Manuel d'utilisation / d'entretien du produit DI-724GU du fabricant D-Link
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2 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual T able of Contents Product Overview ........................................................ 4 Package Contents ................................................... 4 System Requirements ...................................
3 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual T able of Contents Log ................................................................... 67 Statistics .......................................................... 68 Wireless Status ......................................
4 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview • D-Link DI-724GU Wireless 108G QoS Gigabit Router • CAT5 Ethernet Cable • Power Adapter Note: Using a power supply with a diff erent v oltage than the one included with y our product will cause damag e and v oid the warranty f or this product.
5 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Introduction T h e D -L in k D I - 72 4G U Wi re le ss 10 8G Q oS R ou te r is a n 80 2. 11 g hi gh -p er fo rm an ce , wi re le ss r ou te r t h a t su pp or ts hi gh -s pe ed w i r el es s ne tw or ki ng a t ho me , at w or k or i n pu bl ic p la ce s.
6 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview • Fully compatible with the 802.11g standard to provide a wireless data rate of up to 108Mbps*.
7 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Over view USB LED A solid light indicates a connection to the USB port. This LED blinks during data transmission. Power LED A solid light indicates a proper connection to the power supply.
8 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview WAN Port This is for the connection of an Ethernet cable to your Cable or DSL modem. USB Port Connection for a USB printer.
9 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Installation A . First, connect the power adapter to the receptor at the back panel of the DI-724GU and then plug the other end of the power adapter to a wall outlet or power strip. The Power LED will turn ON to indicate proper operation.
10 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Please remember that D-Link Wireless 108G devices are pre-confi gured to connect together, right out of the box, with their default settings.
11 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wireless Installation Considerations The D-Link Wireless 108G QoS Gigabit Router lets you access your network using a wireless connection from virtually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network.
12 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Configuration This section will show you how to configure your new D-Link Wireless 108G QoS Gigabit Router using the D-Link Setup Wizard. Click Login O pe n y ou r W e b b ro w se r a nd t y pe “ ht t p: / /1 9 2.
13 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This wizard guides you through the following basic router setup steps: • Set your Password • Select your Time Zone • Configure your Internet Connection • Configure the Wireless LAN Connection • Restart Continue to page 14 for instructions on running the Wizard.
14 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration You have the option to establish a password for the User Name “Admin”. Choose your time zone from the drop down list.
15 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration You will be prompted to select the type of Internet conn ecti on for your router . If you are unsure of which se tt in g to sele ct , plea se con tact you r Int er ne t Serv ice Provider.
16 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If your ISP requires a Static IP Address, select the corresponding radio button. Enter the IP address that was originally provided to you by your ISP. You will need to complete all of the required fields.
17 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If you r ISP use s PP PoE (Point -to-Po int Protocol over Et her net ), select the corresponding radio button. If you have a Dynamic IP connection, enter the Server IP, PPPoE Account, and Password provided to you by your ISP.
18 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Click Next Click Next PPTP If your ISP uses PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol), select the corresponding radio button. If you have a Dynamic IP connection, enter the Server IP, PPTP Account, and Password provided to you by your ISP.
19 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Click Next Click Next L2TP If your ISP uses L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol), select the corresponding radio button. If you have a Dynamic IP connection, enter the L2T P Server IP Addres s, User Name , and Pass word provided to you by your ISP.
20 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Click Next Click Next Big Pond Se le ct th is op ti on if yo u con ne ct to the in te rn et th ro ug h Telstra BigPond Cable Broadband in Australia. Enter the User Name, and Password provided to you by your ISP.
21 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wireless Setup Click Next Click Next Click Next The default wireless settings for your 802.11g wireless network are: SSID = dlink Channel = 6 You can change these settings to match an existing wireless network.
22 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration En te r a Pa ss P h ra se th at is be t w e en 8 to 63 ch ar act er s and is alphanumeric. Click Next Click Restart.
23 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Before selecting to run the Print Wizard, make sure your printer is connected to the USB port on the router.
24 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Click Next Click Next Click Next to run the Printer Setup application. This application can only run when accessed from the router.
