Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit CV-7428nS du fabricant Edimax
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1 CV - 7428 nS User Manual 09-2012 / v1.0.
2 COP YRIGHT Copyrigh t E d imax T echnology Co., L t d. al l right s r e serve d. No p art of th is public ation ma y be r ep roduce d , transmit t e d, tr an scribed , st ore d in a r etrie val .
3 CONTENT S I. PRODUCT INFORMA TION ............................................................................................................. 4 I-1. Pack age Conten ts ...............................................................................
4 I. PRODUCT INFORMAT ION Thank you f o r pur chasing the Edimax CV -7428nS N300 Univer sal W i-F i Bridge. For smart TV ’ s, Blu-r a y , gaming or other home enter tainmen t device s, the CV -7428nS enables y ou to bridge a W i-F i connection to a wir e d-onl y device.
5 I-3 . LED St atus Item Color Sta tus Descrip tion PWR (Power) Gr een On W irele ss b ridge is on. Flashing Device is booting up. O ff W irele ss b ridge is of f . WLAN (Wireless LAN) Or an ge On WPS connection has been e st ablished succe s sfully .
6 I-4 . R ear Panel a. Ant en na F ixe d dipol e antenna. b. 10/ 100M LAN Ports Connect computer s or other network de vices to the s e ports using an Ether net cable. c. Pow er P ort Connect the includ e d 5V DC power a dapter her e. d. WPS/Re set But ton Pr e ss and hold thi s butt on f or 2 seconds to activ ate the WPS function.
7 kitchen or ba throom. 3. Do not pull any connect e d cable with for ce; car efully disconnect it fr om the wir eless bridge. 4. Ensure that the wir ele ss bridge is fi rmly secur e d to a wall or ceiling . In the ev ent of damage due to the wirele ss bridge falling from its loc ation, the warr anty of the wirele s s bridge is void.
8 II. QUICK SETUP Y our wirele ss bridge can be up and running in a mat ter o f minute s. There are two wa ys you c an quickly setup your wirele ss bridge - using the WPS button or using iQ Setup on your computer .
9 3. The WPS function of the wirele s s bridge wil l now be ac tive f or 2 minute s . So , within 2 minutes , plea se pre ss the WPS button on the wirele ss r outer/ ac ce ss point of y our r o ot ne twork, to activ ate it s WPS function also.
10 Hardware Installation for guidance on using the wirel ess bridge with your network device. II -2. iQ Setup 1. Connect one end of an E thernet cable (included in the pack age conten ts) to the Etherne t port on your computer . Connect the other end to an L AN port on the wirele ss bridge.
11 Windows: Mac: 5. Y ou wi ll see the iQ Setup screen, as shown below . All a v ai lable W i-F i network s will be li st e d – please select the W i-F i network you w o uld li k e the wir eless bridge t o connect to. If your selected Wi-Fi network requires a security key, a new field wi ll appear when you select your Wi- Fi network.
12 Not e : If the W i -F i network you wish to connect to is not liste d, tr y clicking “ Re fre sh ” to r efre sh the list. 6. Click “ NEXT ” to cont inue, and Intern et Explorer and Firefox users wil l be asked to confirm if you wish to add “ http://edimax.
13 9. The device name and se curity type will be displ ayed on the screen. Click “APPLY” to restart the wireless bridge and make the se ttings take effect, or click “Back” to go back to the p revious screen. 10. When you clic k “APPLY”, the system will restart.
14 Your wireless bridge is now c onfigured and ready for u se with your wired network device, su ch as smart TV, Blu -ray player or games console. P lease see Hardware Installation for guidance on using the wirel ess bridge with your network device. II -3.
15 Figure ii II-4 . Re setting the W ireless Bridg e In the event that the wireles s bridge malfunctions or st ops responding, you can reset the device back to its factory settings. To do so, press and hold th e WPS/Reset button on t he rear panel of the device for a t least 10 seconds.
16 III. BROWSER BASED CONFIGURATION INTE RFACE Once you ha ve se tup the wir eless bridge a s det ai le d in II. Quick Setup o r th e included QIG , you c an further configure the set ti ngs of the wirele ss bridge anytime using the br ow ser based configur ation interf ace.
17 Not e : Mac users can also use the Bo njour function of Saf ari to acce s s the bro wser base d configur ation interf ace, as e xplained below . Open Saf ari web bro wser and open t he “ Bookmarks ” menu across the top of the scree n, and sel ect “ Show All Bookmarks ” .
