Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit EVR-150 du fabricant Eagle
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EVR-150 VHF Radio Installa tion and Opera tion Instruc tions ww w .eaglesonar .com Pub . 988-0158-041.
Cop yright © 2007 Navico All rights reserved. Eagle® is a regist ered tr ademark of Navico No par t of this manual ma y be copied, r eproduc ed, r epublished, transmitt ed or distributed for an y purpose, without prior written c onsent of Eagle Electronics.
T able of Contents Installation ......................................................................................................................... 5 Sec tion 1 - General Informa tion .............................................................
4-2 Enter Y our User MMSI (USER MMSID) ...................................................................................................29 4-3 Maintain Y our Groups (GROUP SE TUP) .....................................................................
5 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions This Eagle radio is designed t o generat e a digital maritime distress call to facilitate search and rescue . T o be effective as a saf ety device, this radio must be used only within the geographic range of a shore-based VHF marine Channel 70 distress and safety watch system.
6 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Checklist The f ollowing items should be supplied in the box. Check bef or e star ting the installation and contact your dealer if an item is missing. NO TE: An antenna is NOT pr ovided . Consult your E agle dealer for advice if necessary .
7 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Gi mba l Ins talla tion 1. Hold the mounting gimbal at the chosen location and use a soft pencil to mark the screw hole positions onto the mounting sur face .
8 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 5. Use the two shor t M5x10 screws t o screw the mounting brackets to the sides of the radio. 6. Screw each M5x32 screw thr ough the screw hole in the mounting bracket, then attach the stopper .
9 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Fix the DSC la bel Connec t the R adio Cabl es The connectors are on the r ear of the base unit, as follows: 1. GPS/C OM connector . F or connection to GPS device via NMEA. See the following table for wiring and color codes .
10 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Set U p the Rad io T he user MMSI is a uniqu e nine digi t number , similiar to a per sonal tel ephon e number. It is use d on marin e trans c eiver s that are capa ble of usin g D SC (Di gital Se lec t Callin g ) .
11 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions The Comp leted I nsta lla tion B at ter y VH F An tenna GPS pro duc t Antenna conne c tion ca ble E x ternal speaker BL A CK po wer cable Fu .
12 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Notes:.
13 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Sec tion 1 - General Informa tion 1 - 1 Fea ture s Congratulations on y our purchase of a Eagle EVR-150 marine band VHF radio .
14 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 1 - 2 Custom izi ng your E agle VH F Radi o Y ou can customiz e the radio to suit your individual prefer ences. Some pref erences can be set directly through the keys as explained in this Sec tion.
15 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions This simulation shows the locations of all the f ollowing inf ormation symbols: Symbol Meaning T X T ransmitting. HI L O T ransmission power . H igh (HI) 25W or L ow (L O) 1W . WX W eather channel.
16 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 1 - 6 B asi c Ope ratio n and Ke y Func tion s All possible ke ys and their functions are listed here . Note tha t some of the key s ma y not be av ailable depending on your Eagle VHF radio model.
17 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions H/L T ransmission P ow er . High (HI) 25W or L ow (L O) 1W . P ress to toggle between high or low transmission power for the entire channel bank . The HI or L O selection is shown on the L CD .
18 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Alphanumeric Entry . This key can also be used for menu selec tion and for alphanumeric entr y .
19 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Sec tion 2 - The Radio Menu (MENU) 2- 1 Ra dio M enu Op tion s ( Me nu ) T he follow ing optio ns are availabl e through MENU (or CA LL /MENU) : Se c tions 1 -3 and 1 - 4 e xplain h ow t o navigate aroun d the me nu and enter , s a ve and chan ge data .
20 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 2- 2- 2 E dit an E ntr y 1. Select BUDDY LIST . P ress ENT to displa y the list of entries. 2. Scroll down (if r equired) to the incorr ect entr y and press ENT . 3. Select EDIT . The cursor is at the first character of the name.
21 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 2- 2- 3 De lete a n Entr y 1. Select BUDDY LIST . P ress ENT to displa y the list of entries. 2. Scroll down (if r equired) to the entry you want to delete and press ENT . 3. Select DELE TE then select YES.
22 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 2- 4 - 1 Se t the Ba ckl ight ing Level 1. Select BACKLIGHT . 2. Select a comfortable back light level using + or - to change the setting. 3. P ress ENT to enable the setting and r eturn to the menu.
23 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 2-5- 2 Loca l Time ( TIM E OFFSET ) T he loc al time c an be se t by ent erin g the tim e of fs et bet we en UTC and lo cal tim e as follow s. 1. Select GPS/DA T A, then SE T TING. 2. Select TIME OFFSET to enter the differ ence between UT C and local time.
