositionmanuallywiththis function.
44 Language ThelanguageusedintheOn-ScreenMenuisavailablein English,German,French,Italian,Spanish,Portuguese, Dutch,Swedish,Finnish,Norwegian,.
45 Auto setup Input search Thisfunctiondetectstheinputsignalautomatically .When asignalisfound,thesearchwillstop.UsethePoint ▲▼ buttonstoselectoneofthefollowingoptions. Off .
46 Keystone Background Selectthebackgroundscreenforwhennoinputsignalis detected.PressthePoint ▲▼ buttonstoswitchbetween eachoption. Blue . . . Projectabluebackground. User .
47 Logo (Logo and Logo PIN code lock settings) Logo select Thisfunctionallowsyoutocustomizethescreenlogowith Logoselect,Capture,LogoPINcodelockandLogoPIN codechangefunctions.
48 Capture Capture Thisfunctionenablesyoutocaptureanimagebeing projectedtouseitforastarting-updisplayorintervalof presentations. Select Capture andpresstheSELECTbutton. A confirmationboxappearsandselect Y es tocapturethe projectedimage.
49 Enter a Logo PIN code UsethePoint ▲▼ buttonstoenteranumber .Pressthe Point ► buttontofixthenumberandmovetheredframe pointertothenextbox.Thenumberchangesto .
50 Ceiling Rear Ceiling Whenthisfunctionissetto On ,thepicturewillbetop/ bottomandleft/rightreversed.Thisfunctionisusedto projecttheimagefromaceiling-mountedprojector .
51 Setting Standby mode Thisfunctionisavailablewhenoperatingtheprojectorvia network. Network .... Supplythepowertothenetworkfunctioneven afterturningofftheprojector .
52 Direct on Whenthisfunctionissetto On ,theprojectorwillbeautomatically turnedonjustbyconnectingthe ACpowercordtoawalloutlet. Note: Besuretoturnofftheprojectorproperly(see“T urningOff theProjector”onpage20).
53 Setting Setting Closed caption ClosedCaptionisafunctionthatdisplaystheaudioportion ofaTVprogramastextonthescreen.Iftheinputsignal containsClosedcaptions,youcanturnonthefeatureand switchthechannels.
54 Remote control This projector provides two different remote control codes: thefactory-set initialcode ( Code 1 ) andthe secondary code ( Cod e 2 ).
55 Setting Thisfunctionallows youtousethe PINcodelock functionto setthesecurityfortheprojectoroperation.
56 Setting UsethePoint▲▼buttonstoselect Off , On 1 or On 2 . PresstheSELECTbuttontoclosethedialogbox. ChangethePINcodelocksetting EnteraPINcode UsethePoint▲▼buttonstoenteranumber .
57 Thisfunctionprovidesthefollowingoptionsinthecooling fans’ operationwhentheprojectoristurnedoff(p.20). L 1 ..... Normaloperation L 2 ..... Slower ,lower-soundandlongish-timethanthe normaloperation( L1 ).
58 Factory default Thisfunctionreturnsallsettingvaluesexceptforthe User logo , PIN code lock , Logo PIN code lock , Lamp counter and Filter counter tothefactorydefaultsettings.
59 Input Source Information Display TheInformationMenuisusedforcheckingthestatusoftheimagesignalbeingprojectedandtheoperationof theprojector .
60 TheW ARNINGindicatorshowsthestateofthefunctionwhichprotectstheprojector .Checkthestateofthe W ARNINGindicatorandthePOWERindicatortotakepropermaintenance. W ARNING indicator The projector is shut down and the W ARNING indicator is blinking red.
61 BesuretoresettheFiltercounterafterreplacingtheFilter. Resetting the Filter Counter Maintenance and Cleaning T urnofftheprojector ,andunplugthe ACpowercord fromthe ACoutlet. First,cleanupthedustontheprojectorandaroundthe airvents.
62 Cleaning the Projector Cabinet Cleaning the Projection Lens Unplugthe ACpowercordbeforecleaning. Gentlywipetheprojectionlenswithacleaningcloththat co.
63 Whentheprojectionlampoftheprojectorreachesitsend oflife,theLampreplacementiconappearsonthescreen andLAMPREPLACEindicatorlightsyellow .Replacethe lampwithanewonepromptly .
