Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit OPENVIEW NNM SE 1.2 du fabricant Dell
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® ZZZ GHOOFRP +32SHQ9LHZ11 06( :LWK' HOO2SHQ0DQDJH +, 3 86(5·6*8,'(.
____ __________ ______ Inf or matio n in this document is su bject to c hange withou t notice. © 1998 Dell Comput er Cor por atio n. All r ights r eserv ed. Reproduction in an y manner whatsoev er without the writ ten permission of Dell Computer Corporation is strictly forbidden.
v 3 UHIDFH $ERXW 7KLV*XLGH T his gui de is intended f or any one who uses H P OpenV iew Netw ork Node Mana ger Specia l Editi on (NNM SE) and v ersion 2.2 o r late r of the De ll Op enMan age Hard w are Instr umen t ation P ac kage (HIP) s er ver managemen t applic ation.
vi 2WKHU'RFXPHQWV< RX0D1HHG In addi tion to t his User ’ s Guide , y ou ma y need to ref er to the fo llo wing do cumen t ati on: Y our Dell sys tem User ’ s Guide pro vides an o v erview of sy stem f eatu res and har d- ware inst al lat ion gu ideli nes and pr oced u res .
vii 1RWDWLR QDO&R QYHQWLRQV The following subsec ti ons des cribe not at i onal conventio ns used in thi s do cument . : D UQLQJV &DXWLRQV DQG1RWHV T hroughout thi s guide, th ere ma y be bloc ks of te xt printed i n bold type or i n italic type.
viii Command lines consis t of a c omma nd and ma y incl ude on e or more of the co m- mand ’ s pos sib le pa ram et ers . Comm and l ine s are p res ente d in th e Co ur ie r New f ont. Exampl e: d el c:m yfile.d oc Screen te xt is tex t that appea rs on the screen of y our monit or or displa y .
ix &RQW HQWV &KDSWH U ,QWU RGX FWLR Q HP OpenV iew NNM SE With Dell O penManage HIP Ov erview .
x Upgradin g a Dell Managed Node fo r Windows NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 If a Prev ious V ersion of De ll HIP Is In stalle d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 If a Curren t Versio n of Dell HIP Is Ins talled .
xi &KDSWH U 8VLQ J11 06( Access ing NNM S E .
xii Table 1 -4. Dell P owerEdge S ystem Out-of-Ban d Mana gement Fe atur es for DRAC Versi on 2.0- Capable S ystems (230 0, 6300 ) . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 Table 2 -1. Modem Switc h Setti ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intro ductio n 1-1 &+$37(5 ,QWURGXF WLRQ H P Open View Net work N ode Mana ger S pec ial Ed iti on (N NM SE) en hanc es your c apa- bili ty to monitor and m anage D ell ® P o w erEdge ® se.
1-2 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide 0DQDJH G1RGHV A manage d node is manag ed b y a manag ement s tation and is v ie w ed from a man age- ment console . The Dell OpenMa nage man aged nod e is a s er ver that r uns the D ell HIP .
Intro ductio n 1-3 'HOO 2SHQ0DQDJH0DQ DJHG1RGH IRU 1HW: DUH T he Del l Ope nManage manag ed nod e f or Ne tW are prov ides enhan ced m anage ment of Dell servers r unni ng No v ell.
1-4 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide APC P o w erNet Con sole — Ma nages the UPS sy stem ins talled on the ma naged node . Mobi leChoice P agin g — Allo ws sendin g of pa ges o n confi gurab le Op enV ie w e ven ts.
Intro ductio n 1-5 ) LJXUH ([DPSOHRI D'HOO2SH Q0DQDJH 1HWZRUN&RQILJXUD WLRQ Dell O penM anage remo te con sol e ( Dell OptiPle x ® sy stem) Dell P ower.
1-6 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide ) LJXUH 'HOO 2SHQ 0DQ DJH0DQD JHPHQ W'DWD)OR Z LQ1 HWZRUN +32SHQ9.