24 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 1. Select GPS/DA T A, then SE T TING. 2. Select TIME FORM A T . 3. Select 12 H r or 24 Hr as desired . In this example, 12 hour f ormat has been selected and so the L CD shows the AM or PM suffix.
25 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 2-5- 7 G PS Ale rt O ptio ns (ALERT ) The GPS alert is usually set to ON (on) so that if the GPS navigation r eceiver is disconnected, the alarm sounds. 1. Select GPS/DA T A, then SE T TING. 2.
26 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Sec tion 3 - Radio S etup Menu (RADIO SETUP ) 3- 1 Ra dio Se tup Me nu (RAD IO SETU P ) Sections 1-3 and 1-4 explain how to navigate around the menu and ent er , save and change data. 3- 2 Chan nel N ames (CH NAM E) The channel charts are listed in Appendix C with their default name tags .
27 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 4. P ress ENT (r epeatedly if necessar y) t o display the YES/NO confirmation. 5. P ress ENT to confir m the new channel name tag or the deletion, then pr ess ESC to r eturn to the menu.
28 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 3- 6 Weat her A ler t (W x ALERT ) The NO AA pro vides several w eather f orecast channels on USA and Canadian channel banks. If severe weather such as storms or hurricanes are for ecast, the NOAA broadcasts a weather aler t on 1050 Hz.
29 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 4 - 1 DSC Setu p - Men u Opt ions The f ollowing options are available: Sections 1-3 and 1-4 explain how to navigate around the menu and ent er , save and change data. 4 - 2 E nter Y o ur USE R MMS I ( USE R MMS ID ) This is a once- only operation.
30 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 4. Enter your user MMSI again as a passwor d check, then press ENT t o permanently st ore the user MMSI and return to the menu . Y ou can vie w your stored user MMSI at anytime by selec ting USER MMSI in the main menu.
31 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 4 - 3-3 De lete a G roup 1. Select DSC SE TUP , then GR OUP SETUP . The existing group names ar e display ed. 2. P ress + or - to scr oll to the incorrect entr y then pr ess ENT . 3. Select DELE TE and press ENT .
32 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 4 - 6 Re spo nse T yp e to LL P ol ling Ca lls (LL RE PL Y) Y ou can set up the radio to respond to an LL polling request in one of thr ee ways: AU TO automatically replies to any incoming LL polling requests from any of your buddies.
33 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Sec tion 5 - S ending and R eceiving DSC Calls 5 - 1 WHA T IS DSC? DSC (Digital S elective Calling) is a semi-automated method of establishing VHF , MF , and HF radio calls.
34 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 5 - 2- 1 M ake a Rout ine Cal l ( In divid ual) Y ou c an call any other p ers on that has anot her DSC equ ippe d radi o. 1 . Press C ALL /MENU to ent er DSC mo de, then s elec t IND IVID U AL .
35 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 5 - 2- 4 Reca ll th e Most R ecen t Incom ing Cal l (LA S T) This facility is useful and used frequently . 1. P ress CALL/MENU to enter DSC mode. LAST CALL is automatically selec ted . Pr ess ENT to display the contact details of the most recent incoming call.
36 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 5 - 2- 7 Cal l usi ng the Cal l Log ( C ALL L OG) T he Call Log cont ains the contac t d etails for th e 2 0 mos t recent incomin g calls, so that yo u call any of t hem again q uickl y . 1 . Press C ALL MENU to ent er DSC mo de, then s elec t C ALL L OG .
37 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions T he det ails are displayed over t wo sc reens that alter nat e ever y 1 .5 se c on d s; the f irs t scre en shows th e loc ation and n ame o.
38 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 5 - 3 - 1 Re ceiv ing an A ll Sh ips Cal l ( ALL SH IPS) 1. When you receiv e notification of an ALL SHIP call, press an y key to cancel the aler t. The radio automatically selects CH16. The priority level and the user MMSI are displayed on the screen.
39 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 5 - 3 - 4 Rece ivin g a Geog raph ic C al l ( G EOGR APH) A geographic call is r eceived by vessels within a specific geog raphic boundar y area. 1. When y ou r eceive notification of a GEOGRAPH call , pr ess an y key to cancel the aler t.
40 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Sec tion 6 - D istress Calls 6 - 1 Se ndin g a Dis tres s C al l 1 . O pen th e r e d c over lab elled D I ST RE S S. If time is available to specify the nature of the distress, go to step 2. Other wise, go directly to step 3.
41 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 6 - 2 Rece iving a D is tres s C al l ( DISTR ESS!) 1. An aler t sounds when a distress call (DISTRESS!) is received . Press any ke y to cancel the alert. Y ou do not need to send an ack no wledgement.
42 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Eag le EVR- 1 50 GENERAL P ower Supply : 13.6V DC. Current drain: T ransmit 6 A at 25 W T x / 1.