25 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Once the wizard has completed installing your printer, you will be prompted to print a test page to verify its functionality. Click OK Click OK Click Finish You may need to supply the drivers for your printer if they are not built into Windows ® .
26 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This gives you the option to turn off the wir ele ss portion of the router. By default this feature is on. Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name designated for a specific wireless local area network (WLAN).
27 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name that identifies a specific wireless local area network (WLAN). When a wireless device is browsing for available wireless networks, this is the name that will appear in the list.
28 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration A method of connection where the your ISP assigns your IP address when your router requests one from the ISP’s server. Some ISP’s require you to make some settings on your side before your router can connect to the Internet.
29 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The MAC address is optional, but some ISPs may require it, in which case the MAC address of the router must equal the MAC address that is registered with your ISP account. Each networking device has its own unique MAC address defined by the hardware manufacturer.
30 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Static IP Address You must enter the IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Primary DNS Server, and Secondary DNS Server . Your ISP provides you with all of this information. Used when your ISP provides you an IP address that does not change.
31 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration You can either type in an alternate MAC address (for example, the MAC address of the router initially connected to the ISP) or copy the MAC address of a PC.
32 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration PPPoE Select this option if your ISP requires you to use a PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) connection.
33 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The MAC address is optional, but some ISPs may require it, in which case the MAC address of the router must equal the MAC address that is registered with your ISP account. Each networking device has its own unique MAC address defined by the hardware manufacturer.
34 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration PPTP PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) uses a virt ual priva te netwo rk to con nec t to your ISP.
35 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This value is provided by agreement between you and the ISP. Re-enter the password. The IP address of the Domain Name Server. Your ISP will provide this information if it is required; otherwise, leave this box set to 0.
36 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration L2TP L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) uses a virtual private network to connect to your ISP. This method of connection requires you to enter a Username and Password (provided by your Internet Service Provider) to gain access to the Internet.
37 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This value is provided by agreement between you and the ISP. Re-enter the password. The IP address of the Domain Name Server. Your ISP will provide this information if it is required; otherwise, leave this box set to 0.
38 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Big Pond Connect to the internet through Telstra BigPond Cable Broadband in Australia. Telstra BigPond provides the values for Bi gPo nd Se rv er, B igP on d U ser I d , an d BigPond Password .
39 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration MAC address of the router is set to the MAC address of the WAN interface in the device. You can either type in an alternate MAC address (for example, the MAC address of the router initially connected to the ISP) or copy the MAC address of a PC.
40 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration LAN The IP address of your router on the local a r e a n e t w o r k . Y o u r l o c a l a r e a n e t w o r k settings are based on the address assigned here. For example, The subnet mask of your router on the local area network.
41 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The additional cost of the routing a packet through this router. The normal value for a simple network is 1. This metric is added to routes learned from other routers; it is not added to static or system routes.
42 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Once the router is properly configured and this DHCP Server option is enabled, the DHCP Server will manage the IP addresses and other network configuration information for computers and other devices connected to the Local Area Network.
43 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If all the computers on the LAN successfully obtain their IP addresses from the router’s DHCP server as expected, this option can remain disabled.
44 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Advanced Virtual Ser ver Each list e ntry can be active or inactive, according to this selection. Assign a meaningful name to the virtual server, for example Web Server. Clicking this button erases edits you have made to all items in the add/edit area of the screen.
45 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Each list entry can be active or inactive, according to this selection. Ass ign a mean ingful name to the Applic ation, for example Web Server. Clicking this button erases edits you have made to all items in the add/edit area of the screen.
46 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Port For warding Ea ch l is t e nt ry c an b e a ct iv e o r in ac ti v e, according to this selection. Ass ign a mean ingfu l name to the Appl ica tion, for example Web Server. Clicking this button erases edits you have made to all items in the add/edit area of the screen.
47 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The StreamEngine option is disabled by default. Enable it for better performance and experience with online games and other interactive applications, such as VoIP. This option should be enabled when you have a slow Interne t uplink.
48 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration By default, the router automatically determines whether the underlying connection is an xDSL/Frame-relay network or some other connection type (such as cable modem or Ethernet), and it displays the result as Detected xDSL or Frame Relay Network.