18 Y ou wi ll be prompt e d f or a username an d pass wor d. Please ent er the def aul t username “ admin ” and the def ault passw or d “ 1234 ” . Both W indows and Mac us er s wi ll now arrive at the bro wser ba sed con figur ation interf ace home screen.
19 III-1. Home The Home page show s the basic sta tus and inf ormation of the wirele ss bridge. Not e : This scree nshot is an ex ample. The inf orma tion you see on your scr een wi ll lik ely diff er fr om this screenshot. Up time Displays the t ot al pa sse d time since the device w as turned on.
20 ESSID Displays the curr e nt E SSID (the name used to identify this wirele ss bridge ). Channel Number Displays the curr e nt wir eless channel number Security Displays the curr e nt wir ele ss security set ting. BSSID (MAC) Displays the de vice ’ s MAC addre ss.
21 III-3. WPS Set ting W i-F i Pr otec te d Setup (WPS) is the si mple st w ay t o bui ld a connection between your wir ele ss router/ access point and th e wireless bridge .
22 Enable WPS Check this bo x to enable or disable WPS Wi - F i Pro tecte d Setup Inf orma tion All inf ormation r el ate d to WPS wi ll be display ed here. WPS Sta tus Displays W PS st atus. If data encryp tion set tings for th e wirele ss bridge ha ve never been set, “ unConfigure d ” wi ll be shown her e .
23 P assphr ase Ke y Shows the WP A passphr ase here, though all char acters will be r eplace d by ast erisks f or security re asons . If encryption is not set on th e wir ele ss bridge , thi s field wi ll be blank. Device Configur ation Configur ation options for the device ’ s WPS se t tings can be f ou nd here.
24 Fr ag ment Thr e shold Set the Fr ag men t thre shold of the wi r ele ss r adio. Please do not modify t he def ault value if y ou don’ t know what this does , the def ault value is 2346. RTS Thr eshold Set the R TS thre shold of the wireless r adio.
25 diff eren t kinds of data, t o give higher priority to applications which r equire instan t r esponse s . This impro ve s the performance of such network applicat ions. IPTV Multicas t to Unica st Enable inter net TV multicas t pack et t o unicas t.
26 III-5 . A dministr ator In “ Administr ator ” y ou can change the login inf orma tion f or y our wirele ss bridge , which you use to access the br ow ser based configur ation in terf ace. Additionally , you can modify the IP addre ss of the wirele ss bridge.
27 can use an y combination of let ters, number s an d sym bols up to 20 char acter s. Re - Enter P ass wor d Confirm y our new passw or d. Management IP Y ou can modif y the IP addr e ss of the wirele s s bridge, enabling it to become a part of y ou r local ar ea network.
28 IP Addr ess Specify an IP addre ss her e. This IP addre ss wi ll be assigne d to wir eless bridge. Subnet Mask Input the subnet mask of the new IP addr e ss.
29 III-6. Configur ation T ool The wirele ss bridge ’ s configur ation tool enables y ou to back up or re stor e t he set ting s, upgr ade the firmwar e and r e set the device.
30 back to the f actor y def au lt. Not e : Y ou can also re set the device to the fact ory def aul t by pr e ssing and holdi ng the Re set/WPS button f or at leas t 10 sec onds. Wh en the green PWR LED begins to flash, r elease the WPS/Re set button and wait f or the device t o re start.
31 Click “ CONTINUE ” to save the chang es but not apply them ye t. This allows you to mak e further changes in the bro wser ba se d configur at ion i n terf ace, befor e applying them all at once. Click “ APPL Y ” to r estart the de vice and implement any change s.
32 W indow s: Mac: Y ou wi ll see the f ollowing screen, and a timer wi ll count do wn from 60 seconds. When the timer re aches z ero , click “ OK ” to return t o the br ow ser -bas e d configur ation inter f ace.
33 IV. APPENDIX IV -1. Configuring your IP addr e ss Bef ore y ou use the wir ele ss bridge, please mak e su r e y our computer is set to use a dynamic IP addre ss . This means your computer can obt ain an IP addre ss automatically fr om a DHCP ser ver .
