Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit LC-VC1 du fabricant Eiki
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TO TH E OW NE R Before op erating this pr ojector, read this m anual th oroughl y and opera te the pr ojector pr operl y. This projector pr ovides m any conv enient feat ures an d func tions. Oper ating the projector properl y enables you to m anage those featur es and maintai ns it in b etter co ndition f or a consid erable t ime.
SAFETY INSTRUCTION S All the safety and operating instructi ons should be rea d before the product is oper ated. Read all of the i nstructions giv en here and retain them for later use. U nplug this pro jector from AC power supply before clean ing. Do not use liquid or aerosol clea ners.
COMPLIANCES AC POWER CORD REQUIREME NT The AC Pow er Cord supplied with this projector meets the re quirement for use in the countr y you purchase d it.
• Compatibilit y This project or widely ac cepts variou s video and computer inp ut signal s including; • 6 Color Syst ems NTSC, PAL, SEC AM, NT SC 4.
PREPARATION This projector uses nominal i nput voltages of 100-12 0 V or 200- 240 V AC. The projector automat ically sele cts the correct input voltage. It is d esigned to w ork with single-phas e power system s having a ground ed neutral conduct or. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not p lug into any ot her type of pow er system.
POSITIONING THE PROJECTOR This project or is designed to project on a fl at projection surfa ce and it can be focused from 4.43’ (1 .35m) 45.9 ’ (14.Om). Ref er to the figure bel ow to adjust the screen size. RECOMMENDATION Brightness in the room has a great influenc e on picture qua lity.
AD J US T AB L E F E E T Picture ti lt and projection an gle can be adj usted by rotatin g Adjustable Fe et. Projection an gle can be adju sted to 9.0 deg rees.
This project or has INPUT T ERMINALS and OUTPU T TERMINALS on its sid e for connectin g computers and vi deo equipment. Refer to the figure on p ages 11 to 13 and connect properly.
Cables used for connection (* = Cables are not supplied w ith this proje c tor.) • Vi deo Cable (RCA x 1) • Vi deo Cable (RCA x 3)*, (BNC x 1 )*, (BNC x 2)* or (BNC x 3)* • S-VIDEO Cable • Au .
Cables used for connection (* = Cables are not suppl ied with this projector.) • VGA Cable (HDB 15 pin) * • Video Cable (BNC x 5) * • MAC Adapter (i n the case of c onnecting Macinto sh computer.
This project or has CONT ROL BUTTONS (TOP CONT ROLS) and INDICATOR S on its top..
Remote Contro l Unit can be u sed as either W ired or W ireles s. Point Remot e Control tow ard projector (Remote Re ceiver) whenever pr essing the but tons. M a ximum operat ing range for Remote Contr ol is about 16.4 ’ (Sm) and 60° in front and rear of proj ector.
WIRED REMOTE CON TROL OPERATIONS W hen us ing this Remote Control Unit as W ired Remote Control, Co nnect Remote Control Unit to R/C JACK with Remote Control Cable (supplied). Bat teries inst allation is requ ired when using a s Wired Remote Co ntrol Unit.
You can contro l and adjust th is projector throug h ON-SCREEN MENU. R efer to the following pages to operate e ach adjust ment on ON-SCREEN MENU. Press M ENU button to display ON- SCREEN MENU. Move the po inter (* see below ) or adjust the value of item by pressing PO INT button(s) on T op Control or on R emote Control Unit.
MENU B AR Press M ENU BUTTON for PC input sour ce..
1 Complete th e perip heral connect ions (with Computer, VCR, etc.) before turning on projector. (Refer to “CONNECT IN G TO PROJECTOR” on Page s 11~- 13 for co nnecting that equi pment.) 2 Connect the pro jector’s AC Pow er Cord into an AC outlet and turn MAIN O N I OFF SWITCH to ON.
1 Pres s Z OOM A/V button(s) on Top Contr ol or on Remo te Con t rol Unit. The messag e “Zoom” is dis played. 2 P ress ZOOM A button or POINT UP button to m ake image larger, and press ZOOM V button or POINT DO W N button to make image smaller. FOCUS ADJUSTMENT 1 Press FOCUS A/V button(s) on Top Control or on Remote Control Unit.
NO SHOW FUNCTI ON Press NO SHO W button on R emote Control Unit to black out the image. To restore to normal, press NO S HO W button again or press an y ot her but t on. PICTURE FREEZE FUNCTION Press FREEZE button on Remote Control Unit to freeze the picture on-screen.
Choose eit her Input 1 or Inpu t 2 by pressing IN PUT button on T op Control or on Remote Control Unit. MENU OPERATION Press MEN U button and ON-SCREEN MENU will appear.
SELECT COMPUTE R SYSTEM MANUALLY This project or automatical ly selects PC system among those provided in this project o r and PC system c an be also select ed m anually. 1 Press M ENU button and O N-SCREEN MENU w ill appear. Press POINT LEFT /RI GHT buttons t o move a red frame po inter to SY STEM icon.
M AN U AL P C AD JU ST M E N T This project or can automatical l y t une to the displ ay signal s f rom most personal computers currently di stribut ed. However, some c om puters employ special signal formats which are diff erent from the standard ones and may not be tuned by Multi- Scan syste m of this proje ctor.