43 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions TRANSMIT TER F requency : 156.025 - 157.425MHz Output power: 25 W / 1 W selec table T ransmitter pr otection: Open / shor t cir cuit of antenna Max F req deviation: +/- 5kHz Spurious & harmonics: better than 2.
44 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Appendix B - T roubleshooting 1. T he transc eiver will not pow er up . A fuse may have blo wn OR there is no voltage getting t o the transceiver . a) Check the power cable f or cuts, br eaks, or squashed sections.
45 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions C - 1 I nterna ti onal Cha nnel Cha rt Appendix C - VHF Marine C hannel Char ts CH TX RX MODE TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP SHIP NAME TAG REMARK (MHz) (MHz) TO TO SHIP SHORE 0 1 1 56.050 1 60.650 D P ubli c Cor res pon den ce No Y es TE LEP HON E 02 1 56.
46 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 66 15 6.325 1 60.9 2 5 D Por t O pe rat ion s No Y es P ORT OP S 67 156.375 156 .37 5 S Co mmer cial, b rid ge -to -br id ge Y es N o BR IDG E COM 6 8 156.425 156.425 S B oa t Ope rat ion s, Re crea tio nal Y es N o SHI P - SHIP 69 156.
47 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions C - 2 USA Cha nnel C har t CH TX RX MODE TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP SHIP NAME TAG REMARK (MHz) (MHz) TO TO SHIP SHORE 01 A 156.05 0 156.0 50 S Po r t Op era tio ns, S ele ct ed V TS Ar eas Y es Yes P ORT O PS/ V TS 03A 156 .
48 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 6 8 1 56 . 425 1 56.42 5 S B oa t Op erat ion s, Re cre ati onal Y e s No SH IP - SHIP 69 156.47 5 156 . 47 5 S B oa t Op erat io ns, Re cre ati onal Y e s Y e s PL EA SUR E 70 156. 525 156 .52 5 Di git al Se lec t ive C allin g - DSC - -- - -- - - -- -- DS C 6 71 156.
49 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions C - 3 CA NAD A Chan nel Cha rt CH TX RX MODE TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP SHIP NAME TAG REMARK (MHz) (MHz) TO TO SHIP SHORE 01 156.050 160.650 D Public C orrespondenc e No Y es TELEPHONE 02 156.100 160.700 D Public C orrespondenc e No Y es TELEPHONE 03 156.
50 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions 61A 156.075 156.075 S U .S. Gov ernment , C anadian C oast Guard Y es Y es UNAUTHORIZED 4 62A 156.125 156.125 S C anadian C oast Guard Y es Y es CANADIAN CG 64 156.225 160.825 D Public C orrespondenc e, Duplex No Y es TELEPHONE 64A 156.
51 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions CH RX TRAFFIC TYPE NAME REMARK (MHz) W X0 1 162.550 N OAA Weat her Ch annel NOA A WX R X only W X02 162.40 0 NOA A W eat her Ch annel NOA A W X R X only W X03 162. 47 5 NOAA Weat her C hanne l NOA A WX R X only W X04 162.
52 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Appendix D - Wiring for EA GLE GPS models Wiring for Eagle GPS models with NDC-4, 119-31, Adapter Cable: FishElite 4 80 FishElite 500 c FishE.
53 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Procedure to remove the resistor and diode from NDC-4, 119-31, Adapter Cable: Y ou w ill notice near th e end of th e cable a n adapter se gment protec ted w ith blac k h ea t- sh r i nk .
54 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Appendix E - MMSI and License Informa tion Y ou must obtain a user MMSI (M arine Mobile Ser vice Identity) and enter it into your EVR-150 in order to use the DSC functions. C ontact the appropriate authorities in your countr y .
55 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions NA VIC O FULL TWO - YEAR EA GLE VHF W ARRANT Y “ W e, ” “our ,” o r “ us” re fers to NA VI C O, the manu fac ture r o f this E AGLE V HF pro duc t.
56 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions … in the USA: W e back your in vestment in quality products with quick , expert ser vice and genuine Eagle replacement parts. I f y ou ’ re in the United States and y ou have technical , return or repair questions , please contact the F ac t or y Cust omer Ser vice Depar tment.
57 EAGLE - EVR-150 Installation and Operation Instructions Accessor y Ordering Inf ormation f or all countries T o order Eagle accessories such as power cables or transducers, please contact: 1) Y our local marine dealer or consumer elec tr onics stor e.
Eagle Pub . 988-0158-041 Print ed in China - 010108 Cop yright © 2007 All Rights Reser ved Navico MN000791B-G.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Eagle EVR-150 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Eagle EVR-150 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Eagle EVR-150, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Eagle EVR-150 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Eagle EVR-150, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Eagle EVR-150.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Eagle EVR-150. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Eagle EVR-150 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.