Intro ductio n 1-7 Support f or the f ollo wing operati ng sy stem s on m anaged s er ve r nodes : — No v ell NetW are 4.1 0 and 4. 1 1 — Microso f t Windows NT Server 3.51 and 4 .0 — Micro sof t Windo ws NT W orks tation 3.51 and 4. 0 NO TE: R ef er to you r sy stem User ’ s Guide an d yo ur operat ing sy stem docu mentation.
1-8 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide Dell Ins pe ctor , whic h enab les ne t wor k admin istr ator s to do the followin g t asks : — R emotel y man .
Intro ductio n 1-9 F an mana geme nt RPM On/of f RPM On/of f RPM RPM On/of f On/of f C h a s s i s i n t r u s i o n d e t e c t i o n NNNNN Y N N F an spee d con trol to mini - mize noi se NNNNN N N .
1-1 0 HP Open V ie w NNM SE 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage H IP 3 .2 User’ s Guide '5$& 9 H UVLR Q )XQFWLRQD OLW T able 1 -3 s ho ws the i n-band manage ment f eat ures, a nd T abl e 1 -4 sho w s the out-of- band ma nage ment f eat ures.
1-1 2 HP Open V ie w NNM SE 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage H IP 3 .2 User’ s Guide +32SHQ9LH Z1106(&''HPRQVWUDWLRQ DQG&RPSX WH U%DVHG7 UDLQ LQJ T he nnm_.
Intro ductio n 1-1 3 *HWWLQJ+HOS If y ou rec eiv e an error me ssage, s ee “Me ssages ” in the onlin e Dell NNM SE T ools Help and pe rfo rm the c orrec tiv e ac tions rec ommen ded.
1-1 4 HP Open V ie w NNM SE 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage H IP 3 .2 User’ s Guide.
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-1 &+$37(5 ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG8 SJUDGH 3U R F H G XU H V T his c hapter pro vides th e sof tware ins tallation and upgra de pro cedures f or the HP OpenVie w Network Node M anager Sp ecial Ed ition (NNM SE) with the Dell OpenMa nage Hardw are Instr umentat ion P ac kag e (HIP ).
2-2 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide 2SH UDWLQJ 6VWH P5HT XLUHPH QWV The following are op erat ing syste m req ui reme nts for a ma nage d no de ser ver: One of th e f ollo w ing operati ng sy stem s: — Microso f t Windows NT 3.
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-3 2SH UDWLQJ 6VWH P5HT XLUHPH QWV T he f ollowin g are o perati ng sy stem require ments f or the manag ement station or remote c onsol e: Windows NT 3.51 or Window s NT 4.0 Se r ver/W orkstation with TCP/IP netw ork- ing ins talled and co nfigure d.
2-4 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide If y ou are install ing LDS M 2.52 with D ell HIP 2.2 on a De ll P ow erEdge 61 00 ser v er with the HP Ope nV ie w NNM SE agents pre viousl y ins talled, you must fi rst uni nstall the HP O penV ie w N NM SE a gents.
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-5 8. Click Ye s to a ccept the ne w dire ctory or No to se lect a not her dir ecto r y . Th e Se lec t Prog ram Fol der w in dow appear s. 9. Click N ext to a ccept the def ault name o r type in anothe r name.
2-6 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide In th is co mmand line, public is the S NMP trap commu nity name configur ed fo r the SNMP s er vice (th e com munity nam e is cas e-sen sitiv e) . NO TES: Y ou m us t en sur e that snmp .
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-7 8. Select a de stina tion di rectory . Clic k Brows e to find the d riv e ma pped to the Net- W are drive.
2-8 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide ,ID3 U HYLRX V 9 HUVLR QRI 'HO O+ ,3, V,Q VW DOOHG Afte r yo u h ave c l icked Ye s to c.
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-9 NO TE: If yo u w ant to install b oth a De ll ma naged node a nd a managem ent wo rkstation o n the s ame server , mak e sure to reboo t the se r ver b etwee n the tw o ins tal lati ons.
2-1 0 HP Open V ie w NNM SE 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage H IP 3 .2 User’ s Guide The hard ware co mpon ent i nstrume nt ati on is as follows: DRA C version 2.0 NO TE: If yo u do n ot ha ve a DRA C ve rsion 2 .0 ca rd, y ou s hould not in stall DRA C ve rsion 2 .