64 Thisprojectorusesahigh-pressurelampwhichmustbehandledcarefullyandproperly . Improperhandlingmayresultinaccidents,injury ,orcreateafirehazard. ● Lamplifemaydifferfromlamptolampandaccordingtotheenvironmentofuse.
65 Lamp replacement counter Reset? appears. Problem: – Solutions No power – Plugthepowercordoftheprojectorintothe ACoutlet.
66 Appendix No image – Checktheconnectionbetweenyourcomputerorvideoequipment andtheprojector .Seepages14-16. –Seeiftheinputsignaliscorrectlyoutputfromyourcomputer .
67 The image is distorted or runs off. –Check PC adjustment Menuor Screen andadjustthem. Seepages31-32,35-36. PIN code dialog box appears – PINcodelockisbeingset.EnteraPINcode(the“1234”ornumbers at start-up.
68 Menu T ree SVGA 1 Mode1 Mode2 ---- T otaldots Horizontal V ertical DisplayareaH DisplayareaV Reset Dynamic Real Blackboard(Green) Image1 Image2 Image3 Image adjust Contrast Brightness Colortemp.
69 Auto P AL SECAM NTSC NTSC4.43 P AL-M P AL-N Auto 1080i 1035i 720p 575p 480p 575i 480i Dynamic Cinema Blackboard(Green) Image1 Image2 Image3 0-63 0-63 Off Image select System (2) Syst.
70 Checktheindicatorsforprojectorcondition. •••green. •••red •••off •••blinksgreen.
71 Appendix Compatible Computer Specifications BasicallythisprojectorcanacceptthesignalfromallcomputerswiththeV -,H-Frequencymentionedbelow andlessthan140MHzofDotClock. Whenselectingthesemodes,PCadjustmentcanbelimited.
72 Appendix Note: •Thespecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice. •DependingonyourPCsettings,thedigitalsignalsofyourPCmaynotbeprojectedcorrectly .Insuchacase, confirmyourPCsettings.
73 T echnical Specifications Appendix ● The specifications are subject to change without notice. Thespecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice. ● LCD panels are manufactured to the highest possible standards. Even though 99.
74 Appendix ModelNo. COMPONENT~VGA Cable : AH-98771 SCART~VGA Cable : AH-98881 The parts listed belo w are optionally av ailable. When ordering those parts, specify the item name and Model No.
75 COMPUTER IN 1 /COMPONENT IN T erminal: Analog RGB (Mini D-sub 15 pin) 5 1 2 3 4 10 9 6 7 8 15 14 13 11 12 Configurations of T erminals Red(R/Cr)Input Ground(Horiz.sync.) Green(G/Y)Input ----- Blue(B/Cb)Input Ground(Red) Ground(Green) Ground(Blue) 1 5 2 4 3 6 7 8 5VPower Horiz.
76 WritedownthePINcodenumberinthecolumnbelowandkeepitwiththismanualsecurely .Ifyouforgotorlost thenumberandunabletooperatetheprojector ,contacttheservicecenter .
77 Dimensions Appendix 6.56(166.7) 6.29(159.8) 0.70(17.9) 0.34(8.7) 0.55(14.0) 1.14(29.0) 1.46(37.1) 2.51(63.8) 4.29(109.0) 3.02(76.8) 1.14(29.0) 1.62(41.1) 10.54(267.8) 12.80(325.0) 1.46(37.1) 2.51(63.8) 4.33(1 10.0) 8.27(210.1) 7.03(178.7) 6.39(162.
KJ8BD U.S.A. EIKI International, Inc . 30251 Esperanza Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688-2132 U.S.A. Tel : 800-242-3454 (949)-45 7-0200 Fax : 800-457-3454 (949)-457-7878 E-Mail : usa@eiki .com Deutschland & Österreich EIKI Deutschland GmbH Am Frauwald 12 65510 Idstein Deutschland Tel : 06126-9371-0 Fax : 06126-9371-14 E-Mail : info@eiki.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Eiki LC-WS250 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Eiki LC-WS250 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Eiki LC-WS250, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Eiki LC-WS250 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Eiki LC-WS250, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Eiki LC-WS250.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Eiki LC-WS250. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Eiki LC-WS250 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.