34 f ollow the guide appropriat e f or y our oper ating sy stem in IV -1-2. How to modify the IP address o f your PC or Macint osh . Not e : For guidance on how to a ssign a new IP addre ss to the wirele ss bridge , so that it is within the same IP addr e ss subnet of y our network, please r efer to III-5 .
35 2. Select “Obtain an IP a ddress automatically” an d “Obtain DNS server address automatical ly”, then click “OK”. IV -1-1-2. W indows V ista 1. Click the “Start ” button (it should be locate d in the lower -left cor ner of y our computer), then click “Contr ol Panel” .
36 2. Select “Obtain an IP a ddress automatically” an d “Obtain DNS server address automatical ly”, then click “OK”..
37 IV -1-1-3. W indows 7 1. Click the “Start ” button (it should be locate d in the lower -left cor ner of y our computer), then click “Contr ol Panel” . 2. Under “Network and Interne t ” cli ck “ V iew network s tatus and t asks” . 3.
38 4. Click “Properties”. 5. Select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv6) and then click “Properties”..
39 3. Select “Obtain an IP a ddress automatically” an d “Obtain DNS server address automatical ly”, then click “OK”..
40 IV -1-1-4. Mac OS Not e : Please ensure that y our wir eless bridge is swit che d on and connected t o your Macintosh via Ether net cable bef ore you begin. 1. Hav e y our Macintosh c omputer opera te as usual, and click on “S ys tem Pr ef erences” .
41 4. Click on “Ethernet ” in th e left p anel and then click the drop down arro w f or the menu labeled “Configur e IPv4” in the right panel. From the drop down menu, select “ Using DHCP ” and then cli ck “ Apply ” .
42 2. Select “Use the following IP addr ess” , then input the follo wing value s: Not e : Y our existing s ta tic IP addr e ss will be display ed in the “ I P a ddre ss ” field bef or e you r eplace it. Please mak e a note of this IP addr ess , subnet mask, de f ault ga tew a y and DNS server addr e sses.
43 < IV -1-2-2 . W indows V ista 1. Click the “Start ” button (it should be locate d in the lower -left cor ner of y our computer), then click “Contr ol Panel” . Click “ V iew Network St atus and T asks” , then click “Ma nage Ne twork Connections” .
44 2. Select “Use the following IP addr ess” , then input the f ollowing v alues: Not e : Y our existing s ta tic IP addr e ss will be display ed in the “ I P a ddre ss ” field bef or e you r eplace it. Please mak e a note of this IP addr ess , subnet mask, de f ault ga tew a y and DNS server addr e sses.
45 IV -1-2-3. W indows 7 1. Click the “Start ” button (it should be locate d in t he low er -l eft c orner of y o ur computer), then click “Contr ol Panel” .
46 2. Under “Network and Interne t ” cli ck “ V iew network s tatus and t asks” . 3. Click “Local Area Connecti on”..
47 4. Click “Properties”. 5. Sel ect “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv6) and th en click “Properties”..
48 6. Select “Use the following IP addr ess” , then input the f ollowing v alues: Not e : Y our existing s ta tic IP addr e ss will be display ed in the “ I P a ddre ss ” field bef or e you r eplace it. Please mak e a n ot e of this IP addr ess , subnet mask, de f ault ga tew a y and DNS server addr e sses.
49 IV -1-2-4. Mac OS Not e : Please ensure that y our wir eless bridge is swit che d on and connected t o your Macintosh via Ether net cable bef ore you begin. 1. Hav e y our Macintosh c omputer opera te as usual, and click on “S ys tem Pr ef erences” 2.
50 3. Here y ou will s ee all of y our network c onnections. Network Pr ef erence s wi ll now display an E thernet a dapter , as shown below . The status of “E thernet ” should be “Connec te d” . 4. Click on “Ethernet ” in th e left p anel and then click the drop down arro w for the menu labeled “Configure IPv4” in the right panel.
51 5. In the panel on the right side, enter IP addre ss 19 2.168. 9.20 and subnet mask 255.25 5.255.0. Click on “ Appl y ” . Not e : Y our existing s ta tic IP addr e ss will be display ed in the “ I P a ddre ss ” field bef or e you r eplace it.
52 IV -1- 3. Ho w to F ind your Network Security Ke y T o find your network security k ey , please f ollow the instructions appropria te f or y our oper ating sy st em. Not e : If you ar e using W indows XP or earlier , please con tact y our ISP or router manufactur er to find y our network security k ey .