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-1 1 4. Sel ect Micr osoft P eer W eb Services or Micr osof t Inter net Infor mation Service fro m the list. 5. Inser t th e W indows NT W orkst ati on or W indows NT S er ver CD int o your CD-R OM driv e. A windo w appears prom pting y ou f or the location driv e and directory .
2-1 2 HP Open V ie w NNM SE 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage H IP 3 .2 User’ s Guide 3. Select a de stina tion di rectory . Clic k Brows e to find the d irectory yo u w ant, or clic k Next to ac cept the d efaul t, c:ope n view .
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-1 3 ,ID3 UHY LRXV 9 HUVLR QRI ' HOO110 6(, V,QV WDOOH G Af ter y ou ha v e c hosen the comm unity name f or your d efa ult ga.
2-1 4 HP Open V ie w NNM SE 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage H IP 3 .2 User’ s Guide T o unins tall the Dell Open Manag e Server Cons ole, u se the f ollo wing pr ocedu re: 1 . D ouble -c lic k the Uni nstall Dell O penMana ge Serv er Console icon in the HP OpenView NNM /NT fold er .
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-1 5 3. Select a de stina tion di rectory . Clic k Brows e to find the d irectory yo u w ant, or clic k Next to acce pt the def aul t, c:open view . If th is is not a De ll ser ver , a re mo te c onso l e is ass ume d.
2-1 6 HP Open V ie w NNM SE 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage H IP 3 .2 User’ s Guide T o r emove HP Op en View NNM SE f r om a system, u s e the foll owing pr oce du re: 1 . Clic k the Unins tall HP O V NNM SE ic on. A windo w appears wi th the f ollowi ng messa ge: Uninstall NNM SE and a ll add-in components? 2.
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-1 7 8QLQ VWDO OLQJ +DU GZDUH &RPS RQHQ WV) URPD :LQG RZV 17 6HUYH U If you ins talled har dware compon ents sepa rat ely , an Uninstall Har dwar e Compo- nents icon is cr eate d i n th e Dell Node f older .
2-1 8 HP Open Vi e w NNM SE 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge H IP 3 .2 U ser’ s Guide 3 RZHU(GJH6HUYHUV(TXLSSHG:L WK'5$&9 HUVLRQ R efe r to y our DRA C v ersion 2.0 do cumentation fo r configura tion inf ormation regardi ng the card and optio nal PC Card mo dem.
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-1 9 Dell O penMana ge R e mote A ssi stant and De ll R emote As sistant Ser v er service Dell P ow erEdge Exp andable RAID Co nsole A daptec C.
2-20 HP Ope nView NNM SE 1 .2 W ith Del l Ope nMan ag e H I P 3.2 Use r’ s Guide T he R emo te As sistant a llo ws you to vie w the fo llo wing inf orma tion: Health of the sy s t em POST lo gs Event lo gs Console redirec tion o n ser v ers e quippe d with DR A C ve rsion 2.
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-21 T he w eb bro wser s tarts and points to the f ollo wing URL: ht tp://< systemna me >/Ad apt e cW eb/Apple ts/Serv erAnim.htm l.har dw ar e comp onent T o monitor the A dap tec Duralin k Server Ma nager u tility , use the f ollowing proce dure: 1 .
2-22 HP Ope nView NNM SE 1 .2 W ith Del l Ope nMan ag e H I P 3.2 Use r’ s Guide F or more inf ormati on, ref er to the Mobi leChoi ce P aging f or HP Open Vi e w hel p. T o acce ss th e help file , foll ow these s tep s: 1 . S tar t the M obi leCh oice Pagin g app l icat ion.
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-23 1 3. Edit the na me of the M IF be ing s ent f rom de f aul t.m if in the dialog bo x, if nece ssary . 14 . C l i ck OK . T o send the MIF f rom the Dell mana ged no de to the manage ment stat ion, pe rfo rm the f ollowi ng ste ps: 1 .