49 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Each list entry can be active or inactive, according to this selection. Clicking this button erases edits you have made to all items in the add/edit area of the screen.
50 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration With this selection you can disable all the filters in the MAC Filter List. Select this option if you want only selected computers to have network access, and you want all other computers not to have network access.
51 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration MAC Filters Only allow computers with MAC address listed below to access the network Only deny computers with MAC address listed below to access the network Cre ate a name for this filter that is mea nin gfu l to you.
52 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If you want to control access from specific LAN computers to specific Web sites, enable this option.
53 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Firewall Enter a name for the rule that is meaningful to you. Clicking this button erases edits you have made to all items in the add/edit area of the screen. Th e ru le ca n eit he r All ow o r D en y mes sa ge s.
54 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration DMZ The DMZ capabi lity can be active or inactiv e, according to this selection. Specify the IP address of the computer on the LAN that you want to have unrestricted Internet communication.
55 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Normally the wireless transmitter operates a t 1 0 0% p ow e r . I n s o me c ir c um s ta n c es , however, there might be a need to isolate specific frequencies to a smaller area.
56 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Give the schedule a name that is meaningful to you, such as “Weekday rule”. Clicking this button erases edits you have made to all items in the add/edit area of the screen.
57 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a password for the user “Admin”, who will have full access to the Web-based management interface. Enter a password for the user “User”, who will have read-onl y access to the Web-based management interface.
58 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration T h e t i m e c u r r e n t l y m a i n t a i n e d b y t h e router. Select this option if you want the router’s clo ck synch roniz ed to a Netwo rk Time Serve r over the Internet.
59 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select your time zone from the pull-down menu. Enable this option if daylight saving time is observed in your location. The router will automatically update the hour on the start and end dates specified below.
60 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Use this option to save the current router co nfi gu ra ti on sett ings to a file on the har d dis k of the computer you are using. First, click the Save button. You will then see a file dialog, whe re you can selec t a loca tio n and file nam e for the settings.
61 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Ena ble this opt ion only if you have pur cha sed your own domain name and regis tere d with a dyn ami c DNS servi ce prov ide r. The fol low ing parameters are active when the option is enabled.
62 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Clicking the Reboot button will restart the router. This is useful for restarting when you are not near the router. If you enable this option, you are causing the router not to respond to ping commands to the public WAN IP address of the router.
63 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration When the VPN ALG is enabled, LAN computers can establish VPN connections either with the same or with different VPN servers. When the VPN ALG is disabled, the ALG does not function; however, the router allows VPN operation in a restricted way.
64 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Causes the router to support TCP raw (also known as Port 9100). Printers are identified by port numbers (9100 being the customary starting port number). This option must be enabled for the Print Wizard to function.
65 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Clicking the DHCP Release button unassigns the router’s IP address . The router will not respond to IP messages from the WA N si de unt il yo u clic k the DHC P Rene w but to n or pow er- up th e rout er aga in.
66 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration address”) supplies a Host Name, that will also be shown. Any computer or device that has a static IP address that lies within the detection “range” may show; however, its host name will not.
67 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select the kinds of events that you want to view between Firewall and Security , System , and Router Status . Select the level of events that you want to view between Critical , Warning , and Informational Enter the SMTP server address for sending email.
68 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Statistics The number of packets received by the router. The number of packets sent from the router. Receive: T ransmit: The Statistics page displays all of the LAN, WAN, and Wireless packet transmit and receive statistics.
69 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The Ethernet ID (MAC address) of the wireless client. The LAN-side IP address of the client. The transmission standard being used by the client. Values are 11b, or 11g for 802.11b, or 802.11g respectively.
70 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The IP address and port number of the LAN-side application. The communications protocol used for the conversation. The IP address and port number of the WAN-side application. Th e por t num ber of the LAN -si de ap pli ca tio n as viewed by the WAN-side application.
71 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Print Ser ver Shows the status of the printer attached to the router. Note: Cer tain pr inters (f or e xample, the HP Business Inkjet 2300 pr inter) do not repor t status to the router ; theref ore, such a printer alwa ys shows a status of “Offline”.
72 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Help.
73 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting 1 What variables may cause my wireless products to lose reception? D-Lin k produ cts let you access your network from virtual ly anywhere you want. Howev er, the positio ning of the produc ts within your environment will affect the wireless range.