53 3. Click on “Manage wirele ss network s” in the left menu. 4. Y ou should se e the pr ofile of your W i- F i network in the list. Right click on y our W i -F i netw ork and then click on “Proper ties” . 5. Click on the “Secur ity ” tab, and then check the bo x labeled “Show char acters” .
55 IV -1-3-2. Mac 1. Open a new F inder window , and sel ect “ Applications” fr om the menu on the left side. Open the folder labeled “Uti litie s” and then open the application “K ey chai n A cce ss” . 2. Select “P assw o r ds” from the sub - menu l abele d “Categ ory ” on the left side , as shown below .
56 3. Double click the SSID of your netw ork and you wil l see the f oll owing window . 4. Check the box labele d “Show pass wor d” and you will be ask ed to en ter y our adminis tr ative pass wor d, which you use to log into y our Mac. Enter your pass wor d and click “ Allow ” .
57 Y our network security pass wor d wil l now be display ed in the f ield next to the bo x labeled “Show p asswor d” . In the ex ample below , the network security pass wor d is “ edima x1234” . P lease m ak e a note of y our network security pass wor d.
58 IV -1-4. Ho w to F ind your Rout er ’ s IP A ddre s s T o find your router ’ s IP addre ss, please f ollow the instructions ap pr opriate f or y our oper ating sy st em. IV -1-4-1. W indows XP , V ista & 7 1. Go to “Start ” , select “Run” and type “ cmd” , then press Enter or click “OK” .
59 3. Y our rou ter ’ s IP addre ss wi ll be displ a y e d next to “De f ault Gatew ay ” . IV -1-4-2. Mac 1. Launch “ Sys tem Pr ef erence s ” and click on “ N etw ork ” . 2. If you ar e using an Ethernet c able to connect to y our network, y our r outer ’ s IP addr ess wi ll be display ed ne xt to “ R outer ” .
60 3. If you ar e using W i -F i, click “ Wi - Fi ” in the left panel, and then “ Adv ance d ” in the bott om right c orner . 4. Click the “ T CP /IP ” tab and y our rout er ’ s IP addr e ss wi ll be display ed ne xt to “ R outer ” .
61 IV -2. T roubleshooting If you ar e e xperiencing pr oblems with your wirele ss bridge, please r ef er to this tr oubleshooting guide bef ore con tacting your de aler of purcha se f or help. Scenario Solution I can’t log onto the br ow ser -bas e d con figur ation interf ace : the wir eless bridge is not r esponding.
62 e xtremely hot. wir eless bridge, the temper ature o f the device is at a normal level. b. If you smell burning or see smok e c oming fr om wirele s s bridge or A/C power a dapter , then di sconnect the wirele ss bridge and A/C power a dapter immediate l y , as f ar as it is saf ely possi ble to do so.
63 but buff ering times ar e sti ll too long and I only see st andard definition video when str eaming video from services such as Net flix or Y outube. times. During peak usage time s i.e. week ends and ev enings, Internet connection speeds c an fluctu ate significantly depending on y our ISP ’ s to tal a v ailabl e bandwidth.
64 the packet to its defa ult gateway, which will then send it out towards the destination. DHCP: Dynamic H ost Configuration Protocol. Thi s protocol automaticall y gives every computer on your hom e network an IP address. DNS Server IP Address: DNS stands f or Domain Name System, which al lows Internet servers to have a domain name (such as www.
65 For example, if the IP address for a device is, in its bi nary form, 11011001.10110000.1001 0000.00000111, and if its network mask is, 11111111.11111111.11110000. 00000000 It means the device’s networ k address is 11011001.10110000.1001 0000.00000000, and i ts host ID is, 00000000.
66 H.323 TCP 1720 SNMP UCP 161 SNMP Trap UDP 162 HTTP TCP 80 PPTP TCP 1723 PC Anywhere TCP 5631 PC Anywhere UDP 5632 Access point: A access p oint is an intelligent network device tha t forwa rds packets between different networks based on networ k layer address information such a s IP addresses.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Edimax CV-7428nS c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Edimax CV-7428nS - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Edimax CV-7428nS, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Edimax CV-7428nS va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Edimax CV-7428nS, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Edimax CV-7428nS.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Edimax CV-7428nS. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Edimax CV-7428nS ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.