2-24 HP Ope nView NNM SE 1 .2 W ith Del l Ope nMan ag e H I P 3.2 Use r’ s Guide ,QVWDOOLQJ /'60$JH QWV:LWK1R3UHY LRXVO,QVWDOO HG'HOO +,30DQ DJHG1R GH T o install the LD SM a gents with no pre viously installed De ll HIP 3 .
In stalla ti on a nd Up grad e P roced ures 2-25 c:smm3 2 direct or y to the pa th environm ent vari able. Y ou can make this modi ficat ion to the en vironment v ariable s in the S ystem Pr opert ies En vir onment t ab, wh ic h is acce ssibl e thr ough t he Control P anel Sys tem option .
2-26 HP Ope nView NNM SE 1 .2 W ith Del l Ope nMan ag e H I P 3.2 Use r’ s Guide.
Using NNM S E 3 -1 &+$37(5 8VLQJ1106( N etwo rk Node M anag er Spec ial Ed ition ( NNM SE) deliv e rs f ault, config uration , and perf ormanc e man agement. N NM SE c an be us ed to p erf orm the fo llo wing tasks: Disc ov er y our netwo rk en vironment an d moni tor its stat us.
3-2 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide +RZWR8VH 1106( T o use NNM S E, y ou m ust be able to pe rf orm th e f ollo wing tasks: Nav igatin.
Using NNM S E 3 -3 item that d escri bes th e acti on. T o se e the expa nde d-nod e subm ap, do ubl e-cli c k the node. 110 6( ,FRQ V HP Op enV ie w N NM SE us es the icon s sho wn i n T able 3-1 to re presen t the sy stems.
3-4 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide 6HUYHU &RQ VROH ,FRQ V T he Server Cons ole, la unc hed from th e NNM SE manage d node su bmap windo w , pro vid es a u ser i nterf a ce to the e mbedded hardw a re fun ctions throu gh w hic h y ou can monitor a nd ma nage componen ts in De ll servers .
Using NNM S E 3 -5 'LVF RYH U0RQLWR U T he Dis co ve r y Monitor is a bac k ground proces s that r uns on a sy stem mana gemen t station a long with the Op enV ie w bac kg roun d proc ess ( ne tmon , ovcapsd , and so on).
3-6 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide 7 UDS)RUZDUGHU T he T rap F or wa rder appli cation lets you for ward certain traps the manage ment station receiv es to other ma nagemen t stations. T rap F or w arder c onsists of a us er interf ace and a b ac kground process.
Using NNM S E 3 -7 &RQILJXULQJWKH 'HVWLQDWLRQIRU )RUZDUGHG7 UDSV T o configur e the SNMP s ervice on a manag eme nt s tation to f o r ward trap s to anot her manage ment s tation, y ou m ust co nfigure the SN MP trap destinat ion(s) on the send- ing stati on as f o llo ws.
3-8 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide 'HOO2S HQ0DQD JH5HPRWH$VVLVWD QW$OH UW$ FWLRQV Y ou c an confi gure a particula r action to take place w hen a n alert or e vent ass ociated with a Dell enterpris e oc curs.
F req uen tly Asked Quest i ons A-1 $33(1',;$ ) UHTX HQ WO$ VNHG4XHVW LR QV Wh y don’ t the Eve nt and POS T log tabs of the v ersion 1 .0 Serv er Console co r- r ectly displa y data when mo nito r i ng a Dell P ow erEdg e 2300 or 630 0 se rv er? V ersion 1 .
A-2 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage HIP 3.2 Us er’ s Gui de What lig ht-emit ting dio de (LED) fla shes whe n the A dapt ec Co mpr ehen siv e Input/Output (CI/ O) Blink Har d-Disk Dr iv e Ligh t f e atur e is used ? The hard- disk d rive acti vit y LE D flashe s at 1 -se cond in ter va ls.
F req uen tly Asked Quest i ons A-3 Wher e ar e aler t even ts logg ed by the D ell Remot e Assistant Se rv er? T he e v ents a re log ged in to the Windo ws NT Ap plica tion l og on the manag ement station whe re the Del l R emote Ass istant Ser v er Service is r unni ng.