Selects ar ea displayed w ith this pr ojector. Select th e resolu tion a t the Display area dialog b ox. Adjustment of horizontal area displayed w ith this project or. Press POINT LEFT/RIGHT button(s ) and adjust num ber to match the resolution of image.
COMPATIBLE COM PUTER SPECI FIC ATIONS Basicall y this project or can accept the signal from all computers with the V, H-Frequency menti oned below and less than 180 MHz of Dot C lock. NOT E : Specifications are sub ject to chang e without noti ce. NOT E: Specifica tions are subje ct to cha nge witho ut noti ce.
Select image level among Sta ndard, Real, Im age 1, Image 2, Ima ge 3 and Image 4 by pressing IM AGE button on the Re mote Control Uni t. Normal picture l evel preset on t his projec t or. This normal pict ure level can also be selected by press ing NORMAL button.
IMAGE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Press MENU button and ON-SCREEN MENU w ill appear. Press POIN T LEFT/RIGHT buttons to move a red frame pointer to IMAGE ADJUST Menu icon. 2 Press P OINT DOWN button to move a red frame pointer to the item that you want to adjust.
This project or has a picture screen res i ze funct i on, which enabl es you to display the desirable image size. 1 Press MEN U button and ON-S CREEN MENU will appear.
1 Press MENU button and ON- SCREEN M ENU will appear . Press POINT LEFT /RIGHT button to mov e a red frame pointer t o INPUT M enu icon. 2 Press POIN T DO W N butto n to move a red arr ow pointer to either Input 2 or Input 3 that you want to choose and then press SELECT button.
1 Press M ENU button and O N-SCREEN MENU w ill appear. Press POINT LEFT/RIGHT buttons to move a red fr ame pointer to SYSTEM Menu icon. 2 Pre ss POINT DOWN button to mov e a red arrow poin ter to the syst em that you want to select and then press SELE CT button.
Select image level among Standard, Cinem a, Image 1, Image 2, Image 3 and Image 4 by pressing IMAGE button on the Remote Control Unit. Normal picture l evel preset on t his projec t or. This nor m al picture level c an also be selected by pressing NORMAL button.
IMAGE LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Press MEN U button and ON-S CREEN MENU will appear . Press POINT LEFT /RI GHT button( s) to move a red fra me pointer to IMAGE ADJU ST Menu icon. 2 Press POINT D OWN button to move a r ed frame poi nter to the item that you want to adju st and then press SE LECT button.
To store the adjustment dat a, move a red fram e pointer to Stored icon and press SELECT button. Image Level Menu will appear. Mov e a red f ram e pointer to the Image Level 1 to 4 and then pre ss SELECT button.
1 Press M ENU button and O N-SCREEN MENU w ill appear. Press POINT LEFT /RI GHT button( s) to move a red-fra m e pointer to SETTING icon. 2 Press POINT DOWN button to move a red-frame point er to the item that you want to set and then press SELECT button.
This funct ion turns P rojection Lam p off when project or detects sign al interrupti on and projector is not used for a certain period in order to reduce power consum ption and maintain the Lamp-lif e. (This projector is shipped with this functi on ON.
WARNING T E MP . Indicator flashe s red when internal temperature of pro jector exceed s normal temperat ure. The Indi cator stops flashing w hen temperature of projector returns t o normal. When W ARN ING TEMP. Indica tor continues to flash, che ck t he i tem s l is t ed below.
LAMP REPL ACEMENT When the life of the Lamp of th is projector draw s to an end, the LAM P REPLACEMENT Indicat or lights yell ow. When the image be com es dark or the color of the image bec omes unnatural, re placement of the Lamp is required . CAUTION • For continued safety, replac e w i t h a lamp asse mbly of the sa me type.
Before callin g your dealer or service cent er for assistan ce, check the ma tters below once again. 1. M ake sure you have c onnected project or to your equip m ent as describe d in the secti on “CONNECTIN G THE PROJECTOR” on pages 11 13. 2. Check cable connection .
WARNING: High voltages are used to operate thi s projector. Do not attempt to open the cabi net. If the problem still persist s after follow ing all operati ng instruction s, contact the sal es dealer w here you purchased project or or the service center.
• The specific ations are subject to change w it hout notic e..
CONFIGUR ATIONS OF TERMIN ALS RGB TERMINAL Termina l HDB1 5-PIN Connect the display out put t erminal of com puter t o this termi nal with VGA Cable (not suppli ed). When connecting the Macintosh computer, t he MAC Adapter (not suppli ed) is requi red.
Audio Visual/Video P roducts EIKI INTERNATION AL, INC. 26794 Vi sta Terrace Dri ve, Lake Fores t , CA. 9263 0-8113, U.S.A. TEL (949) 45 7-020 0 FAX ( 949) 45 7-787 8 E IK I CA NA DA 310 First Street, Unit 2 P.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Eiki LC-VC1 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Eiki LC-VC1 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Eiki LC-VC1, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Eiki LC-VC1 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Eiki LC-VC1, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Eiki LC-VC1.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Eiki LC-VC1. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Eiki LC-VC1 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.