74 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Section 5 - T roubleshooting • Make sure that all devices are set to Infrastructure mode. • Check that the LED indicators are indicating normal activity. If not, check that the AC power and Ethernet cables are firmly connected.
75 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics D-Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide easy-to-use and compatible high-speed wireless connectivity within your home, business or public access wireless networks.
76 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics What is Wireless? Wireless or WiFi technology is another way of connecting your computer to the network without using wires. WiFi uses radio frequency to connect wirelessly, so you have the freedom to connect computers anywhere in your home or office network.
77 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Who uses wireless? Wireless technology as become so popular in recent years that almost everyone is using it, whether it’s for home, office, business, D-Link has a wireless solution for it.
78 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Using a D-Link Cardbus Adapter with your laptop, you can access the hotspot to connect to Internet from remote locations like: Airports, Hotels, Coffee Shops, Libraries, Restaurants, and Convention Centers.
79 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics There are basically two modes of networking: • Infrastructure – All wireless clients will connect to an access point or wireless router.
80 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking Basics Check your IP Address After you install your new D-Link adapter, by default, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server (i.e. wireless router) automatically.
81 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Statically Assign an IP Address If you are not using a DHCP capable gateway/router, or you need to assign a static IP address, please follow the steps below: Step 1 Windows ® XP - Click on Start > Control Panel > Network Connections .
82 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specifications T echnical Specifications Standards • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.11b • IEEE 802.
83 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix D - T echnical Support You can find software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. D-Link provides free technical support for customers within the United States and within Canada for the duration of the warranty period on this product.
84 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix E - Warranty W arranty Subject to the ter ms and conditions set f or th herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this Limited W arranty: • Only to.
85 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix E - Warranty Limited Software Warranty: D-L ink war rant s tha t the soft ware port ion of the pro du ct (“So ftwa re ”) will subs ta nt ia ll y con form to.
86 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix E - Warranty • After an RMA number is issued, the def ectiv e product must be packaged securely in the or iginal or other suitable shipping package to ensure that it will not be damaged in transit, and the RMA number must be prominently marked on the outside of the pac kage.
88 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Appendix E - Warranty CE Mark Warning: This is a Class B product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
89 D-Link DI-724GU User Manual Version 1.0 0 5 / 11 /2006 Product registration is entirely voluntary and failure to complete or return this form will not diminish your warranty rights.
Un point important après l'achat de l'appareil (ou même avant l'achat) est de lire le manuel d'utilisation. Nous devons le faire pour quelques raisons simples:
Si vous n'avez pas encore acheté D-Link DI-724GU c'est un bon moment pour vous familiariser avec les données de base sur le produit. Consulter d'abord les pages initiales du manuel d'utilisation, que vous trouverez ci-dessus. Vous devriez y trouver les données techniques les plus importants du D-Link DI-724GU - de cette manière, vous pouvez vérifier si l'équipement répond à vos besoins. Explorant les pages suivantes du manuel d'utilisation D-Link DI-724GU, vous apprendrez toutes les caractéristiques du produit et des informations sur son fonctionnement. Les informations sur le D-Link DI-724GU va certainement vous aider à prendre une décision concernant l'achat.
Dans une situation où vous avez déjà le D-Link DI-724GU, mais vous avez pas encore lu le manuel d'utilisation, vous devez le faire pour les raisons décrites ci-dessus,. Vous saurez alors si vous avez correctement utilisé les fonctions disponibles, et si vous avez commis des erreurs qui peuvent réduire la durée de vie du D-Link DI-724GU.
Cependant, l'un des rôles les plus importants pour l'utilisateur joués par les manuels d'utilisateur est d'aider à résoudre les problèmes concernant le D-Link DI-724GU. Presque toujours, vous y trouverez Troubleshooting, soit les pannes et les défaillances les plus fréquentes de l'apparei D-Link DI-724GU ainsi que les instructions sur la façon de les résoudre. Même si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre le problème, le manuel d‘utilisation va vous montrer le chemin d'une nouvelle procédure – le contact avec le centre de service à la clientèle ou le service le plus proche.