A-4 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage HIP 3.2 Us er’ s Gui de.
Tiv oli/E nter prise C ons ole R equ ir ement s and Insta ll ati on B-1 $33(1',;% 7LYROL(QWHUSU LVH&RQVROH 5 HTXLUHPHQWVDQG,QVWDOOD WLRQ T his prod uct su pports Dell Hard ware Instr umentation P ac kage (H IP) 2 .2 or la ter integr ation wi th Tiv oli/Enterpris e Console v ersion 2.
B-2 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage HIP 3.2 Us er’ s Gui de ,QVW DOODWL RQ RI5$ ,' &RQWUR OOHU (YHQ WV :LWK 7LYRO L(QW HUSUL VH&R QVR OH T o in.
Tiv oli/E nter prise C ons ole R equ ir ement s and Insta ll ati on B-3 7 . L oad t he ne w rule base by using th e f ollowi ng comma nd: wloadrb My_rb 8.
B-4 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With Dell Op enMa nage HIP 3.2 Us er’ s Gui de 3. Copy the c urr ent r ule ba se to the ne w r ule bas e b y usin g the f ollo wi ng comm and: wcprb <current rule ba se> My_rb NO TE: Thi s r ule b ase m ust a lready in clude the cl asse s f rom the t ecad_nt.
Glossary 1 *ORVVDU The following list d efin es or i denti fies tec hnical term s, abbre v iations , and acro- n yms us ed in D ell ® user d ocume nts. AC Abbrevia tion for al ternating c urrent. APC Abbrevia tion for Ame rican Pow er Conversi on. bac kup A copy of a program or data fi le.
2 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide the disk- cache utility can retrieve the data from R AM fast er than from th e disk drive. CBT Abbrevia tion for com puter-ba sed training. CD-ROM Abbrevia tion for co mpact di sc read-only memory.
Glossary 3 en t erp ri s e A systems-management softw are product that is e ither a source or a rec eiver of SNMP traps. ESM Abbrevia tion fo r embed ded serve r manage ment. FA T Abbrevia tion for fil e allo cation tabl e. FTP Abbrevia tion for fil e transpor t protoco l.
4 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide term is o ften rounde d to mea n 1,00 0,0 00 bytes . 0 + ] .
Glossary 5 RAID 0 RAID 0 is com monly called striping . T hi s was not o rigina lly defi ned as a RAID leve l but has since c ome in to popu lar use. In this array configura tion, d ata is wr itten sequ entia lly acro ss th e av aila ble di sks and no red undan cy is pro vided .
6 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide subsy stem uses a meth od of da ta stor- age calle d stri ping . With this me thod, dat a is divi ded into a ser ie s of piec e s call ed bloc ks an d eac h data bloc k is stor ed on a d if f erent phy sic al dri ve.
Inde x 1 ,QGH [ $ Adaptec CI/O Array-Based M anageme nt System, 2-20 Adaptec Duralink S erver Mana ger, 2-20 alerts confi guri ng a ction s, 3-7 America n Power Con version.
2 HP Op enV iew NNM S E 1 .2 With D ell Open Mana ge HI P 3. 2 U ser’ s G uide hel p obta ining tech nica l assis tan ce from Dell, 1-13 onli ne hel p, 3-8 HIP conf igu ring alert action s, 3-7 feat.
Inde x 3 node upgradi ng for NetW are, 2-7 upgradi ng for Wi ndows NT, 2-7 notation al co nventi ons, v ii note s, vii 5 remote c onsol e ins talli ng, 2-14 modem re quirem ents, 2 -3 operat ing sys t.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté Dell OPENVIEW NNM SE 1.2 c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du Dell OPENVIEW NNM SE 1.2 - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation Dell OPENVIEW NNM SE 1.2, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le Dell OPENVIEW NNM SE 1.2 va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le Dell OPENVIEW NNM SE 1.2, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du Dell OPENVIEW NNM SE 1.2.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le Dell OPENVIEW NNM SE 1.2. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei Dell OPENVIEW NNM SE 1.2 ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.